Beispiel #1
static double fp_add(double a, double b, double *lowres)
/* Result is the high part of a+b, with the low part assigned to *lowres */
    double absa, absb;
    if (a >= 0.0) absa = a; else absa = -a;
    if (b >= 0.0) absb = b; else absb = -b;
    if (absa < absb)
    {   double t = a; a = b; b = t;
/* Now a is the larger (in absolute value) of the two numbers */
    if (absb > absa * _two_minus_25)
    {   double al = 0.0, bl = 0.0;
 * If the exponent difference beweeen a and b is no more than 25 then
 * I can add the top part (20 or 24 bits) of a to the top part of b
 * without going beyond the 52 or 56 bits that a full mantissa can hold.
        _fp_normalize(a, al);
        _fp_normalize(b, bl);
        a = a + b;              /* No rounding needed here */
        b = al + bl;
        if (a == 0.0)
        {   a = b;
            b = 0.0;
 * The above step leaves b small wrt the value in a (unless a+b led
 * to substantial cancellation of leading digits), but leaves the high
 * part a with bits everywhere.  Force low part of a to zero.
    {   double al = 0.0;
        _fp_normalize(a, al);
        b = b + al;
    if (a >= 0.0) absa = a; else absa = -a;
    if (b >= 0.0) absb = b; else absb = -b;
    if (absb > absa * _two_minus_25)
 * If on input a is close to -b, then a+b is close to zero.  In this
 * case the exponents of a abd b matched, and so earlier calculations
 * have all been done exactly.  Go around again to split residue into
 * high and low parts.
    {   double al = 0.0, bl = 0.0;
        _fp_normalize(b, bl);
        a = a + b;
        _fp_normalize(a, al);
        b = bl + al;
    *lowres = b;
    return a;
Beispiel #2
_big_binary_to_unpacked(_big_float *pb, unpacked *pu)
	/* Convert a binary big_float to a binary_unpacked.	 */

	int             ib, iu;

#ifdef DEBUG
	assert(pb->bsignificand[pb->blength - 1] != 0);	/* Assert pb is
							 * normalized. */

	iu = 0;
	for (ib = pb->blength - 1; ((ib - 1) >= 0) && (iu < UNPACKED_SIZE); ib -= 2) {
		pu->significand[iu++] = pb->bsignificand[ib] << 16 | pb->bsignificand[ib - 1];
	if (iu < UNPACKED_SIZE) {	/* The big float fits in the unpacked
					 * with no rounding. 	 */
		if (ib == 0)
			pu->significand[iu++] = pb->bsignificand[ib] << 16;
		for (; iu < UNPACKED_SIZE; iu++)
			pu->significand[iu] = 0;
	} else {		/* The big float is too big; chop, stick, and
				 * normalize. */
		while (pb->bsignificand[ib] == 0)
		if (ib >= 0)
			pu->significand[UNPACKED_SIZE - 1] |= 1;	/* Stick lsb if nonzero
									 * found. */

	pu->exponent = 16 * pb->blength + pb->bexponent - 1;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" _big_binary_to_unpacked \n");
Beispiel #3
Complex MS_CDECL Cpow(Complex z1, Complex z2)
    double a = z1.real, b = z1.imag,
           c = z2.real, d = z2.imag;
    int k, m, n;
    double scale;
    double logrh, logrl, thetah, thetal;
    double r, i, rh, rl, ih, il, clow, dlow, q;
    double cw, sw, cost, sint;

    if (b == 0.0 && d == 0.0 && a >= 0.0)/* Simple case if both args are real */
    {   z1.real = pow(a, c);
        z1.imag = 0.0;
        return z1;
 * Start by scaling z1 by dividing out a power of 2 so that |z1| is
 * fairly close to 1
    if (a == 0.0)
    {   if (b == 0.0) return z1;    /* 0.0**anything is really an error */
/* The exact values returned by frexp do not matter here */
        (void)frexp(b, &k);
    {   (void)frexp(a, &k);
        if (b != 0.0)
        {   int n;
            (void)frexp(b, &n);
            if (n > k) k = n;
    scale = ldexp(1.0, k);
    a /= scale;
    b /= scale;
 * The idea next is to express z1 as r*exp(i theta), then z1**z2
 * is exp(z2*log(z1)) and the exponent simplifies to
 *             (c*log r - d*theta) + i(c theta + d log r).
 * Note r = scale*sqrt(a*a + b*b) now.
 * The argument for exp() must be computed to noticably more than
 * regular precision, since otherwise exp() greatly magnifies the
 * error in the real part (if it is large and positive) and range
 * reduction in the imaginary part can equally lead to accuracy
 * problems.  Neither c nor d can usefully be anywhere near the
 * extreme range of floating point values, so I will not even try
 * to scale them, thus I will end up happy(ish) if I can compute
 * atan2(b, a) and log(|z1|) in one-and-a-half precision form.
 * It would be best to compute theta in units of pi/4 rather than in
 * raidians, since then the case of z^n (integer n) with arg(z) an
 * exact multiple of pi/4 would work out better. However at present I
 * just hope that the 1.5-precision working is good enough.
    extended_atan2(b, a, &thetah, &thetal);
    extended_log(k, a, b, &logrh, &logrl);

/* Normalise all numbers */
    clow = 0.0;
    dlow = 0.0;
    _fp_normalize(c, clow);
    _fp_normalize(d, dlow);

/*  (rh, rl) = c*logr - d*theta; */
    rh = c*logrh - d*thetah;  /* No rounding in this computation */
    rl = c*logrl + clow*(logrh + logrl) - d*thetal - dlow*(thetah + thetal);

/*  (ih, il) = c*theta + d*logr; */
    ih = c*thetah + d*logrh;  /* No rounding in this computation */
    il = c*thetal + clow*(thetah + thetal) + d*logrl + dlow*(logrh + logrl);

 * Now it remains to take the exponential of the extended precision
 * value in ((rh, rl), (ih, il)).
 * Range reduce the real part by multiples of log(2), and the imaginary
 * part by multiples of pi/2.

    rh = fp_add(rh, rl, &rl);   /* renormalise */
    r = rh + rl;                /* Approximate value */

#define _recip_log_2 1.4426950408889634074

    q = r * _recip_log_2;
    m = (q < 0.0) ? (int)(q - 0.5) : (int)(q + 0.5);
    q = (double)m;
#undef _recip_log_2
 * log 2 = 11629080/2^24  - 0.000 00000 19046 54299 95776 78785
 * to reasonable accuracy.  It is vital that the exact part be
 * read in as a number with lots of low zero bits, so when it gets
 * multiplied by the integer q there is NO rounding needed.

#define _exact_part_log2    0.693147182464599609375
#define _approx_part_log2 (-1.9046542999577678785418e-9)
    rh = rh - q*_exact_part_log2;
    rl = rl - q*_approx_part_log2;
#undef _exact_part_log2
#undef _approx_part_log2
    r = exp(rh + rl);        /* This should now be accurate enough */

    ih = fp_add(ih, il, &il);
    i = ih + il;        /* Approximate value */

#define _recip_pi_by_2 0.6366197723675813431

    q = i * _recip_pi_by_2;
    n = (q < 0.0) ? (int)(q - 0.5) : (int)(q + 0.5);
    q = (double)n;
 * pi/2 = 105414357/2^26 + 0.000 00000 09920 93579 68054 04416 39751
 * to reasonable accuracy.  It is vital that the exact part be
 * read in as a number with lots of low zero bits, so when it gets
 * multiplied by the integer q there is NO rounding needed.

#define _exact_part_pi2    1.57079632580280303955078125
#define _approx_part_pi2   9.92093579680540441639751e-10
    ih = ih - q*_exact_part_pi2;
    il = il - q*_approx_part_pi2;
#undef _recip_pi_by_2
#undef _exact_part_pi2
#undef _approx_part_pi2
    i = ih + il;            /* Now accurate enough */
 * Having done super-careful range reduction I can call the regular
 * sin/cos routines here.  If sin/cos could both be computed together
 * that could speed things up a little bit, but by this stage they have
 * not much in common.
    cw = cos(i);
    sw = sin(i);
    switch (n & 3)  /* quadrant control */
case 0: cost = cw;  sint = sw;  break;
case 1: cost = -sw; sint = cw;  break;
case 2: cost = -cw; sint = -sw; break;
case 3: cost = sw;  sint = -cw; break;

 * Now, at long last, I can assemble the results and return.

    z1.real = ldexp(r*cost, m);
    z1.imag = ldexp(r*sint, m);
    return z1;
Beispiel #4
static void extended_log(int k, double a, double b,
                         double *logrh, double *logrl)
 * If we had exact arithmetic this procedure could be:
 *      k*log(2) + 0.5*log(a^2 + b^2)
    double al = 0.0, bl = 0.0, all = 0.0, bll = 0.0, c, ch, cl, cll;
    double w, q, qh, ql, rh, rl;
    int n;
 * First (a^2 + b^2) is calculated, using extra precision.
 * Because any rounding at this stage can lead to bad errors in
 * the power that I eventually want to compute, I use 3-word
 * arithmetic here, and with the version of _fp_normalize given
 * above and IEEE or IBM370 arithmetic this part of the
 * computation is exact.
    _fp_normalize(a, al); _fp_normalize(al, all);
    _fp_normalize(b, bl); _fp_normalize(bl, bll);
    ch = a*a + b*b;
    cl = 2.0*(a*al + b*bl);
    cll = (al*al + bl*bl) +
          all*(2.0*(a + al) + all) +
          bll*(2.0*(b + bl) + bll);
    _fp_normalize(ch, cl);
    _fp_normalize(cl, cll);
    c = ch + (cl + cll);        /* single precision approximation */
 * At this stage the scaling of the input value will mean that we
 * have 0.25 <= c <= 2.0
 * Now rewrite things as
 *      (2*k + n)*log(s) + 0.5*log((a^2 + b^2)/2^n))
 *           where s = sqrt(2)
 * and where the arg to the log is in sqrt(0.5), sqrt(2)

#define _sqrt_half 0.70710678118654752440
#define _sqrt_two  1.41421356237309504880
    k = 2*k;
    while (c < _sqrt_half)
    {   k   -= 1;
        ch  *= 2.0;
        cl  *= 2.0;
        cll *= 2.0;
        c   *= 2.0;
    while (c > _sqrt_two)
    {   k   += 1;
        ch  *= 0.5;
        cl  *= 0.5;
        cll *= 0.5;
        c   *= 0.5;
#undef _sqrt_half
#undef _sqrt_two
    n = (int)(16.0/c + 0.5);
    w = (double)n / 16.0;
    ch *= w;
    cl *= w;
    cll *= w;           /* Now |c-1| < 0.04317 */
    ch = (ch - 0.5) - 0.5;
    ch = fp_add(ch, cl, &cl);
    cl = cl + cll;
 * (ch, cl) is now the reduced argument ready for calculating log(1+c),
 * and now that the reduction is over I can drop back to the use of just
 * two doubleprecision values to represent c.
    c = ch + cl;
    qh = c / (2.0 + c);
    ql = 0.0;
    _fp_normalize(qh, ql);
    ql = ((ch - qh*(2.0 + ch)) + cl - qh*cl) / (2.0 + c);
/* (qh, ql) is now c/(2.0 + c) */
    rh = qh;  /* 18 bits bigger than low part will end up */
    q = qh + ql;
    w = q*q;
    rl = ql + q*w*(0.33333333333333333333 +
                w*(0.20000000000000000000 +
                w*(0.14285714285714285714 +
                w*(0.11111111111111111111 +
 * (rh, rl) is now atan(c) correct to double precision plus about 18 bits.

    {   double temp;
        static struct { double h; double l; } _log_table[] = {
 * The following values are (in extra precision) -log(n/16)/2 for n
 * in the range 11 to 23 (i.e. roughly over sqrt(2)/2 to sqrt(2))
            {  0.1873466968536376953125,    2.786706765149099245e-8 },
            {  0.1438410282135009765625,    0.801238948715710950e-8 },
            {  0.103819668292999267578125,  1.409612298322959552e-8 },
            {  0.066765725612640380859375, -2.930037906928620319e-8 },
            {  0.0322692394256591796875,    2.114312640614896196e-8 },
            {  0.0,                         0.0                     },
            { -0.0303122997283935546875,   -1.117982386660280307e-8 },
            { -0.0588915348052978515625,    1.697710612429310295e-8 },
            { -0.08592510223388671875,     -2.622944289242004947e-8 },
            { -0.111571788787841796875,     1.313073691899185245e-8 },
            { -0.135966837406158447265625, -2.033566243215020975e-8 },
            { -0.159226894378662109375,     2.881939480146987639e-8 },
            { -0.18145275115966796875,      0.431498374218108783e-8 }};

        rh = fp_add(rh, _log_table[n-11].h, &temp);
        rl = temp + _log_table[n-11].l + rl;

#define _exact_part_logroot2    0.3465735912322998046875
#define _approx_part_logroot2   (-9.5232714997888393927e-10)
/* Multiply this by k and add it in */
    {   double temp, kd = (double)k;
        rh = fp_add(rh, kd*_exact_part_logroot2, &temp);
        rl = rl + temp + kd*_approx_part_logroot2;
#undef _exact_part_logroot2
#undef _approx_part_logroot2

    *logrh = rh;
    *logrl = rl;
Beispiel #5
static void extended_atan2(double b, double a, double *thetah, double *thetal)
    int octant;
    double rh, rl, thh, thl;
 * First reduce the argument to the first octant (i.e. a, b both +ve,
 * and b <= a).
    if (b < 0.0)
    {   octant = 4;
        a = -a;
        b = -b;
    else octant = 0;
    if (a < 0.0)
    {   double t = a;
        octant += 2;
        a = b;
        b = -t;
    if (b > a)
    {   double t = a;
        octant += 1;
        a = b;
        b = t;

    {   static struct { double h; double l;} _atan[] = {
 * The table here gives atan(n/16) in 1.5-precision for n=0..16
 * Note that all the magic numbers used in this file were calculated
 * using the REDUCE bigfloat package, and all the 'exact' parts have
 * a denominator of at worst 2^26 and so are expected to have lots
 * of trailing zero bits in their floating point representation.
            { 0.0,                        0.0 },
            { 0.06241881847381591796875,  -0.84778585694947708870e-8 },
            { 0.124355018138885498046875, -2.35921240630155201508e-8 },
            { 0.185347974300384521484375, -2.43046897565983490387e-8 },
            { 0.2449786663055419921875,   -0.31786778380154175187e-8 },
            { 0.302884876728057861328125, -0.83530864557675689054e-8 },
            { 0.358770668506622314453125,  0.17639499059427950639e-8 },
            { 0.412410438060760498046875,  0.35366268088529162896e-8 },
            { 0.4636476039886474609375,    0.50121586552767562314e-8 },
            { 0.512389481067657470703125, -2.07569197640365239794e-8 },
            { 0.558599293231964111328125,  2.21115983246433832164e-8 },
            { 0.602287352085113525390625, -0.59501493437085023057e-8 },
            { 0.643501102924346923828125,  0.58689374629746842287e-8 },
            { 0.6823165416717529296875,    1.32029951485689299817e-8 },
            { 0.71882998943328857421875,   1.01883359311982641515e-8 },
            { 0.75315129756927490234375,  -1.66070805128190106297e-8 },
            { 0.785398185253143310546875, -2.18556950009312141541e-8 }
        int k = (int)(16.0*(b/a + 0.03125)); /* 0 to 16 */
        double kd = (double)k/16.0;
        double ah = a, al = 0.0,
               bh = b, bl = 0.0,
               ch, cl, q, q2;
        _fp_normalize(ah, al);
        _fp_normalize(bh, bl);
        ch = bh - ah*kd; cl = bl - al*kd;
        ah = ah + bh*kd; al = al + bl*kd;
        bh = ch; bl = cl;
/* Now |(a/b)| <= 1/32 */
        ah = fp_add(ah, al, &al);       /* Re-normalise */
        bh = fp_add(bh, bl, &bl);
/* Compute approximation to b/a */
        rh = (bh + bl)/(ah + al); rl = 0.0;
        _fp_normalize(rh, rl);
        bh -= ah*rh; bl -= al*rh;
        rl = (bh + bl)/(ah + al);   /* Quotient now formed */
 * Now it is necessary to compute atan(q) to one-and-a-half precision.
 * Since |q| < 1/32 I will leave just q as the high order word of
 * the result and compute atan(q)-q as a single precision value. This
 * gives about 16 bits accuracy beyond regular single precision work.
        q = rh + rl;
        q2 = q*q;
/* The expansion the follows could be done better using a minimax poly */
        rl -= q*q2*(0.33333333333333333333 -
                q2*(0.20000000000000000000 -
                q2*(0.14285714285714285714 -
                q2*(0.11111111111111111111 -
                q2* 0.09090909090909090909))));
/* OK - now (rh, rl) is atan(reduced b/a).  Need to add on atan(kd) */
        rh += _atan[k].h;
        rl += _atan[k].l;
 * The following constants give high precision versions of pi and pi/2,
 * and the high partwords (p2h and pih) have lots of low order zero bits
 * in their binary representation.  Expect (=require) that the arithmetic
 * that computes thh is done without introduced rounding error.
#define _p2h    1.57079632580280303955078125
#define _p2l    9.92093579680540441639751e-10

#define _pih    3.14159265160560607910156250
#define _pil    1.984187159361080883279502e-9

    switch (octant)
case 0: thh = rh;          thl = rl;          break;
case 1: thh = _p2h - rh;   thl = _p2l - rl;   break;
case 2: thh = _p2h + rh;   thl = _p2l + rl;   break;
case 3: thh = _pih - rh;   thl = _pil - rl;   break;
case 4: thh = -_pih + rh;  thl = -_pil + rl;  break;
case 5: thh = -_p2h - rh;  thl = -_p2l - rl;  break;
case 6: thh = -_p2h + rh;  thl = -_p2l + rl;  break;
case 7: thh = -rh;         thl = -rl;         break;

#undef _p2h
#undef _p2l
#undef _pih
#undef _pil

    *thetah = fp_add(thh, thl, thetal);