Beispiel #1
/* add_redirect_rule2() */
add_redirect_rule2(const char * ifname,
                   const char * rhost, unsigned short eport,
                   const char * iaddr, unsigned short iport, int proto,
                   const char * desc, unsigned int timestamp)
    int r = addnatrule(proto, eport, iaddr, iport, rhost);
    if(r >= 0)
        add_redirect_desc(eport, proto, desc, timestamp);
    return r;
/* add_redirect_rule2() */
add_redirect_rule2(const char * ifname, unsigned short eport,
                   const char * iaddr, unsigned short iport, int proto,
				   const char * desc,
				   const char * eaddr) /* Chun add: for CD_ROUTER */
	/* Chun modify: for CD_ROUTER */
	//int r = addnatrule(proto, eport, iaddr, iport);
	int r = addnatrule(proto, eport, iaddr, iport, eaddr); 
	if(r >= 0)
		add_redirect_desc(eport, proto, desc);
	return r;
Beispiel #3
main(int argc, char ** argv)
	unsigned short eport, iport;
	const char * iaddr;
	printf("Usage %s <ext_port> <internal_ip> <internal_port>\n", argv[0]);

		return -1;
	openlog("testiptcrdr", LOG_PERROR|LOG_CONS, LOG_LOCAL0);
	eport = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[1]);
	iaddr = argv[2];
	iport = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[3]);
	printf("trying to redirect port %hu to %s:%hu\n", eport, iaddr, iport);
	if(addnatrule(IPPROTO_TCP, eport, iaddr, iport, NULL) < 0)
		return -1;
	if(add_filter_rule(IPPROTO_TCP, NULL, iaddr, iport) < 0)
		return -1;
	/* test */
		unsigned short p1, p2;
		char addr[16];
		int proto2;
		char desc[256];
		char rhost[256];
		unsigned int timestamp;
		u_int64_t packets, bytes;

		desc[0] = '\0';
		if(get_redirect_rule_by_index(0, "", &p1,
		                              addr, sizeof(addr), &p2,
		                              &proto2, desc, sizeof(desc),
		                              rhost, sizeof(rhost),
									  &packets, &bytes) < 0)
			printf("rule not found\n");
			printf("redirected port %hu to %s:%hu proto %d   packets=%" PRIu64 " bytes=%" PRIu64 "\n",
			       p1, addr, p2, proto2, packets, bytes);
	printf("trying to list nat rules :\n");
	delete_redirect_and_filter_rules(eport, IPPROTO_TCP);
	return 0;