Beispiel #1
unsigned int som::train(bool autostop) {
	previous_weights = NULL;

	for (unsigned int epouch = 1; epouch < (epouchs + 1); epouch++) {
		/* Depression term of coupling */
		local_radius = std::pow( ( params.init_radius * std::exp(-( (double) epouch / (double) epouchs)) ), 2);
		learn_rate = params.init_learn_rate * std::exp(-( (double) epouch / (double) epouchs));

		/* Feature SOM 0003: Clear statistics */
		if (autostop == true) {
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				(*awards)[i] = 0;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->size(); i++) {
			/* Step 1: Competition */
			unsigned int index_winner = competition(&(*data)[i]);

			/* Step 2: Adaptation */
			adaptation(index_winner, &(*data)[i]);

			/* Update statistics */
			if ( (autostop == true) || (epouch == (epouchs - 1)) ) {

		/* Feature SOM 0003: Check requirement of stopping */
		if (autostop == true) {
			if (previous_weights == NULL) {
				previous_weights = new std::vector<std::vector<double> * >(size, NULL);

				unsigned int dimensions = (*weights)[0]->size();
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weights->size(); i++) {
					(*previous_weights)[i] = new std::vector<double>(dimensions, 0.0);

					std::copy((*weights)[i]->begin(), (*weights)[i]->end(), (*previous_weights)[i]->begin());
			else {
				double maximal_adaptation = calculate_maximal_adaptation();
				if (maximal_adaptation < params.adaptation_threshold) {
					return epouch;

				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weights->size(); i++) {
					std::copy((*weights)[i]->begin(), (*weights)[i]->end(), (*previous_weights)[i]->begin());

	return epouchs;
Beispiel #2
static void adaptation_of_medias(axl_network *mysys)
	int i, j;
        axl_mass_media *mm;

	for(i = 0; i < mysys->nmm; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < mysys->mass_media[i].f; j++)
			mm = &(mysys->mass_media[i]);
			adaptation(mm, *mysys, j);

Beispiel #3
void function_minimizer::shmc_mcmc_routine(int nmcmc,int iseed0,double dscale,
					  int restart_flag) {

  if (nmcmc<=0)
      cerr << endl << "Error: Negative iterations for MCMC not meaningful" << endl;

  uostream * pofs_psave=NULL;
  if (mcmc2_flag==1)
  int nvar_re=initial_params::nvarcalc();
  int nvar=initial_params::nvarcalc(); // get the number of active parameters
  if (mcmc2_flag==0)
      nvar=initial_params::nvarcalc(); // get the number of active parameters

  independent_variables parsave(1,nvar_re);
  // dvector x(1,nvar);
  // initial_params::xinit(x);
  // dvector pen_vector(1,nvar);
  // {
  //   initial_params::reset(dvar_vector(x),pen_vector);
  // }

  int old_Hybrid_bounded_flag=-1;
  int on,nopt = 0;

  //// ------------------------------ Parse input options
  // Step size. If not specified, will be adapted. If specified must be >0
  // and will not be adapted.
  double eps=0.1;
  double _eps=-1.0;
  int useDA=1; 			// whether to adapt step size
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-hyeps",nopt))>-1)
      if (!nopt) // not specified means to adapt, using function below to find reasonable one
	  cerr << "Warning: No step size given after -hyeps, ignoring" << endl;
      else			// read in specified value and do not adapt
	  istringstream ist(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
	  ist >> _eps;
	  if (_eps<=0)
	      cerr << "Error: step size (-hyeps argument) needs positive number";
  // Chain number -- for console display purposes only
  int chain=1;
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-chain",nopt))>-1) {
    if (nopt) {
      int iii=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
      if (iii <1) {
	cerr << "Error: chain must be >= 1" << endl;
      } else {
  // Number of leapfrog steps. Defaults to 10.
  int L=10;
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-hynstep",nopt))>-1)
      if (nopt)
	  int _L=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
	  if (_L < 1 )
	      cerr << "Error: hynstep argument must be integer > 0 " << endl;

  // Number of warmup samples if using adaptation of step size. Defaults to
  // half of iterations.
  int nwarmup= (int)nmcmc/2;
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-nwarmup",nopt))>-1)
      if (nopt)
          int iii=atoi(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
          if (iii <=0 || iii > nmcmc)
	      cerr << "Error: nwarmup must be 0 < nwarmup < nmcmc" << endl;

  // Target acceptance rate for step size adaptation. Must be
  // 0<adapt_delta<1. Defaults to 0.8.
  double adapt_delta=0.8; // target acceptance rate specified by the user
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-adapt_delta",nopt))>-1)
      if (nopt)
	  istringstream ist(ad_comm::argv[on+1]);
	  double _adapt_delta;
	  ist >> _adapt_delta;
	  if (_adapt_delta < 0 || _adapt_delta > 1 )
	      cerr << "Error: adapt_delta must be between 0 and 1"
		" using default of 0.8" << endl;
  // Use diagnoal covariance (identity mass matrix)
  int diag_option=0;
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-mcdiag"))>-1)
      cout << " Setting covariance matrix to diagonal with entries " << dscale
	   << endl;
  // Restart chain from previous run?
  int mcrestart_flag=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-mcr");
  if(mcrestart_flag > -1){
    cerr << endl << "Error: -mcr option not implemented for HMC" << endl;

  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-mcec"))>-1)
      cerr << endl << "Error: -mcec option not yet implemented with HMC" << endl;
      // use_empirical_flag=1;
      // read_empirical_covariance_matrix(nvar,S,ad_comm::adprogram_name);

  // Prepare the mass matrix for use. Depends on many factors below.
  dmatrix S(1,nvar,1,nvar);
  dvector old_scale(1,nvar);
  int old_nvar;
  // Need to grab old_scale values still, since it is scaled below
  if (diag_option)		// set covariance to be diagonal
      for (int i=1;i<=nvar;i++)

  // How much to thin, for now fixed at 1.
  if ( (on=option_match(ad_comm::argc,ad_comm::argv,"-mcsave"))>-1)
      cerr << "Option -mcsave does not currently work with HMC -- every iteration is saved" << endl;
  //// ------------------------------ End of input processing

  //// Setup more inputs and outputs
    new uostream((char*)(ad_comm::adprogram_name + adstring(".psv")));
  if (!pofs_psave|| !(*pofs_psave))
      cerr << "Error trying to open file" <<
	ad_comm::adprogram_name + adstring(".psv") << endl;
  if (mcrestart_flag == -1 )
      (*pofs_psave) << nvar;
  // need to rescale the hessian
  // get the current scale
  dvector x0(1,nvar);
  dvector current_scale(1,nvar);
  int mctmp=initial_params::mc_phase;
  // cout << "old scale=" <<  old_scale << endl;
  // cout << "current scale=" << current_scale << endl;
  // cout << "S before=" << S << endl;
  // I think this is only needed if mcmc2 is used??
  // for (int i=1;i<=nvar;i++)
  //   {
  //     for (int j=1;j<=nvar;j++)
  // 	{
  // 	  S(i,j)*=old_scale(i)*old_scale(j);
  // 	}
  //   }
    for (int i=1;i<=nvar;i++)
	for (int j=1;j<=nvar;j++)
  //  cout << "S after=" << S << endl;
  if (mcmc2_flag==0)
  // Setup random number generator, based on seed passed
  int iseed=2197;
  if (iseed0) iseed=iseed0;
  random_number_generator rng(iseed);

  // Dual averaging components
  dvector epsvec(1,nmcmc+1), epsbar(1,nmcmc+1), Hbar(1,nmcmc+1);
  epsvec.initialize(); epsbar.initialize(); Hbar.initialize();
  double time_warmup=0;
  double time_total=0;
  std::clock_t start = clock();
  time_t now = time(0);
  tm* localtm = localtime(&now);
  cout << endl << "Starting static HMC for model '" << ad_comm::adprogram_name <<
    "' at " << asctime(localtm);
  // write sampler parameters
  ofstream adaptation("adaptation.csv", ios::trunc);
  adaptation << "accept_stat__,stepsize__,int_time__,energy__,lp__" << endl;

  // Declare and initialize the variables needed for the algorithm
  dmatrix chd = choleski_decomp(S); // cholesky decomp of mass matrix
  dvector y(1,nvar); // unbounded parameters
  // transformed params
  independent_variables z(1,nvar); z=chd*y;
  dvector gr(1,nvar);		// gradients in unbounded space
  // Need to run this to fill gr with current gradients and initial NLL.
  double nllbegin=get_hybrid_monte_carlo_value(nvar,z,gr);
    cerr << "Starting MCMC trajectory at NaN -- something is wrong!" << endl;
  // initial rotated gradient
  dvector gr2(1,nvar); gr2=gr*chd;
  dvector p(1,nvar);		// momentum vector
  // Copy initial value to parsave in case first trajectory rejected
  double iaccept=0.0;
  // The gradient and params at beginning of trajectory, in case rejected.
  dvector gr2begin(1,nvar); gr2begin=gr2;
  dvector ybegin(1,nvar); ybegin=y;
  double nll=nllbegin;
  // if(useDA){
  //   eps=find_reasonable_stepsize(nvar,y,p,chd);
  //   epsvec(1)=eps; epsbar(1)=eps; Hbar(1)=0;
  // }
  double mu=log(10*eps);

  // Start of MCMC chain
  for (int is=1;is<=nmcmc;is++) {
    // Random momentum for next iteration, only affects Ham values
    double H0=nll+0.5*norm2(p);

    // Generate trajectory
    int divergence=0;
    for (int i=1;i<=L;i++) {
      // leapfrog updates gr, p, y, and gr2 by reference
      nll=leapfrog(nvar, gr, chd, eps, p, y, gr2);
      // Break trajectory early if a divergence occurs to save computation
	divergence=1; break;
    } // end of trajectory

    // Test whether to accept the proposed state
    double Ham=nll+0.5*norm2(p); // Update Hamiltonian for proposed set
    double alpha=min(1.0, exp(H0-Ham)); // acceptance ratio
    double rr=randu(rng);	   // Runif(1)
    if (rr<alpha && !divergence){ // accept
      // Update for next iteration: params, Hamiltonian and gr2
    } else {
      // Reject and don't update anything to reuse initials for next trajectory
    // Save parameters to psv file, duplicated if rejected
    (*pofs_psave) << parsave;

    // Adaptation of step size (eps).
    if(useDA && is <= nwarmup){
      eps=adapt_eps(is, eps,  alpha, adapt_delta, mu, epsvec, epsbar, Hbar);
    adaptation << alpha << "," <<  eps << "," << eps*L << "," << H0 << "," << -nll << endl;
    if(is ==nwarmup) time_warmup = ( std::clock()-start)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    print_mcmc_progress(is, nmcmc, nwarmup, chain);
  } // end of MCMC chain

  // This final ratio should closely match adapt_delta
    cout << "Final acceptance ratio=" << iaccept/nmcmc << " and target is " << adapt_delta<<endl;
    cout << "Final step size=" << eps << "; after " << nwarmup << " warmup iterations"<< endl;
  } else {
    cout << "Final acceptance ratio=" << iaccept/nmcmc << endl;

  time_total = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  print_mcmc_timing(time_warmup, time_total);

  // I assume this closes the connection to the file??
  if (pofs_psave)
      delete pofs_psave;
} // end of HMC function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int step, ie, iside, i, j, k;
  double mflops, tmax, nelt_tot = 0.0;
  char Class;
  logical ifmortar = false, verified;

  double t2, trecs[t_last+1];
  char *t_names[t_last+1];

	// Initialize NUMA control

  // Read input file (if it exists), else take
  // defaults from parameters
  FILE *fp;
  if ((fp = fopen("timer.flag", "r")) != NULL) {
    timeron = true;
    t_names[t_total] = "total";
    t_names[t_init] = "init";
    t_names[t_convect] = "convect";
    t_names[t_transfb_c] = "transfb_c";
    t_names[t_diffusion] = "diffusion";
    t_names[t_transf] = "transf";
    t_names[t_transfb] = "transfb";
    t_names[t_adaptation] = "adaptation";
    t_names[t_transf2] = "transf+b";
    t_names[t_add2] = "add2";
  } else {
    timeron = false;

  printf("\n\n NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB3.3-OMP-C) - UA Benchmark\n\n");

  if ((fp = fopen("", "r")) != NULL) {
    int result;
    printf(" Reading from input file\n");
    result = fscanf(fp, "%d", &fre);
    while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
    result = fscanf(fp, "%d", &niter);
    while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
    result = fscanf(fp, "%d", &nmxh);
    while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
    result = fscanf(fp, "%lf", &alpha);
    Class = 'U';
  } else {
    printf(" No input file Using compiled defaults\n");
    fre   = FRE_DEFAULT;
    niter = NITER_DEFAULT;
    nmxh  = NMXH_DEFAULT;
    alpha = ALPHA_DEFAULT;
    Class = CLASS_DEFAULT;

  dlmin = pow(0.5, REFINE_MAX);
  dtime = 0.04*dlmin;

  printf(" Levels of refinement:        %8d\n", REFINE_MAX);
  printf(" Adaptation frequency:        %8d\n", fre);
  printf(" Time steps:                  %8d    dt: %15.6E\n", niter, dtime);
  printf(" CG iterations:               %8d\n", nmxh);
  printf(" Heat source radius:          %8.4f\n", alpha);
  printf(" Number of available threads: %8d\n", omp_get_max_threads());


  for (i = 1; i <= t_last; i++) {
  if (timeron) timer_start(t_init);

  // set up initial mesh (single element) and solution (all zero)

  r_init_omp((double *)ta1, ntot, 0.0);
  nr_init_omp((int *)sje, 4*6*nelt, -1);


  // compute tables of coefficients and weights      

  // compute the discrete laplacian operators

  // prepare for the preconditioner

  // refine initial mesh and do some preliminary work
  time = 0.0;
  adaptation(&ifmortar, 0);
  if (timeron) timer_stop(t_init);


  time = 0.0;
  for (step = 0; step <= niter; step++) {
    if (step == 1) {
      // reset the solution and start the timer, keep track of total no elms
      r_init((double *)ta1, ntot, 0.0);

      time = 0.0;
      nelt_tot = 0.0;
      for (i = 1; i <= t_last; i++) {
        if (i != t_init) timer_clear(i);

    // advance the convection step 

    if (timeron) timer_start(t_transf2);
    // prepare the intital guess for cg
    transf(tmort, (double *)ta1);

    // compute residual for diffusion term based on intital guess

    // compute the left hand side of equation, lapacian t
    #pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(ie,k,j,i) 
    #pragma omp for
    for (ie = 0; ie < nelt; ie++) {
      laplacian(ta2[ie], ta1[ie], size_e[ie]);

    // compute the residual 
    #pragma omp for
    for (ie = 0; ie < nelt; ie++) {
      for (k = 0; k < LX1; k++) {
        for (j = 0; j < LX1; j++) {
          for (i = 0; i < LX1; i++) {
            trhs[ie][k][j][i] = trhs[ie][k][j][i] - ta2[ie][k][j][i];
    } //end parallel

    // get the residual on mortar 
    transfb(rmor, (double *)trhs);
    if (timeron) timer_stop(t_transf2);

    // apply boundary condition: zero out the residual on domain boundaries

    // apply boundary conidtion to trhs
    #pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(ie,iside)
    for (ie = 0; ie < nelt; ie++) {
      for (iside = 0; iside < NSIDES; iside++) {
        if (cbc[ie][iside] == 0) {
          facev(trhs[ie], iside, 0.0);
    // apply boundary condition to rmor
    col2(rmor, tmmor, nmor);

    // call the conjugate gradient iterative solver

    // add convection and diffusion
    if (timeron) timer_start(t_add2);
    add2((double *)ta1, (double *)t, ntot);
    if (timeron) timer_stop(t_add2);

    // perform mesh adaptation
    time = time + dtime;
    if ((step != 0) && (step/fre*fre == step)) {
      if (step != niter) {
        adaptation(&ifmortar, step);
    } else {
      ifmortar = false;
    nelt_tot = nelt_tot + (double)(nelt);

  tmax = timer_read(1);

  verify(&Class, &verified);

  // compute millions of collocation points advanced per second.
  // diffusion: nmxh advancements, convection: 1 advancement
  mflops = nelt_tot*(double)(LX1*LX1*LX1*(nmxh+1))/(tmax*1.e6);

  print_results("UA", Class, REFINE_MAX, 0, 0, niter, 
                tmax, mflops, "    coll. point advanced", 
                verified, NPBVERSION, COMPILETIME, CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, 
                CS6, "(none)");

  // More timers
  if (timeron) {
    for (i = 1; i <= t_last; i++) {
      trecs[i] = timer_read(i);
    if (tmax == 0.0) tmax = 1.0;

    printf("  SECTION     Time (secs)\n");
    for (i = 1; i <= t_last; i++) {
      printf("  %-10s:%9.3f  (%6.2f%%)\n",
          t_names[i], trecs[i], trecs[i]*100./tmax);
      if (i == t_transfb_c) {
        t2 = trecs[t_convect] - trecs[t_transfb_c];
        printf("    --> %11s:%9.3f  (%6.2f%%)\n", 
            "sub-convect", t2, t2*100./tmax);
      } else if (i == t_transfb) {
        t2 = trecs[t_diffusion] - trecs[t_transf] - trecs[t_transfb];
        printf("    --> %11s:%9.3f  (%6.2f%%)\n", 
            "sub-diffuse", t2, t2*100./tmax);

	// Teardown NUMA control

  return 0;
Beispiel #5
bool yee_compare(CompareArgs &args)
    if ((args.image_a_->get_width()  != args.image_b_->get_width()) or
        (args.image_a_->get_height() != args.image_b_->get_height()))
        args.error_string_ = "Image dimensions do not match\n";
        return false;

    const auto w = args.image_a_->get_width();
    const auto h = args.image_a_->get_height();
    const auto dim = w * h;

    auto identical = true;
    for (auto i = 0u; i < dim; i++)
        if (args.image_a_->get(i) != args.image_b_->get(i))
            identical = false;
    if (identical)
        args.error_string_ = "Images are binary identical\n";
        return true;

    // Assuming colorspaces are in Adobe RGB (1998) convert to XYZ.
    std::vector<float> a_lum(dim);
    std::vector<float> b_lum(dim);

    std::vector<float> a_a(dim);
    std::vector<float> b_a(dim);
    std::vector<float> a_b(dim);
    std::vector<float> b_b(dim);

    if (args.verbose_)
        std::cout << "Converting RGB to XYZ\n";

    const auto gamma = args.gamma_;
    const auto luminance = args.luminance_;

    #pragma omp parallel for shared(args, a_lum, b_lum, a_a, a_b, b_a, b_b)
    for (auto y = 0; y < static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(h); y++)
        for (auto x = 0u; x < w; x++)
            const auto i = x + y * w;
            const auto a_color_r = powf(args.image_a_->get_red(i) / 255.0f,
            const auto a_color_g = powf(args.image_a_->get_green(i) / 255.0f,
            const auto a_color_b = powf(args.image_a_->get_blue(i) / 255.0f,
            float a_x;
            float a_y;
            float a_z;
            adobe_rgb_to_xyz(a_color_r, a_color_g, a_color_b, a_x, a_y, a_z);
            float l;
            xyz_to_lab(a_x, a_y, a_z, l, a_a[i], a_b[i]);
            const auto b_color_r = powf(args.image_b_->get_red(i) / 255.0f,
            const auto b_color_g = powf(args.image_b_->get_green(i) / 255.0f,
            const auto b_color_b = powf(args.image_b_->get_blue(i) / 255.0f,
            float b_x;
            float b_y;
            float b_z;
            adobe_rgb_to_xyz(b_color_r, b_color_g, b_color_b, b_x, b_y, b_z);
            xyz_to_lab(b_x, b_y, b_z, l, b_a[i], b_b[i]);
            a_lum[i] = a_y * luminance;
            b_lum[i] = b_y * luminance;

    if (args.verbose_)
        std::cout << "Constructing Laplacian Pyramids\n";

    const LPyramid la(a_lum, w, h);
    const LPyramid lb(b_lum, w, h);

    const auto num_one_degree_pixels =
        to_degrees(2 *
                   std::tan(args.field_of_view_ * to_radians(.5f)));
    const auto pixels_per_degree = w / num_one_degree_pixels;

    if (args.verbose_)
        std::cout << "Performing test\n";

    const auto adaptation_level = adaptation(num_one_degree_pixels);

    float cpd[MAX_PYR_LEVELS];
    cpd[0] = 0.5f * pixels_per_degree;
    for (auto i = 1u; i < MAX_PYR_LEVELS; i++)
        cpd[i] = 0.5f * cpd[i - 1];
    const auto csf_max = csf(3.248f, 100.0f);

    static_assert(MAX_PYR_LEVELS > 2,
                  "MAX_PYR_LEVELS must be greater than 2");

    float f_freq[MAX_PYR_LEVELS - 2];
    for (auto i = 0u; i < MAX_PYR_LEVELS - 2; i++)
        f_freq[i] = csf_max / csf(cpd[i], 100.0f);

    auto pixels_failed = 0u;
    auto error_sum = 0.;

    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : pixels_failed, error_sum) \
        shared(args, a_a, a_b, b_a, b_b, cpd, f_freq)
    for (auto y = 0; y < static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(h); y++)
        for (auto x = 0u; x < w; x++)
            const auto index = y * w + x;
            const auto adapt = std::max((la.get_value(x, y, adaptation_level) +
                                         lb.get_value(x, y, adaptation_level)) * 0.5f,
            auto sum_contrast = 0.f;
            auto factor = 0.f;
            for (auto i = 0u; i < MAX_PYR_LEVELS - 2; i++)
                const auto n1 =
                    fabsf(la.get_value(x, y, i) - la.get_value(x, y, i + 1));
                const auto n2 =
                    fabsf(lb.get_value(x, y, i) - lb.get_value(x, y, i + 1));
                const auto numerator = std::max(n1, n2);
                const auto d1 = fabsf(la.get_value(x, y, i + 2));
                const auto d2 = fabsf(lb.get_value(x, y, i + 2));
                const auto denominator = std::max(std::max(d1, d2), 1e-5f);
                const auto contrast = numerator / denominator;
                const auto f_mask = mask(contrast * csf(cpd[i], adapt));
                factor += contrast * f_freq[i] * f_mask;
                sum_contrast += contrast;
            sum_contrast = std::max(sum_contrast, 1e-5f);
            factor /= sum_contrast;
            factor = std::min(std::max(factor, 1.f), 10.f);
            const auto delta =
                fabsf(la.get_value(x, y, 0) - lb.get_value(x, y, 0));
            error_sum += delta;
            auto pass = true;

            // pure luminance test
            if (delta > factor * tvi(adapt))
                pass = false;

            if (not args.luminance_only_)
                // CIE delta E test with modifications
                auto color_scale = args.color_factor_;
                // ramp down the color test in scotopic regions
                if (adapt < 10.0f)
                    // Don't do color test at all.
                    color_scale = 0.0;
                const auto da = a_a[index] - b_a[index];
                const auto db = a_b[index] - b_b[index];
                const auto delta_e = (da * da + db * db) * color_scale;
                error_sum += delta_e;
                if (delta_e > factor)
                    pass = false;

            if (not pass)
                if (args.image_difference_)
                    args.image_difference_->set(255, 0, 0, 255, index);
                if (args.image_difference_)
                    args.image_difference_->set(0, 0, 0, 255, index);

    const auto error_sum_buff =
        std::to_string(error_sum) + " error sum\n";

    const auto different =
        std::to_string(pixels_failed) + " pixels are different\n";

    // Always output image difference if requested.
    if (args.image_difference_)

        args.error_string_ += "Wrote difference image to ";
        args.error_string_ += args.image_difference_->get_name();
        args.error_string_ += "\n";

    if (pixels_failed < args.threshold_pixels_)
        args.error_string_ = "Images are perceptually indistinguishable\n";
        args.error_string_ += different;
        return true;

    args.error_string_ = "Images are visibly different\n";
    args.error_string_ += different;
    if (args.sum_errors_)
        args.error_string_ += error_sum_buff;

    return false;
Beispiel #6
void evolution(axl_network *mysys, int steps, int seed)
	int i, j, step;
	int n = mysys->nagents;
	int *neighbors;
        axl_mass_media *mm;
        double b_total;
	double random;

	neighbors = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);


	for(step = 0; step < steps; step++)
	        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if(mysys->agent[i].degree != 0)
 				j = rand() % mysys->agent[i].degree;
		                neighbors[i] = mysys->agent[i].neighbors[j];
				neighbors[i] = -(mysys->nmm) - 1;

 		if(mysys->nmm > 1)
	                b_total = 0.00;

			for(i = 0; i < mysys->nmm; i++)
				b_total += mysys->mass_media[i].b;

	                if(b_total > 0.00)
				select_mass_media_to_interact(*mysys, neighbors, rand());
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				random = ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX;
				if(random < mysys->mass_media[0].b)
					neighbors[i] = -1;

			for(i = 0; i < mysys->mass_media[0].f; i++)
				mm = &(mysys->mass_media[0]);
				adaptation(mm, *mysys, i);

		synchronous_updating(mysys, neighbors, rand());

                if(mysys->noise > 0.00)
			noise(mysys, rand());


