static void srtm_dem_download_thread ( DEMDownloadParams *p, gpointer threaddata )
  gint intlat, intlon;
  const gchar *continent_dir;

  intlat = (int)floor(p->lat);
  intlon = (int)floor(p->lon);
  continent_dir = srtm_continent_dir(intlat, intlon);

  if (!continent_dir) {
    if ( p->vdl ) {
      gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf ( _("No SRTM data available for %f, %f"), p->lat, p->lon );
      vik_window_statusbar_update ( (VikWindow*)VIK_GTK_WINDOW_FROM_LAYER(p->vdl), msg, VIK_STATUSBAR_INFO );
      g_free ( msg );

  gchar *src_fn = g_strdup_printf("%s%s/",
		(intlat >= 0) ? 'N' : 'S',
		(intlon >= 0) ? 'E' : 'W',
		ABS(intlon) );

  static DownloadMapOptions options = { FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 0, a_check_map_file, NULL, NULL };
  a_http_download_get_url ( SRTM_HTTP_SITE, src_fn, p->dest, &options, NULL );
  g_free ( src_fn );
Beispiel #2
 * a_babel_convert_from_url_filter:
 * @vt: The #VikTrwLayer where to insert the collected data
 * @url: the URL to fetch
 * @input_type:   If input_type is %NULL, input must be GPX.
 * @babelfilters: The filter arguments to pass to gpsbabel
 * @cb:	          Optional callback function. Same usage as in a_babel_convert().
 * @user_data:    Passed along to cb
 * @options:      Download options. If %NULL then default download options will be used.
 * Download the file pointed by the URL and optionally uses GPSBabel to convert from input_type.
 * If input_type and babelfilters are %NULL, gpsbabel is not used.
 * Returns: %TRUE on successful invocation of GPSBabel or read of the GPX
gboolean a_babel_convert_from_url_filter ( VikTrwLayer *vt, const char *url, const char *input_type, const char *babelfilters, BabelStatusFunc cb, gpointer user_data, DownloadFileOptions *options )
  // If no download options specified, use defaults:
  DownloadFileOptions myoptions = { FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL };
  if ( options )
    myoptions = *options;
  gint fd_src;
  int fetch_ret;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  gchar *name_src = NULL;
  gchar *babelargs = NULL;

  g_debug("%s: input_type=%s url=%s", __FUNCTION__, input_type, url);

  if ((fd_src = g_file_open_tmp("tmp-viking.XXXXXX", &name_src, NULL)) >= 0) {
    g_debug ("%s: temporary file: %s", __FUNCTION__, name_src);

    fetch_ret = a_http_download_get_url(url, "", name_src, &myoptions, NULL);
    if (fetch_ret == DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS) {
      if (input_type != NULL || babelfilters != NULL) {
        babelargs = (input_type) ? g_strdup_printf(" -i %s", input_type) : g_strdup("");
        ret = a_babel_convert_from_filter( vt, babelargs, name_src, babelfilters, NULL, NULL, NULL );
      } else {
        /* Process directly the retrieved file */
        g_debug("%s: directly read GPX file %s", __FUNCTION__, name_src);
        FILE *f = g_fopen(name_src, "r");
        if (f) {
          gchar *dirpath = g_path_get_dirname ( name_src );
          ret = a_gpx_read_file ( vt, f, dirpath );
          g_free ( dirpath );
        // Try to avoid adding the description if URL is OAuth signed
        if ( !g_ascii_strncasecmp(url, "?oauth_consumer_key=", 20) ) {
          VikTRWMetadata *meta = vik_trw_layer_get_metadata(vt);
          if ( meta && !meta->description ) {
            meta->description = g_strdup ( url );

  return ret;
Beispiel #3
 * a_babel_convert_from_url:
 * @vt: The #VikTrwLayer where to insert the collected data
 * @url: the URL to fetch
 * @cb:	       Optional callback function. Same usage as in a_babel_convert().
 * @user_data: passed along to cb
 * @options:   download options. Maybe NULL.
 * Download the file pointed by the URL and optionally uses GPSBabel to convert from input_file_type.
 * If input_file_type is %NULL, doesn't use GPSBabel. Input must be GPX.
 * Returns: %TRUE on successful invocation of GPSBabel or read of the GPX
gboolean a_babel_convert_from_url ( VikTrwLayer *vt, const char *url, const char *input_type, BabelStatusFunc cb, gpointer user_data, DownloadMapOptions *options )
  // If no download options specified, use defaults:
  DownloadMapOptions myoptions = { FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL };
  if ( options )
    myoptions = *options;
  gint fd_src;
  int fetch_ret;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  gchar *name_src = NULL;
  gchar *babelargs = NULL;

  g_debug("%s: input_type=%s url=%s", __FUNCTION__, input_type, url);

  if ((fd_src = g_file_open_tmp("tmp-viking.XXXXXX", &name_src, NULL)) >= 0) {
    g_debug ("%s: temporary file: %s", __FUNCTION__, name_src);

    fetch_ret = a_http_download_get_url(url, "", name_src, &myoptions, NULL);
    if (fetch_ret == 0) {
      if (input_type != NULL) {
        babelargs = g_strdup_printf(" -i %s", input_type);
        ret = a_babel_convert_from( vt, babelargs, name_src, NULL, NULL, NULL );
      } else {
        /* Process directly the retrieved file */
        g_debug("%s: directly read GPX file %s", __FUNCTION__, name_src);
        FILE *f = g_fopen(name_src, "r");
        if (f) {
          ret = a_gpx_read_file ( vt, f );
          f = NULL;

  return ret;
Beispiel #4
static DownloadResult_t expedia_download ( MapCoord *src, const gchar *dest_fn, void *handle )
  gint height, width;
  struct LatLon ll;
  gchar *uri;

  expedia_xy_to_latlon_middle ( src->scale, src->x, src->y, &ll );

  height = HEIGHT_OF_LAT_DEGREE / expedia_altis_freq(src->scale) / (src->scale);
  width = height * cos ( * DEGREES_TO_RADS );

  height += 2*REAL_HEIGHT_BUFFER;
  width  += 2*REAL_WIDTH_BUFFER;

  uri = g_strdup_printf ( "/pub/agent.dll?qscr=mrdt&ID=3XNsF.&CenP=%lf,%lf&Lang=%s&Alti=%d&Size=%d,%d&Offs=0.000000,0.000000&BCheck&tpid=1",
     , ll.lon, (ll.lon > -30) ? "EUR0809" : "USA0409", src->scale, width, height );

  DownloadResult_t res = a_http_download_get_url ( EXPEDIA_SITE, uri, dest_fn, &expedia_options, NULL );
  if (res == DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS)
  	expedia_snip ( dest_fn );