Beispiel #1
static void datasource_gc_get_cmd_string ( datasource_gc_widgets_t *widgets, gchar **cmd, gchar **input_file_type )
  //gchar *safe_string = g_shell_quote ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(widgets->center_entry) ) );
  gchar *safe_user = g_shell_quote ( a_preferences_get ( VIKING_GC_PARAMS_NAMESPACE "username")->s );
  gchar *safe_pass = g_shell_quote ( a_preferences_get ( VIKING_GC_PARAMS_NAMESPACE "password")->s );
  gdouble lat, lon;
  if ( 2 != sscanf ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY(widgets->center_entry) ), "%lf,%lf", &lat, &lon ) ) {
    g_warning (_("Broken input - using some defaults"));
    lat = a_vik_get_default_lat();
    lon = a_vik_get_default_long();

  // Unix specific shell commands
  // 1. Remove geocache webpages (maybe be from different location)
  // 2, Gets upto n geocaches as webpages for the specified user in radius r Miles
  // 3. Converts webpages into a single waypoint file, ignoring zero location waypoints '-z'
  //       Probably as they are premium member only geocaches and user is only a basic member
  //  Final output is piped into GPSbabel - hence removal of *html is done at beginning of the command sequence
  *cmd = g_strdup_printf( "rm -f ~/.geo/caches/*html ; %s -P -n%d -r%.1fM -u %s -p %s %.4f %.4f ; %s -z ~/.geo/caches/*html ",
			  gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(widgets->num_spin) ),
			  gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_float ( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(widgets->miles_radius_spin) ),
			  lat, lon,
			  GC_PROGRAM2 );
  *input_file_type = NULL;
  //g_free ( safe_string );
  g_free ( safe_user );
  g_free ( safe_pass );
Beispiel #2
 * Free after use
gchar* osm_oauth_sign_url ( const gchar* url, const char *method )
	gchar *signed_url = NULL;
	const gchar *access_token_key_pref = a_preferences_get(OSM_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY)->s;
	const gchar *access_token_secret_pref = a_preferences_get(OSM_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)->s;

	if ( access_token_key_pref && access_token_secret_pref &&
	     strlen(access_token_key_pref) > 1 && strlen(access_token_secret_pref) > 1 ) {
		signed_url = oauth_sign_url2 ( url, NULL, OA_HMAC, method, viking_consumer_key, viking_consumer_secret, access_token_key_pref, access_token_secret_pref );
	return signed_url;
Beispiel #3
void a_mapcache_add ( GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, gint x, gint y, gint z, guint8 type, guint zoom, guint8 alpha, gdouble xshrinkfactor, gdouble yshrinkfactor )
  gchar *key = g_strdup_printf ( HASHKEY_FORMAT_STRING, x, y, z, type, zoom, alpha, xshrinkfactor, yshrinkfactor );
  static int tmp = 0;

  cache_add(key, pixbuf);

  // TODO: that should be done on preference change only...
  max_queue_size = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "mapcache_size")->u * 1024 * 1024;

  if ( queue_size > max_queue_size ) {
    gchar *oldkey = list_shift_add_entry ( key );

    while ( queue_size > max_queue_size &&
        (queue_tail->next != queue_tail) ) { /* make sure there's more than one thing to delete */
      oldkey = list_shift ();

    /* chop off 'start' etc */
  } else {
    list_add_entry ( key );
    /* business as usual */

  if ( (++tmp == 100 ))  { g_print("DEBUG: queue count=%d size=%u\n", queue_count, queue_size ); tmp=0; }
Beispiel #4
 * Auto attempt to read the world file associated with the image used for the georef
 *  Based on simple file name conventions
 * Only attempted if the preference is on.
static gboolean maybe_read_world_file ( VikFileEntry *vfe, gpointer user_data )
  if ( a_preferences_get (VIKING_PREFERENCES_IO_NAMESPACE "georef_auto_read_world_file")->b ) {
    const gchar* filename = vik_file_entry_get_filename(VIK_FILE_ENTRY(vfe));
    gdouble values[4];
    if ( filename && user_data ) {

      changeable_widgets *cw = user_data;

      gboolean upper = g_ascii_isupper (filename[strlen(filename)-1]);
      gchar* filew = g_strconcat ( filename, (upper ? "W" : "w") , NULL );

      if ( world_file_read_file ( filew, values ) == 0 ) {
        set_widget_values ( cw, values );
      else {
        if ( strlen(filename) > 3 ) {
          gchar* file0 = g_strndup ( filename, strlen(filename)-2 );
          gchar* file1 = g_strdup_printf ( "%s%c%c", file0, filename[strlen(filename)-1], (upper ? 'W' : 'w')  );
          if ( world_file_read_file ( file1, values ) == 0 ) {
            set_widget_values ( cw, values );
          g_free ( file1 );
          g_free ( file0 );
      g_free ( filew );
  return TRUE;
Beispiel #5
void a_mapcache_add ( GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, mapcache_extra_t extra, gint x, gint y, gint z, guint16 type, gint zoom, guint8 alpha, gdouble xshrinkfactor, gdouble yshrinkfactor, const gchar* name )
  guint nn = name ? g_str_hash ( name ) : 0;
  gchar *key = g_strdup_printf ( HASHKEY_FORMAT_STRING, type, x, y, z, zoom, nn, alpha, xshrinkfactor, yshrinkfactor );

  cache_add(key, pixbuf, extra);

  // TODO: that should be done on preference change only...
  max_cache_size = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "mapcache_size")->u * 1024 * 1024;

  if ( cache_size > max_cache_size ) {
    if ( queue_tail ) {
      gchar *oldkey = list_shift_add_entry ( key );

      while ( cache_size > max_cache_size &&
             (queue_tail->next != queue_tail) ) { /* make sure there's more than one thing to delete */
        oldkey = list_shift ();
    /* chop off 'start' etc */
  } else {
    list_add_entry ( key );
    /* business as usual */

  static int tmp = 0;
  if ( (++tmp == 100 )) { g_debug("DEBUG: cache count=%d size=%u list count=%d\n", g_hash_table_size(cache), cache_size, queue_count ); tmp=0; }
Beispiel #6
void osm_login_widgets (GtkWidget *user_entry, GtkWidget *password_entry)
  if (!user_entry || !password_entry)

  const gchar *default_user = get_default_user();
  const gchar *pref_user = a_preferences_get(VIKING_OSM_TRACES_PARAMS_NAMESPACE "username")->s;
  const gchar *pref_password = a_preferences_get(VIKING_OSM_TRACES_PARAMS_NAMESPACE "password")->s;

  if (osm_user != NULL && osm_user[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), osm_user);
  else if (pref_user != NULL && pref_user[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), pref_user);
  else if (default_user != NULL)
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), default_user);

  if (osm_password != NULL && osm_password[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(password_entry), osm_password);
  else if (pref_password != NULL)
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(password_entry), pref_password);
  /* This is a password -> invisible */
  gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY(password_entry), FALSE);
Beispiel #7
void osm_login_widgets (GtkWidget *user_entry, GtkWidget *password_entry)
  if (!user_entry || !password_entry)

  const gchar *default_user = get_default_user();
  VikLayerParamData *pref_user = a_preferences_get ( OSM_USERNAME );
  VikLayerParamData *pref_password = a_preferences_get ( OSM_PASSWORD );
  if (osm_user != NULL && osm_user[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), osm_user);
  else if (pref_user && pref_user->s && pref_user->s[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), pref_user->s);
  else if (default_user != NULL)
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), default_user);

  if (osm_password != NULL && osm_password[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(password_entry), osm_password);
  else if (pref_password && pref_password->s)
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(password_entry), pref_password->s);
  /* This is a password -> invisible */
  gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY(password_entry), FALSE);
Beispiel #8
 * a_babel_post_init:
 * Initialises babel module.
 * Mainly check existence of gpsbabel progam
 * and load all features available in that version.
void a_babel_post_init ()
  // Read the current preference
  const gchar *gpsbabel = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_IO_NAMESPACE "gpsbabel")->s;
  // If setting is still the UNIX default then lookup in the path - otherwise attempt to use the specified value directly.
  if ( g_strcmp0 ( gpsbabel, "gpsbabel" ) == 0 ) {
    gpsbabel_loc = g_find_program_in_path( "gpsbabel" );
    if ( !gpsbabel_loc )
      g_warning( "gpsbabel not found in PATH" );
    gpsbabel_loc = g_strdup ( gpsbabel );

  // Unlikely to package unbuffer on Windows so ATM don't even bother trying
  // Highly unlikely unbuffer is available on a Windows system otherwise
#ifndef WINDOWS
  unbuffer_loc = g_find_program_in_path( "unbuffer" );
  if ( !unbuffer_loc )
    g_warning( "unbuffer not found in PATH" );

  load_feature ();
Beispiel #9
gboolean a_vik_get_use_large_waypoint_icons ( )
    gboolean use_large_waypoint_icons;
    use_large_waypoint_icons = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "use_large_waypoint_icons")->b;
    return use_large_waypoint_icons;
Beispiel #10
static DownloadResult_t download( const char *hostname, const char *uri, const char *fn, DownloadFileOptions *options, gboolean ftp, void *handle)
  FILE *f;
  int ret;
  gchar *tmpfilename;
  gboolean failure = FALSE;
  CurlDownloadOptions cdo = {0, NULL, NULL};

  /* Check file */
  if ( g_file_test ( fn, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) == TRUE )
    if (options == NULL || (!options->check_file_server_time &&
                            !options->use_etag)) {
      /* Nothing to do as file already exists and we don't want to check server */

    time_t tile_age = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "download_tile_age")->u;
    /* Get the modified time of this file */
    GStatBuf buf;
    (void)g_stat ( fn, &buf );
    time_t file_time = buf.st_mtime;
    if ( (time(NULL) - file_time) < tile_age ) {
      /* File cache is too recent, so return */

    if (options != NULL && options->check_file_server_time) {
      cdo.time_condition = file_time;
    if (options != NULL && options->use_etag) {
      get_etag(fn, &cdo);

  } else {
    gchar *dir = g_path_get_dirname ( fn );
    if ( g_mkdir_with_parents ( dir , 0777 ) != 0)
      g_warning ("%s: Failed to mkdir %s", __FUNCTION__, dir );
    g_free ( dir );

  tmpfilename = g_strdup_printf("%s.tmp", fn);
  if (!lock_file ( tmpfilename ) )
    g_debug("%s: Couldn't take lock on temporary file \"%s\"\n", __FUNCTION__, tmpfilename);
    g_free ( tmpfilename );
    if (options->use_etag)
      g_free ( cdo.etag );
  f = g_fopen ( tmpfilename, "w+b" );  /* truncate file and open it */
  if ( ! f ) {
    g_warning("Couldn't open temporary file \"%s\": %s", tmpfilename, g_strerror(errno));
    g_free ( tmpfilename );
    if (options->use_etag)
      g_free ( cdo.etag );

  /* Call the backend function */
  ret = curl_download_get_url ( hostname, uri, f, options, ftp, &cdo, handle );

  DownloadResult_t result = DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS;

    g_debug("%s: download failed: curl_download_get_url=%d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
    failure = TRUE;

  if (!failure && options != NULL && options->check_file != NULL && ! options->check_file(f)) {
    g_debug("%s: file content checking failed", __FUNCTION__);
    failure = TRUE;

  fclose ( f );
  f = NULL;

  if (failure)
    g_warning(_("Download error: %s"), fn);
    if ( g_remove ( tmpfilename ) != 0 )
      g_warning( ("Failed to remove: %s"), tmpfilename);
    unlock_file ( tmpfilename );
    g_free ( tmpfilename );
    if ( options != NULL && options->use_etag ) {
      g_free ( cdo.etag );
      g_free ( cdo.new_etag );
    return result;

    (void)g_remove ( tmpfilename );
     // update mtime of local copy
     // Not security critical, thus potential Time of Check Time of Use race condition is not bad
     // coverity[toctou]
     if ( g_utime ( fn, NULL ) != 0 )
       g_warning ( "%s couldn't set time on: %s", __FUNCTION__, fn );
  } else {
    if ( options != NULL && options->convert_file )
      options->convert_file ( tmpfilename );

    if ( options != NULL && options->use_etag ) {
      if ( cdo.new_etag ) {
        /* server returned an etag value */
        set_etag(fn, tmpfilename, &cdo);

     /* move completely-downloaded file to permanent location */
     if ( g_rename ( tmpfilename, fn ) )
        g_warning ("%s: file rename failed [%s] to [%s]", __FUNCTION__, tmpfilename, fn );
  unlock_file ( tmpfilename );
  g_free ( tmpfilename );

  if ( options != NULL && options->use_etag ) {
    g_free ( cdo.etag );
    g_free ( cdo.new_etag );
Beispiel #11
 * Start request for New OSM Access Token
static void new_access_token_cb ( )
  GtkWindow *parent = GTK_WINDOW(a_vik_window_get_a_window());

  const gchar *access_token_key_pref = a_preferences_get(OSM_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY)->s;
  const gchar *access_token_secret_pref = a_preferences_get(OSM_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)->s;
  if ( access_token_key_pref && access_token_secret_pref &&
       strlen(access_token_key_pref) > 1 && strlen(access_token_secret_pref) > 1 ) {

    // Check to really override existing values...
    if ( !a_dialog_yes_or_no(parent, _("Do you want to overwrite existing values?"), NULL) )

  gchar *request_key = NULL;
  gchar *request_secret = NULL;
  // Request
  gint grt = get_request_tokens ( &request_key, &request_secret );
  if ( grt != 0 )
     g_warning ( "get_request_tokens() returned %d", grt );

  if ( !request_key || !request_secret ) {
    a_dialog_error_msg ( parent, _("Not able to generate OSM request tokens.") );

  // JOSM uses some kind of Out of Bound 'OOB' method which doesn't direct the user to the webpage.
  // However I'm unclear how this works at a low level
  // it's possible that liboauth doesn't support this 1.0A feature anyway

  // Auto authorize if possible...
  // gboolean authorized = liboauth_authorize_url ( request_key );
  // if ( !authorized ) {
  //   msg();
  //   return;
  // }

  // So for now just direct user to OSM website (you will have to enter credentials there & grant permissions)
  gchar *authorize_url = get_authorize_url ( request_key );
  g_debug ( "%s:%s", __FUNCTION__, authorize_url );
  if ( authorize_url ) {
    gtk_show_uri ( gdk_screen_get_default(), authorize_url, GDK_CURRENT_TIME, NULL );
  g_free ( authorize_url );

					       _("Waiting for authorization approval.\nEnsure you have granted access at the website before continuing here."));
  gtk_dialog_set_default_response ( GTK_DIALOG(dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT );
  if ( gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) != GTK_RESPONSE_OK ) {
      gtk_widget_destroy ( dialog );
  gtk_widget_destroy ( dialog );

  gchar *access_token_key = NULL;
  gchar *access_token_secret = NULL;

  gint gnat = get_new_access_tokens ( request_key, request_secret, &access_token_key, &access_token_secret );
  if ( gnat != 0 )
     g_warning ( "get_new_access_tokens() returned %d", gnat );

  if ( !access_token_key || !access_token_key ) {
    a_dialog_error_msg ( parent, _("No Authorization.") );

  // Save the values
  VikLayerParamData vlp_data;
  VikLayerParam *pref_key = a_preferences_get_param ( OSM_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY );
  VikLayerParam *pref_secret = a_preferences_get_param ( OSM_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET );
  if ( !pref_key || !pref_secret ) {
    g_critical ("%s: preference not found", __FUNCTION__);

  // Unfortunately since the callback mechanism in preferences only allows a function call with no parameters
  //  we have no way of accessing the dialog to effect any updates, other than closing it
  a_uibuilder_factory_close ( GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT );
  // Note since we are in an event handler already, using GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT means this signal
  //  is processed after this current function finishes.
  // This then in turn means it would save the values from the dialog,
  //  overwriting the values set here :(
  // The current side effect is that any other preferences the user has modified in the dialog are lost

  // Now apply the new values
  vlp_data.s = access_token_key;
  a_preferences_run_setparam ( vlp_data, pref_key );
  vlp_data.s = access_token_secret;
  a_preferences_run_setparam ( vlp_data, pref_secret );

  a_preferences_save_to_file ();

  g_free ( access_token_key );
  g_free ( access_token_secret );

  // On success mention can remove username/password if they already exist
  VikLayerParamData *pref_user = a_preferences_get ( OSM_USERNAME );
  VikLayerParamData *pref_pwd = a_preferences_get ( OSM_PASSWORD );

  if ( pref_user && pref_pwd &&
       pref_user->s && pref_pwd->s && strlen(pref_user->s) > 1 ) {
    a_dialog_info_msg ( parent, _("OSM Username and Password preferences are not required anymore. You can now remove them.") );
Beispiel #12
const gchar* a_vik_get_image_viewer ( )
    return a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_IO_NAMESPACE "image_viewer")->s;
Beispiel #13
const gchar* a_vik_get_external_gpx_program_2 ( )
    return a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_IO_NAMESPACE "external_gpx_2")->s;
Beispiel #14
vik_kml_export_units_t a_vik_get_kml_export_units ( )
    vik_kml_export_units_t units;
    units = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_IO_NAMESPACE "kml_export_units")->u;
    return units;
Beispiel #15
vik_gpx_export_trk_sort_t a_vik_get_gpx_export_trk_sort ( )
    vik_gpx_export_trk_sort_t sort;
    sort = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_IO_NAMESPACE "gpx_export_track_sort")->u;
    return sort;
Beispiel #16
vik_degree_format_t a_vik_get_degree_format ( )
    vik_degree_format_t format;
    format = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "degree_format")->u;
    return format;
Beispiel #17
 * a_background_post_init:
 * Initialize background feature.
void a_background_post_init()
  // initialize thread pools
  gint max_threads = 10;  /* limit maximum number of threads running at one time */
  gint maxt;
  if ( a_settings_get_integer ( VIK_SETTINGS_BACKGROUND_MAX_THREADS, &maxt ) )
    max_threads = maxt;

  thread_pool_remote = g_thread_pool_new ( (GFunc) thread_helper, NULL, max_threads, FALSE, NULL );

  if ( a_settings_get_integer ( VIK_SETTINGS_BACKGROUND_MAX_THREADS_LOCAL, &maxt ) )
    max_threads = maxt;
  else {
    guint cpus = util_get_number_of_cpus ();
    max_threads = cpus > 1 ? cpus-1 : 1; // Don't use all available CPUs!

  thread_pool_local = g_thread_pool_new ( (GFunc) thread_helper, NULL, max_threads, FALSE, NULL );

  // implicit use of 'MAPNIK_PREFS_NAMESPACE' to avoid dependency issues
  guint mapnik_threads = a_preferences_get("mapnik.background_max_threads_local_mapnik")->u;
  thread_pool_local_mapnik = g_thread_pool_new ( (GFunc) thread_helper, NULL, mapnik_threads, FALSE, NULL );

  GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
  GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
  GtkWidget *scrolled_window;


  /* store & treeview */
  bgstore = gtk_list_store_new ( N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_DOUBLE, G_TYPE_POINTER );
  bgtreeview = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(bgstore) );
  gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (bgtreeview), TRUE);
  gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (bgtreeview)),

  /* add columns */
  renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
  column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ( _("Job"), renderer, "text", TITLE_COLUMN, NULL );
  gtk_tree_view_append_column ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(bgtreeview), column );

  renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_progress_new ();
  column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ( _("Progress"), renderer, "value", PROGRESS_COLUMN, NULL );
  gtk_tree_view_append_column ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(bgtreeview), column );

  /* setup window */
  scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new ( NULL, NULL );
  gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled_window), bgtreeview );
  gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled_window), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC );

  bgwindow = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ( "", NULL, 0, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, GTK_STOCK_DELETE, 1, GTK_STOCK_CLEAR, 2, NULL );
  gtk_dialog_set_default_response ( GTK_DIALOG(bgwindow), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT );
  GtkWidget *response_w = NULL;
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
  response_w = gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response ( GTK_DIALOG(bgwindow), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT );
  gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX(gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(bgwindow))), scrolled_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
  gtk_window_set_default_size ( GTK_WINDOW(bgwindow), 400, 400 );
  gtk_window_set_title ( GTK_WINDOW(bgwindow), _("Viking Background Jobs") );
  if ( response_w )
    gtk_widget_grab_focus ( response_w );
  /* don't destroy win */
  g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(bgwindow), "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_hide_on_delete), NULL );

  g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT(bgwindow), "response", G_CALLBACK(bgwindow_response), 0 );

Beispiel #18
vik_units_height_t a_vik_get_units_height ( )
    vik_units_height_t units;
    units = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "units_height")->u;
    return units;
Beispiel #19
vik_units_speed_t a_vik_get_units_speed ( )
    vik_units_speed_t units;
    units = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "units_speed")->u;
    return units;
Beispiel #20
vik_units_distance_t a_vik_get_units_distance ( )
    vik_units_distance_t units;
    units = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "units_distance")->u;
    return units;
Beispiel #21
gdouble a_vik_get_default_long ( )
    gdouble data;
    data = a_preferences_get(VIKING_PREFERENCES_NAMESPACE "default_longitude")->d;
    return data;
Beispiel #22
 * Uploading a VikTrwLayer
 * @param vtl VikTrwLayer
 * @param track_name if not null, the name of the track to upload
static void osm_traces_upload_viktrwlayer ( VikTrwLayer *vtl, const gchar *track_name )
  GtkWidget *dia = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("OSM upload"),
                                                 GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,

  const gchar *default_user = get_default_user();
  const gchar *pref_user = a_preferences_get(VIKING_OSM_TRACES_PARAMS_NAMESPACE "username")->s;
  const gchar *pref_password = a_preferences_get(VIKING_OSM_TRACES_PARAMS_NAMESPACE "password")->s;
  const gchar *name = NULL;
  GtkWidget *user_label, *user_entry;
  GtkWidget *password_label, *password_entry;
  GtkWidget *name_label, *name_entry;
  GtkWidget *description_label, *description_entry;
  GtkWidget *tags_label, *tags_entry;
  GtkComboBox *visibility;
  const OsmTraceVis_t *vis_t;

  user_label = gtk_label_new(_("Email:"));
  user_entry = gtk_entry_new();
  if (user != NULL && user[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), user);
  else if (pref_user != NULL && pref_user[0] != '\0')
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), pref_user);
  else if (default_user != NULL)
    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(user_entry), default_user);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), user_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), user_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
                        _("The email used as login\n"
                        "<small>Enter the email you use to login into</small>"));

  password_label = gtk_label_new(_("Password:"******"The password used to login\n"
                        "<small>Enter the password you use to login into</small>"));

  name_label = gtk_label_new(_("File's name:"));
  name_entry = gtk_entry_new();
  if (track_name != NULL)
    name = track_name;
    name = vik_layer_get_name(VIK_LAYER(vtl));
  gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(name_entry), name);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), name_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), name_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
                        _("The name of the file on OSM\n"
                        "<small>This is the name of the file created on the server."
			"This is not the name of the local file.</small>"));

  description_label = gtk_label_new(_("Description:"));
  description_entry = gtk_entry_new();
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), description_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), description_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
                        _("The description of the trace"));

  tags_label = gtk_label_new(_("Tags:"));
  tags_entry = gtk_entry_new();
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), tags_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), tags_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
                        _("The tags associated to the trace"));

  visibility = GTK_COMBO_BOX(gtk_combo_box_new_text ());
  for (vis_t = OsmTraceVis; vis_t->combostr != NULL; vis_t++)
	gtk_combo_box_append_text(visibility, vis_t->combostr);
  /* Set identifiable by default */
  gtk_combo_box_set_active(visibility, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dia)->vbox), GTK_WIDGET(visibility), FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  /* User should think about it first... */
  gtk_dialog_set_default_response ( GTK_DIALOG(dia), GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT );

  gtk_widget_show_all ( dia );
  gtk_widget_grab_focus ( description_entry );

  if ( gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG(dia) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT )
    gchar *title = NULL;

    /* overwrite authentication info */

    /* Storing data for the future thread */
    OsmTracesInfo *info = g_malloc(sizeof(OsmTracesInfo));
    info->name        = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(name_entry)));
    info->description = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(description_entry)));
    /* TODO Normalize tags: they will be used as URL part */
    info->tags        = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(tags_entry)));
    info->vistype     = &OsmTraceVis[gtk_combo_box_get_active(visibility)];
    info->vtl         = VIK_TRW_LAYER(g_object_ref(vtl));
    info->track_name  = (track_name == NULL) ? NULL : g_strdup(track_name);

    title = g_strdup_printf(_("Uploading %s to OSM"), info->name);

    /* launch the thread */
    a_background_thread(VIK_GTK_WINDOW_FROM_LAYER(vtl),          /* parent window */
			title,                                   /* description string */
			(vik_thr_func) osm_traces_upload_thread, /* function to call within thread */
			info,                                    /* pass along data */
			(vik_thr_free_func) oti_free,            /* function to free pass along data */
			(vik_thr_free_func) NULL,
			1 );
    g_free ( title ); title = NULL;
  gtk_widget_destroy ( dia );