void testApp::generateVBOs() {
    // If the meshes have already been generated once, we need to clear their data

    // Shorthand to make the equations more readable
    //  r is the radius of a circle that is inscribed by the display window
    //  a is the current angle heading we will use to sample the image
    //  da is half the span of the triangle
    float r = minWindowDimension/2.0;
    float a = ofDegToRad(imageSectionHeading);
    float da = ofDegToRad(triangleAngularWidth/2);

    // Define the vertices of the triangular face
    ofVec3f triangleBottom(0, 0, 0);
    ofVec3f triangleLeft(r*cos(a+da), -r*sin(a+da), 0);     // Flip because of drawing
    ofVec3f triangleRight(r*cos(a-da), -r*sin(a-da), 0);    // Flip because of drawing

    float cx = imageSectionCenter.x;
    float cy = imageSectionCenter.y;
    r = minImageDimension/2.0;

    // Define the triangular section of the image that we want to draw on the face
    ofVec2f textureBottom(cx, cy);
    ofVec2f textureLeft(cx+r*cos(a+da), cy-r*sin(a+da));
    ofVec2f textureRight(cx+r*cos(a-da), cy-r*sin(a-da));

    // Add the vertices to the VBO mesh to form a triangle
    addFace(vboMeshOriginal, triangleBottom, triangleLeft, triangleRight);
    addFace(vboMeshMirrored, triangleBottom, triangleLeft, triangleRight);

    // Add the texture coordinates to the mesh
    addTexture(vboMeshOriginal, textureBottom, textureLeft, textureRight);
    addTexture(vboMeshMirrored, textureBottom, textureRight, textureLeft);
Beispiel #2
void TutorialScene::loadData()
	addTexture("font", "data/image/character.png");
	addTexture("atackStart", "data/image/script/atackStart.png", 1);
	addTexture("now", "data/image/script/nowLoading.png", 1);
	addTexture("inst", "data/image/instruction.bmp");
Beispiel #3
void cVisual::setMousePointer(int type)
	mouse.type = type;
	if (mouse.type == POINTER_HARDWARE) { mouse.showHardware(); }
	else if (mouse.type == POINTER_DEFAULT) {
		mouse.texture = database.texture[TEX_MOUSE_DEFAULT];
		mouse.texturePress = database.texture[TEX_MOUSE_DEFAULTPRESS];
	else if (mouse.type == POINTER_POINT) {
		mouse.texture = database.texture[TEX_MOUSE_POINT];
		mouse.texturePress = database.texture[TEX_MOUSE_POINT];
	else if (mouse.type == POINTER_TARGET) {
		mouse.texture = database.texture[TEX_MOUSE_TARGET];
		mouse.texturePress = database.texture[TEX_MOUSE_TARGET];
	else if (mouse.type == POINTER_NONE) {
		mouse.texture = addTexture("alpha.png");
		mouse.texturePress = addTexture("alpha.png");

	// Hide hardware pointer
	if (mouse.type != POINTER_HARDWARE) { mouse.hideHardware(); }
Beispiel #4
/* TextureXList::readTEXTURESData
 * Reads in a ZDoom-format TEXTURES entry. Returns true on success,
 * false otherwise
bool TextureXList::readTEXTURESData(ArchiveEntry* entry) {
	// Check for empty entry
	if (!entry) {
		Global::error = "Attempt to read texture data from NULL entry";
		return false;
	if (entry->getSize() == 0) {
		txformat = TXF_TEXTURES;
		return true;

	// Get text to parse
	Tokenizer tz;
	tz.openMem(&(entry->getMCData()), entry->getName());

	// Parsing gogo
	string token = tz.getToken();
	while (!token.IsEmpty()) {
		// Texture definition
		if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "Texture")) {
			CTexture* tex = new CTexture();
			if (tex->parse(tz, "Texture"))

		// Sprite definition
		if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "Sprite")) {
			CTexture* tex = new CTexture();
			if (tex->parse(tz, "Sprite"))

		// Graphic definition
		if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "Graphic")) {
			CTexture* tex = new CTexture();
			if (tex->parse(tz, "Graphic"))

		// WallTexture definition
		if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "WallTexture")) {
			CTexture* tex = new CTexture();
			if (tex->parse(tz, "WallTexture"))

		// Flat definition
		if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "Flat")) {
			CTexture* tex = new CTexture();
			if (tex->parse(tz, "Flat"))

		token = tz.getToken();

	txformat = TXF_TEXTURES;

	return true;
Beispiel #5
void Entity::initTextures()
	/*Player Textures*/
	addTexture("S-RIGHT", "assets/player/stand_right.png");
	addTexture("S-LEFT", "assets/player/stand_left.png");

	addTextures("R-RIGHT", "assets/player/run_right_", 8);
	addTextures("R-LEFT", "assets/player/run_left_", 8);

	/*Planet Textures*/
	addTexture("Planet1", "assets/new_planet.png");

	/*Asteroid Textures*/
	addTexture("Asteroid1", "assets/asteroid_1.png");
	addTexture("Asteroid2", "assets/asteroid_2.png");
	addTexture("Asteroid3", "assets/asteroid_3.png");
	addTexture("Asteroid4", "assets/asteroid_4.png");

	addTexture("Bullet", "assets/bullet.png");

	addTexture("Health", "assets/health.png");
Beispiel #6
//! loads a Texture
ITexture* CNullDriver::getTexture(IReadFile* file)
	ITexture* texture = 0;

	if (file)
		texture = findTexture(file->getFileName());

		if (texture)
			return texture;

		texture = loadTextureFromFile(file);

		if (texture)
			texture->releaseRef(); // drop it because we created it, one grab too much

		if (!texture)
			Printer::log("Could not load texture", file->getFileName(), ELL_WARNING);

	return texture;
void FontAtlas::reinit()
    if (_currentPageData)
        delete []_currentPageData;
        _currentPageData = nullptr;
    auto texture = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D;
    _currentPageDataSize = CacheTextureWidth * CacheTextureHeight;
    auto outlineSize = _fontFreeType->getOutlineSize();
    if(outlineSize > 0)
        _lineHeight += 2 * outlineSize;
        _currentPageDataSize *= 2;
    _currentPageData = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[_currentPageDataSize];
    memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize);
    auto  pixelFormat = outlineSize > 0 ? Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88 : Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8;
    texture->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize,
                          pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) );
bool TextureManager::requestTexture(TextureToken token, IntSize size, unsigned format)
    if (size.width() > m_maxTextureSize || size.height() > m_maxTextureSize)
        return false;

    TextureMap::iterator it = m_textures.find(token);
    if (it != m_textures.end()) {
        ASSERT(it->second.size != size || it->second.format != format);
        removeTexture(token, it->second);

    size_t memoryRequiredBytes = memoryUseBytes(size, format);
    if (memoryRequiredBytes > m_maxMemoryLimitBytes)
        return false;

    reduceMemoryToLimit(m_maxMemoryLimitBytes - memoryRequiredBytes);
    if (m_memoryUseBytes + memoryRequiredBytes > m_maxMemoryLimitBytes)
        return false;

    TextureInfo info;
    info.size = size;
    info.format = format;
    info.textureId = 0;
    info.isProtected = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    info.allocator = 0;
    addTexture(token, info);
    return true;
Beispiel #9
int main()
    // Load frames
    std::cout << "Loading frames" << std::endl;
    auto frames = Frame3D::loadFrames("../3dframes/");

    // Merge clouds
    std::cout << "Merge clouds" << std::endl;
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal> mergedCloud;
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr mergedCloudPtr(&mergedCloud);
    mergePointClouds(frames, mergedCloud);

    // Construct mesh
    std::cout << "Construct Mesh" << std::endl;
    auto mesh = constructMesh (mergedCloudPtr);

    // Add texture to point cloud
    std::cout << "Add texture" << std::endl;
    addTexture(mesh, frames);

    // Visualize mesh
    std::cout << "Visualise mesh" << std::endl;

    return 1;
int TextureManager::getTextureID( const char* name, bool reportFail )
  if (!name) {
    DEBUG2("Could not get texture ID; no provided name\n");
    return -1;

  std::string texName = name;
  // see if we have the texture
  TextureNameMap::iterator it = textureNames.find(texName);
  if (it != textureNames.end()) {
    return it->second.id;
  } else { // we don't have it so try and load it
    FileTextureInit	file;
    file.filter = OpenGLTexture::LinearMipmapLinear;
    file.name = texName;
    ImageInfo info;
    OpenGLTexture *image = loadTexture(file, reportFail);
    if (!image) {
      DEBUG2("Image not found or unloadable: %s\n", name);
      return -1;
    return addTexture(name, image);
  return -1;
 AnimatedTexture::AnimatedTexture(GLuint textureID)
     currentIndex = 0;
     lastTime = glfwGetTime();
Beispiel #12
	void updateTextures()
		for(auto it = loadedTextures.begin(); it != loadedTextures.end(); ++it)
			const TextureData *data = it->second;
			bool xmlUpdated		= false;
			bool modelUpdated	= false;
			// Get Current TimeStamps
				struct stat textureAttr;
				stat(data->textureFilename.c_str(), &textureAttr);
				time_t modelLastUpdated = textureAttr.st_mtime;
				if(modelLastUpdated != data->textureTimeStamp) { modelUpdated = true; }
				struct stat xmlAttr;
				stat(data->xmlFileName.c_str(), &xmlAttr);
				time_t xmlLastUpdated = xmlAttr.st_mtime;
				if(xmlLastUpdated != data->xmlTimeStamp) { xmlUpdated = true; }
			// Update data
			if(modelUpdated || xmlUpdated)
				CaffApp::TextureLoaderXMLFile updateTextureSettings(data->xmlFileName);
	} // updateTextures
 AnimatedTexture::AnimatedTexture(const char * textureName)
     currentIndex = 0;
     lastTime = glfwGetTime();
PingPongFbo::PingPongFbo( const std::vector<ci::Surface32f>& surfaces )
    : mCurrentFbo(0)
    if( surfaces.empty() ) return;

    int i = 0;
    mTextureSize = surfaces[0].getSize();
    for( const ci::Surface32f& s : surfaces) {
        mAttachments.push_back(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + i);

    int max =ci::gl::Fbo::getMaxAttachments();
    std::cout << "Maximum supported number of texture attachments: " << max << std::endl;
    assert(surfaces.size() < max);

    ci::gl::Fbo::Format format;
    format.enableColorBuffer(true, mAttachments.size());
    format.setMinFilter( GL_NEAREST );
    format.setMagFilter( GL_NEAREST );
    format.setColorInternalFormat( GL_RGBA32F_ARB );
    mFbos[0] = ci::gl::Fbo( mTextureSize.x, mTextureSize.y, format );
    mFbos[1] = ci::gl::Fbo( mTextureSize.x, mTextureSize.y, format );

PathTexture* PathCache::getArc(float width, float height,
        float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const SkPaint* paint) {
    PathDescription entry(kShapeArc, paint);
    entry.shape.arc.mWidth = width;
    entry.shape.arc.mHeight = height;
    entry.shape.arc.mStartAngle = startAngle;
    entry.shape.arc.mSweepAngle = sweepAngle;
    entry.shape.arc.mUseCenter = useCenter;

    PathTexture* texture = get(entry);

    if (!texture) {
        SkPath path;
        SkRect r;
        r.set(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
        if (useCenter) {
            path.moveTo(r.centerX(), r.centerY());
        path.arcTo(r, startAngle, sweepAngle, !useCenter);
        if (useCenter) {

        texture = addTexture(entry, &path, paint);

    return texture;
/** Add the texture and use it for a single non-animated sprite.
s32 STKModifiedSpriteBank::addTextureAsSprite(video::ITexture* texture)
    assert( m_magic_number == 0xCAFEC001 );
    if ( !texture )
        return -1;

    u32 textureIndex = getTextureCount() - 1;

    u32 rectangleIndex = Rectangles.size();
    Rectangles.push_back( core::rect<s32>(0,0, 
                                          texture->getOriginalSize().Height) );

    SGUISprite sprite;
    sprite.frameTime = 0;

    SGUISpriteFrame frame;
    frame.textureNumber = textureIndex;
    frame.rectNumber = rectangleIndex;
    sprite.Frames.push_back( frame );

    Sprites.push_back( sprite );

    return Sprites.size() - 1;
}   // addTextureAsSprite
Beispiel #17
    bool TextureAtlas::load(const glm::uvec2& atlasSize)

        // Check if size is ok and load texture
        if (16 <= atlasSize.x && 16 <= atlasSize.y && m_texture.load(atlasSize, Texture::Format::RGBA_UB_8, Texture::Flag::DisallowMipmapGeneration))
            // Initialize packer
            m_packer->origin = glm::uvec2(0);

            // Initialize target - NOTE: num_nodes >= width
            stbrp_init_target(&m_packer->context, atlasSize.x, atlasSize.y, m_packer->nodes.data(), m_packer->nodes.size());

            Image defaultImg;

            // Create default glyph (2x2 white square in the corner)
            std::array<unsigned char, 16> data;

            defaultImg.load(glm::uvec2(2), 4, data.data());

            return addTexture(defaultImg) == 0;

        return false;
Beispiel #18
void ResourceManager::addTextureMaterialSprite(
        const std::string&                  id,
              resource_group::ResourceGroup resourceGroup,
        const std::string&                  shader,
        const glm::vec4&                    colour,
        const std::string&                  texturePath,
              unsigned                      frameRate,
              bool                          repeat,
              unsigned                      begin,
              unsigned                      end,
              int                           layer,
        const glm::vec2&                    size,
        const glm::vec2&                    texSize,
        const glm::vec2&                    texOffset,
              unsigned                      textureFlags,
              unsigned                      materialFlags )
    // texture
        id, resourceGroup, texturePath, frameRate,
        repeat, begin, end, textureFlags );
    // material
    addMaterial( id, resourceGroup, shader, colour, id, materialFlags );
    // sprite
    addSprite( id, resourceGroup, layer, id, size, texSize, texOffset );
Beispiel #19
Astro::Astro(std::string nombre, float radio, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float vRotEje, float vTras){
	this->radio= radio;
	esfera= new Esfera(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, radio, nombre);
	addRama(posX, posY, posZ, vTras, vRotEje);
Beispiel #20
void ResourceManager::addTextureMaterialGeometryMesh(
    const std::string&                  id,
          resource_group::ResourceGroup resourceGroup,
    const std::string&                  shader,
    const glm::vec4&                    colour,
    const std::string&                  texturePath,
          unsigned                      frameRate,
          bool                          repeat,
          unsigned                      begin,
          unsigned                      end,
    const std::string&                  geometryPath,
          int                           layer,
          unsigned                      textureFlags,
          unsigned                      materialFlags )
    // texture
        id, resourceGroup, texturePath, frameRate,
        repeat, begin, end, textureFlags );
    // material
    addMaterial( id, resourceGroup, shader, colour, id, materialFlags );
    // geometry
    addGeometry( id, resourceGroup, geometryPath );
    // mesh
    addMesh( id, resourceGroup, layer, id, id );
Beispiel #21
unsigned TextureManager::requestTexture(TextureToken token, IntSize size, unsigned format, bool* newTexture)
    if (size.width() > m_maxTextureSize || size.height() > m_maxTextureSize)
        return 0;

    TextureMap::iterator it = m_textures.find(token);
    if (it != m_textures.end()) {
        ASSERT(it->second.size != size || it->second.format != format);
        removeTexture(token, it->second);

    size_t memoryRequiredBytes = memoryUseBytes(size, format);
    if (memoryRequiredBytes > m_memoryLimitBytes || !reduceMemoryToLimit(m_memoryLimitBytes - memoryRequiredBytes))
        return 0;

    unsigned textureId = m_context->createTexture();
    GLC(m_context.get(), textureId = m_context->createTexture());
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->bindTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, textureId));
    // Do basic linear filtering on resize.
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GraphicsContext3D::LINEAR));
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GraphicsContext3D::LINEAR));
    // NPOT textures in GL ES only work when the wrap mode is set to GraphicsContext3D::CLAMP_TO_EDGE.
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GraphicsContext3D::CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->texParameteri(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GraphicsContext3D::CLAMP_TO_EDGE));
    GLC(m_context.get(), m_context->texImage2DResourceSafe(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, size.width(), size.height(), 0, format, GraphicsContext3D::UNSIGNED_BYTE));
    TextureInfo info;
    info.size = size;
    info.format = format;
    info.textureId = textureId;
    info.isProtected = true;
    addTexture(token, info);
    return textureId;
Beispiel #22
void QtSE::projectTreeContextMenu( QPoint point )
	CProjectTreeItem *item = (CProjectTreeItem*)projectTree->itemAt( point );

	if( item )
		QMenu *menu = new QMenu();
		menu->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose , true );

		switch( item->getPartType() )
			case CProjectTreeItem::stage:
				menu->addAction( "Add Stage" , this , SLOT(addStage()) );
			case CProjectTreeItem::framebuffer:
				menu->addAction( "Add Framebuffer" , this , SLOT(addFramebuffer()) );
			case CProjectTreeItem::shader:
				menu->addAction( "Add Shader" , this , SLOT(addShader()) );
			case CProjectTreeItem::texture:
				menu->addAction( "Add Texture" , this , SLOT(addTexture()) );
			case CProjectTreeItem::model:
				menu->addAction( "Add Model" , this , SLOT(addModel()) );
				delete menu;

		menu->popup( QCursor::pos() , NULL );
Beispiel #23
Material::Material(float specular_intensity, float specular_exponent,
						const std::string& diffuse_texture,
						const std::string& normal_texture,
						const std::string& disp_texture,
						float disp_scale, float disp_offset)

	addFloat(MATERIAL_SPECULAR_INTENSITY, specular_intensity);
	addFloat(MATERIAL_SPECULAR_EXPONENT, specular_exponent);
	addFloat(MATERIAL_DISP_SCALE, disp_scale);
	addFloat(MATERIAL_DISP_BIAS, disp_scale / 2.0f * (disp_offset - 1.0f));

	addTexture(MATERIAL_DIFFUSE_TEXTURE, Texture(diffuse_texture));
	addTexture(MATERIAL_NORMAL_TEXTURE, Texture(normal_texture));
	addTexture(MATERIAL_DISP_TEXTURE, Texture(disp_texture));
Beispiel #24
int BitmapHandler::getTextureURL(const std::string &name)
    int width, height;
	int tex = _findTexture(name, width, height);
	if(tex == 0 )
		tex = loadTextureURL( (char*)name.c_str(), width, height );
		addTexture(name, tex, width, height);
	return tex;
Beispiel #25
std::shared_ptr<Model> Model::createTerrain(std::shared_ptr<ShaderProgram> prog)
	auto m = Model::fromMeshes(Mesh::createTerrain(), prog);

	m->setColor(glm::vec4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f));
	auto rotated = glm::rotate(m->model_matrix, glm::radians(90.f), glm::vec3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f));
	auto scaled = glm::scale(rotated, glm::vec3(Settings::TerrainScaleFactor));

	auto texture = Texture::fromFile(Settings::BaseGrassTexture, prog);

	auto leave = Texture::fromFile(Settings::LeavesTexture, prog, true);

	auto extra_texture = Texture::fromFile(Settings::ExtraGrassTexture, prog);

	return m;
Beispiel #26
FontAtlas::FontAtlas(Font &theFont) 
: _font(&theFont)
, _fontFreeType(nullptr)
, _iconv(nullptr)
, _currentPageData(nullptr)
, _fontAscender(0)
//, _rendererRecreatedListener(nullptr)
, _antialiasEnabled(true)
, _currLineHeight(0)

    _fontFreeType = dynamic_cast<FontFreeType*>(_font);
    if (_fontFreeType)
        _lineHeight = _font->getFontMaxHeight();
        _fontAscender = _fontFreeType->getFontAscender();
        auto texture = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D;
        _currentPage = 0;
        _currentPageOrigX = 0;
        _currentPageOrigY = 0;
        _letterEdgeExtend = 2;
        _letterPadding = 0;

        if (_fontFreeType->isDistanceFieldEnabled())
            _letterPadding += 2 * FontFreeType::DistanceMapSpread;    
        _currentPageDataSize = CacheTextureWidth * CacheTextureHeight;
        auto outlineSize = _fontFreeType->getOutlineSize();
        if(outlineSize > 0)
            _lineHeight += 2 * outlineSize;
            _currentPageDataSize *= 2;

        _currentPageData = new unsigned char[_currentPageDataSize];
        memset(_currentPageData, 0, _currentPageDataSize);

        auto  pixelFormat = outlineSize > 0 ? CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88 : CCTexture2DPixelFormat::kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8;
        texture->initWithData(_currentPageData, _currentPageDataSize, 
            pixelFormat, CacheTextureWidth, CacheTextureHeight, Size(CacheTextureWidth,CacheTextureHeight) );


        auto eventDispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();

        _rendererRecreatedListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_RENDERER_RECREATED, CC_CALLBACK_1(FontAtlas::listenRendererRecreated, this));
        eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_rendererRecreatedListener, 1);
Beispiel #27
TextureID Renderer::addTexture(const char *fileName, unsigned int flags){
	Image *img = new Image();

	if (img->loadImage(fileName, byteOrderRGBA, (flags & TEX_NOMIPMAPPING)? MIPMAP_NONE : (flags & TEX_NORMALMAP)? MIPMAP_ALLOCATE : MIPMAP_CREATE)){
		return addTexture(img, flags);
	} else {
		addToLog(String("Couldn't load \"") + fileName + "\"");

		delete img;
		return TEXTURE_NONE;
Beispiel #28
int BitmapHandler::getTextureFile(const std::string &name, bool useCache)
    int width, height;
	int tex = _findTexture(name, width, height);
	if(tex == 0 )
        int width, height;
		tex = loadTextureFile((char *) name.c_str(), width, height, TEX_MODE_DEFAULT, useCache);
		addTexture(name, tex, width, height);
	return tex;
PathTexture* PathCache::get(SkPath* path, SkPaint* paint) {
    const SkPath* sourcePath = path->getSourcePath();
    if (sourcePath && sourcePath->getGenerationID() == path->getGenerationID()) {
        path = const_cast<SkPath*>(sourcePath);

    PathCacheEntry entry(path, paint);
    PathTexture* texture = mCache.get(entry);

    float left, top, offset;
    uint32_t width, height;

    if (!texture) {
        texture = addTexture(entry, path, paint);
    } else if (path->getGenerationID() != texture->generation) {
        texture = addTexture(entry, path, paint);

    return texture;
Beispiel #30
//! Creates a texture from a loaded IImage.
ITexture* CNullDriver::addTexture(const path& name, IImage* image, void* mipmapData)
	if ( 0 == name.size() || !image)
		return 0;

	ITexture* t = createDeviceDependentTexture(image, name, mipmapData);
	if (t)
	return t;