Beispiel #1
void MainWindow::on_actionAdd_Items_triggered()
    qreal w = ui->graphicsView->width();
    qreal h = ui->graphicsView->height();
    _scene.addRect(0, 0, w, h);
    for(int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        addTextItem(w, h);
Beispiel #2
void MainWindow::createActions()
	mSettings.mDesactiveUIElements << ADD_FROM_FILE_ACT;


	mExportAct = new QAction(QIcon(RSC_DIR + QString("export.png")), tr("&Export...") , this);
	mExportAct->setShortcut( tr("Ctrl+E") );
	mExportAct->setStatusTip(tr("Export the scene, an item, or use Shift+Drag&Drop to specify an export-window"));
	connect(mExportAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(exportToImage()) );
	mAddTextAct = new QAction(QIcon(RSC_DIR + QString("addText.png")), tr("Add text item") , this);
	mAddTextAct->setStatusTip(tr("Add a text item to the scene"));
	connect(mAddTextAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(addTextItem()) );
	mAddFromAnyFileAct = new QAction(QIcon(RSC_DIR + QString("addFromAnyFile.png")), tr("Add item from file...") , this);
	mAddFromAnyFileAct->setStatusTip("Add a new item from a file");
	connect(mAddFromAnyFileAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(addItemFromAnyFile()) );

	mSetPageA4PortraitAct = new QAction(tr("A4 Portrait") , this);
	connect(mSetPageA4PortraitAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(setPageA4Portrait()) );
	mSetPageA3PortraitAct = new QAction(tr("A3 Portrait") , this);
	connect(mSetPageA3PortraitAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(setPageA3Portrait()) );
	mSetPageA4LandscapeAct = new QAction(tr("A4 Landscape") , this);
	connect(mSetPageA4LandscapeAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(setPageA4Landscape()) );
	mSetPageA3LandscapeAct = new QAction(tr("A3 Landscape") , this);
	connect(mSetPageA3LandscapeAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(setPageA3Landscape()) );

	mPlayAct = new QAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaPlay), tr("Play"), this);
	mPlayAct->setStatusTip(tr("Play selected item"));
	connect( mPlayAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(playItem()) );
	mPauseAct = new QAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaPause), tr("Pause"), this);
	mPauseAct->setStatusTip(tr("Pause selected item"));
	connect( mPauseAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(pauseItem()) );
	mStopAct = new QAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaStop), tr("Stop"), this);
	mStopAct->setStatusTip(tr("Stop selected item"));
	connect( mStopAct , SIGNAL(triggered()) , this , SLOT(stopItem()) );