static HRESULT ProcessVariable(__in FILE *fp, __in WORD nIndex, __in TYPEATTR* lpTypeAttr, __in ITypeInfo *lpTypeInfo, __in SIZE_T nIndent) { CAutoVarDesc cVarDesc; CNktStringW cStrTempW; CNktComBStr bstrMemberName; BSTR bstr; HRESULT hRes; UINT nNamesCount; WORD i; char szBufA[32]; hRes = cVarDesc.Set(lpTypeInfo, nIndex); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); if (cVarDesc->varkind == VAR_CONST) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Variables should not be constants.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } hRes = lpTypeInfo->GetNames(cVarDesc->memid, &bstr, 1, &nNamesCount); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); if (nNamesCount == 0 || bstr == NULL) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Unnamed variables are not supported.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } bstrMemberName.Attach(bstr); WRITEINDENT_AND_CHECK(fp, nIndent); if ((cVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt & 0x0FFF) == VT_CARRAY) { // type name[n] cStrTempW.Empty(); hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(cVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.lpadesc->tdescElem), lpTypeInfo, FALSE); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, (LPWSTR)cStrTempW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " "); WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, bstrMemberName); for (i=0; i<cVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.lpadesc->cDims; i++) { _snprintf_s(szBufA, X_ARRAYLEN(szBufA), _TRUNCATE, "[%d]", cVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc.lpadesc->rgbounds[i].cElements); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, szBufA); } } else { cStrTempW.Empty(); hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(cVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc), lpTypeInfo, FALSE); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, (LPWSTR)cStrTempW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " "); WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, bstrMemberName); } WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, ";\r\n"); return S_OK; }
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[]) { CSysInfo sysinfo; _tprintf_s(_T("%s 's version: "), sysinfo.GetModuleName().c_str()); _tprintf_s(_T("%s,cc:"), sysinfo.GetAppVersionInfo().FileVersion.c_str()); _tprintf_s(_T("%s"), sysinfo.GetAppVersionInfo().CompanyName.c_str()); getchar(); return 0; }
void DoAtlCustomTraitsList() { // Declare the array, with our data type and traits class CAtlList < MyData, MyTraits > MyList; // Create some variables of our data type MyData add_item, search_item; // Add some elements to the list. add_item.ID = 1; _stprintf_s(, _T("Rumpelstiltskin")); _stprintf_s(add_item.address, _T("One Grimm Way")); MyList.AddHead(add_item); add_item.ID = 2; _stprintf_s(, _T("Rapunzel")); _stprintf_s(add_item.address, _T("One Grimm Way")); MyList.AddHead(add_item); add_item.ID = 3; _stprintf_s(, _T("Cinderella")); _stprintf_s(add_item.address, _T("Two Grimm Way")); MyList.AddHead(add_item); // Create an element which will be used // to search the list for a match. search_item.ID = 2; _stprintf_s(, _T("Don't care")); _stprintf_s(search_item.address, _T("Don't care")); // Perform a comparison by searching for a match // between any element in the list, and our // search item. This operation will use the // (overridden) comparison operator and will // find a match when the IDs are the same. POSITION i; i = MyList.Find(search_item); if (i != NULL) _tprintf_s(_T("Item found!\n")); else _tprintf_s(_T("Item not found.\n")); }
void TestRequestAndReply(IIPCObject* pNamedPipeClient) { IIPCConnectorIterator* pClientIterator = pNamedPipeClient->GetClients(); while(FALSE == g_bExit) { for(pClientIterator->Begin(); !pClientIterator->End(); pClientIterator->Next()) { IIPCConnector* aClient = pClientIterator->GetCurrent(); if(NULL == aClient) continue; TCHAR* sRequest = _T("1+1=2\r\n"); DWORD dwRequestSize = _tcslen(sRequest) * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwTransSize = 0; TCHAR sReply[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if(aClient->RequestAndReply(sRequest, dwRequestSize, sReply, MAX_PATH, &dwTransSize)) { _tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("chs")); _tprintf_s(_T("%s"), sReply); } } } }
virtual void OnRequest(IIPCObject* pServer, IIPCConnector* pClient, LPCVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufSize) { if(NULL == lpBuf || dwBufSize == 0) return ; LPUSER_DATA_PACKAGE userRequest = (LPUSER_DATA_PACKAGE)lpBuf; _tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("chs")); _tprintf_s(_T("%s"), userRequest->lpBuf); if(userRequest->dwPackageType == 100) { TCHAR sReply[MAX_PATH] = {0}; _stprintf_s(sReply, _T("同步应答:1+1=2 \r\n")); _USER_DATA_PACKAGE userRequest = {0}; userRequest.dwPackageType = 100; _tcscpy_s(userRequest.lpBuf, MAX_PATH, sReply); pClient->PostMessage(&userRequest, sizeof(_USER_DATA_PACKAGE)); } else { TCHAR sReply[MAX_PATH] = {0}; _stprintf_s(sReply, _T("异步应答:你好,客户端 \r\n")); _USER_DATA_PACKAGE userRequest = {0}; userRequest.dwPackageType = 1; _tcscpy_s(userRequest.lpBuf, MAX_PATH, sReply); pClient->PostMessage(&userRequest, sizeof(_USER_DATA_PACKAGE)); } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { DWORD dwThreadID[MAX_THREADS]; HANDLE hThread[MAX_THREADS]; while( 1 ) { hThread[cntOfThread] = CreateThread( NULL , //디폴트 보안 속성 지정 1024*1024 , //디폴트 스택사이즈 ThreadProc , //쓰레드 함수 ( LPVOID )cntOfThread , //쓰레드 함수 전달인자 0 , //디폴트 생성 flag 지정 &dwThreadID[cntOfThread]//쓰레드ID 반환 ); if( hThread[cntOfThread] == NULL ) { _tprintf_s( _T( "MAXIMUM THREAD NUMBER: %d \n" ) , cntOfThread ); break; } cntOfThread++; } for( DWORD i = 0; i < cntOfThread; i++ ) { CloseHandle( hThread[i] ); } return 0; }
void gcfosdb::PrintDBStats() { DB_BTREE_STAT *stats = NULL; DB_QUEUE_STAT *q_stat; DBTYPE type; t->stat(NULL, &stats, DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED); if(stats == NULL) { _tprintf_s(TEXT("stat() call failed\n")); return; } t->get_type(&type); switch(type) { case DB_BTREE: _tprintf_s(L"Keys:%u," L"Page:%u(%u)," L"Lvl:%u," L"Free:%u," L"Empty:%u," L"#Leaf:%u\n", stats->bt_nkeys, stats->bt_pagecnt, stats->bt_pagesize, stats->bt_levels, stats->bt_free, stats->bt_empty_pg, stats->bt_leaf_pg); break; case DB_QUEUE: case DB_RECNO: q_stat = (DB_QUEUE_STAT *)stats; _tprintf_s(L"Keys:%u," L"Page:%u(%u)," L"Len:%u," L"Cur:%u," L"First:%u\n", q_stat->qs_nkeys, q_stat->qs_pages, q_stat->qs_pagesize, q_stat->qs_re_len, q_stat->qs_cur_recno, q_stat->qs_first_recno ); break; default: _tprintf_s(TEXT("PrintDBStats - unsupported db type\n")); break; } free(stats); return; }
/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ void ShutDown(IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding) { RPC_STATUS nStatus; // Tell the server to stop listening for remote procedure calls _tprintf_s(TEXT("Shutting down the server\n")); nStatus = RpcMgmtStopServerListening(NULL); EXIT_IF_FAIL(nStatus, "RpcMgmtStopServerListening"); }
/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ void GetRemoteEnv(IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding, unsigned long *nNumLines, str **psEnvironmentBlock) { int nIdx = 0; // Loop counter TCHAR *pcTemp, // Temporary pointer to the environment block *pcEnv; // Pointer to the environment block // Get pointer to environment block pcEnv = (TCHAR *) GetEnvironmentStrings(); // First count how many lines, must know how much memory to allocate *nNumLines = 0; // Initialize number of lines to 0 pcTemp = pcEnv; // Set tempptr equal to envptr while (*pcTemp != NULL_CHAR) { // Don't count the lines that starts with IGNORE_CHAR if(*pcTemp != IGNORE_CHAR) { (*nNumLines)++; // Increase the number of lines } // Increment the string pointer. Each line ends in \0, and // \0\0 means end of block pcTemp += (_tcslen(pcTemp) + 1); } // Allocate the memory needed for the line pointer if(NULL == (*psEnvironmentBlock = (str *) midl_user_allocate((*nNumLines) * sizeof(str)))) { _tprintf_s(TEXT("REMOTE.C : Memory allocation error\n")); return; } // Iterate through all the environment strings, allocate memory, // and copy them while (*pcEnv != NULL_CHAR) { // Don't count the lines that starts with IGNORE_CHAR if(*pcEnv != IGNORE_CHAR) { // Allocate the space needed for the strings (*psEnvironmentBlock)[nIdx] = (str) midl_user_allocate( sizeof(TCHAR) * (_tcslen(pcEnv) + 1)); // Copy the environment string to the allocated memory _tcscpy_s((*psEnvironmentBlock)[nIdx++],sizeof(TCHAR) * (_tcslen(pcEnv) + 1), pcEnv); } // Increment the string pointer. Each line ends in \0, and // \0\0 means end of block pcEnv += (_tcslen(pcEnv) + 1); } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { TNktComPtr<ITypeLib> cTypeLib; FILE *fp; HRESULT hRes; if (argc != 3) { _tprintf_s(_T("Use: Tlb2H input output-h-file.\n\n")); _tprintf_s(_T("Where 'input' can be a .TLB, .DLL or .OCX file or a registry GUID\n")); _tprintf_s(_T(" and 'output' is target header filename.\n")); return 1; } hRes = ::CoInitialize(0); if (FAILED(hRes)) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error (%08X): Cannot initialize COM.\n"), (ULONG)hRes); return 1; } hRes = DoLoadTypeLib(&cTypeLib, argv[1]); if (FAILED(hRes)) { ::CoUninitialize(); _tprintf_s(_T("Error (%08X): Cannot load type library.\n"), (ULONG)hRes); return 1; } //write destinantion file if (_tfopen_s(&fp, argv[2], _T("wb")) != 0) { ::CoUninitialize(); _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Cannot create destination file.\n")); return 1; } hRes = Process(fp, cTypeLib); fclose(fp); ::CoUninitialize(); if (FAILED(hRes)) { if (hRes == E_CANNOTWRITEFILE) _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Cannot write destination file.\n")); else _tprintf_s(_T("Error (%08X): Cannot process type library.\n"), (ULONG)hRes); return 1; } //done _tprintf_s(_T("Success!\n")); return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParam ) { DWORD threadNum = ( DWORD )lpParam; while( 1 ) { _tprintf_s( _T( "thread num : %d \n" ) , threadNum ); Sleep( 5000 ); } return 0; }
void logging(TCHAR* logString, ...) { va_list ap; TCHAR szLog[1024] = { 0, }; va_start(ap, logString); _vstprintf_s(szLog, logString, ap); va_end(ap); _tprintf_s(szLog); }
UINT64 gcfosdb::size() { DB_BTREE_STAT *stats = NULL; UINT32 rtn = 0; if(t->stat(NULL, &stats, DB_FAST_STAT | DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED) != 0 || stats == NULL) { _tprintf_s(TEXT("gcfosdb::size - stat() call failed\n")); return 0; } rtn = stats->bt_nkeys; free(stats); return rtn; }
/* * Connect to the Tally over a specific port and get all the companies */ BOOL CTallyExporterDlg::GetCompanyListFromTallyServer(int port, CompanyListResponse& companyListResponseRef) { CInternetSession session(_T("My Session")); CHttpConnection* pServer = NULL; CHttpFile* pFile = NULL; try { CString strServerName; DWORD dwRet = 0; CString strParam = "<ENVELOPE><HEADER><TALLYREQUEST>Export Data</TALLYREQUEST></HEADER><BODY><EXPORTDATA><REQUESTDESC><REPORTNAME>List of Companies</REPORTNAME></REQUESTDESC></EXPORTDATA></BODY></ENVELOPE>"; CString strHeaders = _T("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"); CString acceptedTypes[] = {_T("text/html")}; pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(_T("localhost"),NULL, port, NULL, NULL); pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_POST, _T(""), NULL,1,(LPCTSTR*)acceptedTypes,NULL,INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT); pFile->SendRequest(strHeaders, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)strParam, strParam.GetLength()); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK) { CHAR szBuff[1024]; while (pFile->Read(szBuff, 1024) > 0) { printf_s("%1023s", szBuff); } GetCompanyListFromCSVResponse(companyListResponseRef, szBuff); } else { //Do something as server is not sending response as expected. } delete pFile; delete pServer; } catch (CInternetException* pEx) { //catch errors from WinInet TCHAR pszError[64]; pEx->GetErrorMessage(pszError, 64); _tprintf_s(_T("%63s"), pszError); } session.Close(); return false; }
/* =================================================================== * GET Tally TB Response for a given request * =================================================================== */ BOOL CTallyExporterDlg::GetTallyTBResponse(CString& xmlTBRequestRef,vector<string>& allRowsOfTBRef, int port) { CInternetSession session(_T("TB Session")); CHttpConnection* pServer = NULL; CHttpFile* pFile = NULL; try { CString strServerName; DWORD dwRet = 0; CString strHeaders = _T("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"); CString acceptedTypes[] = {_T("text/html")}; pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(_T("localhost"),NULL, port, NULL, NULL); pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_POST, _T(""), NULL,1,(LPCTSTR*)acceptedTypes,NULL,INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT); pFile->SendRequest(strHeaders, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)xmlTBRequestRef, xmlTBRequestRef.GetLength()); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); CString csvLinesToBeRead; CString& csvLinesToBeReadRef = csvLinesToBeRead; if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK) { while (pFile->ReadString(csvLinesToBeReadRef) == TRUE) { allRowsOfTBRef.push_back((LPCTSTR)csvLinesToBeReadRef); } } else { //Do something as server is not sending response as expected. } delete pFile; delete pServer; } catch (CInternetException* pEx) { //catch errors from WinInet TCHAR pszError[64]; pEx->GetErrorMessage(pszError, 64); _tprintf_s(_T("%63s"), pszError); } session.Close(); return false; }
/* * Class: com_Revsoft_Wabbitemu_CalcInterface * Method: SaveCalcState * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)V */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_Revsoft_Wabbitemu_calc_CalcInterface_SaveCalcState (JNIEnv *env, jclass classObj, jstring filePath) { checkThread(); const char *path = env->GetStringUTFChars(filePath, JNI_FALSE); SAVESTATE_t *save; try { save = SaveSlot(lpCalc, "Wabbitemu", "Automatic save state"); } catch (std::exception &e) { _tprintf_s(_T("Exception loading save state: %s"), e.what()); return FALSE; } if (save != NULL) { WriteSave(path, save, ZLIB_CMP); FreeSave(save); } return (jboolean) (save != NULL); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //1.파일 핸들 생성 HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( _T( "data.dat" ) , GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE , 0 , NULL , OPEN_EXISTING , FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL , NULL ); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) _tprintf_s( _T( "Could not open file.\n" ) ); //2.파일 오브젝트 생성 HANDLE hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( hFile , NULL , PAGE_WRITECOPY , 0 , 1024 * 10 , NULL ); //파일 연결 최대 메모리 크기 if( !hMapFile ) _tprintf_s( _T( "Could not create map of file.\n" ) ); //3.메모리에 연결 int* pWrite = ( int* )MapViewOfFile( hMapFile , FILE_MAP_COPY , 0 , 0 , 0 ); if( !pWrite ) _tprintf_s( _T( "Could not map view of file!\n" ) ); //4.Do Something pWrite[0] = 1 , pWrite[1] = 3 , pWrite[2] = 0; pWrite[3] = 2 , pWrite[4] = 4 , pWrite[5] = 5; pWrite[6] = 8 , pWrite[7] = 6 , pWrite[8] = 7; //SortIntData( pWrite , 9 ); for( int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) { _tprintf_s( _T( "%3d" ) , pWrite[i] ); } _tprintf_s( _T( "\n" ) ); UnmapViewOfFile( pWrite ); CloseHandle( hMapFile ); CloseHandle( hFile ); _tprintf_s( _T( "End of process!\n" ) ); return 0; }
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[]) { int a, b; _try { _tprintf_s(_T("input divide string [ a / b ] : ")); //_tscanf(_T("%d %d"), &a, &b); _tscanf_s(_T("%d %d"), &a, &b); if (b == 0) return -1; } _finally { _tprintf(_T("_finally block!\n")); } _tprintf(_T("result: %d\n"), a / b); return 0; }
void COSError::LogMessage(const TCHAR* msg) { static CLock lock; TCHAR txt[512]; size_t len = CTimeWrap::GetNow(txt, _countof(txt)); _stprintf_s(txt + len, _countof(txt) - len, _T(" %s%s"), msg, _T("\r\n")); lock.Lock(); try { if(m_proc!=NULL) m_proc(txt); else if(m_show_out) _tprintf_s(_T("%s"), txt); if(m_log != NULL) _fputts(txt, m_log); } catch(...) { } lock.UnLock(); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { HANDLE hTimer = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liDueTime; liDueTime.QuadPart = -10000000; hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer( NULL , FALSE , _T( "WaitableTimer" ) ); if( !hTimer ) { return 1; } _tprintf_s( _T( "Waiting for 10 second...\n" ) ); SetWaitableTimer( hTimer , &liDueTime , 5000 , TimerAPCProc , _T( "Timer was signaled\n"), FALSE); while( 1 ) SleepEx( INFINITE , TRUE ); return 0; }
static HRESULT ProcessFunction(__in FILE *fp, __in WORD nIndex, __in TYPEATTR* lpTypeAttr, __in ITypeInfo *lpTypeInfo, __in SIZE_T nIndent, __in LPWSTR szParentThisW) { CAutoFuncDesc cFuncDesc; CNktStringW cStrTempW; CNktComBStr bstrNames[MAX_FUNCTION_NAMES]; BSTR bstr[MAX_FUNCTION_NAMES]; HRESULT hRes; CNktComVariant vtValue; UINT i, j, nNamesCount; char szBufA[32]; hRes = cFuncDesc.Set(lpTypeInfo, nIndex); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); //Write return type cStrTempW.Empty(); hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(cFuncDesc->elemdescFunc.tdesc), lpTypeInfo, FALSE); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); WRITEINDENT_AND_CHECK(fp, nIndent); WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, (LPWSTR)cStrTempW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " ("); if (lpTypeAttr->typekind != TKIND_DISPATCH) { // Write calling convention switch (cFuncDesc->callconv) { case CC_CDECL: WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "_cdecl "); break; case CC_PASCAL: WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "__pascal "); break; case CC_STDCALL: WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "__stdcall "); break; default: _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Unsupported calling convetion '%04X'.\n"), cFuncDesc->callconv); return E_NOTIMPL; } } else { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "__stdcall "); } WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "*"); // Write methodname // // Problem: If a property has the propput or propputref attributes the // 'right hand side' (rhs) is *always* the last parameter and MkTypeLib // strips the parameter name. Thus you will always get 1 less name // back from ::GetNames than normal. // // Thus for the example below // [propput] void Color([in] VARIANT rgb, [in] VARIANT rgb2 ); // without taking this into consderation the output would be // [propput] void Color([in] VARIANT rgb, [in] VARIANT ); // when it should be // [propput] void Color([in] VARIANT rgb, [in] VARIANT rhs ); // // Another weirdness comes from a bug (which will never be fixed) // where optional parameters on property functions were allowed. // Because they were allowed by accident people used them, so they // are still allowed. nNamesCount = 0; hRes = lpTypeInfo->GetNames(cFuncDesc->memid, bstr, MAX_FUNCTION_NAMES, &nNamesCount); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); for (i=0; i<nNamesCount; i++) bstrNames[i].Attach(bstr[i]); // fix for 'rhs' problem if (nNamesCount < (UINT)cFuncDesc->cParams+1) { hRes = bstrNames[nNamesCount++].Set(L"rhs"); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); } NKT_ASSERT(nNamesCount == cFuncDesc->cParams+1); if ((cFuncDesc->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) != 0) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "get_"); } else if ((cFuncDesc->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT) != 0) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "put_"); } else if ((cFuncDesc->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) != 0) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "putref_"); } WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, bstrNames[0]); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, ")("); if (szParentThisW != NULL) { WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, szParentThisW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "* This"); } // params have the format // [attributes] type paramname // where attributes can be // in, out, optional, string (string is not valid for TKIND_MODULE) for (i=0; i<(UINT)(cFuncDesc->cParams); i++) { if (i > 0 || szParentThisW != NULL) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, ", "); } // type if ((cFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc.vt & 0x0FFF) == VT_CARRAY) { // type name[n] cStrTempW.Empty(); hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(cFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc.lpadesc->tdescElem), lpTypeInfo, FALSE); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, (LPWSTR)cStrTempW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " "); WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, bstrNames[i+1]); for (j=0; j<cFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc.lpadesc->cDims; j++) { _snprintf_s(szBufA, X_ARRAYLEN(szBufA), _TRUNCATE, "[%d]", cFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc.lpadesc->rgbounds[j].cElements); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, szBufA); } } else { cStrTempW.Empty(); hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(cFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc), lpTypeInfo, FALSE); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, (LPWSTR)cStrTempW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " "); WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, bstrNames[i+1]); } } WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, ");\r\n"); return S_OK; }
int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPTSTR lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // Define CrashRpt configuration parameters CR_INSTALL_INFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO)); info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO); info.pszAppName = _T("crashtestdummy"); info.pszAppVersion = _T("1.0.0"); info.pszEmailSubject = _T("Error Report"); info.pszEmailTo = _T("*****@*****.**"); info.uPriorities[CR_HTTP] = 3; // First try send report over HTTP info.uPriorities[CR_SMTP] = 2; // Second try send report over SMTP info.uPriorities[CR_SMAPI] = 1; // Third try send report over Simple MAPI // Install all available exception handlers info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_ALL_POSSIBLE_HANDLERS; // Restart the app on crash info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_APP_RESTART; info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS; info.pszRestartCmdLine = _T("/restart"); // Define the Privacy Policy URL info.pszPrivacyPolicyURL = _T(""); // Install crash reporting int nResult = crInstall(&info); if(nResult!=0) { // Something goes wrong. Get error message. TCHAR szErrorMsg[512] = _T(""); crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 512); _tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), szErrorMsg); return 1; } // Set crash callback function crSetCrashCallback(CrashCallback, NULL); // Add our log file to the error report crAddFile2(_T("log.txt"), NULL, _T("Log File"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY); // We want the screenshot of the entire desktop is to be added on crash crAddScreenshot2(CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN, 0); // Add a named property that means what graphics adapter is // installed on user's machine crAddProperty(_T("VideoCard"), _T("nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS")); HRESULT hRes = ::CoInitialize(NULL); // If you are running on NT 4.0 or higher you can use the following call instead to // make the EXE free threaded. This means that calls come in on a random RPC thread. // HRESULT hRes = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes)); // this resolves ATL window thunking problem when Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU) is used ::DefWindowProc(NULL, 0, 0, 0L); AtlInitCommonControls(ICC_BAR_CLASSES); // add flags to support other controls hRes = _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes)); int nRet = Run(lpstrCmdLine, nCmdShow); _Module.Term(); ::CoUninitialize(); errno_t err = _tfopen_s(&g_hLog, _T("log.txt"), _T("wt")); if(err!=0 || g_hLog==NULL) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error opening log.txt\n")); return 1; // Couldn't open log file } log_write(_T("Started successfully\n")); // There is a hidden error in the main() function // Call of _tprintf_s with NULL parameter TCHAR* szFormatString = NULL; _tprintf_s(szFormatString); // Close the log file if(g_hLog!=NULL) { fclose(g_hLog); g_hLog = NULL;// Clean up handle } // Uninitialize CrashRpt before exiting the main function crUninstall(); return nRet; }
// WinMain parses the command line and either calls the main App // routine or, under NT, the main service routine. int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { if (VNCOS.OS_NOTSUPPORTED==true) { MessageBoxSecure(NULL, "Error OS not supported","Unsupported OS", MB_ICONERROR); return true; } // make vnc last service to stop SetProcessShutdownParameters(0x100,false); // handle dpi on aero /*HMODULE hUser32 = LoadLibrary(_T("user32.dll")); typedef BOOL (*SetProcessDPIAwareFunc)(); SetProcessDPIAwareFunc setDPIAware=NULL; if (hUser32) setDPIAware = (SetProcessDPIAwareFunc)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "SetProcessDPIAware"); if (setDPIAware) setDPIAware(); if (hUser32) FreeLibrary(hUser32);*/ #ifdef IPP InitIpp(); #endif #ifdef CRASHRPT CR_INSTALL_INFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO)); info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO); info.pszAppName = _T("UVNC"); info.pszAppVersion = _T(""); info.pszEmailSubject = _T("UVNC server Error Report"); info.pszEmailTo = _T("*****@*****.**"); info.uPriorities[CR_SMAPI] = 1; // Third try send report over Simple MAPI // Install all available exception handlers info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_ALL_POSSIBLE_HANDLERS; // Restart the app on crash info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_APP_RESTART; info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS; info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_AUTO_THREAD_HANDLERS; info.pszRestartCmdLine = _T("/restart"); // Define the Privacy Policy URL // Install crash reporting int nResult = crInstall(&info); if (nResult != 0) { // Something goes wrong. Get error message. TCHAR szErrorMsg[512] = _T(""); crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 512); _tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), szErrorMsg); return 1; } #endif bool Injected_autoreconnect=false; SPECIAL_SC_EXIT=false; SPECIAL_SC_PROMPT=false; setbuf(stderr, 0); // [v1.0.2-jp1 fix] Load resouce from dll hInstResDLL = NULL; //limit the vnclang.dll searchpath to avoid char szCurrentDir[MAX_PATH]; char szCurrentDir_vnclangdll[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szCurrentDir, MAX_PATH)) { char* p = strrchr(szCurrentDir, '\\'); *p = '\0'; } strcpy (szCurrentDir_vnclangdll,szCurrentDir); strcat (szCurrentDir_vnclangdll,"\\"); strcat (szCurrentDir_vnclangdll,"vnclang_server.dll"); hInstResDLL = LoadLibrary(szCurrentDir_vnclangdll); if (hInstResDLL == NULL) { hInstResDLL = hInstance; } // RegisterLinkLabel(hInstResDLL); //Load all messages from ressource file Load_Localization(hInstResDLL) ; char WORKDIR[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, WORKDIR, MAX_PATH)) { char* p = strrchr(WORKDIR, '\\'); if (p == NULL) return 0; *p = '\0'; } char progname[MAX_PATH]; strncpy(progname, WORKDIR, sizeof progname); progname[MAX_PATH - 1] = 0; //strcat(WORKDIR,"\\"); //strcat(WORKDIR,"WinVNC.log"); vnclog.SetFile(); //vnclog.SetMode(4); //vnclog.SetLevel(10); #ifdef _DEBUG { // Get current flag int tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG ); // Turn on leak-checking bit tmpFlag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; // Set flag to the new value _CrtSetDbgFlag( tmpFlag ); } #endif // Save the application instance and main thread id hAppInstance = hInstance; mainthreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); // Initialise the VSocket system VSocketSystem socksys; if (!socksys.Initialised()) { MessageBoxSecure(NULL, sz_ID_FAILED_INIT, szAppName, MB_OK); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } // look up the current service name in the registry. GetServiceName(progname, service_name); // Make the command-line lowercase and parse it size_t i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(szCmdLine); i++) { szCmdLine[i] = tolower(szCmdLine[i]); } BOOL argfound = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < strlen(szCmdLine); i++) { if (szCmdLine[i] <= ' ') continue; argfound = TRUE; if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSettingshelper, strlen(winvncSettingshelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); char mycommand[MAX_PATH]; i+=strlen(winvncSettingshelper); strcpy( mycommand, &(szCmdLine[i+1])); Set_settings_as_admin(mycommand); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncStopserviceHelper, strlen(winvncStopserviceHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); Set_stop_service_as_admin(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncKill, strlen(winvncKill)) == 0) { static HANDLE hShutdownEventTmp; hShutdownEventTmp = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, "Global\\SessionEventUltra"); SetEvent(hShutdownEventTmp); CloseHandle(hShutdownEventTmp); //adzm 2010-02-10 - Finds the appropriate VNC window for any process. Sends this message to all of them! // do removed, loops forever with cpu 100 HWND hservwnd = NULL; hservwnd = FindWinVNCWindow(false); if (hservwnd!=NULL) { PostMessage(hservwnd, WM_COMMAND, 40002, 0); PostMessage(hservwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncopenhomepage, strlen(winvncopenhomepage)) == 0) { Open_homepage(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncopenforum, strlen(winvncopenforum)) == 0) { Open_forum(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncStartserviceHelper, strlen(winvncStartserviceHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); Set_start_service_as_admin(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncInstallServiceHelper, strlen(winvncInstallServiceHelper)) == 0) { //Sleeps are realy needed, else runas fails... Sleep(3000); Set_install_service_as_admin(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncUnInstallServiceHelper, strlen(winvncUnInstallServiceHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); Set_uninstall_service_as_admin(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSoftwarecadHelper, strlen(winvncSoftwarecadHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); Enable_softwareCAD_elevated(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncdelSoftwarecadHelper, strlen(winvncdelSoftwarecadHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); delete_softwareCAD_elevated(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRebootSafeHelper, strlen(winvncRebootSafeHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); Reboot_in_safemode_elevated(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRebootForceHelper, strlen(winvncRebootForceHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); Reboot_with_force_reboot_elevated(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSecurityEditorHelper, strlen(winvncSecurityEditorHelper)) == 0) { Sleep(3000); winvncSecurityEditorHelper_as_admin(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSecurityEditor, strlen(winvncSecurityEditor)) == 0) { typedef void (*vncEditSecurityFn) (HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInstance); vncEditSecurityFn vncEditSecurity = 0; char szCurrentDirl[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szCurrentDirl, MAX_PATH)) { char* p = strrchr(szCurrentDirl, '\\'); *p = '\0'; strcat (szCurrentDirl,"\\authSSP.dll"); } HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(szCurrentDirl); if (hModule) { vncEditSecurity = (vncEditSecurityFn) GetProcAddress(hModule, "vncEditSecurity"); HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL); vncEditSecurity(NULL, hAppInstance); CoUninitialize(); FreeLibrary(hModule); } #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSettings, strlen(winvncSettings)) == 0) { char mycommand[MAX_PATH]; i+=strlen(winvncSettings); strcpy( mycommand, &(szCmdLine[i+1])); Real_settings(mycommand); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], dsmpluginhelper, strlen(dsmpluginhelper)) == 0) { char mycommand[MAX_PATH]; i += strlen(dsmpluginhelper); strcpy(mycommand, &(szCmdLine[i + 1])); Secure_Plugin_elevated(mycommand); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], dsmplugininstance, strlen(dsmplugininstance)) == 0) { char mycommand[MAX_PATH]; i += strlen(dsmplugininstance); strcpy(mycommand, &(szCmdLine[i + 1])); Secure_Plugin(mycommand); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSoftwarecad, strlen(winvncSoftwarecad)) == 0) { Enable_softwareCAD(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncdelSoftwarecad, strlen(winvncdelSoftwarecad)) == 0) { delete_softwareCAD(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRebootSafe, strlen(winvncRebootSafe)) == 0) { Reboot_in_safemode(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRebootForce, strlen(winvncRebootForce)) == 0) { Reboot_with_force_reboot(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncStopservice, strlen(winvncStopservice)) == 0) { Real_stop_service(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncStartservice, strlen(winvncStartservice)) == 0) { Real_start_service(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncInstallService, strlen(winvncInstallService)) == 0) { // rest of command line service name, if provided. char *pServiceName = &szCmdLine[i]; // skip over command switch, find next whitepace while (*pServiceName && !isspace(*(unsigned char*)pServiceName)) ++pServiceName; // skip past whitespace to service name while (*pServiceName && isspace(*(unsigned char*)pServiceName)) ++pServiceName; // strip off any quotes if (*pServiceName && *pServiceName == '\"') ++pServiceName; if (*pServiceName) { // look for trailing quote, if found, terminate the string there. char *pQuote = pServiceName; pQuote = strrchr(pServiceName, '\"'); if (pQuote) *pQuote = 0; } // if a service name is supplied, and it differs except in case from // the default, use the supplied service name instead if (*pServiceName && (_strcmpi(pServiceName, service_name) != 0)) { strncpy(service_name, pServiceName, 256); service_name[255] = 0; } install_service(); Sleep(2000); char command[MAX_PATH + 32]; // 29 January 2008 jdp _snprintf(command, sizeof command, "net start \"%s\"", service_name); WinExec(command,SW_HIDE); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncUnInstallService, strlen(winvncUnInstallService)) == 0) { char command[MAX_PATH + 32]; // 29 January 2008 jdp // rest of command line service name, if provided. char *pServiceName = &szCmdLine[i]; // skip over command switch, find next whitepace while (*pServiceName && !isspace(*(unsigned char*)pServiceName)) ++pServiceName; // skip past whitespace to service name while (*pServiceName && isspace(*(unsigned char*)pServiceName)) ++pServiceName; // strip off any quotes if (*pServiceName && *pServiceName == '\"') ++pServiceName; if (*pServiceName) { // look for trailing quote, if found, terminate the string there. char *pQuote = pServiceName; pQuote = strrchr(pServiceName, '\"'); if (pQuote) *pQuote = 0; } if (*pServiceName && (_strcmpi(pServiceName, service_name) != 0)) { strncpy(service_name, pServiceName, 256); service_name[255] = 0; } _snprintf(command, sizeof command, "net stop \"%s\"", service_name); WinExec(command,SW_HIDE); uninstall_service(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRunService, strlen(winvncRunService)) == 0) { //Run as service if (!Myinit(hInstance)) return 0; fRunningFromExternalService = true; vncService::RunningFromExternalService(true); int returnvalue = WinVNCAppMain(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return returnvalue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncStartService, strlen(winvncStartService)) == 0) { start_service(szCmdLine); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRunAsUserApp, strlen(winvncRunAsUserApp)) == 0) { // WinVNC is being run as a user-level program if (!Myinit(hInstance)) return 0; int returnvalue = WinVNCAppMain(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return returnvalue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSCexit, strlen(winvncSCexit)) == 0) { SPECIAL_SC_EXIT=true; i+=strlen(winvncSCexit); continue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncSCprompt, strlen(winvncSCprompt)) == 0) { SPECIAL_SC_PROMPT=true; i+=strlen(winvncSCprompt); continue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncmulti, strlen(winvncmulti)) == 0) { multi=true; i+=strlen(winvncmulti); continue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvnchttp, strlen(winvnchttp)) == 0) { G_HTTP=true; i+=strlen(winvnchttp); continue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncStopReconnect, strlen(winvncStopReconnect)) == 0) { i+=strlen(winvncStopReconnect); vncService::PostAddStopConnectClientAll(); continue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncAutoReconnect, strlen(winvncAutoReconnect)) == 0) { // Note that this "autoreconnect" param MUST be BEFORE the "connect" one // on the command line ! // wa@2005 -- added support for the AutoReconnectId i+=strlen(winvncAutoReconnect); Injected_autoreconnect=true; int start, end; char* pszId = NULL; start = i; // skip any spaces and grab the parameter while (szCmdLine[start] <= ' ' && szCmdLine[start] != 0) start++; if ( strncmp( &szCmdLine[start], winvncAutoReconnectId, strlen(winvncAutoReconnectId) ) == 0 ) { end = start; while (szCmdLine[end] > ' ') end++; if (end - start > 0) { pszId = new char[end - start + 1]; strncpy(pszId, &(szCmdLine[start]), end - start); pszId[end - start] = 0; pszId = _strupr(pszId); } //multiple spaces between autoreconnect and id i = end; }// end of condition we found the ID: parameter // NOTE: id must be NULL or the ID:???? (pointer will get deleted when message is processed) // We can not contact a runnning service, permissions, so we must store the settings // and process until the vncmenu has been started if (!vncService::PostAddAutoConnectClient( pszId )) { PostAddAutoConnectClient_bool=true; if (pszId==NULL) { PostAddAutoConnectClient_bool_null=true; PostAddAutoConnectClient_bool=false; } else { strcpy(pszId_char,pszId); //memory leak fix delete[] pszId; pszId = NULL; } } if (pszId != NULL) delete[] pszId; pszId = NULL; continue; } if ( strncmp( &szCmdLine[i], winvncReconnectId, strlen(winvncReconnectId) ) == 0 ) { i+=strlen("-"); int start, end; char* pszId = NULL; start = i; end = start; while (szCmdLine[end] > ' ') end++; if (end - start > 0) { pszId = new char[end - start + 1]; if (pszId != 0) { strncpy(pszId, &(szCmdLine[start]), end - start); pszId[end - start] = 0; pszId = _strupr(pszId); } } i = end; if (!vncService::PostAddConnectClient( pszId )) { PostAddConnectClient_bool=true; if (pszId==NULL) { PostAddConnectClient_bool_null=true; PostAddConnectClient_bool=false; } else { strcpy(pszId_char,pszId); //memory leak fix delete[] pszId; pszId = NULL; } } if (pszId != NULL) delete[] pszId; pszId = NULL; continue; } if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncConnect, strlen(winvncConnect)) == 0) { if (!Injected_autoreconnect) { vncService::PostAddStopConnectClient(); } // Add a new client to an existing copy of winvnc i+=strlen(winvncConnect); // First, we have to parse the command line to get the filename to use int start, end; start=i; while (szCmdLine[start] <= ' ' && szCmdLine[start] != 0) start++; end = start; while (szCmdLine[end] > ' ') end++; // Was there a hostname (and optionally a port number) given? if (end-start > 0) { char *name = new char[end-start+1]; if (name != 0) { strncpy(name, &(szCmdLine[start]), end-start); name[end-start] = 0; int port = INCOMING_PORT_OFFSET; char *portp = strchr(name, ':'); if (portp) { *portp++ = '\0'; if (*portp == ':') { port = atoi(++portp); // Port number after "::" } else { port = atoi(portp); // Display number after ":" } } vnclog.Print(LL_STATE, VNCLOG("test... %s %d\n"),name,port); strcpy_s(dnsname,name); VCard32 address = VSocket::Resolve(name); delete [] name; if (address != 0) { // Post the IP address to the server // We can not contact a runnning service, permissions, so we must store the settings // and process until the vncmenu has been started vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("PostAddNewClient III \n")); if (!vncService::PostAddNewClientInit(address, port)) { PostAddNewClient_bool=true; port_int=port; address_vcard=address; } } else { //ask for host,port PostAddNewClient_bool=true; port_int=0; address_vcard=0; Sleep(2000); //Beep(200,1000); return 0; } } i=end; continue; } else { // Tell the server to show the Add New Client dialog // We can not contact a runnning service, permissions, so we must store the settings // and process until the vncmenu has been started vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("PostAddNewClient IIII\n")); if (!vncService::PostAddNewClient(0, 0)) { PostAddNewClient_bool=true; port_int=0; address_vcard=0; } } continue; } //adzm 2009-06-20 if (strncmp(&szCmdLine[i], winvncRepeater, strlen(winvncRepeater)) == 0) { // set the default repeater host i+=strlen(winvncRepeater); // First, we have to parse the command line to get the host to use int start, end; start=i; while (szCmdLine[start] <= ' ' && szCmdLine[start] != 0) start++; end = start; while (szCmdLine[end] > ' ') end++; // Was there a hostname (and optionally a port number) given? if (end-start > 0) { if (g_szRepeaterHost) { delete[] g_szRepeaterHost; g_szRepeaterHost = NULL; } g_szRepeaterHost = new char[end-start+1]; if (g_szRepeaterHost != 0) { strncpy(g_szRepeaterHost, &(szCmdLine[start]), end-start); g_szRepeaterHost[end-start] = 0; // We can not contact a runnning service, permissions, so we must store the settings // and process until the vncmenu has been started vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("PostAddNewRepeaterClient I\n")); if (!vncService::PostAddNewRepeaterClient()) { PostAddNewRepeaterClient_bool=true; port_int=0; address_vcard=0; } } i=end; continue; } else { /* // Tell the server to show the Add New Client dialog // We can not contact a runnning service, permissions, so we must store the settings // and process until the vncmenu has been started vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("PostAddNewClient IIII\n")); if (!vncService::PostAddNewClient(0, 0)) { PostAddNewClient_bool=true; port_int=0; address_vcard=0; } */ } continue; } // Either the user gave the -help option or there is something odd on the cmd-line! // Show the usage dialog MessageBoxSecure(NULL, winvncUsageText, sz_ID_WINVNC_USAGE, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; }; // If no arguments were given then just run if (!argfound) { if (!Myinit(hInstance)) { #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; } int returnvalue= WinVNCAppMain(); #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return returnvalue; } #ifdef CRASHRPT crUninstall(); #endif return 0; }
int CMailMsg::MAPISend() { TStrStrVector::iterator p; int nIndex = 0; size_t nRecipients = 0; MapiRecipDesc* pRecipients = NULL; MapiRecipDesc* pOriginator = NULL; MapiRecipDesc* pFirstRecipient = NULL; size_t nAttachments = 0; MapiFileDesc* pAttachments = NULL; ULONG status = 0; MapiMessage message; std::vector<MapiRecipDesc*> buffersToFree; MapiRecipDesc* pRecip; MapiRecipDesc grecip; if (m_bReady || Initialize()) { LHANDLE hMapiSession; status = m_lpMapiLogon(NULL, NULL, NULL, MAPI_NEW_SESSION | MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0, &hMapiSession); if (SUCCESS_SUCCESS != status) { return FALSE; } nRecipients = m_to.size() + m_cc.size() + m_bcc.size() + m_from.size(); if (nRecipients) { pRecipients = new MapiRecipDesc[nRecipients]; memset(pRecipients, 0, nRecipients * sizeof MapiRecipDesc); } nAttachments = m_attachments.size(); if (nAttachments) pAttachments = new MapiFileDesc[nAttachments]; if (pRecipients) { pFirstRecipient = pRecipients; if (m_from.size()) { // set from if (cResolveName(hMapiSession, m_from.begin()->first.c_str(), &pOriginator) == SUCCESS_SUCCESS) { buffersToFree.push_back(pOriginator); } } if (m_to.size()) { if (cResolveName(hMapiSession, m_to.begin()->first.c_str(), &pRecip) == SUCCESS_SUCCESS) { if (pFirstRecipient == NULL) pFirstRecipient = &pRecipients[nIndex]; pRecip->ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO; memcpy(&pRecipients[nIndex], pRecip, sizeof pRecipients[nIndex]); buffersToFree.push_back(pRecip); nIndex++; } else { if (pFirstRecipient == NULL) pFirstRecipient = &pRecipients[nIndex]; grecip.ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO; grecip.lpEntryID = 0; grecip.lpszName = 0; grecip.ulEIDSize = 0; grecip.ulReserved = 0; grecip.lpszAddress = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_to.begin()->first.c_str(); memcpy(&pRecipients[nIndex], &grecip, sizeof pRecipients[nIndex]); nIndex++; } } if (m_cc.size()) { // set cc's for (p = m_cc.begin(); p != m_cc.end(); p++, nIndex++) { if ( cResolveName(hMapiSession, p->first.c_str(), &pRecip) == SUCCESS_SUCCESS) { if (pFirstRecipient == NULL) pFirstRecipient = &pRecipients[nIndex]; pRecip->ulRecipClass = MAPI_CC; memcpy(&pRecipients[nIndex], pRecip, sizeof pRecipients[nIndex]); buffersToFree.push_back(pRecip); nIndex++; } } } if (m_bcc.size()) { // set bcc for (p = m_bcc.begin(); p != m_bcc.end(); p++, nIndex++) { if ( cResolveName(hMapiSession, p->first.c_str(), &pRecip) == SUCCESS_SUCCESS) { if (pFirstRecipient == NULL) pFirstRecipient = &pRecipients[nIndex]; pRecip->ulRecipClass = MAPI_BCC; memcpy(&pRecipients[nIndex], pRecip, sizeof pRecipients[nIndex]); buffersToFree.push_back(pRecip); nIndex++; } } } } if (pAttachments) { // add attachments for (p = m_attachments.begin(), nIndex = 0; p != m_attachments.end(); p++, nIndex++) { pAttachments[nIndex].ulReserved = 0; pAttachments[nIndex].flFlags = 0; pAttachments[nIndex].nPosition = 0; pAttachments[nIndex].lpszPathName = (LPTSTR)p->first.c_str(); pAttachments[nIndex].lpszFileName = (LPTSTR)p->second.c_str(); pAttachments[nIndex].lpFileType = NULL; } } memset(&message, 0, sizeof message); message.ulReserved = 0; if (!m_sSubject.empty()) message.lpszSubject = (LPTSTR)m_sSubject.c_str(); else message.lpszSubject = "No Subject"; if (!m_sMessage.empty()) message.lpszNoteText = (LPTSTR)m_sMessage.c_str(); else message.lpszNoteText = "No Message Body"; message.lpszMessageType = NULL; message.lpszDateReceived = NULL; message.lpszConversationID = NULL; message.flFlags = 0; message.lpOriginator = pOriginator; message.nRecipCount = nIndex; message.lpRecips = pFirstRecipient; message.nFileCount = nAttachments; message.lpFiles = pAttachments; status = m_lpMapiSendMail(hMapiSession, 0, &message, MAPI_DIALOG, 0); m_lpMapiLogoff(hMapiSession, NULL, 0, 0); std::vector<MapiRecipDesc*>::iterator iter; for (iter = buffersToFree.begin(); iter != buffersToFree.end(); iter++) { m_lpMapiFreeBuffer(*iter); } if (SUCCESS_SUCCESS != status) { string txt; TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; _tprintf_s(buf, "Message did not get sent due to error code %d.\r\n", status); txt = buf; switch (status) { case MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT: txt += "A recipient matched more than one of the recipient descriptor structures and MAPI_DIALOG was not set. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND: txt += "The specified attachment was not found. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE: txt += "The specified attachment could not be opened. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_BAD_RECIPTYPE: txt += "The type of a recipient was not MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, or MAPI_BCC. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_FAILURE: txt += "One or more unspecified errors occurred. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: txt += "There was insufficient memory to proceed. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_INVALID_RECIPS: txt += "One or more recipients were invalid or did not resolve to any address.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE: txt += "There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on successfully when the logon dialog box was displayed. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE: txt += "The text in the message was too large. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES: txt += "There were too many file attachments. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS: txt += "There were too many recipients. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT: txt += "A recipient did not appear in the address list. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; case MAPI_E_USER_ABORT: txt += "The user canceled one of the dialog boxes. No message was sent.\r\n" ; break; default: txt += "Unknown error code.\r\n" ; break; } ::MessageBox(0, txt.c_str(), "Error", MB_OK); } if (pRecipients) delete [] pRecipients; if (nAttachments) delete [] pAttachments; } if (SUCCESS_SUCCESS == status) return 1; if (MAPI_E_USER_ABORT == status) return -1; // other failure return 0; }
VOID CLog::OutputLog(DWORD logLevel, TCHAR* logString) { SYSTEMTIME current; GetLocalTime(¤t); TCHAR szCurrentTime[16] = {0,}; _stprintf_s(szCurrentTime, 16, _T("%02u:%02u:%02u"), current.wHour, current.wMinute, current.wSecond); TCHAR* szLogLevel = NULL; switch (logLevel) { case LOG_NORMAL: szLogLevel = L"normal"; break; case LOG_WARNING: szLogLevel = L"warning"; break; case LOG_ERROR: szLogLevel = L"error"; break; default: szLogLevel = L"unknown"; } TCHAR szTotalLog[2048] = {0,}; _stprintf_s(szTotalLog, 1024, _T("[%s] [%.8s]: %s\n"), szCurrentTime, szLogLevel, logString); #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugString(szTotalLog); #endif #ifdef _CONSOLE _tprintf_s(szTotalLog); #endif if(m_FileTime.wYear != current.wYear || m_FileTime.wMonth != current.wMonth || m_FileTime.wDay != current.wDay || m_FileTime.wHour != current.wHour) { m_FileStream.close(); _stprintf_s(m_FileName, MAX_PATH, _T("%s%s %04u-%02u-%02u %02u.log"), m_FileDirectory.c_str(), m_ExeFileName.c_str(), m_FileTime.wYear, m_FileTime.wMonth, m_FileTime.wDay, m_FileTime.wHour);, std::ios::app); m_FileTime = current; } m_FileStream << szTotalLog;; m_FileStream.flush(); }
void ReadTiFileHeader(FILE *infile, TIFILE_t *tifile) { char headerString[8]; int i, tmp; fread(headerString, 1, 8, infile); rewind(infile); if (!_strnicmp(headerString, DETECT_STR, 8) || !_strnicmp(headerString, DETECT_CMP_STR, 8)) { tifile->type = SAV_TYPE; return; } if (!_strnicmp(headerString, FLASH_HEADER, 8)) { tifile->type = FLASH_TYPE; tifile->flash = (TIFLASH_t*) malloc(sizeof(TIFLASH_t)); ZeroMemory(tifile->flash, sizeof(TIFLASH_t)); if (tifile->flash == NULL) { FreeTiFile(tifile); return; } unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) tifile->flash; for(i = 0; i < TI_FLASH_HEADER_SIZE && !feof(infile); i++) { tmp = fgetc(infile); if (tmp == EOF) { _tprintf_s(_T("failed to get the whole header\n")); fclose(infile); FreeTiFile(tifile); return; } ptr[i] = tmp; } return; } /* It maybe a rom if it doesn't have the Standard header */ if (_strnicmp(headerString, "**TI73**", 8) && _strnicmp(headerString, "**TI82**", 8) && _strnicmp(headerString, "**TI83**", 8) && _strnicmp(headerString, "**TI83F*", 8) && _strnicmp(headerString, "**TI85**", 8) && _strnicmp(headerString, "**TI86**", 8)) { tifile->type = ROM_TYPE; return; } /* Import file Header */ unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) tifile; for(i = 0; i < TI_FILE_HEADER_SIZE && !feof(infile); i++) { tmp = fgetc(infile); if (tmp == EOF) { FreeTiFile(tifile); return; } ptr[i] = tmp; } if (!_strnicmp((char *) tifile->sig, "**TI73**", 8)) tifile->model = TI_73; else if (!_strnicmp((char *) tifile->sig, "**TI82**", 8)) tifile->model = TI_82; else if (!_strnicmp((char *) tifile->sig, "**TI83**", 8)) tifile->model = TI_83; else if (!_strnicmp((char *) tifile->sig, "**TI83F*", 8)) tifile->model = TI_83P; else if (!_strnicmp((char *) tifile->sig, "**TI85**", 8)) tifile->model = TI_85; else if (!_strnicmp((char *) tifile->sig, "**TI86**", 8)) tifile->model = TI_86; else { FreeTiFile(tifile); return; } return; }
BOOL CAlarmCenterApp::InitInstance() { /*{ bool connect_by_sse_or_ip_ = true; std::string cloud_sse_id_ = ""; std::string device_ipv4_ = ""; int device_port_ = 0; std::wstring user_name_ = L""; int user_id = 0; std::wstring _device_note = L""; int _id = 0; CString sql; sql.Format(L"update table_device_info_jovision set \ connect_by_sse_or_ip=%d,\ cloud_sse_id='%s',\ device_ipv4='%s',\ device_port=%d,\ user_name='%s',\ user_passwd='%s',\ user_info_id=%d,\ device_note='%s' where id=%d", connect_by_sse_or_ip_ ? 1 : 0, utf8::a2w(cloud_sse_id_).c_str(), utf8::a2w(device_ipv4_).c_str(), device_port_, user_name_.c_str(), user_id, _device_note.c_str(), _id); JLOG(sql); }*/ do { if (IfProcessRunning()) break; auto log = log::get_instance(); log->set_output_to_dbg_view(); log->set_line_prifix("HB"); log->set_log_file_foler(get_exe_path_a() + "\\Log"); log->set_log_file_prefix("AlarmCenter"); log->set_output_to_file(); JLOG(L"AlarmCenter startup.\n"); AUTO_LOG_FUNCTION; int nRet; WSAData wsData; nRet = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsData); if (nRet < 0) { JLOG(L"Can't load winsock.dll.\n"); break; } #pragma region init crashrpt // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance // Define CrashRpt configuration parameters CR_INSTALL_INFO info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO)); info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO); info.pszAppName = _T("AlarmCenter"); static CString version; detail::GetProductVersion(version); info.pszAppVersion = version; info.pszEmailSubject = _T("AlarmCenter Error Report"); info.pszEmailTo = _T("*****@*****.**"); info.pszUrl = _T(""); info.uPriorities[CR_HTTP] = 3; // First try send report over HTTP info.uPriorities[CR_SMTP] = 2; // Second try send report over SMTP info.uPriorities[CR_SMAPI] = 1; // Third try send report over Simple MAPI // Install all available exception handlers info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_ALL_POSSIBLE_HANDLERS; // Restart the app on crash info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_APP_RESTART; info.dwFlags |= CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS; //info.pszRestartCmdLine = _T("/restart"); // Define the Privacy Policy URL //info.pszPrivacyPolicyURL = _T(""); // Install crash reporting int nResult = crInstall(&info); if (nResult != 0) { // Something goes wrong. Get error message. TCHAR szErrorMsg[512] = _T(""); crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 512); _tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), szErrorMsg); MessageBox(nullptr, szErrorMsg, L"Error", MB_ICONERROR); break; } // Set crash callback function //crSetCrashCallback(CrashCallback, nullptr); // Add our log file to the error report crAddFile2(utf8::a2w(log::get_instance()->get_log_file_path()).c_str(), nullptr, _T("Log File"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY); // We want the screenshot of the entire desktop is to be added on crash crAddScreenshot2(CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN, 0); // Add a named property that means what graphics adapter is // installed on user's machine //crAddProperty(_T("VideoCard"), _T("nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS")); #pragma endregion auto res = res::get_instance(); auto cfg = util::CConfigHelper::get_instance(); auto lang = cfg->get_language(); auto path = get_exe_path(); #ifdef _DEBUG path = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of(L'\\')); path += L"\\installer"; #endif switch (lang) { case util::AL_TAIWANESE: res->parse_file(path + L"\\lang\\zh-tw.txt"); SetThreadUILanguage(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL), SORT_DEFAULT)); break; case util::AL_ENGLISH: res->parse_file(path + L"\\lang\\en-us.txt"); SetThreadUILanguage(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT)); break; case util::AL_CHINESE: default: res->parse_file(path + L"\\lang\\zh-cn.txt"); SetThreadUILanguage(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED), SORT_DEFAULT)); break; } CAppResource::get_instance(); // InitCommonControlsEx() is required on Windows XP if an application // manifest specifies use of ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later to enable // visual styles. Otherwise, any window creation will fail. INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX InitCtrls; InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls); // Set this to include all the common control classes you want to use // in your application. InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&InitCtrls); CWinApp::InitInstance(); AfxEnableControlContainer(); // Create the shell manager, in case the dialog contains // any shell tree view or shell list view controls. auto pShellManager = std::make_unique<CShellManager>(); // Activate "Windows Native" visual manager for enabling themes in MFC controls //CMFCVisualManager::SetDefaultManager(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCVisualManagerWindows)); // Standard initialization // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size // of your final executable, you should remove from the following // the specific initialization routines you do not need // Change the registry key under which our settings are stored // You should modify this string to be something appropriate // such as the name of your company or organization SetRegistryKey(_T("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications")); CLoginDlg loginDlg; if (loginDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { JLOG(L"user canceled login.\n"); break; } CSetupNetworkDlg setupDlg; if (setupDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { JLOG(L"user canceled setup network.\n"); break; } CAlarmCenterDlg dlg; m_pMainWnd = &dlg; INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { } else if (nResponse == -1) { TRACE(L"Warning: dialog creation failed, so application is terminating unexpectedly.\n"); TRACE(L"Warning: if you are using MFC controls on the dialog, you cannot #define _AFX_NO_MFC_CONTROLS_IN_DIALOGS.\n"); } } while (false); //video::ezviz::sdk_mgr_ezviz::release_singleton(); // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application's message pump. return FALSE; }
VOID CALLBACK TimerAPCProc( LPVOID lpArg , DWORD timerLowVal , DWORD timerHighVal ) { _tprintf_s( _T( "%s" ) , ( TCHAR* )lpArg ); MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); }
static HRESULT TypeDescToString(__inout CNktStringW &cStrDestW, __in TYPEDESC *lpTypeDesc, __in ITypeInfo *lpTypeInfo, __in BOOL bDependencyCheck) { static const LPWSTR szVT_W[] = { L"void", //VT_EMPTY = 0, // [V] [P] nothing L"null", //VT_NULL = 1, // [V] SQL style Null L"short", //VT_I2 = 2, // [V][T][P] 2 byte signed int L"long", //VT_I4 = 3, // [V][T][P] 4 byte signed int L"single", //VT_R4 = 4, // [V][T][P] 4 byte real L"double", //VT_R8 = 5, // [V][T][P] 8 byte real L"CURRENCY", //VT_CY = 6, // [V][T][P] currency L"DATE", //VT_DATE = 7, // [V][T][P] date L"BSTR", //VT_BSTR = 8, // [V][T][P] binary string L"IDispatch*", //VT_DISPATCH = 9, // [V][T] IDispatch FAR* L"SCODE", //VT_ERROR = 10, // [V][T] SCODE L"boolean", //VT_BOOL = 11, // [V][T][P] True=-1, False=0 L"VARIANT", //VT_VARIANT = 12, // [V][T][P] VARIANT FAR* L"IUnknown*", //VT_UNKNOWN = 13, // [V][T] IUnknown FAR* L"wchar_t", //VT_WBSTR = 14, // [V][T] wide binary string L"", // = 15, L"char", //VT_I1 = 16, // [T] signed char L"unsigned char", //VT_UI1 = 17, // [T] unsigned char L"unsigned short", //VT_UI2 = 18, // [T] unsigned short L"unsigned long", //VT_UI4 = 19, // [T] unsigned short L"int64", //VT_I8 = 20, // [T][P] signed 64-bit int L"uint64", //VT_UI8 = 21, // [T] unsigned 64-bit int L"int", //VT_INT = 22, // [T] signed machine int L"unsigned int", //VT_UINT = 23, // [T] unsigned machine int L"void", //VT_VOID = 24, // [T] C style void L"HRESULT", //VT_HRESULT = 25, // [T] L"PTR", //VT_PTR = 26, // [T] pointer type L"SAFEARRAY", //VT_SAFEARRAY = 27, // [T] (use VT_ARRAY in VARIANT) L"CARRAY", //VT_CARRAY = 28, // [T] C style array L"USERDEFINED", //VT_USERDEFINED = 29, // [T] user defined type L"LPSTR", //VT_LPSTR = 30, // [T][P] null terminated string L"LPWSTR", //VT_LPWSTR = 31, // [T][P] wide null terminated string L"", // = 32, L"", // = 33, L"", // = 34, L"", // = 35, L"", // = 36, L"", // = 37, L"", // = 38, L"", // = 39, L"", // = 40, L"", // = 41, L"", // = 42, L"", // = 43, L"", // = 44, L"", // = 45, L"", // = 46, L"", // = 47, L"", // = 48, L"", // = 49, L"", // = 50, L"", // = 51, L"", // = 52, L"", // = 53, L"", // = 54, L"", // = 55, L"", // = 56, L"", // = 57, L"", // = 58, L"", // = 59, L"", // = 60, L"", // = 61, L"", // = 62, L"", // = 63, L"FILETIME", //VT_FILETIME = 64, // [P] FILETIME L"BLOB", //VT_BLOB = 65, // [P] Length prefixed bytes L"STREAM", //VT_STREAM = 66, // [P] Name of the stream follows L"STORAGE", //VT_STORAGE = 67, // [P] Name of the storage follows L"STREAMED_OBJECT", //VT_STREAMED_OBJECT = 68, // [P] Stream contains an object L"STORED_OBJECT", //VT_STORED_OBJECT = 69, // [P] Storage contains an object L"BLOB_OBJECT", //VT_BLOB_OBJECT = 70, // [P] Blob contains an object L"CF", //VT_CF = 71, // [P] Clipboard format L"CLSID", //VT_CLSID = 72 // [P] A Class ID }; HRESULT hRes; CNktStringW cStrTempW; if (lpTypeDesc->vt == VT_PTR) { hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, lpTypeDesc->lptdesc, lpTypeInfo, bDependencyCheck); if (FAILED(hRes)) return hRes; if (cStrDestW.Concat(cStrTempW) == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (bDependencyCheck == FALSE) { //don't add unneeded stuff if dependecy check if (cStrDestW.Concat(L"*") == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { //add a separator if (cStrDestW.Concat(L" ") == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } if ((lpTypeDesc->vt & 0x0FFF) == VT_SAFEARRAY) { if (bDependencyCheck == FALSE) { //don't add unneeded stuff if dependecy check if (cStrDestW.Concat(L"SAFEARRAY*") == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } if ((lpTypeDesc->vt & 0x0FFF) == VT_CARRAY) { USHORT i; hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(lpTypeDesc->lpadesc->tdescElem), lpTypeInfo, bDependencyCheck); if (FAILED(hRes)) return hRes; if (cStrDestW.Concat(cStrTempW) == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (bDependencyCheck == FALSE) { //don't add unneeded stuff if dependecy check for (i=0; i<lpTypeDesc->lpadesc->cDims; i++) { if (cStrDestW.Concat(L"[") == FALSE || cStrDestW.Concat(lpTypeDesc->lpadesc->rgbounds[i].cElements) == FALSE || cStrDestW.Concat(L"]") == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { //add a separator if (cStrDestW.Concat(L" ") == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } if (lpTypeDesc->vt == VT_USERDEFINED) { return CustomTypeToString(cStrDestW, lpTypeDesc->hreftype, lpTypeInfo); } if ((lpTypeDesc->vt & (~0xF000)) > VT_CLSID) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Unsupported type '%04X' found.\n"), lpTypeDesc->vt); return E_NOTIMPL; } if (bDependencyCheck == FALSE) { //don't add unneeded stuff if dependecy check if (cStrDestW.Concat(szVT_W[lpTypeDesc->vt & (~0xF000)]) == FALSE) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; }
static HRESULT ProcessConst(__in FILE *fp, __in WORD nIndex, __in TYPEATTR* lpTypeAttr, __in ITypeInfo *lpTypeInfo, __in SIZE_T nIndent, __in BOOL bShowConst) { CAutoVarDesc cVarDesc; CNktStringW cStrTempW; CNktComBStr bstrMemberName; BSTR bstr; HRESULT hRes; UINT nNamesCount; CNktComVariant vtValue; hRes = cVarDesc.Set(lpTypeInfo, nIndex); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); if (cVarDesc->varkind != VAR_CONST) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Constant not declared as constant.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } cStrTempW.Empty(); hRes = TypeDescToString(cStrTempW, &(cVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc), lpTypeInfo, FALSE); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); hRes = ::VariantChangeType(&vtValue, cVarDesc->lpvarValue, 0, VT_BSTR); if (FAILED(hRes)) { WCHAR szTempBufW[32], *sW; if (cVarDesc->lpvarValue->vt != VT_ERROR && cVarDesc->lpvarValue->vt != VT_HRESULT) return hRes; sW = miscGetScodeString(cVarDesc->lpvarValue->scode, szTempBufW); vtValue.sVt.vt = VT_BSTR; vtValue.sVt.bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(sW); if (vtValue.sVt.bstrVal == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hRes = lpTypeInfo->GetNames(cVarDesc->memid, &bstr, 1, &nNamesCount); EXIT_ON_ERROR(hRes); if (nNamesCount == 0 || bstr == NULL) { _tprintf_s(_T("Error: Unnamed variables are not supported.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } bstrMemberName.Attach(bstr); WRITEINDENT_AND_CHECK(fp, nIndent); if (bShowConst != FALSE) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "const "); WRITEWIDE_AND_CHECK(fp, (LPWSTR)cStrTempW); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " "); } WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, bstrMemberName); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, " = "); if (cVarDesc->lpvarValue->vt == VT_BSTR) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "\""); WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, vtValue.sVt.bstrVal); WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, "\""); } else { WRITEBSTR_AND_CHECK(fp, vtValue.sVt.bstrVal); } if (bShowConst != FALSE) { WRITEANSI_AND_CHECK(fp, ";\r\n"); } return S_OK; }