int main(){ bignum valor, aux, total; int n, f, i, bill = 1; char str[MAXDIGITS]; scanf("%d %d", &n, &f); while( n ) { scanf("%s", &str ); stringToBignum( str, &valor ); for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ){ scanf("%s", &str ); stringToBignum( str, &aux ); add_bignum( &valor, &aux, &total ); valor = total; } printf("Bill #%d costs ", bill++ ); print_bignum( &valor ); sprintf( str, "%d", f ); stringToBignum( str, &aux ); divide_bignum( &valor, &aux, &total ); printf(": each friend should pay "); print_bignum(&total); printf("\n\n"); scanf("%d %d", &n, &f); } return 0; }
void subtract_bignum(bignum *a, bignum *b, bignum *c) { int borrow, v, i; if ((a->signbit == MINUS) || (b->signbit == MINUS)) { b->signbit = -1 * b->signbit; add_bignum(a, b, c); b->signbit = -1 * b->signbit; return; } if (compare_bignum(a, b) == PLUS) { subtract_bignum(b, a, c); c->signbit = MINUS; return; } c->lastdigit = max(a->lastdigit, b->lastdigit); borrow = 0; for (i = 0; i <= c->lastdigit; i++) { v = (a->digits[i] - borrow - b->digits[i]); if (a->digits[i] > 0) borrow = 0; if (v < 0) { v = v + 10; borrow = 1; } c->digits[i] = (char) v % 10; } zero_justify(c); }
/** Test Function */ int main( ) { bignum n1, n2, n3, zero; // Instantiate string buffers for big numbers a and b char* a = calloc( MAXDIGITS, sizeof( char ) ); char* b = calloc( MAXDIGITS, sizeof( char ) ); // Get big numbers a and b as strings printf( "a = " ); fgets( a, MAXDIGITS, stdin ); printf( "b = " ); fgets( b, MAXDIGITS, stdin ); // Remove the newline character (if present) from string buffers char* nl; if( ( nl = strchr( a, '\n' ) ) != NULL ) *nl = '\0'; if( ( nl = strchr( b, '\n' ) ) != NULL ) *nl = '\0'; // Create a and b big number instances via the string buffers string_to_bignum( a, &n1 ); string_to_bignum( b, &n2 ); // Test addition add_bignum( &n1, &n2, &n3 ); printf( "a + b = " ); print_bignum( &n3 ); // Test comparison int comparison = compare_bignum( &n1, &n2 ); printf( "a %s b\n", comparison == 0 ? "==" : ( comparison < 0 ? ">" : "<" ) ); // Test subtraction subtract_bignum( &n1, &n2, &n3 ); printf( "a - b = " ); print_bignum( &n3 ); // Test multiplication multiply_bignum( &n1, &n2, &n3 ); printf( "a * b = " ); print_bignum( &n3 ); // Test division int_to_bignum( 0, &zero ); if( compare_bignum( &zero, &n2 ) == 0 ) { printf( "a / b = NaN\n" ); } else { divide_bignum( &n1, &n2, &n3 ); printf( "a / b = " ); print_bignum( &n3 ); } return 0; }
void multiply_bignum(bignum *a, bignum *b, bignum *c) { bignum row, tmp; int i, j; initialize_bignum(c); row = *a; for (i = 0; i <= b->lastdigit; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= b->digits[i]; j++) { add_bignum(c, &row, &tmp); *c = tmp; } digit_shift(&row, 1); } c->signbit = a->signbit * b->signbit; zero_justify(c); }
/** Subtracts big numbers; i.e. c = a - b */ void subtract_bignum( bignum* a, bignum* b, bignum* c ) { int borrow; /* has anything been borrowed? */ int v; /* placeholder digit */ int i; /* counter */ initialize_bignum( c ); if( ( a->signbit == MINUS ) || ( b->signbit == MINUS ) ) { b->signbit = -1 * b->signbit; add_bignum( a, b, c ); b->signbit = -1 * b->signbit; return; } if( compare_bignum( a, b ) == PLUS ) { subtract_bignum( b, a, c ); c->signbit = MINUS; return; } c->lastdigit = max( a->lastdigit, b->lastdigit ); borrow = 0; for( i = 0; i <= ( c->lastdigit ); i++ ) { v = ( a->digits[ i ] - borrow - b->digits[ i ] ); if( a->digits[ i ] > 0) { borrow = 0; } if( v < 0 ) { v = v + 10; borrow = 1; } c->digits[ i ] = ( char ) v % 10; } zero_justify( c ); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int j, n; // n == num_digits char * dummy_str; bignum_t f1, f2, f3, pow_ten, ten; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s num_digits\n" "warning: using num_digits = 1000\n", argv[0]); n = 1000; } else n = atoi(argv[1]); init_bignum(&f1); init_bignum(&f2); init_bignum(&f3); init_bignum(&pow_ten); init_bignum(&ten); ulong_to_bignum(&ten, 10); pow_bignum(&pow_ten, &ten, n - 1); // n digits + a small buffer dummy_str = malloc(n + 2); ulong_to_bignum(&f1, 1); ulong_to_bignum(&f2, 1); for(j = 3; ; j++) { copy_bignum(&f3, &f2); add_bignum(&f3, &f1); // if the current_fibonacci_number >= 10**n, then we're done if(ge_bignum(&f3, &pow_ten)) break; swap_bignum(&f1, &f2); swap_bignum(&f2, &f3); } printf("First term in Fibonacci sequence to contain %d digits: F_%d\n", n, j); free(dummy_str); return 0; }
void multiply_bignum(bignum *a, bignum *b, bignum *c) { bignum row; /* represent shifted row */ bignum tmp; /* placeholder bignum */ int i,j; /* counters */ initialize_bignum(c); row = *a; for(i = 0; i <= b->lastdigit; i++) { for(j = 1; j <= b->digits[i]; j++) { add_bignum(c,&row,&tmp); *c = tmp; } digit_shift(&row,1); } c->signbit = a->signbit * b->signbit; zero_justify(c); }
int main(void) { int a,b; bignum n1,n2,n3,zero; while (scanf("%d %d",&a,&b) != EOF) { printf("a = %d b = %d\n",a,b); int_to_bignum(a,&n1); int_to_bignum(b,&n2); add_bignum(&n1,&n2,&n3); printf("addition -- "); print_bignum(&n3); printf("compare_bignum a ? b = %d\n",compare_bignum(&n1, &n2)); subtract_bignum(&n1,&n2,&n3); printf("subtraction -- "); print_bignum(&n3); multiply_bignum(&n1,&n2,&n3); printf("multiplication -- "); print_bignum(&n3); int_to_bignum(0,&zero); if(compare_bignum(&zero, &n2) == 0) printf("division -- NaN \n"); else { divide_bignum(&n1,&n2,&n3); printf("division -- "); print_bignum(&n3); } printf("--------------------------\n"); } return 0; }
/** Generate a new key. * \param id The name to embed in the key. * \return The newly generated key, containing public and private data. * \sa gale_crypto_public() */ struct gale_group gale_crypto_generate(struct gale_text id) { RSA *rsa = NULL; int bits = gale_text_to_number(gale_var(G_("GALE_AUTH_BITS"))); struct gale_group output = gale_group_empty(); struct gale_fragment frag; if (0 == bits) bits = 768; /* default value */ if (bits < 512) { gale_alert(GALE_WARNING,G_("expanding key size to 512"),0); bits = 512; } crypto_i_seed(); gale_alert(GALE_NOTICE,G_("generating key, please wait..."),0); rsa = RSA_generate_key(bits,RSA_F4,NULL,NULL); assert(NULL != rsa); frag.type = frag_text; = G_(""); frag.value.text = id; gale_group_add(&output,frag); frag.type = frag_number; = G_("rsa.bits"); frag.value.number = bits; gale_group_add(&output,frag); add_bignum(&output,G_("rsa.modulus"),GALE_RSA_MODULUS_LEN,1,rsa->n); add_bignum(&output,G_("rsa.exponent"),GALE_RSA_MODULUS_LEN,1,rsa->e); add_bignum(&output,G_("rsa.private.exponent"), GALE_RSA_MODULUS_LEN,1,rsa->d); add_bignum(&output,G_(""), GALE_RSA_PRIME_LEN,2,rsa->p,rsa->q); add_bignum(&output,G_(""), GALE_RSA_PRIME_LEN,2,rsa->dmp1,rsa->dmq1); add_bignum(&output,G_("rsa.private.coefficient"), GALE_RSA_PRIME_LEN,1,rsa->iqmp); if (NULL != rsa) RSA_free(rsa); return output; }