Beispiel #1
 * g_list_copy_deep:
 * @list: a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @func: a copy function used to copy every element in the list
 * @user_data: user data passed to the copy function @func, or %NULL
 * Makes a full (deep) copy of a #GList.
 * In contrast with g_list_copy(), this function uses @func to make
 * a copy of each list element, in addition to copying the list
 * container itself.
 * @func, as a #GCopyFunc, takes two arguments, the data to be copied
 * and a @user_data pointer. It's safe to pass %NULL as user_data,
 * if the copy function takes only one argument.
 * For instance, if @list holds a list of GObjects, you can do:
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->   
 * another_list = g_list_copy_deep (list, (GCopyFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
 * ]|
 * And, to entirely free the new list, you could do:
 * |[<!-- language="C" --> 
 * g_list_free_full (another_list, g_object_unref);
 * ]|
 * Returns: the start of the new list that holds a full copy of @list, 
 *     use g_list_free_full() to free it
 * Since: 2.34
GList *
g_list_copy_deep (GList     *list,
                  GCopyFunc  func,
                  gpointer   user_data)
  GList *new_list = NULL;

  if (list)
      GList *last;

      new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
      if (func)
        new_list->data = func (list->data, user_data);
        new_list->data = list->data;
      new_list->prev = NULL;
      last = new_list;
      list = list->next;
      while (list)
          last->next = _g_list_alloc ();
          last->next->prev = last;
          last = last->next;
          if (func)
            last->data = func (list->data, user_data);
            last->data = list->data;
          list = list->next;
      last->next = NULL;

  return new_list;
Beispiel #2
 * g_list_copy:
 * @list: a #GList
 * Copies a #GList.
 * <note><para>
 * Note that this is a "shallow" copy. If the list elements 
 * consist of pointers to data, the pointers are copied but 
 * the actual data is not.
 * </para></note>
 * Returns: a copy of @list
g_list_copy (GList *list)
  GList *new_list = NULL;

  if (list)
      GList *last;

      new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
      new_list->data = list->data;
      new_list->prev = NULL;
      last = new_list;
      list = list->next;
      while (list)
	  last->next = _g_list_alloc ();
	  last->next->prev = last;
	  last = last->next;
	  last->data = list->data;
	  list = list->next;
      last->next = NULL;

  return new_list;
Beispiel #3
 * g_list_insert_before:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @sibling: the list element before which the new element
 *     is inserted or %NULL to insert at the end of the list
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * Inserts a new element into the list before the given position.
 * Returns: the (possibly changed) start of the #GList
GList *
g_list_insert_before (GList    *list,
                      GList    *sibling,
                      gpointer  data)
  if (!list)
      list = g_list_alloc ();
      list->data = data;
      g_return_val_if_fail (sibling == NULL, list);
      return list;
  else if (sibling)
      GList *node;

      node = _g_list_alloc ();
      if (node == NULL) {
        return NULL;
      node->data = data;
      node->prev = sibling->prev;
      node->next = sibling;
      sibling->prev = node;
      if (node->prev)
          node->prev->next = node;
          return list;
          g_return_val_if_fail (sibling == list, node);
          return node;
      GList *last;

      last = list;
      while (last->next)
        last = last->next;

      last->next = _g_list_alloc ();
      if (last->next == NULL) {
        return NULL;
      last->next->data = data;
      last->next->prev = last;
      last->next->next = NULL;

      return list;
Beispiel #4
 * g_list_insert:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * @position: the position to insert the element. If this is
 *     negative, or is larger than the number of elements in the
 *     list, the new element is added on to the end of the list.
 * Inserts a new element into the list at the given position.
 * Returns: the (possibly changed) start of the #GList
GList *
g_list_insert (GList    *list,
               gpointer  data,
               gint      position)
  GList *new_list;
  GList *tmp_list;

  if (position < 0)
    return g_list_append (list, data);
  else if (position == 0)
    return g_list_prepend (list, data);

  tmp_list = g_list_nth (list, position);
  if (!tmp_list)
    return g_list_append (list, data);

  new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
  if (new_list == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  new_list->data = data;
  new_list->prev = tmp_list->prev;
  tmp_list->prev->next = new_list;
  new_list->next = tmp_list;
  tmp_list->prev = new_list;

  return list;
Beispiel #5
 * g_list_prepend:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * Prepends a new element on to the start of the list.
 * Note that the return value is the new start of the list,
 * which will have changed, so make sure you store the new value.
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
 * // Notice that it is initialized to the empty list.
 * GList *list = NULL;
 * list = g_list_prepend (list, "last");
 * list = g_list_prepend (list, "first");
 * ]|
 * Do not use this function to prepend a new element to a different
 * element than the start of the list. Use g_list_insert_before() instead.
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly prepended element, which is the new
 *     start of the #GList
GList *
g_list_prepend (GList    *list,
                gpointer  data)
  GList *new_list;

  new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
  if (new_list == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  new_list->data = data;
  new_list->next = list;

  if (list)
      new_list->prev = list->prev;
      if (list->prev)
        list->prev->next = new_list;
      list->prev = new_list;
    new_list->prev = NULL;

  return new_list;
Beispiel #6
 * g_list_append:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * Adds a new element on to the end of the list.
 * Note that the return value is the new start of the list,
 * if @list was empty; make sure you store the new value.
 * g_list_append() has to traverse the entire list to find the end,
 * which is inefficient when adding multiple elements. A common idiom
 * to avoid the inefficiency is to use g_list_prepend() and reverse
 * the list with g_list_reverse() when all elements have been added.
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
 * // Notice that these are initialized to the empty list.
 * GList *string_list = NULL, *number_list = NULL;
 * // This is a list of strings.
 * string_list = g_list_append (string_list, "first");
 * string_list = g_list_append (string_list, "second");
 * // This is a list of integers.
 * number_list = g_list_append (number_list, GINT_TO_POINTER (27));
 * number_list = g_list_append (number_list, GINT_TO_POINTER (14));
 * ]|
 * Returns: either @list or the new start of the #GList if @list was %NULL
GList *
g_list_append (GList    *list,
               gpointer  data)
  GList *new_list;
  GList *last;

  new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
  if (new_list == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  new_list->data = data;
  new_list->next = NULL;

  if (list)
      last = g_list_last (list);
      /* g_assert (last != NULL); */
      last->next = new_list;
      new_list->prev = last;

      return list;
      new_list->prev = NULL;
      return new_list;
Beispiel #7
 * g_list_insert:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * @position: the position to insert the element. If this is 
 *     negative, or is larger than the number of elements in the 
 *     list, the new element is added on to the end of the list.
 * Inserts a new element into the list at the given position.
 * Returns: the (possibly changed) start of the #GList
GList *
g_list_insert (GList    *list,
               gpointer  data,
               gint      position)
  GList *new_list;
  GList *tmp_list;

  if (position < 0)
    return g_list_append (list, data);
  else if (position == 0)
    return g_list_prepend (list, data);

  tmp_list = g_list_nth (list, position);
  if (!tmp_list)
    return g_list_append (list, data);

  new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
  new_list->data = data;
  new_list->prev = tmp_list->prev;
  tmp_list->prev->next = new_list;
  new_list->next = tmp_list;
  tmp_list->prev = new_list;

  return list;
Beispiel #8
 * g_list_append:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * Adds a new element on to the end of the list.
 * Note that the return value is the new start of the list,
 * if @list was empty; make sure you store the new value.
 * g_list_append() has to traverse the entire list to find the end,
 * which is inefficient when adding multiple elements. A common idiom
 * to avoid the inefficiency is to use g_list_prepend() and reverse
 * the list with g_list_reverse() when all elements have been added.
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
 * // Notice that these are initialized to the empty list.
 * GList *string_list = NULL, *number_list = NULL;
 * // This is a list of strings.
 * string_list = g_list_append (string_list, "first");
 * string_list = g_list_append (string_list, "second");
 * // This is a list of integers.
 * number_list = g_list_append (number_list, GINT_TO_POINTER (27));
 * number_list = g_list_append (number_list, GINT_TO_POINTER (14));
 * ]|
 * Returns: either @list or the new start of the #GList if @list was %NULL
GList *
g_list_append (GList    *list,
               gpointer  data)
  GList *new_list;
  GList *last;
  new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
  new_list->data = data;
  new_list->next = NULL;
  if (list)
      last = g_list_last (list);
      /* g_assert (last != NULL); */
      last->next = new_list;
      new_list->prev = last;

      return list;
      new_list->prev = NULL;
      return new_list;
Beispiel #9
 * g_list_copy_deep:
 * @list: a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @func: a copy function used to copy every element in the list
 * @user_data: user data passed to the copy function @func, or %NULL
 * Makes a full (deep) copy of a #GList.
 * In contrast with g_list_copy(), this function uses @func to make
 * a copy of each list element, in addition to copying the list
 * container itself.
 * @func, as a #GCopyFunc, takes two arguments, the data to be copied
 * and a @user_data pointer. It's safe to pass %NULL as user_data,
 * if the copy function takes only one argument.
 * For instance, if @list holds a list of GObjects, you can do:
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
 * another_list = g_list_copy_deep (list, (GCopyFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
 * ]|
 * And, to entirely free the new list, you could do:
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
 * g_list_free_full (another_list, g_object_unref);
 * ]|
 * Returns: the start of the new list that holds a full copy of @list,
 *     use g_list_free_full() to free it
 * Since: 2.34
GList *
g_list_copy_deep (GList     *list,
                  GCopyFunc  func,
                  gpointer   user_data)
  GList *new_list = NULL;

  if (list)
      GList *last;

      new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
      if (new_list == NULL) {
        return NULL;
      if (func)
        new_list->data = func (list->data, user_data);
        new_list->data = list->data;
      new_list->prev = NULL;
      last = new_list;
      list = list->next;
      while (list)
          last->next = _g_list_alloc ();
          if (last->next == NULL) {
            return NULL;
          last->next->prev = last;
          last = last->next;
          if (func)
            last->data = func (list->data, user_data);
            last->data = list->data;
          list = list->next;
      last->next = NULL;

  return new_list;
Beispiel #10
GList *g_list_append(GList *list, void *data) {
	GList *new_list;
	GList *last;
	new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
	new_list->data = data;
	if (list) {
		last = g_list_last (list);
		/* g_assert (last != NULL); */
		last->next = new_list;
		return list;
		return new_list;
Beispiel #11
 * g_list_prepend:
 * @list: a pointer to a #GList, this must point to the top of the list
 * @data: the data for the new element
 * Prepends a new element on to the start of the list.
 * Note that the return value is the new start of the list,
 * which will have changed, so make sure you store the new value. 
 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
 * // Notice that it is initialized to the empty list.
 * GList *list = NULL;
 * list = g_list_prepend (list, "last");
 * list = g_list_prepend (list, "first");
 * ]|
 * Do not use this function to prepend a new element to a different
 * element than the start of the list. Use g_list_insert_before() instead.
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly prepended element, which is the new 
 *     start of the #GList
GList *
g_list_prepend (GList    *list,
                gpointer  data)
  GList *new_list;
  new_list = _g_list_alloc ();
  new_list->data = data;
  new_list->next = list;
  if (list)
      new_list->prev = list->prev;
      if (list->prev)
        list->prev->next = new_list;
      list->prev = new_list;
    new_list->prev = NULL;
  return new_list;