Beispiel #1
	bool qConsole::writeMessagesToFile(string strFilename)
		ofstream fOutputFile(strFilename.c_str(), ios::app);
			setMessage(MSG_ERROR, "qConsole", "writeMessagesToFile : Cannot open file '" + strFilename + "' for console output");
			return false;

		/* _ftime stuff ripped out of MSDN entry for time -> getting current */

  		struct __timeb64 timebuffer;
		char *timeline;
		char *test = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
		_ftime64( &timebuffer );
		timeline = _ctime64( & ( timebuffer.time ) );

		sprintf(test, "%.19s.%hu %s", timeline, timebuffer.millitm, &timeline[20] );

		fOutputFile << "qConsole Console Output (Messages/Errors) for run at " << test;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vMessageBuffer.size(); ++i)
			fOutputFile << m_vMessageBuffer[i] << endl;
		fOutputFile <<"--------------------------------------------"<<endl;
		return true;
Beispiel #2
bool cLog::Print(const char *szText, ...)
	va_list l_va;
	__time64_t ltime;
	_time64( &ltime );

	char timedate [ 80 ];

	sprintf ( timedate, _ctime64 ( &ltime ));
	timedate[strlen(timedate) - 1] = 0;

	//Initialize variable argument list
	va_start(l_va, szText);

	//Open the log file for append
	if((m_file= fopen(LOG_FILENAME, "a+"))==NULL)
		return false;

	//Write the text and a newline
	fprintf (m_file, "%s : ", timedate);
	vfprintf(m_file, szText, l_va);
	putc('\n', m_file);

	//Close the file


	return true;
Beispiel #3
char *wnt_ctime(const time_t *t)
	static char future[] = "Fri Dec 31 23:59:59 1999";
	char *buf = _ctime64(t);
	if(!buf) /* Y2.038K bug in 32bit... */
	else if(buf[8]=='0')
		buf[8]=' ';
	return buf;
Beispiel #4
long WINAPI DLLExport GetFullString(LPRDATA rdPtr, long param1)
	long p1=CNC_GetFirstExpressionParameter(rdPtr, param1, TYPE_INT);
	rdPtr->rHo.hoFlags |= HOF_STRING;
		return (long)"Error: Invalid TimeStamp";

	__time64_t timestamp=(unsigned)p1;
	char* temp;
		return (long)"Error: Invalid TimeStamp";
		return (long)temp;
Beispiel #5
void InitLog()
	FILE* pFile;
	pFile = fopen( "patchlog.txt", "w");
	if ( pFile == NULL)

	__time64_t ltime;
	_time64( &ltime);
	fprintf( pFile, "Log start : %s\n", _ctime64( &ltime));

	char szDir[ 512];
	GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof( szDir), szDir);
	fprintf( pFile, "Current Directory : %s\n", szDir);

	fclose( pFile);
Beispiel #6
	: CGUIDesktop()

		// MsgSetProduce(MsgAll);

		CGUIWindowPanel* panel = new CGUIWindowPanel(0,sy-STD_PANEL_HEIGHT-STD_PANEL_SHIFT,styleSet->Get("Panel"),this,true,false,0,0);
													//0,-STD_PANEL_SHIFT (pridani nahoru)

		iconDefaultHandler = new CSEdDesktopIconHandler();
		iconDefaultHandler->icons = new typeID[4];		// zadat velikost pole dle poctu icon (polozek typeID)

		SEdOpenedFiles = new CSEdOpenedFiles();




	catch(CExc c)

		// vypis informace o chybe na obrazovce jako DebugMessage (prozatimni reseni)
		__time64_t ltime;
		_time64( &ltime );
		DebugMessage(0,"%s : %2d:%2d - %s",_ctime64( &ltime ), c.errnum, c.param, c.errstr);

		throw CExc(eGUI, E_INTERNAL,"CSEdDesktop::CSEdDesktop> Fatal error - cannot creat DESKTOP");
void Ctr2SufManager::ctr2sufProc(vector<vector<Point_3> >& MeshBoundingProfile3D,vector<Point_3>& vecTestPoint)
	clock_t   start   =   clock();   
	struct __timeb64 timebuffer;
	char *timeline;
	_ftime64( &timebuffer );
	timeline = _ctime64( & ( timebuffer.time ) );
	printf( "The time is %.19s.%hu %s", timeline, timebuffer.millitm, &timeline[20] );

	//common line case
	//compute the common line
	if( isComnCase )	
		float tempparam[ 8 ];
		for( int i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
			tempparam[ i  ] = pparam[ i ];

		/*for( int i = 0 ; i < 8; i ++ )
			cout<<tempparam[ i ]<<",";

		computeComnLine( tempparam, tempparam + 4, comndir, comnpt);
		/*for( int i = 0 ; i < 8; i ++ )
			cout<<tempparam[ i ]<<",";
		//writeComnLineDB( tempparam, tempparam + 4, comndir, comnpt);

	/*for( int i = 0; i < planenum + 4; i ++ )
		cout<<pparam[ 4* i ]<<","
			<<pparam[ 4*i + 1]<<","
			<<pparam[ 4*i + 2]<<","
			<<pparam[ 4*i + 3]<<endl;

	//preprocess data first
	int** pctrvermark;

	if( !ispreproced || isComnCase)
		pctrvermark = preProcData(isComnCase);
		//reset showcontourvers
		for( int i = 0; i < showplanenum; i ++)
			delete []showctrvers[ i ];
		delete []showctrvers;

		//copy the data from processed data, and reset size
		showplanenum = planenum;
		showctrvers = new float*[ showplanenum ];
		showctredgenum = new int[ showplanenum ];
		showctredges = new int*[ showplanenum ];
		for( int i = 0; i < showplanenum; i++ )
			int versize = pctrvernum[ i ]*3; 
			showctrvers[ i ] = new float[ versize ];
			for( int j = 0 ; j < versize;  j ++ )
				showctrvers[ i ][ j ] = pctrvers[ i ][ j ]*DIM/PROCSIZE;

			showctredgenum[ i ] = pctredgenum[ i ];
			int edgesize = pctredgenum[ i ] * 2;			
			showctredges[ i ] = new int[ edgesize ];
			for( int  j = 0; j < showctredgenum[ i ]; j ++)
				showctredges[ i ][ 2*j ] = pctredges[ i ][ 4*j ];
				showctredges[ i ][ 2*j + 1 ] = pctredges[ i ][ 4*j + 1];

		for( int i = 0; i < planenum; i ++)
			int iVerIndBase=0;
			vector<Point_3> CurrentProfile3D;
			for( int j = 0;j < showctredgenum[ i ]; j++)

				int v1 = showctredges[ i ][ 2*j ];
				int v2 = showctredges[ i ][ 2*j + 1 ];

				CurrentProfile3D.push_back(Point_3(showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3],
					showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3+1],
					showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3+2]));

				if (v2==iVerIndBase)
		//for( int i = 0; i < planenum; i ++)
		//	vector<Point_3> CurrentProfile3D;
		//	for( int j = 0;j < showctredgenum[ i ]; j++)
		//	{
		//		int v1 = showctredges[ i ][ 2*j ];
		//		glVertex3fv( &showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3] );
		//		CurrentProfile3D.push_back(Point_3(showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3],
		//								showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3+1],
		//								showctrvers[ i ][ v1* 3+2]));
		//	}
		//	MeshBoundingProfile3D.push_back(CurrentProfile3D);

	//for( int i = 0; i < planenum + 4; i ++ )
	//	cout<<pparam[ 4* i ]<<","
	//		<<pparam[ 4*i + 1]<<","
	//		<<pparam[ 4*i + 2]<<","
	//		<<pparam[ 4*i + 3]<<endl;
//	cout<<"------------------ PARTITION ------------------"<<endl;
//	cout<<"Starting............"<<endl;

//	cout<<"DONE!"<<endl<<endl;
	//process data
//	cout<<"------------------ PUT CONTOUR INTO FACE ------------------"<<endl;
	putContourIntoFace( pctrvermark );


	if( isComnCase )
		for( int i = 0; i < planenum; i ++ )
			delete []pctrvermark[ i ];
		delete []pctrvermark;

//	ContourHandler::writeContourInFace( ssfacenum, ctrfvernum, ctrfverpos, ctrfvertype, 
//		ctrfverval, ctrfedgenum, ctrfedge, ctrfedgetype, ctrfedgeval );	
//	cout<<"DONE!"<<endl<<endl;

	//go through each subspace to generate mesh
//	cout<<"-------- GENERATING MESH IN EACH SUBSPACE ------------"<<endl;
	//kw noted: vertices, edges and faces in each subspace
	//stitch them together finally
	floatvector* subMeshVer;
	intvector* subMeshEdge;
	intvector* subMeshFace;
	subMeshVer = new floatvector[ ssspacenum ];
	subMeshEdge = new intvector[ ssspacenum ];
	subMeshFace = new intvector[ ssspacenum ];

	//initialize registration informaiton for stitching
	sverreg = new intvector[ ssvernum ];
	sedgereg = new vector<intvector>[ ssedgenum ];
	sedgesubedgemark = new intvector[ ssedgenum ];
	sfacectrei = new intset[ ssfacenum ];
	sfacespaci = new int[ ssfacenum * 2 ];
	sfaceregface = new vector<intvector>[ ssfacenum ];
	sfaceregver = new intvector[ ssfacenum ];
	sfaceregedgever = new intvector[ ssfacenum ];
	for( int i = 0; i < ssfacenum*2; i ++)
		sfacespaci[ i ] = -1;
	for( int spacei = 0; spacei < ssspacenum; spacei ++)
		for( int facej = 0; facej < ssspacefacenum[ spacei ]; facej ++)
			int facei = ssspace[ spacei ][ facej ];
			if( sfacespaci[ 2 * facei ] == -1)
				sfacespaci[ 2 * facei ] = spacei;
				sfacespaci[ 2*facei + 1 ] = spacei;
	/*ancestorlist.resize( ssfacenum * 2 );
	ancestorlist_split.resize( ssfacenum * 2 );*/


	dbSpaceNum = ssspacenum; 
	if( dbOneSpaceMode )
		if( dbCurSpace < dbSpaceNum )
			ctr2sufSubspaceProc( dbCurSpace, subMeshVer[ dbCurSpace ], subMeshEdge[ dbCurSpace ], subMeshFace[ dbCurSpace ]);

			//submeshedge is useless for stitching!
			subMeshEdge[ dbCurSpace ].clear();
	//kw: here can use multi-thread to compute each submesh in parallel
		//	for( int i = 7; i< 8; i ++)

		for( int i = 0; i < ssspacenum; i ++)
			//	for( int i = 2; i < 3; i ++)
			//	for( int i = 54; i < 55; i ++)
			//	for(int i = 0; i < 12; i ++)
			//	for( int i = 14; i < 15; i ++)
					cout<<"--- subspace " << i <<endl;
			ctr2sufSubspaceProc( i, subMeshVer[ i ], subMeshEdge[ i ], subMeshFace[ i ]);

			//submeshedge is useless for stitching!
			subMeshEdge[ i ].clear();

	delete []subMeshEdge;

	//cout<<"before splitting, ancestors:"<<endl;
	//for( int i = 0; i < ssfacenum*2; i +=2 )
	//	if( ancestorlist[ i ].size() == 0 )
	//	{
	//		if( ancestorlist[ i + 1].size() == 0 )
	//			continue;
	//	}
	//	intset::iterator iter = ancestorlist[ i ].begin();
	////	intset::iterator iter2 = ancestorlist[ i + 1].begin();
	//	while( iter != ancestorlist[ i ].end() )
	//	{
	//		cout<<*iter<<" ";
	//		iter++;
	//	}
	//	cout<<endl;
	//	iter = ancestorlist[ i+1 ].begin();
	//	while( iter != ancestorlist[ i + 1 ].end() )
	//	{
	//		cout<<*iter <<" ";
	//		iter ++;
	//	}
	//	cout<<endl;
	//	cout<<"\n";
	//cout<<"after splitting ancestors:"<<endl;
	//for( int i= 0; i < ssfacenum*2; i += 2 )
	//	if( ancestorlist_split[ i ].size() == 0 )
	//	{
	//		if( ancestorlist_split[ i + 1].size() == 0)
	//			continue;
	//	}
	//	intset::iterator iter = ancestorlist_split[ i ].begin();
	//	while( iter != ancestorlist_split[ i ].end() )
	//	{
	//		cout<<*iter <<" ";
	//		iter++;
	//	//	cout<<endl;
	//	}
	//	cout<<endl;
	//	iter = ancestorlist_split[ i + 1].begin();
	//	while( iter != ancestorlist_split[ i + 1].end() )
	//	{
	//		cout<<*iter <<" ";
	//		iter ++;
	//	}
	//	cout<<endl<<endl;

	//cout the faces registered on the contour edges 
	/*for( int i = 0; i < ssfacenum; i ++ )
		int ctrnum = sfaceregface[ i ].size()/2;
		if( ctrnum == 0 )
		intset::iterator iter = ancestorlist_split[2* i ].begin();
		for( int j = 0; j < ctrnum; j ++ )
			cout<<"("<<*iter<<":"<<sfaceregface[ i ][ 2*j ] .size()<<","<<
				sfaceregface[ i ][ 2*j +1 ].size()<<")  ";

	//for( int i = 0; i < ssfacenum; i ++)
	//	ancestorlist[ i].clear();
	//	ancestorlist_split[ i ].clear();

	//stitch all the subspaces together

	clock_t   endt   =   clock();
	cout<<"time difference is:"<<endt - start<<endl;
//	struct __timeb64 timebuffer;
//	char *timeline;
	_ftime64( &timebuffer );
	timeline = _ctime64( & ( timebuffer.time ) );
	printf( "The time is %.19s.%hu %s", timeline, timebuffer.millitm, &timeline[20] );

//	FaceGenerator::writeSubMeshOut( mver, mface, 99);

	//clear all the allocated space
	//for( int i = 0; i < ssspacenum; i ++)
	//	//subMeshVer[ i ].clear();
	////	subMeshEdge[ i ].clear();
	//	subMeshFace[ i ].clear();
	////delete []subMeshVer;
	////delete []subMeshEdge;
	//delete []subMeshFace;
	/*subMeshFace = NULL;
	subMeshVer = NULL;*/

	//clear the registration information for subspace vertex, edge and face
	for( int i = 0; i < ssvernum; i ++)
		sverreg[ i ].clear();
	delete []sverreg;
	sverreg = NULL;

	for( int i= 0; i < ssedgenum; i ++)
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < sedgereg[ i ].size(); j ++)
			sedgereg[ i ][ j ].clear();
		sedgereg[ i ].clear();
	delete []sedgereg;
	sedgereg = NULL;

	//sfacectrei, sfacespaci, sfaceregface, sfaceregver
	for( int i= 0; i < ssfacenum; i ++)
		sfacectrei[ i ].clear();
	//	for( int j = 0; j < sfaceregface[ i ].size();  j ++ )
    //       sfaceregface[ i ][ j ].clear();
	//	sfaceregface[ i ].clear();
		sfaceregver[ i ].clear();
	delete []sfacectrei;
	delete []sfacespaci;
	//delete []sfaceregface;
	delete []sfaceregver;
	sfacectrei = NULL;
	sfacespaci = NULL;
	//sfaceregface = NULL;
	sfaceregver = NULL;

	//set the mesh
	if( mesh!= NULL )
		delete mesh;

	mesh = new Mesh( mver, mface, ctrmedge, 
		center,  unitlen, PROCSIZE );
	////kw: get constrained vertices
	//set<int> ConstrVer;
	//for (unsigned int i=0;i<ctrmedge.size();i++)
	//	ConstrVer.insert(;
	//for (set<int>::iterator SetIter=ConstrVer.begin();SetIter!=ConstrVer.end();SetIter++)
	//	vecTestPoint.push_back(Point_3(*(*SetIter))*DIM/PROCSIZE,*(*SetIter)+1)*DIM/PROCSIZE,

	mesh->setGLParam( width, height, nearplane, farplane);

Beispiel #8
* ReadContinuousLogData
* Description: Puts the node in continuous mode, reads the sensor data and
*              prints to the screen and logs data to user file until the user 
*              interrupts.
* Return: HANDLE - handle to the opened comport
void ReadContinuousLogData(int portNum)
	int iCount = 0;
	BOOL bStopContinuous = FALSE;
	DWORD dwcharsRead = 0;
	I3dmgx3Set Record;
	BYTE cmd_return;
	int Curs_posY = 0;
	int Curs_posX = 0;
	int status    = 0;
	int error_record = 0;
	int valid_check = 0;
	int valid_count = 0;
	char consoleBuff[60] = {0};
	long valid_rec = 0;
	unsigned char error_cmd;
	char ComLogFile[256]; 
	FILE *m_logFile;
	int LogFlag = 0;
	int error_count = 0;
	int errorCode =0, i=0;
	char fw[20] = {0};
    char sn[20] = {0};
	char mListSep[4];
    char mDecSep[4];
	LANGID langId;
	char szLanguage[256]; /*MAX_PATH]; */
	char idchar[] = {'\x02', '\x00', '\x01', '\x03', '\x04'};
    int m_timerconst = 62500; 
	unsigned long AA_Time_Stamp=0;
	unsigned long AA_s_prev =0;
	float AA_convert = 0.0;
	float AA_prev = 0.0;

	struct __timeb64 timebuffer;
    char *timeline;
        _ftime64( &timebuffer );
        timeline = _ctime64( & ( timebuffer.time ) );

	while (LogFlag != 1){
	    printf("Enter Name of LogFile to use:");
		scanf("%s", &ComLogFile); // 255);
		printf("logFile %s\n", ComLogFile);
        if ( ( m_logFile= fopen( ComLogFile, "w")) == NULL){
			printf("File: %s not opened\n", ComLogFile);
			if(++error_count > 2)
		}else LogFlag = 1;	
	fprintf(m_logFile, "[SESSION START TAG]\n");
	fprintf(m_logFile, "Session Start Time:%.19s.%hu \n", timeline, timebuffer.millitm );
	fprintf(m_logFile, "Time Source: HOST\n");
	fprintf(m_logFile, "List Separator: %s\n", mListSep);
        fprintf(m_logFile, "Decimal Separator: %s\n", mDecSep);
	langId = GetSystemDefaultLangID (); 
	i = VerLanguageName (langId, szLanguage, 256); //dwSize = MAX_PATH; 
        fprintf(m_logFile, "Language: %s\n", szLanguage);

    while(valid_check == 0)
       errorCode = i3dmgx3_getFirmwareVersion(portNum, &fw[0]);
	   if (errorCode < 0){
               printf("Firmware Error %d\n",errorCode);
		   if (valid_count++ > 6) {
               printf("Please Halt Current Data Display and Retry, count %d\n", valid_count);
	   }else if (errorCode >= 0){
		   valid_check = 1;
    * 0xEA  get serial information number, model and options (as string) 
	valid_count =0;
    for ( i=0; i<4; i++){   //cycles through the valid device options
	   errorCode = i3dmgx3_getDeviceIdentiy(portNum, idchar[i], &sn[0]);
	   if (errorCode < 0){
			if (valid_count++ >6){
			    printf("Error Read Device Identity: %s\n", explainError(errorCode));
	   } else{
			 switch( i ) {
			       case 0:
					   fprintf(m_logFile, "Device Name: %s\n",sn);
				   case 1:
					   fprintf(m_logFile, "Device Model: %s\n",sn);
				   case 2:
					   fprintf(m_logFile, "Device FirmWare Version: %s\n", fw);
					   fprintf(m_logFile, "Device Serial Number: %s\n", sn);
				   case 3:
					   fprintf(m_logFile, "Device Options: %s\n", sn);
				   case 4:

	fprintf(m_logFile, "Command C2\n[DATA START TAG]\n\t Time%s Accel X%s Accel Y%s Accel Z%s AngRate X%s AngRate Y%s AngRate Z%s Ticks\n", mListSep, mListSep, mListSep, mListSep, mListSep, mListSep, mListSep);

	//put the node in continuous mode
	status =SetContinuousMode(portNum, 0xC2);
	printf("setcontinuous is %d", status);
	//set up the output for the data
	printf("Reading streaming data (hit s to Stop streaming).\n");
	printf("            X                       Y                      Z            \n");
	/*  acceleration values go here */
	printf("            X                       Y                      Z            \n");
	/* angle rate values go here  */
	getConXY(&Curs_posX, &Curs_posY); 
	//continue until the user hits the <s>top key

		if(ReadNextRecord(portNum, &Record, &cmd_return) != SUCCESS)
	        if (cmd_return == 0xC2){
                if (AA_s_prev == 0){
	               fprintf(m_logFile, "\t  0.00");
				    AA_s_prev = Record.timer; //AA_Time_Stamp;
				  AA_convert = ((float)(Record.timer - AA_s_prev)/m_timerconst); //19660800);
			      AA_s_prev = Record.timer; //AA_Time_Stamp;
				  AA_prev = AA_prev + AA_convert;
			      fprintf(m_logFile, "\t%6.2f", AA_prev);
			//move to the acceleration position and print the data
            sprintf(consoleBuff, "\t%2.6f\t\t%2.6f\t\t%2.6f", Record.setA[0], Record.setA[1], Record.setA[2]);               
			fprintf(m_logFile, "%s %2.6f%s %2.6f%s %2.6f%s ", mListSep, Record.setA[0],mListSep, Record.setA[1], mListSep, Record.setA[2], mListSep);
            setConXY(Curs_posX, Curs_posY -5, &consoleBuff[0]);
            sprintf(consoleBuff, "\t%2.6f\t\t%2.6f\t\t%2.6f", Record.setB[0], Record.setB[1], Record.setB[2]);
		    fprintf(m_logFile, "%2.6f%s %2.6f%s %2.6f%s %u\n", Record.setB[0], mListSep, Record.setB[1], mListSep, Record.setB[2], mListSep, Record.timer);
			setConXY(Curs_posX, Curs_posY, &consoleBuff[0]);
			}else if (cmd_return != 0xc4){
				if((cmd_return == 0xCB || cmd_return == 0xD3) && error_record == 0)
				    error_cmd = cmd_return;
		//check for a key every 50 iterations
		if(iCount++ > 50)	{
			int ch = 0;
				bStopContinuous = (ch == 's' || ch == 'S');
			//reset the counter
			iCount = 0;
	printf("\n\n\nStopping Continuous Mode...");
	if (error_record > 0)
	    printf("Number of records received in error were %d and received successfully %d\n", error_record, valid_rec);
		printf("All %d records read successfully.\n", valid_rec);