Beispiel #1
jpeg_mem_term (j_common_ptr cinfo)
  /* Microsoft C, at least in v6.00A, will not successfully reclaim freed
   * blocks of size > 32Kbytes unless we give it a kick in the rear, like so:
Beispiel #2
 * Name:    finish
 * Purpose: To remove the current window and terminate the program if no
 *           more windows are left.
 * Date:    June 5, 1991
 * Passed:  window:  pointer to current window
 * Notes:   Order of deciding which window becomes current window:
 *          1) If any invisible window with same top and bottom line,
 *          and start_col and end_col, then first invisible one becomes
 *          current window.
 *          2) window above if it exists becomes current window
 *          3) window below if it exists becomes current window
 *          4) window right if it exists becomes current window
 *          5) window left  if it exists becomes current window
 *          6) first available invisible window becomes current window.
 *          When I added vertical windows, this routine became a LOT
 *           more complicated.  To keep things reasonably sane, let's
 *           only close windows that have three common edges, eg.
 *                    ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
 *                    ³      ³    no    ³
 *                    ³      ÃÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ´
 *                    ³      ³yes1 ³yes1³
 *                    ³  no  ÃÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ´
 *                    ³      ³   yes2   ³
 *                    ³      ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´
 *                    ³      ³   yes2   ³
 *                    ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
 *          Windows with 'no' cannot be closed.  Windows with 'yes' can
 *          be combined with windows that have the same yes number.
void finish( WINDOW *window )
    register WINDOW *wp;   /* for scanning other windows */
    register WINDOW *win;  /* register pointer for window */
    file_infos *file, *fp;  /* for scanning other files */
    int  poof;
    int  cline;
    int  top;
    int  bottom;
    int  start_col;
    int  end_col;
    int  max_letter;
    int  file_change = FALSE;
    line_list_ptr ll;
    line_list_ptr temp_ll;

    win = window;
    entab_linebuff( );
    if (un_copy_line( win->ll, win, TRUE ) == ERROR)

    file = win->file_info;
     * remove all hidden windows that point to same file
    file = win->file_info;
    for (wp=g_status.window_list; wp != NULL; wp=wp->next) {
        if (wp->file_info == file) {
            if (!wp->visible) {
                if (wp->prev == NULL) {
                    if (wp->next == NULL)
                        g_status.stop = TRUE;
                        g_status.window_list = wp->next;
                } else
                    wp->prev->next = wp->next;
                if (wp->next)
                    wp->next->prev = wp->prev;
                free( wp );

    if (win->prev == NULL && win->next == NULL)
        g_status.stop = TRUE;

    poof = FALSE;

    if (g_status.stop != TRUE) {
         * see if there are any invisible windows with same top and bottom,
         *  lines, and start_col and end_col as this window.  start looking at
         *  end of window list.
        top       = win->top_line;
        bottom    = win->bottom_line;
        start_col = win->start_col;
        end_col   = win->end_col;
        wp = g_status.window_list;
        if (wp != NULL) {
            while (wp->next != NULL)
                wp = wp->next;
        while (wp != NULL && poof == FALSE) {
            if (wp->top_line == top         &&  wp->bottom_line == bottom  &&
                    wp->start_col == start_col  &&  wp->end_col == end_col     &&
                poof = TRUE;
                wp = wp->prev;

        if (poof == FALSE) {
             * see if there are any windows above
            wp = g_status.window_list;
            while (wp != NULL && poof == FALSE) {
                if (wp->bottom_line+2 == win->top_line &&
                        wp->start_col     == win->start_col &&
                        wp->end_col       == win->end_col   && wp->visible) {
                    poof = TRUE;
                    top  = wp->top_line;
                } else
                    wp = wp->next;
            if (poof == FALSE) {
                 * see if there are any windows below
                wp = g_status.window_list;
                while (wp != NULL && poof == FALSE) {
                    if (wp->top_line-2 == win->bottom_line  &&
                            wp->start_col     == win->start_col &&
                            wp->end_col    == win->end_col   && wp->visible) {
                        poof = TRUE;
                        bottom = wp->bottom_line;
                    } else
                        wp = wp->next;
            if (poof == FALSE) {
                 * see if there are any windows right
                wp = g_status.window_list;
                while (wp != NULL && poof == FALSE) {
                    if (wp->top_line    == win->top_line  &&
                            wp->bottom_line == win->bottom_line &&
                            wp->start_col-2 == win->end_col     && wp->visible) {
                        poof = TRUE;
                        end_col = wp->end_col;
                    } else
                        wp = wp->next;
            if (poof == FALSE) {
                 * see if there are any windows left
                wp = g_status.window_list;
                while (wp != NULL && poof == FALSE) {
                    if (wp->top_line    == win->top_line  &&
                            wp->bottom_line == win->bottom_line &&
                            wp->end_col+2   == win->start_col   && wp->visible) {
                        poof = TRUE;
                        start_col = wp->start_col;
                    } else
                        wp = wp->next;
            if (poof == FALSE) {
                 * see if there are any other invisible windows.  start looking
                 *  at the end of the window list.
                wp = g_status.window_list;
                if (wp != NULL) {
                    while (wp->next != NULL)
                        wp = wp->next;
                while (wp != NULL && poof == FALSE) {
                    if (!wp->visible)
                        poof = TRUE;
                        wp = wp->prev;
        if (poof) {
            wp->visible = TRUE;
            cline = wp->cline - (wp->top_line+wp->ruler);
            wp->top_line = top;
            wp->bottom_line = bottom;
            wp->cline = (wp->top_line+wp->ruler) + cline;
            if (wp->cline > wp->bottom_line)
                wp->cline = wp->top_line+wp->ruler;
            wp->start_col = start_col;
            wp->end_col   = end_col;
            if (start_col == 0 && end_col == g_display.ncols - 1)
                wp->vertical = FALSE;
                wp->vertical = TRUE;
            check_virtual_col( wp, wp->rcol, wp->ccol );
            setup_window( wp );
            show_window_header( wp );
            if (wp->vertical)
                show_vertical_separator( wp );

             * The window above, below, or previously invisible becomes the new
             *  current window.
            g_status.current_window = wp;

    if (!poof && g_status.stop != TRUE)
         * cannot close current window
        error( WARNING, win->bottom_line, win7 );
    else {

         * free unused file memory if necessary
        if (--file->ref_count == 0) {

             * if a block is marked, unmark it
            if (file == g_status.marked_file) {
                g_status.marked      = FALSE;
                g_status.marked_file = NULL;

            for (fp=g_status.file_list; fp != NULL; fp=fp->next) {
                if (fp->file_no > file->file_no)
            file_change = file->file_no;

             * no window now refers to this file, so remove file from the list
            if (file->prev == NULL)
                g_status.file_list = file->next;
                file->prev->next = file->next;
            if (file->next)
                file->next->prev = file->prev;

             * free the line pointers, linked list of line pointers, and
             *  file struc.
            ll = file->undo_top;
            while (ll != NULL) {
                temp_ll = ll->next;
                if (ll->line != NULL)
                    my_free( ll->line );
                my_free( ll );
                ll = temp_ll;

            ll = file->line_list;
            while (ll != NULL) {
                temp_ll = ll->next;
                if (ll->line != NULL)
                    my_free( ll->line );
                my_free( ll );
                ll = temp_ll;

#if defined( __MSC__ )
            _fheapmin( );

            free( file );
            if (--g_status.file_count) {
                show_file_count( g_status.file_count );
                show_avail_mem( );

         * remove the current window from the window list
        if (win->prev == NULL)
            g_status.window_list = win->next;
            win->prev->next = win->next;

        if (win->next)
            win->next->prev = win->prev;

        if (diff.defined  &&  (diff.w1 == win  ||  diff.w2 == win))
            diff.defined = FALSE;

         * free the memory taken by the window structure
        free( win );

        if (g_status.stop == FALSE) {
            g_status.current_file = wp->file_info;
            wp->file_info->dirty = LOCAL;
            make_ruler( wp );
            show_ruler( wp );
            show_window_count( g_status.window_count );
            if (file_change) {
                for (wp=g_status.window_list; wp!=NULL; wp=wp->next)
                    if (wp->visible)
                        show_window_number_letter( wp );
            } else {
                max_letter = 'a';
                for (wp=g_status.window_list; wp!=NULL; wp=wp->next) {
                    if (wp->file_info == file && wp->letter > max_letter)
                        max_letter = wp->letter;
                if (max_letter < file->next_letter - 1)
                    file->next_letter = max_letter + 1;

    if (g_status.stop == TRUE) {
        if (g_status.sas_defined && g_status.sas_arg < g_status.sas_argc) {
            show_avail_mem( );
            for (bottom=0; bottom <= g_display.nlines; bottom++)
                eol_clear( 0, bottom, g_display.text_color );
            bottom  = g_display.nlines;
            set_prompt( win18, bottom );
            top = getkey( );
            top = getfunc( top );
            eol_clear( 0, bottom, g_display.text_color );
            if (top == RepeatGrep) {
                g_status.command = RepeatGrep;
                g_status.window_list = g_status.current_window = NULL;
                if (search_and_seize( g_status.window_list ) != ERROR)
                    g_status.stop = FALSE;
Beispiel #3
 * Name:    initialize_window
 * Purpose: To open a new window
 * Date:    June 5, 1991
 * Returns: OK if window opened successfully
 *          ERROR if anything went wrong
 * Notes:   If this is first window, then set up as normal displayed window;
 *          otherwise, make the present window invisible and open a new
 *          window in the same screen location as the old one.
int  initialize_window( void )
    int  top;
    int  bottom;
    int  start_col;
    int  end_col;
    WINDOW *wp;        /* used for scanning windows */
    WINDOW *window;
    register file_infos *fp;     /* used for scanning files */
    register int rc;
    line_list_ptr ll;
    line_list_ptr temp_ll;

    rc = OK;
    window = g_status.current_window;
    fp = g_status.current_file;
    if (window == NULL) {
         * special case if this is the first window on screen.
        top = start_col = 0;
        bottom  = g_display.nlines;
        end_col = g_display.ncols - 1;
    } else {
         * else put the new window in same place as current window.
         *  make current window invisible.  new window becomes current window.
        top       = window->top_line - 1;
        bottom    = window->bottom_line;
        start_col = window->start_col;
        end_col   = window->end_col;

    assert( top < bottom );
    assert( start_col < end_col );
    assert( fp != NULL );

    if (create_window( &wp, top, bottom, start_col, end_col, fp ) == ERROR) {
         * out of memory
        error( WARNING, bottom, main4 );

         * This is a real nuisance. We had room for the file and the
         *  file structure, but not enough for the window as well.
         * Now we must free all the memory that has already been
         *  allocated.
        if (fp->ref_count == 0) {

             * remove fp from file pointer list.
            if (fp->prev != NULL)
                fp->prev->next = fp->next;
                g_status.file_list = fp->next;

            if (fp->next != NULL)
                fp->next->prev = fp->prev;

             * free the undo stack, line pointers, and linked list.

            ll = fp->undo_top;
            while (ll != NULL) {
                temp_ll = ll->next;
                if (ll->line != NULL)
                    my_free( ll->line );
                my_free( ll );
                ll = temp_ll;

            ll = fp->line_list;
            while (ll != NULL) {
                temp_ll = ll->next;
                if (ll->line != NULL)
                    my_free( ll->line );
                my_free( ll );
                ll = temp_ll;

#if defined( __MSC__ )
            _fheapmin( );

            free( fp );
            wp = g_status.current_window;
            if (wp != NULL && wp->visible)
                g_status.current_file = wp->file_info;
                g_status.stop = TRUE;
        rc = ERROR;

    if (rc != ERROR) {
         * set up the new cursor position as appropriate
        wp->ccol = wp->start_col;
        wp->rcol = wp->bcol = 0;
        wp->rline = 1L;
        wp->ll    = fp->line_list;
        wp->visible = TRUE;
        wp->letter = fp->next_letter++;
        if (window != NULL)
            window->visible = FALSE;

         * the new window becomes the current window.
        g_status.current_window = wp;
    return( rc );