Beispiel #1
int params(int nfe1, int nfe2)
	starttime = time(NULL);
	/* I know, I know, I have way to many freaking variables.
	 * I am sure there is a better way to do this, but I just don't
	 * feel like trying to figure it out right now. As a result, this
	 * method is a PRIME candidate for third party patches.
	float temp, mtvel, logg, m;
	float otemp,omtvel,ologg;
	float inep, inrw, fe1, fe2;
	float abinep, abinrw, stdfe1, stdfe2;
	int auto1 = 0;
	int auto2 = 0;
	int n = 2;
	int done1 = 0;
	int done2 = 0;
	int plt, itts, last;
	char inpt[100], yn[1];
	FILE *stats;
	FILE *plts = popen("sm","w");
	abinep = 1;
	abinrw = 1;

	m = 0.0;
	itts = 0;
 	fprintf(stderr, "MOOGIN' the Sun. . . ");
	fprintf(stderr, "COMPLETE!\n");
	char mgbnds[64];
	char pltcmd[100];
	char sttscmd[100];
	sprintf(mgbnds, "define start1 %i define end1 %i define start2 %i define end2 %i",
		7, (6+nfe1), (14+nfe1), (13+nfe1+nfe2));
// find out if the user wants to do this automagically
	fprintf(stderr, "Do you want to automate this process? [Y/N] ");
	fscanf(stdin, " %c", &yn[0]);

	if ('Y' == *yn || 'y' == *yn)
		auto1	=  1;
		auto2	=  0;
		plt	= -2;
		auto1 = 0;
		plt = 1;
		done2 = 0;
		while (done2 == 0)
	/* The following bit of code is for my use only. I am trying to understand how changes are made by the user to the various values
	 * during the parameter search
/*	 		otemp = temp;*/
/*	 		omtvel = mtvel;*/
/*	 		ologg = logg;*/
			if (auto2 == 0)
				fprintf(stderr,"Type in an Effective Temperature:\n");
				scanf("%f", &temp);
				fprintf(stderr,"Type in a Surface Gravity:\n");
				scanf("%f", &logg);
				//fprintf(stderr,"Type in a Metallicity:\n");
				//scanf("%f", &m);
				fprintf(stderr,"Type in a Microturbulence:\n");
				scanf("%f", &mtvel);
				if (auto1 == 1)
					auto2 = 1;
/*			fprintf(chngs, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",(otemp-temp),(omtvel-mtvel),(ologg-logg),inep,inrw,(fe1-fe2));*/
	/* make the model based on the input values */
			partest(&temp, &logg, &m, &mtvel);
			makemodel(temp, logg, m, mtvel);
			fprintf(stderr, "Running Moog. . . ");
			fprintf(stderr, "COMPLETE!\n");
			n = 0;
	/* Let's set the statistical values to zero */
			inep = 0;
			inrw = 0;
			fe1 = 0;
			fe2 = 0;
			if(plt == 1)
				fprintf(stderr, "opening ploting window\n");
				sprintf(pltcmd, "sm >sm.out");
				plts = popen(pltcmd, "w");
				plt = 0;
			else if(plt == -1)
				fprintf(plts, "QUIT\n");
	/* Okay, I want to display a plot of the data, so I will use this	*/
			if (plt == 0)
				fprintf(plts, "macro read \"/usr/bin/\"\n");
				fprintf(plts, "%s", mgbnds);
				fprintf(plts, "\nmoogplots");
				fprintf(plts, "\necho Hi, at least this worked!\n");
/*			fprintf(stderr, pltcmd);*/

	/* Since I have now learned how to open a process with a pipe
	 * between two programs, we open a pipe to sm below.
			sprintf(sttscmd, "sm %s macro read stelstats quit",
			stats = popen(sttscmd, "r");	
			while (n != 6)
				/* Here we read the pipe, and find our statistics */
				fgets(inpt, 100, stats);
				n = sscanf(inpt, "%f %f %f %f %f %f", &inep, 
					&inrw, &fe1, &fe2, &stdfe1, &stdfe2);

			abinep = abv(inep);
			fprintf(stderr,"temp\tlogg\t m\tmtvel\t EPcorr\tRWCorr\tFeI - FeII\tFeI stddev\tFeII stddev\n");
			fprintf(stderr, "%.0f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f", temp, logg, m, mtvel);
			fprintf(stderr, "\t%.3f\t%.3f\t   %.3f\t%.3f (%i)\t%.3f (%i)\n",
				inep, inrw, (fe1 - fe2), stdfe1, nfe1, stdfe2, nfe2);
			m = fe1;
			abinep = abv(inep);
			abinrw = abv(inrw);

 * Begin the block of code that will automate the process of finding the parameters

			if (auto1 == 1)
				if(0.005 > abinep && 0.005 > abinrw && 0.005 > (abv(fe1 - fe2)))
					done2 = 1;
					if(abinep > (fe1 - fe2) && last == 2)
						last = 1;
						if 	(inep > 0)
							temp = temp + 1;
						else if	(inep < 0)
							temp = temp - 1;
					else if(abinep > abinrw && last == 3)
						last = 1;
						if 	(inep > 0)
							temp = temp + 1;
						else if	(inep < 0)
							temp = temp - 1;
					else if (abinrw > (fe1 - fe2) && last == 1)
						last = 2;
						if 	(inrw > 0)
							logg = logg + 0.01;
						else if (inrw < 0)
							logg = logg - 0.01;
					else if (abinrw > abinep && last == 3)
						last = 2;
						if 	(inrw > 0)
							logg = logg + 0.01;
						else if (inrw < 0)
							logg = logg - 0.01;
						last = 3;
						if	((fe1 - fe2) > 0)
							mtvel = mtvel + 0.01;
						else if	((fe1 - fe2) > 0)
							mtvel = mtvel - 0.01;
				fprintf(stderr, "%f seconds elapsed\n%i itterations\n", difftime(time(NULL), starttime), itts);

/* End the block of code that determines the parameters automatically */

			if(0.005 > abinep && 0.005 > abinrw && 0.005 > (abv(fe1 - fe2)))
				done2 = 1;	
		fprintf(stdout, "Have you finished testing parameters? [y/n] ");
		fscanf(stdin, " %c", yn);
		if('y' == yn[0])
			plt = -1;
			done1 = 1;
	}while (done1 == 0);
/*	fclose(chngs);*/
	fprintf(stderr, "Final Parameters Listing\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Temperature		= %f\n", temp);
	fprintf(stderr, "Surface Gravity		= %f\n", logg);
	fprintf(stderr, "Metalicity		= %f\n", m);
	fprintf(stderr, "Micro-Turbulence	= %f\n", mtvel);

	return 1;		
Beispiel #2
/// split the fractures
void TPZFracSet::SplitFractures(int64_t ifrac, double xy, int64_t jfrac, double ab)
    TPZManVector<REAL,3> x(3),y(3),xyv(3);
    int64_t inode0 = fFractureVec[ifrac].fNodes[0];
    int64_t inode1 = fFractureVec[ifrac].fNodes[1];
    if (jfrac>=0)
        TPZManVector<REAL,3> a(3),b(3),abv(3);
        int64_t jnode0 = fFractureVec[jfrac].fNodes[0];
        int64_t jnode1 = fFractureVec[jfrac].fNodes[1];
        REAL diff = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            xyv[i] = x[i]+xy*(y[i]-x[i]);
            abv[i] = a[i]+ab*(b[i]-a[i]);
            diff += (xyv[i]-abv[i])*(xyv[i]-abv[i]);
        if(xy < 0.) xy = 0.;
        if(xy > 1.) xy = 1.;
        if(ab < 0.) ab = 0.;
        if(ab > 1.) ab = 1.;
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            xyv[i] = x[i]+xy*(y[i]-x[i]);
            abv[i] = a[i]+ab*(b[i]-a[i]);
        if (jfrac != -1 && diff > 1.e-10) {
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            xyv[i] = x[i]+xy*(y[i]-x[i]);
    TPZGeoNode node;
    int64_t nodeindex = InsertNode(node);
    if(nodeindex != inode0 && nodeindex != inode1)
        TPZFracture frac1(fFractureVec[ifrac].fOrigId, fFractureVec[ifrac].fMatId, fFractureVec[ifrac].fNodes[0], nodeindex);
        frac1.fPhysicalName = fFractureVec[ifrac].fPhysicalName;
        frac1.fFracPerm = fFractureVec[ifrac].fFracPerm;
        TPZFracture frac2(fFractureVec[ifrac].fOrigId, fFractureVec[ifrac].fMatId, nodeindex, fFractureVec[ifrac].fNodes[1]);
        frac2.fPhysicalName = fFractureVec[ifrac].fPhysicalName;
        frac2.fFracPerm = fFractureVec[ifrac].fFracPerm;
        fFractureVec[ifrac] = frac1;
        int64_t nfrac2 = fFractureVec.AllocateNewElement();
        fFractureVec[nfrac2] = frac2;
    if (jfrac != -1 && nodeindex != fFractureVec[jfrac].fNodes[0] && nodeindex != fFractureVec[jfrac].fNodes[1])
        TPZFracture frac1(fFractureVec[jfrac].fOrigId, fFractureVec[jfrac].fMatId, fFractureVec[jfrac].fNodes[0], nodeindex);
        TPZFracture frac2(fFractureVec[jfrac].fOrigId, fFractureVec[jfrac].fMatId, nodeindex, fFractureVec[jfrac].fNodes[1]);
        frac1.fPhysicalName = fFractureVec[jfrac].fPhysicalName;
        frac1.fFracPerm = fFractureVec[jfrac].fFracPerm;
        frac2.fPhysicalName = fFractureVec[jfrac].fPhysicalName;
        frac2.fFracPerm = fFractureVec[jfrac].fFracPerm;

        fFractureVec[jfrac] = frac1;
        int64_t nfrac2 = fFractureVec.AllocateNewElement();
        fFractureVec[nfrac2] = frac2;
Beispiel #3
  void Arnoldi<SCAL>::Calc (int numval, Array<Complex> & lam, int numev, 
                            Array<shared_ptr<BaseVector>> & hevecs, 
                            const BaseMatrix * pre) const
    static Timer t("arnoldi");    
    static Timer t2("arnoldi - orthogonalize");    
    static Timer t3("arnoldi - compute large vectors");

    RegionTimer reg(t);

    auto hv  = a.CreateVector();
    auto hv2 = a.CreateVector();
    auto hva = a.CreateVector();
    auto hvm = a.CreateVector();
    int n = hv.FV<SCAL>().Size();    
    int m = min2 (numval, n);

    Matrix<SCAL> matH(m);
    Array<shared_ptr<BaseVector>> abv(m);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
      abv[i] = a.CreateVector();

    auto mat_shift = a.CreateMatrix();
    mat_shift->AsVector() = a.AsVector() - shift*b.AsVector();  
    shared_ptr<BaseMatrix> inv;
    if (!pre)
      inv = mat_shift->InverseMatrix (freedofs);
        auto itso = make_shared<GMRESSolver<double>> (*mat_shift, *pre);
        inv = itso;

    hv.SetParallelStatus (CUMULATED);
    FlatVector<SCAL> fv = hv.FV<SCAL>();
    if (freedofs)
      for (int i = 0; i < hv.Size(); i++)
	if (! (*freedofs)[i] ) fv(i) = 0;

    // matV = SCAL(0.0);   why ?
    matH = SCAL(0.0);

    *hv2 = *hv;
    SCAL len = sqrt (S_InnerProduct<SCAL> (*hv, *hv2)); // parallel
    *hv /= len;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
	cout << IM(1) << "\ri = " << i << "/" << m << flush;
	for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
	  matV(i,j) = hv.FV<SCAL>()(j);
	*abv[i] = *hv;

	*hva = b * *hv;
	*hvm = *inv * *hva;

	for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            SCAL sum = 0.0;
	    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
	      sum += hvm.FV<SCAL>()(k) * matV(j,k);
	    matH(j,i) = sum;
	    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
	      hvm.FV<SCAL>()(k) -= sum * matV(j,k);
            SCAL sum = 0.0;
            FlatVector<SCAL> abvj = abv[j] -> FV<SCAL>();
            FlatVector<SCAL> fv_hvm = hvm.FV<SCAL>();
	    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
	      sum += fv_hvm(k) * abvj(k);
	    matH(j,i) = sum;
	    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
	      fv_hvm(k) -= sum * abvj(k);

	    matH(j,i) = S_InnerProduct<SCAL> (*hvm, *abv[j]);
	    *hvm -= matH(j,i) * *abv[j];
	*hv = *hvm;
	*hv2 = *hv;
	SCAL len = sqrt (S_InnerProduct<SCAL> (*hv, *hv2));
	if (i<m-1) matH(i+1,i) = len; 
	*hv /= len;
    t2.AddFlops (double(n)*m*m);
    cout << "n = " << n << ", m = " << m << " n*m*m = " << n*m*m << endl;
    cout << IM(1) << "\ri = " << m << "/" << m << endl;	    

    Vector<Complex> lami(m);
    Matrix<Complex> evecs(m);    
    Matrix<Complex> matHt(m);

    matHt = Trans (matH);
    evecs = Complex (0.0);
    lami = Complex (0.0);

    cout << "Solve Hessenberg evp with Lapack ... " << flush;
    LapackHessenbergEP (matH.Height(), &matHt(0,0), &lami(0), &evecs(0,0));
    cout << "done" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
      lami(i) =  1.0 / lami(i) + shift;

    lam.SetSize (m);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
      lam[i] = lami(i);

    if (numev>0)
	int nout = min2 (numev, m); 
	for (int i = 0; i< nout; i++)
	    hevecs[i] = a.CreateVector();
	    *hevecs[i] = 0;
	    for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
	      *hevecs[i] += evecs(i,j) * *abv[j];
	    // hevecs[i]->FVComplex() = Trans(matV)*evecs.Row(i);