Beispiel #1
/// Read a sub-array.
/// @Note The length of the buffer is assumed to be sufficiently large
/// if the argument bufLen is less or equal to 0.  The caller is
/// responsible for allocating the buffer (@c buf) of the currect size.
ADIOS_Var::readData(void* buf, int64_t bufLen,
                    const uint64_t* start,
                    const uint64_t* count)
    uint64_t total_elm = 1;
    for (int i=0; i<getNumDimension(); i++) {
        total_elm *= count[i];
#ifdef DEBUG
        LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 5)
            << "ADIOS_Var::readData: [" << i << "] start=" << start[i]
            << ", count=" << count[i];
        uint64_t total_bytes = total_elm *
            adios_type_size(getType(), readValue());
        if (bufLen > 0 && (uint64_t)bufLen < total_bytes) {
            LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
                << "Warning -- ADIOS_Var::readData: bufLen (" << bufLen
                << ") < total_bytes (" << total_bytes << ")";
            return -1;
    ADIOS_SELECTION *sel = adios_selection_boundingbox
        (m_handle->ndim, start, count);
    if (sel == 0) {
        LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 1)
            << "Warning -- ADIOS_Var::readData failed to create a selection";
        return -2;

    IBIS_BLOCK_GUARD(adios_selection_delete, sel);
    int ierr = adios_schedule_read_byid
        (getFile(), sel, index(), getFile()->current_step, 1, buf);
    if (ierr != 0) {
        LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
            << "Warning -- ADIOS_Var::readData call to "
            "adios_schedule_read_byid failed due to " << adios_errmsg();
        return -3;

    ierr = adios_perform_reads(getFile(), 1); // 1 == blocking
    if (ierr != 0) {
        LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 0)
            << "Warning -- ADIOS_Var::readData call to adios_perform_reads on "
            << getFileName() << " failed due to " << adios_errmsg();
        return -4;
    LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 5)
        << "ADIOS_Var::readData: competeled reading " << total_elm
        << " element" << (total_elm>1?"s":"") << " for " << getName()
        << " from " << getFileName();
    return total_elm;
} // ADIOS_Var::readData
Beispiel #2
int read_stepbystep ()
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    float timeout_sec = 0.0; 
    int steps = 0;
    int retval = 0;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;

    adios_read_init_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=3");
    printf ("\n--------- Read as stream  ------------\n");
    f = adios_read_open (fname, ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP,
                          comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, timeout_sec);
    if (adios_errno == err_file_not_found)
        printf ("Stream not found after waiting %f seconds: %s\n",
                timeout_sec, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream)
        printf ("Stream terminated before open. %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (f == NULL) {
        printf ("Error at opening stream: %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        /* Processing loop over the steps (we are already in the first one) */
        while (adios_errno != err_end_of_stream) {
            steps++; // steps start counting from 1
            printf ("Step: %d\n", f->current_step);
            print_varinfo (f, f->current_step);

            // advance to 1) next available step with 2) blocking wait
            adios_advance_step (f, 0, timeout_sec);
            if (adios_errno == err_step_notready)
                //printf ("No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n",
                //        adios_errmsg());
                break; // quit while loop
        adios_read_close (f);
    adios_read_finalize_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP);
    //printf ("We have processed %d steps\n", steps);
    return retval;
Beispiel #3
int read_file (char *fname)
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    int err=0,i,n;

    uint64_t start[1] = {0};
    uint64_t count[2] = {NX};
    uint64_t ndim;


    log ("Read and check data in %s\n", fname);
    f = adios_read_open_file (fname, ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm);
    if (f == NULL) {
        printE ("Error at opening file: %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return 1;

    sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (1, start, count);
    adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "t1", 0, 1, r1);
    adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "t2", 0, 1, r2);
    adios_perform_reads (f, 1);
    adios_selection_delete (sel);

    CHECK_ARRAY (t, r1, NX);
    CHECK_ARRAY (t, r2, NX);

    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    return err;
Beispiel #4
/// The default constructor.  It is private and can not be directly called
/// by any user code.
BPCommon::BPCommon() {
    int ierr = adios_init_noxml();
    if (ierr != 0) {
        std::cerr << "BPCommon::ctor failed to initialize adios, "
                  << adios_errmsg() << std::endl;
        throw "BPCommon failed to initialize adios";

    ierr = adios_allocate_buffer(ADIOS_BUFFER_ALLOC_NOW,
    if (ierr != 0) {
        std::cerr << "BPCommon::ctor failed to allocated "
                  << FQ_ADIOS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_MB << " MB for ADIOS buffer, "
                  << adios_errmsg() << std::endl;
Beispiel #5
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    int err;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_init_noxml (comm);
    err = adios_read_init_method(ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=2");
    if (err) {
        printE ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());

    if (!err)
        err = declare_group ();
    if (!err)
        err = write_file ("reuse_dim.bp");
    if (!err)
        err = read_file ("reuse_dim.bp");

    adios_finalize (rank);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return err;
AdiosCheckpointInput::AdiosCheckpointInput(std::string& checkpoint_file)
  adios_read_init(method, OHMMS::Controller->getMPI(), "verbose=3;abort_on_error");
  adios_file_handle = adios_read_open_file(checkpoint_file.c_str(), method,
  if (adios_file_handle == NULL)
    qmcplusplus::app_error() << adios_errmsg() << std::endl;
  //Select for local values
  sel = adios_selection_writeblock (OHMMS::Controller->rank());
Beispiel #7
/// Destructor.
BPCommon::~BPCommon() {
    int rank=0;
    int ierr;
#ifndef FQ_NOMPI
    ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    if (ierr != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        std::cerr << "BPCommon::dtor failed to determine the MPI rank"
                  << std::endl;
    ierr = adios_finalize(rank);
    if (ierr != 0) {
        std::cerr << "BPCommon::dtor failed to invoke adios_finalize, "
                  << adios_errmsg() << std::endl;
Beispiel #8
/// Close the open file.  This function frees the content of the ADIOS_FILE
/// object under the control of this object.
void ADIOS_File::close()
    if (m_handle == 0) return;

    int ierr = adios_read_close(m_handle);
    if (ierr == 0) {
        LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose > 4)
            << "ADIOS_File::close successfully closed file \"" << m_fname
            << '"';
    else {
        LOGGER(ibis::gVerbose >= 0)
            << "Warning -- ADIOS_File::close failed to close file \""
            << m_fname << "\" because of " << adios_errmsg();
    m_handle = 0;
} // ADIOS_File::close
Beispiel #9
int read_all ()
        ADIOS_FILE * f;
        float timeout_sec = 0.0; 
        int steps = 0;
    int retval = 0;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;

    adios_read_init_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=3");
    printf ("\n--------- Read as file  ------------\n");
    f = adios_read_open_file (fname, ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm);
    if (f == NULL) {
        printf ("Error at opening file: %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        /* Processing all the steps at once */
        print_varinfo (f, 0);
        adios_read_close (f);
    adios_read_finalize_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP);
    return retval;
Beispiel #10
int read_scalar ()
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    float timeout_sec = 0.0; 
    int steps = 0;
    int retval = 0;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;

    adios_read_init_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=3");
    printf ("\n--------- Read all instances of the scalar 'O'  ------------\n");
    f = adios_read_open_file (fname, ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm);
    if (f == NULL) {
        printf ("Error at opening file: %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        /* Read the scalar O with writeblock selection */
        print_scalar (f, "O");
        adios_read_close (f);
    adios_read_finalize_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP);
    return retval;
Beispiel #11
int worker(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer, __func__, __FILE__, TAU_USER);
    my_printf("%d of %d In worker B\n", myrank, commsize);
    static bool announced = false;

    /* validate input */
    validate_input(argc, argv);

    my_printf("Worker B will execute until it sees n iterations.\n", iterations);

    /* ADIOS: These declarations are required to match the generated
     *        gread_/gwrite_ functions.  (And those functions are
     *        generated by calling ' adios_config.xml') ...
     *        EXCEPT THAT THE generation of Reader code is broken.
     *        So, we will write the reader code manually.
    uint64_t  adios_groupsize;
    uint64_t  adios_totalsize;
    uint64_t  adios_handle;
    void * data = NULL;
    uint64_t start[2], count[2];
    int i, j, steps = 0;
    int NX = 10;
    int NY = 1;
    double t[NX];
    double p[NX];

    /* ADIOS: Can duplicate, split the world, whatever.
     *        This allows you to have P writers to N files.
     *        With no splits, everyone shares 1 file, but
     *        can write lock-free by using different areas.
    MPI_Comm  adios_comm, adios_comm_b_to_c;
    adios_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    //MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &adios_comm);
    adios_comm_b_to_c = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    //MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &adios_comm_b_to_c);

    adios_read_init_method(method, adios_comm, "verbose=3");
    if (adios_errno != err_no_error) {
        fprintf (stderr, "rank %d: Error %d at init: %s\n", myrank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
    if (send_to_c) {
        adios_init("adios_config.xml", adios_comm);

    /* ADIOS: Set up the adios communications and buffers, open the file.
    ADIOS_FILE *fp; // file handler
    ADIOS_VARINFO *vi; // information about one variable 
    char      adios_filename_a_to_b[256];
    char      adios_filename_b_to_c[256];
    double timeout_sec = 1.0;
    sprintf(adios_filename_a_to_b, "adios_a_to_b.bp");
    sprintf(adios_filename_b_to_c, "adios_b_to_c.bp");
    my_printf ("rank %d: Worker B opening file: %s\n", myrank, adios_filename_a_to_b);
    fp = adios_read_open(adios_filename_a_to_b, method, adios_comm, lock_mode, timeout_sec);
    if (adios_errno == err_file_not_found) {
        fprintf (stderr, "rank %d: Stream not found after waiting %d seconds: %s\n",
        myrank, timeout_sec, adios_errmsg());
    } else if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream) {
        // stream has been gone before we tried to open
        fprintf (stderr, "rank %d: Stream terminated before open. %s\n", myrank, adios_errmsg());
    } else if (fp == NULL) {
        // some other error happened
        fprintf (stderr, "rank %d: Error %d at opening: %s\n", myrank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
    } else {
        my_printf("Found file %s\n", adios_filename_a_to_b);
        my_printf ("File info:\n");
        my_printf ("  current step:   %d\n", fp->current_step);
        my_printf ("  last step:      %d\n", fp->last_step);
        my_printf ("  # of variables: %d:\n", fp->nvars);

        vi = adios_inq_var(fp, "temperature");
        adios_inq_var_blockinfo(fp, vi);

        printf ("ndim = %d\n",  vi->ndim);
        printf ("nsteps = %d\n",  vi->nsteps);
        printf ("dims[%llu][%llu]\n",  vi->dims[0], vi->dims[1]);

        uint64_t slice_size = vi->dims[0]/commsize;
        if (myrank == commsize-1) {
            slice_size = slice_size + vi->dims[0]%commsize;

        start[0] = myrank * slice_size;
        count[0] = slice_size;
        start[1] = 0;
        count[1] = vi->dims[1];

        data = malloc (slice_size * vi->dims[1] * 8);

        /* Processing loop over the steps (we are already in the first one) */
        while (adios_errno != err_end_of_stream && steps < iterations) {
            steps++; // steps start counting from 1

            TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(adios_recv_timer, "ADIOS recv", __FILE__, TAU_USER);
            sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (vi->ndim, start, count);
            adios_schedule_read (fp, sel, "temperature", 0, 1, data);
            adios_perform_reads (fp, 1);

            if (myrank == 0)
                printf ("--------- B Step: %d --------------------------------\n",

#if 0
            printf("B rank=%d: [0:%lld,0:%lld] = [", myrank, vi->dims[0], vi->dims[1]);
            for (i = 0; i < slice_size; i++) {
                printf (" [");
                for (j = 0; j < vi->dims[1]; j++) {
                    printf ("%g ", *((double *)data + i * vi->dims[1] + j));
                printf ("]");
            printf (" ]\n\n");

            // advance to 1) next available step with 2) blocking wait
            adios_advance_step (fp, 0, timeout_sec);
            if (adios_errno == err_step_notready)
                printf ("B rank %d: No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n",
                        myrank, adios_errmsg());
                break; // quit while loop

            /* Do some exchanges with neighbors */
            /* "Compute" */

            for (i = 0; i < NX; i++) {
                t[i] = steps*100.0 + myrank*NX + i;

            for (i = 0; i < NY; i++) {
                p[i] = steps*1000.0 + myrank*NY + i;

            if (send_to_c) {
                TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(adios_send_timer, "ADIOS send", __FILE__, TAU_USER);
                /* ADIOS: write to the next application in the workflow */
                if (steps == 0) {
                    adios_open(&adios_handle, "b_to_c", adios_filename_b_to_c, "w", adios_comm_b_to_c);
                } else {
                    adios_open(&adios_handle, "b_to_c", adios_filename_b_to_c, "a", adios_comm_b_to_c);
                /* ADIOS: Actually write the data out.
                *        Yes, this is the recommended method, and this way, changes in
                *        configuration with the .XML file will, even in the worst-case
                *        scenario, merely require running ' adios_config.xml'
                *        and typing 'make'.
                #include ""
                /* ADIOS: Close out the file completely and finalize.
                *        If MPI is being used, this must happen before MPI_Finalize().
            #if 1
            if (!announced) {
                SOS_val foo;
                foo.i_val = NX;
                SOS_pack(example_pub, "NX", SOS_VAL_TYPE_INT, foo);
                announced = true;
        /* ADIOS: Close out the file completely and finalize.
        *        If MPI is being used, this must happen before MPI_Finalize().
    if (send_to_c) {


    /* exit */
    return 0;
Beispiel #12
int main (int argc, char **argv){
	int rank =0, size =0;
	int NX = 0;
	double *t = NULL;
	// this is an array we expect as a reference array
	double *t_ref = NULL;
	MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
	diag_t diag = DIAG_OK;  // to store the diagnostic information
	struct test_info test_result = {TEST_PASSED, "1D_arr_global_noxml"};
	struct err_counts err = { 0, 0};
	struct adios_tsprt_opts adios_opts;

	GET_ENTRY_OPTIONS(adios_opts,  "Runs readers. It is recommended to run as many readers as writers.");

	// adios read initialization
	MPI_Init( &argc, &argv);
	MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);

	// depending on the method
	SET_ERROR_IF_NOT_ZERO(adios_read_init_method(adios_opts.method, comm, adios_opts.adios_options), err.adios);
	RET_IF_ERROR(err.adios, rank);

	// I will be working with streams so the lock mode is necessary,
	// return immediately if the stream unavailable
	ADIOS_FILE *adios_handle = adios_read_open(FILE_NAME, adios_opts.method, comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, 0.0);
	if ( !adios_handle){
		p_error("Quitting ... (%d) %s\n", adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
		return DIAG_ERR;

	// define portions of data how they will be read

	// for storing the variables
	char buf[STR_BUFFER_SIZE];

	int step = 0;

	// read how many processors wrote that array
	avi = adios_inq_var (adios_handle, "size");
	if (!avi){
		p_error("rank %d: Quitting ... (%d) %s\n", rank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
		diag = DIAG_ERR;
		goto close_adios;
	size = *((int*)avi->value);
	avi = NULL;

	// if I run the more readers than writers; just release
	// the excessive readers
	if (rank >= size){
		p_info("rank %d: I am an excessive rank. Nothing to read ...\n", rank);
		diag = DIAG_OK;
		goto close_adios;

	// read the size of the array
	avi = adios_inq_var (adios_handle, "NX");
	if (!avi){
		p_error("rank %d: Quitting ... (%d) %s\n", rank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
		diag = DIAG_ERR;
		goto close_adios;

	// I expect a scalar that will tell me the size of an array
	assert(0 == avi->ndim);
	assert(adios_integer == avi->type);
	NX = *((int*)avi->value);
	// I don't need that variable any more
	assert(NX_DIM == NX);
	avi = NULL;

	// this will define the slice that we want to read; each rank should
	// read its own slice written by a corresponding writer rank
	uint64_t count[1] = { NX };
	uint64_t start[1] = { 0 };
	start[0] = rank*NX;

	sel = adios_selection_boundingbox(1,start, count);
	if( !sel ){
		p_error("rank %d: Quitting ... (%d) %s\n", rank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
		diag = DIAG_ERR;
		goto close_adios;

	// make the reference array with reference values I expect to get
	t_ref = calloc(NX, sizeof(double));
	if (gen_1D_array(t_ref, NX, rank) == DIAG_ERR){
		p_error("Generating 1D array. Quitting ...\n");
		diag = DIAG_ERR;
		goto close_adios;

	// allocate the memory for the actual array to be read
	t = calloc(NX, sizeof(double));

	if (adios_schedule_read(adios_handle, sel, "var_1d_array",0,1,t) != 0){
		p_error("rank %d: Quitting ...(%d) %s\n", rank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
		diag = DIAG_ERR;
		goto just_clean;

	// not sure if this assumption is correct; difficult to find in the ADIOS sources
	if (adios_perform_reads(adios_handle, 1) != 0){
		p_error("rank %d: Quitting ...(%d) %s\n", rank, adios_errno, adios_errmsg());
		diag = DIAG_ERR;
		goto just_clean;

	sprintf(buf, "Rank %d: var_1d_array: step %d: t: ", rank, step);

	int i = 0;
	for(i=0; i < NX; ++i){
		if( t[i] != t_ref[i] ){
			p_test_failed("%s: rank %d: for t[%d] (expected %.1f, got %.1f)\n",, rank,  i, t_ref[i], t[i] );
			test_result.result = TEST_FAILED;

	if (TEST_PASSED == test_result.result)
		p_test_passed("%s: rank %d\n",, rank);

	// clean everything
	sel = NULL;
	t = NULL;
	t_ref = NULL;

	CLOSE_ADIOS_READER(adios_handle, adios_opts.method);

	if ((DIAG_OK == diag) && (TEST_PASSED == test_result.result)) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;
Beispiel #13
int read_scalar_stepbystep ()
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    float timeout_sec = 0.0; 
    int steps = 0;
    int retval = 0;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;

    adios_read_init_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=3");
    printf ("\n--------- Read scalar in stream using varinfo->value  ------------\n");
    f = adios_read_open (fname, ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP,
                          comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, timeout_sec);
    if (adios_errno == err_file_not_found)
        printf ("Stream not found after waiting %f seconds: %s\n",
                timeout_sec, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream)
        printf ("Stream terminated before open. %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (f == NULL) {
        printf ("Error at opening stream: %s\n", adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        /* Processing loop over the steps (we are already in the first one) */
        while (adios_errno != err_end_of_stream) {
            steps++; // steps start counting from 1
            printf ("Step: %d\n", f->current_step);

            /* Check the scalar O with varinfo->value */
            ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var (f, "NX");
            int value =  *(int*)v->value;
            printf ("Scalar NX = %d", value);
            if (value != 
                    block_count [f->current_step*nblocks_per_step*size]) 
                printf ("\tERROR expected = %llu", 
                        block_count [f->current_step*nblocks_per_step*size]);
            printf ("\n");

            // advance to 1) next available step with 2) blocking wait
            adios_advance_step (f, 0, timeout_sec);
            if (adios_errno == err_step_notready)
                //printf ("No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n",
                //        adios_errmsg());
                break; // quit while loop
        adios_read_close (f);
    adios_read_finalize_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP);
    //printf ("We have processed %d steps\n", steps);
    return retval;
Beispiel #14
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         err;
    int         steps = 0, curr_step;
    int         retval = 0;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &numproc);

    if (processArgs(argc, argv)) {
        return 1;
    print0("Input stream            = %s\n", infilename);
    print0("Output stream           = %s\n", outfilename);
    print0("Read method             = %s (id=%d)\n", rmethodname, read_method);
    print0("Read method parameters  = \"%s\"\n", rmethodparams);
    print0("Write method            = %s\n", wmethodname);
    print0("Write method parameters = \"%s\"\n", wmethodparams);

    err = adios_read_init_method(read_method, comm, 
                                 "max_chunk_size=100; "
                                 "app_id =32767; \n"
                                 "verbose= 3;"
                                 "poll_interval  =  100;"

    if (!err) {
        print0 ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());


    print0 ("Waiting to open stream %s...\n", infilename);
    f = adios_read_open_stream (infilename, read_method, comm, 
                                             ADIOS_LOCKMODE_ALL, timeout_sec);
    if (adios_errno == err_file_not_found) 
        print ("rank %d: Stream not found after waiting %d seconds: %s\n", 
               rank, timeout_sec, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream) 
        print ("rank %d: Stream terminated before open. %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (f == NULL) {
        print ("rank %d: Error at opening stream: %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        // process steps here... 
        if (f->current_step != 0) {
            print ("rank %d: WARNING: First %d steps were missed by open.\n", 
                   rank, f->current_step);

        while (1)
            steps++; // start counting from 1

            print0 ("File info:\n");
            print0 ("  current step:   %d\n", f->current_step);
            print0 ("  last step:      %d\n", f->last_step);
            print0 ("  # of variables: %d:\n", f->nvars);

            retval = process_metadata(steps);
            if (retval) break;

            retval = read_write(steps);
            if (retval) break;

            // advance to 1) next available step with 2) blocking wait 
            curr_step = f->current_step; // save for final bye print
            adios_advance_step (f, 0, timeout_sec);

            if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream) 
                break; // quit while loop
            else if (adios_errno == err_step_notready) 
                print ("rank %d: No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n", 
                        rank, adios_errmsg());
                break; // quit while loop
            else if (f->current_step != curr_step+1) 
                // we missed some steps
                print ("rank %d: WARNING: steps %d..%d were missed when advancing.\n", 
                        rank, curr_step+1, f->current_step-1);


        adios_read_close (f);
    print0 ("Bye after processing %d steps\n", steps);

    adios_read_finalize_method (read_method);
    adios_finalize (rank);
    MPI_Finalize ();

    return retval;
Beispiel #15
int print_scalar (ADIOS_FILE *f, char * name) 
    int i,j,k;

    v = adios_inq_var (f, name);
    adios_inq_var_blockinfo (f, v);

    printf ("Scalar '%s':\n",  name);
    printf ("nsteps = %d\n",  v->nsteps);
    printf ("nblocks per step = %d\n",  v->nblocks[0]);

    int err;

    /* Read one writeblock across all timesteps */
    int *data = (int*) calloc (v->nsteps, sizeof(int));
    printf ("Read same instance across all timesteps:\n");
    for (i=0; i < v->nblocks[0]; i++) {
        s = adios_selection_writeblock(i);
        err = adios_schedule_read_byid(f, s, v->varid, 0, v->nsteps, data);
        if (!err) 
            err = adios_perform_reads(f, 1);
            if (!err) 
                err = 0;
                printf ("  block %d = [",  i);
                for (j=0; j < v->nsteps; j++) {
                    printf ("%d", data[j]);
                    if (data[j] != 
                        block_offset [j*nblocks_per_step*size + i]) 
                        err = 1;
                    if (j < v->nsteps-1) printf(",");

                if (err) 
                    printf ("\tERROR expected = [");
                    for (j=0; j < v->nsteps; j++) {
                        printf ("%llu", block_offset [j*nblocks_per_step*size + i]);
                        if (j < v->nsteps-1) printf(",");

            } else {
                printf ("ERROR at reading scalar '%s': %s\n", name, adios_errmsg());
        } else {
                printf ("ERROR at scheduling read for scalar '%s': %s\n", name, adios_errmsg());

    /* Now read piecewise, one writeblock at a time */
    printf ("Read each instance individually:\n");
    for (j=0; j < v->nsteps; j++) {
        printf ("  step %d: \n",  j);
        for (i=0; i < v->nblocks[j]; i++) {
            s = adios_selection_writeblock(i);
            err = adios_schedule_read_byid(f, s, v->varid, j, 1, data);
            if (!err) 
                err = adios_perform_reads(f, 1);
                if (!err) 
                    printf ("    block %d = %d", i, data[0]);
                    if (data[0] != 
                        block_offset [j*nblocks_per_step*size + i]) 
                        printf ("\tERROR expected = %llu", 
                                block_offset [j*nblocks_per_step*size + i]);
                    printf ("\n");
                } else {
                    printf ("ERROR at reading scalar '%s': %s\n", name, adios_errmsg());
            } else {
                printf ("ERROR at scheduling read for scalar '%s': %s\n", name, adios_errmsg());

    /* Now get them piecewise, but not with reading but through statistics */
    printf ("Get each instance individually from available statistics:\n");
    adios_inq_var_stat (f, v, 0, 1);
    if (v->statistics && v->statistics->blocks) {
        ADIOS_VARSTAT *stat = v->statistics;
        int blockid = 0;
        for (j=0; j < v->nsteps; j++) {
            printf ("  step %d: \n",  j);
            for (i=0; i < v->nblocks[j]; i++) {
                printf ("    block %d = %d", i, *(int*)stat->blocks->mins[blockid]);
                if (*(int*)stat->blocks->mins[blockid] != 
                        block_offset [j*nblocks_per_step*size + i]) 
                    printf ("\tERROR expected = %llu", 
                            block_offset [j*nblocks_per_step*size + i]);
                printf ("\n");

    adios_free_varinfo (v);
Beispiel #16
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int err, step ; 
    int do_write = 1;
    int do_read = 1;
    int m = 0;
    char write_method[16];

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    if (argc > 1) { 
        m = strtol (argv[1], NULL, 10);
        if (errno) { printf("Invalid 1st argument %s\n", argv[1]); Usage(); return 1;}
    if (argc > 2) { 
        if (argv[2][0] == 'w' || argv[2][0] == 'W') {
            do_read = 0;
        } else if (argv[2][0] == 'r' || argv[2][0] == 'R') {
            do_write = 0;
        } else {
            printE ("Invalid command line argument %s. Allowed ones:\n"
                    " w: do write only\n"
                    " r: do read only\n", argv[2]);
            MPI_Finalize ();
            return 1;

    if (m==0) {
        read_method = ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP;
    } else {
        read_method = ADIOS_READ_METHOD_DATASPACES;

    log ("Writing: %s method=%s\n"
         "Reading: %s method=%d\n", 
        (do_write ? "yes" : "no"), write_method,
        (do_read ? "yes" : "no"), read_method);

    if (do_write) {
        adios_init_noxml (comm);
        adios_allocate_buffer (ADIOS_BUFFER_ALLOC_NOW, 10);
    if (do_read) {
        err = adios_read_init_method(read_method, comm, "verbose=2");
        if (err) {
            printE ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());

    if (do_write) {
        adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, "selections", "iter", adios_flag_yes);
        adios_select_method (m_adios_group, write_method, "verbose=2", "");


        for (step=0; step<NSTEPS; step++) {
            if (!err) {
                set_vars (step);
                err = write_file (step); 
        adios_free_group (m_adios_group);

    if (!err && do_read)
        err = read_points (); 

    //if (!err && do_read)
    //    err = read_writerblocks (); 

    if (do_read) {
        adios_read_finalize_method (read_method);
    if (do_write) {
        adios_finalize (rank);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return err;
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         rank, size, i, j, npl, token;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Status  status;
    void * data = NULL;
    uint64_t start[1], count[1];

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (method, comm, "verbose=3");

    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_read_open ("adios_global_no_xml.bp", method, 
                                      comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, 0);
    if (f == NULL)
        printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var (f, "temperature");

    /* Using less readers to read the global array back, i.e., non-uniform */
    uint64_t slice_size = v->dims[0]/size;
    start[0] = slice_size * rank;
    if (rank == size-1) /* last rank may read more lines */
        slice_size = slice_size + v->dims[0]%size;
    count[0] = slice_size;

    data = malloc (slice_size * sizeof (double));
    if (data == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, "malloc failed.\n");
        return -1;

    /* Read a subset of the temperature array */
    sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (v->ndim, start, count);
    adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "temperature", 0, 1, data);
    adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

    if (rank > 0) {
        MPI_Recv (&token, 1, MPI_INT, rank-1, 0, comm, &status);

    printf (" ======== Rank %d ========== \n", rank);
    npl = 10;
    for (i = 0; i < slice_size; i+=npl) {
        printf ("[%4.4" PRIu64 "]  ", rank*slice_size+i);
        for (j= 0; j < npl; j++) {
            printf (" %6.6g", * ((double *)data + i + j));
        printf ("\n");

    if (rank < size-1) {
        MPI_Send (&token, 1, MPI_INT, rank+1, 0, comm);

    free (data);

    adios_selection_delete (sel);
    adios_free_varinfo (v);
    adios_read_close (f);
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    adios_read_finalize_method (method);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
    if (IsOpen())
        return true;

    fp = adios_fopen(fileName.c_str(), (MPI_Comm)VISIT_MPI_COMM);
    fp = adios_fopen(fileName.c_str(), 0);
    char errmsg[1024];
    if (fp == NULL)
        sprintf(errmsg, "Error opening bp file %s:\n%s", fileName.c_str(), adios_errmsg());
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, errmsg);

    gps = (ADIOS_GROUP **) malloc(fp->groups_count * sizeof(ADIOS_GROUP *));
    if (gps == NULL)
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, "The file could not be opened. Not enough memory");
    debug5 << "ADIOS BP file: " << fileName << endl;
    debug5 << "# of groups: " << fp->groups_count << endl;
    debug5 << "# of variables: " << fp->vars_count << endl;
    debug5 << "# of attributes:" << fp->attrs_count << endl;
    debug5 << "time steps: " << fp->ntimesteps << " from " << fp->tidx_start << endl;

    //Read in variables/scalars.
    for (int gr=0; gr<fp->groups_count; gr++)
        debug5 <<  "  group " << fp->group_namelist[gr] << ":" << endl;
        gps[gr] = adios_gopen_byid(fp, gr);
        if (gps[gr] == NULL)
            sprintf(errmsg, "Error opening group %s in bp file %s:\n%s", fp->group_namelist[gr], fileName.c_str(), adios_errmsg());
            EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, errmsg);
        for (int vr=0; vr<gps[gr]->vars_count; vr++)
            avi = adios_inq_var_byid(gps[gr], vr);
            if (avi == NULL)
                sprintf(errmsg, "Error opening inquiring variable %s in group %s of bp file %s:\n%s", 
                        gps[gr]->var_namelist[vr], fp->group_namelist[gr], fileName.c_str(), adios_errmsg());
                EXCEPTION1(InvalidDBTypeException, errmsg);

            if (SupportedVariable(avi))
                if (avi->ndim == 0)
                    ADIOSScalar s(gps[gr]->var_namelist[vr], avi);
                    scalars[s.Name()] = s;
                    debug5<<"  added scalar "<<s<<endl;
                    // add variable to map, map id = variable path without the '/' in the beginning
                    ADIOSVar v(gps[gr]->var_namelist[vr], gr, avi);
                    variables[] = v;
                    debug5<<"  added variable "<<<<endl;
                debug5<<"Skipping variable: "<<gps[gr]->var_namelist[vr]<<" dim= "<<avi->ndim
                      <<" timedim= "<<avi->timedim
                      <<" type= "<<adios_type_to_string(avi->type)<<endl;
        //Read in attributes.
        for (int a = 0; a < gps[gr]->attrs_count; a++)
            int sz;
            void *data = NULL;
            ADIOS_DATATYPES attrType;

            if (adios_get_attr_byid(gps[gr], a, &attrType, &sz, &data) != 0)
                debug5<<"Failed to get attr: "<<gps[gr]->attr_namelist[a]<<endl;
            ADIOSAttr attr(gps[gr]->attr_namelist[a], attrType, data);
            attributes[attr.Name()] = attr;

        gps[gr] = NULL;

    return true;
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         rank, size, i, j;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    int steps = 0;
    int retval = 0;
    float timeout_sec = 1.0; 

    void * data = NULL;
    uint64_t start[2], count[2];

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);

    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=3");

    f = adios_read_open ("adios_globaltime.bp", ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP,
                          comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, timeout_sec);
    if (adios_errno == err_file_not_found)
        printf ("rank %d: Stream not found after waiting %f seconds: %s\n",
                rank, timeout_sec, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream)
        printf ("rank %d: Stream terminated before open. %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (f == NULL) {
        printf ("rank %d: Error at opening stream: %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        /* process file here... */
        v = adios_inq_var (f, "temperature");
        adios_inq_var_blockinfo (f, v);

        printf ("ndim = %d\n",  v->ndim);
        //printf ("nsteps = %d\n",  v->nsteps);
        printf ("dims[%llu][%llu]\n",  v->dims[0], v->dims[1]);

        uint64_t slice_size = v->dims[0]/size;
        if (rank == size-1)
            slice_size = slice_size + v->dims[0]%size;

        start[0] = rank * slice_size;
        count[0] = slice_size;
        start[1] = 0;
        count[1] = v->dims[1];

        data = malloc (slice_size * v->dims[1] * 8);

        /* Processing loop over the steps (we are already in the first one) */
        while (adios_errno != err_end_of_stream) {
            steps++; // steps start counting from 1

            sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (v->ndim, start, count);
            adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "temperature", 0, 1, data);
            adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

            if (rank == 0)
                printf ("--------- Step: %d --------------------------------\n", 

            printf("rank=%d: [0:%lld,0:%lld] = [", rank, v->dims[0], v->dims[1]);
            for (i = 0; i < slice_size; i++) {
                printf (" [");
                for (j = 0; j < v->dims[1]; j++) {
                    printf ("%g ", *((double *)data + i * v->dims[1] + j));
                printf ("]");
            printf (" ]\n\n");

            // advance to 1) next available step with 2) blocking wait
            adios_advance_step (f, 0, timeout_sec);
            if (adios_errno == err_step_notready)
                printf ("rank %d: No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n",
                        rank, adios_errmsg());
                break; // quit while loop


        adios_read_close (f);

    if (rank==0) 
        printf ("We have processed %d steps\n", steps);

    adios_read_finalize_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP);
    free (data);
    MPI_Finalize ();

    return retval;
Beispiel #20
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         rank, size, i;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    enum ADIOS_DATATYPES attr_type;
    int attr_size;
    void * data = NULL;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (method, comm, "verbose=3");
    adios_logger_open ("log_read_C", rank);
    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_read_open ("attributes_C.bp", method, comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, 0.0);
    if (f == NULL)
        log_error ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < f->nattrs; i++)

        adios_get_attr (f, f->attr_namelist[i], &attr_type, &attr_size, &data);

        log_test("rank %d: attr: %s %s = ", rank, adios_type_to_string(attr_type), f->attr_namelist[i]);
        int type_size = adios_type_size (attr_type, data);
        int nelems = attr_size / type_size;
        int k;
        char *p = (char*)data;
        for (k=0; k<nelems; k++) 
            if (k>0) log_test(", ");
            switch (attr_type)  
                case adios_integer:
                    log_test ("%d", *(int *)p);
                case adios_double:
                    log_test ("%e", *(double *)p);
                case adios_string:
                    log_test ("\"%s\"", (char *)p);
                case adios_string_array:
                    log_test ("\"%s\"", *(char **)p);
                    log_test ("??????\n");
        free (data);
        data = 0;

    adios_read_close (f);
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    adios_read_finalize_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
Beispiel #21
int process_metadata(int step)
    int retval = 0;
    int i, j;
    char gdims[256], ldims[256], offs[256];
    uint64_t sum_count;
    ADIOS_VARINFO *v; // shortcut pointer

    if (step > 1)
        // right now, nothing to prepare in later steps
        print("Step %d. return immediately\n",step);
        return 0;

    /* First step processing */

    // get groupname of stream, then declare for output
    adios_get_grouplist(f, &group_namelist);
    print0("Group name is %s\n", group_namelist[0]);

    varinfo = (VarInfo *) malloc (sizeof(VarInfo) * f->nvars);
    if (!varinfo) {
        print("ERROR: rank %d cannot allocate %lu bytes\n", rank, sizeof(VarInfo)*f->nvars);
        return 1;

    write_total = 0;
    largest_block = 0;

    // Decompose each variable and calculate output buffer size
    for (i=0; i<f->nvars; i++) 
        print0 ("Get info on variable %d: %s\n", i, f->var_namelist[i]); 
        varinfo[i].v = adios_inq_var_byid (f, i);
        v = varinfo[i].v; // just a shortcut
        if (v == NULL) {
            print ("rank %d: ERROR: Variable %s inquiry failed: %s\n", 
                   rank, f->var_namelist[i], adios_errmsg());
            return 1;

        // print variable type and dimensions
        print0("    %-9s  %s", adios_type_to_string(v->type), f->var_namelist[i]);
        if (v->ndim > 0) {
            print0("[%llu", v->dims[0]);
            for (j = 1; j < v->ndim; j++)
                print0(", %llu", v->dims[j]);
            print0("] :\n");
        } else {

        // determine subset we will write
        decompose (numproc, rank, v->ndim, v->dims, decomp_values,
                   varinfo[i].count, varinfo[i].start, &sum_count);
        varinfo[i].writesize = sum_count * adios_type_size(v->type, v->value);

        if (varinfo[i].writesize != 0) {
            write_total += varinfo[i].writesize;
            if (largest_block < varinfo[i].writesize)
                largest_block = varinfo[i].writesize; 


    // determine output buffer size and allocate it
    uint64_t bufsize = write_total + f->nvars*128 + f->nattrs*32 + 1024; 
    if (bufsize > max_write_buffer_size) {
        print ("ERROR: rank %d: write buffer size needs to hold about %llu bytes, "
                "but max is set to %d\n", rank, bufsize, max_write_buffer_size);
        return 1;
    print0 ("Rank %d: allocate %llu MB for output buffer\n", rank, bufsize/1048576+1);
    adios_allocate_buffer (ADIOS_BUFFER_ALLOC_NOW, bufsize/1048576+1); 

    // allocate read buffer
    bufsize = largest_block + 128;
    if (bufsize > max_read_buffer_size) {
        print ("ERROR: rank %d: read buffer size needs to hold at least %llu bytes, "
                "but max is set to %d\n", rank, bufsize, max_read_buffer_size);
        return 1;
    print0 ("Rank %d: allocate %g MB for input buffer\n", rank, (double)bufsize/1048576.0);
    readbuf = (char *) malloc ((size_t)bufsize);
    if (!readbuf) {
        print ("ERROR: rank %d: cannot allocate %llu bytes for read buffer\n",
               rank, bufsize);
        return 1;

    // Select output method
    adios_select_method (gh, wmethodname, wmethodparams, "");

    // Define variables for output based on decomposition
    char *vpath, *vname;
    for (i=0; i<f->nvars; i++) 
        v = varinfo[i].v;
        if (varinfo[i].writesize != 0) {
            // define variable for ADIOS writes
            getbasename (f->var_namelist[i], &vpath, &vname);

            if (v->ndim > 0) 
                int64s_to_str (v->ndim, v->dims, gdims);
                int64s_to_str (v->ndim, varinfo[i].count, ldims);
                int64s_to_str (v->ndim, varinfo[i].start, offs);

                print ("rank %d: Define variable path=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"  "
                       "gdims=%s  ldims=%s  offs=%s\n", 
                       rank, vpath, vname, gdims, ldims, offs);

                adios_define_var (gh, vname, vpath, v->type, ldims, gdims, offs);
                print ("rank %d: Define scalar path=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"\n",
                       rank, vpath, vname);

                adios_define_var (gh, vname, vpath, v->type, "", "", "");

    if (rank == 0)
        // get and define attributes
        enum ADIOS_DATATYPES attr_type;
        void * attr_value;
        char * attr_value_str;
        int  attr_size;
        for (i=0; i<f->nattrs; i++) 
            adios_get_attr_byid (f, i, &attr_type, &attr_size, &attr_value);
            attr_value_str = (char *)value_to_string (attr_type, attr_value, 0);
            getbasename (f->attr_namelist[i], &vpath, &vname);
            if (vpath && !strcmp(vpath,"/__adios__")) { 
                // skip on /__adios/... attributes 
                print ("rank %d: Ignore this attribute path=\"%s\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"\n",
                        rank, vpath, vname, attr_value_str);
            } else {
                adios_define_attribute (gh, vname, vpath,
                        attr_type, attr_value_str, "");
                print ("rank %d: Define attribute path=\"%s\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"\n",
                        rank, vpath, vname, attr_value_str);
                free (attr_value);

    return retval;
Beispiel #22
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    char        filename [256];
    int         rank, size, i, j, k, token;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Status  status;
    void * data = NULL;
    uint64_t start[3], count[3], step = 0;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (method, comm, "verbose=3");

    /* adios_read_open_file() allows for seeing all timesteps in the file */
    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_read_open_file ("adios_globaltime.bp", method, comm);
    if (f == NULL)
        printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var (f, "temperature");

    // read in two timesteps
    data = malloc (2 * v->dims[0] * v->dims[1] * sizeof (double));
    if (data == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, "malloc failed.\n");
        return -1;

    // read in timestep 'rank' (up to 12)
    step = rank % 13;

    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = v->dims[0];

    start[1] = 0;
    count[1] = v->dims[1];

    /* Read a subset of the temperature array */
    sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (v->ndim, start, count);
    /*    2 steps from 'step' */
    adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "temperature", step, 2, data);
    adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

    if (rank == 0) 
        printf ("Array size of temperature [0:%lld,0:%lld]\n", v->dims[0], v->dims[1]);   

    if (rank > 0) {
        MPI_Recv (&token, 1, MPI_INT, rank-1, 0, comm, &status);

    printf("------------------------------------------------\n", rank);
    printf("rank=%d: \n", rank);
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        printf ("step %lld = [\n", step+i);   
        for (j = 0; j < v->dims[0]; j++) {
            printf (" [");
            for (k = 0; k < v->dims[1]; k++) {
                printf ("%g ", ((double *)data) [ i * v->dims[0] * v->dims[1] + j * v->dims[1] + k]);
            printf ("]\n");
        printf ("]\n");
    printf ("\n");

    if (rank < size-1) {
        MPI_Send (&token, 1, MPI_INT, rank+1, 0, comm);

    free (data);
    adios_free_varinfo (v);

    adios_read_close (f);
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    adios_read_finalize_method (method);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
//Reads an adios restart file :: can only be instantiated if EAVL was built
//with MPI enabled!
eavlXGCParticleImporter::eavlXGCParticleImporter(   const string &filename,
        ADIOS_READ_METHOD method,
        MPI_Comm communicator,
        ADIOS_LOCKMODE mode,
        int timeout_sec
    timestep = 0;
    maxnum = 0;
    enphase = 0;
    inphase = 0;
    emaxgid = 0;
    imaxgid = 0;
    nvars = 0;
    time = 0;
    retVal = 0;
    totalIParticles = 0;
    totalEParticles = 0;
    fp = NULL;
    fp = NULL;
    getR = true;
    getZ = true;
    getPhi = true;
    getRho = true;
    getW1 = true;
    getW2 = true;
    getMu = true;
    getW0 = true;
    getF0 = true;
    getOriginNode = true;
    comm = communicator;

    std::string key (".restart");
    std::size_t found = filename.find(key);
    if(found != std::string::npos)
        readingRestartFile = 1;
        readingRestartFile = 0;

    char    hostname[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
    char    str [256];
    int     len = 0;

    //Set local mpi vars so we know how many minions there are, and wich we are
    MPI_Get_processor_name(hostname, &len);

    if(method == ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP) //do not open stream if not staging
        fp = adios_read_open_file(filename.c_str(), method, comm);
        fp = adios_read_open(filename.c_str(), method, comm, mode, timeout_sec);

    if (fp == NULL)
        cerr << __LINE__ << endl;
        if(adios_errno == err_end_of_stream)
            printf ("End of stream, no more steps expected. Quit. %s\n",
            printf ("No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n",
            THROW(eavlException, "XGC variable file not found.");
Beispiel #24
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         rank, size, i, j;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    void * data = NULL;
    uint64_t start[2], count[2];

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (method, comm, "verbose=4");
    adios_logger_open ("log_read_C", rank);

    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_read_open ("global_array_C.bp", method, comm, ADIOS_LOCKMODE_NONE, 0);
    if (f == NULL)
        log_error ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var (f, "temperature");

    /* Using less readers to read the global array back, i.e., non-uniform */
    uint64_t slice_size = v->dims[0]/size;
    start[0] = slice_size * rank;
    if (rank == size-1) /* last rank may read more lines */
        slice_size = slice_size + v->dims[0]%size;
    count[0] = slice_size;

    start[1] = 0;
    count[1] = v->dims[1];

    data = malloc (slice_size * v->dims[1] * sizeof (double));
    if (data == NULL)
        log_error (stderr, "malloc failed.\n");
        return -1;

    /* Read a subset of the temperature array */
    sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (v->ndim, start, count);
    adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "temperature", 0, 1, data);
    adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

    for (i = 0; i < slice_size; i++) {
        log_test ("rank %d: [%lld,%d:%lld]", rank, start[0]+i, 0, slice_size);
        for (j = 0; j < v->dims[1]; j++)
            log_test (" %6.6g", * ((double *)data + i * v->dims[1] + j));
        log_test ("\n");

    free (data);

    adios_read_close (f);
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    adios_read_finalize_method (method);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
Beispiel #25
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
    //For varriable definitions:
    //gbounds = global bounds string, lbounds = local bounds string, offs = offset string, tstring = temp string to hold temperary stuff
    char       gbounds[1007], lbounds[1007], offs[1007],tstring[100];
    //size = number of cores,  gidx = adios group index
    int        rank, size, gidx, i, j, k, ii;
    //data = pointer to read-in data
    void       * data = NULL;
    uint64_t   s[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};  //starting offset
    uint64_t   c[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};  //chunk block array
    uint64_t   bytes_read = 0;
    int        element_size;
    int64_t    new_adios_group, m_adios_file;
    uint64_t   var_size;  //portion_bound,
    uint64_t   adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize;
    int        read_buffer;        //possible maximum size you the user would like for each chunk in MB
    int           write_buffer = 1536;  //actual buffer size you use in MB
    int        itime;
    int        WRITEME=1;
    uint64_t   chunk_size;   //chunk size in # of elements
    char      *var_path, *var_name; // full path cut into dir path and name

    // timing numbers
    // we will time:
    // 0: adios_open, adios_group_size
    // 1: the total time to read in the data
    // 2: times around each write (will only work if we do NOT buffer....
    // 3: the time in the close
    // 4: fopen, fclose
    // 5: total time
    // timers: the total I/O time
    int        timers = 6;
    double     start_time[timers], end_time[timers], total_time[timers];

    if (TIMING==100) {
        for (itime=0;itime<timers;itime++) {
            start_time[itime] = 0;
            end_time[itime] = 0;
        start_time[5] = MPI_Wtime();


    if (argc < 5) {
        if (rank==0) printf("Usage: %s <BP-file> <ADIOS-file> read_buffer(MB) write_buffer(MB) METHOD (LUSTRE_strip_count) (LUSTRE_strip_size) (LUSTRE_block_size)\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

        start_time[4] = MPI_Wtime();
    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_fopen (argv[1], MPI_COMM_SELF);
        end_time[4] = MPI_Wtime();
        total_time[4] = end_time[4]-start_time[4];
    adios_init_noxml(comm); // no xml will be used to write the new adios file
    read_buffer = atoi(argv[3]);
    write_buffer = atoi(argv[4]);
    adios_allocate_buffer (ADIOS_BUFFER_ALLOC_NOW, write_buffer); // allocate MB buffer

    if (f == NULL) {
        printf("rank=%d, file cant be opened\n", rank);
        if (DEBUG) printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    for (gidx = 0; gidx < f->groups_count; gidx++) {    //group part
        adios_groupsize = 0;
        ADIOS_GROUP * g = adios_gopen (f, f->group_namelist[gidx]);

        if (g == NULL) {
            if (DEBUG) printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
            printf("rank %d: group cannot be opened.\n", rank);
            return -1;
        /* First create all of the groups */
        // now I need to create this group in the file that will be written


        if(strcmp(argv[5],"MPI_LUSTRE")!=0)   //see whether or not the user uses MPI_LUSTRE method
            adios_select_method (new_adios_group, argv[5], "", "");  //non-MPI_LUSTRE methods... like MPI, POSIX....
            char lustre_pars[1000];
            strcpy(lustre_pars, "");
            strcat(lustre_pars, "stripe_count=");
            sprintf(tstring, "%d", atoi(argv[6]));
            strcat(lustre_pars, tstring);
            strcat(lustre_pars, ",stripe_size=");
            sprintf(tstring, "%d", atoi(argv[7]));
            strcat(lustre_pars, tstring);
            strcat(lustre_pars, ",block_size=");
            sprintf(tstring, "%d", atoi(argv[8]));
            strcat(lustre_pars, tstring);

                printf("lustre_pars=%s\n", lustre_pars);

            adios_select_method (new_adios_group, argv[5], lustre_pars, "");  //Use MPI Lustre method


        // variable definition part
        for (i = 0; i < g->vars_count; i++) {
            ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var_byid (g, i);
            getbasename (g->var_namelist[i], &var_path, &var_name);

            if (v->ndim == 0) 
                // scalars: every process does them the same.
                getTypeInfo( v->type, &element_size);    //element_size is size per element based on its type
                if (v->type == adios_string) {  //special case when the scalar is string.
                    adios_groupsize += strlen(v->value);
                } else {
                    adios_groupsize += element_size;
                // vector variables
                getTypeInfo( v->type, &element_size);
                for (ii=0;ii<v->ndim;ii++) {
                uint64_t total_size = var_size;  //total_size tells you the total number of elements in the current vector variable
                var_size*=element_size; //var_size tells you the size of the current vector variable in bytess

                //re-initialize the s and c variables
                for(j=0; j<v->ndim; j++){
                    s[j] = 0;
                    c[j] = 1;

                //find the approximate chunk_size you would like to use.
                chunk_size = calcChunkSize(total_size, read_buffer*1024*1024/element_size, size);

                //set the chunk block array with the total size as close to chunk_size as possible
                calcC(chunk_size, v, c);
                for(j=0; j<v->ndim; j++){
                    sprintf(tstring, "%" PRId64 ",", c[j]);
                    strcat(lbounds, tstring);
                printf("rank=%d, name=%s, chunk_size1=%" PRId64 " c[]=%s\n",rank,g->var_namelist[i],chunk_size,lbounds);

                chunk_size = 1;
                for(ii=0; ii<v->ndim; ii++)            //reset chunk_size based on the created c. Now the chunk_size is exact.
                    chunk_size *= c[ii];

                //current step points to where the process is in processing the vector. First sets with respect to rank.
                uint64_t current_step = rank*chunk_size;

                //First advance the starting point s by current_step. Of course, you don't do it if the current_step exceeds total_size.
                    rS(v, s, current_step, rank);

                uint64_t elements_defined = 0;  //First, the number of elements you have defined is 0.

                //You (the process) process your part of the vector when your current_step is smaller than the total_size
                while(current_step < total_size)
                    //ts, temporary s, is introduced for the sake of the inner do while loop below. Copy s to ts.
                    uint64_t ts[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                    arrCopy(s, ts);

                    //for every outer while iteration, you always have the whole chunk_size remained to process.
                    uint64_t remain_chunk = chunk_size;
                    if(current_step+chunk_size>total_size) //except when you are nearing the end of the vector....
                        remain_chunk = total_size-current_step;

                    //tc, temporary c, is introduced for the sake of the inner do while loop below. Copy s to tc.
                    uint64_t tc[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
                    arrCopy(c, tc);

                        //how much of the remain chunk you wanna process? initially you think you can do all of it....
                        uint64_t used_chunk = remain_chunk;

                        //you feel like you should process the vector with tc block size, but given ts, you might go over bound.
                        uint64_t uc[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
                        //so you verify it by setting a new legit chunck block uc, and getting a new remain_chunk.
                        remain_chunk = checkBound(v, ts, tc, uc, remain_chunk);

                        //you check whether or not ts+uc goes over the bound. This is just checking to make sure there's no error.
                        //Thereotically, there should be no problem at all.
                        checkOverflow(0, v, ts, uc);

                        //the below code fragment simply calculates gbounds, and sets place holders for lbounds and offs.

                        for(j=0; j<v->ndim-1; j++){
                            sprintf(tstring, "%d,", (int)v->dims[j]);
                            strcat(gbounds, tstring);
                            //sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d_%s,", j, var_name);
                            sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d,", j);
                            strcat(lbounds, tstring);
                            //sprintf(tstring, "offs%d_%s,", j, var_name);
                            sprintf(tstring, "offs%d,", j);
                            strcat(offs, tstring);

                        sprintf(tstring, "%d", (int)v->dims[v->ndim-1]);
                        strcat(gbounds, tstring);
                        //sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d_%s", v->ndim-1, var_name);
                        sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d", v->ndim-1);
                        strcat(lbounds, tstring);
                        //sprintf(tstring, "offs%d_%s", v->ndim-1, var_name);
                        sprintf(tstring, "offs%d", v->ndim-1);
                        strcat(offs, tstring);

                        //sprintf(tstring, "%d", v->ndim);
                        for(j=0; j<v->ndim; j++){
                            //sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d_%s", j, var_name);
                            sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d", j);
                            adios_define_var(new_adios_group, tstring, "bp2bp", adios_unsigned_long, 0, 0, 0);
                            //sprintf(tstring, "offs%d_%s", j, var_name);
                            sprintf(tstring, "offs%d", j);
                            adios_define_var(new_adios_group, tstring, "bp2bp", adios_unsigned_long, 0, 0, 0);


                        if (DEBUG){
                            for(j=0; j<v->ndim; j++){
                                sprintf(tstring, "%" PRId64 ",", ts[j]);
                                strcat(offs, tstring);
                                sprintf(tstring, "%" PRId64 ",", uc[j]);
                                strcat(lbounds, tstring);

                            printf("rank=%d, name=%s, gbounds=%s: lbounds=%s: offs=%s \n",rank,g->var_namelist[i],gbounds, lbounds, offs);

                        used_chunk -= remain_chunk; //you get the actual used_chunk here.
                        elements_defined += used_chunk;
                            rS(v, ts, used_chunk, rank);  //advance ts by used_chunk.
                            for(k=0; k<10; k++)
                                tc[k] = 1;
                            calcC(remain_chunk, v, tc);   //based on the remain_chunk, calculate new tc chunk block remained to process.

                        adios_groupsize+= used_chunk*element_size+2*v->ndim*8;


                    current_step += size*chunk_size;  //once a whole chunk_size is processed, advance the current_step in roll-robin manner.

                    if(current_step<total_size){   //advance s in the same way.
                        rS(v, s, size*chunk_size, rank);

                //beside checkOverflow above, here you check whether or not the total number of elements processed across processes matches
                //the total number of elements in the original vector.
                    uint64_t* sb = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
                    uint64_t* rb = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
                    sb[0] = elements_defined;
                    MPI_Reduce(sb,rb,1,MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG,MPI_SUM,0, comm);

                    if(rank==0 && rb[0]!=total_size)
                        printf("some array define mismatch. please use debug mode\n");
                    free(sb); free(rb);
            free (var_name);
            free (var_path);
        } // finished declaring all of the variables

        // Now we can define the attributes....
        for (i = 0; i < g->attrs_count; i++) {
            enum ADIOS_DATATYPES atype;
            int  asize;
            void *adata;
            adios_get_attr_byid (g, i, &atype, &asize, &adata);
            // if (DEBUG) printf("attribute name=%s\n",g->attr_namelist[i]);

        /*------------------------------ NOW WE WRITE -------------------------------------------- */
        // Now we have everything declared... now we need to write them out!!!!!!
        if (WRITEME==1) {
            // open up the file for writing....
            if (DEBUG) printf("rank=%d, opening file = %s, with group %s, size=%" PRId64 "\n",rank,argv[2],f->group_namelist[gidx],adios_groupsize);

                start_time[0] = MPI_Wtime();

            adios_open(&m_adios_file, f->group_namelist[gidx],argv[2],"w",comm);
            adios_group_size( m_adios_file, adios_groupsize, &adios_totalsize);

            //get both the total adios_totalsize and total adios_groupsize summed across processes.
            uint64_t* sb = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));;
            uint64_t* rb = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
            sb[0] = adios_groupsize;
            MPI_Reduce(sb,rb,1,MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG,MPI_SUM,0, comm);

            uint64_t* sb2 = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));;
            uint64_t* rb2 = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
            sb2[0] = adios_totalsize;
            MPI_Reduce(sb2,rb2,1,MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG,MPI_SUM,0, comm);
                printf("total adios_totalsize = %" PRId64 "\n", *rb2);
                printf("total adios_groupsize = %" PRId64 "\n", *rb);
            free(sb); free(rb); free(sb2); free(rb2);

            if (TIMING==100) {
                end_time[0] = MPI_Wtime();
                total_time[0]+=end_time[0] - start_time[0];    //variable definition time taken

            // now we have to write out the variables.... since they are all declared now
            // This will be the place we actually write out the data!!!!!!!!
            for (i = 0; i < g->vars_count; i++) {
                ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var_byid (g, i);
                getbasename (g->var_namelist[i], &var_path, &var_name);
                if (v->ndim == 0) 
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        printf ("ADIOS WRITE SCALAR: rank=%d, name=%s value=",
                        print_data (v->value, 0, v->type);
                        printf ("\n");
                    if (TIMING==100) {
                        start_time[2] = MPI_Wtime();
                    if (TIMING==100) {
                        end_time[2] = MPI_Wtime();
                        total_time[2]+=end_time[2] - start_time[2];     //IO write time...
                    for(j=0; j<v->ndim; j++){
                        s[j] = 0;
                        c[j] = 1;
                    getTypeInfo( v->type, &element_size);

                    uint64_t total_size = 1;
                    for (ii=0;ii<v->ndim;ii++)

                    chunk_size = calcChunkSize(total_size, read_buffer*1024*1024/element_size, size);
                    calcC(chunk_size, v, c);
                    chunk_size = 1;
                    for(ii=0; ii<v->ndim; ii++)
                        chunk_size *= c[ii];

                    uint64_t current_step = rank*chunk_size;
                        rS(v, s, current_step, rank);

                    uint64_t elements_written = 0;

                    while(current_step < total_size)
                        uint64_t ts[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                        arrCopy(s, ts);
                        uint64_t remain_chunk = chunk_size;
                            remain_chunk = total_size-current_step;
                        uint64_t tc[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
                        arrCopy(c, tc);

                            uint64_t uc[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
                            uint64_t used_chunk = remain_chunk;
                            remain_chunk = checkBound(v, ts, tc, uc, remain_chunk);

                            checkOverflow(1, v, ts, uc);

                            used_chunk -= remain_chunk;
                            elements_written += used_chunk;

                            //allocated space for data read-in
                            data = (void *) malloc(used_chunk*element_size);

                            if (TIMING==100) {
                                start_time[1] = MPI_Wtime();
                            if(PERFORMANCE_CHECK) printf("rank=%d, read start\n",rank);
                            bytes_read = adios_read_var_byid(g,v->varid,ts,uc,data);
                            if(PERFORMANCE_CHECK) printf("rank=%d, read end\n",rank);
                            if (TIMING==100) {
                                end_time[1] = MPI_Wtime();
                                total_time[1]+=end_time[1] -start_time[1];      //IO read time

                            if (DEBUG)
                                printf ("ADIOS WRITE: rank=%d, name=%s datasize=%" PRId64 "\n",rank,g->var_namelist[i],bytes_read);

                            if (TIMING==100) {
                                start_time[2] = MPI_Wtime();
                            if (DEBUG){
                                printf("rank=%d, write ts=",rank);
                                int k;
                                for(k=0; k<v->ndim; k++)
                                    printf("%" PRId64 ",", ts[k]);
                                printf("  uc=");
                                for(k=0; k<v->ndim; k++)
                                    printf("%" PRId64 ",", uc[k]);

                            //local bounds and offets placeholders are not written out with actual values.
                            if(PERFORMANCE_CHECK) printf("rank=%d, adios write start\n", rank);
                            for(k=0; k<v->ndim; k++){
                                //sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d_%s", k, var_name);
                                sprintf(tstring, "ldim%d", k);
                                if (DEBUG) {
                                    printf ("ADIOS WRITE DIMENSION: rank=%d, name=%s value=",
                                    print_data (&uc[k], 0, adios_unsigned_long);
                                    printf ("\n");
                                adios_write(m_adios_file, tstring, &uc[k]);

                                //sprintf(tstring, "offs%d_%s", k, var_name);
                                sprintf(tstring, "offs%d", k);
                                if (DEBUG) {
                                    printf ("ADIOS WRITE OFFSET: rank=%d, name=%s value=",
                                    print_data (&ts[k], 0, adios_unsigned_long);
                                    printf ("\n");
                                adios_write(m_adios_file, tstring, &ts[k]);
                            if(PERFORMANCE_CHECK) printf("rank=%d, adios write end\n", rank);

                            if (TIMING==100) {
                                end_time[2] = MPI_Wtime();
                                total_time[2]+=end_time[2] - start_time[2];   //IO write time


                                rS(v, ts, used_chunk, rank);
                                for(k=0; k<10; k++)
                                    tc[k] = 1;
                                calcC(remain_chunk, v, tc);


                        current_step += size*chunk_size;

                            rS(v, s, size*chunk_size,rank);

                        uint64_t* sb = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));;
                        uint64_t* rb = (uint64_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
                        sb[0] = elements_written;
                        MPI_Reduce(sb,rb,1,MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG,MPI_SUM,0, comm);
                        if(rank==0 && rb[0]!=total_size)
                            printf("some array read mismatch. please use debug mode\n");
                        free(sb); free(rb);
                free (var_name);
                free (var_path);
            }// end of the writing of the variable..
            if (TIMING==100) {
                start_time[3] = MPI_Wtime();
            if(PERFORMANCE_CHECK) printf("rank=%d, adios_close start\n", rank);
            if(PERFORMANCE_CHECK) printf("rank=%d, adios_close end\n", rank);
            if (TIMING==100) {
                end_time[3] = MPI_Wtime();
                total_time[3]+=end_time[3] - start_time[3];
        } //end of WRITEME
    } // end of all of the groups

        printf("conversion done!\n");

        start_time[4] = MPI_Wtime();
        end_time[4] = MPI_Wtime();
        total_time[4] = total_time[4]+end_time[4]-start_time[4];

    // now, we write out the timing data, for each category, we give max, min, avg, std, all in seconds, across all processes.

        // 0: adios_open, adios_group_size
        // 1: the total time to read in the data
        // 2: times around each write (will only work if we do NOT buffer....
        // 3: the time in the close
        // 4: fopen, fclose
        // 5: total time
        end_time[5] = MPI_Wtime();
        total_time[5] = end_time[5] - start_time[5];

        double sb[7];
        sb[0] = total_time[1]; sb[1] = total_time[4];   //read_var, fopen+fclose
        sb[2] = sb[0]+sb[1];
        sb[3] = total_time[0]; sb[4] = total_time[2]+total_time[3]; //adios_open+adios_group_size, write+close
        sb[5] = sb[3]+sb[4];
        sb[6] = total_time[5]; //total

        double * rb = NULL;

            rb = (double *)malloc(size*7*sizeof(double));
        MPI_Gather(sb, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, rb, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, comm);

            double read_avg1 = 0;
            double read_avg2 = 0;
            double tread_avg = 0;
            double write_avg1 = 0;
            double write_avg2 = 0;
            double twrite_avg = 0;
            double total_avg = 0;
            for(j=0; j<size; j++){
                read_avg1 += rb[7*j];
                read_avg2 += rb[7*j+1];
                tread_avg += rb[7*j+2];
                write_avg1 += rb[7*j+3];
                write_avg2 += rb[7*j+4];
                twrite_avg += rb[7*j+5];
                total_avg += rb[7*j+6];
            read_avg1 /= size;
            read_avg2 /= size;
            tread_avg /= size;
            write_avg1 /= size;
            write_avg2 /= size;
            twrite_avg /= size;
            total_avg /= size;

            double read1_max = rb[0];
            double read1_min = rb[0];
            double read1_std = rb[0]-read_avg1; read1_std *= read1_std;

            double read2_max = rb[1];
            double read2_min = rb[1];
            double read2_std = rb[1]-read_avg2; read2_std *= read2_std;

            double tread_max = rb[2];
            double tread_min = rb[2];
            double tread_std = rb[2]-tread_avg; tread_std *= tread_std;

            double write1_max = rb[3];
            double write1_min = rb[3];
            double write1_std = rb[3]-write_avg1; write1_std *= write1_std;

            double write2_max = rb[4];
            double write2_min = rb[4];
            double write2_std = rb[4]-write_avg2; write2_std *= write2_std;

            double twrite_max = rb[5];
            double twrite_min = rb[5];
            double twrite_std = rb[5]-twrite_avg; twrite_std *= twrite_std;

            double total_max = rb[6];
            double total_min = rb[6];
            double total_std = rb[6]-total_avg; total_std *= total_std;

            for(j=1; j<size; j++){
                    read1_max = rb[7*j];
                else if(rb[7*j]<read1_min)
                    read1_min = rb[7*j];
                double std = rb[7*j]-read_avg1; std *= std;
                read1_std += std;

                    read2_max = rb[7*j+1];
                else if(rb[7*j+1]<read2_min)
                    read2_min = rb[7*j+1];
                std = rb[7*j+1]-read_avg2; std *= std;
                read2_std += std;

                    tread_max = rb[7*j+2];
                else if(rb[7*j+2]<tread_min)
                    tread_min = rb[7*j+2];
                std = rb[7*j+2]-tread_avg; std *= std;
                tread_std += std;

                    write1_max = rb[7*j+3];
                else if(rb[7*j+3]<write1_min)
                    write1_min = rb[7*j+3];
                std = rb[7*j+3]-write_avg1; std *= std;
                write1_std += std;

                    write2_max = rb[7*j+4];
                else if(rb[7*j+4]<write2_min)
                    write2_min = rb[7*j+4];
                std = rb[7*j+4]-write_avg2; std *= std;
                write2_std += std;

                    twrite_max = rb[7*j+5];
                else if(rb[7*j+5]<twrite_min)
                    twrite_min = rb[7*j+5];
                std = rb[7*j+5]-twrite_avg; std *= std;
                twrite_std += std;

                    total_max = rb[7*j+6];
                else if(rb[7*j+6]<total_min)
                    total_min = rb[7*j+6];
                std = rb[7*j+6]-total_avg; std *= std;
                total_std += std;
            read1_std /= size;  read1_std = sqrt(read1_std);
            read2_std /= size;  read2_std = sqrt(read2_std);
            tread_std /= size;    tread_std = sqrt(tread_std);
            write1_std /= size; write1_std = sqrt(write1_std);
            write2_std /= size; write2_std = sqrt(write2_std);
            twrite_std /= size;    twrite_std = sqrt(twrite_std);
            total_std /= size; total_std = sqrt(total_std);

            printf("---type---                       max\tmin\tavg\tstd\n");
            printf("---read_var---                   %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", read1_max, read1_min, read_avg1, read1_std);
            printf("---fopen+fclose---               %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", read2_max, read2_min, read_avg2, read2_std);
            printf("---total_read---                 %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", tread_max, tread_min, tread_avg, tread_std);
            printf("---adios_open+adios_groupsize--- %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", write1_max, write1_min, write_avg1, write1_std);
            printf("---write+close---                %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", write2_max, write2_min, write_avg2, write2_std);
            printf("---total_write---                %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", twrite_max, twrite_min, twrite_avg, twrite_std);
            printf("---total---                      %lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n", total_max, total_min, total_avg, total_std);



    //    if (TIMING==100 && rank==0) {
    //        printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    //        printf("Define variables     = %lf\n",total_time[0]);
    //        printf("Read   variables     = %lf\n",total_time[1]);
    //        printf("Write  variables     = %lf\n",total_time[2]);
    //        printf("Close File for write = %lf\n",total_time[3]);
    //        printf("Total write time     = %lf\n",total_time[2] + total_time[3]);
    //        for (itime=0;itime<timers-1;itime++)
    //            total_time[timers-1]+=total_time[itime];
    //        printf("Total I/O time       = %lf\n",total_time[timers-1]);
    //    }

Beispiel #26
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         i, j, k,l;
    MPI_Comm    comm_dummy = 0;  /* MPI_Comm is defined through adios_read.h */

    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <BP-file>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    adios_read_init_method (ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm_dummy, "show_hidden_attrs");
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    f = adios_read_open_file (argv[1], ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm_dummy);
    if (f == NULL) {
        printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    /* For all variables */
    printf("  Variables=%d:\n", f->nvars);
    for (i = 0; i < f->nvars; i++) {
        ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var_byid (f, i);
        adios_inq_var_stat (f, v, 0, 1);
        adios_inq_var_blockinfo (f, v);

        uint64_t total_size = adios_type_size (v->type, v->value);
        for (j = 0; j < v->ndim; j++)
            total_size *= v->dims[j];

        printf("    %-9s  %s", adios_type_to_string(v->type), f->var_namelist[i]);
        if (v->ndim == 0) {
            /* Scalars do not need to be read in, we get it from the metadata
               when using adios_inq_var */
            printf(" = %s\n", value_to_string(v->type, v->value, 0));
        } else {
            /* Arrays, print min/max statistics*/
            for (j = 1; j < v->ndim; j++)
                printf(", %lld",v->dims[j]);
            //printf("] = \n");

            if (v->type == adios_integer)
                printf("] : min=%d  max=%d\n", 
                        (*(int*)v->statistics->min), (*(int*)v->statistics->max));
            else if (v->type == adios_double)
                printf("] : min=%lg  max=%lg\n", 
                        (*(double*)v->statistics->min), (*(double*)v->statistics->max));

            /* Print block info */
            for (l=0; l<v->nsteps; l++) {
                printf("        step %3d: \n", l);
                for (j=0; j<v->nblocks[l]; j++) {
                    printf("          block %3d: [", j);
                    for (k=0; k<v->ndim; k++) {
                        printf("%3lld:%3lld", v->blockinfo[j].start[k],
                        if (k<v->ndim-1)
                            printf(", ");


        adios_free_varinfo (v);
    } /* variables */

    /* For all attributes */
    printf("  Attributes=%d:\n", f->nattrs);
    for (i = 0; i < f->nattrs; i++) {
        enum ADIOS_DATATYPES atype;
        int  asize;
        void *adata;
        adios_get_attr_byid (f, i, &atype, &asize, &adata);
        printf("    %-9s  %s = %s\n", adios_type_to_string(atype), 
                f->attr_namelist[i], value_to_string(atype, adata, 0));
    } /* attributes */

    adios_read_close (f);

    return 0;
Beispiel #27
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         rank, size, i, j;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (method, comm, "verbose=3");
    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_read_open_file("adios_stat.bp", method, comm);
    if (f == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var (f, "temperature");
    if (v) {
        /* get statistics, for each individual time-step */ 
        adios_inq_var_stat (f, v, 1, 0);

        printf("Global MIN of temperature: %lf\n", * (double *) v->statistics->min);
        printf("Global MAX of temperature: %lf\n", * (double *) v->statistics->max);
        printf("Global AVG of temperature: %lf\n", * (double *) v->statistics->avg);
        printf("Global STD DEV of temperature: %lf\n", * (double *) v->statistics->std_dev);

        if (v->statistics->steps) {
            for(i = 0; i < v->nsteps; i++)
                if (v->statistics->steps->mins[i]) 
                    printf("%lf\t", * (double *) v->statistics->steps->mins[i]);
                if (v->statistics->steps->maxs[i]) 
                    printf("%lf\t", * (double *) v->statistics->steps->maxs[i]);
                if (v->statistics->steps->avgs[i]) 
                    printf("%lf\t", * (double *) v->statistics->steps->avgs[i]);
                if (v->statistics->steps->std_devs[i]) 
                    printf("%lf\t", * (double *) v->statistics->steps->std_devs[i]);
                if (v->statistics->histogram) {
                    for(j = 0; j <= v->statistics->histogram->num_breaks; j++) {
                        printf("%d ", v->statistics->histogram->frequencies[i][j]);
                } else {
        } else {
            printf ("Per step statistics is missing\n"); 

        if (v->statistics->histogram) {
            printf("Break points:\t\t\t");
            for(j = 0; j < v->statistics->histogram->num_breaks; j++)
                printf("%6.2lf\t", v->statistics->histogram->breaks[j]);


            for(j = 0; j <= v->statistics->histogram->num_breaks; j++)
                printf("%6d\t", v->statistics->histogram->gfrequencies[j]);


#if 0 
        printf ("Auto covariance of MIN values of temperature over time: %lf\n", adios_stat_cov (v, v, "min", 0, 12, 0));
        printf ("Auto correlation of MAX values of temperature over time, with lag 2 units: %lf\n", adios_stat_cor (v, v, "max", 0, 8, 2));

        adios_free_varinfo (v);

    } else {
        fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Cannot inquire statistics of variable 'temperature': %s\n", adios_errmsg());

    v = adios_inq_var (f, "complex");
    if (v) {
        adios_inq_var_stat (f, v, 1, 0);
        double *C = v->statistics->min;
        printf("Global Minimum of variable complex - Magnitude: %lf\n", C[0]);
        printf("Global Minimum of variable complex - Real part: %lf\n", C[1]);
        printf("Global Minimum of variable complex - Imaginary part: %lfi\n", C[2]);

        double ** Cmin;
        Cmin = (double **) v->statistics->steps->mins;

        for (j = 0; j < v->nsteps; j++)
            printf ("%lf\t\t%lf\t\t%lf\n", Cmin[j][0], Cmin[j][1], Cmin[j][2]);
        adios_free_varinfo (v);

    } else {
        fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Cannot inquire statistics of variable 'complex': %s\n", adios_errmsg());

    adios_read_close (f);
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    adios_read_finalize_method (method);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
Beispiel #28
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         gidx, i, j, k,l;
    MPI_Comm    comm_dummy = 0;  /* MPI_Comm is defined through adios_read.h */
    void      * data = NULL;
    uint64_t    start[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    uint64_t    count[10];
    int64_t     bytes_read = 0;

    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <BP-file>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    //int step;
    //for (step=0; step < 2; step++) {
        f = adios_fopen (argv[1], comm_dummy);
        if (f == NULL) {
            printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
            return -1;

        /* For all groups */
        for (gidx = 0; gidx < f->groups_count; gidx++) {
            printf("Group %s:\n", f->group_namelist[gidx]);
            ADIOS_GROUP * g = adios_gopen (f, f->group_namelist[gidx]);
            if (g == NULL) {
                printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
                return -1;

            /* For all variables */
            printf("  Variables=%d:\n", g->vars_count);
            for (i = 0; i < g->vars_count; i++) {
                ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var_byid (g, i);

                uint64_t total_size = adios_type_size (v->type, v->value);
                for (j = 0; j < v->ndim; j++)
                    total_size *= v->dims[j];

                printf("    %-9s  %s", adios_type_to_string(v->type), g->var_namelist[i]);
                if (v->ndim == 0) {
                    /* Scalars do not need to be read in, we get it from the metadata
                       when using adios_inq_var */
                    printf(" = %s\n", value_to_string(v->type, v->value, 0));
                } else {
                    /* Arrays have to be read in from the file */
                    printf("[%" PRIu64,v->dims[0]);
                    for (j = 1; j < v->ndim; j++)
                        printf(", %" PRIu64,v->dims[j]);
                    //printf("] = \n");
                    if (v->type == adios_integer)
                        printf("] = min=%d  max=%d  timedim=%d\n", (*(int*)v->gmin), (*(int*)v->gmax), v->timedim);
                    else if (v->type == adios_double)
                        printf("] = min=%lg  max=%lg  timedim=%d\n", (*(double*)v->gmin), (*(double*)v->gmax), v->timedim);
                    if (total_size > 1024*1024*1024) {
                        printf("        // too big, do not read in\n");
                    } else {
                        data = malloc (total_size);
                        if (data == NULL) {
                            fprintf (stderr, "malloc failed.\n");
                            return -1;

                        for (j = 0; j < v->ndim; j++) 
                            count[j] = v->dims[j];   

                        bytes_read = adios_read_var_byid (g, i, start, count, data);

                        if (bytes_read < 0) {
                            printf ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
                        } else if (bytes_read > 1024*1024) {
                            printf ("Too big to print\n");
                        } else if (v->ndim == 1) {
                            printf ("        [");
                            for (j = 0; j < v->dims[0]; j++) 
                                printf("%s ", value_to_string(v->type, data, j));
                            printf ("]\n");
                        } else if (v->ndim == 2) {
                            for (j = 0; j < v->dims[0]; j++) {
                                printf ("        row %d: [", j);
                                for (k = 0; k < v->dims[1]; k++) 
                                    printf("%s ", value_to_string(v->type, data, j*v->dims[1] + k));
                                printf ("]\n");
                        } else if (v->ndim == 3) {
                            for (j = 0; j < v->dims[0]; j++) {
                                printf ("      block %d: \n", j);
                                for (k = 0; k < v->dims[1]; k++) {
                                    printf ("        row %d: [", k);
                                    for (l = 0; l < v->dims[2]; l++) {
                                        printf("%s ", value_to_string(v->type, data, j*v->dims[1]*v->dims[2] + k*v->dims[1] + l));
                                    printf ("]\n");
                                printf ("\n");
                        } else {
                            printf ("    cannot print arrays with >3 dimensions\n");
                        free (data);

                adios_free_varinfo (v);
            } /* variables */

            /* For all attributes */
            printf("  Attributes=%d:\n", g->attrs_count);
            for (i = 0; i < g->attrs_count; i++) {
                enum ADIOS_DATATYPES atype;
                int  asize;
                void *adata;
                adios_get_attr_byid (g, i, &atype, &asize, &adata);
                printf("    %-9s  %s = %s\n", adios_type_to_string(atype), 
                        g->attr_namelist[i], value_to_string(atype, adata, 0));
            } /* attributes */

            adios_gclose (g);
        } /* groups */

        adios_fclose (f);

    //} /* loop 'step' */
    return 0;
Beispiel #29
int read_points ()
    ADIOS_SELECTION *sel0,*sel1,*sel2,*sel3;
    ADIOS_FILE * f;
    int err=0,n,n1, i,j,k;
    int nsteps_a, nsteps_b, nsteps_c;
    int v; 

    uint64_t *pts1;
    uint64_t *pts2;
    uint64_t *pts3;
    uint64_t start[3] = {offs1,offs2,offs3};
    uint64_t count[3] = {ldim1,ldim2,ldim3};
    pts1 = (uint64_t*) malloc (1*sizeof(uint64_t)*ldim1);
    pts2 = (uint64_t*) malloc (2*sizeof(uint64_t)*ldim1*ldim2);
    pts3 = (uint64_t*) malloc (3*sizeof(uint64_t)*ldim1*ldim2*ldim3);

    for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) 
        pts1[i] = offs1 + i;
        for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) 
            pts2[i*2*ldim2 + 2*j]   = offs1 + i;
            pts2[i*2*ldim2 + 2*j+1] = j; 
            for (k=0; k<ldim3; k++) 
                pts3[i*3*ldim2*ldim3+j*3*ldim3+3*k]   = offs1 + i;
                pts3[i*3*ldim2*ldim3+j*3*ldim3+3*k+1] = j;
                pts3[i*3*ldim2*ldim3+j*3*ldim3+3*k+2] = k;

    //Force error on very last point: pts3[3*ldim1*ldim2*ldim3-1] = 0;


    log ("Read and check data in %s using point selections\n", FILENAME);
    f = adios_read_open (FILENAME, read_method, comm,
                         ADIOS_LOCKMODE_CURRENT, 0.0);
    if (f == NULL) {
        printE ("Error at opening file: %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        return 1;

    sel1 = adios_selection_points (1, ldim1, pts1); 
    sel2 = adios_selection_points (2, ldim1*ldim2, pts2); 
    sel3 = adios_selection_points (3, ldim1*ldim2*ldim3, pts3); 

    fprintf(stderr, "1D selection: {");
    for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%d ", i, i, pts1[i]);
    fprintf(stderr, "}\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "2D selection :\n");
    for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
        fprintf (stderr, "i=%d, idx=%2d- = ", i, i*2*ldim2);
        for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) {
            n = i*2*ldim2+2*j;
            fprintf (stderr, "{%d,%d} ", pts2[n], pts2[n+1]); 
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "3D selection :\n");
    for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) {
            fprintf (stderr, "i=%d, j=%d, idx=%3d- = ", i, j, i*3*ldim2*ldim3+j*3*ldim3); 
            for (k=0; k<ldim3; k++) {
                n = i*3*ldim2*ldim3+j*3*ldim3+3*k;
                fprintf (stderr, "{%d,%d,%d} ", pts3[n], pts3[n+1], pts3[n+2]); 
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    while (n1 < NSTEPS && adios_errno != err_end_of_stream) {
        log ("  Step %d\n", f->current_step);

        log ("  Check 1D variable a1...\n");
        adios_schedule_read (f, sel1, "a1",  0, 1, r1);
        adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

        fprintf(stderr, "1D result: {");
        for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
            fprintf (stderr, "%d ", i, i, r1[i]);
        fprintf(stderr, "}\n");

        for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
            v = VALUE1D(rank,f->current_step,i);
            if (r1[i] != v) {
                printE ("Error: a1[%d]=%d  !=  read=%d\n", i, v, r1[i]); 
                //goto endread;

        log ("  Check 2D variable a2...\n");
        adios_schedule_read (f, sel2, "a2",  0, 1, r2);
        adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

        fprintf(stderr, "2D result :\n");
        n = 0;
        for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
            fprintf (stderr, "row=%2d- = {", i);
            for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) {
                fprintf (stderr, "%d ", r2[n]); 
            fprintf(stderr, "}\n");

        n = 0;
        for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) {
                v = VALUE2D(rank,f->current_step,i,j);
                if (v != r2[n]) {
                    printE ("Error: a2[%d,%d]=%d  !=  read=%d\n", i, j, v, r2[n]); 
                    //goto endread;

        log ("  Check 3D variable a3...\n");
        adios_schedule_read (f, sel3, "a3",  0, 1, r3);
        adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

        fprintf(stderr, "3D selection :\n");
        for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) {
                fprintf (stderr, "[%d,%d] = {", i, j); 
                for (k=0; k<ldim3; k++) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "%d ", r3[n]); 
                fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
        n = 0;
        for (i=0; i<ldim1; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<ldim2; j++) {
                for (k=0; k<ldim3; k++) {
                    v = VALUE3D(rank,f->current_step,i,j,k);
                    if (v != r3[n]) {
                        printE ("Error: a3[%d,%d,%d]=%d  !=  read=%d\n", i, j, k, v, r3[n]); 
                        //goto endread;

        if (n1 < NSTEPS)
            adios_advance_step (f, 0, -1.0);


    adios_selection_delete (sel1);
    adios_selection_delete (sel2);
    adios_selection_delete (sel3);


    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    return err;
Beispiel #30
int main (int argc, char** argv) 

  //MPI_Comm    comm_dummy = 0;  // MPI_Comm is defined through adios_read.h 
  MPI_Comm comm_dummy = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

  int         rank, size;
  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);			   
  MPI_Comm_rank (comm_dummy, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size (comm_dummy, &size);

  adios_init_noxml (comm_dummy);
  if (argc < 2) {
    printf("Usage: index_fastbit fileName (attrName)");
    return 0;

  f = adios_read_open_file (argv[1], ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm_dummy);
  if (f == NULL) {
    printf ("::%s\n", adios_errmsg());
    return -1;
  adios_allocate_buffer (ADIOS_BUFFER_ALLOC_NOW, (f->file_size)*2/1048576 + 5); // +5MB for extra room in buffer
  adios_declare_group (&gAdios_group, gGroupNameFastbitIdx, "", adios_flag_yes);
  adios_select_method (gAdios_group, "MPI", "", "");
  gIdxFileName = fastbit_adios_util_getFastbitIndexFileName(argv[1]);

      adios_allocate_buffer (ADIOS_BUFFER_ALLOC_NOW, 500); // +5MB for extra room in buffer
      adios_declare_group (&gAdios_group, gGroupNameFastbitIdx, "", adios_flag_yes);
      adios_select_method (gAdios_group, "MPI", "", "");

      adios_open (&gAdios_write_file, gGroupNameFastbitIdx, gIdxFileName, "w", MPI_COMM_WORLD);

      int testid = adios_define_var (gAdios_group, "pack", "", adios_integer , 0, 0, 0);
#ifdef BOX
      int testid = adios_define_var (gAdios_group, "elements", "", adios_integer , 0, 0, 0);
      //uint64_t estimatedbytes = (nb+nk+no)*adios_type_size(adios_double, NULL);
      int jobCounter = getJobCounter(f);
      uint64_t estimatedbytes =  getByteEstimationOnFile(f, rank);
      if (size > 1) {
	int maxJobsPP = jobCounter/size + 1;
        estimatedbytes = estimatedbytes * maxJobsPP /jobCounter +1048576;

      estimatedbytes += 1048576;

      uint64_t adios_totalsize;      // adios_group_size needs to be call before any write_byid, Otherwise write_byid does nothing 
      adios_group_size (gAdios_write_file, estimatedbytes , &adios_totalsize);     

      printf("=> .. adios open output file: %s, rank %d allocated %" PRIu64 " bytes... \n", gIdxFileName, rank, adios_totalsize);
      // IMPORTANT: 
      // can only call open/close once in a process
      // otherwise data is tangled or only the data in the last open/close call is recorded

      adios_write_byid(gAdios_write_file, testid, &pack);
#ifdef BOX
      adios_write_byid(gAdios_write_file, testid, &recommended_index_ele);


  if (argc >= 3) {
     int i=2;
     while (i<argc) {
        const char* varName = argv[i];
	if(strstr(varName, "<binning prec") != NULL) {
	  if (gBinningOption == NULL) {
	    gBinningOption = argv[i];
	  if (argc == 3) {
	    buildIndexOnAllVar(f, rank, size);
	} else {
	  ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var(f, varName);
	  if (v == NULL) {
	     printf("No such variable: %s\n", varName);
	     return 0;
	  printf("building fastbit index on  variable: %s\n", varName);
	  buildIndex_mpi(f, v, rank, size);
  } else {
    buildIndexOnAllVar(f, rank, size);



  // writing file clean up

  // read back:
  f = adios_read_open_file (gIdxFileName, ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm_dummy);
  if (f == NULL) {
    printf("No such file: %s \n", gIdxFileName);
    return 0;

  int numVars = f->nvars;
  int i=0;
  int k=0;
  int j=0;
  for (i=0; i<numVars; i++) {
      char* varName = f->var_namelist[i];
      ADIOS_VARINFO* v = adios_inq_var(f, varName);

      int timestep = 0;
      for (k=0; k<v->sum_nblocks; k++) {
	  verifyData(f, v, k, timestep);



  if (rank == 0) {
    printf(" ==>  index file is at: %s\n", gIdxFileName);

  // clean up
  MPI_Barrier (comm_dummy);
  adios_finalize (rank);
  MPI_Finalize ();
  free (gIdxFileName);

  return 0;