Beispiel #1
int					/* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line arguments (6 or 7) */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  const char	*device_uri;		/* Device URI */
  char		scheme[255],		/* Scheme in URI */
		hostname[1024],		/* Hostname */
		username[255],		/* Username info (not used) */
		resource[1024],		/* Resource info (not used) */
		*options,		/* Pointer to options */
		*name,			/* Name of option */
		*value,			/* Value of option */
		sep;			/* Option separator */
  int		print_fd;		/* Print file */
  int		copies;			/* Number of copies to print */
  time_t	start_time;		/* Time of first connect */
#ifdef __APPLE__
  time_t	current_time,		/* Current time */
		wait_time;		/* Time to wait before shutting down socket */
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
  int		contimeout;		/* Connection timeout */
  int		waiteof;		/* Wait for end-of-file? */
  int		port;			/* Port number */
  char		portname[255];		/* Port name */
  int		delay;			/* Delay for retries... */
  int		device_fd;		/* AppSocket */
  int		error;			/* Error code (if any) */
  http_addrlist_t *addrlist,		/* Address list */
		*addr;			/* Connected address */
  char		addrname[256];		/* Address name */
  int		snmp_fd,		/* SNMP socket */
		start_count,		/* Page count via SNMP at start */
		page_count,		/* Page count via SNMP */
		have_supplies;		/* Printer supports supply levels? */
  ssize_t	bytes = 0,		/* Initial bytes read */
		tbytes;			/* Total number of bytes written */
  char		buffer[1024];		/* Initial print buffer */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* Actions for POSIX signals */

  * Make sure status messages are not buffered...

  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  * Ignore SIGPIPE signals...

  sigset(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
  memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));
  action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
  sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL);
  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc == 1)
    printf("network socket \"Unknown\" \"%s\"\n",
           _cupsLangString(cupsLangDefault(), _("AppSocket/HP JetDirect")));
    return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
  else if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
                    _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]"),

  * If we have 7 arguments, print the file named on the command-line.
  * Otherwise, send stdin instead...

  if (argc == 6)
    print_fd = 0;
    copies   = 1;
    * Try to open the print file...

    if ((print_fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
      _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file"));
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

    copies = atoi(argv[4]);

  * Extract the hostname and port number from the URI...

  while ((device_uri = cupsBackendDeviceURI(argv)) == NULL)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Unable to locate printer."));

    if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL)
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

  httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, device_uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme),
                  username, sizeof(username), hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port,
		  resource, sizeof(resource));

  if (port == 0)
    port = 9100;	/* Default to HP JetDirect/Tektronix PhaserShare */

  * Get options, if any...

  waiteof    = 1;
  contimeout = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;

  if ((options = strchr(resource, '?')) != NULL)
    * Yup, terminate the device name string and move to the first
    * character of the options...

    *options++ = '\0';

    * Parse options...

    while (*options)
      * Get the name...

      name = options;

      while (*options && *options != '=' && *options != '+' && *options != '&')
        options ++;

      if ((sep = *options) != '\0')
        *options++ = '\0';

      if (sep == '=')
        * Get the value...

        value = options;

	while (*options && *options != '+' && *options != '&')
	  options ++;

        if (*options)
	  *options++ = '\0';
        value = (char *)"";

      * Process the option...

      if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "waiteof"))
        * Set the wait-for-eof value...

        waiteof = !value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
		  !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "contimeout"))
        * Set the connection timeout...

	if (atoi(value) > 0)
	  contimeout = atoi(value);

  * Then try finding the remote host...

  start_time = time(NULL);

  sprintf(portname, "%d", port);

  fputs("STATE: +connecting-to-device\n", stderr);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Looking up \"%s\"...\n", hostname);

  while ((addrlist = httpAddrGetList(hostname, AF_UNSPEC, portname)) == NULL)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
                         _("Unable to locate printer \"%s\"."), hostname);

    if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL)
      fputs("STATE: -connecting-to-device\n", stderr);
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_STOP);

  * See if the printer supports SNMP...

  if ((snmp_fd = _cupsSNMPOpen(addrlist->addr.addr.sa_family)) >= 0)
    have_supplies = !backendSNMPSupplies(snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr),
                                         &start_count, NULL);
    have_supplies = start_count = 0;

  * Wait for data from the filter...

  if (print_fd == 0)
    if (!backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), 1, backendNetworkSideCB))
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
    else if ((bytes = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) <= 0)
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);

  * Connect to the printer...

  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connecting to %s:%d\n", hostname, port);
  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Connecting to printer."));

  for (delay = 5;;)
    if ((addr = httpAddrConnect(addrlist, &device_fd)) == NULL)
      error     = errno;
      device_fd = -1;

      if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL)
        * If the CLASS environment variable is set, the job was submitted
	* to a class and not to a specific queue.  In this case, we want
	* to abort immediately so that the job can be requeued on the next
	* available printer in the class.

        _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
			     _("Unable to contact printer, queuing on next "
			       "printer in class."));

        * Sleep 5 seconds to keep the job from requeuing too rapidly...


        return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connection error: %s\n", strerror(error));

      if (error == ECONNREFUSED || error == EHOSTDOWN ||
          error == EHOSTUNREACH)
        if (contimeout && (time(NULL) - start_time) > contimeout)
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
	                       _("The printer is not responding."));

	switch (error)
	  case EHOSTDOWN :
	      _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING",
				   _("The printer may not exist or "
				     "is unavailable at this time."));

	      _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING",
				   _("The printer is unreachable at this "

	  default :
	      _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING",
	                           _("The printer is in use."));


	if (delay < 30)
	  delay += 5;
	_cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
	                     _("The printer is not responding."));

  fputs("STATE: -connecting-to-device\n", stderr);
  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Connected to printer."));

  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connected to %s:%d...\n",
	  httpAddrString(&(addr->addr), addrname, sizeof(addrname)),

  * Print everything...

  tbytes = 0;

  if (bytes > 0)
    tbytes += write(device_fd, buffer, bytes);

  while (copies > 0 && tbytes >= 0)
    copies --;

    if (print_fd != 0)
      fputs("PAGE: 1 1\n", stderr);
      lseek(print_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

    tbytes = backendRunLoop(print_fd, device_fd, snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), 1,
                            0, backendNetworkSideCB);

    if (print_fd != 0 && tbytes >= 0)
      _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Print file sent."));

#ifdef __APPLE__
  * Wait up to 5 seconds to get any pending back-channel data...

  wait_time = time(NULL) + 5;
  while (wait_time >= time(&current_time))
    if (wait_bc(device_fd, wait_time - current_time) <= 0)
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

  if (waiteof)
    * Shutdown the socket and wait for the other end to finish...

    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Waiting for printer to finish."));

    shutdown(device_fd, 1);

    while (wait_bc(device_fd, 90) > 0);

  * Collect the final page count as needed...

  if (have_supplies &&
      !backendSNMPSupplies(snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), &page_count, NULL) &&
      page_count > start_count)
    fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: total %d\n", page_count - start_count);

  * Close the socket connection...



  * Close the input file and return...

  if (print_fd != 0)

  return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
Beispiel #2
ssize_t					/* O - Total bytes on success, -1 on error */
    int          print_fd,		/* I - Print file descriptor */
    int          device_fd,		/* I - Device file descriptor */
    int          snmp_fd,		/* I - SNMP socket or -1 if none */
    http_addr_t  *addr,			/* I - Address of device */
    int          use_bc,		/* I - Use back-channel? */
    int          update_state,		/* I - Update printer-state-reasons? */
    _cups_sccb_t side_cb)		/* I - Side-channel callback */
  int		nfds;			/* Maximum file descriptor value + 1 */
  fd_set	input,			/* Input set for reading */
		output;			/* Output set for writing */
  ssize_t	print_bytes,		/* Print bytes read */
		bc_bytes,		/* Backchannel bytes read */
		total_bytes,		/* Total bytes written */
		bytes;			/* Bytes written */
  int		paperout;		/* "Paper out" status */
  int		offline;		/* "Off-line" status */
  char		print_buffer[8192],	/* Print data buffer */
		*print_ptr,		/* Pointer into print data buffer */
		bc_buffer[1024];	/* Back-channel data buffer */
  struct timeval timeout;		/* Timeout for select() */
  time_t	curtime,		/* Current time */
		snmp_update = 0;
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* Actions for POSIX signals */

          "DEBUG: backendRunLoop(print_fd=%d, device_fd=%d, snmp_fd=%d, "
	  "addr=%p, use_bc=%d, side_cb=%p)\n",
          print_fd, device_fd, snmp_fd, addr, use_bc, side_cb);

  * If we are printing data from a print driver on stdin, ignore SIGTERM
  * so that the driver can finish out any page data, e.g. to eject the
  * current page.  We only do this for stdin printing as otherwise there
  * is no way to cancel a raw print job...

  if (!print_fd)
#ifdef HAVE_SIGSET /* Use System V signals over POSIX to avoid bugs */
    sigset(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
    memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

    action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
    signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */
  else if (print_fd < 0)
    * Copy print data from stdin, but don't mess with the signal handlers...

    print_fd = 0;

  * Figure out the maximum file descriptor value to use with select()...

  nfds = (print_fd > device_fd ? print_fd : device_fd) + 1;

  * Now loop until we are out of data from print_fd...

  for (print_bytes = 0, print_ptr = print_buffer, offline = -1,
           paperout = -1, total_bytes = 0;;)
    * Use select() to determine whether we have data to copy around...

    if (!print_bytes)
      FD_SET(print_fd, &input);
    if (use_bc)
      FD_SET(device_fd, &input);
    if (!print_bytes && side_cb)
      FD_SET(CUPS_SC_FD, &input);

    if (print_bytes || (!use_bc && !side_cb))
      FD_SET(device_fd, &output);

    if (use_bc || side_cb)
      timeout.tv_sec  = 5;
      timeout.tv_usec = 0;

      if (select(nfds, &input, &output, NULL, &timeout) < 0)
	* Pause printing to clear any pending errors...

	if (errno == ENXIO && offline != 1 && update_state)
	  fputs("STATE: +offline-report\n", stderr);
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
	                       _("The printer is not connected."));
	  offline = 1;
	else if (errno == EINTR && total_bytes == 0)
	  fputs("DEBUG: Received an interrupt before any bytes were "
	        "written, aborting.\n", stderr);
          return (0);


    * Check if we have a side-channel request ready...

    if (side_cb && FD_ISSET(CUPS_SC_FD, &input))
      * Do the side-channel request, then start back over in the select
      * loop since it may have read from print_fd...

      if ((*side_cb)(print_fd, device_fd, snmp_fd, addr, use_bc))
        side_cb = NULL;

    * Check if we have back-channel data ready...

    if (FD_ISSET(device_fd, &input))
      if ((bc_bytes = read(device_fd, bc_buffer, sizeof(bc_buffer))) > 0)
	        "DEBUG: Received " CUPS_LLFMT " bytes of back-channel data\n",
	        CUPS_LLCAST bc_bytes);
        cupsBackChannelWrite(bc_buffer, bc_bytes, 1.0);
      else if (bc_bytes < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR)
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Error reading back-channel data: %s\n",
	use_bc = 0;
      else if (bc_bytes == 0)
        use_bc = 0;

    * Check if we have print data ready...

    if (FD_ISSET(print_fd, &input))
      if ((print_bytes = read(print_fd, print_buffer,
                              sizeof(print_buffer))) < 0)
        * Read error - bail if we don't see EAGAIN or EINTR...

	if (errno != EAGAIN || errno != EINTR)
	  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Read failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
	                       _("Unable to read print data."));
	  return (-1);

        print_bytes = 0;
      else if (print_bytes == 0)
        * End of file, break out of the loop...


      print_ptr = print_buffer;

      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Read %d bytes of print data...\n",

    * Check if the device is ready to receive data and we have data to
    * send...

    if (print_bytes && FD_ISSET(device_fd, &output))
      if ((bytes = write(device_fd, print_ptr, print_bytes)) < 0)
        * Write error - bail if we don't see an error we can retry...

        if (errno == ENOSPC)
	  if (paperout != 1 && update_state)
	    fputs("STATE: +media-empty-warning\n", stderr);
	    fputs("DEBUG: Out of paper\n", stderr);
	    paperout = 1;
	else if (errno == ENXIO)
	  if (offline != 1 && update_state)
	    fputs("STATE: +offline-report\n", stderr);
	    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
	                         _("The printer is not connected."));
	    offline = 1;
	else if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR && errno != ENOTTY)
	  _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to write print data"));
	  return (-1);
        if (paperout && update_state)
	  fputs("STATE: -media-empty-warning\n", stderr);
	  paperout = 0;

	if (offline && update_state)
	  fputs("STATE: -offline-report\n", stderr);
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
	                       _("The printer is now connected."));
	  offline = 0;

        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Wrote %d bytes of print data...\n", (int)bytes);

        print_bytes -= bytes;
	print_ptr   += bytes;
	total_bytes += bytes;

    * Do SNMP updates periodically...

    if (snmp_fd >= 0 && time(&curtime) >= snmp_update)
      if (backendSNMPSupplies(snmp_fd, addr, NULL, NULL))
        snmp_update = INT_MAX;
        snmp_update = curtime + 5;

  * Return with success...

  return (total_bytes);
Beispiel #3
int					/* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
backendDrainOutput(int print_fd,	/* I - Print file descriptor */
                   int device_fd)	/* I - Device file descriptor */
  int		nfds;			/* Maximum file descriptor value + 1 */
  fd_set	input;			/* Input set for reading */
  ssize_t	print_bytes,		/* Print bytes read */
		bytes;			/* Bytes written */
  char		print_buffer[8192],	/* Print data buffer */
		*print_ptr;		/* Pointer into print data buffer */
  struct timeval timeout;		/* Timeout for read... */

  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: backendDrainOutput(print_fd=%d, device_fd=%d)\n",
          print_fd, device_fd);

  * Figure out the maximum file descriptor value to use with select()...

  nfds = (print_fd > device_fd ? print_fd : device_fd) + 1;

  * Now loop until we are out of data from print_fd...

  for (;;)
    * Use select() to determine whether we have data to copy around...

    FD_SET(print_fd, &input);

    timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    if (select(nfds, &input, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0)
      return (-1);

    if (!FD_ISSET(print_fd, &input))
      return (0);

    if ((print_bytes = read(print_fd, print_buffer,
			    sizeof(print_buffer))) < 0)
      * Read error - bail if we don't see EAGAIN or EINTR...

      if (errno != EAGAIN || errno != EINTR)
	fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Read failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
	_cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to read print data."));
	return (-1);

      print_bytes = 0;
    else if (print_bytes == 0)
      * End of file, return...

      return (0);

    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Read %d bytes of print data...\n",

    for (print_ptr = print_buffer; print_bytes > 0;)
      if ((bytes = write(device_fd, print_ptr, print_bytes)) < 0)
        * Write error - bail if we don't see an error we can retry...

        if (errno != ENOSPC && errno != ENXIO && errno != EAGAIN &&
	    errno != EINTR && errno != ENOTTY)
	  _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to write print data"));
	  return (-1);
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Wrote %d bytes of print data...\n", (int)bytes);

        print_bytes -= bytes;
	print_ptr   += bytes;
Beispiel #4
int					/* O - Exit status */
print_device(const char *uri,		/* I - Device URI */
             const char *hostname,	/* I - Hostname/manufacturer */
             const char *resource,	/* I - Resource/modelname */
	     char       *options,	/* I - Device options/serial number */
	     int        print_fd,	/* I - File descriptor to print */
	     int        copies,		/* I - Copies to print */
	     int	argc,		/* I - Number of command-line arguments (6 or 7) */
	     char	*argv[])	/* I - Command-line arguments */
  int		use_bc;			/* Use backchannel path? */
  int		device_fd;		/* USB device */
  ssize_t	tbytes;			/* Total number of bytes written */
  struct termios opts;			/* Parallel port options */


  * Open the USB port device...

  fputs("STATE: +connecting-to-device\n", stderr);

#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
    * *BSD's ulpt driver currently does not support the
    * back-channel, incorrectly returns data ready on a select(),
    * and locks up on read()...

    use_bc = 0;

#elif defined(__sun)
    * CUPS STR #3028: Solaris' usbprn driver apparently does not support
    * select() or poll(), so we can't support backchannel...

    use_bc = 0;

    * Disable backchannel data when printing to Brother, Canon, or
    * Minolta USB printers - apparently these printers will return
    * the IEEE-1284 device ID over and over and over when they get
    * a read request...

    use_bc = _cups_strcasecmp(hostname, "Brother") &&
             _cups_strcasecmp(hostname, "Canon") &&
             _cups_strncasecmp(hostname, "Konica", 6) &&
             _cups_strncasecmp(hostname, "Minolta", 7);
#endif /* __FreeBSD__ || __NetBSD__ || __OpenBSD__ || __DragonFly__ */

    if ((device_fd = open_device(uri, &use_bc)) == -1)
      if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL)
        * If the CLASS environment variable is set, the job was submitted
	* to a class and not to a specific queue.  In this case, we want
	* to abort immediately so that the job can be requeued on the next
	* available printer in the class.

        _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
			     _("Unable to contact printer, queuing on next "
			       "printer in class."));

        * Sleep 5 seconds to keep the job from requeuing too rapidly...


        return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

      if (errno == EBUSY)
        _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("The printer is in use."));
      else if (errno == ENXIO || errno == EIO || errno == ENOENT ||
               errno == ENODEV)
	_cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open device file"));
  while (device_fd < 0);

  fputs("STATE: -connecting-to-device\n", stderr);

  * Set any options provided...

  tcgetattr(device_fd, &opts);

  opts.c_lflag &= ~(unsigned)(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG);	/* Raw mode */

  /**** No options supported yet ****/

  tcsetattr(device_fd, TCSANOW, &opts);

  * Finally, send the print file...

  tbytes = 0;

  while (copies > 0 && tbytes >= 0)
    copies --;

    if (print_fd != 0)
      fputs("PAGE: 1 1\n", stderr);
      lseek(print_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

#ifdef __sun
    * CUPS STR #3028: Solaris' usbprn driver apparently does not support
    * select() or poll(), so we can't support the sidechannel either...

    tbytes = backendRunLoop(print_fd, device_fd, -1, NULL, use_bc, 1, NULL);

    tbytes = backendRunLoop(print_fd, device_fd, -1, NULL, use_bc, 1, side_cb);
#endif /* __sun */

    if (print_fd != 0 && tbytes >= 0)
      _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Print file sent."));

  * Close the USB port and return...


  return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
int					/* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line arguments (6 or 7) */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  const char	*device_uri;		/* Device URI */
  char		scheme[255],		/* Scheme in URI */
		hostname[1024],		/* Hostname */
		username[255],		/* Username info */
		resource[1024],		/* Resource info (printer name) */
		*options,		/* Pointer to options */
		*name,			/* Name of option */
		*value,			/* Value of option */
		sep,			/* Separator character */
		*filename,		/* File to print */
		title[256];		/* Title string */
  int		port;			/* Port number */
  char		portname[256];		/* Port name (string) */
  http_addrlist_t *addrlist;		/* List of addresses for printer */
  int		snmp_enabled = 1;	/* Is SNMP enabled? */
  int		snmp_fd;		/* SNMP socket */
  int		fd;			/* Print file */
  int		status;			/* Status of LPD job */
  int		mode;			/* Print mode */
  int		banner;			/* Print banner page? */
  int		format;			/* Print format */
  int		order;			/* Order of control/data files */
  int		reserve;		/* Reserve priviledged port? */
  int		sanitize_title;		/* Sanitize title string? */
  int		manual_copies,		/* Do manual copies? */
		timeout,		/* Timeout */
		contimeout,		/* Connection timeout */
		copies;			/* Number of copies */
  ssize_t	bytes = 0;		/* Initial bytes read */
  char		buffer[16384];		/* Initial print buffer */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* Actions for POSIX signals */
  int		num_jobopts;		/* Number of job options */
  cups_option_t	*jobopts = NULL;	/* Job options */

  * Make sure status messages are not buffered...

  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  * Ignore SIGPIPE and catch SIGTERM signals...

  sigset(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  sigset(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
  memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));
  action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
  sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL);

  sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM);
  action.sa_handler = sigterm_handler;
  sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc == 1)
    printf("network lpd \"Unknown\" \"%s\"\n",
           _cupsLangString(cupsLangDefault(), _("LPD/LPR Host or Printer")));
    return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
  else if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
                    _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]"),

  num_jobopts = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &jobopts);

  * Extract the hostname and printer name from the URI...

  while ((device_uri = cupsBackendDeviceURI(argv)) == NULL)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Unable to locate printer."));

    if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL)
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

  httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, device_uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme),
                  username, sizeof(username), hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port,
		  resource, sizeof(resource));

  if (!port)
    port = 515;				/* Default to port 515 */

  if (!username[0])
    * If no username is in the device URI, then use the print job user...

    strlcpy(username, argv[2], sizeof(username));

  * See if there are any options...

  mode          = MODE_STANDARD;
  banner        = 0;
  format        = 'l';
  order         = ORDER_CONTROL_DATA;
  reserve       = RESERVE_ANY;
  manual_copies = 1;
  timeout       = 300;
  contimeout    = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;

#ifdef __APPLE__
  * We want to pass UTF-8 characters by default, not re-map them (3071945)

  sanitize_title = 0;
  * Otherwise we want to re-map UTF-8 to "safe" characters by default...

  sanitize_title = 1;
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

  if ((options = strchr(resource, '?')) != NULL)
    * Yup, terminate the device name string and move to the first
    * character of the options...

    *options++ = '\0';

    * Parse options...

    while (*options)
      * Get the name...

      name = options;

      while (*options && *options != '=' && *options != '+' && *options != '&')
        options ++;

      if ((sep = *options) != '\0')
        *options++ = '\0';

      if (sep == '=')
        * Get the value...

        value = options;

	while (*options && *options != '+' && *options != '&')
	  options ++;

        if (*options)
	  *options++ = '\0';
        value = (char *)"";

      * Process the option...

      if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "banner"))
        * Set the banner...

        banner = !value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
		 !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "format") && value[0])
        * Set output format...

        if (strchr("cdfglnoprtv", value[0]))
	  format = value[0];
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
	                       _("Unknown format character: \"%c\"."),
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "mode") && value[0])
        * Set control/data order...

        if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "standard"))
	  mode = MODE_STANDARD;
	else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "stream"))
	  mode = MODE_STREAM;
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
	                       _("Unknown print mode: \"%s\"."), value);
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "order") && value[0])
        * Set control/data order...

        if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "control,data"))
	else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "data,control"))
	  _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
	                       _("Unknown file order: \"%s\"."), value);
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "reserve"))
        * Set port reservation mode...

        if (!value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
	    !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") ||
	    !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true") ||
	    !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "rfc1179"))
	  reserve = RESERVE_RFC1179;
	else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "any"))
	  reserve = RESERVE_ANY;
	  reserve = RESERVE_NONE;
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "manual_copies"))
        * Set manual copies...

        manual_copies = !value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
	 		!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") ||
	 		!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "sanitize_title"))
        * Set sanitize title...

        sanitize_title = !value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
	 		 !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") ||
	 		 !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "snmp"))
         * Enable/disable SNMP stuff...

         snmp_enabled = !value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") ||
                        _cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") ||
                        _cups_strcasecmp(value, "true");
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "timeout"))
        * Set the timeout...

	if (atoi(value) > 0)
	  timeout = atoi(value);
      else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "contimeout"))
        * Set the connection timeout...

	if (atoi(value) > 0)
	  contimeout = atoi(value);

  if (mode == MODE_STREAM)

  * Find the printer...

  snprintf(portname, sizeof(portname), "%d", port);

  fputs("STATE: +connecting-to-device\n", stderr);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Looking up \"%s\"...\n", hostname);

  while ((addrlist = httpAddrGetList(hostname, AF_UNSPEC, portname)) == NULL)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
			 _("Unable to locate printer \"%s\"."), hostname);

    if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL)
      fputs("STATE: -connecting-to-device\n", stderr);

  if (snmp_enabled)
    snmp_fd = _cupsSNMPOpen(addrlist->addr.addr.sa_family);
    snmp_fd = -1;

  * Wait for data from the filter...

  if (argc == 6)
    if (!backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), 0, backendNetworkSideCB))
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
    else if (mode == MODE_STANDARD &&
             (bytes = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) <= 0)
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);

  * If we have 7 arguments, print the file named on the command-line.
  * Otherwise, copy stdin to a temporary file and print the temporary
  * file.

  if (argc == 6 && mode == MODE_STANDARD)
    * Copy stdin to a temporary file...

    if ((fd = cupsTempFd(tmpfilename, sizeof(tmpfilename))) < 0)
      perror("DEBUG: Unable to create temporary file");
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Copying print data."));

    if (bytes > 0)
      write(fd, buffer, bytes);

    backendRunLoop(-1, fd, snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), 0, 0,
  else if (argc == 6)
    * Stream from stdin...

    filename = NULL;
    fd       = 0;
    filename = argv[6];
    fd       = open(filename, O_RDONLY);

    if (fd == -1)
      _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file"));
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

  * Sanitize the document title...

  strlcpy(title, argv[3], sizeof(title));

  if (sanitize_title)
    * Sanitize the title string so that we don't cause problems on
    * the remote end...

    char *ptr;

    for (ptr = title; *ptr; ptr ++)
      if (!isalnum(*ptr & 255) && !isspace(*ptr & 255))
	*ptr = '_';

  * Queue the job...

  if (argc > 6)
    if (manual_copies)
      manual_copies = atoi(argv[4]);
      copies        = 1;
      manual_copies = 1;
      copies        = atoi(argv[4]);

    status = lpd_queue(hostname, addrlist, resource + 1, fd, snmp_fd, mode,
                       username, title, copies, banner, format, order, reserve,
		       manual_copies, timeout, contimeout,
		       cupsGetOption("job-originating-host-name", num_jobopts,

    if (!status)
      fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: 1 %d\n", atoi(argv[4]));
    status = lpd_queue(hostname, addrlist, resource + 1, fd, snmp_fd, mode,
                       username, title, 1, banner, format, order, reserve, 1,
		       timeout, contimeout,
		       cupsGetOption("job-originating-host-name", num_jobopts,

  * Remove the temporary file if necessary...

  if (tmpfilename[0])

  if (fd)

  if (snmp_fd >= 0)

  * Return the queue status...

  return (status);
Beispiel #6
int					/* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line arguments */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  int			fd;		/* File descriptor */
  cups_raster_t		*ras;		/* Raster stream for printing */
  cups_page_header2_t	header;		/* Page header from file */
  unsigned		y;		/* Current line */
  ppd_file_t		*ppd;		/* PPD file */
  int			num_options;	/* Number of options */
  cups_option_t		*options;	/* Options */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* Actions for POSIX signals */

  * Make sure status messages are not buffered...

  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
    * We don't have the correct number of arguments; write an error message
    * and return.

    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
                         _("%s job-id user title copies options [file]"),
    return (1);

  * Open the page stream...

  if (argc == 7)
    if ((fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) == -1)
      _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open raster file"));
      return (1);
    fd = 0;

  ras = cupsRasterOpen(fd, CUPS_RASTER_READ);

  * Register a signal handler to eject the current page if the
  * job is cancelled.

  Canceled = 0;

#ifdef HAVE_SIGSET /* Use System V signals over POSIX to avoid bugs */
  sigset(SIGTERM, CancelJob);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
  memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

  action.sa_handler = CancelJob;
  sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
  signal(SIGTERM, CancelJob);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

  * Open the PPD file and apply options...

  num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options);

  ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"));
  if (!ppd)
    ppd_status_t	status;		/* PPD error */
    int			linenum;	/* Line number */

    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
                         _("The PPD file could not be opened."));

    status = ppdLastError(&linenum);

    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s on line %d.\n", ppdErrorString(status), linenum);

    return (1);

  cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options);

  * Initialize the print device...


  * Process pages as needed...

  Page = 0;

  while (cupsRasterReadHeader2(ras, &header))
    * Write a status message with the page number and number of copies.

    if (Canceled)

    Page ++;

    fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: %d 1\n", Page);
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Starting page %d."), Page);

    * Start the page...

    StartPage(ppd, &header);

    * Loop for each line on the page...

    for (y = 0; y < header.cupsHeight && !Canceled; y ++)
      * Let the user know how far we have progressed...

      if (Canceled)

      if ((y & 15) == 0)
        _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO",
	                     _("Printing page %d, %u%% complete."),
			     Page, 100 * y / header.cupsHeight);
        fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: job-media-progress=%u\n",
		100 * y / header.cupsHeight);

      * Read a line of graphics...

      if (cupsRasterReadPixels(ras, Buffer, header.cupsBytesPerLine) < 1)

      * Write it to the printer...

      OutputLine(ppd, &header, y);

    * Eject the page...

    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Finished page %d."), Page);

    EndPage(ppd, &header);

    if (Canceled)

  * Close the raster stream...

  if (fd != 0)

  * Close the PPD file and free the options...

  cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);

  * If no pages were printed, send an error message...

  if (Page == 0)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("No pages were found."));
    return (1);
    return (0);
Beispiel #7
static int				/* O - 0 on success, 1 on fail */
    http_t        *http,		/* I - Server connection */
    char          *printer,		/* I - Printer */
    int           num_options,		/* I - Number of options */
    cups_option_t *options,		/* I - Options */
    char          *file)		/* I - PPD file/interface script */
  ipp_t		*request;		/* IPP Request */
  const char	*ppdfile;		/* PPD filename */
  int		ppdchanged;		/* PPD changed? */
  ppd_file_t	*ppd;			/* PPD file */
  ppd_choice_t	*choice;		/* Marked choice */
  char		uri[HTTP_MAX_URI],	/* URI for printer/class */
		line[1024],		/* Line from PPD file */
		keyword[1024],		/* Keyword from Default line */
		*keyptr,		/* Pointer into keyword... */
		tempfile[1024];		/* Temporary filename */
  cups_file_t	*in,			/* PPD file */
		*out;			/* Temporary file */
  const char	*protocol,		/* Old protocol option */
		*customval,		/* Custom option value */
		*boolval;		/* Boolean value */
  int		wrote_ipp_supplies = 0,	/* Wrote cupsIPPSupplies keyword? */
		wrote_snmp_supplies = 0;/* Wrote cupsSNMPSupplies keyword? */

  DEBUG_printf(("set_printer_options(http=%p, printer=\"%s\", num_options=%d, "
                "options=%p, file=\"%s\")\n", http, printer, num_options,
		options, file));

  * requires the following attributes:
  *    attributes-charset
  *    attributes-natural-language
  *    printer-uri
  *    requesting-user-name
  *    other options

  if (get_printer_type(http, printer, uri, sizeof(uri)) & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS)
    request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_ADD_MODIFY_CLASS);
    request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_ADD_MODIFY_PRINTER);

  ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI,
               "printer-uri", NULL, uri);
  ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
               "requesting-user-name", NULL, cupsUser());

  * Add the options...

  cupsEncodeOptions2(request, num_options, options, IPP_TAG_PRINTER);

  if ((protocol = cupsGetOption("protocol", num_options, options)) != NULL)
    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(protocol, "bcp"))
      ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "port-monitor",
                   NULL, "bcp");
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(protocol, "tbcp"))
      ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "port-monitor",
                   NULL, "tbcp");

  if (file)
    ppdfile = file;
  else if (request->request.op.operation_id == CUPS_ADD_MODIFY_PRINTER)
    ppdfile = cupsGetPPD(printer);
    ppdfile = NULL;

  if (ppdfile != NULL)
    * Set default options in the PPD file...

    ppd = ppdOpenFile(ppdfile);
    cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options);

    if ((out = cupsTempFile2(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile))) == NULL)
      _cupsLangPrintError(NULL, _("lpadmin: Unable to create temporary file"));
      if (ppdfile != file)
      return (1);

    if ((in = cupsFileOpen(ppdfile, "r")) == NULL)
                      _("lpadmin: Unable to open PPD file \"%s\" - %s"),
        	      ppdfile, strerror(errno));
      if (ppdfile != file)
      return (1);

    ppdchanged = 0;

    while (cupsFileGets(in, line, sizeof(line)))
      if (!strncmp(line, "*cupsIPPSupplies:", 17) &&
	  (boolval = cupsGetOption("cupsIPPSupplies", num_options,
	                           options)) != NULL)
        wrote_ipp_supplies = 1;
        cupsFilePrintf(out, "*cupsIPPSupplies: %s\n",
	               (!_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "true") ||
		        !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "yes") ||
		        !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "on")) ? "True" : "False");
      else if (!strncmp(line, "*cupsSNMPSupplies:", 18) &&
	       (boolval = cupsGetOption("cupsSNMPSupplies", num_options,
	                                options)) != NULL)
        wrote_snmp_supplies = 1;
        cupsFilePrintf(out, "*cupsSNMPSupplies: %s\n",
	               (!_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "true") ||
		        !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "yes") ||
		        !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "on")) ? "True" : "False");
      else if (strncmp(line, "*Default", 8))
        cupsFilePrintf(out, "%s\n", line);
        * Get default option name...

        strlcpy(keyword, line + 8, sizeof(keyword));

	for (keyptr = keyword; *keyptr; keyptr ++)
	  if (*keyptr == ':' || isspace(*keyptr & 255))

        *keyptr++ = '\0';
        while (isspace(*keyptr & 255))
	  keyptr ++;

        if (!strcmp(keyword, "PageRegion") ||
	    !strcmp(keyword, "PageSize") ||
	    !strcmp(keyword, "PaperDimension") ||
	    !strcmp(keyword, "ImageableArea"))
	  if ((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "PageSize")) == NULL)
	    choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "PageRegion");
	  choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, keyword);

        if (choice && strcmp(choice->choice, keyptr))
	  if (strcmp(choice->choice, "Custom"))
	    cupsFilePrintf(out, "*Default%s: %s\n", keyword, choice->choice);
	    ppdchanged = 1;
	  else if ((customval = cupsGetOption(keyword, num_options,
	                                      options)) != NULL)
	    cupsFilePrintf(out, "*Default%s: %s\n", keyword, customval);
	    ppdchanged = 1;
	    cupsFilePrintf(out, "%s\n", line);
	  cupsFilePrintf(out, "%s\n", line);

    if (!wrote_ipp_supplies &&
	(boolval = cupsGetOption("cupsIPPSupplies", num_options,
				 options)) != NULL)
      cupsFilePrintf(out, "*cupsIPPSupplies: %s\n",
		     (!_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "true") ||
		      !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "yes") ||
		      !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "on")) ? "True" : "False");

    if (!wrote_snmp_supplies &&
        (boolval = cupsGetOption("cupsSNMPSupplies", num_options,
			         options)) != NULL)
      cupsFilePrintf(out, "*cupsSNMPSupplies: %s\n",
		     (!_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "true") ||
		      !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "yes") ||
		      !_cups_strcasecmp(boolval, "on")) ? "True" : "False");


    * Do the request...

    ippDelete(cupsDoFileRequest(http, request, "/admin/",
                                ppdchanged ? tempfile : file));

    * Clean up temp files... (TODO: catch signals in case we CTRL-C during
    * lpadmin)

    if (ppdfile != file)
    * No PPD file - just set the options...

    ippDelete(cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/admin/"));

  * Check the response...

  if (cupsLastError() > IPP_OK_CONFLICT)
    _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("%s: %s"), "lpadmin", cupsLastErrorString());

    return (1);
    return (0);
Beispiel #8
int					/* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line arguments */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* File */
  char		buffer[8192];		/* Data buffer */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes read/written */
  int		copies;			/* Number of copies */

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc != 7)
                    _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]"),
    return (1);

  * Get the copy count; if we have no final content type, this is a
  * raw queue or raw print file, so we need to make copies...

  if (!getenv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE"))
    copies = atoi(argv[4]);
    copies = 1;

  * Open the file...

  if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(argv[6], "r")) == NULL)
    _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file"));
    return (1);

  * Copy the file to stdout...

  while (copies > 0)
    if (!getenv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE"))
      fputs("PAGE: 1 1\n", stderr);


    while ((bytes = cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
      if (write(1, buffer, bytes) < bytes)
	_cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
			     _("Unable to write uncompressed print data: %s"),

	return (1);

    copies --;

  * Close the file and return...


  return (0);
Beispiel #9
static void
get_job_file(const char *job)		/* I - Job ID */
  long		jobid,			/* Job ID */
		docnum;			/* Document number */
  const char	*jobptr;		/* Pointer into job ID string */
  char		uri[1024];		/* job-uri */
  http_t	*http;			/* Connection to server */
  ipp_t		*request;		/* Request data */
  int		tempfd;			/* Temporary file */

  * Get the job ID and document number, if any...

  if ((jobptr = strrchr(job, '-')) != NULL)
    jobptr ++;
    jobptr = job;

  jobid = strtol(jobptr, (char **)&jobptr, 10);

  if (*jobptr == ',')
    docnum = strtol(jobptr + 1, NULL, 10);
    docnum = 1;

  if (jobid < 1 || jobid > INT_MAX)
    _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("cupsfilter: Invalid job ID %d."), (int)jobid);

  if (docnum < 1 || docnum > INT_MAX)
    _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("cupsfilter: Invalid document number %d."),

  * Ask the server for the document file...

  if ((http = httpConnectEncrypt(cupsServer(), ippPort(),
                                 cupsEncryption())) == NULL)
    _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("%s: Unable to connect to server."),

  request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_GET_DOCUMENT);

  snprintf(uri, sizeof(uri), "ipp://localhost/jobs/%d", (int)jobid);

  ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "job-uri", NULL, uri);
  ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "document-number",

  if ((tempfd = cupsTempFd(TempFile, sizeof(TempFile))) == -1)
    _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to create temporary file"));

  signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);

  ippDelete(cupsDoIORequest(http, request, "/", -1, tempfd));



  if (cupsLastError() != IPP_OK)
    _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("cupsfilter: Unable to get job file - %s"),
int					/* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line arguments (6 or 7) */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  int		print_fd;		/* Print file */
  int		copies;			/* Number of copies to print */
  int		status;			/* Exit status */
  int		port;			/* Port number (not used) */
  const char	*uri;			/* Device URI */
  char		method[255],		/* Method in URI */
		hostname[1024],		/* Hostname */
		username[255],		/* Username info (not used) */
		resource[1024],		/* Resource info (device and options) */
		*options;		/* Pointer to options */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* Actions for POSIX signals */

  * Make sure status messages are not buffered...

  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  * Ignore SIGPIPE signals...

  sigset(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
  memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));
  action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
  sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL);
  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc == 1)
    return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK);
  else if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
                    _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]"),

  * Extract the device name and options from the URI...

  uri = cupsBackendDeviceURI(argv);

  if (httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri,
                      method, sizeof(method), username, sizeof(username),
		      hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port,
		      resource, sizeof(resource)) < HTTP_URI_OK)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR",
			 _("No device URI found in argv[0] or in DEVICE_URI "
                           "environment variable."));
    return (1);

  * See if there are any options...

  if ((options = strchr(resource, '?')) != NULL)
    * Yup, terminate the device name string and move to the first
    * character of the options...

    *options++ = '\0';

  * If we have 7 arguments, print the file named on the command-line.
  * Otherwise, send stdin instead...

  if (argc == 6)
    print_fd = 0;
    copies   = 1;
    * Try to open the print file...

    if ((print_fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
      _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file"));
      return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED);

    copies = atoi(argv[4]);

  * Finally, send the print file...

  status = print_device(uri, hostname, resource, options, print_fd, copies,
                        argc, argv);

  * Close the input file and return...

  if (print_fd != 0)

  return (status);