int icalbdbset_has_uid(icalset *store, const char *uid) { _unused(store); _unused(uid); assert(0); /* HACK, not implemented */ return 0; }
icalerrorenum icalbdbset_modify(icalset *set, icalcomponent *old, icalcomponent *newc) { _unused(set); _unused(old); _unused(newc); assert(0); /* HACK, not implemented */ return ICAL_NO_ERROR; }
icalcomponent *icaldirset_fetch_match(icalset *set, icalcomponent *c) { _unused(set); _unused(c); fprintf(stderr, " icaldirset_fetch_match is not implemented\n"); assert(0); return 0; }
int icaldirset_count_components(icalset *store, icalcomponent_kind kind) { _unused(store); _unused(kind); /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ assert(0); return 0; }
void observer_generic(const state_type &x, const double &t,const double &dummy_next_dt) { _unused(dummy_next_dt); observer_type ymat; ymat=x; results_push(t,0,ymat); }
bool addVariable(Unit *unit, const char *name, Type *type, llvm::Constant *init) { Context *ctx = unit->ctx; llvm::Module *mod = unit->module; Variable *var = new Variable(); var->name.append(name); var->type = type; var->internal_name.append(name); var->linkage = Linkage::Extern; bool res = ctx->ns()->addVariable(name, var); assert(res); _unused(res); llvm::Type *var_type = ctx->toLLVMType(type, NULL, false, false); if (!var_type) { return false; } llvm::GlobalVariable *llvm_var = llvm::cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>( mod->getOrInsertGlobal(name, var_type) ); llvm_var->setLinkage(ctx->toLLVMLinkage(Linkage::Extern_Weak)); llvm_var->setInitializer(init); var->value = llvm_var; return true; }
static DNode * callmacro(int arg_count, void *units, void *mac, DNode **dnodes, MContext *mc) { ffi_type *args[arg_count]; void *vals[arg_count]; args[0] = &ffi_type_pointer; vals[0] = (void*) &mc; for (int i = 1; i < arg_count; i++) { args[i] = &ffi_type_pointer; vals[i] = (void *) &(dnodes[i - 1]); } ffi_cif cif; ffi_status res = ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, arg_count, &ffi_type_pointer, args); _unused(res); assert((res == FFI_OK) && "prep_cif failed, cannot run macro"); DNode *ret_node = NULL; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)()) mac, (void *) &ret_node, vals); return ret_node; }
icalcomponent *icaldirset_fetch(icalset *set, icalcomponent_kind kind, const char *uid) { icaldirset *dset; icalgauge *gauge; icalgauge *old_gauge; icalcomponent *c; char sql[256]; _unused(kind); icalerror_check_arg_rz((set != 0), "set"); icalerror_check_arg_rz((uid != 0), "uid"); snprintf(sql, 256, "SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE UID = \"%s\"", uid); gauge = icalgauge_new_from_sql(sql, 0); dset = (icaldirset *) set; old_gauge = dset->gauge; dset->gauge = gauge; c = icaldirset_get_first_component(set); dset->gauge = old_gauge; if (gauge) { icalgauge_free(gauge); } return c; }
void Units::pop() { Unit *popped =; units.pop(); if (empty()) { return; } Unit *current =; std::string link_error; #if D_LLVM_VERSION_MINOR <= 2 bool res = current->linker->LinkInModule(popped->module, &link_error); #else bool res = current->linker->linkInModule(popped->module, &link_error); #endif assert(!res && "unable to link modules"); _unused(res); current->ctx->merge(popped->ctx); current->ctx->regetPointers(current->module); return; }
static a_tab_field *help_next_field( a_field *fld, a_field *table ) { _unused( table ); if( fld != NULL ) { fld = fld->next; } return( fld ); }
void rhs_generic(const state_type &x, state_type &x_dot, const double t) { _unused(t); const double sigma = 10.0; const double R = 28.0; const double b = 8.0 / 3.0; x_dot(0) = sigma * ( x(1) - x(0) ); x_dot(1) = R * x(0) - x(1) - x(0) * x(2); x_dot(2) = -b * x(2) + x(0) * x(1); }
void linkModule(llvm::Linker *linker, llvm::Module *mod) { std::string error; bool result; #if D_LLVM_VERSION_MINOR <= 2 result = linker->LinkInModule(mod, &error); #else result = linker->linkInModule(mod, &error); #endif assert(!result && "unable to link module"); _unused(result); }
static int _compare_keys(DB *dbp, const DBT *a, const DBT *b) { /* * Returns: * < 0 if a < b * = 0 if a = b * > 0 if a > b */ char *ac = (char *)a->data; char *bc = (char *)b->data; _unused(dbp); return strncmp(ac, bc, a->size); }
static char *icalparser_get_value(char *line, char **end, icalvalue_kind kind) { char *str; size_t length = strlen(line); _unused(kind); if (length == 0) { return 0; } *end = line + length; str = make_segment(line, *end); return str; }
icalset *icalbdbset_init(icalset *set, const char *dsn, void *options_in) { icalbdbset *bset = (icalbdbset *) set; icalbdbset_options *options = (icalbdbset_options *) options_in; int ret; DB *cal_db; char *subdb_name = NULL; _unused(dsn); if (options == (icalbdbset_options *) NULL) { options = &icalbdbset_options_default; } switch (options->subdb) { case ICALBDB_CALENDARS: subdb_name = "calendars"; break; case ICALBDB_EVENTS: subdb_name = "events"; break; case ICALBDB_TODOS: subdb_name = "todos"; break; case ICALBDB_REMINDERS: subdb_name = "reminders"; break; } cal_db = icalbdbset_bdb_open(set->dsn, subdb_name, options->dbtype, options->mode, options->flag); if (cal_db == NULL) { return NULL; } bset->dbp = cal_db; bset->sdbp = NULL; bset->gauge = 0; bset->cluster = 0; if ((ret = icalbdbset_read_database(bset, options->pfunc)) != ICAL_NO_ERROR) { return NULL; } return (icalset *) bset; }
void Model::observer( const state_type &x , const double &t, observer_type &ymat, const intermediate_type &last_observed_mids, const time_type &last_observed_t, input_type &u ) { intermediate_type mid; intermediates(u,x,mid,t,last_observed_mids,last_observed_t); _unused(ymat); }
void linkFile(llvm::Linker *linker, const char *path) { #if D_LLVM_VERSION_MINOR <= 2 const llvm::sys::Path bb(path); bool is_native = false; bool res = linker->LinkInFile(bb, is_native); assert(!res && "unable to link bitcode file"); #else llvm::SMDiagnostic sm_error; llvm::Module *path_mod = llvm::ParseIRFile(path, sm_error, llvm::getGlobalContext()); std::string error; bool res = linker->linkInModule(path_mod, &error); assert(!res && "unable to link bitcode file module"); #endif _unused(res); }
Type * parseTypeToken(Units *units, Node *node) { Context *ctx = units->top()->ctx; Token *token = node->token; if (token->type != TokenType::String) { Error *e = new Error(IncorrectSingleParameterType, node, "symbol", token->tokenType()); ctx->er->addError(e); return NULL; } const char *type_str = token->str_value.c_str(); int base_type = stringToBaseType(type_str); if (base_type != -1) { Type *type = ctx->tr->getBasicType(base_type); if (type) { if (!units->top()->is_x86_64 && (type->base_type == BaseType::Int128 || type->base_type == BaseType::UInt128)) { Error *e = new Error(TypeNotSupported, node, type_str); ctx->er->addError(e); return NULL; } return type; } } Struct *st = NULL; if ((st = ctx->getStruct(type_str))) { std::string st_name; bool res = ctx->setFullyQualifiedStructName(type_str, &st_name); assert(res && "unable to set struct name"); _unused(res); return ctx->tr->getStructType(st_name.c_str()); } Error *err = new Error(TypeNotInScope, node, type_str); ctx->er->addError(err); return NULL; }
static bool invoke_defer(lua_State* L, function_object_impl* impl, invoke_context& ctx, F& f, int& results) { _unused(f); bool exception_caught = false; try { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_INTERNAL_TAG_ARGUMENTS results = invoke(L, *impl, ctx, impl->f, Signature(), InjectorList()); #else results = invoke<InjectorList, Signature>(L, *impl, ctx, impl->f); #endif } catch(...) { exception_caught = true; handle_exception_aux(L); } return exception_caught; }
int icalbdbset_cput(DBC *dbcp, DBT *key, DBT *data, u_int32_t access_method) { int ret = 0; _unused(access_method); key->flags |= DB_DBT_MALLOC; /* change these to DB_DBT_USERMEM */ data->flags |= DB_DBT_MALLOC; /* fetch the key/data pair */ if ((ret = dbcp->c_put(dbcp, key, data, 0)) != 0) { goto err1; } return ICAL_NO_ERROR; err1: return ICAL_FILE_ERROR; }
static void icalspanlist_new_callback(icalcomponent *comp, struct icaltime_span *span, void *data) { icaltime_span *s; icalspanlist *sl = (icalspanlist *) data; _unused(comp); if (span->is_busy == 0) return; if ((s = (icaltime_span *) malloc(sizeof(icaltime_span))) == 0) { icalerror_set_errno(ICAL_NEWFAILED_ERROR); return; } /** copy span data into allocated memory.. **/ *s = *span; pvl_insert_ordered(sl->spans, compare_span, (void *)s); }
double EvtdFunctionSingle::d(int j,int m1,int m2, double theta) { assert(j==_j); _unused( j ); assert(m1==_m1); assert(m2==_m2); double c2=cos(0.5*theta); double s2=sin(0.5*theta); double d=0.0; int k; for(k=_kmin; k<=_kmax; k+=2) { d+=_coef[(k-_kmin)/2]*pow(c2,(2*_j-2*k+m2-m1)/2)*pow(s2,(2*k-m2+m1)/2); } return d; }
static void icaldirset_unlock(const char *dir) { _unused(dir); }
static void postcall(lua_State*, int results, meta::index_list_tag) { _unused(results); }
/* This populates a cluster with the entire contents of a database */ static icalerrorenum icalbdbset_read_database(icalbdbset *bset, char *(*pfunc) (const DBT *dbt)) { DB *dbp; DBC *dbcp; DBT key, data; char *str; int ret = EINVAL; char keystore[256]; char datastore[1024]; char *more_mem = NULL; DB_TXN *tid; _unused(pfunc); memset(&key, 0, sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(DBT)); if (bset->sdbp) { dbp = bset->sdbp; } else { dbp = bset->dbp; } if (!dbp) { return ICAL_FILE_ERROR; } bset->cluster = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XROOT_COMPONENT); if ((ret = ICAL_DB_ENV->txn_begin(ICAL_DB_ENV, NULL, &tid, 0)) != 0) { /*char *foo = db_strerror(ret); */ abort(); } /* acquire a cursor for the database */ if ((ret = dbp->cursor(dbp, tid, &dbcp, 0)) != 0) { dbp->err(dbp, ret, "primary index"); goto err1; } key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; = keystore; key.ulen = (u_int32_t) sizeof(keystore); data.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; = datastore; data.ulen = (u_int32_t) sizeof(datastore); /* fetch the key/data pair */ while (1) { ret = dbcp->c_get(dbcp, &key, &data, DB_NEXT); if (ret == DB_NOTFOUND) { break; } else if (ret == ENOMEM) { if (more_mem) { free(more_mem); } more_mem = malloc(data.ulen + 1024); = more_mem; data.ulen = data.ulen + 1024; } else if (ret == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { /*char *foo = db_strerror(ret); */ abort(); /* should retry in case of DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK */ } else if (ret) { /*char *foo = db_strerror(ret); */ /* some other weird-ass error */ dbp->err(dbp, ret, "cursor"); abort(); } else { icalcomponent *cl; /* this prevents an array read bounds error */ if ((str = (char *)calloc(data.size + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { goto err2; } memcpy(str, (char *), data.size); cl = icalparser_parse_string(str); icalcomponent_add_component(bset->cluster, cl); free(str); } } if (ret != DB_NOTFOUND) { goto err2; } if (more_mem) { free(more_mem); more_mem = NULL; } if ((ret = dbcp->c_close(dbcp)) != 0) { /*char *foo = db_strerror(ret); */ abort(); /* should retry in case of DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK */ } if ((ret = tid->commit(tid, 0)) != 0) { /*char *foo = db_strerror(ret); */ abort(); } return ICAL_NO_ERROR; err2: if (more_mem) { free(more_mem); } dbcp->c_close(dbcp); abort(); /* should retry in case of DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK */ return ICAL_INTERNAL_ERROR; err1: dbp->err(dbp, ret, "cursor index"); abort(); return ICAL_FILE_ERROR; }
icalcomponent *icalbdbsetiter_to_next(icalset *set, icalsetiter *i) { icalcomponent *comp = NULL; struct icaltimetype start, next; icalproperty *dtstart, *rrule, *prop, *due; struct icalrecurrencetype recur; icaltimezone *u_zone; int g = 0; int orig_time_was_utc = 0; _unused(set); do { /* no pending occurrence, read the next component */ if (i->last_component == NULL) { comp = icalcompiter_next(&(i->iter)); } else { comp = i->last_component; } /* no next component, simply return */ if (comp == 0) { return NULL; } if (i->gauge == 0) { return comp; } /* finding the next matched component and return it to the caller */ rrule = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp, ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY); g = icalgauge_get_expand(i->gauge); /* a recurring component with expand query */ if (rrule != 0 && g == 1) { u_zone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone(i->tzid); /* use UTC, if that's all we have. */ if (!u_zone) { u_zone = icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone(); } recur = icalproperty_get_rrule(rrule); start = icaltime_from_timet(time(0), 0); if (icalcomponent_isa(comp) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT) { dtstart = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp, ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY); if (dtstart) { start = icalproperty_get_dtstart(dtstart); } } else if (icalcomponent_isa(comp) == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT) { due = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp, ICAL_DUE_PROPERTY); if (due) { start = icalproperty_get_due(due); } } /* Convert to the user's timezone in order to be able to compare * the results from the rrule iterator. */ if (icaltime_is_utc(start)) { start = icaltime_convert_to_zone(start, u_zone); orig_time_was_utc = 1; } if (i->ritr == NULL) { i->ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur, start); next = icalrecur_iterator_next(i->ritr); i->last_component = comp; } else { next = icalrecur_iterator_next(i->ritr); if (icaltime_is_null_time(next)) { i->last_component = NULL; icalrecur_iterator_free(i->ritr); i->ritr = NULL; /* no more occurrence, should go to get next component */ continue; } else { i->last_component = comp; } } /* if it is excluded, do next one */ if (icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(comp, &start, &next)) { next = icalrecur_iterator_next(i->ritr); continue; } /* set recurrence-id value to the property if the property already exist; * add the recurrence id property and the value if the property does not exist */ prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp, ICAL_RECURRENCEID_PROPERTY); if (prop == 0) { icalcomponent_add_property(comp, icalproperty_new_recurrenceid(next)); } else { icalproperty_set_recurrenceid(prop, next); } if (orig_time_was_utc) { next = icaltime_convert_to_zone(next, icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone()); } } /* end of recurring event with expand query */ if (comp != 0 && (i->gauge == 0 || icalgauge_compare(i->gauge, comp) == 1)) { /* found a matched, return it */ return comp; } } while (comp != 0); return NULL; /*unreachable */ }
double timer(const state_type &x, const double t) { _unused(x); return t+stop_time; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { icalcomponent *c, *next_c = NULL; int i = 0; int dont_remove; icalfileset_options options = { O_RDONLY, 0644, 0, NULL }; icalset *f = icalset_new(ICAL_FILE_SET, TEST_DATADIR "/process-incoming.ics", &options); icalset *trash = icalset_new_file("trash.ics"); icalset *cal = icalset_new(ICAL_FILE_SET, TEST_DATADIR "/process-calendar.ics", &options); icalset *out = icalset_new_file("outgoing.ics"); const char *this_user = "******"; _unused(argc); _unused(argv); assert(f != 0); assert(cal != 0); assert(trash != 0); assert(out != 0); /* Foreach incoming message */ for (c = icalset_get_first_component(f); c != 0; c = next_c) { icalproperty_xlicclass class; icalcomponent *match; icalcomponent *inner; icalcomponent *reply = 0; assert(c != 0); inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(c); i++; reply = 0; dont_remove = 0; if (inner == 0) { printf("Bad component, no inner\n %s\n", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c)); continue; } /* Find a booked component that is matched to the incoming message, based on the incoming component's UID, SEQUENCE and RECURRENCE-ID */ match = icalset_fetch_match(cal, c); class = icalclassify(c, match, this_user); /* Print out the notes associated with the incoming component and the matched component in the */ { const char *inc_note = 0; const char *match_note = 0; icalproperty *p; for (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_X_PROPERTY); p != 0; p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c, ICAL_X_PROPERTY)) { if (strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p), "X-LIC-NOTE") == 0) { inc_note = icalproperty_get_x(p); } } if (match != 0) { for (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(match, ICAL_X_PROPERTY); p != 0; p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(match, ICAL_X_PROPERTY)) { if (strcmp(icalproperty_get_x_name(p), "X-LIC-NOTE") == 0) { match_note = icalproperty_get_x(p); } } } if (inc_note != 0) { printf("Incoming: %s\n", inc_note); } if (match_note != 0) { printf("Match : %s\n", match_note); } } /* Main processing structure */ switch (class) { case ICAL_XLICCLASS_NONE:{ char temp[1024]; /* Huh? Return an error to sender */ icalrestriction_check(c); icalcomponent_convert_errors(c); snprintf(temp, 1024, "I can't understand the component you sent.\n" "Here is the component you sent, possibly with error messages:\n" "%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c)); reply = icalmessage_new_error_reply(c, this_user, temp, "", ICAL_UNKNOWN_STATUS); break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_PUBLISHNEW:{ /* Don't accept published events from anyone but self. If self, fall through to ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTNEW */ } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTNEW:{ /* Book the new component if it does not overlap anything. If the time is busy and the start time is an even modulo 4, delegate to [email protected]. If the time is busy and is 1 modulo 4, counterpropose for the first available free time. Otherwise, deline the meeting */ icalcomponent *overlaps = icalclassify_find_overlaps(cal, c); if (overlaps == 0) { /* No overlaps, book the meeting */ /* icalset_add_component(cal,icalcomponent_new_clone(c));*/ /* Return a reply */ reply = icalmessage_new_accept_reply( c, this_user, "I can make it to this meeting"); (void)icalset_add_component(out, reply); } else { /* There was a conflict, so delegate, counterpropose or decline it */ struct icaltimetype dtstart = icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c); if (dtstart.hour % 4 == 0) { /* Delegate the meeting */ reply = icalmessage_new_delegate_reply( c, this_user, "*****@*****.**", "Unfortunately, I have another commitment that conflicts " "with this meeting. I am delegating my attendance to Bob."); (void)icalset_add_component(out, reply); } else if (dtstart.hour % 4 == 1) { /* Counter propose to next available time */ icalcomponent *newc; struct icalperiodtype next_time; icalspanlist *spanl = icalspanlist_new(cal, dtstart, icaltime_null_time()); next_time = icalspanlist_next_free_time(spanl, icalcomponent_get_dtstart(c)); newc = icalcomponent_new_clone(c); icalcomponent_set_dtstart(newc, next_time.start); /* Hack, the duration of the counterproposed meeting may be longer than the free time available */ icalcomponent_set_duration(newc, icalcomponent_get_duration(c)); reply = icalmessage_new_counterpropose_reply( c, newc, this_user, "Unfortunately, I have another commitment that conflicts with " "this meeting. I am proposing a time that works better for me."); (void)icalset_add_component(out, reply); icalspanlist_free(spanl); icalcomponent_free(newc); } else { /* Decline the meeting */ reply = icalmessage_new_decline_reply( c, this_user, "I can't make it to this meeting"); (void)icalset_add_component(out, reply); } } icalcomponent_free(overlaps); break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_PUBLISHFREEBUSY:{ /* Store the busy time information in a file named after the sender */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_PUBLISHUPDATE:{ /* Only accept publish updates from self. If self, fall through to ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTUPDATE */ } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTUPDATE:{ /* always accept the changes */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTRESCHEDULE:{ /* Use same rules as REQUEST_NEW */ (void)icalclassify_find_overlaps(cal, c); break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTDELEGATE:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTNEWORGANIZER:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTFORWARD:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTSTATUS:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REQUESTFREEBUSY:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REPLYACCEPT:{ /* Change the PARTSTAT of the sender */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REPLYDECLINE:{ /* Change the PARTSTAT of the sender */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REPLYCRASHERACCEPT:{ /* Add the crasher to the ATTENDEE list with the appropriate PARTSTAT */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REPLYCRASHERDECLINE:{ /* Add the crasher to the ATTENDEE list with the appropriate PARTSTAT */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_ADDINSTANCE:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_CANCELEVENT:{ /* Remove the component */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_CANCELINSTANCE:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_CANCELALL:{ /* Remove the component */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REFRESH:{ /* Resend the latest copy of the request */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_COUNTER:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_DECLINECOUNTER:{ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_MALFORMED:{ /* Send back an error */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_OBSOLETE:{ printf(" ** Got an obsolete component:\n%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c)); /* Send back an error */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_MISSEQUENCED:{ printf(" ** Got a missequenced component:\n%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c)); /* Send back an error */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_UNKNOWN:{ printf(" ** Don't know what to do with this component:\n%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c)); /* Send back an error */ break; } case ICAL_XLICCLASS_X: case ICAL_XLICCLASS_REPLYDELEGATE: default:{ } } #if 0 if (reply != 0) { /* Don't send the reply if the RSVP parameter indicates not to */ icalcomponent *reply_inner; icalproperty *attendee; icalparameter *rsvp; reply_inner = icalcomponent_get_first_real_component(reply); attendee = icalcomponent_get_first_property(reply_inner, ICAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY); rsvp = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(attendee, ICAL_RSVP_PARAMETER); if (rsvp == 0 || icalparameter_get_rsvp(rsvp) == 1) { icalrestriction_check(reply); send_message(reply, this_user); } icalcomponent_free(reply); } #endif if (reply != 0) { printf("%s\n", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(reply)); } next_c = icalset_get_next_component(f); if (dont_remove == 0) { /*icalset_remove_component(f,c); icalset_add_component(trash,c); */ } } #if 0 for (c = icalset_get_first_component(out); c != 0; c = icalset_get_next_component(out)) { printf("%s", icalcomponent_as_ical_string(c)); } #endif icalset_free(f); icalset_free(trash); icalset_free(cal); icalset_free(out); return 0; }
double timer(const state_type &x, const double t) { _unused(x); return t+10000; }
int main(void) { uint32_t j; /* Test the 32-bit add-with-carry kiss generator. */ kiss32a_state_t * kiss32a_state; kiss32a_state = (kiss32a_state_t*) malloc(sizeof(kiss32a_state_t)); kiss32a_state->mx = UINT32_C(123456789); kiss32a_state->my = UINT32_C(362436069); kiss32a_state->mz = UINT32_C(21288629); kiss32a_state->mw = UINT32_C(14921776); kiss32a_state->mc = UINT32_C(0); /* TODO kiss32a_state_t * seed_kiss32a(kiss32a_t *state, uint32_t mx, uint32_t my, uint32_t mz, uint32_t mw, uint32_t mc); Populate state (malloc if required). If NULL pointer returned, not successful. */ /* Note, the following test corrects the original Usenet posting (Fortran and C: United with a kiss) of Marsaglia: we use 100000, not 10000 iterations. */ for (int i = 0; i < 99996; i++) { _unused(j = kiss32a(kiss32a_state)); } /* Test next four values for correctness */ assert(kiss32a(kiss32a_state) == UINT32_C( 199275006)); assert(kiss32a(kiss32a_state) == UINT32_C( 86473693)); assert(kiss32a(kiss32a_state) == UINT32_C(2209597521)); assert(kiss32a(kiss32a_state) == UINT32_C(1298124039)); #ifdef UINT64_C uint64_t k; /* Test the 32-bit multiply-with-carry kiss generator. */ kiss32_state_t * kiss32_state; kiss32_state = (kiss32_state_t*) malloc(sizeof(kiss32_state_t)); kiss32_state->mx = UINT32_C(123456789); kiss32_state->my = UINT32_C(362436000); kiss32_state->mz = UINT32_C(521288629); kiss32_state->mc = UINT32_C(7654321); /* TODO kiss32_state_t * seed_kiss32(kiss32_t *state, uint32_t mx, uint32_t my, uint32_t mz, uint32_t mc); Populate state (malloc if required). If NULL pointer returned, not successful. */ for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { _unused(j = kiss32(kiss32_state)); } /* The following test is from simplerandom, see * */ assert(j == UINT32_C(1010846401)); /* Test the 64-bit multiply-with-carry kiss generator. */ kiss64_state_t * kiss64_state; kiss64_state = (kiss64_state_t*) malloc(sizeof(kiss64_state_t)); kiss64_state->mx = UINT64_C(1066149217761810); kiss64_state->my = UINT64_C(362436362436362436); kiss64_state->mz = UINT64_C(1234567890987654321); kiss64_state->mc = UINT64_C(123456123456123456); /* TODO kiss64_state_t * seed_kiss64(kiss64_t *state, uint64_t mx, uint64_t my, uint64_t mz, uint64_t mc); Populate state (malloc if required). If NULL pointer returned, not successful. */ for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) { _unused(k = kiss64(kiss64_state)); } assert(k == UINT64_C(1666297717051644203)); #endif /* ifdef UINT64_C */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }