void ossimKeywordlist::add(const char* prefix,
                           const char* key,
                           ossim_int16 value,
                           bool overwrite)
   if ( key )
      std::string k(prefix ? (std::string(prefix)+std::string(key)) : key);
      std::string v = ossimString::toString(value).string();
      addPair(k, v, overwrite);
void ossimKeywordlist::add(const char* prefix,
                           const char* key,
                           char        value,
                           bool        overwrite)
   if ( key )
      std::string k(prefix ? (std::string(prefix)+std::string(key)) : key);
      std::string v(1, value);
      addPair(k, v, overwrite);
Beispiel #3
void ossimKeywordlist::add(const char* prefix,
                           const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                           bool overwrite)
   std::string p = prefix ? prefix : "";
   std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter = kwl.m_map.begin();
   while(iter != kwl.m_map.end())
      std::string k( p + (*iter).first );
      addPair( k, (*iter).second, overwrite );
Beispiel #4
TransformFourier::TransformFourier(MainWindow* mainWin) :
    Dialog(mainWin, "Fourier Transform")

    setNumber = new SetComboBox();
    connect(setNumber, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateDialog()));

    windowLabel = makeLabel("Data Window");
    loadLabel = makeLabel("Load Result As");
    loadXLabel = makeLabel("Let result X=");
    dataTypeLabel = makeLabel("Data type");
    operationLabel = makeLabel("Perform");

    windowType = new QComboBox();
    windowType->addItem(tr("None (Rectangular)"));

    loadType = new QComboBox();

    loadX = new QComboBox();

    dataType = new QComboBox();

    operation = new QComboBox();
    operation->addItem(tr("Forward FFT"));
    operation->addItem(tr("Reverse FFT"));
    operation->addItem(tr("Forward DFT"));
    operation->addItem(tr("Reverse DFT"));
    operation->addItem(tr("Window only"));

    QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout();
    addPair(layout, 0, makeLabel("Set"), setNumber);
    layout->setRowMinimumHeight(1, 8);
    addPair(layout, 2, operationLabel, operation);
    layout->setRowMinimumHeight(3, 2);
    addPair(layout, 4, windowLabel, windowType);
    layout->setRowMinimumHeight(5, 2);
    addPair(layout, 6, loadLabel, loadType);
    layout->setRowMinimumHeight(7, 2);
    addPair(layout, 8, loadXLabel, loadX);
    layout->setRowMinimumHeight(9, 2);
    addPair(layout, 10, dataTypeLabel, dataType);

Beispiel #5
    void ftSurfaceSetPoint::addFace(shared_ptr<ftFaceBase>& face)
    // Iterate to find parameter values
    Point pos2(xyz_.begin(), xyz_.end());
    Point close_pt;
    double par_u, par_v, dist;
    double eps = 1.0e-12;  // A small number

    face->closestPoint(pos2, par_u, par_v, close_pt, dist, eps);
    Vector2D param(par_u, par_v);
    addPair(face, param);
void ossimKeywordlist::addPrefixToAll(const ossimString& prefix)
   ossimKeywordlist tempKwl = *this;
   KeywordMap::const_iterator values = tempKwl.m_map.begin();
   while(values != tempKwl.m_map.end())
      std::string newKey = prefix.string() + (*values).first;
      addPair(newKey, (*values).second, true);
Symbol::Symbol(string id, const Location& location, const Map<string, string>& pairs, const StateMachine* machine_ptr)
  m_id = id; 
  m_location = location; 
  m_pairs = pairs;
  if (!existPair("short")) {
    addPair("short", m_id);
  m_used = false; 
  m_machine_ptr = machine_ptr;
  if (m_machine_ptr != NULL) {
    m_c_id = machine_ptr->toString() + "_" + id;  // Append with machine name
  } else {
    m_c_id = id;
void cExternalTrackers::onDataReady(QString data)
    QStringList list = data.split(';');
    QMap<QString,QString> pairs;
    for (int i = 0; i<list.size(); i++){
        QStringList pair = list[i].split('=');
        if (pair.size()==2){

    if (pairs["PREFIX"].compare(EXTERNAL_TRACKER_PREFIX)!=0){
        qWarning() << "unknown exterinal tracker with PREFIX=" << pairs["PREFIX"];

    if (pairs["VERSION"].compare(EXTERNAL_TRACKER_FORMAT_VERSION)!=0){
        qWarning() << "unknown exterinal tracker with VERSION=" << pairs["VERSION"];

    QString state = pairs["STATE"].trimmed();
    if (state.isEmpty()){
        qWarning() << "external tracker state is empty";

    bool correctNumber;
    int appCount=pairs["APP_COUNT"].toInt(&correctNumber);
    if (!correctNumber){
        qWarning() << "unknown exterinal tracker with APP_COUNT=" << pairs["VERSION"];

    for (int i = 0; i<appCount; i++){
         QString app = pairs["APP_"+QString().setNum(i+1)];
        if (app.isEmpty()){
            qWarning() << "app " << i+1 << " not present";
void NaboPairAssignment::determinePairs(double** scene, bool* mask, int size)
#pragma omp parallel
  VectorXi indices(1);
  VectorXf dists2(1);
  vector<double> vDist;
  vector<int> vIndicesM;
  vector<int> vIndicesS;
  vector<int> vNonPair;
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      VectorXf q(_dimension);
      for(int j=0; j<_dimension; j++)
        q(j) = scene[i][j];
      _nns->knn(q, indices, dists2, 1, 0, NNSearchF::ALLOW_SELF_MATCH);
      vIndicesM.push_back((unsigned int)indices(0));

#pragma omp critical
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<vDist.size(); i++)
    addPair(vIndicesM[i], vIndicesS[i], vDist[i]);

#pragma omp critical
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<vNonPair.size(); i++)

Beispiel #10
/** switch row and column in the alignment. Use more efficient implementations in derived classes.
void ImplAlignment::switchRowCol()


	HAlignment copy = getClone();

	AlignmentIterator it     = copy->begin();
	AlignmentIterator it_end = copy->end();


	// copy over residue pairs from copy reversing row and column
	for (;it != it_end; ++it)
		addPair( ResiduePair( it->mCol, it->mRow, it->mScore ) );

	setScore( copy->getScore() );
DefaultDimensionWidget::DefaultDimensionWidget(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::DefaultDimensionWidget)

    mParameterListModel = new QStringListModel(global::gParametersForDimensionList);
    mUnitsListModel = new QStringListModel(global::gUnitsForUnitList);

    connect(ui->addPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
            this, SLOT(addPair()));
    connect(ui->removePushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
            this, SLOT(deleteCurrentRow()));

    connect(ui->parameterListView, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)),
            this, SLOT(activateUnitByParameterIndex(const QModelIndex &)));
    connect(ui->unitsListView, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)),
            this, SLOT(activateParameterByUnitsIndex(const QModelIndex &)));
void cExternalTrackers::readyRead()
    QByteArray buffer;

    QHostAddress sender;
    quint16 senderPort;

    m_Server.readDatagram(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &sender, &senderPort);

    unsigned char checkSum = buffer[buffer.size()-1];
    if (checkSum==simpleCheckSum(buffer,buffer.size()-1)){
        QDataStream stream(buffer);
        char prefix[EXTERNAL_TRACKER_FORMAT_PREFIX_SIZE+1]; //add zero for simple convert to string

            int Version;
            if (Version==EXTERNAL_TRACKER_FORMAT_VERSION){
                QString CurrentState = readUtf8(stream);

                int AppCount;
                for (int i = 0; i<AppCount; i++){
                    QString AppName = readUtf8(stream);
                qWarning() << "Error reading external tracker. Incorrect format version " << Version << " only " << EXTERNAL_TRACKER_FORMAT_VERSION << " supported";
            qWarning() << "Error reading external tracker. Incorrect format prefix " << prefix;

        qWarning() << "incorrect external tracker checksum";
Beispiel #13
/** This is a generic routine. It creates a new alignment by making a copy of the old one.
void ImplAlignment::removeRowRegion( Position from, Position to)

	const HAlignment copy = getClone();

	AlignmentIterator it     = copy->begin();
	AlignmentIterator it_end = copy->end();


	mScore = copy->getScore();

	for (; it != it_end; ++it)
		if ( (*it).mRow < from || (*it).mRow >= to)
			addPair( ResiduePair(*it) );

Beispiel #14
void ConfigMap::addLine(std::string line_) {

  // Swallow last character (carriage return: ASCII 13)
  if(line_.size() > 0)
    if((int)line_.c_str()[line_.size() - 1] == 13)
      line_.resize (line_.size () - 1);

  StringTokenizer st(line_, const_cast<char*>(" =;"));
  if (st.numberOfTokens() != 2) {

  std::string key = st.nextToken();
  std::string val = st.nextToken();

  addPair(key, val);
Beispiel #15
void removeUnitaryProductions(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT  productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int i,j,k, productionquant = getQuant(productions), unitaryquant = 0, lastunitaryquant = 0;
    /*auxiliar array for unitary productions*/
    char * unitaries = NULL;
    /*iterate over productions and determine first unitaries:
     * the productions that have only one non terminal symbol
     * on the right side */
    for (i=0; i< productionquant; i++) {
        char first = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),0);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),2);
        if ( isNonTerminal(sec) && third == LAMDA ) {
            addPair(&unitaries,&unitaryquant,first, sec);
        } else if( isNonTerminal(third) && sec == LAMDA) {
            addPair(&unitaries,&unitaryquant,first, third);
    /*iterate over unitaries, adding the closure*/
    while(unitaryquant != lastunitaryquant) {
        lastunitaryquant = unitaryquant;
        for (i=0; i<unitaryquant ; i+=2) {
            char first1 = unitaries[i];
            char sec1 = unitaries[i+1];
            for (j=0; j<unitaryquant ; j+=2) {
                char first2 = unitaries[j];
                char sec2 = unitaries[j+1];
                /*(A,B)(B,C)-> (A,C)*/
                if (sec1 == first2 ) {
                    if (!containsPair(unitaries,unitaryquant,first1,sec2) &&
                            first1 != sec2 ) { /*no sense in adding (A,A) unitaries*/
    //printf("unitaries quant: %d\n\n", unitaryquant/2);
    /*create the new productions and remove the unitaries*/
    for(i=0; i<productionquant; i++) {
        ProductionADT p1 = getProduction(productions,i);
        if ( isUnitary(p1) ) {
            char first1 = getProductionComponent(p1,0);
            char sec1 = getProductionComponent(p1,1);
            char third1 = getProductionComponent(p1,2);
            for(j=0; j<unitaryquant; j+=2) {
                char uni1 = unitaries[j];
                char uni2 = unitaries[j+1];
                //A->B and (A,B) (unitary production is localized)
                if ((first1 == uni1) && (sec1 == uni2 || third1 == uni2 )) {
                    for(k=0; k<productionquant; k++ ) {
                        ProductionADT p2 = getProduction(productions,k);
                        char first2 = getProductionComponent(p2,0);
                        char sec2 = getProductionComponent(p2,1);
                        char third2 = getProductionComponent(p2,2);
                        if(!isUnitary(p2)) {
                            if(first2 == uni2 ) {
    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */

Beispiel #16
Hindi::Hindi()	// हिन्दी
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	// NOTE: Scintilla based editors (CodeBlocks) cannot always edit Hindi.
	//       Use Visual Studio instead.
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"स्वरूपित किया  %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"अपरिवर्तित     %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"निर्देशिका  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"निकालना  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"अपवर्जित (बेजोड़)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s स्वरूपित किया   %s अपरिवर्तित   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" सेकंड   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d मिनट %d सेकंड   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s लाइनों\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प का उपयोग कर फ़ाइल %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"एचटीएमएल प्रलेखन खोलना %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"अवैध विकल्प फ़ाइल विकल्प हैं:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"कमांड लाइन विकल्प अवैध:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"विकल्पों पर मदद के लिए प्रकार 'astyle -h'");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"विकल्प फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता है");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"निर्देशिका नहीं खोल सकता");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTML फ़ाइल नहीं खोल सकता %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"आदेश विफलता निष्पादित");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"कमान स्थापित नहीं है");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"लापता में फ़ाइलनाम %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"कोई वाइल्डकार्ड साथ पुनरावर्ती विकल्प");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"क्या आप बोली फ़ाइलनाम का इरादा");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"कोई फ़ाइल %s प्रक्रिया के लिए\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"क्या आप उपयोग करना चाहते हैं --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF-32 कूटबन्धन प्रक्रिया नहीं कर सकते");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style समाप्त किया है");
Beispiel #17
OptionState::OptionState(StateStack &stack, Context context) :
    State(stack, context),
    mGUIContainer(context, context.window->getDefaultView()) {

    //Background panel where our button list will be displayed
    sf::Vector2f windowSize(context.window->getSize());
    auto backgroundPanel = std::make_shared<GUI::Image>(
    backgroundPanel->setPosition(windowSize * 0.5f);

    //Options container
    auto optionsContainer = std::make_shared<GUI::OptionContainer>(
    optionsContainer->setPosition(windowSize * 0.5f);

    auto soundOption = std::make_shared<GUI::IntOption>(
                           "Music", *getContext().fontManager);
    for (int i = 0; i <= 20; ++i) {
        int volumeVal = 5*i;
        std::ostringstream convert;
        convert << volumeVal;
        soundOption->addPair(std::make_pair(convert.str(), volumeVal));
    [this](int volume) {
        static_cast<int>(getContext().musicPlayer->getVolume() / 5.f));

    auto fxOption = std::make_shared<GUI::IntOption>(
                        "Effects", *getContext().fontManager);
    for (int i = 0; i <= 20; ++i) {
        int volumeVal = 5*i;
        std::ostringstream convert;
        convert << volumeVal;
        fxOption->addPair(std::make_pair(convert.str(), volumeVal));
    [this](int volume) {
        static_cast<int>(getContext().soundPlayer->getVolume() / 5.f));

    auto resolutionOption = std::make_shared<GUI::VectorOption>(
                                "Resolution", *getContext().fontManager);
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, sf::Vector2f>> resolutionOptionPairs;
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("800 x 600", sf::Vector2f(800, 600)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1024 x 768", sf::Vector2f(1024, 768)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1152 x 648", sf::Vector2f(1152, 648)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1152 x 864", sf::Vector2f(1152, 864)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1280 x 720", sf::Vector2f(1280, 720)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1280 x 800", sf::Vector2f(1280, 800)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1280 x 960", sf::Vector2f(1280, 960)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1280 x 1024", sf::Vector2f(1280, 1024)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1360 x 768", sf::Vector2f(1360, 768)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1360 x 1024", sf::Vector2f(1360, 1024)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1366 x 768", sf::Vector2f(1366, 768)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1400 x 1050", sf::Vector2f(1400, 1050)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1440 x 900", sf::Vector2f(1440, 900)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1600 x 900", sf::Vector2f(1600, 900)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1600 x 1200", sf::Vector2f(1600, 1200)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1680 x 1050", sf::Vector2f(1680, 1050)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1776 x 1000", sf::Vector2f(1776, 1000)));
    resolutionOptionPairs.push_back(std::make_pair("1920 x 1080", sf::Vector2f(1920, 1080)));

    for (auto &pair : resolutionOptionPairs)

    sf::Vector2f resolution = sf::Vector2f(

    for (int i = 0; i < resolutionOptionPairs.size(); ++i) {
        if ((resolution.x == resolutionOptionPairs[i].second.x) &&
                (resolution.y == resolutionOptionPairs[i].second.y))

    [this](sf::Vector2f resolution) {
                                        static_cast<int>(resolution.y)), "Marvin", sf::Style::Close);

    auto fullscreenOption = std::make_shared<GUI::BoolOption>(
                                "Fullscreen", *getContext().fontManager);
    fullscreenOption->addPair(std::make_pair("On", true));
    fullscreenOption->addPair(std::make_pair("Off", false));
    [this](bool fullscreen) {
        sf::Vector2u windowSize = getContext().window->getSize();
        sf::VideoMode mode(windowSize.x, windowSize.y);
        if (!mode.isValid()) return;
        fullscreen ? getContext().window->create(sf::VideoMode(windowSize.x, windowSize.y), "Marvin", sf::Style::Fullscreen) :
        getContext().window->create(sf::VideoMode(windowSize.x, windowSize.y), "Marvin", sf::Style::Close);

    soundOption->move(0.f, -85.f);
    fxOption->move(0.f, -35.f);
    resolutionOption->move(0.f, 15.f);
    fullscreenOption->move(0.f, 65.f);

    mOptionContainer = optionsContainer;
Beispiel #18
Portuguese::Portuguese()	// Português
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"Formatado   %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"Inalterado  %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"Diretório  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"Excluir  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Excluir (incomparável)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s formatado   %s inalterado   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" segundo   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d min %d seg   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linhas\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Usando o arquivo de opções padrão %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Abrindo a documentação HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opções de arquivo inválido opção:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opções de linha de comando inválida:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Para obter ajuda sobre as opções de tipo 'astyle -h'");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Não é possível abrir arquivo de opções");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Não é possível abrir diretório");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Não é possível abrir arquivo HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Executar falha de comando");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"Comando não está instalado");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Filename faltando em %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opção recursiva sem curinga");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Será que você pretende citar o nome do arquivo");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nenhum arquivo para processar %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Será que você pretende usar --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Não pode processar a codificação UTF-32");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style terminou");
Beispiel #19
void CiaoClass::addDisplay(char *label, char *prefix) {
  addPair(label, "label", prefix, "prefix");
Beispiel #20
Ukrainian::Ukrainian()	// Український
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"форматований  %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"без змін      %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"Каталог  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"Виключити  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Виключити (неперевершений)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s відформатований   %s без змін   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" секунди   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d хви %d cek   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s ліній\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Використання файлів опцій за замовчуванням %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Відкриття HTML документації %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Неприпустимий файл опцій опцію:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Неприпустима параметри командного рядка:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Для отримання довідки по 'astyle -h' опцій типу");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Не вдається відкрити файл параметрів");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не можу відкрити каталог");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не вдається відкрити файл HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Виконати команду недостатності");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"Не встановлений Команда");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Відсутня назва файлу в %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивний варіант без будь-яких шаблону");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Ви маєте намір цитатою файлу");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Немає файлів для обробки %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Невже ви збираєтеся використовувати --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не вдається обробити UTF-32 кодуванні");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style припинив");
Beispiel #21
Japanese::Japanese()	// 日本
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"フォーマット  %s\n");		// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"変更          %s\n");		// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"ディレクトリ  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"除外する  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"除外(マッチせず) %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %sフォーマット   %s 変更   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" 秒   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d 分 %d 秒   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s の行\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"デフォルトの設定ファイルを使用してください %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"HTML文書を開く %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"無効なコンフィギュレーションファイルオプション:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"無効なコマンドラインオプション:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"コマンドラインについてのヘルプは'astyle- h'を入力してください");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"コンフィギュレーションファイルを開くことができません");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"ディレクトリのオープンに失敗しました");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTMLファイルを開くことができません %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"コマンドの失敗を実行");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"コマンドがインストールされていません");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"%s はファイル名で欠落しています\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"再帰的なオプションではワイルドカードではない");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"あなたは、ファイル名を参照するつもり");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"いいえファイルは処理できません %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"あなたが使用する予定 --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF- 32エンコーディングを処理できない");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style 実行が終了しました");
Beispiel #22
Korean::Korean()	// 한국의
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"수정됨    %s\n");		// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"변경없음  %s\n");		// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"디렉토리  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"제외됨   %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"제외 (NO 일치) %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s 수정됨   %s 변경없음   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" 초   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d 분 %d 초   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s 라인\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"기본 구성 파일을 사용 %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"HTML 문서를 열기 %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"잘못된 구성 파일 옵션 :");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"잘못된 명령줄 옵션 :");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"도움말을 보려면 옵션 유형 'astyle - H'를 사용합니다");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"구성 파일을 열 수 없습니다");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"디렉토리를 열지 못했습니다");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"HTML 파일을 열 수 없습니다 %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"명령 실패를 실행");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"명령이 설치되어 있지 않습니다");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"%s 에서 누락된 파일 이름\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"와일드 카드없이 재귀 옵션");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"당신은 파일 이름을 인용하고자하나요");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"처리할 파일이 없습니다 %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"--recursive 를 사용하고자 하십니까");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"UTF-32 인코딩을 처리할 수 없습니다");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style를 종료합니다");
Beispiel #23
Spanish::Spanish()	// Español
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"Formato     %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"Inalterado  %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"Directorio  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"Excluir  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Excluir (incomparable)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s formato   %s inalterado   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" segundo   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d min %d seg   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s líneas\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Uso de las opciones por defecto del archivo %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Apertura de documentación HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opción no válida opciones de archivo:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"No válido opciones de línea de comando:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Para obtener ayuda sobre las opciones tipo 'astyle -h'");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"No se puede abrir el archivo de opciones");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"No se puede abrir el directorio");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"No se puede abrir el archivo HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Ejecutar el fracaso de comandos");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"El comando no está instalado");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Falta nombre del archivo en %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Recursiva opción sin comodín");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Se tiene la intención de citar el nombre de archivo");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"No existe el fichero a procesar %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Se va a utilizar --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"No se puede procesar la codificación UTF-32");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style ha terminado");
Beispiel #24
Russian::Russian()	// русский
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"Форматированный  %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"без изменений    %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"каталог  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"исключать  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Исключить (непревзойденный)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s Форматированный   %s без изменений   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" секунды   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d мин %d сек   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s линий\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Использование опции по умолчанию файл %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Открытие HTML документации %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Недопустимый файл опций опцию:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Недопустимые параметры командной строки:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Для получения справки по 'astyle -h' опций типа");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Не удается открыть файл параметров");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Не могу открыть каталог");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Не удается открыть файл HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Выполнить команду недостаточности");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"Не установлен Команда");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Отсутствует имя файла в %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Рекурсивный вариант без каких-либо шаблона");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Вы намерены цитатой файла");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Нет файлов для обработки %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Неужели вы собираетесь использовать --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Не удается обработать UTF-32 кодировке");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style прекратил");
Beispiel #25
void Wall::move(Pair units)
  location = addPair(location, units);
  rectangle.setPosition(location.x, location.y);
Beispiel #26
void CiaoClass::addButton(char *label, char *send) {
  addPair(label, "label", send, "send");
Beispiel #27
void Ball::move(Pair units)
  location = addPair(location, units);
  circle.setPosition(location.x, location.y);
Beispiel #28
Italian::Italian()	// Italiano
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"Formattata  %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"Immutato    %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"Elenco  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"Escludere  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Escludere (senza pari)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s ormattata   %s immutato   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" secondo   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d min %d seg   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linee\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Utilizzando file delle opzioni di default %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Apertura di documenti HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Opzione non valida file delle opzioni:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Opzioni della riga di comando non valido:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Per informazioni sulle opzioni di tipo 'astyle-h'");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Impossibile aprire il file opzioni");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Impossibile aprire la directory");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Impossibile aprire il file HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Esegui fallimento comando");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"Il comando non è installato");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Nome del file mancante in %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Opzione ricorsiva senza jolly");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Avete intenzione citare il nome del file");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Nessun file al processo %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Hai intenzione di utilizzare --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Non è possibile processo di codifica UTF-32");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style ha terminato");
Beispiel #29
Swedish::Swedish()	// Svenska
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"Formaterade  %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"Oförändrade  %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"Katalog  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"Uteslut  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Uteslut (oöverträffad)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s formaterade   %s oförändrade   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" sekunder   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d min %d sek   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linjer\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Använda standardalternativ fil %s\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Öppna HTML-dokumentation %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Ogiltigt alternativ fil alternativ:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Ogiltig kommandoraden alternativ:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"För hjälp om alternativ typ 'astyle -h'");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Kan inte öppna inställningsfilen");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Kan inte öppna katalog");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Kan inte öppna HTML-filen %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Utför kommando misslyckande");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"Kommandot är inte installerat");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Saknade filnamn i %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekursiva alternativ utan jokertecken");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Visste du tänker citera filnamnet");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Ingen fil att bearbeta %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Har du för avsikt att använda --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Kan inte hantera UTF-32 kodning");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style har upphört");
Beispiel #30
Polish::Polish()	// Polski
// build the translation vector in the Translation base class
	addPair("Formatted  %s\n", L"Sformatowany  %s\n");	// should align with unchanged
	addPair("Unchanged  %s\n", L"Niezmienione  %s\n");	// should align with formatted
	addPair("Directory  %s\n", L"Katalog  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude  %s\n", L"Wykluczać  %s\n");
	addPair("Exclude (unmatched)  %s\n", L"Wyklucz (niezrównany)  %s\n");
	addPair(" %s formatted   %s unchanged   ", L" %s sformatowany   %s niezmienione   ");
	addPair(" seconds   ", L" sekund   ");
	addPair("%d min %d sec   ", L"%d min %d sek   ");
	addPair("%s lines\n", L"%s linii\n");
	addPair("Using default options file %s\n", L"Korzystanie z domyślnej opcji %s plik\n");
	addPair("Opening HTML documentation %s\n", L"Otwarcie dokumentacji HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Invalid option file options:", L"Nieprawidłowy opcji pliku opcji:");
	addPair("Invalid command line options:", L"Nieprawidłowe opcje wiersza polecenia:");
	addPair("For help on options type 'astyle -h'", L"Aby uzyskać pomoc od rodzaju opcji 'astyle -h'");
	addPair("Cannot open options file", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku opcji");
	addPair("Cannot open directory", L"Nie można otworzyć katalogu");
	addPair("Cannot open HTML file %s\n", L"Nie można otworzyć pliku HTML %s\n");
	addPair("Command execute failure", L"Wykonaj polecenia niepowodzenia");
	addPair("Command is not installed", L"Polecenie nie jest zainstalowany");
	addPair("Missing filename in %s\n", L"Brakuje pliku w %s\n");
	addPair("Recursive option with no wildcard", L"Rekurencyjne opcja bez symboli");
	addPair("Did you intend quote the filename", L"Czy zamierza Pan podać nazwę pliku");
	addPair("No file to process %s\n", L"Brak pliku do procesu %s\n");
	addPair("Did you intend to use --recursive", L"Czy masz zamiar używać --recursive");
	addPair("Cannot process UTF-32 encoding", L"Nie można procesu kodowania UTF-32");
	addPair("\nArtistic Style has terminated", L"\nArtistic Style został zakończony");