int AGOSEngine_PN::actCallD(int n) { int pf[8]; funcentry(pf, n); addstack(kJmpClassNum); funccpy(pf); setposition(n, 0); return doline(1); }
void Plots(TString plots="4Jets", TString sys="", bool EvtNorm=false){ /**************** Style ****************/ gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptFit(1000); gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo"); gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L /home/brochero/ttbar/TopCodeljets/tdrStyle.C"); setTDRStyle(); Int_t chatch = 1756; TColor *color = new TColor(chatch, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, "", 0.45); // alpha = 0.5 TString files = dirnameIn + fl; /**************** Channel ****************/ TString channel[3]; channel[0] = "mujets"; channel[1] = "ejets"; channel[2] = "lepjet"; /**************** Data ****************/ std::vector<histos> DataMu; DataMu = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_DataSingleMu"); std::vector<histos> DataEG; DataEG = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_DataSingleEG"); std::vector<histos> Data; Data = addhistograms(DataMu, DataEG); setuphistograms(Data, kBlack); /**************** ttbar Signal ****************/ std::vector<histos> ttbar_0; ttbar_0 = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_ttbar-PowhegPythia"); setuphistograms(ttbar_0, kRed+1); std::vector<histos> ttbar_1; ttbar_1 = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_ttbar-MCatNLO"); setuphistograms(ttbar_1, kRed+2); std::vector<histos> ttbar_2; ttbar_2 = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_ttbar-Madgraph"); setuphistograms(ttbar_2, kRed+3); /**************** Z+Jets ****************/ std::vector<histos> ZJets; ZJets = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_ZJets"); setuphistograms(ZJets, kAzure-2); /**************** VV ****************/ std::vector<histos> WW; WW = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_WW"); std::vector<histos> WZ; WZ = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_WZ"); std::vector<histos> ZZ; ZZ = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_ZZ"); std::vector<histos> VV; VV = addhistograms(WW, WZ); VV = addhistograms(VV, ZZ); setuphistograms(VV, kYellow-3); /**************** Single Top ****************/ std::vector<histos> tW; tW = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_tW"); std::vector<histos> tbarW; tbarW = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_tbarW"); std::vector<histos> t_tch; t_tch = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_t-tchannel"); std::vector<histos> tbar_tch; tbar_tch = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_tbar-tchannel"); std::vector<histos> Single_top; Single_top = addhistograms(tW, tbarW); Single_top = addhistograms(Single_top, t_tch); Single_top = addhistograms(Single_top, tbar_tch); setuphistograms(Single_top, kPink-3); /**************** W+Jets ****************/ std::vector<histos> WJets; WJets = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_WJets"); setuphistograms(WJets, kGreen-3); /**************** ttbar Bkg ****************/ std::vector<histos> ttbar_bkg; ttbar_bkg = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_ttbar-PowhegPythiaBkg"); setuphistograms(ttbar_bkg, kViolet-3); /**************** QCD ****************/ std::vector<histos> QCD; QCD = loadhistograms(plots, files + "_QCD-MuEnr"); setuphistograms(QCD, kOrange-3); /**************** Stacks ****************/ std::vector<histos> Stack_bkg; std::vector<histos> Stack; histos st_bkg; histos st; for(unsigned int h=0; h<WJets.size(); h++){ TString variable; for(int ch=0; ch<3; ch++){[ch] = new THStack(variable, "");[ch] = new THStack(variable, "");[ch]->SetHistogram( (TH1F*)WJets[h].hist[ch]->Clone());[ch]->SetHistogram( (TH1F*)WJets[h].hist[ch]->Clone()); } Stack.push_back(st); Stack_bkg.push_back(st_bkg); } //------------------------------------------------------- // Background Stack Stack_bkg = addstack(Stack_bkg, WJets); Stack_bkg = addstack(Stack_bkg, QCD); Stack_bkg = addstack(Stack_bkg, Single_top); Stack_bkg = addstack(Stack_bkg, VV); Stack_bkg = addstack(Stack_bkg, ttbar_bkg); Stack_bkg = addstack(Stack_bkg, ZJets); //------------------------------------------------------- // Stack Stack = addstack(Stack, WJets); Stack = addstack(Stack, QCD); Stack = addstack(Stack, Single_top); Stack = addstack(Stack, VV); Stack = addstack(Stack, ttbar_bkg); Stack = addstack(Stack, ZJets); Stack = addstack(Stack, ttbar_0); //------------------------------------------------------- // other ttbar Generators ttbar_1 = addhistograms(ttbar_1, Stack_bkg); ttbar_2 = addhistograms(ttbar_2, Stack_bkg); /**************** Draw Histos ****************/ TCanvas *histocanvas; histocanvas = new TCanvas("plots", "Plots"); for(unsigned int h=0; h<WJets.size(); h++){ for(int ch=0; ch<3; ch++){ histocanvas->Divide(1,2); TPad *pad[2]; //Plot Pad pad[0] = (TPad*)histocanvas->GetPad(1); pad[0]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); pad[0]->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad[0]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad pad[1] = (TPad*)histocanvas->GetPad(2); pad[1]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(0.5); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); pad[1]->SetGridx(); pad[1]->SetGridy(); pad[1]->SetTopMargin(0.05); pad[1]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); pad[1]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //------------------------------------------------------- // Stack pad[0]->cd(); Stack[h].mc[ch]->Draw("hist"); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events"); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(607); //Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); TGaxis *hYaxis = (TGaxis*)Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetYaxis(); //hYaxis->SetMaxDigits(3); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.0); Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); float maxh = Data[h].hist[ch]->GetMaximum(); if(maxh < Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetMaximum()) maxh = Stack[h].mc[ch]->GetMaximum(); Stack[h].mc[ch]->SetMaximum(1.7*maxh); //------------------------------------------------------- // Band error TGraphErrors *thegraph = new TGraphErrors(Stack[h].hist[ch]); thegraph->SetName("thegraph"); thegraph->SetFillStyle(1001); thegraph->SetFillColor(chatch); thegraph->SetLineColor(chatch); thegraph->Draw("e2SAME"); //------------------------------------------------------- // Other ttbar generators ttbar_1[h].hist[ch]->SetLineColor(6); ttbar_1[h].hist[ch]->SetLineStyle(2); ttbar_1[h].hist[ch]->SetFillColor(0); ttbar_1[h].hist[ch]->Draw("histoSAME"); ttbar_2[h].hist[ch]->SetLineColor(8); ttbar_2[h].hist[ch]->SetLineStyle(4); ttbar_2[h].hist[ch]->SetFillColor(0); ttbar_2[h].hist[ch]->Draw("histoSAME"); //------------------------------------------------------- // Data Histogram Data[h].hist[ch]->SetMarkerStyle(20); Data[h].hist[ch]->SetMarkerSize(0.7); Data[h].hist[ch]->Draw("SAME"); /*********************** Legends ***********************/ TLegend *leg; float legx1=0.76; float legy1=0.54; float legx2=0.90; float legy2=0.87; leg = new TLegend(legx1,legy1,legx2,legy2); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->SetLineColor(1); leg->SetTextFont(62); leg->SetTextSize(0.03); leg->AddEntry(Data[h].hist[ch],"Data","PL"); leg->AddEntry(ttbar_0[h].hist[ch],"t#bar{t} Signal","F"); leg->AddEntry(ZJets[h].hist[ch],"Z+Jets","F"); leg->AddEntry(ttbar_bkg[h].hist[ch],"t#bar{t} Bkg","F"); leg->AddEntry(VV[h].hist[ch],"VV","F"); leg->AddEntry(Single_top[h].hist[ch],"Single t","F"); leg->AddEntry(QCD[h].hist[ch],"QCD","F"); leg->AddEntry(WJets[h].hist[ch],"W+Jets","F"); leg->AddEntry("thegraph","Uncertainty","F"); leg->AddEntry((TObject*)0,"",""); leg->AddEntry(ttbar_1[h].hist[ch],"MC@NLO","L"); leg->AddEntry(ttbar_2[h].hist[ch],"Madgraph","L"); leg->Draw("SAME"); //------------------------------------------------------- // CMS TString htitleCMSChannel[3]; htitleCMSChannel[0] = "#mu^{#pm}+jets channel"; htitleCMSChannel[1] = "e^{#pm}+jets channel"; htitleCMSChannel[2] = "l^{#pm}+jets channel"; titlePr = new TLatex(-20.,50.,"Preliminary"); titlePr->SetNDC(); titlePr->SetTextAlign(12); titlePr->SetX(0.25); titlePr->SetY(0.93); titlePr->SetTextColor(2); titlePr->SetTextFont(42); titlePr->SetTextSize(0.05); titlePr->SetTextSizePixels(24); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); title = new TLatex(-20.,50.,"CMS #sqrt{s} = 13TeV, L = 42 pb^{-1}(50ns)"); title->SetNDC(); title->SetTextAlign(12); title->SetX(0.20); title->SetY(0.83); title->SetTextFont(42); title->SetTextSize(0.05); title->SetTextSizePixels(24); title->Draw("SAME"); chtitle = new TLatex(-20.,50.,htitleCMSChannel[ch]); chtitle->SetNDC(); chtitle->SetTextAlign(12); chtitle->SetX(0.20); chtitle->SetY(0.75); chtitle->SetTextFont(42); chtitle->SetTextSize(0.05); chtitle->SetTextSizePixels(24); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); /*********************** Ratio ***********************/ pad[1]->cd(); //------------------------------------------------------- //Graph Ratio Clone TH1F *Ratio; Ratio = (TH1F*)Data[h].hist[ch]->Clone(); Ratio->Divide(Stack[h].hist[ch]); TH1F *RatioSyst; RatioSyst = (TH1F*)Data[h].hist[ch]->Clone(); RatioSyst->Divide(Stack[h].hist[ch]); // Should be the histogram with the Total Syst. Unc. std::vector<double> ratioContent; for(unsigned int b_r = 1; b_r <= RatioSyst->GetNbinsX(); b_r++){ RatioSyst->SetBinContent(b_r,1.0); //RatioSyst->SetBinError(b_r,0.15); // Tempotal!!! } Ratio->SetMarkerStyle(20); Ratio->SetMarkerSize(0.5); Ratio->SetMarkerColor(1); Ratio->SetLineColor(1); Ratio->SetLineWidth(1); Ratio->SetMaximum(2); Ratio->SetMinimum(0); Ratio->SetTitle(""); Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Obs/Exp"); Ratio->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.45); Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.16); Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.15); Ratio->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(402); Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(509); Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.20); Ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.16); Ratio->SetMinimum(0.6); Ratio->SetMaximum(1.4); TGraphErrors *thegraphRatioSyst = new TGraphErrors(RatioSyst); thegraphRatioSyst->SetFillStyle(1001); thegraphRatioSyst->SetFillColor(chatch); thegraphRatioSyst->SetName("thegraphRatioSyst"); //------------------------------------------------------- //Graph Ratio other ttbar generators TH1F *Ratio_1; Ratio_1 = (TH1F*)Data[h].hist[ch]->Clone(); Ratio_1->Divide(ttbar_1[h].hist[ch]); Ratio_1->SetLineColor(6); Ratio_1->SetLineStyle(2); Ratio_1->SetLineWidth(2); Ratio_1->SetFillColor(0); TH1F *Ratio_2; Ratio_2 = (TH1F*)Data[h].hist[ch]->Clone(); Ratio_2->Divide(ttbar_2[h].hist[ch]); Ratio_2->SetLineColor(8); Ratio_2->SetLineStyle(4); Ratio_2->SetLineWidth(2); Ratio_2->SetFillColor(0); //------------------------------------------------------- // Draw Ratios Ratio->Draw(); thegraphRatioSyst->Draw("e2"); Ratio->Draw("histpSAME"); Ratio_1->Draw("histSAME"); Ratio_2->Draw("histSAME"); /*********************** Save Histos ***********************/ TString dirfigname_pdf=dirnameIn + "figures_" + fl + "/pdf/"; // make a dir if it does not exist!! gSystem->mkdir(dirfigname_pdf, kTRUE); histocanvas->SaveAs(dirfigname_pdf + WJets[h].hist[ch]->GetName() + ".pdf"); // clear Canvas histocanvas->Clear(); } } } //end Plots.C
void AGOSEngine_PN::opn_opcode28() { addstack(varval()); _stackbase->tagOfParentDoline = _tagOfActiveDoline; setScriptReturn(false); }
static int catsearch(struct vol *vol, struct dir *dir, int rmatches, uint32_t *pos, char *rbuf, uint32_t *nrecs, int *rsize, int ext) { static u_int32_t cur_pos; /* Saved position index (ID) - used to remember "position" across FPCatSearch calls */ static DIR *dirpos; /* UNIX structure describing currently opened directory. */ struct dir *currentdir; /* struct dir of current directory */ int cidx, r; struct dirent *entry; int result = AFP_OK; int ccr; struct path path; char *vpath = vol->v_path; char *rrbuf = rbuf; time_t start_time; int num_rounds = NUM_ROUNDS; int cwd = -1; int error; int unlen; if (*pos != 0 && *pos != cur_pos) { result = AFPERR_CATCHNG; goto catsearch_end; } /* FIXME: Category "offspring count ! */ /* We need to initialize all mandatory structures/variables and change working directory appropriate... */ if (*pos == 0) { clearstack(); if (dirpos != NULL) { closedir(dirpos); dirpos = NULL; } if (addstack(vpath, dir, -1) == -1) { result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } /* FIXME: Sometimes DID is given by client ! (correct this one above !) */ } /* Save current path */ if ((cwd = open(".", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } /* So we are beginning... */ start_time = time(NULL); while ((cidx = reducestack()) != -1) { if ((currentdir = dirlookup(vol, dstack[cidx].ds_did)) == NULL) { result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "catsearch: current struct dir: \"%s\"", cfrombstr(currentdir->d_fullpath)); error = movecwd(vol, currentdir); if (!error && dirpos == NULL) dirpos = opendir("."); if (dirpos == NULL) dirpos = opendir(bdata(currentdir->d_fullpath)); if (error || dirpos == NULL) { switch (errno) { case EACCES: dstack[cidx].ds_checked = 1; continue; case EMFILE: case ENFILE: case ENOENT: result = AFPERR_NFILE; break; case ENOMEM: case ENOTDIR: default: result = AFPERR_MISC; } /* switch (errno) */ goto catsearch_end; } while ((entry = readdir(dirpos)) != NULL) { (*pos)++; if (!check_dirent(vol, entry->d_name)) continue; LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "catsearch(\"%s\"): dirent: \"%s\"", cfrombstr(currentdir->d_fullpath), entry->d_name); memset(&path, 0, sizeof(path)); path.u_name = entry->d_name; if (of_stat(vol, &path) != 0) { switch (errno) { case EACCES: case ELOOP: case ENOENT: continue; case ENOTDIR: case EFAULT: case ENOMEM: case ENAMETOOLONG: default: result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } } switch (S_IFMT & { case S_IFDIR: /* here we can short cut ie if in the same loop the parent dir wasn't in the cache ALL dirsearch_byname will fail. */ unlen = strlen(path.u_name); path.d_dir = dircache_search_by_name(vol, currentdir, path.u_name, unlen); if (path.d_dir == NULL) { /* path.m_name is set by adddir */ if ((path.d_dir = dir_add(vol, currentdir, &path, unlen)) == NULL) { result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } } path.m_name = cfrombstr(path.d_dir->d_m_name); if (addstack(path.u_name, path.d_dir, cidx) == -1) { result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } break; case S_IFREG: path.d_dir = currentdir; break; default: continue; } ccr = crit_check(vol, &path); /* bit 0 means that criteria has been met */ if ((ccr & 1)) { r = rslt_add ( vol, &path, &rrbuf, ext); if (r == 0) { result = AFPERR_MISC; goto catsearch_end; } *nrecs += r; /* Number of matches limit */ if (--rmatches == 0) goto catsearch_pause; /* Block size limit */ if (rrbuf - rbuf >= 448) goto catsearch_pause; } /* MacOS 9 doesn't like servers executing commands longer than few seconds */ if (--num_rounds <= 0) { if (start_time != time(NULL)) { result=AFP_OK; goto catsearch_pause; } num_rounds = NUM_ROUNDS; } } /* while ((entry=readdir(dirpos)) != NULL) */ closedir(dirpos); dirpos = NULL; dstack[cidx].ds_checked = 1; } /* while (current_idx = reducestack()) != -1) */ /* We have finished traversing our tree. Return EOF here. */ result = AFPERR_EOF; goto catsearch_end; catsearch_pause: cur_pos = *pos; save_cidx = cidx; catsearch_end: /* Exiting catsearch: error condition */ *rsize = rrbuf - rbuf; if (cwd != -1) { if ((fchdir(cwd)) != 0) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "error chdiring back: %s", strerror(errno)); } close(cwd); } return result; } /* catsearch() */
int setdf(float mval) { int i,j,k,n,nflat,ni,ip,imin,err,jn,in,np1,nt; float fact[9],per=1.; /* Initialize boundaries */ for(i=i1; i< n1; i++) { dir[i][i2]= -1; dir[i][n2-1]= -1; } for(i=i2; i< n2; i++) { dir[i1][i]= -1; dir[n1-1][i]= -1; } /* initialize internal pointers */ for(i=i2+1; i< n2-1; i++)for(j=i1+1; j<n1-1; j++) { if(elev[j][i] <= mval)dir[j][i]= -1; else dir[j][i] = 0; } /* Direction factors */ for(k=1; k<= 8; k++) fact[k]=(float)(1./sqrt(d1[k]*dy*d1[k]*dy+d2[k]*d2[k]*dx*dx)); /* printf("Problem Pixels \n"); */ /* printf(" Flats Unresolved\n"); */ /* Set positive slope directions - store unresolved on stack */ /*ttt n=1; Avoid iterating - work with stack only while(n >= 1) { */ nis=0; for(i=i2+1; i< n2-1; i++)for(j=i1+1; j<n1-1; j++) { if(elev[j][i] > mval)set(i,j,fact,mval); /* Put unresolved pixels on stack */ if(dir[j][i] == 0) { err=addstack(i,j); } } nflat=nis; /* routine to drain flats to neighbors */ SetWorkingStatus(); imin=vdn(nflat); n=nis; printf("Number of pits to resolve: %d\n",n); np1=n; nt=np1*(1-per/100); /* initialize apool to zero */ for(i=i2; i< n2; i++)for(j=i1; j<n1; j++) apool[j][i]=0; /* store unresolved stack location in apool for easy deletion for(k=1; k<=nis; k++) apool[js[k]][is[k]]= - k; */ /* pooln=0; */ while(nis > 0) /* While AA */ { /* fp=fopen("temp.dat","w"); for(ip=1; ip <= nis; ip++) { i=is[ip]; j=js[ip]; fprintf(fp,"%d %d %f\n",i,j,elev[j][i]); } fclose(fp); */ i=is[imin]; j=js[imin]; /* if(i == 12 && j == 27) { printf("Here"); } */ /* pooln=pooln+1; */ pooln=1; npool=0; nf = 0; /* reset flag to that new min elev is found */ pool(i,j); /* Recursive call on unresolved point with lowest elevation */ /* Find the pour point of the pool */ /* err = gridwrite("pool.asc",(void **)apool,RPSHRDTYPE,nx,ny,dx,dy, bndbox,csize,-9999,0); */ for(ip=1; ip<=npool; ip++) { i=ipool[ip]; j=jpool[ip]; for(k=1; k <=8; k++) { jn=j+d2[k]; in=i+d1[k]; if(apool[jn][in] != pooln) /* neighbor not in pool */ { et=max2(elev[j][i],elev[jn][in]); if(nf == 0) /* this is the first edge found */ { emin=et; nf=1; /* ipour=i; jpour=j; */ } else { /* emin=min2(emin,et); */ if(emin > et) { emin = et; /* ipour=i; jpour=j; */ } } } } } /* Fill the pool */ for(k=1; k<=npool; k++) { i=ipool[k]; j=jpool[k]; if(elev[j][i] <= emin) { if(dir[j][i] > 0) /* Can be in pool, but not flat */ { dir[j][i]=0; /* Add to stack */ err=addstack(i,j); } for(ip=1; ip <=8; ip++) { jn=j+d2[ip]; in=i+d1[ip]; if(elev[jn][in] > elev[j][i] && dir[jn][in] > 0) /* Only zero direction of neighbors that are higher - because lower or equal may be a pour point in a pit that must not be disrupted */ { dir[jn][in] = 0; err=addstack(in,jn); } } elev[j][i] =emin; } apool[j][i]=0; /* Reinitialize for next time round */ } /* reset unresolved stack */ ni=0; for(ip=1; ip <= nis; ip++) { set(is[ip],js[ip],fact,mval); if(dir[js[ip]][is[ip]] == 0) /* still on stack */ { ni++; is[ni]=is[ip]; js[ni]=js[ip]; /* apool[js[ni]][is[ni]] = -ni; /* Need to resave stack locations since the stack is being shortened */ } /* else apool[js[ip]][is[ip]] = 0; /* Out of pool */ } /* fp=fopen("temp.dat","w"); for(ip=1; ip <= nis; ip++) { i=is[ip]; j=js[ip]; fprintf(fp,"%d %d %f\n",i,j,elev[j][i]); } fclose(fp); */ n=nis; imin=vdn(ni); if(nis < nt){ printf("Percentage done %f\n",per); per=per+1; nt=np1*(1-per/100); } /* Debug writes err = gridwrite("elev.asc",(void **)elev,RPFLTDTYPE,nx,ny,dx,dy, bndbox,csize,mval,0); err = gridwrite("pool.asc",(void **)apool,RPSHRDTYPE,nx,ny,dx,dy, bndbox,csize,-9999,0); */ } /* end of while AA */ return(err); }
static INLINE void tracepoint (int xp, int yp, int dir, unsigned int color, int xstart, int xend, int ystart, int yend) { unsigned char *calc; cpixeldata_t mycolor; int i, lookdir; unsigned int c; int x, y; int periodicity = (dir & 8) != 0; dir &= ~8; calc = calculated + xp + yp * CALCWIDTH; if (!(*calc & (CALCULATED | CALCULATING))) { *calc |= CALCULATING; mycolor = (cpixeldata_t) calculatepixel (xp, yp, periodicity); putpixel (xp, yp, mycolor); *calc |= CALCULATED; *calc &= ~CALCULATING; } else { if (*calc & CALCULATING) { /*Bad luck..some other procesor is working with out pixel :) try *later.*/ addstack (xp, yp, dir, color, periodicity); return; } mycolor = getpixel (xp, yp); } while (1) { periodicity = (mycolor == inset || color == inset); lookdir = turnright (dir); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { x = xp + dirrections[lookdir][0]; y = yp + dirrections[lookdir][1]; if (x >= xstart && x <= xend && y >= ystart && y <= yend) { calc = calculated + x + y * CALCWIDTH; if (!(*calc & (CALCULATED | CALCULATING))) { *calc |= CALCULATING; c = calculatepixel (x, y, periodicity); putpixel (x, y, c); *calc |= CALCULATED; *calc &= ~CALCULATING; } else { if (*calc & CALCULATING) { /*Bad luck..some other procesor is working with out pixel :) try *later.*/ addstack (xp, yp, dir, color, periodicity); return; } c = getpixel (x, y); } if (c == mycolor) break; if (c != color) { int dir2 = turnright (lookdir); int mask = (1 << dir2) + (1 << turnright (dir2)); if (!(*calc & mask)) { addstack (x, y, dir2, mycolor, periodicity); } color = c; } } lookdir = turnleft (lookdir); } x = xp + dirrections[lookdir][0]; y = yp + dirrections[lookdir][1]; if (x >= xstart && x <= xend && y >= ystart && y <= yend) { calc = calculated + x + y * CALCWIDTH; if (!(*calc & (1 << lookdir))) { *calc |= (1 << lookdir); if (size < 10) { addstack (x, y, lookdir, color, periodicity); return; } else { xp = x; yp = y; dir = lookdir; calc = calculated + xp + yp * CALCWIDTH; } } else return; } else return; } }