mword *bpdl_dnumber_to_bstruct(bvm_cache *this_bvm, mword *entry){ // bpdl_dnumber_to_bstruct# #ifdef BPDL_TRACE _trace; #endif mword is_negative = 0; if(rcl(entry,0) == '-'){ // Negative number is_negative = 1; } if(!is_negative){ char *str = (char*)_ar2str( this_bvm, entry ); return _val(this_bvm, (mword)atoi((char*)str)); } else{ char *str = (char*)_ar2str( this_bvm, entry ); return _val(this_bvm, (mword)(-1*atoi((char*)(str+1)))); } return 0; // Silence compiler warning }
mword *bpdl_hnumber_to_bstruct(bvm_cache *this_bvm, mword *entry){ // bpdl_hnumber_to_bstruct# #ifdef BPDL_TRACE _trace; #endif char *str = (char*)_ar2str( this_bvm, entry ); return _val(this_bvm, (mword)strtoul((char*)(str+2),NULL,16)); }
// Add with carry // mword *_addc(bvm_cache *this_bvm, mword a, mword b, mword carry_in){ mword sum = a + b + carry_in; mword *result; if(sum < a){ result = _newlfi(this_bvm, 2, 0); lcl(result,0) = (mword)sum; lcl(result,1) = 1; // carry bit } else{ result = _val(this_bvm, (mword)sum); } return result; }
void operation(CORBA::Long a, const prueba::Iface::FloatSeq& fs) { /*PROTECTED REGION ID(prueba_Iface_impl::prueba_Iface_operation___pre) ENABLED START*/ /*PROTECTED REGION END*/ _corbasim_prueba::Iface::operation _val(a, fs); try { if (!CORBA::is_nil(__m_reference)) __m_reference->operation(_val.a, _val.fs); } catch(...) { std::cerr << "CORBA exception!" << std::endl; } /*PROTECTED REGION ID(prueba_Iface_impl::prueba_Iface_operation___post) ENABLED START*/ /*PROTECTED REGION END*/ std::cout << "<operation" << std::endl; }
mword *_babel(bvm_cache *this_bvm, mword *loaded_bvm, mword *arg_stack, mword *sym_table){ // _babel# bvm_cache new_bvm; bvm_cache *new_bvm_ptr = &new_bvm; mword *result = nil; cache_new(this_bvm, new_bvm_ptr, loaded_bvm); mword *self = tptr_detag(new_bvm_ptr, tptr_detag(new_bvm_ptr, new_bvm_ptr->self)); // Could blow up due to mem_alloc() if( !trie_exists(new_bvm_ptr, self, BABEL_SYM_BVM_INITD, nil) ){ trie_insert( new_bvm_ptr, self, BABEL_SYM_BVM_INITD, nil, _val(new_bvm_ptr,1) ); // trie_insert( new_bvm_ptr, self, BABEL_SYM_BVM_INITD, nil, _val(new_bvm_ptr,0) ); } mword *bvm_initd = rci(cache_read_from_bvm(new_bvm_ptr, BABEL_SYM_BVM_INITD),0); if(!rcl(bvm_initd,0)){ bvm_new(new_bvm_ptr); lcl(bvm_initd,0) = 1; } else{ cache_update(new_bvm_ptr); } if( !trie_exists(new_bvm_ptr, self, BABEL_SYM_CODE_RESTART_POINT, nil) ){ trie_insert( new_bvm_ptr, self, BABEL_SYM_CODE_RESTART_POINT, nil, rci(new_bvm_ptr->code_ptr,0)); } new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_CACHE_DIRTY = FLAG_CLR; new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_CACHE_INVALID = FLAG_CLR; cache_flush(this_bvm); if(!is_nil(sym_table)){ trie_insert(new_bvm_ptr, tptr_detag(new_bvm_ptr, new_bvm_ptr->self), BABEL_SYM_SOFT_ROOT, nil, sym_table); } trie_insert(new_bvm_ptr, tptr_detag(new_bvm_ptr, new_bvm_ptr->self), BABEL_SYM_PARENT_BVM, nil, this_bvm->self); new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_CODE_LIST_EMPTY = FLAG_CLR; while(!is_nil(arg_stack)){ // give the arg-list onto the BVM's dstack interp_push_operand(new_bvm_ptr, rci(arg_stack, 0)); arg_stack = rci(arg_stack,1); } interp_core(new_bvm_ptr); cache_cp(new_bvm_ptr, this_bvm); //update flags and interp this_bvm->self = _ith( this_bvm, trie_lookup_hash( new_bvm_ptr, tptr_detag(new_bvm_ptr, new_bvm_ptr->self), BABEL_SYM_PARENT_BVM, nil), 2 ); cache_update(this_bvm); this_bvm->flags->BVM_CACHE_DIRTY = FLAG_CLR; this_bvm->flags->BVM_CACHE_INVALID = FLAG_CLR; //copy TOS from new_bvm to this_bvm oinfo oi; oi.default_data = nil; oi.required_tag = nil; oi.mask = OI_MASK_ANY; oi.min_size = 0; oi.max_size = 1; if( new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_RETURN_TOS_ON_EXIT == FLAG_SET && (new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_CODE_LIST_EMPTY == FLAG_SET || (get_advance_type(new_bvm_ptr) == BVM_RETURN))){ get_operands(new_bvm_ptr,1,&oi); result =; stack_pop(new_bvm_ptr,rci(new_bvm_ptr->dstack_ptr,0)); // stack_push(this_bvm, // rci(this_bvm->dstack_ptr,0), // stack_new_entry( // this_bvm, //, // nil)); } // Reset all flags in case of re-entry new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_RETURN_TOS_ON_EXIT = FLAG_CLR; // FIXME: This restore to previous value, not force-clear new_bvm_ptr->flags->BVM_CODE_LIST_EMPTY = FLAG_CLR; if(get_advance_type(new_bvm_ptr) == BVM_RETURN){ set_advance_type(new_bvm_ptr, BVM_ADVANCE); } this_bvm->flags->BVM_RETURN_TOS_ON_EXIT = FLAG_CLR; this_bvm->flags->BVM_CODE_LIST_EMPTY = FLAG_CLR; return result; }
_RetType operator ()(){ return _val(); }
operator _T(){ return _val(); }