Beispiel #1
// Compare rank with all values currently in the queue.  Returns -1 if the value already exists
// or is larger than all values.
// Otherwise, returns the index of the register in which the value should be inserted.
// Mask is replicated to both lanes, so it can be used for both value and rank lane.
int PriorityQueue_AVX2::compare(__m256i mrank, int &field, __m256i &gtmask)
    static const __m256i eq4mask = _mm256_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1);
    __m256i eq, eq4;
    int reg, mask;

    // Because items are sorted in ascending order within each (double) register, the mask after GT
    // comparison must be of the form 000...1111, which is one less than a power of two.
        __m256i r0_7 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(_rv[1], _rv[0], 0x20);		// [0 .. 7]
        gtmask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(r0_7, mrank);
        mask = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(gtmask));
        eq = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(r0_7, mrank);
        _ASSERTE(((mask + 1) & mask) == 0);
        reg = 1;

    if (!mask) {
        __m256i r8_15 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(_rv[3], _rv[2], 0x20);	// [8 .. 15]
        gtmask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(r8_15, mrank);
        mask = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(gtmask));
        eq = _mm256_or_si256(eq, _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(r8_15, mrank));
        _ASSERTE(((mask + 1) & mask) == 0);
        reg = 3;

    if (!mask) {
        gtmask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(_rv[4], mrank);							// [16 .. 19]; don't care about value
        eq4 = _mm256_and_si256(eq4mask, _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(mrank, _rv[4])); // .. ditto
        mask = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(gtmask)) & 0xF;       // ignore comparison with values
        eq = _mm256_or_si256(eq, eq4);
        _ASSERTE(((mask + 1) & mask) == 0);
        reg = 4;

    if (_mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(eq)) != 0)
        mask = 0;
    if (!mask)
        return -1;

    // Adjust register according to mask (higher 128-bits i double register: one register lower)
    // There is no "previous" register to test against for equality if we need to insert in the
    // very first register.  Also duplicate the same mask to both lanes.

    if (mask > 0xF) {
        mask >>= 4;
        gtmask = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(gtmask, gtmask, 0x11);           // replicate high lane to both
Beispiel #2
INLINE uint movemask(const avxb& a) {return _mm256_movemask_ps(a);}
Beispiel #3
INLINE bool all(const avxb& a)  {return _mm256_movemask_ps(a) == (uint)0xff;}
Beispiel #4
INLINE bool reduce_and(const avxb& a) {return _mm256_movemask_ps(a) == (uint)0xff;}
Beispiel #5
// reduction operations
INLINE size_t popcnt(const avxb& a)   {return __popcnt(_mm256_movemask_ps(a));}
Beispiel #6
    const void *poOptions,
    GUInt32 nPoints,
    CPL_UNUSED const double *unused_padfX,
    CPL_UNUSED const double *unused_padfY,
    CPL_UNUSED const double *unused_padfZ,
    double dfXPoint, double dfYPoint,
    double *pdfValue,
    void* hExtraParamsIn )
    size_t i = 0;
    GDALGridExtraParameters* psExtraParams = (GDALGridExtraParameters*) hExtraParamsIn;
    const float* pafX = psExtraParams->pafX;
    const float* pafY = psExtraParams->pafY;
    const float* pafZ = psExtraParams->pafZ;

    const float fEpsilon = 0.0000000000001f;
    const float fXPoint = (float)dfXPoint;
    const float fYPoint = (float)dfYPoint;
    const __m256 ymm_small = GDAL_mm256_load1_ps(fEpsilon);
    const __m256 ymm_x = GDAL_mm256_load1_ps(fXPoint);
    const __m256 ymm_y = GDAL_mm256_load1_ps(fYPoint);
    __m256 ymm_nominator = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    __m256 ymm_denominator = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    int mask = 0;

#undef LOOP_SIZE
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
    /* This would also work in 32bit mode, but there are only 8 XMM registers */
    /* whereas we have 16 for 64bit */
#define LOOP_SIZE   16
    size_t nPointsRound = (nPoints / LOOP_SIZE) * LOOP_SIZE;
    for ( i = 0; i < nPointsRound; i += LOOP_SIZE )
        __m256 ymm_rx = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_load_ps(pafX + i), ymm_x);            /* rx = pafX[i] - fXPoint */
        __m256 ymm_rx_8 = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_load_ps(pafX + i + 8), ymm_x);
        __m256 ymm_ry = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_load_ps(pafY + i), ymm_y);            /* ry = pafY[i] - fYPoint */
        __m256 ymm_ry_8 = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_load_ps(pafY + i + 8), ymm_y);
        __m256 ymm_r2 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(ymm_rx, ymm_rx),               /* r2 = rx * rx + ry * ry */
                                   _mm256_mul_ps(ymm_ry, ymm_ry));
        __m256 ymm_r2_8 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(ymm_rx_8, ymm_rx_8),
                                     _mm256_mul_ps(ymm_ry_8, ymm_ry_8));
        __m256 ymm_invr2 = _mm256_rcp_ps(ymm_r2);                               /* invr2 = 1.0f / r2 */
        __m256 ymm_invr2_8 = _mm256_rcp_ps(ymm_r2_8);
        ymm_nominator = _mm256_add_ps(ymm_nominator,                            /* nominator += invr2 * pafZ[i] */
                            _mm256_mul_ps(ymm_invr2, _mm256_load_ps(pafZ + i)));
        ymm_nominator = _mm256_add_ps(ymm_nominator,
                            _mm256_mul_ps(ymm_invr2_8, _mm256_load_ps(pafZ + i + 8)));
        ymm_denominator = _mm256_add_ps(ymm_denominator, ymm_invr2);           /* denominator += invr2 */
        ymm_denominator = _mm256_add_ps(ymm_denominator, ymm_invr2_8);
        mask = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_cmp_ps(ymm_r2, ymm_small, _CMP_LT_OS)) |           /* if( r2 < fEpsilon) */
              (_mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_cmp_ps(ymm_r2_8, ymm_small, _CMP_LT_OS)) << 8);
        if( mask )
#define LOOP_SIZE   8
    size_t nPointsRound = (nPoints / LOOP_SIZE) * LOOP_SIZE;
    for ( i = 0; i < nPointsRound; i += LOOP_SIZE )
        __m256 ymm_rx = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_load_ps((float*)pafX + i), ymm_x);           /* rx = pafX[i] - fXPoint */
        __m256 ymm_ry = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_load_ps((float*)pafY + i), ymm_y);           /* ry = pafY[i] - fYPoint */
        __m256 ymm_r2 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(ymm_rx, ymm_rx),              /* r2 = rx * rx + ry * ry */
                                   _mm256_mul_ps(ymm_ry, ymm_ry));
        __m256 ymm_invr2 = _mm256_rcp_ps(ymm_r2);                              /* invr2 = 1.0f / r2 */
        ymm_nominator = _mm256_add_ps(ymm_nominator,                           /* nominator += invr2 * pafZ[i] */
                            _mm256_mul_ps(ymm_invr2, _mm256_load_ps((float*)pafZ + i)));
        ymm_denominator = _mm256_add_ps(ymm_denominator, ymm_invr2);           /* denominator += invr2 */
        mask = _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_cmp_ps(ymm_r2, ymm_small, _CMP_LT_OS));            /* if( r2 < fEpsilon) */
        if( mask )

    /* Find which i triggered r2 < fEpsilon */
    if( mask )
        for(int j = 0; j < LOOP_SIZE; j++ )
            if( mask & (1 << j) )
                (*pdfValue) = (pafZ)[i + j];

                // GCC and MSVC need explicit zeroing
#if !defined(__clang__)
                return CE_None;
#undef LOOP_SIZE

    /* Get back nominator and denominator values for YMM registers */
    float afNominator[8], afDenominator[8];
    _mm256_storeu_ps(afNominator, ymm_nominator);
    _mm256_storeu_ps(afDenominator, ymm_denominator);

    // MSVC doesn't emit AVX afterwards but may use SSE, so clear upper bits
    // Other compilers will continue using AVX for the below floating points operations
#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER)

    float fNominator = afNominator[0] + afNominator[1] +
                       afNominator[2] + afNominator[3] +
                       afNominator[4] + afNominator[5] +
                       afNominator[6] + afNominator[7];
    float fDenominator = afDenominator[0] + afDenominator[1] +
                         afDenominator[2] + afDenominator[3] +
                         afDenominator[4] + afDenominator[5] +
                         afDenominator[6] + afDenominator[7];

    /* Do the few remaining loop iterations */
    for ( ; i < nPoints; i++ )
        const float fRX = pafX[i] - fXPoint;
        const float fRY = pafY[i] - fYPoint;
        const float fR2 =
            fRX * fRX + fRY * fRY;

        // If the test point is close to the grid node, use the point
        // value directly as a node value to avoid singularity.
        if ( fR2 < 0.0000000000001 )
            const float fInvR2 = 1.0f / fR2;
            fNominator += fInvR2 * pafZ[i];
            fDenominator += fInvR2;

    if( i != nPoints )
        (*pdfValue) = pafZ[i];
    if ( fDenominator == 0.0 )
        (*pdfValue) =
        (*pdfValue) = fNominator / fDenominator;

    // GCC needs explicit zeroing
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)

    return CE_None;
Beispiel #7
  template<class Extension,class Info>
  struct call<nbtrue_,tag::simd_(tag::arithmetic_,Extension),Info>
    typedef int32_t result_type; 

      typename nt2::meta::scalar_of<A0>::type,
      (3, (float,double,arithmetic_))

    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1,       float)
      typedef typename meta::as_real<A0>::type type; 
      int32_t  r = _mm256_movemask_ps(isnez(a0));
      return   (r&1)+((r>>1)&1)+((r>>2)&1)+(r>>3&1)+((r>>4)&1)+((r>>5)&1)+(r>>6&1)+(r>>7);
      //      return __builtin_popcount(_mm_movemask_ps(isnez(cast<type>(a0))));
    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1,      double)
      int32_t  r = _mm256_movemask_pd(isnez(a0));
      return   (r&1)+(r>>1&1)+((r>>2)&1)+(r>>3); 
    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1, arithmetic_)
      typedef typename meta::scalar_of<A0>::type sctype;		
      typedef typename simd::native<sctype, tag::sse_ >  svtype;	
      svtype a00 = { _mm256_extractf128_si256(a0, 0)};			
      svtype a01 = { _mm256_extractf128_si256(a0, 1)};
      return nbtrue(a00)+nbtrue(a01); 
plot(u32 w, u32 h, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float dx,
        float dy, u32 max_iter = 4096)
    assert(w % 8 == 0);

    // AVX Constants
    float const constants[] {

    __m256 const vx1 = _mm256_broadcast_ss(constants);
    __m256 const vy1 = _mm256_broadcast_ss(constants + 1);
    __m256 const vdx = _mm256_broadcast_ss(constants + 2);
    __m256 const vdy = _mm256_broadcast_ss(constants + 3);
    __m256 const v1 = _mm256_broadcast_ss(constants + 4);
    __m256 const v4 = _mm256_broadcast_ss(constants + 5);

    // Start timing
    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> t1, t2;
    std::chrono::duration<double> dt;
    t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    // Zero line counter
    __m256 vj = _mm256_xor_ps(v1, v1);

    for (u32 j = 0; j < h; j++) {
        for (u32 i = 0; i < w; i += 8) {

            // Fill column counter
            float const vi_[8] { i+0.f, i+1.f, i+2.f, i+3.f, i+4.f, i+5.f, i+6.f, i+7.f };
            __m256 vi = _mm256_load_ps(vi_);

            // Compute start point
            __m256 vx0 = _mm256_mul_ps(vi, vdx);
            vx0 = _mm256_add_ps(vx0, vx1);
            __m256 vy0 = _mm256_mul_ps(vj, vdy);
            vy0 = _mm256_add_ps(vy0, vy1);

            __m256 vx = vx0;
            __m256 vy = vy0;

            __m256 vcount = _mm256_xor_ps(v1, v1);  // Zero iteration counter

            u32 iter        = 0;
            u8  no_overflow = 0;
            do {
                // Compute products
                __m256 vxx = _mm256_mul_ps(vx, vx);
                __m256 vyy = _mm256_mul_ps(vy, vy);

                // Check termination condition
                __m256 vtmp = _mm256_add_ps(vxx, vyy);
                vtmp = _mm256_cmp_ps(vtmp, v4, _CMP_LT_OQ);
                no_overflow = _mm256_movemask_ps(vtmp) & 0xff;

                // Accumulate iteration counter
                vtmp = _mm256_and_ps(vtmp, v1);
                vcount = _mm256_add_ps(vcount, vtmp);

                // Step
                vtmp = _mm256_mul_ps(vx, vy);
                vtmp = _mm256_add_ps(vtmp, vtmp);
                vy = _mm256_add_ps(vtmp, vy0);
                vtmp = _mm256_sub_ps(vxx, vyy);
                vx = _mm256_add_ps(vtmp, vx0);

            } while (no_overflow && (iter < max_iter));

            for (u32 k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
                u32 n = ((float *) &vcount)[k] + 0.5f;
                if (n == max_iter) n = 0;

                char c = ' ';
                if (n > 0) {
                    static char const charset[] = ".,c8M@jawrpogOQEPGJ";
                    c = charset[n % (sizeof(charset) - 1)];

                attron(COLOR_PAIR((n % 7) + 1));
                attroff(COLOR_PAIR((n % 7) + 1));
                if (i + k + 1 == w) addch('\n');

        // Increment line counter
        vj = _mm256_add_ps(vj, v1);

    // End timing
    t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    dt = t2 - t1;
    std::string info = std::to_string(dt.count() * 1000.0) + "ms";

void Decoder::ADMMDecoder_deg_6_7_2_3_6()
	int maxIter          = maxIteration;
	float mu             = 5.5f; 
	float tableau[12]    = { 0.0f };

    if ((mBlocklength == 576) && (mNChecks == 288))
     	mu          = 3.37309f;//penalty
        tableau[2]  = 0.00001f;
	tableau[3]  = 2.00928f;
	tableau[6]  = 4.69438f;

    else if((mBlocklength == 2304) && (mNChecks == 1152) )
    	mu          = 3.81398683f;//penalty
        tableau[2]  = 0.29669288f; 
	tableau[3]  = 0.46964023f;
	tableau[6]  = 3.19548154f;
    	mu          = 5.5;//penalty
        tableau[2]  = 0.8f;
	tableau[3]  = 0.8f;
	tableau[6]  = 0.8f;

    const float rho      = 1.9f;    //over relaxation parameter;
    const float un_m_rho = 1.0 - rho;
    const auto  _rho      = _mm256_set1_ps(      rho );
    const auto  _un_m_rho = _mm256_set1_ps( un_m_rho );
    float tableaX[12];

	#pragma  unroll
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        tableaX[i] = tableau[ i ] / mu;
	const auto t_mu    = _mm256_set1_ps ( mu );

	const auto t2_amu  = _mm256_set1_ps (        tableau[ 2 ] / mu   );
	const auto t3_amu  = _mm256_set1_ps (        tableau[ 3 ] / mu   );
	const auto t6_amu  = _mm256_set1_ps (        tableau[ 6 ] / mu   );

	const auto t2_2amu = _mm256_set1_ps ( 2.0f * tableau[ 2 ] / mu );
	const auto t3_2amu = _mm256_set1_ps ( 2.0f * tableau[ 3 ] / mu );
	const auto t6_2amu = _mm256_set1_ps ( 2.0f * tableau[ 6 ] / mu );

	const auto t2_deg  = _mm256_set1_ps ( 2.0f );
	const auto t3_deg  = _mm256_set1_ps ( 3.0f );
	const auto t6_deg  = _mm256_set1_ps ( 6.0f );

	const auto zero    = _mm256_set1_ps ( 0.0f );
	const auto un      = _mm256_set1_ps ( 1.0f );
    const __m256 a     = _mm256_set1_ps ( 0.0f );
    const __m256 b     = _mm256_set1_ps ( 0.5f );

	#pragma  unroll
	for( int j = 0; j < _mPCheckMapSize; j+=8 )
	_mm256_store_ps(&Lambda  [j],         a);
        _mm256_store_ps(&zReplica[j],         b);
        _mm256_store_ps(&latestProjVector[j], b);

	for(int i = 0; i < maxIter; i++)
        int ptr    = 0;
		mIteration = i + 1;

		#ifdef PROFILE_ON
				const auto start = timer();

		// VN processing kernel
		#pragma  unroll
		for (int j = 0; j < _mBlocklength; j++)
            const int degVn = VariableDegree[j];
            float M[8] __attribute__((aligned(64)));

            if( degVn == 2 ){
#if 1
            	const int dVN = 2;
            	for(int qq = 0; qq < 8; qq++) 
    				M[qq] = (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]);      ptr   += 1;
    				#pragma  unroll
    				for(int k = 1; k < dVN; k++) 
    					M[qq] += (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]); ptr   += 1;
    		const auto m      = _mm256_loadu_ps( M );
    		const auto llr    = _mm256_loadu_ps( &_LogLikelihoodRatio[j] );
    		const auto t1     = _mm256_sub_ps(m, _mm256_div_ps(llr, t_mu));
    		const auto xx     = _mm256_div_ps(_mm256_sub_ps(t1, t2_amu), _mm256_sub_ps(t2_deg, t2_2amu));
    		const auto vMin   = _mm256_max_ps(_mm256_min_ps(xx, un) , zero);
    		_mm256_storeu_ps(&OutputFromDecoder[j], vMin);
    		j += 7;
            	const int degVN = 2;
                float temp = (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]);
		#pragma unroll
		for(int k = 1; k < degVN; k++)
			temp += (zReplica[ t_row[ptr + k] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr + k] ]);
		ptr  += degVN;
	        const float _amu_    = tableaX[ degVN ];
	        const float _2_amu_  = _amu_+ _amu_;
	        const float llr  = _LogLikelihoodRatio[j];
	        const float t    = temp - llr / mu;
	        const float xx   = (t  -  _amu_)/(degVn - _2_amu_);
	        const float vMax = std::min(xx,   1.0f);
	        const float vMin = std::max(vMax, 0.0f);
		OutputFromDecoder[j] = vMin;
            }else if( degVn == 3 ){
#if 1
            	const int dVN = 3;
            	for(int qq = 0; qq < 8; qq++) 
    			M[qq] = (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]);      ptr   += 1;
    			#pragma  unroll
    			for(int k = 1; k < dVN; k++) 
    				M[qq] += (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]); ptr   += 1;
    		const auto m      = _mm256_loadu_ps( M );
    		const auto llr    = _mm256_loadu_ps( &_LogLikelihoodRatio[j] );
    		const auto t1     = _mm256_sub_ps(m, _mm256_div_ps(llr, t_mu));
    		const auto xx     = _mm256_div_ps(_mm256_sub_ps(t1, t3_amu), _mm256_sub_ps(t3_deg, t3_2amu));
    		const auto vMin   = _mm256_max_ps(_mm256_min_ps(xx, un) , zero);
    		_mm256_storeu_ps(&OutputFromDecoder[j], vMin);
    		j += 7;
    		const int degVN = 3;
                float temp = (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]);
		#pragma unroll
		for(int k = 1; k < degVN; k++)
			temp += (zReplica[ t_row[ptr + k] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr + k] ]);
		ptr  += degVN;
	        const float _amu_    = tableaX[ degVN ];
	        const float _2_amu_  = _amu_+ _amu_;
	        const float llr  = _LogLikelihoodRatio[j];
	        const float t    = temp - llr / mu;
	        const float xx   = (t  -  _amu_)/(degVn - _2_amu_);
	        const float vMax = std::min(xx,   1.0f);
	        const float vMin = std::max(vMax, 0.0f);
		OutputFromDecoder[j] = vMin;
		}else if( degVn == 6 ){
#if 1
            	const int dVN = 6;
            	for(int qq = 0; qq < 8; qq++) 
    			M[qq] = (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]);      ptr   += 1;
    			#pragma  unroll
    			for(int k = 1; k < dVN; k++) 
    				M[qq] += (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]); ptr   += 1;
    		const auto m      = _mm256_loadu_ps( M );
    		const auto llr    = _mm256_loadu_ps( &_LogLikelihoodRatio[j] );
    		const auto t1     = _mm256_sub_ps(m, _mm256_div_ps(llr, t_mu));
    		const auto xx     = _mm256_div_ps(_mm256_sub_ps(t1, t6_amu), _mm256_sub_ps(t6_deg, t6_2amu));
    		const auto vMin   = _mm256_max_ps(_mm256_min_ps(xx, un) , zero);
    		_mm256_storeu_ps(&OutputFromDecoder[j], vMin);
    		j += 7;
    		const int degVN = 6;
                float temp = (zReplica[ t_row[ptr] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr] ]);
		#pragma unroll
		for(int k = 1; k < degVN; k++)
			temp += (zReplica[ t_row[ptr + k] ] + Lambda[ t_row[ptr + k] ]);
		ptr  += degVN;
	        const float _amu_    = tableaX[ degVN ];
	        const float _2_amu_  = _amu_+ _amu_;
	        const float llr  = _LogLikelihoodRatio[j];
	        const float t    = temp - llr / mu;
	        const float xx   = (t  -  _amu_)/(degVn - _2_amu_);
	        const float vMax = std::min(xx,   1.0f);
	        const float vMin = std::max(vMax, 0.0f);
		OutputFromDecoder[j] = vMin;

		#ifdef PROFILE_ON
				t_vn   += (timer() - start);

		// CN processing kernel
	int CumSumCheckDegree = 0; // cumulative position of currect edge in factor graph
        int allVerified       = 0;
	float vector_before_proj[8] __attribute__((aligned(64)));

        const auto zero    = _mm256_set1_ps ( 0.0f    );
        const auto mask_6  = _mm256_set_epi32(0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
        const auto mask_7  = _mm256_set_epi32(0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
        const auto  dot5   = _mm256_set1_ps(     0.5f );

		#ifdef PROFILE_ON
				const auto starT = timer();

    	const auto seuilProj = _mm256_set1_ps( 1e-5f );
        for(int j = 0; j < _mNChecks; j++)
            if( CheckDegree[j] == 6 ){
            	const int  cDeg6       = 0x3F;
                const auto offsets    = _mm256_loadu_si256  ((const __m256i*)&t_col1  [CumSumCheckDegree]);
                const auto xpred      = _mm256_mask_i32gather_ps (zero, OutputFromDecoder, offsets, _mm256_castsi256_ps(mask_6), 4);
    		const auto synd       = _mm256_cmp_ps( xpred, dot5,   _CMP_GT_OS );
    		int test              = (_mm256_movemask_ps( synd ) & cDeg6);  // deg 6
    		const auto syndrom    = _mm_popcnt_u32( test );
    		const auto _Replica   = _mm256_loadu_ps( &zReplica[CumSumCheckDegree]);
    		const auto _ambda     = _mm256_loadu_ps( &Lambda  [CumSumCheckDegree]);
    		const auto v1         = _mm256_mul_ps  (xpred,      _rho );
    		const auto v2         = _mm256_mul_ps  ( _Replica, _un_m_rho );
    		const auto v3         = _mm256_add_ps  ( v1, v2 );
    		const auto vect_proj  = _mm256_sub_ps  ( v3, _ambda );

                // ON REALISE LA PROJECTION !!!
                allVerified       += ( syndrom & 0x01 );

                #ifdef PROFILE_ON
					const auto START = timer();
    		const auto latest    = _mm256_loadu_ps(&latestProjVector[CumSumCheckDegree]);
    		const auto different = _mm256_sub_ps ( vect_proj, latest );
    		const auto maskAbsol = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_set1_epi32(0x7FFFFFFF));
    		const auto absolute  = _mm256_and_ps ( different, maskAbsol );
    	        const auto despass   = _mm256_cmp_ps( absolute, seuilProj, _CMP_GT_OS );
    	        int skip = (_mm256_movemask_ps( despass ) & cDeg6) == 0x00; // degree 6

    	        if( skip == false )
    	        	const auto _ztemp  = mp.projection_deg6( vect_proj );
    	    		const auto _ztemp1 = _mm256_sub_ps(_ztemp,    xpred );
    	    		const auto _ztemp2 = _mm256_sub_ps(_ztemp, _Replica );
	    	    	const auto _ztemp3 = _mm256_mul_ps(_ztemp1, _rho);
	    	    	const auto _ztemp4 = _mm256_mul_ps(_ztemp2, _un_m_rho);
    			const auto nLambda = _mm256_add_ps( _ambda,  _ztemp3 );
    			const auto mLambda = _mm256_add_ps( nLambda, _ztemp4 );
    	    		_mm256_maskstore_ps(&  Lambda[CumSumCheckDegree],         mask_6,   mLambda);
    	    		_mm256_maskstore_ps(&zReplica[CumSumCheckDegree],         mask_6,    _ztemp);
	    	_mm256_maskstore_ps(&latestProjVector[CumSumCheckDegree], mask_6, vect_proj);

    	        #ifdef PROFILE_ON
					t_pj   += (timer() - START);
                CumSumCheckDegree += 6;

            }else if( CheckDegree[j] == 7 )
            	const int  cDeg7       = 0x7F;
                const auto offsets    = _mm256_loadu_si256  ((const __m256i*)&t_col1  [CumSumCheckDegree]);
                const auto xpred      = _mm256_mask_i32gather_ps (zero, OutputFromDecoder, offsets, _mm256_castsi256_ps(mask_7), 4);
    		const auto synd       = _mm256_cmp_ps( xpred, dot5,   _CMP_GT_OS );
    		const int  test       = (_mm256_movemask_ps( synd ) & cDeg7); // deg 7
    		const auto syndrom    = _mm_popcnt_u32( test );
    		const auto _Replica   = _mm256_loadu_ps( &zReplica[CumSumCheckDegree]);
    		const auto _ambda     = _mm256_loadu_ps( &Lambda  [CumSumCheckDegree]);
    		const auto v1         = _mm256_mul_ps  ( xpred,    _rho );
    		const auto v2         = _mm256_mul_ps  ( _Replica, _un_m_rho );
    		const auto v3         = _mm256_add_ps  ( v1, v2 );
    		const auto vect_proj  = _mm256_sub_ps  ( v3, _ambda );

                // ON REALISE LA PROJECTION !!!
                allVerified         += ( syndrom & 0x01 );

                #ifdef PROFILE_ON
					const auto START = timer();
    		const auto latest    = _mm256_loadu_ps(&latestProjVector[CumSumCheckDegree]);
    		const auto different = _mm256_sub_ps ( vect_proj, latest );
    		const auto maskAbsol = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_set1_epi32(0x7FFFFFFF));
    		const auto absolute  = _mm256_and_ps ( different, maskAbsol );
    	        const auto despass   = _mm256_cmp_ps( absolute, seuilProj, _CMP_GT_OS );
    	        int skip = (_mm256_movemask_ps( despass ) & cDeg7) == 0x00; // degree 7

    	        if( skip == false )
			const auto _ztemp  = mp.projection_deg7( vect_proj );
    	    		const auto _ztemp1 = _mm256_sub_ps(_ztemp,    xpred );
    	    		const auto _ztemp2 = _mm256_sub_ps(_ztemp, _Replica );
    	    		const auto _ztemp3 = _mm256_mul_ps(_ztemp1, _rho);
    	    		const auto _ztemp4 = _mm256_mul_ps(_ztemp2, _un_m_rho);
    			const auto nLambda = _mm256_add_ps( _ambda,  _ztemp3 );
    			const auto mLambda = _mm256_add_ps( nLambda, _ztemp4 );
    	    		_mm256_maskstore_ps(&  Lambda        [CumSumCheckDegree], mask_7,   mLambda);
    	    		_mm256_maskstore_ps(&zReplica        [CumSumCheckDegree], mask_7,    _ztemp);
	    	_mm256_maskstore_ps(&latestProjVector[CumSumCheckDegree], mask_7, vect_proj);

    	        #ifdef PROFILE_ON
							t_pj   += (timer() - START);

                CumSumCheckDegree += 7;

                exit( 0 );

        #ifdef PROFILE_ON
				t_cn   += (timer() - starT);
	#ifdef PROFILE_ON
	t_ex += 1;
		//FILE *ft=fopen("time.txt","a");
		//fprintf(ft,"%d \n", t_cn/t_ex);
		//fprintf(ft,"%d %d %d \n", t_cn, t_vn, t_pj);
		if(allVerified == 0)
			mAlgorithmConverge = true;
			mValidCodeword     = true;

//	#ifdef PROFILE_ON
//		t_ex += 1;
//	#endif

Beispiel #10
void molec_quadrant_neighbor_interaction_fma(molec_Quadrant_t q, molec_Quadrant_t q_n, float* Epot_)
#ifdef __AVX2__
    const __m256 sigLJ = _mm256_set1_ps(molec_parameter->sigLJ);
    const __m256 epsLJ = _mm256_set1_ps(molec_parameter->epsLJ);

    const __m256 Rcut2 = _mm256_set1_ps(molec_parameter->Rcut2);

    const int N = q.N;
    const int N_n = q_n.N_pad;

    __m256 Epot8 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    __m256 _1 = _mm256_set1_ps(1.f);
    __m256 _2 = _mm256_set1_ps(2.f);
    __m256 _24epsLJ = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(24.f), epsLJ);

    for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        const __m256 xi = _mm256_set1_ps(q.x[i]);
        const __m256 yi = _mm256_set1_ps(q.y[i]);
        const __m256 zi = _mm256_set1_ps(q.z[i]);

        __m256 f_xi = _mm256_setzero_ps();
        __m256 f_yi = _mm256_setzero_ps();
        __m256 f_zi = _mm256_setzero_ps();

        for(int j = 0; j < N_n; j += 8)
            // count number of interactions

            // load coordinates and fores into AVX vectors
            const __m256 xj = _mm256_load_ps(&q_n.x[j]);
            const __m256 yj = _mm256_load_ps(&q_n.y[j]);
            const __m256 zj = _mm256_load_ps(&q_n.z[j]);

            __m256 f_xj = _mm256_load_ps(&q_n.f_x[j]);
            __m256 f_yj = _mm256_load_ps(&q_n.f_y[j]);
            __m256 f_zj = _mm256_load_ps(&q_n.f_z[j]);

            // distance computation
            const __m256 xij = _mm256_sub_ps(xi, xj);
            const __m256 yij = _mm256_sub_ps(yi, yj);
            const __m256 zij = _mm256_sub_ps(zi, zj);

            const __m256 zij2 = _mm256_mul_ps(zij, zij);
            const __m256 r2 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(xij, xij, _mm256_fmadd_ps(yij, yij, zij2));

            // r2 < Rcut2
            const __m256 mask = _mm256_cmp_ps(r2, Rcut2, _CMP_LT_OQ);

            // if( any(r2 < R2) )
                const __m256 r2inv = _mm256_div_ps(_1, r2);

                const __m256 s2 = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(sigLJ, sigLJ), r2inv);
                const __m256 s6 = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(s2, s2), s2);
                const __m256 s12 = _mm256_mul_ps(s6, s6);

                const __m256 s12_minus_s6 = _mm256_sub_ps(s12, s6);
                const __m256 two_s12_minus_s6 = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_2, s12), s6);

                Epot8 = _mm256_add_ps(Epot8, _mm256_and_ps(s12_minus_s6, mask));

                const __m256 fr = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_24epsLJ, r2inv), two_s12_minus_s6);
                const __m256 fr_mask = _mm256_and_ps(fr, mask);

                // update forces
                f_xi = _mm256_fmadd_ps(fr_mask, xij,f_xi);
                f_yi = _mm256_fmadd_ps(fr_mask, yij,f_yi);
                f_zi = _mm256_fmadd_ps(fr_mask, zij,f_zi);

                f_xj = _mm256_fnmadd_ps(fr_mask,xij,f_xj);
                f_yj = _mm256_fnmadd_ps(fr_mask,yij,f_yj);
                f_zj = _mm256_fnmadd_ps(fr_mask,zij,f_zj);

                // store back j-forces
                _mm256_store_ps(&q_n.f_x[j], f_xj);
                _mm256_store_ps(&q_n.f_y[j], f_yj);
                _mm256_store_ps(&q_n.f_z[j], f_zj);

        // update i-forces
        float MOLEC_ALIGNAS(32) f_array[8];
        _mm256_store_ps(f_array, f_xi);
        q.f_x[i] += f_array[0] + f_array[1] + f_array[2] + f_array[3] + f_array[4] + f_array[5]
                    + f_array[6] + f_array[7];
        _mm256_store_ps(f_array, f_yi);
        q.f_y[i] += f_array[0] + f_array[1] + f_array[2] + f_array[3] + f_array[4] + f_array[5]
                    + f_array[6] + f_array[7];
        _mm256_store_ps(f_array, f_zi);
        q.f_z[i] += f_array[0] + f_array[1] + f_array[2] + f_array[3] + f_array[4] + f_array[5]
                    + f_array[6] + f_array[7];

    float MOLEC_ALIGNAS(32) E_pot_array[8];
    _mm256_store_ps(E_pot_array, Epot8);

    // perform reduction of potential energy
    *Epot_ += 4
              * molec_parameter->epsLJ*(E_pot_array[0] + E_pot_array[1] + E_pot_array[2]
                                        + E_pot_array[3] + E_pot_array[4] + E_pot_array[5]
                                        + E_pot_array[6] + E_pot_array[7]);