Beispiel #1
// factorization for _dtFlags..
void SNM_KnobCaption::DrawText(LICE_IBitmap* _drawbm, RECT* _rect, UINT _dtFlags)
	if (LICE_CachedFont* font = GetFont())
		char buf[64] = "";
		if (m_value || !m_zeroTxt.GetLength())
			_snprintfSafe(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\n%d %s", m_title.Get(), m_value, m_suffix.Get());
			_snprintfSafe(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\n%s", m_title.Get(), m_zeroTxt.Get());
		font->DrawText(_drawbm, buf, -1, _rect, _dtFlags);
Beispiel #2
void SetStartupSearchOptions (bool official, bool beta, unsigned int lastTime)
	char tmp[256];
	if (lastTime == 0) // lastTime = 0 will prevent overwriting current lastTime
		GetPrivateProfileString("SWS", STARTUP_VERSION_KEY, "", tmp, sizeof(tmp), get_ini_file());
		LineParser lp(false);
		lastTime = lp.gettoken_uint(2);
	_snprintfSafe(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d %d %u", !!official, !!beta, lastTime);
	WritePrivateProfileString("SWS", STARTUP_VERSION_KEY, tmp, get_ini_file());
Beispiel #3
bool SNM_ReadMediaFileTag(const char *fn, const char* tag, char* tagval, int tagval_sz)
    if (!fn || !*fn || !tagval || tagval_sz<=0) return false;

#ifdef _WIN32
    wchar_t* w_fn = WideCharPlz(fn);
    if (!w_fn) return false;
    TagLib::FileRef f(w_fn, false);
    TagLib::FileRef f(fn, false);

    if (!f.isNull() && !f.tag()->isEmpty())
        TagLib::String s;
        if (!_stricmp(tag, "artist")) s=f.tag()->artist();
        else if (!_stricmp(tag, "album")) s=f.tag()->album();
        else if (!_stricmp(tag, "genre")) s=f.tag()->genre();
        else if (!_stricmp(tag, "comment")) s=f.tag()->comment();
        else if (!_stricmp(tag, "title")) s=f.tag()->title();
        if (s.length())
            const char *p=s.toCString(true);
            if (strcmp(p,"0")) lstrcpyn(tagval, p, tagval_sz); // must be a taglib bug...
            if (!_stricmp(tag, "year") && f.tag()->year()) _snprintfSafe(tagval, tagval_sz, "%u", f.tag()->year());
            else if (!_stricmp(tag, "track") && f.tag()->track()) _snprintfSafe(tagval, tagval_sz, "%u", f.tag()->track());
#ifdef _WIN32
    delete [] w_fn;
    return !!*tagval;
Beispiel #4
void TieFileToProject(const char* _fn, ReaProject* _prj, bool _tie)
	if (_fn && *_fn)
		if (ReaProject* prj = _prj ? _prj : EnumProjects(-1, NULL, 0))
			void *p[2] = { (void*)_fn, (void*)prj };
			plugin_register(_tie ? "file_in_project_ex" : "-file_in_project_ex", p);
#ifdef _SNM_DEBUG
			char dbg[256]="";
			_snprintfSafe(dbg, sizeof(dbg), "TieFileToProject() - ReaProject: %p, %s %s\n", prj, _tie ? "Added" : "Removed", _fn);
Beispiel #5
void SetTrackHeight(MediaTrack* track, int height, bool useChunk)
	if (!useChunk)
		GetSetMediaTrackInfo(track, "I_HEIGHTOVERRIDE", &height);

		Main_OnCommand(41327, 0);
		Main_OnCommand(41328, 0);
		SNM_ChunkParserPatcher p(track);
		char pTrackLine[BUFFER_SIZE] = "";

		if (p.Parse(SNM_GET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "TRACK", "TRACKHEIGHT", 0, 1, pTrackLine))
			_snprintfSafe(pTrackLine, BUFFER_SIZE, "%d", height);
			p.ParsePatch(SNM_SET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "TRACK", "TRACKHEIGHT", 0, 1, pTrackLine);
Beispiel #6
* Dialog functionality                                                        *
static void SetVersionMessage (HWND hwnd, BR_SearchObject* searchObject)
	BR_Version versionO, versionB;
	int status = searchObject->GetStatus(&versionO, &versionB);
	char tmp[256] = {0};

	if (status == SEARCH_INITIATED)
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), false);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_OFF), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_BETA), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), SW_SHOW);
		SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0);

	else if (status == NO_CONNECTION)
		_snprintfSafe(tmp, sizeof(tmp), __LOCALIZE("Connection could not be established","sws_DLG_172"));
		SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), __LOCALIZE("Retry","sws_DLG_172"));
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), true);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_OFF), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_BETA), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), SW_HIDE);
	else if (status == UP_TO_DATE)
		_snprintfSafe(tmp, sizeof(tmp), __LOCALIZE("SWS extension is up to date.","sws_DLG_172"));
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), false);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_OFF), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_BETA), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), SW_HIDE);
	else if (status == OFFICIAL_AVAILABLE)
		_snprintfSafe(tmp, sizeof(tmp), __LOCALIZE("Official update is available: Version %d.%d.%d Build #%d","sws_DLG_172"), versionO.maj, versionO.min, versionO.rev,;
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), true);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_OFF), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_BETA), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), SW_HIDE);
	else if (status == BETA_AVAILABLE)
		_snprintfSafe(tmp, sizeof(tmp), __LOCALIZE("Beta update is available: Version %d.%d.%d Build #%d","sws_DLG_172"), versionB.maj, versionB.min, versionB.rev,;
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), true);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_OFF), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_BETA), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), SW_HIDE);
	else if (status == BOTH_AVAILABLE)
		_snprintfSafe(tmp, sizeof(tmp), __LOCALIZE("Official update is available: Version %d.%d.%d Build #%d\nBeta update is available: Version %d.%d.%d Build #%d","sws_DLG_172"), versionO.maj, versionO.min, versionO.rev,, versionB.maj, versionB.min, versionB.rev,;
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_OFF), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_BETA), SW_SHOW);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_DOWNLOAD), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_PROGRESS), SW_HIDE);

	SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BR_VER_MESSAGE), tmp);
Beispiel #7
void DeleteTempo (COMMAND_T* ct)
	// Get tempo map
	BR_Envelope tempoMap(GetTempoEnv());
	if (!tempoMap.CountSelected())
	int offset = 0;

	// Loop through selected points and perform BPM calculations
	int skipped = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < tempoMap.CountSelected(); ++i)
		int id = tempoMap.GetSelected(i) + offset;
		if (id == 0)

		// Get tempo points
		double t1, t2, t3, t4;
		double b1, b2, b3, b4;
		int s0, s1, s2, s3;

		tempoMap.GetPoint(id, &t2, &b2, &s2, NULL);
		bool P0 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id-2, NULL, NULL, &s0, NULL);
		bool P1 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id-1, &t1, &b1, &s1, NULL);
		bool P3 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+1, &t3, &b3, &s3, NULL);
		bool P4 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+2, &t4, &b4, NULL, NULL);

		// Hold new values
		double Nt1, Nb1;
		double Nt3, Nb3;

		// If previous point doesn't exist, fake it
		if (!P0)
			s0 = SQUARE;

		// Get P2-P3 length
		double m2;
		if (s2 == SQUARE)
			m2 = b2*(t3-t2) / 240;
			m2 = (b2+b3)*(t3-t2) / 480;

		if (P3)
			if (s0 == SQUARE)
				if (s1 == SQUARE)
					Nt1 = t1;
					Nb1 = (240*m2 + b1*(t2-t1)) / (t3-t1);
					Nt1 = t1;
					Nb1 = (480*m2 + (b1+b2)*(t2-t1)) / (t3-t1) - b3;

				// Check new value is legal
				if (Nb1 > MAX_BPM || Nb1 < MIN_BPM)
					SKIP(skipped, 1);

				// Next point stays the same
				P3 = false;
				// If P4 exists...
				if (P4)
					if (s1 == SQUARE)
						if (s3 == SQUARE)
							Nt3 = t2 + 240*m2 / b1;
							Nb3 = b3*(t4-t3) / (t4-Nt3);
							Nt3 = t2 + 240*m2 / b1;
							Nb3 = (b3+b4)*(t4-t3) / (t4-Nt3) - b4;
						if (s3 == SQUARE)
							double f1 = (b1+b2)*(t2-t1) + 480*m2;
							double f2 = b3*(t4-t3);
							double a = b1;
							double b = (a*(t1+t4) + f1+f2) / 2;
							double c = a*(t1*t4) + f1*t4 + f2*t1;
							Nt3 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
							Nb3 = f2 / (t4 - Nt3);
							double f1 = (b1+b2)*(t2-t1) + 480*m2;
							double f2 = (b3+b4)*(t4-t3);
							double a = b1-b4;
							double b = (a*(t1+t4) + f1+f2) / 2;
							double c = a*(t1*t4) + f1*t4 + f2*t1;
							Nt3 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
							Nb3 = f2 / (t4 - Nt3) - b4;

					// Check new position is legal
					if ((Nt3 - t1) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST || (t4 - Nt3) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
						SKIP(skipped, 1);

				// If P4 does not exist

					if (s1 == SQUARE)
						Nt3 = t2 + 240*m2 / b1;
						Nb3 = b3;
						Nt3 = t3;
						Nb3 = (480*m2 + (b1+b2)*(t2-t1)) / (t3-t1) - b1;

					// Check new position is legal
					if ((Nt3 - t1) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
						SKIP(skipped, 1);

				// Check new value is legal
				if (Nb3 > MAX_BPM || Nb3 < MIN_BPM)
					SKIP(skipped, 1);

				// Previous point stays the same
				P1 = false;
			// No surrounding points get edited
			P1 = false;
			P3 = false;

		///// SET NEW BPM /////

		// Previous point
		if (P1)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id-1, &Nt1, &Nb1, NULL, NULL);

		// Next point
		if (P3)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id+1, &Nt3, &Nb3, NULL, NULL);

		// Delete point

	// Commit changes
	if (tempoMap.Commit())
		Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);

	// Warn user if some points weren't processed
	static bool s_warnUser = true;
	if (s_warnUser && skipped != 0)
		char buffer[512];
		_snprintfSafe(buffer, sizeof(buffer), __LOCALIZE_VERFMT("%d of the selected points didn't get processed because some points would end up with illegal BPM or position. Would you like to be warned if it happens again?", "sws_mbox"), skipped);
		int userAnswer = ShowMessageBox(buffer, __LOCALIZE("SWS - Warning", "sws_mbox"), 4);
		if (userAnswer == 7)
			s_warnUser = false;
Beispiel #8
void SNM_DynSizedText::OnPaint(LICE_IBitmap *drawbm, int origin_x, int origin_y, RECT *cliprect)
	RECT r = m_position;
	r.left += origin_x;
	r.right += origin_x; += origin_y;
	r.bottom += origin_y;

	int h =;
	int w = r.right-r.left;

	ColorTheme* ct = SNM_GetColorTheme();
	int col = m_col;
	if (!col)
		col = ct ? LICE_RGBA_FROMNATIVE(ct->main_text, m_alpha) : LICE_RGBA(255,255,255,255);

	if (m_wantBorder)

	// title lane
	int laneHeight = GetTitleLaneHeight();
	if (WantTitleLane() && HasTitleLane())
		if (m_wantBorder)
			LICE_Line(drawbm, r.left,,r.right,,col,0.2f);

		// title's band coloring (works for all themes)

		static LICE_CachedFont sFont;
		if (!sFont.GetHFont()) // single lazy init..
			LOGFONT lf = {
			// others props are set on demand (support theme switches)
		sFont.SetTextColor(LICE_RGBA_FROMNATIVE(WDL_STYLE_GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW), 255)); // "negative" color

			RECT tr = {r.left,,r.right,};
			char buf[64] = "";
			_snprintfSafe(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s ", m_title.Get()); // trick for better display when left/right align
			sFont.DrawText(drawbm, buf, -1, &tr, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_VCENTER|m_titleAlign);

		// resize draw rect: take band into account += laneHeight;
		h =;

	// ok, now the meat: render lines with a dynamic sized text
	if (!m_lines.GetSize() || !m_lines.Get(m_maxLineIdx))

#ifndef _SNM_MISC // 1st sol.: full width but several fonts can be tried

	// initial font height estimation
	// touchy: the better estimation, the less cpu use!
	int estimFontH = int((w*2.65)/m_lines.Get(m_maxLineIdx)->GetLength()); // 2.65 = average from tests..
	if (estimFontH > int(h/m_lines.GetSize())+0.5)
		estimFontH = int(h/m_lines.GetSize()+0.5);

	// check if the current font can do the job
	if (m_lastFontH>=SNM_FONT_HEIGHT && abs(estimFontH-m_lastFontH) < 2) // tolerance: 2 pixels
		OutputDebugString("SNM_DynSizedText::OnPaint() - Skip font creation\n");
		DrawLines(drawbm, &r, m_lastFontH);
		m_lastFontH = estimFontH;
		int dbgTries=0;


			RECT tr = {0,0,0,0};

			// DT flags must be consistent with DrawLines()
			m_font.DrawText(NULL, m_lines.Get(m_maxLineIdx)->Get(), -1, &tr, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_BOTTOM|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_CALCRECT);

			if ((tr.right - tr.left) > (w-int(w*0.02+0.5))) // room: 2% of w
				DrawLines(drawbm, &r, m_lastFontH);
				// no font deletion: will try to re-use it..
		char dbg[256];
		_snprintfSafe(dbg, sizeof(dbg), "SNM_DynSizedText::OnPaint() - %d tries, estim: %d, real: %d\n", dbgTries, estimFontH, m_lastFontH);

#else // 2nd sol.: render text in best effort, single font creation

/*JFB commented: truncated text..
	int fontHeight = int((w*2.65)/m_lines.Get(m_maxLineIdx)->GetLength()); // 2.65 = average from tests..
	if (fontHeight > int(h/m_lines.GetSize())+0.5)
		fontHeight = int(h/m_lines.GetSize()+0.5);
	// font height estimation (safe but it does not use all the available width/height)
	int fontHeight = int(h/m_lines.GetSize() + 0.5);
	while (fontHeight>SNM_FONT_HEIGHT && (fontHeight*m_lines.Get(m_maxLineIdx)->GetLength()*0.55) > w) // 0.55: h/w factor

	if (fontHeight>=SNM_FONT_HEIGHT)
		DrawLines(drawbm, &r, fontHeight);
Beispiel #9
void EditTempoGradual (COMMAND_T* ct)
	// Get tempo map
	BR_Envelope tempoMap(GetTempoEnv());
	if (!tempoMap.CountSelected())

	// Get values and type of operation to be performed
	bool percentage = false;
	double diff;
	if (GetFirstDigit((int)ct->user) == 1)
		diff = (double)ct->user / 1000;
		diff = (double)ct->user / 200000;
		percentage = true;

	// Loop through selected points and perform BPM calculations
	int skipped = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < tempoMap.CountSelected(); ++i)
		int id = tempoMap.GetSelected(i);

		// Hold new values for selected and next point
		double Nb1, Nt1;
		vector<double> selPos;
		vector<double> selBpm;

		///// CURRENT POINT /////

		// Store new values for selected points into vectors
		int offset = 0;
		while (true)
			// Get point currently in the loop and points surrounding it
			double t0, t1, t2, b0, b1, b2;
			int s0, s1;
			bool P0 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset-1, &t0, &b0, &s0, NULL);
			tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset,   &t1, &b1, &s1, NULL);
			tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset+1, &t2, &b2, NULL, NULL);

			// If square or not selected, break
			if (s1 == SQUARE || !tempoMap.GetSelection(id+offset))
				// If breaking on the first selected point, don't adjust i (so for loop doesn't go backwards).
				i += (offset == 0) ? (0) : (offset-1);
				--offset; // since this point is not taken into account, correct offset

			// Get new BPM
			double bpm = b1 + ((percentage) ? (b1*diff) : (diff));
			if (bpm < MIN_BPM)
				bpm = MIN_BPM;
			else if (bpm > MAX_BPM)
				bpm = MAX_BPM;

			// Get new position (special case for the first point)
			double position;
			if (offset == 0)
				if (P0 && s0 == LINEAR)
					position = (t1*(b0+b1) + t0*(bpm-b1)) / (b0 + bpm); // first point moves but the one before it
					if (position - t0 < MIN_TEMPO_DIST)                 // doesn't so check if their distance is legal
					position = t1;
				position = ((b0+b1)*(t1-t0) + selPos.back() * (selBpm.back() + bpm)) / (selBpm.back() + bpm);

			// Store new values

		// Check for illegal position/no linear points encountered (in that case offset is -1 so skipped won't change)
		if (!selPos.size())
			SKIP(skipped, offset+1);

		///// NEXT POINT /////

		// Get points after the last selected point
		double t1, t2;
		double b1, b2;
		int s2;
		bool P1 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset+1, &t1, &b1, &s2, NULL);
		bool P2 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset+2, &t2, &b2, NULL, NULL);

		// Calculate new value and position for the next point
		if (P1)
			// Get last selected tempo point (old and new)
			double Nb0 = selBpm.back();
			double Nt0 = selPos.back();
			double t0, b0;
			tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset, &t0, &b0, NULL, NULL);

			if (P2)
				if (s2 == SQUARE)
					double f1 = (b0+b1)*(t1-t0);
					double f2 = b1*(t2-t1);
					double a = Nb0;
					double b = (a*(Nt0+t2) + f1+f2) / 2;
					double c = a*(Nt0*t2) + f1*t2 + f2*Nt0;
					Nt1 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
					Nb1 = f2 / (t2-Nt1);
					double f1 = (b0+b1)*(t1-t0);
					double f2 = (b1+b2)*(t2-t1);
					double a = Nb0 - b2;
					double b = (a*(Nt0+t2) + f1+f2) / 2;
					double c = a*(Nt0*t2) + f1*t2 + f2*Nt0;
					Nt1 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
					Nb1 = f2 / (t2-Nt1) - b2;
				Nt1 = t1;
				Nb1 = (b0+b1)*(t1-t0) / (t1-Nt0) - Nb0;

			// If points after selected point don't exist, fake them
			if (!P1)
				Nt1 = Nt0 + 1;
			if (!P2)
				t2 = Nt1 + 1;

			// Check new value is legal
			if (Nb1 > MAX_BPM || Nb1 < MIN_BPM)
				SKIP(skipped, offset+1);
			if ((Nt1-Nt0) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST || (t2 - Nt1) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
				SKIP(skipped, offset+1);

		///// SET NEW BPM /////

		// Current point(s)
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)selPos.size(); ++i)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id+i, &selPos[i], &selBpm[i], NULL, NULL);

		// Next point
		if (P1)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id+offset+1, &Nt1, &Nb1, NULL, NULL);

	// Commit changes
	if (tempoMap.Commit())
		Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);

	// Warn user if some points weren't processed
	static bool s_warnUser = true;
	if (s_warnUser && skipped != 0 && tempoMap.CountSelected() > 1 )
		char buffer[512];
		_snprintfSafe(buffer, sizeof(buffer), __LOCALIZE_VERFMT("%d of the selected points didn't get processed because some points would end up with illegal BPM or position. Would you like to be warned if it happens again?", "sws_mbox"), skipped);
		int userAnswer = ShowMessageBox(buffer, __LOCALIZE("SWS - Warning", "sws_mbox"), 4);
		if (userAnswer == 7)
			s_warnUser = false;
Beispiel #10
void EditTempo (COMMAND_T* ct)
	// Get tempo map
	BR_Envelope tempoMap(GetTempoEnv());
	if (!tempoMap.CountSelected())

	// Get values and type of operation to be performed
	bool percentage = false;
	double diff;
	if (GetFirstDigit((int)ct->user) == 1)
		diff = (double)ct->user / 1000;
		diff = (double)ct->user / 200000;
		percentage = true;

	// Loop through selected points and perform BPM calculations
	int skipped = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < tempoMap.CountSelected(); ++i)
		int id = tempoMap.GetSelected(i);

		// Hold new values for selected and surrounding points
		double Nt1, Nt3, Nb1, Nb3;
		vector<double> selPos;
		vector<double> selBpm;

		///// CURRENT POINT /////

		// Get all consequentially selected points into a vector with their new values. In case
		// there is consequential selection, middle musical position of a transition between first
		// and last selected point will preserve it's time position (where possible)
		int offset = 0;
		if (tempoMap.GetSelection(id+1))
			// Store new values for selected points into vectors
			double musicalMiddle = 0;
			vector<double> musicalLength;
			while (true)
				// Once unselected point is encountered, break
				if (!tempoMap.GetSelection(id+offset))
					--offset;    // since this point is not taken into account, correct offset

					i += offset; // in case of consequential selection, points are treated as
					break;       // one big transition, so skip them all

				// Get point currently in the loop and surrounding points
				double t0, t1, t2, b0, b1, b2;
				int s0, s1;
				bool P0 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset-1, &t0, &b0, &s0, NULL);
				tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset,   &t1, &b1, &s1, NULL);
				tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset+1, &t2, &b2, NULL, NULL);

				// Get musical length for every transition but the last
				double mLen = 0;
				if (tempoMap.GetSelection(id+offset+1))
					if (s1 == SQUARE)
						mLen = b1*(t2-t1) / 240;
						mLen = (b1+b2)*(t2-t1) / 480;
				musicalMiddle += mLen;

				// Get new BPM
				double bpm = b1 + (percentage ? (b1*diff) : (diff));
				if (bpm < MIN_BPM)
					bpm = MIN_BPM;
				else if (bpm > MAX_BPM)
					bpm = MAX_BPM;

				// Get new position (special case for the first point)
				double position;
				if (!offset)
					if (P0 && s0 == LINEAR)
						position = (t1*(b0+b1) + t0*(bpm-b1)) / (b0 + bpm);
						position = t1;
					if (s0 == LINEAR)
						position = (480*musicalLength.back() + selPos.back()*(bpm + selBpm.back())) / (bpm + selBpm.back());
						position = (240*musicalLength.back() + selPos.back()*selBpm.back()) / selBpm.back();

				// Store new values

			// Find time position of musical middle and move all point so time position
			// of musical middle is preserved (only if previous point exists)
			musicalMiddle /= 2;
			if (tempoMap.GetPoint(id-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
				double temp = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < (int)selPos.size()-1; ++i)
					temp += musicalLength[i];
					if (temp >= musicalMiddle)
						// Get length between the points that contain musical middle
						double len = musicalMiddle - (temp-musicalLength[i]);

						// Find original time position of musical middle
						double t0, t1, b0, b1; int s0;
						tempoMap.GetPoint(id+i,   &t0, &b0, &s0, NULL);
						tempoMap.GetPoint(id+i+1, &t1, &b1, NULL, NULL);
						double prevPos = t0 + PositionAtMeasure (b0, (s0 == 1 ? b0 : b1), t1-t0, len);

						// Find new time position of musical middle
						double newPos = t0 + PositionAtMeasure (selBpm[i], (s0 == 1 ? selBpm[i] : selBpm[i+1]), selPos[i+1] - selPos[i], len);

						// Reset time positions of selected points
						double diff = newPos - prevPos;
						for (size_t i = 0; i < selPos.size(); ++i)
							selPos[i] -= diff;
			// Get selected point
			double t, b;
			tempoMap.GetPoint(id, &t, &b, NULL, NULL);

			// Get new BPM
			b += (percentage) ? (b*diff) : (diff);
			if (b < MIN_BPM)
				b = MIN_BPM;
			else if (b > MAX_BPM)
				b = MAX_BPM;

			// Store it

		///// PREVIOUS POINT /////

		// Get points before selected points
		double t0, t1, b0, b1;
		int s0, s1;
		bool P0 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id-2, &t0, &b0, &s0, NULL);
		bool P1 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id-1, &t1, &b1, &s1, NULL);

		if (P1)
			// Get first selected point (old and new)
			double t2, b2;
			tempoMap.GetPoint(id, &t2, &b2, NULL, NULL);
			double Nb2 = selBpm.front();
			double Nt2 = selPos.front();

			// If point behind previous doesn't exist, fake it as square
			if (!P0)
				s0 = SQUARE;

			// Calculate new value and position for previous point
			if (!P0 || s0 == SQUARE)
				if (s1 == SQUARE)
					Nt1 = t1;
					Nb1 = b1*(t2-t1) / (Nt2-Nt1);
					Nt1 = t1;
					Nb1 = (b1+b2)*(t2-t1) / (Nt2-Nt1) - Nb2;
				if (s1 == SQUARE)
					double f1 = (b0+b1) *(t1-t0);
					double f2 = b1*(t2-t1);
					double a = b0;
					double b = (a*(t0+Nt2) + f1+f2) / 2;
					double c = a*(t0*Nt2) + f1*Nt2 + f2*t0;
					Nt1 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
					Nb1 = f2 / (Nt2 - Nt1);
					double f1 = (b0+b1)*(t1-t0);
					double f2 = (b1+b2)*(t2-t1);
					double a = b0 - Nb2;
					double b = (a*(t0+Nt2) + f1+f2) / 2;
					double c = a*(t0*Nt2) + f1*Nt2 + f2*t0;
					Nt1 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
					Nb1 = f2 / (Nt2 - Nt1) - Nb2;

			// If point behind previous doesn't exist, fake it's position so it can pass legality check
			if (!P0)
				t0 = Nt1 - 1;

			// Check new value is legal
			if (Nb1 > MAX_BPM || Nb1 < MIN_BPM)
				SKIP(skipped, offset+1);
			if ((Nt1-t0) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST || (Nt2 - Nt1) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
				SKIP(skipped, offset+1 );

		///// NEXT POINT /////

		// Get points after selected points
		double t3, t4, b3, b4;
		int s3;
		bool P3 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset+1, &t3, &b3, &s3, NULL);
		bool P4 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset+2, &t4, &b4, NULL, NULL);

		if (P3)
			// Get last selected point (old and new)
			double t2, b2; int s2;
			tempoMap.GetPoint(id+offset, &t2, &b2, &s2, NULL);
			double Nb2 = selBpm.back();
			double Nt2 = selPos.back();

			// Calculate new value and position for next point
			if (s2 == SQUARE)
				if (P4)
					if (s3 == SQUARE)
						Nt3 = (b2*(t3-t2) + Nb2*Nt2) / Nb2;
						Nb3 = b3*(t4-t3) / (t4-Nt3);
						Nt3 = (b2*(t3-t2) + Nb2*Nt2) / Nb2;
						Nb3 = (b3+b4)*(t4-t3) / (t4-Nt3) - b4;
					Nt3 = (b2*(t3-t2) + Nb2*Nt2) / Nb2;
					Nb3 = b3;
				if (P4)
					if (s3 == SQUARE)
						double f1 = (b2+b3)*(t3-t2);
						double f2 = b3*(t4-t3);
						double a = Nb2;
						double b = (a*(Nt2+t4) + f1+f2) / 2;
						double c = a*(Nt2*t4) + f1*t4 + f2*Nt2;
						Nt3 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
						Nb3 = f2 / (t4-Nt3);
						double f1 = (b2+b3)*(t3-t2);
						double f2 = (b3+b4)*(t4-t3);
						double a = Nb2 - b4;
						double b = (a*(Nt2+t4) + f1+f2) / 2;
						double c = a*(Nt2*t4) + f1*t4 + f2*Nt2;
						Nt3 = c / (b + sqrt(pow(b,2) - a*c));
						Nb3 = f2 / (t4-Nt3) - b4;
					Nt3 = t3;
					Nb3 = (b2+b3)*(t3-t2) / (Nt3-Nt2) - Nb2;

			// If point after the next doesn't exist fake it's position so it can pass legality check
			if (!P4)
				t4 = Nt3 + 1;

			// Check new value is legal
			if (Nb3 > MAX_BPM || Nb3 < MIN_BPM)
				SKIP(skipped, offset+1);
			if ((Nt3-Nt2) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST || (t4 - Nt3) < MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
				SKIP(skipped, offset+1);

		///// SET BPM /////

		// Previous point
		if (P1)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id-1, &Nt1, &Nb1, NULL, NULL);

		// Current point(s)
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)selPos.size(); ++i)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id+i, &selPos[i], &selBpm[i], NULL, NULL);

		// Next point
		if (P3)
			tempoMap.SetPoint(id+offset+1, &Nt3, &Nb3, NULL, NULL);

	// Commit changes
	if (tempoMap.Commit())
		Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);

	// Warn user if some points weren't processed
	static bool s_warnUser = true;
	if (s_warnUser && skipped != 0 && tempoMap.CountSelected() > 1)
		char buffer[512];
		_snprintfSafe(buffer, sizeof(buffer), __LOCALIZE_VERFMT("%d of the selected points didn't get processed because some points would end up with illegal BPM or position. Would you like to be warned if it happens again?", "sws_mbox"), skipped);
		int userAnswer = ShowMessageBox(buffer, __LOCALIZE("SWS - Warning", "sws_mbox"), 4);
		if (userAnswer == 7)
			s_warnUser = false;
Beispiel #11
void MoveTempo (COMMAND_T* ct)
	BR_Envelope tempoMap(GetTempoEnv());
	if (!tempoMap.Count())
	double cursor = GetCursorPositionEx(NULL);
	double tDiff = 0;
	int targetId = -1;

	// Find tempo marker closest to the edit cursor
	if ((int)ct->user == 3)
		targetId = tempoMap.FindClosest(cursor);
		if (targetId == 0) ++targetId;
		if (!tempoMap.ValidateId(targetId))

		double cTime; tempoMap.GetPoint(targetId, &cTime, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		tDiff = cursor - cTime;

	// Just get time difference for selected points
		if ((int)ct->user == 2 || (int)ct->user == -2)
			tDiff = 1 / GetHZoomLevel() * (double)ct->user / 2;
			tDiff = (double)ct->user/10000;

	if (tDiff == 0)

	// Loop through selected points
	int skipped = 0;
	int count = (targetId != -1) ? (1) : (tempoMap.CountSelected());
	for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		if (int id = ((int)ct->user == 3) ? (targetId) : (tempoMap.GetSelected(i))) // skip first point
			skipped += (MoveTempo(tempoMap, id, tDiff)) ? (0) : (1);

	// Commit changes
	PreventUIRefresh(1); // prevent jumpy cursor
	if (tempoMap.Commit())
		if ((int)ct->user == 3)
			SetEditCurPos2(NULL, cursor, false, false); // always keep cursor position when moving to closest tempo marker
		Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);

	// Warn user if some points weren't processed
	static bool s_warnUser = true;
	if (s_warnUser && skipped != 0)
		char buffer[512];
		_snprintfSafe(buffer, sizeof(buffer), __LOCALIZE_VERFMT("%d of the selected points didn't get processed because some points would end up with illegal BPM or position. Would you like to be warned if it happens again?", "sws_mbox"), skipped);
		int userAnswer = ShowMessageBox(buffer, __LOCALIZE("SWS - Warning", "sws_mbox"), 4);
		if (userAnswer == 7)
			s_warnUser = false;
Beispiel #12
void TempoShapeSquare (COMMAND_T* ct)
	// Get tempo map
	BR_Envelope tempoMap (GetTempoEnv());
	if (!tempoMap.CountSelected())

	// Get splitting options
	double splitRatio;
	bool split = GetTempoShapeOptions(&splitRatio);

	// Loop through selected points and perform BPM calculations
	int skipped = 0;
	int count = tempoMap.Count()-1;
	for (int i = 0; i < tempoMap.CountSelected(); ++i)
		int id = tempoMap.GetSelected(i);

		// Skip selected point if already square
		double t1, b1; int s1;
		tempoMap.GetPoint(id, &t1, &b1, &s1, NULL);
		if (s1 == SQUARE)
			s1 = SQUARE;

		// Get next point
		double b2; bool P2;
		if (id < count) // since we're creating points at the end of tempo map, check if dealing with the last point
			P2 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id+1, NULL, &b2, NULL, NULL);
			P2 = false;

		// Get previous point
		double t0, b0; int s0;
		bool P0 = tempoMap.GetPoint(id-1, &t0, &b0, &s0, NULL);

		// Get new bpm of selected point
		double Nb1;
		if (P2 && b1 != b2)
			Nb1 = (b1+b2) / 2;
			Nb1 = b1;

		// Check if new bpm is legal, if not, skip
		if (Nb1 < MIN_BPM || Nb1 > MAX_BPM)
			SKIP(skipped, 1);

		///// SET NEW SHAPE /////

		// Create middle point(s) is needed
		if (P0 && s0 == LINEAR && P2 && Nb1 != b2)
			// Get middle point's position and BPM
			double position, bpm = 120, measure = (b0+b1)*(t1-t0) / 480;
			FindMiddlePoint(&position, &bpm, measure, t0, t1, b0, Nb1);

			// Don't split middle point
			if (!split)
				if (bpm<= MAX_BPM && bpm>=MIN_BPM && (position-t0)>=MIN_TEMPO_DIST && (t1-position)>=MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
					tempoMap.CreatePoint(tempoMap.Count(), position, bpm, LINEAR, 0, false);
					SKIP(skipped, 1);

			// Split middle point
				double position1, position2, bpm1, bpm2;
				SplitMiddlePoint (&position1, &position2, &bpm1, &bpm2, splitRatio, measure, t0, position, t1, b0, bpm, Nb1);

				if (bpm1>=MIN_BPM && bpm1<=MAX_BPM && bpm2>=MIN_BPM && bpm2<=MAX_BPM && (position1-t0)>=MIN_TEMPO_DIST && (position2-position1)>=MIN_TEMPO_DIST && (t1-position2)>=MIN_TEMPO_DIST)
					tempoMap.CreatePoint(tempoMap.Count(), position1, bpm1, LINEAR, 0, false);
					tempoMap.CreatePoint(tempoMap.Count(), position2, bpm2, LINEAR, 0, false);
					SKIP(skipped, 1);

		// Change shape of the selected point
		tempoMap.SetPoint(id, NULL, &Nb1, &s1, NULL);

	// Commit changes
	if (tempoMap.Commit())
		Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);

	// Warn user if some points weren't processed
	static bool s_warnUser = true;
	if (s_warnUser && skipped != 0)
		char buffer[512];
		_snprintfSafe(buffer, sizeof(buffer), __LOCALIZE_VERFMT("%d of the selected points didn't get processed because some points would end up with illegal BPM or position. Would you like to be warned if it happens again?", "sws_mbox"), skipped);
		int userAnswer = ShowMessageBox(buffer, __LOCALIZE("SWS - Warning", "sws_mbox"), 4);
		if (userAnswer == 7)
			s_warnUser = false;
Beispiel #13
// _type: 0=Post-Fader (Post-Pan), 1=Pre-FX, 2=deprecated, 3=Pre-Fader (Post-FX)
// _undoMsg: NULL=no undo
bool CueBuss(const char* _undoMsg, const char* _busName, int _type, bool _showRouting,
			 int _soloDefeat, char* _trTemplatePath, bool _sendToMaster, int* _hwOuts) 
	if (!SNM_CountSelectedTracks(NULL, false))
		return false;

	WDL_FastString tmplt;
	if (_trTemplatePath && (!FileOrDirExists(_trTemplatePath) || !LoadChunk(_trTemplatePath, &tmplt) || !tmplt.GetLength()))
		char msg[SNM_MAX_PATH] = "";
		lstrcpyn(msg, __LOCALIZE("Cue buss not created!\nNo track template file defined","sws_DLG_149"), sizeof(msg));
		if (*_trTemplatePath)
			_snprintfSafe(msg, sizeof(msg), __LOCALIZE_VERFMT("Cue buss not created!\nTrack template not found (or empty): %s","sws_DLG_149"), _trTemplatePath);
		MessageBox(GetMainHwnd(), msg, __LOCALIZE("S&M - Error","sws_DLG_149"), MB_OK);
		return false;

	bool updated = false;
	MediaTrack * cueTr = NULL;
	SNM_SendPatcher* p = NULL;
	for (int i=1; i <= GetNumTracks(); i++) // skip master
		MediaTrack* tr = CSurf_TrackFromID(i, false);
		if (tr && *(int*)GetSetMediaTrackInfo(tr, "I_SELECTED", NULL))
			GetSetMediaTrackInfo(tr, "I_SELECTED", &g_i0);

			// add the buss track, done once!
			if (!cueTr)
				InsertTrackAtIndex(GetNumTracks(), false);
				cueTr = CSurf_TrackFromID(GetNumTracks(), false);
				GetSetMediaTrackInfo(cueTr, "P_NAME", (void*)_busName);

				p = new SNM_SendPatcher(cueTr);

				if (tmplt.GetLength())
					WDL_FastString chunk;
					MakeSingleTrackTemplateChunk(&tmplt, &chunk, true, true, false);
					ApplyTrackTemplate(cueTr, &chunk, false, false, p);
				updated = true;

			// add a send
			if (cueTr && p && tr != cueTr)
				AddReceiveWithVolPan(tr, cueTr, _type, p);

	if (cueTr && p)
		// send to master/parent init
		if (!tmplt.GetLength())
			// solo defeat
			if (_soloDefeat) {
				char one[2] = "1";
				updated |= (p->ParsePatch(SNM_SET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "TRACK", "MUTESOLO", 0, 3, one) > 0);
			// master/parend send
			WDL_FastString mainSend;
			mainSend.SetFormatted(SNM_MAX_CHUNK_LINE_LENGTH, "MAINSEND %d 0", _sendToMaster?1:0);

			// adds hw outputs
			if (_hwOuts)
				int monoHWCount=0; 
				while (GetOutputChannelName(monoHWCount)) monoHWCount++;

				bool cr = false;
				for(int i=0; i<SNM_MAX_HW_OUTS; i++)
					if (_hwOuts[i])
						if (!cr) {
							cr = true;
						if (_hwOuts[i] >= monoHWCount) 
							mainSend.AppendFormatted(32, "HWOUT %d ", (_hwOuts[i]-monoHWCount) | 1024);
							mainSend.AppendFormatted(32, "HWOUT %d ", _hwOuts[i]-1);

						mainSend.Append("0 ");
						mainSend.AppendFormatted(20, "%.14f ", *(double*)GetConfigVar("defhwvol"));
						mainSend.Append("0.00000000000000 0 0 0 -1.00000000000000 -1\n");
				if (!cr)
					mainSend.Append("\n"); // hot

			// patch both updates (no break keyword here: new empty track)
			updated |= p->ReplaceLine("TRACK", "MAINSEND", 1, 0, mainSend.Get());

		delete p;

		if (updated)
			GetSetMediaTrackInfo(cueTr, "I_SELECTED", &g_i1);
			ScrollSelTrack(true, true);
			if (_showRouting) 
				Main_OnCommand(40293, 0);
			if (_undoMsg)
				Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, _undoMsg, UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);
	return updated;