void FlyingEyeSpell::Update() {
	const ArxInstant now = arxtime.now();
	const ArxDuration framediff3 = now - m_lastupdate;
	eyeball.floating = std::sin(m_lastupdate - m_timcreation * 0.001f);
	eyeball.floating *= 10.f;
	if(m_lastupdate - m_timcreation <= ArxDurationMs(3000)) {
		eyeball.exist = m_lastupdate - m_timcreation * (1.0f / 30);
		eyeball.size = Vec3f(1.f - float(eyeball.exist) * 0.01f);
		eyeball.angle.setYaw(eyeball.angle.getYaw() + toMs(framediff3) * 0.6f);
	} else {
		eyeball.exist = 2;
	m_lastupdate = now;
	Entity * io = entities.player();
	if(io->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach != ActionPoint()) {
		Vec3f pos = actionPointPosition(io->obj, io->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach);
		FlyingEyeSpellUpdateHand(pos, m_light1);
	if(io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach != ActionPoint()) {
		Vec3f pos = actionPointPosition(io->obj, io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach);
		FlyingEyeSpellUpdateHand(pos, m_light2);
static void drawDebugEntities() {
	for(size_t i = 1; i < entities.size(); i++) {
		const EntityHandle handle = EntityHandle(i);
		Entity * entity = entities[handle];
		if(!entity) {
		Color color = Color::white;
		bool visible = true;
		switch(entity->show) {
			case SHOW_FLAG_DESTROYED:    continue; // Don't even display the name
			case SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY: continue;
			case SHOW_FLAG_ON_PLAYER:    continue;
			case SHOW_FLAG_LINKED:       continue;
			case SHOW_FLAG_NOT_DRAWN:    color = Color::magenta; visible = false; break;
			case SHOW_FLAG_HIDDEN:       color = Color::yellow;  visible = false; break;
			case SHOW_FLAG_MEGAHIDE:     color = Color::green;   visible = false; break;
			case SHOW_FLAG_KILLED:       color = Color::red;     visible = false; break;
			case SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE:     color = Color::white;   visible = true;  break;
			case SHOW_FLAG_TELEPORTING:  color = Color::blue;    visible = true;  break;
		if((entity->ioflags & IO_CAMERA) || (entity->ioflags & IO_MARKER)) {
			color = Color::gray(0.7f), visible = false;
		if(DRAGINTER == entity) {
			color = Color::white, visible = true;
		if(visible) {
			drawDebugBoundingBox(entity->bbox2D, Color::blue);
		if(closerThan(entity->pos, player.pos, DebugTextMaxDistance)) {
			if(visible && entity->bbox2D.valid()) {
				int x = (entity->bbox2D.min.x + entity->bbox2D.max.x) / 2;
				int y = entity->bbox2D.min.y - hFontDebug->getLineHeight() - 2;
				UNICODE_ARXDrawTextCenter(hFontDebug, Vec2f(x, y), entity->idString(), color);
			} else {
				drawTextAt(hFontDebug, entity->pos, entity->idString(), color);
			if(entity->obj) {
				for(size_t j = 0; j < entity->obj->linked.size(); j++) {
					Vec3f pos = actionPointPosition(entity->obj, entity->obj->linked[j].lidx);
					Entity * other = entity->obj->linked[j].io;
					drawTextAt(hFontDebug, pos, other->idString(), Color::cyan);
Beispiel #3
static void Cedric_AnimateDrawEntityRender(EERIE_3DOBJ * eobj, const Vec3f & pos,
                                           Entity * io, float invisibility) {
	Skeleton *obj = eobj->m_skeleton;
	ColorMod colorMod;
	/* Get nearest lights */
	Vec3f tv = pos;
	if(io && io->obj->fastaccess.head_group_origin != ObjVertHandle()) {
		tv.y = io->obj->vertexlist3[io->obj->fastaccess.head_group_origin.handleData()].v.y + 10;
	} else {
		tv.y -= 90.f;
	ShaderLight lights[llightsSize];
	int lightsCount;
	UpdateLlights(lights, lightsCount, tv, false);
	Cedric_ApplyLighting(lights, lightsCount, eobj, obj, colorMod);
	Cedric_RenderObject(eobj, obj, io, pos, invisibility);
	// Now we can render Linked Objects
	for(size_t k = 0; k < eobj->linked.size(); k++) {
		const EERIE_LINKED & link = eobj->linked[k];
		if(link.lgroup == ObjVertGroup() || !link.obj)
		// specific check to avoid drawing player weapon on its back when in subjective view
		if(io == entities.player() &&
			link.lidx == entities.player()->obj->fastaccess.weapon_attach &&
		) {
		TransformInfo t(
			actionPointPosition(eobj, link.lidx),
			link.io ? link.io->scale : 1.f,
			link.obj->vertexlist[link.lidx2.handleData()].v - link.obj->vertexlist[link.obj->origin].v);
		DrawEERIEInter(link.obj, t, link.io, true, invisibility);
Beispiel #4
void SpellBase::updateCasterHand() {
	// Create hand position if a hand is defined
	if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player) {
		m_hand_group = entities[m_caster]->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach;
	} else {
		m_hand_group = entities[m_caster]->obj->fastaccess.left_attach;
	if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
		m_hand_pos = actionPointPosition(entities[m_caster]->obj, m_hand_group);
// flags & 1 = blood spawn only
bool ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(Entity * io_source, Entity * io_weapon, float ratioaim, long flags, EntityHandle targ) {
	bool ret = false;
	EntityHandle source = io_source->index();
	EntityHandle weapon = io_weapon->index();
	Sphere sphere;


	float drain_life = ARX_EQUIPMENT_GetSpecialValue(io_weapon, IO_SPECIAL_ELEM_DRAIN_LIFE);
	float paralyse = ARX_EQUIPMENT_GetSpecialValue(io_weapon, IO_SPECIAL_ELEM_PARALYZE);

	BOOST_FOREACH(const EERIE_ACTIONLIST & action, io_weapon->obj->actionlist) {
		float rad = GetHitValue(action.name);

		if(rad == -1)
		sphere.origin = actionPointPosition(io_weapon->obj, action.idx);
		sphere.radius = rad; 

		if(source != PlayerEntityHandle)
			sphere.radius += 15.f;

		std::vector<EntityHandle> sphereContent;

		if(CheckEverythingInSphere(sphere, source, targ, sphereContent)) {
			BOOST_FOREACH(const EntityHandle & content, sphereContent) {
						&& !(entities[content]->ioflags & IO_BODY_CHUNK))
					long HIT_SPARK = 0;


					Entity * target = entities[content];
					Vec3f pos;
					Color color = Color::white;
					long hitpoint = -1;
					float curdist = 999999.f;
					Vec3f vector = (sphere.origin - target->pos) * Vec3f(1.f, 0.5f, 1.f);
					vector = glm::normalize(vector);

					for(size_t ii = 0; ii < target->obj->facelist.size(); ii++) {
						if(target->obj->facelist[ii].facetype & POLY_HIDE)

						float d = glm::distance(sphere.origin, target->obj->vertexlist3[target->obj->facelist[ii].vid[0]].v);

						if(d < curdist) {
							hitpoint = target->obj->facelist[ii].vid[0];
							curdist = d;

					if(hitpoint >= 0) {
						color = (target->ioflags & IO_NPC) ? target->_npcdata->blood_color : Color::white;
						pos = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v;
					else ARX_DEAD_CODE(); 
					float dmgs = 0.f;
					if(!(flags & 1)) {
						Vec3f posi;

						if(hitpoint >= 0) {
							posi = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v;
							dmgs = ARX_EQUIPMENT_ComputeDamages(io_source, target, ratioaim, &posi);
						} else {
							dmgs = ARX_EQUIPMENT_ComputeDamages(io_source, target, ratioaim);

						if(target->ioflags & IO_NPC) {
							ret = true;
							target->spark_n_blood = 0;
							target->_npcdata->SPLAT_TOT_NB = 0;

							if(drain_life > 0.f) {
								float life_gain = std::min(dmgs, drain_life);
								life_gain = std::min(life_gain, target->_npcdata->lifePool.current);
								life_gain = std::max(life_gain, 0.f);
								ARX_DAMAGES_HealInter(io_source, life_gain);

							if(paralyse > 0.f) {
								float ptime = std::min(dmgs * 1000.f, paralyse);
												  , 5, content, (long)(ptime));

						if(io_source == entities.player())
							ARX_DAMAGES_DurabilityCheck(io_weapon, 0.2f);

					if(dmgs > 0.f || ((target->ioflags & IO_NPC) && target->spark_n_blood == SP_BLOODY)) {
						if(target->ioflags & IO_NPC) {
							target->spark_n_blood = SP_BLOODY;

							if(!(flags & 1)) {
								ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Splat(pos, dmgs, color);

								Sphere sp;
								float power;
								power = (dmgs * ( 1.0f / 40 )) + 0.7f;
								Vec3f vect;
								vect.x = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v.x - io_source->pos.x;
								vect.y = 0;
								vect.z = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v.z - io_source->pos.z;
								vect = glm::normalize(vect);
								sp.origin.x = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v.x + vect.x * 30.f;
								sp.origin.y = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v.y;
								sp.origin.z = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v.z + vect.z * 30.f;
								sp.radius = 3.5f * power * 20;

								if(CheckAnythingInSphere(sp, PlayerEntityHandle, CAS_NO_NPC_COL)) {
									Color3f rgb = color.to<float>();
									Sphere splatSphere;
									splatSphere.origin = sp.origin;
									splatSphere.radius = 30.f;
									SpawnGroundSplat(splatSphere, rgb, 1);

							ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Blood2(pos, dmgs, color, target);
						} else {
							if(target->ioflags & IO_ITEM)
								ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(pos, Random::get(0, 3), SpawnSparkType_Default);
								ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(pos, Random::get(0, 30), SpawnSparkType_Default);

							ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(pos, io_source);

							if(io_source == entities.player())
								HIT_SPARK = 1;
					} else if((target->ioflags & IO_NPC) && (dmgs <= 0.f || target->spark_n_blood == SP_SPARKING)) {
						unsigned int nb;

						if(target->spark_n_blood == SP_SPARKING)
							nb = Random::get(0, 3);
							nb = 30;

						if(target->ioflags & IO_ITEM)
							nb = 1;

						ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(pos, nb, SpawnSparkType_Default);
						ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(pos, io_source);
						target->spark_n_blood = SP_SPARKING;

						if(!(target->ioflags & IO_NPC))
							HIT_SPARK = 1;
					} else if(dmgs <= 0.f && ((target->ioflags & IO_FIX) || (target->ioflags & IO_ITEM))) {
						unsigned int nb;

						if(target->spark_n_blood == SP_SPARKING)
							nb = Random::get(0, 3);
							nb = 30;

						if(target->ioflags & IO_ITEM)
							nb = 1;

						ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(pos, nb, SpawnSparkType_Default);
						ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(pos, io_source);
						target->spark_n_blood = SP_SPARKING;

						if (!(target->ioflags & IO_NPC))
							HIT_SPARK = 1;

					if(HIT_SPARK) {
						if(!io_source->isHit) {
							ARX_DAMAGES_DurabilityCheck(io_weapon, 1.f);
							io_source->isHit = true;
								std::string _weapon_material = "metal";
								const std::string * weapon_material = &_weapon_material;

								if(!io_weapon->weaponmaterial.empty()) {
									weapon_material = &io_weapon->weaponmaterial;

								char bkg_material[128];

								if(ARX_MATERIAL_GetNameById(target->material, bkg_material))
									ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(*weapon_material, bkg_material, 1.f, 1.f, sphere.origin, NULL);

		const EERIEPOLY * ep = CheckBackgroundInSphere(sphere);
		if(ep) {
			if(io_source == entities.player()) {
				if(!io_source->isHit) {
					ARX_DAMAGES_DurabilityCheck(io_weapon, 1.f);
					io_source->isHit = true;
						std::string _weapon_material = "metal";
						const std::string * weapon_material = &_weapon_material;
						if(!io_weapon->weaponmaterial.empty()) {
							weapon_material = &io_weapon->weaponmaterial;

						std::string bkg_material = "earth";

						if(ep && ep->tex && !ep->tex->m_texName.empty())
							bkg_material = GetMaterialString(ep->tex->m_texName);

						ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(*weapon_material, bkg_material, 1.f, 1.f, sphere.origin, io_source);

			ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(sphere.origin, Random::get(0, 10), SpawnSparkType_Default);
			ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(sphere.origin, io_source);

	return ret;
void FlyingEyeSpell::Update(float timeDelta)
	const unsigned long tim = (unsigned long)(arxtime);
	const long framediff3 = tim - m_lastupdate;
	eyeball.floating = std::sin(m_lastupdate-m_timcreation * 0.001f);
	eyeball.floating *= 10.f;
	if(m_lastupdate-m_timcreation <= 3000) {
		eyeball.exist = m_lastupdate - m_timcreation * (1.0f / 30);
		eyeball.size = Vec3f(1.f - float(eyeball.exist) * 0.01f);
		eyeball.angle.setPitch(eyeball.angle.getPitch() + framediff3 * 0.6f);
	} else {
		eyeball.exist = 2;
	Entity * io = entities.player();
	EERIE_3DOBJ * eobj = io->obj;
	long pouet = 2;

	while(pouet) {
		ActionPoint id;

		if(pouet == 2)
			id = io->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach;
			id = GetActionPointIdx(io->obj, "left_attach");


		if(id != ActionPoint()) {
			if(!lightHandleIsValid(special[pouet])) {
				special[pouet] = GetFreeDynLight();
			if(lightHandleIsValid(special[pouet])) {
				EERIE_LIGHT * el = lightHandleGet(special[pouet]);
				el->intensity = 1.3f;
				el->fallend = 180.f;
				el->fallstart = 50.f;
				el->rgb = Color3f(0.7f, 0.3f, 1.f);
				el->pos = actionPointPosition(eobj, id);
			for(long kk = 0; kk < 2; kk++) {
				PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle();
				if(!pd) {
				pd->ov = actionPointPosition(eobj, id) + randomVec(-1.f, 1.f);
				pd->move = Vec3f(0.1f, 0.f, 0.1f) + Vec3f(-0.2f, -2.2f, -0.2f) * randomVec3f();
				pd->siz = 5.f;
				pd->tolive = Random::get(1500, 3500);
				pd->scale = Vec3f(0.2f);
				pd->tc = TC_smoke;
				pd->sourceionum = PlayerEntityHandle;
				pd->source = &eobj->vertexlist3[id.handleData()].v; // FIXME passing of pointer to vertex position
				pd->fparam = 0.0000001f;
				pd->rgb = Color3f(.7f, .3f, 1.f) + Color3f(-.1f, -.1f, -.1f) * randomColor3f();
void MagicMissileSpell::Launch() {
	m_duration = ArxDurationMs(6000);
	m_hand_group = GetActionPointIdx(entities[m_caster]->obj, "primary_attach");
	if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
		Entity * caster = entities[m_caster];
		ActionPoint group = m_hand_group;
		m_hand_pos = actionPointPosition(caster->obj, group);
	Vec3f startPos;
	float pitch, yaw;
	if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player) {
		yaw = player.angle.getYaw();
		pitch = player.angle.getPitch();
		Vec3f vector = angleToVector(Anglef(pitch, yaw, 0.f)) * 60.f;
		if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
			startPos = m_hand_pos;
		} else {
			startPos = player.pos;
			startPos += angleToVectorXZ(yaw);
		startPos += vector;
	} else {
		pitch = 0;
		yaw = entities[m_caster]->angle.getYaw();
		Vec3f vector = angleToVector(Anglef(pitch, yaw, 0.f)) * 60.f;
		if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
			startPos = m_hand_pos;
		} else {
			startPos = entities[m_caster]->pos;
		startPos += vector;
		Entity * io = entities[m_caster];
		if(ValidIONum(io->targetinfo)) {
			const Vec3f & p1 = m_caster_pos;
			const Vec3f & p2 = entities[io->targetinfo]->pos;
			pitch = -(glm::degrees(getAngle(p1.y, p1.z, p2.y, p2.z + glm::distance(Vec2f(p2.x, p2.z), Vec2f(p1.x, p1.z))))); //alpha entre orgn et dest;
		} else if (ValidIONum(m_target)) {
			const Vec3f & p1 = m_caster_pos;
			const Vec3f & p2 = entities[m_target]->pos;
			pitch = -(glm::degrees(getAngle(p1.y, p1.z, p2.y, p2.z + glm::distance(Vec2f(p2.x, p2.z), Vec2f(p1.x, p1.z))))); //alpha entre orgn et dest;
	m_mrCheat = (m_caster == EntityHandle_Player && cur_mr == 3);
	ArxDuration lMax = ArxDuration_ZERO;
	long number;
	if(sp_max || cur_rf == 3) {
		number = long(m_level);
	} else {
		number = glm::clamp(long(m_level + 1) / 2, 1l, 5l);
	for(size_t i = 0; i < size_t(number); i++) {
		CMagicMissile * missile = NULL;
		if(!m_mrCheat) {
			missile = new CMagicMissile();
		} else {
			missile = new MrMagicMissileFx();
		Anglef angles(pitch, yaw, 0.f);
		if(i > 0) {
			angles.setPitch(angles.getPitch() + Random::getf(-4.0f, 4.0f));
			angles.setYaw(angles.getYaw() + Random::getf(-6.0f, 6.0f));
		missile->Create(startPos, angles);
		ArxDuration lTime = m_duration + ArxDurationMs(Random::get(-1000, 1000));
		lTime		= std::max(ArxDurationMs(1000), lTime);
		lMax		= std::max(lMax, lTime);
		EERIE_LIGHT * el = dynLightCreate(missile->lLightId);
		if(el) {
			el->intensity	= 0.7f + 2.3f;
			el->fallend		= 190.f;
			el->fallstart	= 80.f;
			if(m_mrCheat) {
				el->rgb = Color3f(1.f, 0.3f, 0.8f);
			} else {
				el->rgb = Color3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
			el->pos = startPos;
			el->duration = ArxDurationMs(300);
	m_duration = lMax + ArxDurationMs(1000);
Beispiel #8
void ManageCombatModeAnimations() {
	if(player.m_aimTime > 0) {
		player.m_aimTime += g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration();
	Entity * const io = entities.player();
	AnimLayer & layer1 = io->animlayer[1];
	ANIM_HANDLE ** alist = io->anims;
	WeaponType weapontype = ARX_EQUIPMENT_GetPlayerWeaponType();
	if(weapontype == WEAPON_BARE && LAST_WEAPON_TYPE != weapontype) {
		if(layer1.cur_anim != alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]) {
			changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]);
			player.m_aimTime = 0;
	switch(weapontype) {
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT]) {
				player.m_aimTime = 0;
				if(eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]);
					io->isHit = false;
			// Now go for strike cycle...
			for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP);
					player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]);
					SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "bare");
					player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1); // TODO inband signaling AnimationDuration
					player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
					player.m_aimTime = 0;
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) {
					if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) {
						changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_BARE_WAIT], EA_LOOP);
						player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
						player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
						player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1);
					} else if( layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.2f
					        && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.8f
					        && player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)) {
						ActionPoint id = ActionPoint();
						if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_BARE_STRIKE_LEFT]) {
							id = io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach;
						} else { // Strike Right
							id = io->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach;
						if(id != ActionPoint()) {
							Sphere sphere;
							sphere.origin = actionPointPosition(io->obj, id);
							sphere.radius = 25.f;
							EntityHandle num;
							if(CheckAnythingInSphere(sphere, EntityHandle_Player, 0, &num)) {
								float dmgs = (player.m_miscFull.damages + 1) * player.m_strikeAimRatio;
								if(ARX_DAMAGES_TryToDoDamage(actionPointPosition(io->obj, id), dmgs, 40, EntityHandle_Player)) {
									player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime;
								ParticleSparkSpawnContinous(sphere.origin, unsigned(dmgs), SpawnSparkType_Success);
								if(ValidIONum(num)) {
									static PlatformInstant lastHit = 0;
									PlatformInstant now = g_platformTime.frameStart();
									if(now - lastHit > toPlatformDuration(layer1.ctime)) {
										ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(entities[num]->material, MATERIAL_FLESH, 1.f, 1.f, sphere.origin, NULL);
										lastHit = now;
			// Waiting and receiving Strike Impulse
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_WAIT]) {
				player.m_aimTime = 0;
				if(eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]);
					io->isHit = false;
			// Now go for strike cycle...
			for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP);
					player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]);
					SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "dagger");
					player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
					player.m_aimTime = 0;
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_DAGGER_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) {
					if(   layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.3f
					   && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.7f
					) {
						Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
						if(player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)
							&& ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 0))
							player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime;
					if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) {
						changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_DAGGER_WAIT], EA_LOOP);
						layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE);
						player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
						player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
						player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1);
					if(   player.m_weaponBlocked != AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)
					   && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.9f
					) {
						Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
						ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 1);
			// Waiting and Received Strike Impulse
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_WAIT]) {
				player.m_aimTime = 0;
				if(eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]);
					io->isHit = false;
			// Now go for strike cycle...
			for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP);
					player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]);
					SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "1h");
					player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
					player.m_aimTime = 0;
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_1H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) {
					if(   layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.3f
					   && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.7f
					) {
						Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
						if(player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)
							&& ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 0))
							player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime;
					if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) {
						changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_1H_WAIT], EA_LOOP);
						layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE);
						player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
						player.m_aimTime = 0;
						player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1);
					if(   player.m_weaponBlocked != AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)
					   && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.9f
					) {
						Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
						ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 1);
			// Waiting and Receiving Strike Impulse
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_WAIT]) {
				player.m_aimTime = 0;
				if(eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + player.m_strikeDirection * 3]);
					io->isHit = false;
			// Now go for strike cycle...
			for(long j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_START + j * 3] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3], EA_LOOP);
					player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT_CYCLE + j * 3] && !eeMousePressed1()) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]);
					SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "2h");
					player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
					player.m_aimTime = 0;
				} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_2H_STRIKE_LEFT + j * 3]) {
					if(   layer1.ctime > layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.3f
					   && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.7f
					) {
						Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
						if(player.m_weaponBlocked == AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)
							&& ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 0))
							player.m_weaponBlocked = layer1.ctime;
					if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) {
						changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_2H_WAIT], EA_LOOP);
						layer1.flags &= ~(EA_PAUSED | EA_REVERSE);
						player.m_strikeDirection = 0;
						player.m_aimTime = 0;
						player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1);
					if(   player.m_weaponBlocked != AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1)
					   && layer1.ctime < layer1.currentAltAnim()->anim_time * 0.9f
					) {
						Entity * weapon = entities[player.equiped[EQUIP_SLOT_WEAPON]];
						ARX_EQUIPMENT_Strike_Check(io, weapon, player.m_strikeAimRatio, 1);
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE]) {
				player.m_bowAimRatio += bowZoomFromDuration(toMs(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration()));
				if(player.m_bowAimRatio > 1.f)
					player.m_bowAimRatio = 1.f;
			// Waiting and Receiving Strike Impulse
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_WAIT]) {
				player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
				if(eeMousePressed1() && Player_Arrow_Count() > 0) {
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_1]);
					io->isHit = false;
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_1] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) {
				player.m_aimTime = 0;
				changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_2]);
				EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_LinkObjectToObject(io->obj, arrowobj, "left_attach", "attach", NULL);
			// Now go for strike cycle...
			if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_PART_2] && (layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND)) {
				changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE], EA_LOOP);
				player.m_aimTime = PlatformDuration::ofRaw(1);
			} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE_CYCLE] && !eeMousePressed1()) {
				EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_UnLinkObjectFromObject(io->obj, arrowobj);
				changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE]);
				SendIOScriptEvent(NULL, io, SM_STRIKE, "bow");
				player.m_strikeAimRatio = player.m_bowAimRatio;
				Entity * quiver = Player_Arrow_Count_Decrease();
				float poisonous = 0.f;
				if(quiver) {
					poisonous = quiver->poisonous;
					if(quiver->poisonous_count > 0) {
						if(quiver->poisonous_count <= 0)
							quiver->poisonous = 0;
					ARX_DAMAGES_DurabilityLoss(quiver, 1.f);
					// TODO is this needed ?, quivers seem to self destruct via script, but maybe not all
					if(ValidIOAddress(quiver) && quiver->durability <= 0.f) {
				float aimratio = player.m_strikeAimRatio;
				if(sp_max && poisonous < 3.f)
					poisonous = 3.f;
				Vec3f orgPos = player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, 40.f, 0.f);
				if(io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach != ActionPoint()) {
					orgPos = actionPointPosition(io->obj, io->obj->fastaccess.left_attach);
				Anglef orgAngle = player.angle;
				PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, orgPos, orgAngle);
				if(sp_max) {
					Anglef angle;
					Vec3f pos = player.pos + Vec3f(0.f, 40.f, 0.f);
					angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() + 8);
					PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle);
					angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() - 8);
					PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle);
					angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() + 4.f);
					PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle);
					angle.setYaw(player.angle.getYaw() - 4.f);
					PlayerLaunchArrow_Test(aimratio, poisonous, pos, angle);
				player.m_aimTime = 0;
			} else if(layer1.cur_anim == alist[ANIM_MISSILE_STRIKE]) {
				player.m_bowAimRatio -= bowZoomFromDuration(toMs(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration()));
				if(player.m_bowAimRatio < 0)
					player.m_bowAimRatio = 0;
				if(layer1.flags & EA_ANIMEND) {
					player.m_bowAimRatio = 0;
					changeAnimation(io, 1, alist[ANIM_MISSILE_WAIT], EA_LOOP);
					player.m_aimTime = 0;
					player.m_weaponBlocked = AnimationDuration::ofRaw(-1);
					EERIE_LINKEDOBJ_UnLinkObjectFromObject(io->obj, arrowobj);
	LAST_WEAPON_TYPE = weapontype;
Beispiel #9
void PoisonProjectileSpell::Launch() {
	Vec3f srcPos(0.f);
	float afBeta = 0.f;
	Entity * caster = entities[m_caster];
	m_hand_group = caster->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach;

	if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
		ActionPoint group = m_hand_group;
		m_hand_pos = actionPointPosition(caster->obj, group);
	if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player) {

		afBeta = player.angle.getYaw();

		if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
			srcPos = m_hand_pos;
		} else {
			srcPos = player.pos;
	} else {
		afBeta = entities[m_caster]->angle.getYaw();

		if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) {
			srcPos = m_hand_pos;
		} else {
			srcPos = entities[m_caster]->pos;
	srcPos += angleToVectorXZ(afBeta) * 90.f;
	size_t uiNumber = glm::clamp(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_level), 1u, 5u);
	for(size_t i = 0; i < uiNumber; i++) {
		CPoisonProjectile * projectile = new CPoisonProjectile();
	m_duration = GameDurationMs(8000);
	m_hasDuration = true;
	GameDuration lMax = 0;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < m_projectiles.size(); i++) {
		CPoisonProjectile * projectile = m_projectiles[i];
		projectile->Create(srcPos, afBeta + Random::getf(-10.f, 10.f));
		GameDuration lTime = m_duration + GameDurationMs(Random::getu(0, 5000));
		lMax = std::max(lMax, lTime);
		EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(projectile->lLightId);
		if(light) {
			light->intensity = 2.3f;
			light->fallend = 250.f;
			light->fallstart = 150.f;
			light->rgb = Color3f::green;
			light->pos = projectile->eSrc;
			light->creationTime = g_gameTime.now();
			light->duration = GameDurationMs(200);
	m_duration = lMax + GameDurationMs(1000);
Beispiel #10
void ARX_THROWN_OBJECT_Manage(float time_offset)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_THROWN_OBJECTS; i++) {
		Projectile & projectile = g_projectiles[i];
		if(!(projectile.flags & ATO_EXIST))

		// Is Object Visible & Near ?

		EERIE_BKG_INFO * bkgData = getFastBackgroundData(projectile.position.x, projectile.position.z);

		if(!bkgData || !bkgData->treat) {

		// Now render object !

		TransformInfo t(projectile.position, projectile.quat);
		DrawEERIEInter_ModelTransform(projectile.obj, t);

		if((projectile.flags & ATO_FIERY) && (projectile.flags & ATO_MOVING)
		   && !(projectile.flags & ATO_UNDERWATER)) {

			LightHandle id = GetFreeDynLight();
			if(lightHandleIsValid(id) && g_framedelay > 0) {
				EERIE_LIGHT * light = lightHandleGet(id);
				light->intensity = 1.f;
				light->fallstart = 100.f;
				light->fallend   = 240.f;
				light->rgb = Color3f(1.f, .8f, .6f) - randomColor3f() * Color3f(.2f, .2f, .2f);
				light->pos = projectile.position;
				light->ex_flaresize = 40.f;
				light->extras |= EXTRAS_FLARE;
				light->duration = static_cast<unsigned long>(g_framedelay * 0.5f);
			createObjFireParticles(projectile.obj, 6, 2, 180);

		if(projectile.m_trail) {

		if(projectile.flags & ATO_MOVING) {
			long need_kill = 0;
			float mod = time_offset * projectile.velocity;
			Vec3f original_pos = projectile.position;
			projectile.position.x += projectile.vector.x * mod;
			float gmod = 1.f - projectile.velocity;

			gmod = glm::clamp(gmod, 0.f, 1.f);

			projectile.position.y += projectile.vector.y * mod + (time_offset * gmod);
			projectile.position.z += projectile.vector.z * mod;

			CheckForIgnition(Sphere(original_pos, 10.f), 0, 2);

			Vec3f wpos = projectile.position;
			wpos.y += 20.f;
			EERIEPOLY * ep = EEIsUnderWater(wpos);

			if(projectile.flags & ATO_UNDERWATER) {
				if(!ep) {
					projectile.flags &= ~ATO_UNDERWATER;
					ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_PLOUF, &projectile.position);
			} else if(ep) {
				projectile.flags |= ATO_UNDERWATER;
				ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_PLOUF, &projectile.position);

			// Check for collision MUST be done after DRAWING !!!!
			long nbact = projectile.obj->actionlist.size();

			for(long j = 0; j < nbact; j++) {
				float rad = GetHitValue(projectile.obj->actionlist[j].name);

				if(rad == -1)

				rad *= .5f;

				const Vec3f v0 = actionPointPosition(projectile.obj, projectile.obj->actionlist[j].idx);
				Vec3f dest = original_pos + projectile.vector * 95.f;
				Vec3f orgn = original_pos - projectile.vector * 25.f;
				EERIEPOLY * ep = CheckArrowPolyCollision(orgn, dest);

				if(ep) {
					ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(v0, 14, SpawnSparkType_Default);

						ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(v0, entities[projectile.source]);

					projectile.flags &= ~ATO_MOVING;
					projectile.velocity = 0.f;
					std::string bkg_material = "earth";

					if(ep && ep->tex && !ep->tex->m_texName.empty())
						bkg_material = GetMaterialString(ep->tex->m_texName);

					if(ValidIONum(projectile.source)) {
						char weapon_material[64] = "dagger";
						ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(weapon_material, bkg_material, 1.f, 1.f, v0, entities[projectile.source]);

					projectile.position = original_pos;
					j = 200;
				} else if(IsPointInField(v0)) {
					ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(v0, 24, SpawnSparkType_Default);

					if (ValidIONum(projectile.source))
						ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(v0, entities[projectile.source]);

					projectile.flags &= ~ATO_MOVING;
					projectile.velocity = 0.f;
					if(ValidIONum(projectile.source)) {
						char weapon_material[64] = "dagger";
						char bkg_material[64] = "earth";
						ARX_SOUND_PlayCollision(weapon_material, bkg_material, 1.f, 1.f, v0, entities[projectile.source]);

					projectile.position = original_pos;
					j = 200;
					need_kill = 1;
				} else {
					for(float precision = 0.5f; precision <= 6.f; precision += 0.5f) {
						Sphere sphere;
						sphere.origin = v0 + projectile.vector * precision * 4.5f;
						sphere.radius = rad + 3.f;

						std::vector<EntityHandle> sphereContent;

						if(CheckEverythingInSphere(sphere, projectile.source, EntityHandle(), sphereContent)) {
							for(size_t jj = 0; jj < sphereContent.size(); jj++) {

										&& sphereContent[jj] != projectile.source)

									Entity * target = entities[sphereContent[jj]];

									if(target->ioflags & IO_NPC) {
										Vec3f pos;
										Color color = Color::none;
										long hitpoint = -1;
										float curdist = 999999.f;

										for(size_t ii = 0 ; ii < target->obj->facelist.size() ; ii++) {
											if(target->obj->facelist[ii].facetype & POLY_HIDE)

											short vid = target->obj->facelist[ii].vid[0];
											float d = glm::distance(sphere.origin, target->obj->vertexlist3[vid].v);

											if(d < curdist) {
												hitpoint = target->obj->facelist[ii].vid[0];
												curdist = d;

										if(hitpoint >= 0) {
											color = target->_npcdata->blood_color;
											pos = target->obj->vertexlist3[hitpoint].v;

										if(projectile.source == PlayerEntityHandle) {
											float damages = ARX_THROWN_ComputeDamages(projectile, projectile.source, sphereContent[jj]);

											if(damages > 0.f) {
												arx_assert(hitpoint >= 0);

												if(target->ioflags & IO_NPC) {
													target->_npcdata->SPLAT_TOT_NB = 0;
													ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Blood2(original_pos, damages, color, target);

												ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Blood2(pos, damages, color, target);
												ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(target, damages, projectile.source, false, &pos);

												if(Random::getf(0.f, 100.f) > target->_npcdata->resist_poison) {
													target->_npcdata->poisonned += projectile.poisonous;

											} else {
												ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(v0, 14, SpawnSparkType_Default);
												ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(v0, entities[projectile.source]);
									} else {
										// not NPC
										if(target->ioflags & IO_FIX) {
												ARX_DAMAGES_DamageFIX(target, 0.1f, projectile.source, false);

										ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Spark(v0, 14, SpawnSparkType_Default);

											ARX_NPC_SpawnAudibleSound(v0, entities[projectile.source]);


									// Need to deal damages !
									projectile.flags &= ~ATO_MOVING;
									projectile.velocity = 0.f;
									need_kill = 1;
									precision = 500.f;
									j = 200;
