Beispiel #1
int __cdecl _mbsnicoll(
    const unsigned char *s1,
    const unsigned char *s2,
    size_t n
#if !defined (_WIN32)
        return _mbsnicmp(s1, s2, n);
#else  /* !defined (_WIN32) */
        int ret;
        size_t bcnt1, bcnt2;

        if (n == 0)
            return 0;

        bcnt1 = _mbsnbcnt(s1, n);
        bcnt2 = _mbsnbcnt(s2, n);

        if (0 == (ret = __crtCompareStringA(__mblcid, NORM_IGNORECASE,
                s1, bcnt1, s2, bcnt2, __mbcodepage)))
            return _NLSCMPERROR;

        return ret - 2;

#endif  /* !defined (_WIN32) */
Beispiel #2
unsigned char * __cdecl _mbsninc(
    const unsigned char *string,
    size_t ccnt
	if (string == NULL)

	return((char *)string + (unsigned int)_mbsnbcnt(string, ccnt));
Beispiel #3
LTBOOL CCredit::Init(char* sBuf)
	// Sanity checks...

	if (!sBuf) return(LTFALSE);

	// Set simple members...

	m_nState    = CS_START;

	s_bPause    = LTFALSE;

	m_Pos.x		= 320;
	m_Pos.y		= 240;
	m_ePosition	= CP_CENTER;
	m_bBig		= LTFALSE;

	// Parse the text buffer and add each line as a separate string...

	char sString[256];
	int  i = 0;

	while (*sBuf)
		if ((*sBuf == '\n') || (*sBuf == '\r') || (*sBuf == '\0'))
			sString[i] = '\0';
			i = 0;

			while (((*sBuf == '\n') || (*sBuf == '\r'))) 
				sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);
			int nCount = _mbsnbcnt((const unsigned char*)sBuf,1);
			memcpy(&sString[i], sBuf, nCount);
			i += nCount;
			sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);
	sString[i] = '\0';
	if (strlen(sString) > 0) AddString(sString);

	// All done...

Beispiel #4
DBOOL CCredit::Init(CClientDE* pClientDE, char* sBuf)
	// Sanity checks...

	if (!pClientDE) return(DFALSE);
	if (!sBuf) return(DFALSE);

	// Set simple members...

	m_pClientDE = pClientDE;
	m_nState    = CS_START;

	s_bPause    = DFALSE;

	// Parse the text buffer and add each line as a seperate string...

	char sString[256];
	int  i = 0;

	while (*sBuf)
		if ((*sBuf == '\n') || (*sBuf == '\r') || (*sBuf == '\0'))
			sString[i] = '\0';
			i = 0;

			while (((*sBuf == '\n') || (*sBuf == '\r'))) 
				sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);
			int nCount = _mbsnbcnt((const unsigned char*)sBuf,1);
			memcpy(&sString[i], sBuf, nCount);
			i += nCount;
			sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);

	sString[i] = '\0';
	if (_mbstrlen(sString) > 0) AddString(sString);

	// All done...

Beispiel #5
static CHAR_TYPE *pcopy( CHAR_TYPE **pdst, CHAR_TYPE *dst, const CHAR_TYPE *b_src, const CHAR_TYPE *e_src ) {

    unsigned    len;

    if( pdst == NULL )
        return( dst );
    *pdst = dst;
    len = e_src - b_src;
    if( len >= _MAX_PATH2 ) {
        len = _MAX_PATH2 - 1;
#if defined( __WIDECHAR__ ) || defined( __UNIX__ )
    memcpy( dst, b_src, len * CHARSIZE );
    dst[ len ] = NULLCHAR;
    return( dst + len + 1 );
    len = _mbsnccnt( (unsigned char *)b_src, len );          /* # chars in len bytes */
    _mbsncpy( (unsigned char *)dst, (unsigned char *)b_src, len );            /* copy the chars */
    dst[ _mbsnbcnt( (unsigned char *)dst, len ) ] = NULLCHAR;
    return( dst + _mbsnbcnt( (unsigned char *)dst, len ) + 1 );
Beispiel #6
static void copypart( CHAR_TYPE *buf, const CHAR_TYPE *p, int len, int maxlen )
    if( buf != NULL ) {
        if( len > maxlen )
            len = maxlen;
#if defined( __WIDECHAR__ ) || defined( __UNIX__ ) || defined( __RDOS__ ) || defined( __RDOSDEV__ )
        memcpy( buf, p, len * CHARSIZE );
        /*strncpy( buf, p, len ); */
        buf[len ] = NULLCHAR;
        len = _mbsnccnt( (unsigned char *)p, len );                 /* # chars in len bytes */
        _mbsncpy( (unsigned char *)buf, (unsigned char *)p, len );  /* copy the chars */
        buf[_mbsnbcnt( (unsigned char *)buf, len )] = NULLCHAR;
Beispiel #7
static void copypart( CHAR_TYPE *buf, const CHAR_TYPE *p, int len, int maxlen )
    if( buf != NULL ) {
        if( len > maxlen )
            len = maxlen;
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
        memcpy( buf, p, len * CHARSIZE );  /* 07-jul-91 DJG */
        /*strncpy( buf, p, len ); */
        buf[ len ] = NULLCHAR;
  #ifdef __UNIX__
        memcpy( buf, p, len * CHARSIZE );
        buf[ len ] = NULLCHAR;
        len = _mbsnccnt( p, len );          /* # chars in len bytes */
        _mbsncpy( buf, p, len );            /* copy the chars */
        buf[ _mbsnbcnt( buf, len ) ] = NULLCHAR;
Beispiel #8
 * _DisplayLineInWindowWithColor - as it sounds!
void _DisplayLineInWindowWithColor( LPWDATA w, int line, LPSTR text, int c1,
                        int c2, int extra, int startcol )
  #ifdef _MBCS
    LPBYTE          tmp;
    LPSTR           tmp;
    char            buff[256];
    int             start,end,a,spend,cnt1,cnt2;
    WORD            i;
    HWND            hwnd;

    hwnd = w->hwnd;

    /*** Find dimensions of line ***/
  #ifdef _MBCS
    tmp = FAR_mbsninc( (LPBYTE)text, startcol );
    a = FAR_mbslen( tmp );
    if( line < 1 || line >= w->height )
    start = 0;
    spend = end = w->width - extra;
    if( end > a )
        end = a;
    cnt1 = FAR_mbsnbcnt( tmp, end - start );
    cnt2 = spend - end;
    FAR_mbsnbcpy( (LPBYTE)buff, tmp, cnt1 - start );
    FARmemset( buff + cnt1, ' ', cnt2 );
    tmp = FAR_mbsninc( (LPBYTE)buff, cnt1 + cnt2 );
    *tmp = '\0';
    tmp = text;
    tmp += startcol;
    a = FARstrlen( tmp );
    if( line < 1 || line >= w->height )
    start = 0;
    spend = end = w->width - extra;
    if( end > a )
        end = a;
    cnt1 = end - start;
    cnt2 = spend - end;
    FARmemcpy( buff, tmp, cnt1 );
    FARmemset( buff + cnt1, ' ', cnt2 );
    buff[cnt1 + cnt2] = 0;

#if defined( __OS2__ )
        RECTL           rcl;
        HPS             ps;
        POINTL          ptl;
        POINTL          points[TXTBOX_COUNT];

        ptl.x = 0;
        ptl.y = (w->y2 - w->y1) - (line+1)*w->ychar + w->base_offset;
        ps = WinGetPS( hwnd );
        _SelectFont( ps );
        GpiQueryTextBox( ps, startcol, w->tmpbuff->data, TXTBOX_COUNT, points );
        rcl.xLeft = points[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x;
    #ifdef _MBCS
        GpiQueryTextBox( ps, __mbslen( (unsigned char *)buff ), buff, TXTBOX_COUNT, points );
        GpiQueryTextBox( ps, strlen( buff ), buff, TXTBOX_COUNT, points );
        rcl.xRight = points[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x;
        rcl.yTop = (w->y2 - w->y1) - line*w->ychar;
        rcl.yBottom = rcl.yTop - w->ychar;
        WinFillRect( ps, &rcl, c1 );
        GpiSetColor( ps, c2 );
    #ifdef _MBCS
        GpiCharStringAt( ps, &ptl, _mbsnbcnt(buff,w->width), buff );
        GpiCharStringAt( ps, &ptl, w->width, buff );
        WinReleasePS( ps );
        HDC     dc;
//      SIZE    size;
//      RECT    rect;

        dc = GetDC( hwnd );
        _SetMyDC( dc, _ColorMap[c2], _ColorMap[c1] );
//      #ifdef __NT__
//          GetTextExtentPoint32( dc, buff, strlen(buff), &size );
//      #else
//          GetTextExtentPoint( dc, buff, strlen(buff), &size );
//      #endif
    #ifdef _MBCS
        TextOut( dc, 0, line * w->ychar, (LPSTR)buff, FAR_mbsnbcnt( (LPBYTE)buff, w->width ) );
        TextOut( dc, 0, line * w->ychar, buff, w->width );

        /*** Clear to end of line to remove any residue ***/
//      GetClientRect( w->hwnd, &rect );
// = line * w->ychar;
//      rect.bottom = (line+1) * w->ychar ;
//      rect.left =;
//      FillRect( dc, &rect, w->brush );
        ReleaseDC( hwnd, dc );

    /*** Update the w->image array ***/
#ifdef _MBCS
        mb_char         mbc;
        unsigned char   *curMbc;
        int             count;

        i = line * w->width + startcol;
        for( count = 0, curMbc = (unsigned char *)buff; count < w->width - startcol; count++ ) {
            mbc = _mbsnextc( curMbc );          /* get the character */
            curMbc = _mbsinc( curMbc );         /* point to next char */
            w->image[i + count] = mbc;          /* store it in w->image */
    i = line * w->width + startcol;
    FARmemcpy( &w->image[i], buff, w->width - startcol );
} /* _DisplayLineInWindowWithColor */
Beispiel #9
void CCredits::AddCredits()
	// Sanity checks...

	if (!m_pClientDE) return;

	// Set the static info...

	if (!CCredit::SetStaticInfo(m_pClientDE, GetMode(), IsClearingScreen()))

	// Get the credits text buffer...

	char* sName = NULL;

#ifdef _ADDON
	if (IsIntro()) sName = "INTRO_AO";
	else sName = "CREDITS_AO";
	if (IsIntro()) sName = "INTRO";
	else sName = "CREDITS";

	void* hModule = NULL;
	m_pClientDE->GetEngineHook("cres_hinstance", &hModule);

	char* sBuf = CreditsWin_GetTextBuffer(sName, hModule);
	if (!sBuf) return;

	char sCredit[1024];
	int  i = 0;

	while (*sBuf)

		if (*sBuf == '#' && *((char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf)) == '#')
			sCredit[i] = '\0';

			if (_mbsnbcmp((const unsigned char*)sCredit, (const unsigned char*)">END", 4) == 0)	// end?

			i = 0;

			sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);
			sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);

			while (*sBuf != '\0' && ((*sBuf == '\n') || (*sBuf == '\r'))) sBuf++;
			int nCount = _mbsnbcnt((const unsigned char*)sBuf,1);
			memcpy(&sCredit[i], sBuf, nCount);
			i += nCount;
			sBuf = (char*)_mbsinc((const unsigned char*)sBuf);