Beispiel #1
void extra_create()
    set_name( "a beholder" );
    add_alias( "beholder" );
    set_short( "a beholder" );
    set_long( "This is a beholder. It is essentially a floating head "
      "with one single, cyclops-like eye surrounded by ten smaller eye "
      "stalks. Its massive, gaping maw is set in a permanent grin. "
      "It looks like a sphere covered in eyes, with extra eyes "
      "growing out of it. Little eye sprouts if you will." );
    set_gender( "unknown" );
    set_race( MON "beholder_race" );
    set_skill( "dodge", 50 );
    set_alignment( -4000 );
    set_stat( "str", random( 5000 ) );
    set_stat( "con", random( 5000 ) );
    set_proficiency( "hands", 50 );
    set_move_rate( 60 );
    set_move_chance( 50 );
    set_aggressive( 3 );
    add_combat_message( "smack", "smacks" );
    add_combat_message( "slup", "slurps" );
    add_combat_message( "grab", "grabs" );
    set_type( "blunt" );
    set_hit_bonus( 2 ); //So many eyes.
    set_heal_rate( 30 );
    set_heal_amount( random( THISO->query_max_hp() ) - random( 300 ) );
    set_natural_ac( 5 );
    set( "loot", 1 );
    add_money( random( 1000 ) );
    add_special_attack( "blastem", THISO, 10 );
Beispiel #2
void extra_create()
    set_name( "tendrils" );
    add_alias( "tendril" );
    add_alias( "tendrils" );
    set_short( "some writhing black tendrils" );
    set_ansi_short ( sprintf( "%ssome writhing black tendrils%s", HIK, NORM ) );
    set_long( "These horrible black tendrils writhe and grip about wildly."
    set_alignment( DEMONIC_AL );
    set_stat( "str" , 200 );
    set_stat( "con" , 300 );
    set_stat( "wil" , 300 );
    set_stat( "dex" , 130 );
    set_skill( "dodge", 65 );
    set( NoStealP );
    set( NoStunP );
    set_natural_ac( 3 );
    set_heal_rate( 30 );
    set_heal_amount( 6 );
    set_max_damage( 10 );
	set_aggressive( 1 );
	add_combat_message( "grope", "gropes" );
	add_combat_message( "slither on", "slither on" );
Beispiel #3
void setup()
#ifdef USE_SIZE
#ifdef USE_MASS
    add_combat_message("miss", "$N $vtake a clumsy swipe at $t, but only $vsucceed in making a fool of $r.");
Beispiel #4
void extra_create()
    string variety;
    string mrace;    
    int strmod = random( 50 );
    int wilmod = random( 100 );
    int intmod = random(200);
    set_name( "an insane researcher" );
    add_alias( "insane researcher" );
    switch(random( 4 ) )
      case 0 : mrace = "gnome";    break;
      case 1 : mrace = "human";    break;
      case 2 : mrace = "drow_elf"; break;
      case 3 : mrace = "dwarf";    break;
    switch( random( 5 ) ) {
      case 0 : variety = "huddled in the corner";          break;
      case 1 : variety = "ripping at its own face";       break;
      case 2 : variety = "covered in its own blood";      break; 
      case 3 : variety = "wheezing through a broken nose"; break;
      case 4 : variety = "vomiting all over itself";       break;
    set_short( sprintf( "a researcher, %s", variety ) );
    set_long( "You can't tell whether this was a man or a woman. "
              "It has long since passed beyond gender and "
              "into the inhuman. Scabs fester, crack, and "
              "bleed all over its skin. Its eyes are gone "
              "the sockets stained with blood. It appears that "
              "the wounds were self inflicted." );

    set_alignment( EVIL_AL );
    set_gender( "unknown" );
    set_aggressive( 5 );
    set_proficiency( "hands", 100 );
    add_combat_message( "rip", "rips" );
    set_chat_chance( 90 );
    set_chat_rate( 50 );
    add_phrase( "#say We went too far, " 
      "and yet it's all smiles here." ); 
    add_phrase( "#say The Darkness has shown me the "
      "light!" );
    add_phrase( "#say I found the taste of sentient beings "
      "to be so much sweeter than that of others." );
    add_phrase( "#say Is this my blood?" );
    add_phrase( "#say I will flay your skin and put you "
      "with the rest of them." );
    add_phrase( "#say Lost, lost, lost, lost, lost..." );
    add_phrase( "#say Stop screaming! ");
    add_combat_phrase( "#say I will swallow your soul!" );
    add_combat_phrase( "#say You will feed the old ones!" );
    add_combat_phrase( "#say Finish me, I crave the embrace!" );
    add_combat_phrase( "#say Who will lock you in the cellar..." );
    add_combat_phrase( "#say My pain has no meaning!" );
    set_avoid_props( ({ NoWanderRoomP }) );