str *realpath(str *filename) { /** Return the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any symbolic links encountered in the path. */ list<str *> *bits; str *component, *newpath, *resolved; __ss_int __40, __41, i; if (isabs(filename)) { bits = ((new list<str *>(1, const_4)))->__add__((filename->split(const_4))->__slice__(1, 1, 0, 0)); } else { bits = filename->split(const_4); } FAST_FOR(i,2,(len(bits)+1),1,40,41) component = joinl(bits->__slice__(3, 0, i, 0)); if (islink(component)) { resolved = _resolve_link(component); if ((resolved==0)) { return abspath(joinl(((new list<str *>(1, component)))->__add__(bits->__slice__(1, i, 0, 0)))); } else { newpath = joinl(((new list<str *>(1, resolved)))->__add__(bits->__slice__(1, i, 0, 0))); return realpath(newpath); } } END_FOR return abspath(filename); }
/* return 1 if name found in one of the files * 0 if name not found in one of the files * -1 if neither file exists */ extern int lookup(char *cp, char *local, Biobuf **lfpp, char *global, Biobuf **gfpp) { static String *file = 0; if (local) { if (file == 0) file = s_new(); abspath(local, UPASLIB, s_restart(file)); if (*lfpp != 0 || (*lfpp = sysopen(s_to_c(file), "r", 0)) != 0) { if (okfile(cp, *lfpp)) return 1; } else local = 0; } if (global) { abspath(global, UPASLIB, s_restart(file)); if (*gfpp != 0 || (*gfpp = sysopen(s_to_c(file), "r", 0)) != 0) { if (okfile(cp, *gfpp)) return 1; } else global = 0; } return (local || global)? 0 : -1; }
static int in_original_tree (char* other_path) { char* abs_src_path = abspath (NULL, src_path); char* abs_src_path_slash = path_concat (abs_src_path, ""); char* abs_other_path = abspath (NULL, other_path); int ret_val = !strncmp (abs_src_path_slash, abs_other_path, strlen (abs_src_path_slash)); free (abs_src_path); free (abs_src_path_slash); free (abs_other_path); return ret_val; }
void PassFilesToInstance(void) { int argc = __argc; char **argv = __argv; AllowSetForegroundWindow(ASFW_ANY); // argv = CmdLineToC(&argc, GetCommandLineA()); if (argv) { if (argc <= 1) { SendFileName("###TOP###"); } else { int i; for (i=1; i < argc; i++) { char buf[260], *p = buf; strcpy(buf, argv[i]); while (isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p != '/' && *p != '-') { abspath(p, NULL); SendFileName(p); } } } } }
static char * cvs_dir(char *working_directory) { char temp[MAXPATHLEN]; abspath(pathcat(temp, working_directory, "CVS")); return txtalloc(temp); }
void Project::RemoveSystemInclude(const char *path) { if (!path) return; BString abspath(path); abspath.ReplaceFirst("<project>",fPath.GetFolder()); if (abspath[0] != '/') { abspath.Prepend("/"); abspath.Prepend(fPath.GetFolder()); } STRACE(1,("%s: Attempting to remove system include %s\n",GetName(),path)); for (int32 i = 0; i < fSystemIncludeList.CountItems(); i++) { BString *str = fSystemIncludeList.ItemAt(i); if (str && str->Compare(abspath) == 0) { STRACE(1,("%s: Removed %s\n",GetName(),path)); fSystemIncludeList.RemoveItemAt(i); delete str; return; } } }
CRYSTAX_LOCAL driver_t *find_driver(const char *path) { DBG("path=%s", path); if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') return NULL; scope_lock_t lock(mount_table_mutex); if (mount_table_pos == 0) { DBG("path=%s: no mount records registered, use SYSTEM driver", path); return system::driver_t::instance(); } abspath_t abspath(path); size_t nlen = ::strlen(abspath.c_str()); for (size_t i = mount_table_pos; i > 0; --i) { driver_t *d = mount_table[i - 1]; size_t len = ::strlen(d->root().c_str()); if (nlen >= len && ::strncmp(abspath.c_str(), d->root().c_str(), len) == 0) { DBG("path=%s: use driver %s (%s)", path, d->name(), d->info()); return d; } } DBG("path=%s: no mount record found, use system driver", path); return system::driver_t::instance(); }
LString makeRelativePath(const LString &aAbs, const LString &aBase) { fs::path abspath(aAbs.c_str()); fs::path basepath(aBase.c_str()); if (!abspath.is_complete() || !basepath.is_complete()) return aAbs; // aAbs or aBase is not absolute path if (abspath.root_path()!=basepath.root_path()) return aAbs; // root names are different; cannot make relative path fs::path::const_iterator iter1 = abspath.begin(); fs::path::const_iterator iter1_end = abspath.end(); fs::path::const_iterator iter2 = basepath.begin(); fs::path::const_iterator iter2_end = basepath.end(); for (; iter1!=iter1_end && iter2!=iter2_end ; ++iter1, ++iter2) { if (*iter1!=*iter2) break; } fs::path relpath; //if (iter1!=iter1_end && iter2!=iter2_end) { for (; iter2!=iter2_end; ++iter2) relpath /= ".."; for (; iter1!=iter1_end; ++iter1) relpath /= *iter1; //} // string() will canonicalize the path separator to "/" //return relpath.file_string(); return relpath.string(); }
/* * rules are of the form: * <reg exp> <String> <repl exp> [<repl exp>] */ extern int getrules(void) { Biobuf *rfp; String *line; String *type; String *file; file = abspath("rewrite", UPASLIB, (String *)0); rfp = sysopen(s_to_c(file), "r", 0); if(rfp == 0) { rulep = 0; return -1; } rlastp = 0; line = s_new(); type = s_new(); while(s_getline(rfp, s_restart(line))) if(getrule(line, type, thissys) && altthissys) getrule(s_restart(line), type, altthissys); s_free(type); s_free(line); s_free(file); sysclose(rfp); return 0; }
void main() { SetAddApplDir("kolibrios", abspath("install/kolibrios")+1);"/sys/media/kiv", "\\S__/kolibrios/res/Wallpapers/In the wind there is longing.png"); io.del("/sys/docpack"); copyf(abspath("install/sys"), "/sys"); RestartProcessByName("@icon", MULTIPLE); RestartProcessByName("@taskbar", SINGLE); RestartProcessByName("@docky", SINGLE); notify(T_END);"/sys/tmpdisk", "a0s10"); pause(50); copyf(abspath("install/tmp"), "/tmp0/1"); ExitProcess(); }
static void mtllib(char *dirname, char *filename) { char path[1024]; char *line, *next; unsigned char *data; int len; char *s; data = load_file(abspath(path, dirname, filename, sizeof path), &len); if (!data) { warn("cannot load material library: '%s'", filename); return; } data[len-1] = 0; /* over-write final newline to zero-terminate */ for (line = (char*)data; line; line = next) { next = strchr(line, '\n'); if (next) *next++ = 0; s = strtok(line, SEP); if (!s) { continue; } else if (!strcmp(s, "newmtl")) { s = strtok(NULL, SEP); if (s) { strlcpy(mtl_map[mtl_count].name, s, sizeof mtl_map[0].name); mtl_map[mtl_count].material = 0; mtl_count++; } } else if (!strcmp(s, "map_Kd")) { s = strtok(NULL, SEP); if (s && mtl_count > 0) { mtl_map[mtl_count-1].material = load_texture(abspath(path, dirname, s, sizeof path), 1); } } } free(data); }
void cvslast(const char *working, /* working directory (absolute) */ const char *path, /* pathname to check (may be relative) */ const char **vers_, time_t * date_, const char **lock_) { char temp[MAXPATHLEN]; abspath(pathcat(temp, working, path)); tryCVS(temp, vers_, date_, lock_); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; char testdir[MAXPATHLEN]; char ironout[MAXPATHLEN]; char origin[MAXPATHLEN]; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s testdir\n", argv[0]); return 1; } mktempdir(TEMPDIR); getcwd(origin, MAXPATHLEN); abspath(testdir, argv[1]); abspath(ironout, "ironout"); chdir(TEMPDIR); result = runtests(testdir, ironout); chdir(origin); rmtempdir(TEMPDIR, 1); return result; }
// Converts a possibly relative path to an absolute one std::string makeAbsolute(const std::string &path) { // Check for a URL scheme if (path.empty() || path.find("://") != std::string::npos) { return path; } // Make path absolute std::string abspath(path); if (abspath[0] != '/') { abspath = cwd() + "/" + path; } return canonicalize(abspath); }
bool ABSHandler::setUpBuildingEnvironment(const QString &package, const QString &p) { QString path = p; if ( !path.endsWith( QChar( '/' ) ) ) { path.append( QChar( '/' ) ); } path.append( package ); QDir pathDir( path ); if ( pathDir.exists() ) { cleanBuildingEnvironment( package, path ); } if ( !pathDir.mkpath( path ) ) { return false; } QString abspath( getABSPath( package ) ); if ( abspath.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "Couldn't find a matching ABS Dir!!"; return false; } QDir absPDir( abspath ); absPDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks ); QFileInfoList Plist = absPDir.entryInfoList(); for ( int i = 0; i < Plist.size(); ++i ) { QString dest( path ); if ( !dest.endsWith( QChar( '/' ) ) ) dest.append( QChar( '/' ) ); dest.append( i ).fileName() ); qDebug() << "Copying " << i ).absoluteFilePath() << " to " << dest; if ( !QFile::copy( i ).absoluteFilePath(), dest ) ) { return false; } } return true; }
static int WALK_FUNC(scan_tree) { char tmp[BUFSIZ]; char *s = pathcat(tmp, path, name); Stat_t sb; if (RCS_DEBUG) PRINTF("++ %s%sscan (%s, %s, %s%d)\n", R_opt ? "R " : "", L_opt ? "L " : "", path, name, (sp == 0) ? "no-stat, " : "", level); if (!quiet || n_opt) track_wd(path); if (sp == 0) { if (R_opt && (level > 0)) { Ignore(name, " (no such file)"); } } else if (isDIR(sp->st_mode)) { abspath(s); /* get rid of "." and ".." names */ if (ignore_dir(s)) readable = -1; else if (sameleaf(s, rcs_dir(NULL, NULL))) { if (R_opt) { (void) walktree(strcpy(user_wd, path), name, scan_archive, "r", level); } readable = -1; } else { #ifdef S_IFLNK if (!L_opt && (lstat(s, &sb) < 0 || isLINK(sb.st_mode))) { Ignore(name, " (is a link)"); readable = -1; } #endif } } else if (!isFILE(sp->st_mode)) { Ignore(name, RCS_DEBUG ? " (not a file)" : ""); readable = -1; } return (readable); }
CRYSTAX_LOCAL int mount(const char *source, const char *target, const char *fstype, unsigned long flags, const void *data) { DBG("source=%s, target=%s, fstype=%s, flags=%lu, data=%p", source, target, fstype, flags, data); scope_lock_t lock(mount_table_mutex); if (mount_table_pos >= MOUNT_TABLE_SIZE) { ERR("too much mount calls performed (max %d)", (int)MOUNT_TABLE_SIZE); errno = ENFILE; return -1; } abspath_t abspath(target); // Found underlying driver driver_t *underlying = system::driver_t::instance(); for (size_t i = mount_table_pos; i > 0; --i) { driver_t *prev = mount_table[i - 1]; if (abspath.subpath(prev->root())) { underlying = prev; break; } } driver_t *driver = load_driver(source, abspath.c_str(), fstype, flags, data, underlying); if (!driver) return system_mount(source, target, fstype, flags, data); DBG("load driver: %s (%s), underlying: %s (%s)", driver->name(), driver->info(), underlying->name(), underlying->info()); mount_table[mount_table_pos] = driver; ++mount_table_pos; return 0; }
void mexFunction ( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { char *rel; char abs[FILENAME_MAX] = ""; if( nrhs != 1 ) { antelope_mexUsageMsgTxt ( USAGE ); return; } else if( ! mtlb_get_string( prhs[0], &rel ) ) { antelope_mexUsageMsgTxt ( USAGE ); return; } abspath( rel, abs ); plhs[0] = mxCreateString( abs ); }
CRYSTAX_LOCAL int umount(const char *target, int flags) { DBG("target=%s, flags=%d", target, flags); if (target == NULL || *target == '\0') { ERR("empty target"); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } scope_lock_t lock(mount_table_mutex); abspath_t abspath(target); for (size_t i = mount_table_pos; i > 0; --i) { driver_t *d = mount_table[i - 1]; if (d->root().length() > abspath.length() && d->root().subpath(abspath)) { ERR("unmount failed: %s busy", abspath.c_str()); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } if (d->root() == abspath) { DBG("unmount target %s", abspath.c_str()); unload_driver(d); // Shift above records for (size_t j = i - 1; j < (size_t)mount_table_pos - 1; ++j) mount_table[j] = mount_table[j + 1]; --mount_table_pos; return 0; } } return system_umount2(target, flags); }
/* read a message into a temp file, return an open fd to it in mp->fd */ static int m_read_to_file(Biobuf *fp, message *mp) { int fd; int n; String *file; char buf[4*1024]; file = s_new(); /* * create temp file to be removed on close */ abspath("mtXXXXXX", UPASTMP, file); mktemp(s_to_c(file)); if((fd = syscreate(s_to_c(file), ORDWR|ORCLOSE, 0600))<0){ s_free(file); return -1; } mp->tmp = file; /* * read the rest into the temp file */ while((n = Bread(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0){ if(write(fd, buf, n) != n){ close(fd); return -1; } mp->size += n; if(mp->size > MSGLIMIT){ mp->size = -1; break; } } mp->fd = fd; return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { mpconfig *control; char *path; FILE *pidlog=NULL; struct timeval tv; control=readConfig( ); if( control == NULL ) { printf( "music directory needs to be set.\n" ); printf( "It will be set up now\n" ); path=(char *)falloc( MAXPATHLEN+1, 1 ); while( 1 ) { printf( "Default music directory:" ); fflush( stdout ); memset( path, 0, MAXPATHLEN ); fgets(path, MAXPATHLEN, stdin ); path[strlen( path )-1]=0; /* cut off CR */ abspath( path, getenv( "HOME" ), MAXPATHLEN ); if( isDir( path ) ) { break; } else { printf( "%s is not a directory!\n", path ); } } writeConfig( path ); free( path ); control=readConfig(); if( control == NULL ) { printf( "Could not create config file!\n" ); return 1; } } muteVerbosity(); /* improve 'randomization' */ gettimeofday( &tv,NULL ); srand( (getpid()*tv.tv_usec)%RAND_MAX ); switch( getArgs( argc, argv ) ) { case 0: /* no arguments given */ break; case 1: /* stream - does this even make sense? */ break; case 2: /* single file */ break; case 3: /* directory */ /* if no default directory is set, use the one given */ if( control->musicdir == NULL ) { incDebug(); addMessage( 0, "Setting default configuration values and initializing..." ); setProfile( control ); if( control->root == NULL ) { addMessage( 0, "No music found at %s!", control->musicdir ); return -1; } addMessage( 0, "Initialization successful!" ); writeConfig( argv[optind] ); freeConfig( ); return 0; } break; case 4: /* playlist */ break; default: addMessage( 0, "Unknown argument!\n", argv[optind] ); return -1; } snprintf( control->pidpath, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/.mixplay/", getenv("HOME") ); if( access( control->pidpath, F_OK ) == 0 ) { addMessage( 0, "Mixplayd is already running!" ); freeConfig(); return -1; } signal(SIGINT, sigint ); signal(SIGTERM, sigint ); /* daemonization must happen before childs are created otherwise the pipes are cut */ if( getDebug() == 0 ) { daemon( 0, 1 ); openlog ("mixplayd", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); control->isDaemon=1; pidlog=fopen( control->pidpath, "w"); if( pidlog == NULL ) { addMessage( 0, "Cannot open %s!", control->pidpath ); return -1; } fprintf( pidlog, "%i", getpid() ); fclose(pidlog); } addUpdateHook( &s_updateHook ); control->inUI=1; initAll( ); #ifdef EPAPER sleep(1); if( control->status != mpc_quit ) { epSetup(); addUpdateHook( &ep_updateHook ); } #endif pthread_join( control->stid, NULL ); pthread_join( control->rtid, NULL ); control->inUI=0; #ifdef EPAPER epExit(); #endif if( control->changed ) { writeConfig( NULL ); } unlink(control->pidpath); addMessage( 0, "Daemon terminated" ); freeConfig( ); return 0; }
/* * parse the next request line * returns: * 1 ok * 0 eof * -1 error */ int hparsereq(HConnect *c, int timeout) { Strings ss; char *vs, *v, *search, *uri, *origuri, *extra; if(c->bin != nil){ hfail(c, HInternal); return -1; } /* * serve requests until a magic request. * later requests have to come quickly. * only works for http/1.1 or later. */ if(timeout) alarm(timeout); if(hgethead(c, 0) < 0) return -1; if(timeout) alarm(0); c->reqtime = time(nil); c->req.meth = getword(c); if(c->req.meth == nil){ hfail(c, HSyntax); return -1; } uri = getword(c); if(uri == nil || strlen(uri) == 0){ hfail(c, HSyntax); return -1; } v = getword(c); if(v == nil){ if(strcmp(c->req.meth, "GET") != 0){ hfail(c, HUnimp, c->req.meth); return -1; } c->req.vermaj = 0; c->req.vermin = 9; }else{ vs = v; if(strncmp(vs, "HTTP/", 5) != 0){ hfail(c, HUnkVers, vs); return -1; } vs += 5; c->req.vermaj = strtoul(vs, &vs, 10); if(*vs != '.' || c->req.vermaj != 1){ hfail(c, HUnkVers, vs); return -1; } vs++; c->req.vermin = strtoul(vs, &vs, 10); if(*vs != '\0'){ hfail(c, HUnkVers, vs); return -1; } extra = getword(c); if(extra != nil){ hfail(c, HSyntax); return -1; } } /* * the fragment is not supposed to be sent * strip it 'cause some clients send it */ origuri = uri; uri = strchr(origuri, '#'); if(uri != nil) *uri = 0; /* * http/1.1 requires the server to accept absolute * or relative uri's. convert to relative with an absolute path */ if(http11(c)){ ss = parseuri(c, origuri); uri = ss.s1; c->req.urihost = ss.s2; if(uri == nil){ hfail(c, HBadReq, uri); return -1; } origuri = uri; } /* * munge uri for search, protection, and magic */ ss = stripsearch(origuri); origuri = ss.s1; search = ss.s2; uri = hurlunesc(c, origuri); uri = abspath(c, uri, "/"); if(uri == nil || uri[0] == '\0'){ hfail(c, HNotFound, "no object specified"); return -1; } c->req.uri = uri; c-> = search; if(search) c->req.searchpairs = hparsequery(c, hstrdup(c, search)); return 1; }
void myinit(int argc, char **argv) { int status, i; char * p; char * p_dbg; char * cmdline; char * v; const char * rankA[] = {"PMI_RANK", "OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK", "MV2_COMM_WORLD_RANK", NULL}; const char * sizeA[] = {"PMI_SIZE", "OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE", "MV2_COMM_WORLD_SIZE", NULL}; struct timeval tv; struct utsname u; uuid_t uuid; unsetenv("LD_PRELOAD"); /* Stop tracking if XALT is turned off */ p_dbg = getenv("XALT_TRACING"); if (p_dbg && strcmp(p_dbg,"yes") == 0) { xalt_tracing = 1; errfd = dup(STDERR_FILENO); } v = getenv("XALT_EXECUTABLE_TRACKING"); if (xalt_tracing) { abspath(path,sizeof(path)); FULL_DEBUG3(stderr,"myinit(%s,%s):\n Test for XALT_EXECUTABLE_TRACKING: \"%s\"\n", STR(STATE),path,(v != NULL) ? v : "(NULL)"); } if (!v || strcmp(v,"yes") != 0) { FULL_DEBUG0(stderr," XALT_EXECUTABLE_TRACKING is off -> exiting\n\n"); return; } v = getenv("__XALT_INITIAL_STATE__"); FULL_DEBUG2(stderr," Test for __XALT_INITIAL_STATE__: \"%s\", STATE: \"%s\"\n", (v != NULL) ? v : "(NULL)", STR(STATE)); /* Stop tracking if any myinit routine has been called */ if (v && (strcmp(v,STR(STATE)) != 0)) { FULL_DEBUG2(stderr," __XALT_INITIAL_STATE__ has a value: \"%s\" -> and it is different from STATE: \"%s\" exiting\n\n",v,STR(STATE)); return; } /* Stop tracking if my mpi rank is not zero */ my_rank = compute_value(rankA); FULL_DEBUG1(stderr," Test for rank == 0, rank: %ld\n",my_rank); if (my_rank > 0L) { FULL_DEBUG0(stderr," MPI Rank is not zero -> exiting\n\n"); return; } my_size = compute_value(sizeA); if (my_size < 1L) my_size = 1L; errno = 0; if (uname(&u) != 0) { perror("uname"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Get full absolute path to executable */ abspath(path,sizeof(path)); reject_flag = reject(path, u.nodename); FULL_DEBUG3(stderr," Test for path and hostname, hostname: %s, path: %s, reject: %d\n", u.nodename, path, reject_flag); if (reject_flag) { FULL_DEBUG0(stderr," reject_flag is true -> exiting\n\n"); return; } setenv("__XALT_INITIAL_STATE__",STR(STATE),1); errfd = dup(STDERR_FILENO); syshost = xalt_syshost(); /* Build a json version of the user's command line. */ /* Calculate size of buffer*/ int sz = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) sz += strlen(argv[i]); /* this size formula uses 3 facts: * 1) if every character was a utf-16 character that is four bytes converts to 12 (sz*3) * 2) Each entry has two quotes and a comma (argc*3) * 3) There are two square brackets and a null byte (+3) */ sz = sz*3 + argc*3 + 3; usr_cmdline = (char *) malloc(sz); p = &usr_cmdline[0]; *p++ = '['; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { *p++ = '"'; const char* qs = xalt_quotestring(argv[i]); int len = strlen(qs); memcpy(p,qs,len); p += len; *p++= '"'; *p++= ','; } *--p = ']'; *++p = '\0'; if (p > &usr_cmdline[sz]) { fprintf(stderr,"XALT: Failure in building user command line json string!\n"); reject_flag = 1; return; } uuid_generate(uuid); uuid_unparse_lower(uuid,uuid_str); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); start_time = tv.tv_sec + 1.e-6*tv.tv_usec; asprintf(&cmdline, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s PATH=/usr/bin:/bin %s --syshost \"%s\" --start \"%.3f\" --end 0 --exec \"%s\" --ntasks %ld --uuid \"%s\" '%s'", SYS_LD_LIB_PATH, PREFIX "/libexec/xalt_run_submission", syshost, start_time, path, my_size, uuid_str, usr_cmdline); DEBUG1(stderr, " Start Tracking: %s\nEnd myinit()\n",cmdline); system(cmdline); free(cmdline); }
int setflabel(const char *path, m_label_t *label) { labeld_data_t call; labeld_data_t *callp = &call; size_t bufsize = sizeof (labeld_data_t); size_t datasize; size_t path_len; static char cwd[MAXPATHLEN]; char canon[MAXPATHLEN]; /* * If path is relative and we haven't already determined the current * working directory, do so now. Calculating the working directory * here lets us do the work once, instead of (potentially) repeatedly * in realpath(). */ if (*path != '/' && cwd[0] == '\0') { if (getcwd(cwd, MAXPATHLEN) == NULL) { cwd[0] = '\0'; return (-1); } } /* * Find an absolute pathname in the native file system name space that * corresponds to path, stuffing it into canon. */ if (abspath(cwd, path, canon) < 0) return (-1); path_len = strlen(canon) + 1; datasize = CALL_SIZE(setfbcl_call_t, path_len - BUFSIZE); datasize += 2; /* PAD */ if (datasize > bufsize) { if ((callp = (labeld_data_t *)malloc(datasize)) == NULL) { return (-1); } bufsize = datasize; } callp->callop = SETFLABEL; = *label; (void) strcpy(clcall.pathname, canon); if (__call_labeld(&callp, &bufsize, &datasize) == SUCCESS) { int err = callp->reterr; if (callp != &call) { /* free allocated buffer */ free(callp); } /* * reterr == 0, OK, * reterr < 0, invalid binary label, */ if (err == 0) { if (clret.status > 0) { errno = clret.status; return (-1); } else { return (0); } } else if (err < 0) { err = 0; } errno = ECONNREFUSED; return (-1); } else { if (callp != &call) { /* free allocated buffer */ free(callp); } /* server not present */ errno = ECONNREFUSED; return (-1); } } /* setflabel */
static void RestoreFiles(struct xmlNode *input, PROJECTITEM *root, PROJECTITEM *parent) { while (input) { if (IsNode(input, "FOLDER")) { struct xmlAttr *attribs = input->attribs; PROJECTITEM *folder = calloc(1, sizeof(PROJECTITEM)); if (folder) { PROJECTITEM **ins = &parent->children; while (attribs) { if (IsAttrib(attribs, "TITLE")) { strcpy(folder->displayName, attribs->value); } attribs = attribs->next; } while (*ins && (*ins)->type == PJ_FOLDER && stricmp((*ins)->displayName, folder->displayName) < 0) ins = &(*ins)->next; folder->parent = parent; folder->type = PJ_FOLDER; folder->next = *ins; *ins = folder; RestoreFiles(input->children, root, folder); } } else if (IsNode(input, "FILE")) { struct xmlAttr *attribs = input->attribs; PROJECTITEM *file = calloc(1, sizeof(PROJECTITEM)); if (file) { PROJECTITEM **ins = &parent->children; while (attribs) { if (IsAttrib(attribs, "TITLE")) { strcpy(file->displayName, attribs->value); } else if (IsAttrib(attribs, "NAME")) { strcpy(file->realName, attribs->value); abspath(file->realName, root->realName); } else if (IsAttrib(attribs, "CLEAN")) { file->clean = atoi(attribs->value); } attribs = attribs->next; } while (*ins && (*ins)->type == PJ_FOLDER) ins = &(*ins)->next; while (*ins && stricmp((*ins)->displayName, file->displayName) < 0) ins = &(*ins)->next; file->parent = parent; file->type = PJ_FILE; file->next = *ins; *ins = file; RestorePropsNested(input->children, root, file); } } input = input->next; } }
/** If m_fullTest=true if checks that the files exists, otherwise just that path syntax looks valid * @param value :: file name * @returns An error message to display to users or an empty string on no error */ std::string FileValidator::checkValidity(const std::string &value) const { // Check if the path is syntactically valid if( !Poco::Path().tryParse(value) ) { return "Error in path syntax: \"" + value + "\"."; } //Check the extension but just issue a warning if it is not one of the suggested values if (!(value.empty())) { if (!(this->endswith(value))) { //Dropped from warning to debug level as it was printing out on every search of the archive, even when successful. re #5998 g_log.debug() << "Unrecognised extension in file \"" << value << "\""; if (!this->m_extensions.empty()) { g_log.debug() << " [ "; for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = this->m_extensions.begin(); it != this->m_extensions.end(); ++it) g_log.debug() << *it << " "; g_log.debug() << "]"; } g_log.debug() << "\"." << std::endl; } } // create a variable for the absolute path to be used in error messages std::string abspath(value); if (!value.empty()) { Poco::Path path(value); if (path.isAbsolute()) abspath = path.toString(); } //If the file is required to exist check it is there if ( m_testExist && ( value.empty() || !Poco::File(value).exists() ) ) { return "File \"" + abspath + "\" not found"; } //If the file is required to be writable... if (m_testCanWrite) { if (value.empty()) return "Cannot write to empty filename"; Poco::File file(value); // the check for writable is different for whether or not a version exists // this is taken from ConfigService near line 443 if (file.exists()) { try { if (!file.canWrite()) return "File \"" + abspath + "\" cannot be written"; } catch (std::exception &e) { g_log.information() << "Encountered exception while checking for writable: " << e.what(); } } else // if the file doesn't exist try to temporarily create one { try { Poco::Path direc(value); if (direc.isAbsolute()) { // see if file is writable if (Poco::File(direc).canWrite()) return ""; else return "Cannot write to file \"" + direc.toString() + "\""; } g_log.debug() << "Do not have enough information to validate \"" << abspath << "\"\n"; } catch (std::exception &e) { g_log.information() << "Encountered exception while checking for writable: " << e.what(); } catch (...) { g_log.information() << "Unknown exception while checking for writable"; } } } //Otherwise we are okay, file extensions are just a suggestion so no validation on them is necessary return ""; }
int grabComFilename(const int warn, const char far * const fnam) { char *buf; size_t len; int rc; dprintf( ("[INIT: grabComFilename(%s)]\n", fnam) ); if(!fnam) return 4; /* Copy the filename into the local heap */ len = _fstrlen(fnam); if(len >= INT_MAX || len < 1) { /* no filename specified */ if(warn) error_syntax(0); return 4; } if((buf = malloc(len + 1)) == 0) { if(warn) error_out_of_memory(); return 4; } _fmemcpy((char far*)buf, fnam, len); buf[len] = '\0'; if (buf[1] != ':' || buf[2] != '\\') { char *p; /* expand the string for the user */ p = abspath(buf, warn); free(buf); if((buf = p) == 0) return 4; if(warn) error_init_fully_qualified(buf); len = strlen(buf); } while(buf[len - 1] == '\\') --len; buf[len] = 0; if(dfnstat(buf) & DFN_DIRECTORY) { /* The user specified a directory, try if we can find the COMMAND.COM with the standard name in there */ char *p; if((p = realloc(buf, len + sizeof(COM_NAME) + 1)) == 0) { if(warn) error_out_of_memory(); free(buf); return 4; } buf = p; strcpy(&buf[len], "\\" COM_NAME); } if(0 != (rc = validResFile(buf))) { if(warn) switch(rc) { default: #ifdef NDEBUG assert(0); #endif case 1: error_open_file(buf); break; case 2: error_fcom_is_device(buf); break; case 3: error_fcom_invalid(buf); break; } free(buf); return rc; } free(ComPath); /* Save the found file */ ComPath = buf; dprintf(("[INIT: new resource file name: %s]\n", ComPath)); isSwapFile = 0; buf = dfnfilename(ComPath); assert(buf); if((buf = strchr(buf, '.')) != 0 && stricmp(buf, ".swp") == 0) { dprintf(("[INIT: VSpawn file found: %s]\n", ComPath)); memcpy(++buf, "COM", 3); isSwapFile = buf - ComPath; } return 0; }
int utime(const char *path,const struct utimbuf *times) { char apath[MAX_PATH_LEN]; return syscall2(SYSCALL_UTIME,(ulong)abspath(apath,sizeof(apath),path),(ulong)times); }
static void test_abspath(void) { char *p,path[MAX_PATH_LEN]; test_caseStart("Testing abspath"); setenv("CWD","/home/hrniels"); p = abspath(path,sizeof(path),"."); test_assertStr(p,"/home/hrniels/."); p = abspath(path,sizeof(path),"/"); test_assertStr(p,"/"); p = abspath(path,sizeof(path),"../.."); test_assertStr(p,"/home/hrniels/../.."); p = abspath(path,sizeof(path),""); test_assertStr(p,"/dev/http/"); p = abspath(path,sizeof(path),"a://"); test_assertStr(p,"/dev/a/"); p = abspath(path,sizeof(path),"a:/"); test_assertStr(p,"/home/hrniels/a:/"); p = abspath(path,8,"/"); test_assertStr(p,"/"); p = abspath(path,8,".."); test_assertStr(p,"/home/h"); p = abspath(path,8,"f://bar"); test_assertStr(p,"/dev/f/"); p = abspath(path,8,"foobar://bar"); test_assertStr(p,"/dev/fo"); p = abspath(path,2,"a://b"); test_assertStr(p,"/"); p = abspath(path,1,"a://b"); test_assertStr(p,""); p = abspath(path,1,"."); test_assertStr(p,""); test_caseSucceeded(); }
const std::string PathInfo::getRelPath(const std::string AbsPath, const std::string Origin) { m_buffer = ""; std::string abspath(AbsPath); std::string name = getName(AbsPath); std::string dir = getDirectory(Origin); m_buffer = ""; // AbsPath is already relative if (abspath.find(':') == std::string::npos) { m_buffer = abspath; return m_buffer.c_str(); } // separated folders std::vector<std::string> fPath; std::vector<std::string> fOrigin; // split into folders doSplitPath(abspath, fPath); doSplitPath(dir, fOrigin); // nothing splitted if (fPath.empty()) return ""; if (fOrigin.empty()) return ""; // remove 'current dir' if (fPath[0] == ".") fPath.erase(fPath.begin()); if (fOrigin[0] == ".") fOrigin.erase(fOrigin.begin()); // remove filename if (name.size()) fPath.pop_back(); // number of equal folders int equal; // count equal folders (from the beginning) for(equal = 0; ((equal < (int)fOrigin.size()) && (equal < (int)fPath.size())); equal++) { // get length int size1 = (int)fPath[equal].size(); int size2 = (int)fOrigin[equal].size(); // different folders found (length) if (size1 != size2) { break; } // different folders found (lexicographically) else if (_strnicmp(fPath[equal].c_str(), fOrigin[equal].c_str(), size1)) { break; } } // different drives if (equal == 0) { m_buffer = abspath; return m_buffer.c_str(); } // move up for(int up = equal; up < (int)fOrigin.size(); up++) { m_buffer += ".."; m_buffer += separator; } // move down for(int dn = equal; dn < (int)fPath.size(); dn++) { m_buffer += fPath[dn]; m_buffer += separator; } // add filename m_buffer += name; // current directory if (m_buffer.empty()) { m_buffer = ".\\"; } return m_buffer; }