Beispiel #1
bool Currency::constructMinerTx(uint32_t height, size_t medianSize, uint64_t alreadyGeneratedCoins, size_t currentBlockSize,
  uint64_t fee, const AccountPublicAddress& minerAddress, Transaction& tx,
  const BinaryArray& extraNonce/* = BinaryArray()*/, size_t maxOuts/* = 1*/) const {

  KeyPair txkey = generateKeyPair();
  addTransactionPublicKeyToExtra(tx.extra, txkey.publicKey);
  if (!extraNonce.empty()) {
    if (!addExtraNonceToTransactionExtra(tx.extra, extraNonce)) {
      return false;

  BaseInput in;
  in.blockIndex = height;

  uint64_t blockReward;
  int64_t emissionChange;
  if (!getBlockReward(medianSize, currentBlockSize, alreadyGeneratedCoins, fee, height, blockReward, emissionChange)) {
    logger(INFO) << "Block is too big";
    return false;

  std::vector<uint64_t> outAmounts;
  decompose_amount_into_digits(blockReward, m_defaultDustThreshold,
    [&outAmounts](uint64_t a_chunk) { outAmounts.push_back(a_chunk); },
    [&outAmounts](uint64_t a_dust) { outAmounts.push_back(a_dust); });

  if (!(1 <= maxOuts)) { logger(ERROR, BRIGHT_RED) << "max_out must be non-zero"; return false; }
  while (maxOuts < outAmounts.size()) {
    outAmounts[outAmounts.size() - 2] += outAmounts.back();
    outAmounts.resize(outAmounts.size() - 1);

  uint64_t summaryAmounts = 0;
  for (size_t no = 0; no < outAmounts.size(); no++) {
    Crypto::KeyDerivation derivation = boost::value_initialized<Crypto::KeyDerivation>();
    Crypto::PublicKey outEphemeralPubKey = boost::value_initialized<Crypto::PublicKey>();

    bool r = Crypto::generate_key_derivation(minerAddress.viewPublicKey, txkey.secretKey, derivation);

    if (!(r)) {
      logger(ERROR, BRIGHT_RED)
        << "while creating outs: failed to generate_key_derivation("
        << minerAddress.viewPublicKey << ", " << txkey.secretKey << ")";
      return false;

    r = Crypto::derive_public_key(derivation, no, minerAddress.spendPublicKey, outEphemeralPubKey);

    if (!(r)) {
      logger(ERROR, BRIGHT_RED)
        << "while creating outs: failed to derive_public_key("
        << derivation << ", " << no << ", "
        << minerAddress.spendPublicKey << ")";
      return false;

    KeyOutput tk;
    tk.key = outEphemeralPubKey;

    TransactionOutput out;
    summaryAmounts += out.amount = outAmounts[no]; = tk;

  if (!(summaryAmounts == blockReward)) {
    logger(ERROR, BRIGHT_RED) << "Failed to construct miner tx, summaryAmounts = " << summaryAmounts << " not equal blockReward = " << blockReward;
    return false;

  tx.version = TRANSACTION_VERSION_1;
  tx.unlockTime = height + m_minedMoneyUnlockWindow;
  return true;
 bool operator()(const TransactionExtraNonce& t) {
   return addExtraNonceToTransactionExtra(extra, t.nonce);