void lup_decomposition(int n, double a[][n], int pi[])
    int i, j, k;
        pi[i] = i;
        int max = k;
            if(abs_double(a[i][k]) > abs_double(a[k][k])){
                max = i;
        if(a[max][k] == 0){
            fprintf(stderr, "singular matrix\n");

        swap_element(pi, max, k);
        swap_row(n, a, max, k);
            a[i][k] = a[i][k]/a[k][k];
                a[i][j] = a[i][j] - a[i][k]*a[k][j];
double descriptor34::ClebshGordan(double l, double m, double l1, double m1, double l2, double m2){

    double j = l, j1 = l1, j2 = l2;
    if (!equal(m,(m1 + m2))) return 0;
    double min_possible, max_possible;
    min_possible  = abs_double(j1 - j2);
    max_possible = j1 + j2;
    if (larger(j, max_possible)) return 0;
    if (larger(min_possible, j)) return 0;

    double first_sqrt = sqrt((2 * j + 1) * factorial[lrint(j + j1 - j2)] * factorial[lrint(j - j1 + j2)] * factorial[lrint(j1 + j2 - j)] / factorial[lrint(j1 + j2 + j + 1)]);
    double second_sqrt = sqrt(factorial[lrint(j + m)] * factorial[lrint(j - m)] *
            factorial[lrint(j1 - m1)] * factorial[lrint(j1 + m1)]
            * factorial[lrint(j2 - m2)] * factorial[lrint(j2 + m2)]);

    int maxk = min(lrint(j1 + j2 - j), lrint(j1 - m1));
    maxk = min(maxk, lrint(j2 + m2));
    int mink = 0;
    mink = max(mink, lrint(j2 - j - m1));
    mink = max(mink, lrint(j1 + m2 - j));

    double sum = 0;
    double a;
    for (int k = mink; k <= maxk; k = k + 1){
        a = factorial[k] * factorial[lrint(j1 + j2 - j) - k]
                * factorial[lrint(j1 - m1) - k] * factorial[lrint(j2 + m2) - k]
                * factorial[lrint(j - j2 + m1) + k] * factorial[lrint(j - j1 - m2) + k];
        a = 1.0/a;
        if (k % 2 == 1)
            a = -a;
        sum = sum + a;
    return sum * first_sqrt * second_sqrt;
Beispiel #3
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	int cases;
	//freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin);
	while (cases--) {
		int i;
		double p1[3],v1[3],p2[3],v2[3];
		double newPos1[3];
		double newPos2[3];
		double R;
		double time,time2;
		double dis;
		double lefttime=0;
		double righttime=100000000;
		while (abs_double(time-time2)>PRE) {
			for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
			double newDis1=sqrt((newPos1[0]-newPos2[0])*(newPos1[0]-newPos2[0])+
			for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
			double newDis2=sqrt((newPos1[0]-newPos2[0])*(newPos1[0]-newPos2[0])+
			if (newDis2>newDis1) {
			}else {
			if (dis<=R) {
		if (dis<=R) {
		}else {


    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *fp;

    cos_sin_type s = 0; //sin output
    cos_sin_type c = 0; //cos output
    theta_type radian; //radian input

    double zs, zc; // sin and cos values calculated from math.h.

    //Error checking
    double Total_Error_Sin = 0.0;
    double Total_Error_Cos = 0.0;
    double error_sin = 0.0, error_cos = 0.0;

    fp = fopen("out.dat","w");
    // Compute sin/cos values for angles up to NUM_DEGREE
    for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; i++) {
        radian = i*M_PI/180;
        cordic(radian, s, c);
        zs = sin((double)radian);
        zc = cos((double)radian);
        error_sin = (abs_double((double)s-zs)/zs)*100.0;
        error_cos = (abs_double((double)c-zc)/zc)*100.0;
        Total_Error_Sin = Total_Error_Sin + error_sin*error_sin;
        Total_Error_Cos = Total_Error_Cos + error_cos*error_cos;

        fprintf(fp, "degree=%d, radian=%f, cos=%f:%f, sin=%f:%f, cos_error=%f\%, sin_error=%f\%\n", i, (double)radian, (double)c, zc, (double)s, zs, error_cos, error_sin);

    // Print out root mean square error (RMSE) in percentage
    printf ("Overall_Error_Sin=%f\%, Overall_Error_Cos=%f\%\n", sqrt(Total_Error_Sin/(NUM_DEGREE-1)), sqrt(Total_Error_Cos/(NUM_DEGREE-1)));
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
point3D orthogonal_vector(point3D pole)
  point3D o;
  if (equal(abs_double(pole.z), 1)) {
    o.x = 1;
    o.y = 0;
    o.z = 0;
  } else {
    o.x = -pole.y;
    o.y = pole.x;
    o.z = 0;
    o = normalize(o);
  return o;
Beispiel #6
t_surface			*is_in_light(t_surface *surface, t_scene *scene,
	t_light *light, double *dot_light)
	t_vector		light_ray;
	t_double3		light_distance;
	t_surface		*light_intersect;
	double			dot_light_dir;

	light_ray.pos = surface->point;
	light_distance = v_minus_v(light->pos, surface->point);
	light_ray.dir = normalize(light_distance);
	*dot_light = dot_product(light_ray.dir, surface->normal);
	*dot_light = max_double(0, *dot_light);
	if (length_v(light->dir) > 0.01)
		dot_light_dir = abs_double(dot_product(light_ray.dir, normalize(light->dir)));
		dot_light_dir = max_double(0, dot_light_dir);
		*dot_light *= dot_light_dir;
	light_intersect = intersect(light_ray, scene, surface->object);
	if (light_intersect->object != NULL)
		light_intersect->distance -= length_v(light_distance);
	return (light_intersect);
Beispiel #7
// main function
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Open channels to the FPGA board.
  // These channels appear as files to the Linux OS
  int fdr = open("/dev/xillybus_read_32", O_RDONLY);
  int fdw = open("/dev/xillybus_write_32", O_WRONLY);

  // Check that the channels are correctly opened
  if ((fdr < 0) || (fdw < 0)) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open Xillybus device channels\n");

  // sin output
  cos_sin_type s = 0;
  // cos output
  cos_sin_type c = 0;
  // radian input
  double radian; 
  // sin & cos calculated by math.h
  double m_s = 0.0, m_c = 0.0;

  // Error terms
  double err_ratio_sin = 0.0;
  double err_ratio_cos = 0.0;
  double accum_err_sin = 0.0;
  double accum_err_cos = 0.0;

  // arrays to store the output
  double c_array[NUM_DEGREE];
  double s_array[NUM_DEGREE];

  int nbytes;
  Timer timer("CORDIC fpga (batch)");


  // Send all values to the module
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    radian = i * M_PI / 180;

    // Convert double value to fixed-point representation
    theta_type theta(radian);

    // Convert fixed-point to int64
    bit64_t theta_i;
    theta_i(theta.length()-1,0) = theta(theta.length()-1,0);
    int64_t input = theta_i;

    // Send bytes through the write channel
    // and assert that the right number of bytes were sent
    nbytes = write (fdw, (void*)&input, sizeof(input));
    assert (nbytes == sizeof(input));

  // Read all results
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    // Receive bytes through the read channel
    // and assert that the right number of bytes were recieved
    int64_t c_out, s_out;
    nbytes = read (fdr, (void*)&c_out, sizeof(c_out));
    assert (nbytes == sizeof(c_out));
    nbytes = read (fdr, (void*)&s_out, sizeof(s_out));
    assert (nbytes == sizeof(s_out));
    // convert int64 to fixed point
    bit64_t c_i = c_out;
    bit64_t s_i = s_out;
    c(c.length()-1,0) = c_i(c.length()-1,0);
    s(s.length()-1,0) = s_i(s.length()-1,0);
    // Store to array
    c_array[i] = c;
    s_array[i] = s;

  // Check results
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    // Load the stored result
    c = c_array[i];
    s = s_array[i];

    // Call math lib
    radian = i * M_PI / 180;
    m_s = sin( radian );
    m_c = cos( radian );
    // Calculate normalized error
    err_ratio_sin = ( abs_double( (double)s - m_s) / (m_s) ) * 100.0;
    err_ratio_cos = ( abs_double( (double)c - m_c) / (m_c) ) * 100.0;
    // Accumulate error ratios
    accum_err_sin += err_ratio_sin * err_ratio_sin;
    accum_err_cos += err_ratio_cos * err_ratio_cos;

  // Write out root mean squared error (RMSE) of error ratios
  // Print to screen
  std::cout << "#------------------------------------------------\n"
            << "Overall_Error_Sin = " << RMSE(accum_err_sin) << "\n"
            << "Overall_Error_Cos = " << RMSE(accum_err_cos) << "\n"
            << "#------------------------------------------------\n";

  // Clean up

  return 0;
Beispiel #8
Datei: stb.c Projekt: cran/STB
void getSTB(double *mat, int *nCol, int *nRow, double *alpha, double *tol, int *max_iter, int *nCpu, double *Q, double *cov)
    int check=1, iter=0, i, j;
    double include, alpha_old, tmp, best_cov; // best_alpha;
    double *tmp_col, *lower, *upper, *best_Q;

    lower = calloc(*nCol, sizeof(double));
    upper = calloc(*nCol, sizeof(double));
    best_Q = calloc(2*(*nCol), sizeof(double));

    include = 1-(*alpha);											/* requested simultaneous tolerance limit, i.e. coverage */
    alpha_old = *alpha;
    *alpha = (*alpha)/2;

#ifdef _OPENMP
    omp_set_num_threads(*nCpu);										/* set number of cores */

        iter += 1;

        #pragma omp parallel for\
        shared(mat, lower, upper, Q)\
        for(i=0; i<*nCol; i++)																/* pont-wise tolerance limits */
            tmp_col = calloc(*nRow, sizeof(double));

            for(j=0; j<(*nRow); j++)
                tmp_col[j] = mat[i*(*nRow)+j];										/* copy i-th col of the matrix 'mat'*/
            Q[i*2]=SASquantile(tmp_col, *alpha, *nRow, EPS);					/* 1st row */
            Q[i*2+1]=SASquantile(tmp_col, 1-(*alpha), *nRow, EPS);		/* 2nd row */

        *cov=coverage(mat, lower, upper, *nCol, *nRow, *nCpu);				/* compute coverage of current STB */
        if(*cov >= include)																		/* at least 100(1-alpha)% coverage */
            if(*cov < best_cov)																	/* coverage better than former result */
                //best_alpha = *alpha;
                best_Q = Q;
                best_cov = *cov;
        if( abs_double((*alpha) - alpha_old)/2 == 0 )					/* terminate if alpha cannot become smaller */
            check = 0;
        if( iter == *max_iter ) 															/* terminate if max number of iterations reached */
            check = 0;

        if( abs_double(*cov - include) <= *tol &&  (*cov - include) >= 0 )
            check = 0;																					/* convergence tolerance reached */
        else																									/* bisection step */
            if( (*cov - include) < 0)
                tmp = *alpha;
                *alpha = *alpha - abs_double(alpha_old-(*alpha))/2;
                alpha_old = tmp;
                tmp = *alpha;
                *alpha = *alpha +  abs_double(alpha_old-(*alpha))/2;
                alpha_old = tmp;
    *cov = best_cov;			/* Use best values from iteration history */
    Q = best_Q;
bool equal(double a, double b){
    if (abs_double(a - b) < epsilonClebshGordan)
        return true;
    return false;
void experiment(void)
	long i, j, k;
	double Temp, Tstep, b, h, e, e2;
	double h_max = 0.0;

	Tstep = (Tmax - Tmin) / (samples - 1);
	if (!coldstart)								
		Temp = Tmax;
		Tstep = - Tstep;
		Temp = Tmin;

	// zero the averaging arrays
	for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)				
		energy_list[i] = 0.0;
		energy2_list[i] = 0.0;
		magnetiz_list[i] = 0.0;

	// iterate over samples, runs, and Monte-Carlo steps
	for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
		//printf("\tTemp = %f\n",Temp);
		Temp_list[i] = Temp; beta = 1.0 / Temp;

		for (k = 0; k < equlibriate; k++)
		for (j = 0; j < runcount; j++)
			for (k = 0; k < runsteps; k++)
			energy_list[i] += energy;
			energy2_list[i] += energy2;
			magnetiz_list[i] += abs_double(magnetiz);
		Temp += Tstep;

	// complete averaging and calculate heat capacities
	for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
		b = 1.0 / Temp_list[i];
		e = energy_list[i] / runcount;
		e2 = energy2_list[i] / runcount;

		magnetiz_list[i] /= runcount;
		energy_list[i] = e;
		energy2_list[i] = e2;
		h = Boltzmann * b *  b * (e2 - e * e);
		heatcapacity_list[i] = h;

		// screening for the critical point
		if (h > h_max)
			h_max = h;
			sample_critical = i;

Beispiel #11
//average SGD implemented by Julius 2014.08.27
void LLC_SGD(double *w, double *x, double *centers, int *knn_idx, int knn, int d) {
    int i, j, iter=0, iter0=-1;
    float GAMMA = 2, adaGAMMA=GAMMA;
    memset(w, 0.01, knn*sizeof(double));
    //minimizing 0.5*||x - w*centers||2,2 + 0.5*lambda*||w||2,2
    float past_grad[64] = {0};

    //w[0] = w[1] = 0.25;
    init_w(w, knn);
    eval_obj_iter = 0;
    while(iter < knn*30) {
        for(i=0; i<BATCH_SIZE; i++)
            batch_idx[i] = rand()%d;    //[0, 127]
        adaGAMMA = GAMMA*pow(1+GAMMA*BETA_SGD*(iter0+1), -0.75);
        //adaGAMMA = GAMMA;
        if(iter > knn*8)
        //if(iter0 == 0)
        //    printf("============Start averaging!!============\n");
        //printf("adaGAMMA[%d]: %f\n", iter, adaGAMMA);
        float wcenters[BATCH_SIZE]={0}, sub_grad=0;
        //mini-batch SGD, if BATCH_SIZE = 1, then it is shrunk to SGD
        if(BATCH_SIZE > 1) {    //mini-batch SGD
            for(j=0; j<BATCH_SIZE; j++) {
                int idx = batch_idx[j];
                for(i=0; i<knn; i++)
                    wcenters[j] += w[i]*centers[knn_idx[i]*d+idx];
                wcenters[j] = x[idx] - wcenters[j];
            for(i=0; i<knn; i++) {
                for(j=0; j<BATCH_SIZE; j++) {
                    int idx = batch_idx[j];
                    sub_grad += wcenters[j]*centers[knn_idx[i]*d+idx];
                sub_grad /= BATCH_SIZE; //average over mini-batch gradients
                sub_grad += BETA_SGD*w[i];
                sub_grad *= adaGAMMA;
                if(abs_float(sub_grad) < 5e-4)  //neglect too small update
                w[i] += (sub_grad);
                w[i] = (w[i] > 1) ? 1: w[i];
                w[i] = (w[i] < -1) ? -1: w[i];
        else {  //SGD
            int idx = batch_idx[0];
            for(i=0; i<knn; i++)
                wcenters[0] += w[i]*centers[knn_idx[i]*d+idx];
            for(i=0; i<knn; i++) {
                sub_grad = (x[idx] - wcenters[0])*centers[knn_idx[i]*d+idx];    //calculate sub_grad[0~127]
                sub_grad += BETA_SGD*w[i];
                sub_grad *= adaGAMMA;
                if(abs_float(sub_grad) < 5e-4)  //neglect too small update
                double lower_bound, upper_bound;
                double tentaive_w = w[i] + sub_grad;
                if(w[i] > 0) {
                    lower_bound = 0;  //avg_w - 2*avg < x < avg_w + 2*avg
                    upper_bound = 2*w[i];
                else {
                    lower_bound = 2*w[i];
                    upper_bound = 0;
                w[i] += (sub_grad);
                w[i] = (tentaive_w > upper_bound) ? upper_bound: tentaive_w;
                w[i] = (tentaive_w < lower_bound) ? lower_bound: tentaive_w;
                w[i] = (w[i] > 1) ? 1: w[i];
                w[i] = (w[i] < -1) ? -1: w[i];
        if(iter0 == 0) {
            for(i=0; i<knn; i++)
                avg_w[i] = w[i];
        if(iter0 >= 0) {
            for(i=0; i<knn; i++) {
                double past_w = avg_w[i];
                avg_w[i] = w[i] + (double)iter0/(iter0+1)*(avg_w[i]-w[i]);
                past_grad[i] = avg_w[i] - past_w;
                double tentaive_w = avg_w[i] + 2*past_grad[i];  //momentum is used
                double lower_bound, upper_bound;
                if(avg_w[i] > 0) {
                    lower_bound = -2*avg_w[i];  //avg_w - 3*avg < x < avg_w + 3*avg
                    upper_bound = 4*avg_w[i];
                else {
                    lower_bound = 4*avg_w[i];
                    upper_bound = -2*avg_w[i];
                avg_w[i] = (tentaive_w > upper_bound) ? upper_bound: tentaive_w;
                avg_w[i] = (tentaive_w < lower_bound) ? lower_bound: tentaive_w;
                avg_w[i] = (avg_w[i] > 1) ? 1: avg_w[i];
                avg_w[i] = (avg_w[i] < -1) ? -1: avg_w[i];
                //printf("[%d](w, grad) = (%f, %f)\n", i, avg_w[i], past_grad[i]);
            eval_obj(avg_w, x, centers, knn_idx, knn, d);
        //norm_w(w, d);
        else {
            eval_obj(w, x, centers, knn_idx, knn, d);
    double sum=0;
    for(i=0; i<knn; i++)
        sum += avg_w[i];
    for(i=0; i<knn; i++) {
        avg_w[i] /= sum;
        if(abs_double(avg_w[i]) < TOLERANCE)    //cut-off small values
            avg_w[i] = 0;
    printf("LLC_SGD w: (");
    for(i=0; i<knn; i++)
        printf("%f ", avg_w[i]);
Beispiel #12
// main function of TB
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // sin output
  double ans = 0;
  // cos output

  // sin & cos calculated by math.h
  double m_an = 0.0;

  // Error terms
  double err_ratio;
  double accum_err;

  // arrays to store the output
  double array[NUM_DEGREE];

  // HLS streams for communicating with the cordic block
  //hls::stream<bit32_t> cordic_in;
  hls::stream<bit32_t> cordic_out;

  // Send data to CORDIC sim
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; i++) {

    bit32_t input = i;

    // Send both words to the HLS module
   // cordic_in.write( input );
    //cordic_in.write( input+1 );

  // Execute CORDIC sim and store results
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; i++) {
    // Run the HLS function 
    dut( cordic_out );

    // Read the two 32-bit cosine output words, low word first
    bit32_t output;
    output = cordic_out.read();

    // Store to array
    array[i] = output;

  // Check results
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    // Load the stored result
    ans = array[i];

    m_an = i;

    // Calculate normalized error
    err_ratio = ( abs_double( (double)ans - m_an) / (m_an) ) * 100.0;
    // Accumulate error ratios
    accum_err += err_ratio * err_ratio;
    std::cout << "ans = "<< ans <<" m_an = "<<m_an<<"\n";

  // Write out root mean squared error (RMSE) of error ratios
  // Print to screen
  std::cout << "#------------------------------------------------\n"
            << "Overall_Error_Test = " << RMSE(accum_err) << "\n"
            << "#------------------------------------------------\n";

  return 0;