Beispiel #1
void ScatterSky::_getSunColor( ColorF *outColor )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ScatterSky_GetSunColor );

   U32 count = 0;
   ColorF tmpColor( 0, 0, 0 );
   VectorF tmpVec( 0, 0, 0 );

   tmpVec = mLightDir;
   tmpVec.x *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
   tmpVec.y *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
   tmpVec.z *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
   tmpVec.z -= smAtmosphereRadius;

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
      _getColor( tmpVec, &tmpColor );
      (*outColor) += tmpColor;
      tmpVec.x += (smEarthRadius * 0.5f) + (smAtmosphereRadius * 0.5f);

   if ( count > 0 )
      (*outColor) /= count;
Beispiel #2
void SfmlHandler::drawBlock(int x, int y, eColor color){

	// Create a Rectangle
	sf::RectangleShape block(sf::Vector2f(BLOCK_SIZE ,BLOCK_SIZE));

	block.setPosition(x * BLOCK_SIZE, y  * BLOCK_SIZE);


Beispiel #3
void ScatterSky::_getFogColor( ColorF *outColor )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ScatterSky_GetFogColor );

   VectorF scatterPos( 0, 0, 0 );

   F32 sunBrightness = mSkyBrightness;
   mSkyBrightness *= 0.25f;

   F32 yaw = 0, pitch = 0, originalYaw = 0;
   VectorF fwd( 0, 1.0f, 0 );
   MathUtils::getAnglesFromVector( fwd, yaw, pitch );
   originalYaw = yaw;
   pitch = mDegToRad( 10.0f );

   ColorF tmpColor( 0, 0, 0 );

   U32 i = 0;
   for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
      MathUtils::getVectorFromAngles( scatterPos, yaw, pitch );

      scatterPos.x *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
      scatterPos.y *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
      scatterPos.z *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
      scatterPos.y -= smEarthRadius;

      _getColor( scatterPos, &tmpColor );
      (*outColor) += tmpColor;

      if ( i <= 5 )
         yaw += mDegToRad( 5.0f );
         originalYaw += mDegToRad( -5.0f );
         yaw = originalYaw;

      yaw = mFmod( yaw, M_2PI_F );

   if ( i > 0 )
      (*outColor) /= i;

   mSkyBrightness = sunBrightness;
Beispiel #4
void ScatterSky::_getAmbientColor( ColorF *outColor )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( ScatterSky_GetAmbientColor );

   ColorF tmpColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
   U32 count = 0;

   // Disable mieScattering for purposes of calculating the ambient color.
   F32 oldMieScattering = mMieScattering;
   mMieScattering = 0.0f;

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < mSkyPoints.size(); i++ )
      Point3F pnt( mSkyPoints[i] );

      _getColor( pnt, &tmpColor );
      (*outColor) += tmpColor;

   if ( count > 0 )
      (*outColor) /= count;
   mMieScattering = oldMieScattering;