Beispiel #1
static void updateWindowStyle(_GLFWwindow* window)
    SetWindowLongPtr(window->win32.handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, getWindowExStyle(window));
    SetWindowLongPtr(window->win32.handle, GWL_STYLE, getWindowStyle(window));
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
                              const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
                              const _GLFWctxconfig* ctxconfig,
                              const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig)
    int status;

    if (!createWindow(window, wndconfig, ctxconfig, fbconfig))
        return GL_FALSE;

    status = _glfwAnalyzeContext(window, ctxconfig, fbconfig);

        return GL_FALSE;

    if (status == _GLFW_RECREATION_REQUIRED)
        // Some window hints require us to re-create the context using WGL
        // extensions retrieved through the current context, as we cannot check
        // for WGL extensions or retrieve WGL entry points before we have a
        // current context (actually until we have implicitly loaded the ICD)

        // Yes, this is strange, and yes, this is the proper way on Win32

        // As Windows only allows you to set the pixel format once for a
        // window, we need to destroy the current window and create a new one
        // to be able to use the new pixel format

        // Technically, it may be possible to keep the old window around if
        // we're just creating an OpenGL 3.0+ context with the same pixel
        // format, but it's not worth the added code complexity

        // First we clear the current context (the one we just created)
        // This is usually done by glfwDestroyWindow, but as we're not doing
        // full GLFW window destruction, it's duplicated here

        // Next destroy the Win32 window and WGL context (without resetting or
        // destroying the GLFW window object)

        // ...and then create them again, this time with better APIs
        if (!createWindow(window, wndconfig, ctxconfig, fbconfig))
            return GL_FALSE;

    if (window->monitor)
        if (!enterFullscreenMode(window))
            return GL_FALSE;

    return GL_TRUE;
Beispiel #3
GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow(GLFWwindow* handle)
    _GLFWwindow* window = (_GLFWwindow*) handle;


    if (window->monitor)

Beispiel #4
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
			      const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
			      const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig)
    window->refreshRate = wndconfig->refreshRate;

    if (!_glfwCreateContext(window, wndconfig, fbconfig))
	return GL_FALSE;

    if (!createWindow(window, wndconfig))
	return GL_FALSE;

    if (wndconfig->mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN)
#if defined(_GLFW_HAS_XRANDR)
	// Request screen change notifications
	if (_glfwLibrary.X11.RandR.available)
#endif /*_GLFW_HAS_XRANDR*/


    // Retrieve and set initial cursor position
	Window cursorWindow, cursorRoot;
	int windowX, windowY, rootX, rootY;
	unsigned int mask;

		      &rootX, &rootY,
		      &windowX, &windowY,

	// TODO: Probably check for some corner cases here.

	window->cursorPosX = windowX;
	window->cursorPosY = windowY;

    return GL_TRUE;
Beispiel #5
GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow(GLFWwindow* handle)
    _GLFWwindow* window = (_GLFWwindow*) handle;

    if (!_glfwInitialized)
        _glfwInputError(GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, NULL);

    if (window->monitor)

Beispiel #6
GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow(GLFWwindow* handle)
    _GLFWwindow* window = (_GLFWwindow*) handle;
    assert(window != NULL);


    if (window->monitor)


    if (window->focusOnShow)
Beispiel #7
GLFWAPI void glfwShowWindow(GLFWwindow handle)
    _GLFWwindow* window = (_GLFWwindow*) handle;

    if (!_glfwInitialized)
        _glfwSetError(GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, NULL);

    if (window->mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN)

Beispiel #8
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
                              const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
                              const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig)
    if (!_glfwCreateContext(window, wndconfig, fbconfig))
        return GL_FALSE;

    if (!createWindow(window, wndconfig))
        return GL_FALSE;

    if (wndconfig->monitor)

    return GL_TRUE;
Beispiel #9
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
                              const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
                              const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig)
    if (!_glfwCreateContext(window, wndconfig, fbconfig))
        return GL_FALSE;

    if (!createWindow(window, wndconfig))
        return GL_FALSE;

    if (wndconfig->monitor)

    // Retrieve and set initial cursor position
        Window cursorWindow, cursorRoot;
        int windowX, windowY, rootX, rootY;
        unsigned int mask;

                      &rootX, &rootY,
                      &windowX, &windowY,

        // TODO: Probably check for some corner cases here.

        window->cursorPosX = windowX;
        window->cursorPosY = windowY;

    return GL_TRUE;
Beispiel #10
int _glfwPlatformCreateWindow(_GLFWwindow* window,
                              const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig,
                              const _GLFWctxconfig* ctxconfig,
                              const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig)
    if (!createNativeWindow(window, wndconfig))
        return GLFW_FALSE;

    if (ctxconfig->client != GLFW_NO_API)
        if (ctxconfig->source == GLFW_NATIVE_CONTEXT_API)
            if (!_glfwInitWGL())
                return GLFW_FALSE;
            if (!_glfwCreateContextWGL(window, ctxconfig, fbconfig))
                return GLFW_FALSE;
            if (!_glfwInitEGL())
                return GLFW_FALSE;
            if (!_glfwCreateContextEGL(window, ctxconfig, fbconfig))
                return GLFW_FALSE;

    if (window->monitor)
        if (!acquireMonitor(window))
            return GLFW_FALSE;


    return GLFW_TRUE;
Beispiel #11
GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height,
                                     const char* title,
                                     GLFWmonitor* monitor,
                                     GLFWwindow* share)
    _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig;
    _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig;
    _GLFWwndconfig wndconfig;
    _GLFWwindow* window;
    _GLFWwindow* previous;

    assert(title != NULL);


    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
                        "Invalid window size %ix%i",
                        width, height);

        return NULL;

    fbconfig  = _glfw.hints.framebuffer;
    ctxconfig = _glfw.hints.context;
    wndconfig = _glfw.hints.window;

    wndconfig.width   = width;
    wndconfig.height  = height;
    wndconfig.title   = title;
    ctxconfig.share   = (_GLFWwindow*) share;

    if (ctxconfig.share)
        if (ctxconfig.share->context.api == GLFW_NO_API)
            _glfwInputError(GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT, NULL);
            return NULL;

    if (!_glfwIsValidContextConfig(&ctxconfig))
        return NULL;

    window = calloc(1, sizeof(_GLFWwindow));
    window->next = _glfw.windowListHead;
    _glfw.windowListHead = window;

    window->videoMode.width       = width;
    window->videoMode.height      = height;
    window->videoMode.redBits     = fbconfig.redBits;
    window->videoMode.greenBits   = fbconfig.greenBits;
    window->videoMode.blueBits    = fbconfig.blueBits;
    window->videoMode.refreshRate = _glfw.hints.refreshRate;

    window->monitor     = (_GLFWmonitor*) monitor;
    window->resizable   = wndconfig.resizable;
    window->decorated   = wndconfig.decorated;
    window->autoIconify = wndconfig.autoIconify;
    window->floating    = wndconfig.floating;
    window->cursorMode  = GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL;

    window->minwidth    = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->minheight   = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->maxwidth    = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->maxheight   = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->numer       = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->denom       = GLFW_DONT_CARE;

    // Save the currently current context so it can be restored later
    previous = _glfwPlatformGetCurrentContext();

    // Open the actual window and create its context
    if (!_glfwPlatformCreateWindow(window, &wndconfig, &ctxconfig, &fbconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;

    if (ctxconfig.api != GLFW_NO_API)

        // Retrieve the actual (as opposed to requested) context attributes
        if (!_glfwRefreshContextAttribs(&ctxconfig))
            glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
            return NULL;

        // Restore the previously current context (or NULL)

    if (window->monitor)
        int width, height;
        _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);

        window->cursorPosX = width / 2;
        window->cursorPosY = height / 2;

        _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos(window, window->cursorPosX, window->cursorPosY);
        if (wndconfig.visible)
            if (wndconfig.focused)

    return (GLFWwindow*) window;
Beispiel #12
GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height,
                                     const char* title,
                                     GLFWmonitor* monitor,
                                     GLFWwindow* share)
    _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig;
    _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig;
    _GLFWwndconfig wndconfig;
    _GLFWwindow* window;
    _GLFWwindow* previous;


    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
        _glfwInputError(GLFW_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid window size");
        return NULL;

    // Set up desired framebuffer config
    fbconfig.redBits        = _glfw.hints.redBits;
    fbconfig.greenBits      = _glfw.hints.greenBits;
    fbconfig.blueBits       = _glfw.hints.blueBits;
    fbconfig.alphaBits      = _glfw.hints.alphaBits;
    fbconfig.depthBits      = _glfw.hints.depthBits;
    fbconfig.stencilBits    = _glfw.hints.stencilBits;
    fbconfig.accumRedBits   = _glfw.hints.accumRedBits;
    fbconfig.accumGreenBits = _glfw.hints.accumGreenBits;
    fbconfig.accumBlueBits  = _glfw.hints.accumBlueBits;
    fbconfig.accumAlphaBits = _glfw.hints.accumAlphaBits;
    fbconfig.auxBuffers     = _glfw.hints.auxBuffers;
    fbconfig.stereo         = _glfw.hints.stereo ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    fbconfig.samples        = _glfw.hints.samples;
    fbconfig.sRGB           = _glfw.hints.sRGB;
    fbconfig.doublebuffer   = _glfw.hints.doublebuffer ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    fbconfig.alphaMask      = _glfw.hints.alphaMask ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;

    // Set up desired window config
    wndconfig.width         = width;
    wndconfig.height        = height;
    wndconfig.title         = title;
    wndconfig.resizable     = _glfw.hints.resizable ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    wndconfig.visible       = _glfw.hints.visible ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    wndconfig.decorated     = _glfw.hints.decorated ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    wndconfig.focused       = _glfw.hints.focused ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    wndconfig.autoIconify   = _glfw.hints.autoIconify ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    wndconfig.floating      = _glfw.hints.floating ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    wndconfig.monitor       = (_GLFWmonitor*) monitor;
    wndconfig.alphaMask     = _glfw.hints.alphaMask ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;

    // Set up desired context config
    ctxconfig.api           = _glfw.hints.api;
    ctxconfig.major         = _glfw.hints.major;
    ctxconfig.minor         = _glfw.hints.minor;
    ctxconfig.forward       = _glfw.hints.forward ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    ctxconfig.debug         = _glfw.hints.debug ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
    ctxconfig.profile       = _glfw.hints.profile;
    ctxconfig.robustness    = _glfw.hints.robustness;
    ctxconfig.release       = _glfw.hints.release;
    ctxconfig.share         = (_GLFWwindow*) share;

    // Check the OpenGL bits of the window config
    if (!_glfwIsValidContextConfig(&ctxconfig))
        return NULL;

    window = calloc(1, sizeof(_GLFWwindow));
    window->next = _glfw.windowListHead;
    _glfw.windowListHead = window;

    if (wndconfig.monitor)
        wndconfig.resizable = GL_TRUE;
        wndconfig.visible   = GL_TRUE;
        wndconfig.focused   = GL_TRUE;

        // Set up desired video mode
        window->videoMode.width       = width;
        window->videoMode.height      = height;
        window->videoMode.redBits     = _glfw.hints.redBits;
        window->videoMode.greenBits   = _glfw.hints.greenBits;
        window->videoMode.blueBits    = _glfw.hints.blueBits;
        window->videoMode.refreshRate = _glfw.hints.refreshRate;

    // Transfer window hints that are persistent settings and not
    // just initial states
    window->monitor     = wndconfig.monitor;
    window->resizable   = wndconfig.resizable;
    window->decorated   = wndconfig.decorated;
    window->autoIconify = wndconfig.autoIconify;
    window->floating    = wndconfig.floating;
    window->transparent = wndconfig.alphaMask;
    window->cursorMode  = GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL;

    // Save the currently current context so it can be restored later
    previous = _glfwPlatformGetCurrentContext();

    // Open the actual window and create its context
    if (!_glfwPlatformCreateWindow(window, &wndconfig, &ctxconfig, &fbconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;


    // Retrieve the actual (as opposed to requested) context attributes
    if (!_glfwRefreshContextAttribs(&ctxconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;

    // Verify the context against the requested parameters
    if (!_glfwIsValidContext(&ctxconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;

    // Clearing the front buffer to black to avoid garbage pixels left over
    // from previous uses of our bit of VRAM

    // Restore the previously current context (or NULL)

    if (wndconfig.monitor)
        int width, height;
        _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);

        window->cursorPosX = width / 2;
        window->cursorPosY = height / 2;

        _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos(window, window->cursorPosX, window->cursorPosY);
        if (wndconfig.visible)
            if (wndconfig.focused)

    return (GLFWwindow*) window;
Beispiel #13
GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height,
                                     const char* title,
                                     GLFWmonitor* monitor,
                                     GLFWwindow* share)
    _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig;
    _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig;
    _GLFWwndconfig wndconfig;
    _GLFWwindow* window;
    _GLFWwindow* previous;


    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
        _glfwInputError(GLFW_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid window size");
        return NULL;

    fbconfig  = _glfw.hints.framebuffer;
    ctxconfig = _glfw.hints.context;
    wndconfig = _glfw.hints.window;

    wndconfig.width   = width;
    wndconfig.height  = height;
    wndconfig.title   = title;
    wndconfig.monitor = (_GLFWmonitor*) monitor;
    ctxconfig.share   = (_GLFWwindow*) share;

    if (wndconfig.monitor)
        wndconfig.resizable = GLFW_TRUE;
        wndconfig.visible   = GLFW_TRUE;
        wndconfig.focused   = GLFW_TRUE;

    // Check the OpenGL bits of the window config
    if (!_glfwIsValidContextConfig(&ctxconfig))
        return NULL;

    window = calloc(1, sizeof(_GLFWwindow));
    window->next = _glfw.windowListHead;
    _glfw.windowListHead = window;

    window->videoMode.width       = width;
    window->videoMode.height      = height;
    window->videoMode.redBits     = fbconfig.redBits;
    window->videoMode.greenBits   = fbconfig.greenBits;
    window->videoMode.blueBits    = fbconfig.blueBits;
    window->videoMode.refreshRate = _glfw.hints.refreshRate;

    window->monitor     = wndconfig.monitor;
    window->resizable   = wndconfig.resizable;
    window->decorated   = wndconfig.decorated;
    window->autoIconify = wndconfig.autoIconify;
    window->floating    = wndconfig.floating;
    window->cursorMode  = GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL;

    // Save the currently current context so it can be restored later
    previous = _glfwPlatformGetCurrentContext();

    // Open the actual window and create its context
    if (!_glfwPlatformCreateWindow(window, &wndconfig, &ctxconfig, &fbconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;


    // Retrieve the actual (as opposed to requested) context attributes
    if (!_glfwRefreshContextAttribs(&ctxconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;

    // Verify the context against the requested parameters
    if (!_glfwIsValidContext(&ctxconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;

    // Clearing the front buffer to black to avoid garbage pixels left over
    // from previous uses of our bit of VRAM

    // Restore the previously current context (or NULL)

    if (wndconfig.monitor)
        int width, height;
        _glfwPlatformGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);

        window->cursorPosX = width / 2;
        window->cursorPosY = height / 2;

        _glfwPlatformSetCursorPos(window, window->cursorPosX, window->cursorPosY);
        if (wndconfig.visible)
            if (wndconfig.focused)

    return (GLFWwindow*) window;
Beispiel #14
GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height,
                                     const char* title,
                                     GLFWmonitor* monitor,
                                     GLFWwindow* share)
    _GLFWfbconfig fbconfig;
    _GLFWctxconfig ctxconfig;
    _GLFWwndconfig wndconfig;
    _GLFWwindow* window;

    assert(title != NULL);
    assert(width >= 0);
    assert(height >= 0);


    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
                        "Invalid window size %ix%i",
                        width, height);

        return NULL;

    fbconfig  = _glfw.hints.framebuffer;
    ctxconfig = _glfw.hints.context;
    wndconfig = _glfw.hints.window;

    wndconfig.width   = width;
    wndconfig.height  = height;
    wndconfig.title   = title;
    ctxconfig.share   = (_GLFWwindow*) share;

    if (!_glfwIsValidContextConfig(&ctxconfig))
        return NULL;

    window = calloc(1, sizeof(_GLFWwindow));
    window->next = _glfw.windowListHead;
    _glfw.windowListHead = window;

    window->videoMode.width       = width;
    window->videoMode.height      = height;
    window->videoMode.redBits     = fbconfig.redBits;
    window->videoMode.greenBits   = fbconfig.greenBits;
    window->videoMode.blueBits    = fbconfig.blueBits;
    window->videoMode.refreshRate = _glfw.hints.refreshRate;

    window->monitor     = (_GLFWmonitor*) monitor;
    window->resizable   = wndconfig.resizable;
    window->decorated   = wndconfig.decorated;
    window->autoIconify = wndconfig.autoIconify;
    window->floating    = wndconfig.floating;
    window->focusOnShow = wndconfig.focusOnShow;
    window->cursorMode  = GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL;

    window->minwidth    = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->minheight   = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->maxwidth    = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->maxheight   = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->numer       = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
    window->denom       = GLFW_DONT_CARE;

    // Open the actual window and create its context
    if (!_glfwPlatformCreateWindow(window, &wndconfig, &ctxconfig, &fbconfig))
        glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
        return NULL;

    if (ctxconfig.client != GLFW_NO_API)
        if (!_glfwRefreshContextAttribs(window, &ctxconfig))
            glfwDestroyWindow((GLFWwindow*) window);
            return NULL;

    if (window->monitor)
        if (wndconfig.centerCursor)
        if (wndconfig.visible)
            if (wndconfig.focused)

    return (GLFWwindow*) window;