Beispiel #1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void QmvTable::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *ke )
    int ktype = ke ? ke->key() : -9999;
    qDebug( "%-20.20s::keyPressEvent::%6d", "QmvTable", ktype );

        // finish and move to next cell
    if ( ke->key() == Key_Return || ke->key() == Key_Enter )

        // Finish
    if ( ke->key() == Key_Escape )
        ke->accept();   // finish here.
        // navigation, in-place editing etc
    QTable::keyPressEvent ( ke );
Beispiel #2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool QmvTable::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
    const char *name = o ? o->name() : "NO_OBJECT";
    const char *classname = o ? o->className() : "NO_CLASS";
    int etype = e ? e->type() : -9999;
//    qDebug( "%-20.20s::eventFilter(%20.20s/%20.20s, %6d)", "QmvTable", name, classname, etype );
    // test disabing this eventfilter while tracing crash - Issue#324
    // return QTable::eventFilter( o, e );
    if ( !o || !e )
  	return true;

    if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
        QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent *) e;

            // keyboard row select.
        if ( ke->key() == Key_Return || ke->key() == Key_Enter )
            if  ( ke->state() & AltButton )
                    // the mouse point is a fake - TODO: decide what to make it.
                emit clicked( currentRow(), currentColumn(), 1, QPoint(0,0) );
                return true;
            } else {
                return true;

        // focus out - do nothing
        // TODO:  popup a reminder to do something
    if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut )
        return true;
    return QTable::eventFilter( o, e );
Beispiel #3
//     My own version of the table's actions
//    In principle it does the same as QTable, but
//       deletes selected cells
//      closes application on ESCAPE
bool MTable::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
    if ( !o || !e )
	return QScrollView::eventFilter( o, e );

    //QWidget *editorWidget = cellWidget( currentRow(), currentColumn() );

    switch ( e->type() ) {
    case QEvent::KeyPress:
	if ( !isEditing() ) {
                  QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
	    if ( ke->key() == Key_Escape ) {
                           QApplication::sendEvent( parentWidget ( FALSE ) , e );
		return TRUE;

	    if ( ke->key() == Key_Return || ke->key() == Key_Enter ) {
		if ( currentRow() >= numRows() - 1 ){
		    setUpdatesEnabled( false );
		    setNumRows( numRows() + 10 );
		    setUpdatesEnabled( true );
                ensureCellVisible ( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
		return TRUE;

	    if ( ke->key() == Key_Delete ) {
	            if (numSelections() > 0) {
		    QTableSelection ts = selection( currentSelection() );
		    for ( int icol = ts.leftCol(); icol <= ts.rightCol(); icol++){
			for ( int irow = ts.topRow(); irow <= ts.bottomRow(); irow++){
                                         clearCell( irow, icol );
		    setCurrentCell ( ts.anchorRow(), ts.anchorCol() );
		    clearSelection ( TRUE );
	              else {
                                 clearCell( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
		return TRUE;
	    if ( ke->key() == Key_C && ( ke->state() & ControlButton ) == ControlButton ) {
	              QString cellText;
		if (numSelections() > 0) {
	                  QTableSelection ts;
		    ts = selection( currentSelection() );
		    for ( int irow = ts.topRow(); irow <= ts.bottomRow(); irow++){
		      for ( int icol = ts.leftCol(); icol <= ts.rightCol(); icol++){
		             cellText = text( irow, icol );
                                         if ( !cellText.isEmpty() )
                                              itemCopy.push_back( cellText.latin1() );
                                              itemCopy.push_back( "" );
		else {
	                   cellText = text( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
                                 if ( !cellText.isEmpty() )
                                              itemCopy.push_back( cellText.latin1() );
                                 else      itemCopy.push_back( "" );
		return TRUE;
	    if ( ke->key() == Key_V && ( ke->state() & ControlButton ) == ControlButton ) {
		if ( numSelections() > 0 && itemCopy.size() > 0 ) {
		    QTableSelection ts = selection( currentSelection() );
		    uint icount;
		    for ( int irow = ts.topRow(); irow <= ts.bottomRow(); irow++){
		       for ( int icol = ts.leftCol(); icol <= ts.rightCol(); icol++){
		             //icount = (icol - ts.leftCol())*(ts.bottomRow() - ts.topRow()+1) + irow-ts.topRow();
		             icount = (irow - ts.topRow())*(ts.rightCol() - ts.leftCol()+1) + icol-ts.leftCol();
                                         if ( icount < itemCopy.size() )
                                            setText( irow, icol, (itemCopy[icount]).c_str() );
		else {
		    if ( itemCopy.size() > 0 ) // there was not selection, copy first item only
		         setText( currentRow(), currentColumn(), (itemCopy[0]).c_str() );
		return TRUE;
	    if ( ke->key() == Key_X && ( ke->state() & ControlButton ) == ControlButton ) {
		QString cellText;
		if (numSelections() > 0) {
		   QTableSelection ts;
		    ts = selection( currentSelection() );
		    for ( int irow = ts.topRow(); irow <= ts.bottomRow(); irow++){
		      for ( int icol = ts.leftCol(); icol <= ts.rightCol(); icol++){
		             cellText = text( irow, icol );
                                         if ( !cellText.isEmpty() )
                                              itemCopy.push_back( cellText.latin1() );
                                              itemCopy.push_back( "" );
                                         clearCell( irow, icol );
		    setCurrentCell ( ts.anchorRow(), ts.anchorCol() );
		    clearSelection ( TRUE );
		else {
	                   cellText = text( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
                                 if ( !cellText.isEmpty() )
                                              itemCopy.push_back( cellText.latin1() );
                                 else      itemCopy.push_back( "" );
                                clearCell( currentRow(), currentColumn() );
		return TRUE;

	    if ( currentColumn() == 0 &&
	         ctype == ComboBox   &&
                       ke->key() != Key_Left  && ke->key() != Key_Right &&
                       ke->key() != Key_Up  && ke->key() != Key_Down &&
                       ke->key() != Key_Control && ke->key() != Key_Alt &&
                       ke->key() != Key_Shift ) {
		//QApplication::beep ();
		keyPressEvent( (QKeyEvent*)e );
		return true;
            QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
	    if ( ke->key() == Key_Return || ke->key() == Key_Enter ) {
		if ( currentRow() >= numRows() - 1 ){
		    setUpdatesEnabled( false );
		    setNumRows( numRows() + 10 );
		    setUpdatesEnabled( true );
                //else {stopEditing();}
		return true;

    return QTable::eventFilter( o, e ) ;