Beispiel #1
SQBool sq_instanceof(HSQUIRRELVM v)
	SQObjectPtr &inst = stack_get(v,-1);
	SQObjectPtr &cl = stack_get(v,-2);
	if(type(inst) != OT_INSTANCE || type(cl) != OT_CLASS)
		return sq_throwerror(v,_SC("invalid param type"));
	return _instance(inst)->InstanceOf(_class(cl))?SQTrue:SQFalse;
Beispiel #2
void SQSharedState::MarkObject(SQObjectPtr &o,SQCollectable **chain)
	case OT_TABLE:_table(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_ARRAY:_array(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_USERDATA:_userdata(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_CLOSURE:_closure(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_NATIVECLOSURE:_nativeclosure(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_GENERATOR:_generator(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_THREAD:_thread(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_CLASS:_class(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_INSTANCE:_instance(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	case OT_OUTER:_outer(o)->Mark(chain);break;
	default: break; //shutup compiler
Beispiel #3
			 * \brief Create an instance of the plan from the factory
			 * \param matrices An array of the solver double matrices
			 * \param i_data_in A reference to the variable input data
			 * \param i_data_out A reference to the variable output data
			 * This method creates a shared_ptr to an implicit plan instance. The benefit to this inclusion is that the instance method can be called in a uniform way and hide communication of grid and matrix information from the user. If a plan would be created that would not do anything (e.g. something with a coefficient of 0.0), this will return a NULL shared pointer.
			virtual std::shared_ptr <plan> instance (double **matrices, grids::variable &i_data_in, grids::variable &i_data_out) const {
					return _instance (matrices, i_data_in, i_data_out);