  pthread_mutex_init(&outMutex, NULL);

  // TODO: Complete this function
  maleCount = 0;
  femaleCount = 0;
  sem_init(&male, 0, 1);
  sem_init(&female, 0, 1);
  pthread_mutex_init(&limitMaleMutex, NULL);
  pthread_mutex_init(&limitFemaleMutex, NULL);
  pthread_mutex_init(&maleCountMutex, NULL);
  pthread_mutex_init(&femaleCountMutex, NULL);

  // TODO:  Complete for scheduler
  addLock("limitMaleMutex", &limitMaleMutex);
  addLock("limitFemaleMutex", &limitFemaleMutex);
  addLock("maleCountMutex", &maleCountMutex);
  addLock("femaleCountMutex", &femaleCountMutex);
  addSemaphore("female", SEM_FEMALE_INITIAL, &female);
  addSemaphore("male", SEM_MALE_INITIAL, &male);
/// \brief Check a function's CFG for thread-safety violations.
/// We traverse the blocks in the CFG, compute the set of mutexes that are held
/// at the end of each block, and issue warnings for thread safety violations.
/// Each block in the CFG is traversed exactly once.
void runThreadSafetyAnalysis(AnalysisContext &AC,
                             ThreadSafetyHandler &Handler) {
  CFG *CFGraph = AC.getCFG();
  if (!CFGraph) return;
  const NamedDecl *D = dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(AC.getDecl());

  if (!D)
    return;  // Ignore anonymous functions for now.
  if (D->getAttr<NoThreadSafetyAnalysisAttr>())

  Lockset::Factory LocksetFactory;

  // FIXME: Swith to SmallVector? Otherwise improve performance impact?
  std::vector<Lockset> EntryLocksets(CFGraph->getNumBlockIDs(),
  std::vector<Lockset> ExitLocksets(CFGraph->getNumBlockIDs(),

  // We need to explore the CFG via a "topological" ordering.
  // That way, we will be guaranteed to have information about required
  // predecessor locksets when exploring a new block.
  TopologicallySortedCFG SortedGraph(CFGraph);
  CFGBlockSet VisitedBlocks(CFGraph);

  if (!SortedGraph.empty() && D->hasAttrs()) {
    const CFGBlock *FirstBlock = *SortedGraph.begin();
    Lockset &InitialLockset = EntryLocksets[FirstBlock->getBlockID()];
    const AttrVec &ArgAttrs = D->getAttrs();
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < ArgAttrs.size(); ++i) {
      Attr *Attr = ArgAttrs[i];
      SourceLocation AttrLoc = Attr->getLocation();
      if (SharedLocksRequiredAttr *SLRAttr
            = dyn_cast<SharedLocksRequiredAttr>(Attr)) {
        for (SharedLocksRequiredAttr::args_iterator
            SLRIter = SLRAttr->args_begin(),
            SLREnd = SLRAttr->args_end(); SLRIter != SLREnd; ++SLRIter)
          InitialLockset = addLock(Handler, LocksetFactory, InitialLockset,
                                   *SLRIter, D, LK_Shared,
      } else if (ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr *ELRAttr
                   = dyn_cast<ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr>(Attr)) {
        for (ExclusiveLocksRequiredAttr::args_iterator
            ELRIter = ELRAttr->args_begin(),
            ELREnd = ELRAttr->args_end(); ELRIter != ELREnd; ++ELRIter)
          InitialLockset = addLock(Handler, LocksetFactory, InitialLockset,
                                   *ELRIter, D, LK_Exclusive,

  for (TopologicallySortedCFG::iterator I = SortedGraph.begin(),
       E = SortedGraph.end(); I!= E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *CurrBlock = *I;
    int CurrBlockID = CurrBlock->getBlockID();


    // Use the default initial lockset in case there are no predecessors.
    Lockset &Entryset = EntryLocksets[CurrBlockID];
    Lockset &Exitset = ExitLocksets[CurrBlockID];

    // Iterate through the predecessor blocks and warn if the lockset for all
    // predecessors is not the same. We take the entry lockset of the current
    // block to be the intersection of all previous locksets.
    // FIXME: By keeping the intersection, we may output more errors in future
    // for a lock which is not in the intersection, but was in the union. We
    // may want to also keep the union in future. As an example, let's say
    // the intersection contains Mutex L, and the union contains L and M.
    // Later we unlock M. At this point, we would output an error because we
    // never locked M; although the real error is probably that we forgot to
    // lock M on all code paths. Conversely, let's say that later we lock M.
    // In this case, we should compare against the intersection instead of the
    // union because the real error is probably that we forgot to unlock M on
    // all code paths.
    bool LocksetInitialized = false;
    for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator PI = CurrBlock->pred_begin(),
         PE  = CurrBlock->pred_end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {

      // if *PI -> CurrBlock is a back edge
      if (*PI == 0 || !VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*PI))

      int PrevBlockID = (*PI)->getBlockID();
      if (!LocksetInitialized) {
        Entryset = ExitLocksets[PrevBlockID];
        LocksetInitialized = true;
      } else {
        Entryset = intersectAndWarn(Handler, Entryset,
                                    ExitLocksets[PrevBlockID], LocksetFactory,

    BuildLockset LocksetBuilder(Handler, Entryset, LocksetFactory);
    for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI = CurrBlock->begin(),
         BE = CurrBlock->end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
      if (const CFGStmt *CfgStmt = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&*BI))
    Exitset = LocksetBuilder.getLockset();

    // For every back edge from CurrBlock (the end of the loop) to another block
    // (FirstLoopBlock) we need to check that the Lockset of Block is equal to
    // the one held at the beginning of FirstLoopBlock. We can look up the
    // Lockset held at the beginning of FirstLoopBlock in the EntryLockSets map.
    for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = CurrBlock->succ_begin(),
         SE  = CurrBlock->succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {

      // if CurrBlock -> *SI is *not* a back edge
      if (*SI == 0 || !VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*SI))

      CFGBlock *FirstLoopBlock = *SI;
      Lockset PreLoop = EntryLocksets[FirstLoopBlock->getBlockID()];
      Lockset LoopEnd = ExitLocksets[CurrBlockID];
      intersectAndWarn(Handler, LoopEnd, PreLoop, LocksetFactory,

  Lockset InitialLockset = EntryLocksets[CFGraph->getEntry().getBlockID()];
  Lockset FinalLockset = ExitLocksets[CFGraph->getExit().getBlockID()];

  // FIXME: Should we call this function for all blocks which exit the function?
  intersectAndWarn(Handler, InitialLockset, FinalLockset, LocksetFactory,
Beispiel #3
OPToltpImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
{	int i, limit, slimit, updates=0;
	InstrPtr p, q, lcks;
	int actions = 0;
	InstrPtr *old;
	lng usec = GDKusec();
	OLTPlocks wlocks, rlocks;
	char buf[256];
	str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;

	(void) pci;
	(void) cntxt;
	(void) stk;		/* to fool compilers */

	old= mb->stmt;
	limit= mb->stop;
	slimit = mb->ssize;
	// We use a fake collection of objects to speed up the checking later.

	for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == bindRef)
			addLock(cntxt,rlocks, mb, p, p->retc + 1, p->retc + 2);
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == bindidxRef)
			addLock(cntxt,rlocks, mb, p, p->retc + 1, p->retc + 2);
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == appendRef ){
			addLock(cntxt,wlocks, mb, p, p->retc + 1, p->retc + 2);
		} else
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == updateRef ){
			addLock(cntxt,wlocks, mb, p, p->retc + 1, p->retc + 2);
		} else
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == deleteRef ){
			addLock(cntxt,wlocks, mb, p, p->retc + 1, p->retc + 2);
		} else
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlcatalogRef ){
			addLock(cntxt,wlocks, mb, p, 0,0);
	if( updates == 0)
		return 0;

	// Get a free instruction, don't get it from mb
	lcks= newInstruction(0, oltpRef,lockRef);
	getArg(lcks,0)= newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_void);

	for( i = 0; i< MAXOLTPLOCKS; i++)
	if( wlocks[i])
		lcks = pushInt(mb, lcks, i);
	if( rlocks[i])
		lcks = pushInt(mb, lcks, -i);

	if( lcks->argc == 1 ){
		return MAL_SUCCEED;

	// Now optimize the code
	if ( newMalBlkStmt(mb,mb->ssize + 6) < 0) {
		return 0;
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if( p->token == ENDsymbol){
			// unlock all if there is an error
			q= newCatchStmt(mb,"MALexception");
			q= newExitStmt(mb,"MALexception");
			q= newCatchStmt(mb,"SQLexception");
			q= newExitStmt(mb,"SQLexception");
			q= copyInstruction(lcks);
			if( q == NULL){
				for(; i<slimit; i++)
					if( old[i])
				throw(MAL,"optimizer.oltp", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
			setFunctionId(q, releaseRef);
	for(; i<slimit; i++)
		if( old[i])

    /* Defense line against incorrect plans */
	chkTypes(cntxt->usermodule, mb, FALSE);
    /* keep all actions taken as a post block comment */
	usec = GDKusec()- usec;
    snprintf(buf,256,"%-20s actions=%2d time=" LLFMT " usec","oltp",actions, usec);
	if( actions >= 0)
	return msg;