/* * @brief Application Program Loop */ void application() { // Stop Watchdog Timer stopWatchdogTimer(); // Configure DCO Frequency 1 MHz configureDCOFrequency1MHz(); // Configure PushButtons Inputs pinDigitalInput(RTCSET); pinDigitalInput(RTCINC); pinDigitalInput(RTCDEC); // Configure PullUps pinDigitalEnabledPullUp(RTCSET); pinDigitalEnabledPullUp(RTCINC); pinDigitalEnabledPullUp(RTCDEC); // Configure High Low Interrupt pinDigitalSelectHighLowTransitionInterrupt(RTCSET); pinDigitalSelectHighLowTransitionInterrupt(RTCINC); pinDigitalSelectHighLowTransitionInterrupt(RTCDEC); // Configure Pin Interrupts pinDigitalEnableInterrupt(RTCSET); pinDigitalEnableInterrupt(RTCINC); pinDigitalEnableInterrupt(RTCDEC); // Init PAP Motor papMotorInit(); // Init ADC adcInit(); // Configure A5 Input adcAnalogInputEnable(5); // RTC Init rtcInit(); // Start RTC rtcStart(); // Initialize LCD Module lcdInit(); // Write Message Constant lcdWriteMessage(1,1,mensaje); lcdWriteMessage(3,1,mensajeADC); lcdWriteMessage(3,11,mensajeTemp); // Write Date and Time LCD Module lcdDataTimeFormat(2, 1, rtcGetHour(), rtcGetMinute(), rtcGetSecond()); lcdDataDateFormat(2, 11, rtcGetDay(), rtcGetMonth(), rtcGetYear()); // Enable Interrupts enableInterrupts(); // Entry Low Power Mode 0 entryLowPowerMode0(); }
void main(void) { rccInit(); statusLed = digitalInit(GPIO_STATUS_LED_PORT, GPIO_STATUS_LED_PIN); errorLed = digitalInit(GPIO_ERROR_LED_PORT, GPIO_ERROR_LED_PIN); #ifdef ESC_DEBUG tp = digitalInit(GPIO_TP_PORT, GPIO_TP_PIN); digitalLo(tp); #endif timerInit(); configInit(); adcInit(); fetInit(); serialInit(); canInit(); runInit(); cliInit(); owInit(); runDisarm(REASON_STARTUP); inputMode = ESC_INPUT_PWM; fetSetDutyCycle(0); fetBeep(200, 100); fetBeep(300, 100); fetBeep(400, 100); fetBeep(500, 100); fetBeep(400, 100); fetBeep(300, 100); fetBeep(200, 100); pwmInit(); digitalHi(statusLed); digitalHi(errorLed); // self calibrating idle timer loop { uint32_t lastRunCount; uint32_t thisCycles, lastCycles; volatile uint32_t cycles; volatile uint32_t *DWT_CYCCNT = (uint32_t *)0xE0001004; volatile uint32_t *DWT_CONTROL = (uint32_t *)0xE0001000; volatile uint32_t *SCB_DEMCR = (uint32_t *)0xE000EDFC; *SCB_DEMCR = *SCB_DEMCR | 0x01000000; *DWT_CONTROL = *DWT_CONTROL | 1; // enable the counter minCycles = 0xffff; while (1) { idleCounter++; if (runCount != lastRunCount && !(runCount % (RUN_FREQ / 1000))) { if (commandMode == CLI_MODE) cliCheck(); else binaryCheck(); lastRunCount = runCount; } thisCycles = *DWT_CYCCNT; cycles = thisCycles - lastCycles; lastCycles = thisCycles; // record shortest number of instructions for loop totalCycles += cycles; if (cycles < minCycles) minCycles = cycles; } } }
int main(void) { uint8_t i; drv_pwm_config_t pwm_params; drv_adc_config_t adc_params; #if 0 // PC12, PA15 // using this to write asm for bootloader :) RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC | RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO; // GPIOA/C+AFIO only AFIO->MAPR &= 0xF0FFFFFF; AFIO->MAPR = 0x02000000; GPIOA->CRH = 0x34444444; // PIN 15 Output 50MHz GPIOA->BRR = 0x8000; // set low 15 GPIOC->CRH = 0x44434444; // PIN 12 Output 50MHz GPIOC->BRR = 0x1000; // set low 12 #endif #if 0 // using this to write asm for bootloader :) RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB | RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO; // GPIOB + AFIO AFIO->MAPR &= 0xF0FFFFFF; AFIO->MAPR = 0x02000000; GPIOB->BRR = 0x18; // set low 4 & 3 GPIOB->CRL = 0x44433444; // PIN 4 & 3 Output 50MHz #endif systemInit(); init_printf(NULL, _putc); checkFirstTime(false); readEEPROM(); // configure power ADC if (mcfg.power_adc_channel > 0 && (mcfg.power_adc_channel == 1 || mcfg.power_adc_channel == 9)) adc_params.powerAdcChannel = mcfg.power_adc_channel; else { adc_params.powerAdcChannel = 0; mcfg.power_adc_channel = 0; } adcInit(&adc_params); // We have these sensors; SENSORS_SET defined in board.h depending on hardware platform sensorsSet(SENSORS_SET); mixerInit(); // this will set useServo var depending on mixer type // when using airplane/wing mixer, servo/motor outputs are remapped if (mcfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_AIRPLANE || mcfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_FLYING_WING) pwm_params.airplane = true; else pwm_params.airplane = false; pwm_params.useUART = feature(FEATURE_GPS) || feature(FEATURE_SPEKTRUM); // spektrum support uses UART too pwm_params.usePPM = feature(FEATURE_PPM); pwm_params.enableInput = !feature(FEATURE_SPEKTRUM); // disable inputs if using spektrum pwm_params.useServos = useServo; pwm_params.extraServos = cfg.gimbal_flags & GIMBAL_FORWARDAUX; pwm_params.motorPwmRate = mcfg.motor_pwm_rate; pwm_params.servoPwmRate = mcfg.servo_pwm_rate; switch (mcfg.power_adc_channel) { case 1: pwm_params.adcChannel = PWM2; break; case 9: pwm_params.adcChannel = PWM8; break; default: pwm_params.adcChannel = 0; break; } pwmInit(&pwm_params); // configure PWM/CPPM read function. spektrum below will override that rcReadRawFunc = pwmReadRawRC; if (feature(FEATURE_SPEKTRUM)) { spektrumInit(); rcReadRawFunc = spektrumReadRawRC; if (feature(FEATURE_GPS)) gpsInit(mcfg.gps_baudrate); } #ifdef SONAR // sonar stuff only works with PPM if (feature(FEATURE_PPM)) { if (feature(FEATURE_SONAR)) Sonar_init(); } #endif LED1_ON; LED0_OFF; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { LED1_TOGGLE; LED0_TOGGLE; delay(25); BEEP_ON; delay(25); BEEP_OFF; } LED0_OFF; LED1_OFF; // drop out any sensors that don't seem to work, init all the others. halt if gyro is dead. sensorsAutodetect(); imuInit(); // Mag is initialized inside imuInit // Check battery type/voltage if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) batteryInit(); serialInit(mcfg.serial_baudrate); previousTime = micros(); if (mcfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_GIMBAL) calibratingA = 400; calibratingG = 1000; calibratingB = 200; // 10 seconds init_delay + 200 * 25 ms = 15 seconds before ground pressure settles f.SMALL_ANGLES_25 = 1; // loopy while (1) { loop(); } }
//-- main // int main(void) { uint8_t i; drv_pwm_config_t pwm_params; drv_adc_config_t adc_params; serialPort_t* loopbackPort = NULL; //-- 하드웨어 초기화 // systemInit(); #ifdef USE_LAME_PRINTF init_printf(NULL, _putc); #endif checkFirstTime(false); readEEPROM(); // configure power ADC if (mcfg.power_adc_channel > 0 && (mcfg.power_adc_channel == 1 || mcfg.power_adc_channel == 9)) adc_params.powerAdcChannel = mcfg.power_adc_channel; else { adc_params.powerAdcChannel = 0; mcfg.power_adc_channel = 0; } adcInit(&adc_params); initBoardAlignment(); // We have these sensors; SENSORS_SET defined in board.h depending on hardware platform sensorsSet(SENSORS_SET); mixerInit(); // this will set core.useServo var depending on mixer type // when using airplane/wing mixer, servo/motor outputs are remapped if (mcfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_AIRPLANE || mcfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_FLYING_WING) pwm_params.airplane = true; else pwm_params.airplane = false; //pwm_params.useUART = feature(FEATURE_GPS) || feature(FEATURE_SERIALRX); // spektrum/sbus support uses UART too pwm_params.useUART = 0; pwm_params.useSoftSerial = feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL); pwm_params.usePPM = feature(FEATURE_PPM); pwm_params.enableInput = !feature(FEATURE_SERIALRX); // disable inputs if using spektrum pwm_params.useServos = core.useServo; pwm_params.extraServos = cfg.gimbal_flags & GIMBAL_FORWARDAUX; pwm_params.motorPwmRate = mcfg.motor_pwm_rate; pwm_params.servoPwmRate = mcfg.servo_pwm_rate; pwm_params.idlePulse = PULSE_1MS; // standard PWM for brushless ESC (default, overridden below) if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) pwm_params.idlePulse = mcfg.neutral3d; if (pwm_params.motorPwmRate > 500) pwm_params.idlePulse = 0; // brushed motors pwm_params.servoCenterPulse = mcfg.midrc; pwm_params.failsafeThreshold = cfg.failsafe_detect_threshold; switch (mcfg.power_adc_channel) { case 1: pwm_params.adcChannel = PWM2; break; case 9: pwm_params.adcChannel = PWM8; break; default: pwm_params.adcChannel = 0; break; } pwmInit(&pwm_params); // configure PWM/CPPM read function and max number of channels. spektrum or sbus below will override both of these, if enabled for (i = 0; i < RC_CHANS; i++) rcData[i] = 1502; rcReadRawFunc = pwmReadRawRC; core.numRCChannels = MAX_INPUTS; if (feature(FEATURE_SERIALRX)) { switch (mcfg.serialrx_type) { case SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM1024: case SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048: spektrumInit(&rcReadRawFunc); break; case SERIALRX_SBUS: sbusInit(&rcReadRawFunc); break; case SERIALRX_SUMD: sumdInit(&rcReadRawFunc); break; #if defined(SKYROVER) case SERIALRX_HEXAIRBOT: hexairbotInit(&rcReadRawFunc); break; #endif } } else { // spektrum and GPS are mutually exclusive // Optional GPS - available in both PPM and PWM input mode, in PWM input, reduces number of available channels by 2. // gpsInit will return if FEATURE_GPS is not enabled. // Sanity check below - protocols other than NMEA do not support baud rate autodetection if (mcfg.gps_type > 0 && mcfg.gps_baudrate < 0) mcfg.gps_baudrate = 0; gpsInit(mcfg.gps_baudrate); } #ifdef SONAR // sonar stuff only works with PPM if (feature(FEATURE_PPM)) { if (feature(FEATURE_SONAR)) Sonar_init(); } #endif LED1_ON; LED0_OFF; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { LED1_TOGGLE; LED0_TOGGLE; delay(25); BEEP_ON; delay(25); BEEP_OFF; } LED0_OFF; LED1_OFF; serialInit(mcfg.serial_baudrate); #if _DEF_MW_PORT == PORT_UART1 core.menuport = uartOpen(USART1, NULL, mcfg.serial_baudrate, MODE_RXTX); core.debugport = core.menuport; #else core.menuport = uartOpen(USART1, NULL, mcfg.serial_baudrate, MODE_RXTX); core.debugport = core.menuport; #endif DEBUG_PRINT("Booting.. V140926R1\r\n"); // drop out any sensors that don't seem to work, init all the others. halt if gyro is dead. sensorsAutodetect(); imuInit(); // Mag is initialized inside imuInit // Check battery type/voltage if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) batteryInit(); if (feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL)) { setupSoftSerial1(mcfg.softserial_baudrate, mcfg.softserial_inverted); #ifdef SOFTSERIAL_LOOPBACK loopbackPort = (serialPort_t*)&(softSerialPorts[0]); serialPrint(loopbackPort, "LOOPBACK ENABLED\r\n"); #endif } if (feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) initTelemetry(); previousTime = micros(); if (mcfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_GIMBAL) calibratingA = CALIBRATING_ACC_CYCLES; calibratingG = CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES; calibratingB = CALIBRATING_BARO_CYCLES; // 10 seconds init_delay + 200 * 25 ms = 15 seconds before ground pressure settles f.SMALL_ANGLES_25 = 1; //-- 센서초기화 루틴때문에 USB 통신안되는것 때문에 마지막으로 순서 변경 // Hw_VCom_Init(); DEBUG_PRINT("Start\r\n"); //-- thread 시작 // thread_main(); while(1) { } }
int_t main(void) { error_t error; NetInterface *interface; OsTask *task; MacAddr macAddr; #if (APP_USE_DHCP == DISABLED) Ipv4Addr ipv4Addr; #endif #if (APP_USE_SLAAC == DISABLED) Ipv6Addr ipv6Addr; #endif //Initialize kernel osInitKernel(); //Configure debug UART debugInit(115200); //Start-up message TRACE_INFO("\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("**********************************\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("*** CycloneTCP Web Server Demo ***\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("**********************************\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("Copyright: 2010-2015 Oryx Embedded SARL\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("Compiled: %s %s\r\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); TRACE_INFO("Target: SAM3X\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("\r\n"); //Configure I/Os ioInit(); //ADC initialization adcInit(); //Initialize LCD display GLCD_Init(); GLCD_SetBackColor(Blue); GLCD_SetTextColor(White); GLCD_Clear(Blue); //Welcome message lcdSetCursor(0, 0); printf("Web Server Demo\r\n"); //Generate a random seed //PRNG initialization error = yarrowInit(&yarrowContext); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize PRNG!\r\n"); } //Properly seed the PRNG error = yarrowSeed(&yarrowContext, seed, sizeof(seed)); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to seed PRNG!\r\n"); } //TCP/IP stack initialization error = netInit(); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize TCP/IP stack!\r\n"); } //Configure the first Ethernet interface interface = &netInterface[0]; //Set interface name netSetInterfaceName(interface, "eth0"); //Set host name netSetHostname(interface, "WebServerDemo"); //Select the relevant network adapter netSetDriver(interface, &sam3xEthDriver); netSetPhyDriver(interface, &dm9161PhyDriver); //Set external interrupt line driver netSetExtIntDriver(interface, &extIntDriver); //Set host MAC address macStringToAddr(APP_MAC_ADDR, &macAddr); netSetMacAddr(interface, &macAddr); //Initialize network interface error = netConfigInterface(interface); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to configure interface %s!\r\n", interface->name); } #if (IPV4_SUPPORT == ENABLED) #if (APP_USE_DHCP == ENABLED) //Get default settings dhcpClientGetDefaultSettings(&dhcpClientSettings); //Set the network interface to be configured by DHCP dhcpClientSettings.interface = interface; //Disable rapid commit option dhcpClientSettings.rapidCommit = FALSE; //DHCP client initialization error = dhcpClientInit(&dhcpClientContext, &dhcpClientSettings); //Failed to initialize DHCP client? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize DHCP client!\r\n"); } //Start DHCP client error = dhcpClientStart(&dhcpClientContext); //Failed to start DHCP client? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start DHCP client!\r\n"); } #else //Set IPv4 host address ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_HOST_ADDR, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetHostAddr(interface, ipv4Addr); //Set subnet mask ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_SUBNET_MASK, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetSubnetMask(interface, ipv4Addr); //Set default gateway ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetDefaultGateway(interface, ipv4Addr); //Set primary and secondary DNS servers ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_PRIMARY_DNS, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetDnsServer(interface, 0, ipv4Addr); ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_SECONDARY_DNS, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetDnsServer(interface, 1, ipv4Addr); #endif #endif #if (IPV6_SUPPORT == ENABLED) #if (APP_USE_SLAAC == ENABLED) //Get default settings slaacGetDefaultSettings(&slaacSettings); //Set the network interface to be configured slaacSettings.interface = interface; //SLAAC initialization error = slaacInit(&slaacContext, &slaacSettings); //Failed to initialize SLAAC? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize SLAAC!\r\n"); } //Start IPv6 address autoconfiguration process error = slaacStart(&slaacContext); //Failed to start SLAAC process? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start SLAAC!\r\n"); } #else //Set link-local address ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ADDR, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetLinkLocalAddr(interface, &ipv6Addr); //Set IPv6 prefix ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_PREFIX, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetPrefix(interface, &ipv6Addr, APP_IPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH); //Set global address ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_GLOBAL_ADDR, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetGlobalAddr(interface, &ipv6Addr); //Set router ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_ROUTER, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetRouter(interface, &ipv6Addr); //Set primary and secondary DNS servers ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_PRIMARY_DNS, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetDnsServer(interface, 0, &ipv6Addr); ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_SECONDARY_DNS, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetDnsServer(interface, 1, &ipv6Addr); #endif #endif //Get default settings httpServerGetDefaultSettings(&httpServerSettings); //Bind HTTP server to the desired interface httpServerSettings.interface = &netInterface[0]; //Listen to port 80 httpServerSettings.port = HTTP_PORT; //Client connections httpServerSettings.maxConnections = APP_HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS; httpServerSettings.connections = httpConnections; //Specify the server's root directory strcpy(httpServerSettings.rootDirectory, "/www/"); //Set default home page strcpy(httpServerSettings.defaultDocument, "index.shtm"); //Callback functions httpServerSettings.authCallback = httpServerAuthCallback; httpServerSettings.cgiCallback = httpServerCgiCallback; httpServerSettings.uriNotFoundCallback = httpServerUriNotFoundCallback; //HTTP server initialization error = httpServerInit(&httpServerContext, &httpServerSettings); //Failed to initialize HTTP server? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize HTTP server!\r\n"); } //Start HTTP server error = httpServerStart(&httpServerContext); //Failed to start HTTP server? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start HTTP server!\r\n"); } //Create user task task = osCreateTask("User Task", userTask, NULL, 500, 1); //Failed to create the task? if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create task!\r\n"); } //Create a task to blink the LED task = osCreateTask("Blink", blinkTask, NULL, 500, 1); //Failed to create the task? if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create task!\r\n"); } //Start the execution of tasks osStartKernel(); //This function should never return return 0; }
/** * @brief HAL initialization. * @details This function invokes the low level initialization code then * initializes all the drivers enabled in the HAL. Finally the * board-specific initialization is performed by invoking * @p boardInit() (usually defined in @p board.c). * * @init */ void halInit(void) { hal_lld_init(); #if HAL_USE_TM || defined(__DOXYGEN__) tmInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_PAL || defined(__DOXYGEN__) palInit(&pal_default_config); #endif #if HAL_USE_ADC || defined(__DOXYGEN__) adcInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_CAN || defined(__DOXYGEN__) canInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_EXT || defined(__DOXYGEN__) extInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_GPT || defined(__DOXYGEN__) gptInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_I2C || defined(__DOXYGEN__) i2cInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_ICU || defined(__DOXYGEN__) icuInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_MAC || defined(__DOXYGEN__) macInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_PWM || defined(__DOXYGEN__) pwmInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_SERIAL || defined(__DOXYGEN__) sdInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_SDC || defined(__DOXYGEN__) sdcInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_SPI || defined(__DOXYGEN__) spiInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_UART || defined(__DOXYGEN__) uartInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_USB || defined(__DOXYGEN__) usbInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_MMC_SPI || defined(__DOXYGEN__) mmcInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_SERIAL_USB || defined(__DOXYGEN__) sduInit(); #endif #if HAL_USE_RTC || defined(__DOXYGEN__) rtcInit(); #endif /* Board specific initialization.*/ boardInit(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- // System initialization //---------------------------------------------------------- static inline void initSystem(void) { bool success; (void)success; // disable interrupts: disabled on msp430 by default, but other systems might need this DISABLE_INTS(); // stop the watchdog: GCC disables it by default, but other compilers might not be so helpful watchdogStop(); // TODO: init dynamic memory // platformMemInit(); // basic, platform-specific initialization: timers, platform-specific drivers (?) initPlatform(); // start energy accounting (as soon as timers are initialized) energyConsumerOn(ENERGY_CONSUMER_MCU); #ifdef USE_PRINT // init printing to serial (makes sense only after clock has been calibrated) if (printInit != NULL) printInit(); #endif INIT_PRINTF("starting MansOS...\n"); #ifdef USE_LEDS INIT_PRINTF("init LED(s)...\n"); ledsInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_BEEPER beeperInit(); #endif #ifdef RAMTEXT_START if ((MemoryAddress_t)&_end > RAMTEXT_START) { // Panic right aways on RAM overflow. // In case this happens, you might want to increase the address // specified by CONST_RAMTEXT_START in config file assertionFailed("Overflow between .data and .ramtext sections", __FILE__, __LINE__); } #endif #ifdef USE_ADC if (adcInit != NULL) { INIT_PRINTF("init ADC...\n"); adcInit(); } #endif #ifdef USE_RANDOM INIT_PRINTF("init RNG...\n"); randomInit(); #endif #if USE_ALARMS INIT_PRINTF("init alarms...\n"); initAlarms(); #endif #ifdef USE_RADIO INIT_PRINTF("init radio...\n"); radioInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_ADDRESSING INIT_PRINTF("init communication stack...\n"); networkingInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_EXT_FLASH INIT_PRINTF("init external flash...\n"); extFlashInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_SDCARD INIT_PRINTF("init SD card...\n"); sdcardInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_EEPROM INIT_PRINTF("init EEPROM...\n"); eepromInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_ISL29003 INIT_PRINTF("init ISL light sensor...\n"); success = islInit(); if (!success) { INIT_PRINTF("ISL init failed!\n"); } #endif #ifdef USE_ADS1115 INIT_PRINTF("init ADS111x ADC converter chip...\n"); adsInit(); #endif #if USE_ADS8638 INIT_PRINTF("init ADS8638 ADC converter chip...\n"); ads8638Init(); #endif #if USE_ADS8328 INIT_PRINTF("init ADS8328 ADC converter chip...\n"); ads8328Init(); #endif #if USE_AD5258 INIT_PRINTF("init AD5258 digital potentiometer...\n"); ad5258Init(); #endif #if USE_DAC7718 INIT_PRINTF("init DAC7718 DAC converter chip...\n"); dac7718Init(); #endif #if USE_ISL1219 INIT_PRINTF("init ISL1219 real-time clock chip...\n"); isl1219Init(); #endif #ifdef USE_HUMIDITY INIT_PRINTF("init humidity sensor...\n"); humidityInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_ACCEL INIT_PRINTF("init accelerometer...\n"); accelInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_TIMESYNC INIT_PRINTF("init base station time sync...\n"); timesyncInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_SMP INIT_PRINTF("init SSMP...\n"); smpInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_REPROGRAMMING INIT_PRINTF("init reprogramming...\n"); bootParamsInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_DCO_RECALIBRATION extern void dcoRecalibrationInit(void); INIT_PRINTF("init DCO recalibration...\n"); dcoRecalibrationInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_FS INIT_PRINTF("init file system...\n"); fsInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_FATFS INIT_PRINTF("init FAT file system...\n"); fatFsInit(); INIT_PRINTF("init POSIX-like file routines...\n"); posixStdioInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_WMP INIT_PRINTF("init WMP...\n"); wmpInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_SEAL_NET INIT_PRINTF("init SEAL networking...\n"); sealNetInit(); #endif INIT_PRINTF("starting the application...\n"); }
int main() { // PORTB output for LCD DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0xff; #ifdef BOARD2 // PORTC PC0-4 output, PC5 input DDRC = 0x1f; PORTC = 0x00; sbi(PORTC, MUTE); #endif #ifdef BOARD1 // PORTC PC0,2-5 output, PC1 input DDRC = 0x3d; PORTC = 0x00; sbi(PORTC, MUTE); #endif // PORTD is input with pullup DDRD = 0x00; PORTD = 0xff; lcdInit(); adcInit(); readGlobalSettings(); toneCount = 5*F_CPU/tone; initInterrupts(); initPLL(); sprintf(str, "PE1JPD 23cm v%s", version); lcdCursor(0,0); lcdStr(str); _delay_ms(500); for (;;) { switch(mode) { case VFO: mode = Vfo(); writeGlobalSettings(); break; case MEMORY: mode = Memory(); writeGlobalSettings(); break; case SPECTRUM: mode = Spectrum(); break; case MENU: mode = Menu(mode); break; case MEMORY_MENU: mode = MemoryMenu(mode); break; default: mode = VFO; break; } } }
int main() { initialize(); UBRR0H = UBRRH_VALUE; UBRR0L = UBRRL_VALUE; UCSR0B = (1 << RXCIE0) | (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0); UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UCSZ01); // enable interrupts for the timer sei(); /* Timer aufsetzen: nach 1 ms soll der Interrupt ausgelöst werden. */ /* 8 bit counter (TIMER0) */ /* normal mode */ TCCR0A = 0; /* CLK/64 */ TCCR0B = (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS00); /* timer ticks: 250 */ TCNT0 = 5; TIMSK0 = (1 << TOIE0); TIFR0 = (1 << TOV0); adcInit(); int16_t ii = 0; int16_t jj = 0; wdt_enable(WDTO_2S); /* for(;;i++) { uart_bin(PINB); uart_puts(" "); uart_bin(PIND); uart_puts(" "); uart_hex16(i); uart_puts("\r\n"); _delay_ms(1000); wdt_reset(); } */ uart_puts("Starting up\r\n"); for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) { positions[ii] = 0; } // Count the number of cycles the autofocus is stuck in mid-state uint8_t mid_state_counter = 0; // Count the number of successive movements in the same direction before increasing speed uint16_t movement_counter = 0; uint16_t current_delay = INITIAL_DELAY; enum movement{NONE, UP, DOWN, TILT_DOWN, TILT_UP, LEVEL, EMERGENCY} last_movement, movement; last_movement = NONE; movement = NONE; // Reset autofocus position /* while(1) { adc_start_conversion(7); const uint16_t autofocus_result = adc_wait(); uart_hex16(autofocus_result); wdt_reset(); uart_puts("\r\n"); } // */ uint8_t autofocus_hit_counter = 0; movement_counter = 0; current_delay = INITIAL_DELAY; initialize(); adcInit(); adc_start_conversion(); uint16_t autofocus_result = adc_wait(); uint16_t no_movement_counter = 0; autofocusPosition = 2*HEIGHT_LIMIT; for(ii = 0; ; ii++){ wdt_reset(); //* if (current_delay > 1) { for (jj = 0; jj < current_delay; jj++) { _delay_us(1); } } // */ #ifdef DEBUG uart_hex16(current_delay); uart_puts("\r\n"); #endif // True if autofocus endstop not yet hit. const bool autofocus_switch_clear = (autofocus_result <= OPEN_VALUE + INTERVAL_SIZE && autofocus_result >= OPEN_VALUE - INTERVAL_SIZE); bool autofocus_clear = true; if (!autofocus_switch_clear) { if (autofocus_hit_counter > 10) { autofocus_clear = false; if ((ii % 1024) == 0) { uart_puts("Autofocus hit at: "); printPositions(); autofocusPosition = positions[0]; uart_puts("\r\n"); } if (autofocus_result < SHORT_CIRCUIT_VALUE) { uart_puts("Autofocus has short circuit, value is: "); uart_hex16(autofocus_result); uart_puts("\r\n"); } else if (autofocus_result > CABLE_BROKEN_VALUE) { uart_puts("Autofocus cable is broken, value is: "); uart_hex16(autofocus_result); uart_puts("\r\n"); } else if(autofocus_result > OPEN_VALUE + INTERVAL_SIZE && autofocus_result < CLOSED_VALUE - INTERVAL_SIZE) { if (mid_state_counter > 10) { uart_puts("Autofocus stuck in mid-state, value is: 0x"); uart_hex16(autofocus_result); uart_puts("\r\n"); } else { mid_state_counter++; } } } // Increment autofocus_hit_counter in order to detect series of hit autofocus. if (autofocus_hit_counter < 20) { autofocus_hit_counter++; } } else { mid_state_counter = 0; autofocus_hit_counter = 0; } movement = NONE; if (!buttonEmergency()) { if (buttonDown()) { if (!anyStopReached()) { stepAllDown(); movement = DOWN; } _delay_us(2.08); } else if (buttonUp()) { if (!anyHeightLimitReached() && autofocus_clear) { stepAllUp(); movement = UP; } } else if (buttonTiltFrontUp()) { if (!anyStopReached() && !anyHeightLimitReached() && (positions[3]-positions[1] < TILT_LIMIT) && autofocus_clear) { stepUp3(); stepDown1(); movement = TILT_UP; } _delay_us(0.96); } else if (buttonTiltFrontDown()) { if (!anyStopReached() && !anyHeightLimitReached() && (positions[1]-positions[3] < TILT_LIMIT) && autofocus_clear) { stepDown3(); stepUp1(); movement = TILT_DOWN; } _delay_us(1.52); } else if (buttonLevel()) { if (!anyStopReached() && autofocus_clear) { if (positions[1] > positions[3]+1) { stepDown1(); stepUp3(); movement = LEVEL; _delay_us(0.72); } else if (positions[1]+1 < positions[3]) { stepDown3(); stepUp1(); movement = LEVEL; } } _delay_us(2.22); } else if (buttonFocus()) { if ((positions[0] > (autofocusPosition - FOCUS_DISTANCE)) && !anyStopReached()) { stepAllDown(); movement = DOWN; } else if ((positions[0] < (int32_t)(autofocusPosition - FOCUS_DISTANCE)) && autofocus_clear) { stepAllUp(); movement = UP; } // Needed to fulfill the 2us hold constraint of the step pin } } if (movement == last_movement && movement != NONE) { if (movement_counter > 500) { current_delay--; if (current_delay < MIN_DELAY) { current_delay = MIN_DELAY; } movement_counter = 0; } movement_counter += current_delay; } else { current_delay = INITIAL_DELAY; movement_counter = 0; } // Do all the emergency stuff if (buttonEmergency()) { _delay_us(17); movement = EMERGENCY; if (buttonEmergency() && buttonFocus()) { gotoEndstops(); } if (buttonUp()) { if (buttonTiltFrontDown()) { stepUp1(); } if (buttonLevel()) { stepUp2(); } if (buttonTiltFrontUp()) { stepUp3(); } } if (buttonDown()) { if (buttonTiltFrontDown()) { stepDown1(); } if (buttonLevel()) { stepDown2(); } if (buttonTiltFrontUp()) { stepDown3(); } } if (buttonLevel()) { int32_t maxPosition = max(positions[1], max(positions[2], positions[3])); if (positions[1] < maxPosition) { stepUp1(); } if (positions[2] < maxPosition) { stepUp2(); } if (positions[3] < maxPosition) { stepUp3(); } } // In case of emergency, introduce a safe delay for the step hold time _delay_us(2); } last_movement = movement; if (movement == NONE) { no_movement_counter++; if (no_movement_counter > 2e3) { sleep(); no_movement_counter = 0; printPositions(); uart_puts("\r\n"); } } else { no_movement_counter = 0; if (sleeping) { wakeup(); _delay_ms(100); } } if(!(ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC))) { // auf Abschluss der Konvertierung warten autofocus_result = ADCW; adc_start_conversion(); } _delay_us(1.08); unsetStep1; unsetStep2; unsetStep3; } }
int main(void) { //***********************************DEBUG********************************************/ #if 0 nmeaPOS p1,p2; nmeaINFO info; info.lat = 5547.1206; info.lon = 4906.2111; nmea_info2pos(&info, &p1); info.lat = 5547.1221; info.lon = 4906.208; nmea_info2pos(&info, &p2); m += 23; u32 t = nmea_distance(&p1, &p2); if(m) #endif //***********************************END OF DEBUG********************************************/ NVIC_Configuration(); //for all peripheria if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)) //1ms { /* Capture error */ while (1); } Delay(500); USBIniPin(); signUSBMass = USBDetectPin(); signUSBMass = 0; //deb #if not defined (VER_3) USBCommonIni(); #endif if(signUSBMass) { #if defined (VER_3) USBCommonIni(); #endif while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED); } else //if(!signUSBMass) { /* Flash unlock */ FLASH_Unlock(); /* Clear All pending flags */ FLASH_ClearFlag(FLASH_FLAG_BSY | FLASH_FLAG_EOP | FLASH_FLAG_PGERR | FLASH_FLAG_WRPRTERR); //***********************************DEBUG********************************************/ //***********************************END OF DEBUG********************************************/ /* Enable CRC clock */ RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_CRC, ENABLE); ledDioGPIOInit(); led_dn(BOARD_LED_ON); led_mid(BOARD_LED_ON); #if defined (VER_3) led_up(BOARD_LED_ON); ibuttonInit(); rfmodemInit(); #endif Delay(1000); alarmInit(); BKPInit(); //timer6Init(); //rs485Init(); #if not defined (VER_3) ais326dq_init(); #endif //ais326dq_data(&ais326dq_out); /*ADC*/ adcInit(); /*GPS*/ gpsInit(); /* reading settings */ readConfig(); /*MODEM*/ gprsModemInit(); gprsModemOn(innerState.activeSIMCard); //***********************************DEBUG********************************************/ //GSMSpeaker(1); //***********************************END OF DEBUG********************************************/ #ifndef BRIDGE_USB_GSM setupGSM(); ftpGSMPrepare(); packetsIni(); #endif led_dn(BOARD_LED_OFF); led_mid(BOARD_LED_OFF); #if defined (VER_3) led_up(BOARD_LED_OFF); #endif rtc_init(); rtc_gettime(&rtc); #if 1 /* WATCH DOG */ /* IWDG timeout equal to 3.27 sec (the timeout may varies due to LSI frequency dispersion) */ /* Enable write access to IWDG_PR and IWDG_RLR registers */ IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Enable); /* IWDG counter clock: 40KHz(LSI) / 32 = 1.25 KHz */ IWDG_SetPrescaler(IWDG_Prescaler_64); //32 /* Set counter reload value to 0xFFF */ IWDG_SetReload(0xFFF); /* Reload IWDG counter */ IWDG_ReloadCounter(); /* Enable IWDG (the LSI oscillator will be enabled by hardware) */ IWDG_Enable(); setTimerIWDG(ONE_SEC); #endif initSD(); #if defined (VER_3) //DACInit(); #endif /* Log */ saveSDInfo((u8 *)"TURN ON BLOCK ",strlen((u8 *)"TURN ON BLOCK "), SD_SENDED, SD_TYPE_MSG_LOG ); //saveSDInfo((u8 *)readRTCTime(&rtc),strlen((const char *)readRTCTime(&rtc)), SD_SENDED, SD_TYPE_MSG_LOG ); #if defined (VER_3) //DACSpeaker(1); //wp_play("0:/sound.wav"); //DACSpeaker(0); #endif } //if(!signUSBMass) while (1) { if(!signUSBMass) { monitorWatchDog(); #ifndef BRIDGE_USB_GPS if(!innerState.bootFTPStarted) gpsHandling(); #endif #ifndef BRIDGE_USB_GSM if(!innerState.flagTmpDebug) loopGSM(); loopFTP(); UpdatingFlash(); if(!innerState.bootFTPStarted) naviPacketHandle(); rcvPacketHandle(); rcvPacketHandleUSB(); #endif #if !defined (VER_3) buttonScan(); accelScan(); #endif //rs485Analyse(); handleFOS(); executeDelayedCmd(); #if defined (VER_3) #if 0 if(innerState.flagDebug) { DACSpeaker(1); /* Start DAC Channel1 conversion by software */ //a += 300; //DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_R, 4000); //DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_L, a); //for saw //DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_8b_R, a); //DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_R, 4095); //DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_R, 0); //for (a = 0; a<4095; ++a) //for(;;) // DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_R, 0); //DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_R, 0); //for ( ; ; ) //{ // DAC_SoftwareTriggerCmd(DAC_Channel_1, ENABLE); //} DAC_SoftwareTriggerCmd(DAC_Channel_1, ENABLE); //debugga } else { DACSpeaker(0); } #endif #endif } else handleUSBPresent(); } //while(1) }