    void Bone::setBindingPose(void)

        // Save inverse derived position/scale/orientation, used for calculate offset transform later
        mBindDerivedInversePosition = - _getDerivedPosition();
        mBindDerivedInverseScale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE / _getDerivedScale();
        mBindDerivedInverseOrientation = _getDerivedOrientation().Inverse();
Beispiel #2
	//  [7/30/2008 zhangxiang]
	const Matrix4 &sgNode::getFullTransform(void) const{
			// Use derived values
			m_bCachedTransformOutOfDate = false;
		return m_CachedTransform;
    void Bone::_getOffsetTransform(Matrix4& m) const
        // Combine scale with binding pose inverse scale,
        // NB just combine as equivalent axes, no shearing
        Vector3 scale = _getDerivedScale() * mBindDerivedInverseScale;

        // Combine orientation with binding pose inverse orientation
        Quaternion rotate = _getDerivedOrientation() * mBindDerivedInverseOrientation;

        // Combine position with binding pose inverse position,
        // Note that translation is relative to scale & rotation,
        // so first reverse transform original derived position to
        // binding pose bone space, and then transform to current
        // derived bone space.
        Vector3 translate = _getDerivedPosition() + rotate * (scale * mBindDerivedInversePosition);

        m.makeTransform(translate, scale, rotate);
Beispiel #4
	//  [7/30/2008 zhangxiang]
	const Vector3 &sgNode::absoluteScale(void) const{
		return _getDerivedScale();