// loadMotions()
BOOL LLKeyframeMotionParam::loadMotions()
	// Load named file by concatenating the character prefix with the motion name.
	// Load data into a buffer to be parsed.
	std::string path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_MOTIONS,mCharacter->getAnimationPrefix())
		+ "_" + getName() + ".llp";

	// open the file
	S32 fileSize = 0;
	LLAPRFile infile ;
	infile.open(path, LL_APR_R, NULL, &fileSize);
	apr_file_t* fp = infile.getFileHandle() ;
	if (!fp || fileSize == 0)
		llinfos << "ERROR: can't open: " << path << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	// allocate a text buffer
	char *text = new char[ fileSize+1 ];
	if ( !text )
		llinfos << "ERROR: can't allocated keyframe text buffer." << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	// load data from file into buffer
	bool error = false;
	char *p = text;
	while ( 1 )
		if (apr_file_eof(fp) == APR_EOF)
		if (apr_file_gets(p, 1024, fp) != APR_SUCCESS)
			error = true;
		while ( *(++p) )

	// close the file

	// check for error
	llassert( p <= (text+fileSize) );

	if ( error )
		llinfos << "ERROR: error while reading from " << path << llendl;
		delete [] text;
		return FALSE;

	llinfos << "Loading parametric keyframe data for: " << getName() << llendl;

	// parse the text and build keyframe data structures
	p = text;
	S32 num;
	char strA[80]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */
	char strB[80]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */
	F32 floatA = 0.0f;

	// get priority
	BOOL isFirstMotion = TRUE;
	num = sscanf(p, "%79s %79s %f", strA, strB, &floatA);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

		if (num == 0 || num == EOF) break;
		if ((num != 3))
			llinfos << "WARNING: can't read parametric motion" << llendl;
			delete [] text;
			return FALSE;

		addKeyframeMotion(strA, gAnimLibrary.stringToAnimState(std::string(strA)), strB, floatA);
		if (isFirstMotion)
			isFirstMotion = FALSE;
		p = strstr(p, "\n");
		if (!p)
		num = sscanf(p, "%79s %79s %f", strA, strB, &floatA);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	delete [] text;
	return TRUE;
// loadMotions()
BOOL LLKeyframeMotionParam::loadMotions()
	// Load named file by concatenating the character prefix with the motion name.
	// Load data into a buffer to be parsed.
	//std::string path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_MOTIONS,mCharacter->getAnimationPrefix())
	//	+ "_" + getName() + ".llp";
	//RN: deprecated unused reference to "motion" directory
	std::string path;

	// open the file
	S32 fileSize = 0;
	LLAPRFile infile ;
	infile.open(path, LL_APR_R, NULL, &fileSize);

	// <FS:ND> Remove LLVolatileAPRPool/apr_file_t and use FILE* instead
	// apr_file_t* fp = infile.getFileHandle() ;
	LLAPRFile::tFiletype* fp = infile.getFileHandle() ;
	// </FS:ND>

	if (!fp || fileSize == 0)
		LL_INFOS() << "ERROR: can't open: " << path << LL_ENDL;
		return FALSE;

	// allocate a text buffer
	std::vector<char> text(fileSize+1);

	// load data from file into buffer
	bool error = false;
	char *p = &text[0];
	while ( 1 )
		if (apr_file_eof(fp) == APR_EOF)
		if (apr_file_gets(p, 1024, fp) != APR_SUCCESS)
			error = true;
		while ( *(++p) )

	// close the file

	// check for error
	llassert( p <= (&text[0] + fileSize) );

	if ( error )
		LL_INFOS() << "ERROR: error while reading from " << path << LL_ENDL;
		return FALSE;

	LL_INFOS() << "Loading parametric keyframe data for: " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

	// parse the text and build keyframe data structures
	p = &text[0];
	S32 num;
	char strA[80]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */
	char strB[80]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */
	F32 floatA = 0.0f;

	// get priority
	BOOL isFirstMotion = TRUE;
	num = sscanf(p, "%79s %79s %f", strA, strB, &floatA);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

		if (num == 0 || num == EOF) break;
		if ((num != 3))
			LL_INFOS() << "WARNING: can't read parametric motion" << LL_ENDL;
			return FALSE;

		addKeyframeMotion(strA, gAnimLibrary.stringToAnimState(std::string(strA)), strB, floatA);
		if (isFirstMotion)
			isFirstMotion = FALSE;
		p = strstr(p, "\n");
		if (!p)
		num = sscanf(p, "%79s %79s %f", strA, strB, &floatA);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	return TRUE;