Beispiel #1
int gen_dump_float(struct parse_string *p, const char *ptr, unsigned indent)
	return addshort(p, "%g", *(float *)(ptr));
Beispiel #2
int gen_dump_double(struct parse_string *p, const char *ptr, unsigned indent)
	return addshort(p, "%lg", *(double *)(ptr));
Beispiel #3
/* handle dumping of an array of arbitrary type */
static int gen_dump_array(struct parse_string *p,
			  const struct parse_struct *pinfo, 
			  const char *ptr,
			  int array_len,
			  int indent)
	int i, count=0;

	/* special handling of fixed length strings */
	if (array_len != 0 && 
	    pinfo->ptr_count == 0 &&
	    pinfo->dump_fn == gen_dump_char) {
		char *s = encode_bytes(ptr, array_len);
		if (!s) return -1;
			if (addtabbed(p, pinfo->name, indent) ||
				addstr(p, " = {") ||
				addstr(p, s) ||
				addstr(p, "}\n")) {
				return -1;
		return 0;

	for (i=0;i<array_len;i++) {
		const char *p2 = ptr;
		unsigned size = pinfo->size;

		/* generic pointer dereference */
		if (pinfo->ptr_count) {
			p2 = *(const char **)ptr;
			size = sizeof(void *);
		if ((count || pinfo->ptr_count) && 
		    !(pinfo->flags & FLAG_ALWAYS) &&
		    all_zero(ptr, size)) {
			ptr += size;
		if (count == 0) {
			if (addtabbed(p, pinfo->name, indent) ||
			    addshort(p, " = %u:", i)) {
				return -1;
		} else {
			if (addshort(p, ", %u:", i) != 0) {
				return -1;
		if (gen_dump_one(p, pinfo, p2, indent) != 0) {
			return -1;
		ptr += size;
	if (count) {
		return addstr(p, "\n");
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
int gen_dump_time_t(struct parse_string *p, const char *ptr, unsigned indent)
	return addshort(p, "%u", *(time_t *)(ptr));
Beispiel #5
// Render a single triangle to memory.
void testTriangle() {
// Like above, we allocate/lock/map some videocore memory
  // I'm just shoving everything in a single buffer because I'm lazy
  // 8Mb, 4k alignment
  unsigned int handle = mem_alloc(mbox, 0x800000, 0x1000, MEM_FLAG_COHERENT | MEM_FLAG_ZERO);
  if (!handle) {
    printf("Error: Unable to allocate memory");
  uint32_t bus_addr = mem_lock(mbox, handle); 
  uint8_t *list = (uint8_t*) mapmem(bus_addr, 0x800000);

  uint8_t *p = list;

// Configuration stuff
  // Tile Binning Configuration.
  //   Tile state data is 48 bytes per tile, I think it can be thrown away
  //   as soon as binning is finished.
  addbyte(&p, 112);
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0x6200); // tile allocation memory address
  addword(&p, 0x8000); // tile allocation memory size
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0x100); // Tile state data address
  addbyte(&p, 30); // 1920/64
  addbyte(&p, 17); // 1080/64 (16.875)
  addbyte(&p, 0x04); // config

  // Start tile binning.
  addbyte(&p, 6);

  // Primitive type
  addbyte(&p, 56);
  addbyte(&p, 0x32); // 16 bit triangle

  // Clip Window
  addbyte(&p, 102);
  addshort(&p, 0);
  addshort(&p, 0);
  addshort(&p, 1920); // width
  addshort(&p, 1080); // height

  // State
  addbyte(&p, 96);
  addbyte(&p, 0x03); // enable both foward and back facing polygons
  addbyte(&p, 0x00); // depth testing disabled
  addbyte(&p, 0x02); // enable early depth write

  // Viewport offset
  addbyte(&p, 103);
  addshort(&p, 0);
  addshort(&p, 0);

// The triangle
  // No Vertex Shader state (takes pre-transformed vertexes, 
  // so we don't have to supply a working coordinate shader to test the binner.
  addbyte(&p, 65);
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0x80); // Shader Record

  // primitive index list
  addbyte(&p, 32);
  addbyte(&p, 0x04); // 8bit index, trinagles
  addword(&p, 3); // Length
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0x70); // address
  addword(&p, 2); // Maximum index

// End of bin list
  // Flush
  addbyte(&p, 5);
  // Nop
  addbyte(&p, 1);
  // Halt
  addbyte(&p, 0);

  int length = p - list;
  assert(length < 0x80);

// Shader Record
  p = list + 0x80;
  addbyte(&p, 0x01); // flags
  addbyte(&p, 6*4); // stride
  addbyte(&p, 0xcc); // num uniforms (not used)
  addbyte(&p, 3); // num varyings
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0xfe00); // Fragment shader code
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0xff00); // Fragment shader uniforms
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0xa0); // Vertex Data

// Vertex Data
  p = list + 0xa0;
  // Vertex: Top, red
  addshort(&p, (1920/2) << 4); // X in 12.4 fixed point
  addshort(&p, 200 << 4); // Y in 12.4 fixed point
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // Z
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // 1/W
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // Varying 0 (Red)
  addfloat(&p, 0.0f); // Varying 1 (Green)
  addfloat(&p, 0.0f); // Varying 2 (Blue)

  // Vertex: bottom left, Green
  addshort(&p, 560 << 4); // X in 12.4 fixed point
  addshort(&p, 800 << 4); // Y in 12.4 fixed point
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // Z
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // 1/W
  addfloat(&p, 0.0f); // Varying 0 (Red)
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // Varying 1 (Green)
  addfloat(&p, 0.0f); // Varying 2 (Blue)

  // Vertex: bottom right, Blue
  addshort(&p, 1360 << 4); // X in 12.4 fixed point
  addshort(&p, 800 << 4); // Y in 12.4 fixed point
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // Z
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // 1/W
  addfloat(&p, 0.0f); // Varying 0 (Red)
  addfloat(&p, 0.0f); // Varying 1 (Green)
  addfloat(&p, 1.0f); // Varying 2 (Blue)

// Vertex list
  p = list + 0x70;
  addbyte(&p, 0); // top
  addbyte(&p, 1); // bottom left
  addbyte(&p, 2); // bottom right

// fragment shader
  p = list + 0xfe00;
  addword(&p, 0x958e0dbf);
  addword(&p, 0xd1724823); /* mov r0, vary; mov r3.8d, 1.0 */
  addword(&p, 0x818e7176); 
  addword(&p, 0x40024821); /* fadd r0, r0, r5; mov r1, vary */
  addword(&p, 0x818e7376); 
  addword(&p, 0x10024862); /* fadd r1, r1, r5; mov r2, vary */
  addword(&p, 0x819e7540); 
  addword(&p, 0x114248a3); /* fadd r2, r2, r5; mov r3.8a, r0 */
  addword(&p, 0x809e7009); 
  addword(&p, 0x115049e3); /* nop; mov r3.8b, r1 */
  addword(&p, 0x809e7012); 
  addword(&p, 0x116049e3); /* nop; mov r3.8c, r2 */
  addword(&p, 0x159e76c0); 
  addword(&p, 0x30020ba7); /* mov tlbc, r3; nop; thrend */
  addword(&p, 0x009e7000);
  addword(&p, 0x100009e7); /* nop; nop; nop */
  addword(&p, 0x009e7000);
  addword(&p, 0x500009e7); /* nop; nop; sbdone */

// Render control list
  p = list + 0xe200;

  // Clear color
  addbyte(&p, 114);
  addword(&p, 0xff000000); // Opaque Black
  addword(&p, 0xff000000); // 32 bit clear colours need to be repeated twice
  addword(&p, 0);
  addbyte(&p, 0);

  // Tile Rendering Mode Configuration
  addbyte(&p, 113);
  addword(&p, bus_addr + 0x10000); // framebuffer addresss
  addshort(&p, 1920); // width
  addshort(&p, 1080); // height
  addbyte(&p, 0x04); // framebuffer mode (linear rgba8888)
  addbyte(&p, 0x00);

  // Do a store of the first tile to force the tile buffer to be cleared
  // Tile Coordinates
  addbyte(&p, 115);
  addbyte(&p, 0);
  addbyte(&p, 0);
  // Store Tile Buffer General
  addbyte(&p, 28);
  addshort(&p, 0); // Store nothing (just clear)
  addword(&p, 0); // no address is needed

  // Link all binned lists together
  for(int x = 0; x < 30; x++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < 17; y++) {

      // Tile Coordinates
      addbyte(&p, 115);
      addbyte(&p, x);
      addbyte(&p, y);
      // Call Tile sublist
      addbyte(&p, 17);
      addword(&p, bus_addr + 0x6200 + (y * 30 + x) * 32);

      // Last tile needs a special store instruction
      if(x == 29 && y == 16) {
        // Store resolved tile color buffer and signal end of frame
        addbyte(&p, 25);
      } else {
        // Store resolved tile color buffer
        addbyte(&p, 24);

  int render_length = p - (list + 0xe200);

// Run our control list
  printf("Binner control list constructed\n");
  printf("Start Address: 0x%08x, length: 0x%x\n", bus_addr, length);

  v3d[V3D_CT0CA] = bus_addr;
  v3d[V3D_CT0EA] = bus_addr + length;
  printf("V3D_CT0CS: 0x%08x, Address: 0x%08x\n", v3d[V3D_CT0CS], v3d[V3D_CT0CA]);

  // Wait for control list to execute
  while(v3d[V3D_CT0CS] & 0x20);
  printf("V3D_CT0CS: 0x%08x, Address: 0x%08x\n", v3d[V3D_CT0CS], v3d[V3D_CT0CA]);
  printf("V3D_CT1CS: 0x%08x, Address: 0x%08x\n", v3d[V3D_CT1CS], v3d[V3D_CT1CA]);

  v3d[V3D_CT1CA] = bus_addr + 0xe200;
  v3d[V3D_CT1EA] = bus_addr + 0xe200 + render_length;

  while(v3d[V3D_CT1CS] & 0x20);
  printf("V3D_CT1CS: 0x%08x, Address: 0x%08x\n", v3d[V3D_CT1CS], v3d[V3D_CT1CA]);
  v3d[V3D_CT1CS] = 0x20;

  // just dump the frame to a file
  FILE *f = fopen("", "w");
  fwrite(list + 0x10000, (1920*1080*4), 1, f);
  printf("frame buffer memory dumpped to\n");

// Release resources
  unmapmem((void *) list, 0x800000);
  mem_unlock(mbox, handle);
  mem_free(mbox, handle);