Beispiel #1
status _af_wave_update (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track	*track;

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	if (track->fpos_first_frame != 0)
		size_t	dataLength, fileLength;

			We call _af_format_frame_size to calculate the
			frame size of normal PCM data or compressed data.
		dataLength = track->totalfframes * _af_format_frame_size(&track->f, AF_FALSE);

		dataLength = HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(dataLength);
		af_fseek(file->fh, track->fpos_first_frame - 4, SEEK_SET);
		af_fwrite(&dataLength, 4, 1, file->fh);

		fileLength = af_flength(file->fh);
		fileLength -= 8;
		fileLength = HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(fileLength);

		af_fseek(file->fh, 4, SEEK_SET);
		af_fwrite(&fileLength, 4, 1, file->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #2
static status next_write_header (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track		*track;
	int		frameSize;
	uint32_t	offset, length, encoding, sampleRate, channelCount;

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	frameSize = _af_format_frame_size(&track->f, false);

	offset = track->fpos_first_frame;
	length = track->totalfframes * frameSize;
	encoding = nextencodingtype(&track->f);
	sampleRate = track->f.sampleRate;
	channelCount = track->f.channelCount;

	if (af_fseek(file->fh, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
		_af_error(AF_BAD_LSEEK, "bad seek");

	af_fwrite(".snd", 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&offset, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&length, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&encoding, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&sampleRate, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&channelCount, file->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #3
static status WriteFrameCount (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track		*track = NULL;
	_WAVEInfo	*waveinfo = NULL;
	u_int32_t	factSize = 4;
	u_int32_t	totalFrameCount;

	assert(file != NULL);

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);
	waveinfo = (_WAVEInfo *) file->formatSpecific;

	/* We only write the fact chunk for compressed audio. */
	if (track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_NONE)
		return AF_SUCCEED;

		If the offset for the fact chunk hasn't been set yet,
		set it to the file's current position.
	if (waveinfo->factOffset == 0)
		waveinfo->factOffset = af_ftell(file->fh);
		af_fseek(file->fh, waveinfo->factOffset, SEEK_SET);

	af_fwrite("fact", 4, 1, file->fh);
	factSize = HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(factSize);
	af_fwrite(&factSize, 4, 1, file->fh);

	totalFrameCount = HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(track->totalfframes);
	af_fwrite(&totalFrameCount, 4, 1, file->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #4
static status WriteFrameCount (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track		*track = NULL;
	_WAVEInfo	*waveinfo = NULL;
	uint32_t	factSize = 4;
	uint32_t	totalFrameCount;

	assert(file != NULL);

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);
	waveinfo = (_WAVEInfo *) file->formatSpecific;

	/* Omit the fact chunk only for uncompressed integer audio formats. */
	if (track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_NONE &&
		(track->f.sampleFormat == AF_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP ||
		track->f.sampleFormat == AF_SAMPFMT_UNSIGNED))
		return AF_SUCCEED;

		If the offset for the fact chunk hasn't been set yet,
		set it to the file's current position.
	if (waveinfo->factOffset == 0)
		waveinfo->factOffset = af_ftell(file->fh);
		af_fseek(file->fh, waveinfo->factOffset, SEEK_SET);

	af_fwrite("fact", 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_le(&factSize, file->fh);

	totalFrameCount = track->totalfframes;
	af_write_uint32_le(&totalFrameCount, file->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #5
long ZCALLBACK afseek_file_func (
   voidpf opaque,
   voidpf stream,
   uLong offset,
   int origin)
    int fseek_origin=0;
    long ret;


    switch (origin)
        fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR;
        fseek_origin = SEEK_END;
        fseek_origin = SEEK_SET;
    default: return -1;
    ret = 0;
    af_fseek((ABSTRACTFILE *)stream, offset, fseek_origin);
    return ret;
Beispiel #6
status WriteMiscellaneous (AFfilehandle filehandle)
	_WAVEInfo	*wave = (_WAVEInfo *) filehandle->formatSpecific;

	if (filehandle->miscellaneousCount != 0)
		int		i;
		u_int32_t	miscellaneousBytes;

		/* Start at 4 to account for 'INFO' chunk id. */
		miscellaneousBytes = 4;

		for (i=0; i<filehandle->miscellaneousCount; i++)
			/* Account for miscellaneous type and size. */
			miscellaneousBytes += 8;
			miscellaneousBytes += filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size;

			/* Add a pad byte if necessary. */
			if (filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size % 2 != 0)

			assert(miscellaneousBytes % 2 == 0);

		wave->miscellaneousStartOffset = af_ftell(filehandle->fh);
		wave->totalMiscellaneousSize = miscellaneousBytes;

		/* Add 8 to account for length of 'LIST' chunk id and size. */
		af_fseek(filehandle->fh, miscellaneousBytes + 8, SEEK_CUR);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
static status next_write_header (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track		*track;
	int		frameSize;
	u_int32_t	offset, length, encoding, sampleRate, channelCount;

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	frameSize = _af_format_frame_size(&track->f, AF_FALSE);

        if (track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ULAW ||
            track->f.compressionType == AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ALAW)
           frameSize = frameSize / 2;

	offset = HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(track->fpos_first_frame);
	length = HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(track->totalfframes * frameSize);
	encoding = HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(nextencodingtype(&track->f));
	sampleRate = HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(track->f.sampleRate);
	channelCount = HOST_TO_BENDIAN_INT32(track->f.channelCount);

	if (af_fseek(file->fh, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
		_af_error(AF_BAD_LSEEK, "bad seek");

	af_fwrite(".snd", 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_fwrite(&offset, 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_fwrite(&length, 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_fwrite(&encoding, 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_fwrite(&sampleRate, 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_fwrite(&channelCount, 4, 1, file->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
void InstallLogger::LoadParamFile(const char* parameter_filename) {
    init_done = 0;
    ABSTRACTFILE *af_fin = af_fopen_unlogged((parameter_filename != NULL) ?
                                parameter_filename : "unitex_logging_parameters.txt","rb");
    if (af_fin!=NULL)
        size_t size_param=0;

        if (af_fseek(af_fin, 0, SEEK_END) == 0)
		    size_param = af_ftell(af_fin);
            af_fseek(af_fin, 0, SEEK_SET);

        char* param=(char*)malloc(size_param+1);
        if (af_fread(param,1,size_param,af_fin) == size_param)
            int write_file_out=0;
            char*szPath = (char*)malloc(size_param+1);
            if ((*szPath) != 0)

                ule.szPathLog = szPath;
                ule.szNameLog = NULL;
                ule.store_file_out_content = write_file_out;

                if (AddActivityLogger(&ule) != 0)
                    init_done = 1;
Beispiel #9
status _af_wave_update (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track		*track;
	_WAVEInfo	*wave = (_WAVEInfo *) file->formatSpecific;

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	if (track->fpos_first_frame != 0)
		u_int32_t	dataLength, fileLength;

		/* Update the frame count chunk if present. */

		/* Update the length of the data chunk. */
		af_fseek(file->fh, wave->dataSizeOffset, SEEK_SET);

			We call _af_format_frame_size to calculate the
			frame size of normal PCM data or compressed data.
		dataLength = (u_int32_t) track->totalfframes *
			_af_format_frame_size(&track->f, AF_FALSE);
		dataLength = HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(dataLength);
		af_fwrite(&dataLength, 4, 1, file->fh);

		/* Update the length of the RIFF chunk. */
		fileLength = (u_int32_t) af_flength(file->fh);
		fileLength -= 8;
		fileLength = HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(fileLength);

		af_fseek(file->fh, 4, SEEK_SET);
		af_fwrite(&fileLength, 4, 1, file->fh);

		Write the actual data that was set after initializing
		the miscellaneous IDs.	The size of the data will be

	/* Write the new positions; the size of the data will be unchanged. */

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #10
	Parse marker chunks, which contain the positions and names of loop markers.
static status ParseMARK (AFfilehandle file, AFvirtualfile *fh, u_int32_t type,
	size_t size)
	_Track		*track;
	int		i;
	u_int16_t	numMarkers;

	assert(!memcmp(&type, "MARK", 4));

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	af_fread(&numMarkers, sizeof (u_int16_t), 1, fh);
	numMarkers = BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(numMarkers);

	track->markerCount = numMarkers;
	if (numMarkers)
		track->markers = _af_marker_new(numMarkers);

	for (i=0; i<numMarkers; i++)
		u_int16_t	markerID = 0;
		u_int32_t	markerPosition = 0;
		u_int8_t	sizeByte = 0;
		char		*markerName = NULL;

		af_fread(&markerID, sizeof (u_int16_t), 1, fh);
		markerID = BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT16(markerID);
		af_fread(&markerPosition, sizeof (u_int32_t), 1, fh);
		markerPosition = BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(markerPosition);
		af_fread(&sizeByte, sizeof (unsigned char), 1, fh);
		markerName = _af_malloc(sizeByte + 1);
		af_fread(markerName, sizeof (unsigned char), sizeByte, fh);

		markerName[sizeByte] = '\0';

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("marker id: %d, position: %d, name: %s\n",
			markerID, markerPosition, markerName);

		printf("size byte: %d\n", sizeByte);

			If sizeByte is even, then 1+sizeByte (the length
			of the string) is odd.	Skip an extra byte to
			make it even.

		if ((sizeByte % 2) == 0)
			af_fseek(fh, 1, SEEK_CUR);

		track->markers[i].id = markerID;
		track->markers[i].position = markerPosition;
		track->markers[i].name = markerName;
		track->markers[i].comment = _af_strdup("");

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #11
bool _af_iff_recognize (AFvirtualfile *fh)
	uint8_t	buffer[8];

	af_fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET);

	if (af_fread(buffer, 1, 8, fh) != 8 || memcmp(buffer, "FORM", 4) != 0)
		return false;
	if (af_fread(buffer, 1, 4, fh) != 4 || memcmp(buffer, "8SVX", 4) != 0)
		return false;

	return true;
bool _af_iff_recognize (AFvirtualfile *fh)
    u_int8_t	buffer[8];

    af_fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET);

    if (af_fread(buffer, 1, 8, fh) != 8 || memcmp(buffer, "FORM", 4) != 0)
        return AF_FALSE;
    if (af_fread(buffer, 1, 4, fh) != 4 || memcmp(buffer, "8SVX", 4) != 0)
        return AF_FALSE;

    return AF_TRUE;
Beispiel #13
status _af_wave_write_init (AFfilesetup setup, AFfilehandle filehandle)
	u_int32_t	zero = 0;

	if (_af_filesetup_make_handle(setup, filehandle) == AF_FAIL)
		return AF_FAIL;

	filehandle->formatSpecific = waveinfo_new();

	af_fseek(filehandle->fh, 0, SEEK_SET);
	af_fwrite("RIFF", 4, 1, filehandle->fh);
	af_fwrite(&zero, 4, 1, filehandle->fh);
	af_fwrite("WAVE", 4, 1, filehandle->fh);


	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #14
status _af_avr_update (AFfilehandle file)
	_Track		*track;
	uint32_t	size, loopStart, loopEnd;

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	/* Seek to the position of the size field. */
	af_fseek(file->fh, 26, SEEK_SET);

	size = track->totalfframes;

	/* For the case of no loops, loopStart = 0 and loopEnd = size. */
	loopStart = 0;
	loopEnd = size;

	af_write_uint32_be(&size, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&loopStart, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&loopEnd, file->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #15
static status WriteCues (AFfilehandle file)
	int		i, *markids, markCount;
	uint32_t	numCues, cueChunkSize, listChunkSize;
	_WAVEInfo	*wave;


	markCount = afGetMarkIDs(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, NULL);
	if (markCount == 0)
		return AF_SUCCEED;

	wave = file->formatSpecific;

	if (wave->markOffset == 0)
		wave->markOffset = af_ftell(file->fh);
		af_fseek(file->fh, wave->markOffset, SEEK_SET);

	af_fwrite("cue ", 4, 1, file->fh);

		The cue chunk consists of 4 bytes for the number of cue points
		followed by 24 bytes for each cue point record.
	cueChunkSize = 4 + markCount * 24;
	af_write_uint32_le(&cueChunkSize, file->fh);
	numCues = markCount;
	af_write_uint32_le(&numCues, file->fh);

	markids = _af_calloc(markCount, sizeof (int));
	assert(markids != NULL);
	afGetMarkIDs(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, markids);

	/* Write each marker to the file. */
	for (i=0; i < markCount; i++)
		uint32_t	identifier, position, chunkStart, blockStart;
		uint32_t	sampleOffset;
		AFframecount	markposition;

		identifier = markids[i];
		af_write_uint32_le(&identifier, file->fh);

		position = i;
		af_write_uint32_le(&position, file->fh);

		/* For now the RIFF id is always the first data chunk. */
		af_fwrite("data", 4, 1, file->fh);

			For an uncompressed WAVE file which contains
			only one data chunk, chunkStart and blockStart
			are zero.
		chunkStart = 0;
		af_fwrite(&chunkStart, sizeof (uint32_t), 1, file->fh);

		blockStart = 0;
		af_fwrite(&blockStart, sizeof (uint32_t), 1, file->fh);

		markposition = afGetMarkPosition(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, markids[i]);

		/* Sample offsets are stored in the WAVE file as frames. */
		sampleOffset = markposition;
		af_write_uint32_le(&sampleOffset, file->fh);

		Now write the cue names which is in a master list chunk
		with a subchunk for each cue's name.

	listChunkSize = 4;
	for (i=0; i<markCount; i++)
		const char *name;

		name = afGetMarkName(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, markids[i]);

			Each label chunk consists of 4 bytes for the
			"labl" chunk ID, 4 bytes for the chunk data
			size, 4 bytes for the cue point ID, and then
			the length of the label as a Pascal-style string.

			In all, this is 12 bytes plus the length of the
			string, its size byte, and a trailing pad byte
			if the length of the chunk is otherwise odd.
		listChunkSize += 12 + (strlen(name) + 1) +
			((strlen(name) + 1) % 2);

	af_fwrite("LIST", 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_write_uint32_le(&listChunkSize, file->fh);
	af_fwrite("adtl", 4, 1, file->fh);

	for (i=0; i<markCount; i++)
		const char	*name;
		uint32_t	labelSize, cuePointID;

		name = afGetMarkName(file, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, markids[i]);

		/* Make labelSize even if it is not already. */
		labelSize = 4+(strlen(name)+1) + ((strlen(name) + 1) % 2);
		cuePointID = markids[i];

		af_fwrite("labl", 4, 1, file->fh);
		af_write_uint32_le(&labelSize, file->fh);
		af_write_uint32_le(&cuePointID, file->fh);
		af_fwrite(name, strlen(name) + 1, 1, file->fh);
			If the name plus the size byte comprises an odd
			length, add another byte to make the string an
			even length.
		if (((strlen(name) + 1) % 2) != 0)
			uint8_t	zero=0;
			af_write_uint8(&zero, file->fh);


	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #16
status WriteMiscellaneous (AFfilehandle filehandle)
	_WAVEInfo	*wave = (_WAVEInfo *) filehandle->formatSpecific;

	if (filehandle->miscellaneousCount != 0)
		int		i;
		uint32_t	miscellaneousBytes;
		uint32_t 	chunkSize;

		/* Start at 12 to account for 'LIST', size, and 'INFO'. */
		miscellaneousBytes = 12;

		/* Then calculate the size of the whole INFO chunk. */
		for (i=0; i<filehandle->miscellaneousCount; i++)
			uint32_t	miscid;

			/* Skip miscellaneous data of an unsupported type. */
			if (misc_type_to_wave(filehandle->miscellaneous[i].type,
				&miscid) == AF_FAIL)

			/* Account for miscellaneous type and size. */
			miscellaneousBytes += 8;
			miscellaneousBytes += filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size;

			/* Add a pad byte if necessary. */
			if (filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size % 2 != 0)

			assert(miscellaneousBytes % 2 == 0);

		if (wave->miscellaneousStartOffset == 0)
			wave->miscellaneousStartOffset = af_ftell(filehandle->fh);
			af_fseek(filehandle->fh, wave->miscellaneousStartOffset, SEEK_SET);

		wave->totalMiscellaneousSize = miscellaneousBytes;

			Write the data.  On the first call to this
			function (from _af_wave_write_init), the
			data won't be available, af_fseek is used to
			reserve space until the data has been provided.
			On subseuent calls to this function (from
			_af_wave_update), the data will really be written.

		/* Write 'LIST'. */
		af_fwrite("LIST", 4, 1, filehandle->fh);

		/* Write the size of the following chunk. */
		chunkSize = miscellaneousBytes-8;
		af_write_uint32_le(&chunkSize, filehandle->fh);

		/* Write 'INFO'. */
		af_fwrite("INFO", 4, 1, filehandle->fh);

		/* Write each miscellaneous chunk. */
		for (i=0; i<filehandle->miscellaneousCount; i++)
			uint32_t	miscsize = filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size;
			uint32_t 	miscid = 0;

			/* Skip miscellaneous data of an unsupported type. */
			if (misc_type_to_wave(filehandle->miscellaneous[i].type,
				&miscid) == AF_FAIL)

			af_fwrite(&miscid, 4, 1, filehandle->fh);
			af_write_uint32_le(&miscsize, filehandle->fh);
			if (filehandle->miscellaneous[i].buffer != NULL)
				uint8_t	zero = 0;

				af_fwrite(filehandle->miscellaneous[i].buffer, filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size, 1, filehandle->fh);

				/* Pad if necessary. */
				if ((filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size%2) != 0)
					af_write_uint8(&zero, filehandle->fh);
				int	size;
				size = filehandle->miscellaneous[i].size;

				/* Pad if necessary. */
				if ((size % 2) != 0)
				af_fseek(filehandle->fh, size, SEEK_CUR);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #17
status _af_iff_read_init (AFfilesetup setup, AFfilehandle file)
	uint32_t	type, size, formtype;
	size_t		index;
	_Track		*track;

	assert(file != NULL);
	assert(file->fh != NULL);

	af_fseek(file->fh, 0, SEEK_SET);

	af_fread(&type, 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_read_uint32_be(&size, file->fh);
	af_fread(&formtype, 4, 1, file->fh);

	if (memcmp(&type, "FORM", 4) != 0 || memcmp(&formtype, "8SVX", 4) != 0)
		return AF_FAIL;

	file->instrumentCount = 0;
	file->instruments = NULL;
	file->miscellaneousCount = 0;
	file->miscellaneous = NULL;

	/* IFF/8SVX files have only one track. */
	track = _af_track_new();
	file->trackCount = 1;
	file->tracks = track;

	/* Set the index to include the form type ('8SVX' in this case). */
	index = 4;

	while (index < size)
		uint32_t	chunkid = 0, chunksize = 0;
		status		result = AF_SUCCEED;

		af_fread(&chunkid, 4, 1, file->fh);
		af_read_uint32_be(&chunksize, file->fh);

		if (!memcmp("VHDR", &chunkid, 4))
			result = ParseVHDR(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("BODY", &chunkid, 4))
			result = ParseBODY(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("NAME", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("AUTH", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("(c) ", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("ANNO", &chunkid, 4))
			ParseMiscellaneous(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);

		if (result == AF_FAIL)
			return AF_FAIL;

			Increment the index by the size of the chunk
			plus the size of the chunk header.
		index += chunksize + 8;

		/* All chunks must be aligned on an even number of bytes. */
		if ((index % 2) != 0)

		/* Set the seek position to the beginning of the next chunk. */
		af_fseek(file->fh, index + 8, SEEK_SET);

	/* The file has been successfully parsed. */
	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #18
status _af_avr_write_init (AFfilesetup setup, AFfilehandle filehandle)
	_Track		*track;
	char		name[8];
	uint16_t	mono, resolution, sign, loop, midi;
	uint32_t	rate, size, loopStart, loopEnd;
	char		reserved[26];
	char		user[64];

	if (_af_filesetup_make_handle(setup, filehandle) == AF_FAIL)
		return AF_FAIL;

	filehandle->formatSpecific = NULL;

	track = _af_filehandle_get_track(filehandle, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);

	if (af_fseek(filehandle->fh, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
		_af_error(AF_BAD_LSEEK, "bad seek");
		return AF_FAIL;

	af_fwrite("2BIT", 4, 1, filehandle->fh);
	memset(name, 0, 8);
	if (filehandle->fileName != NULL)
		strncpy(name, af_basename(filehandle->fileName), 8);
	af_fwrite(name, 8, 1, filehandle->fh);

	if (track->f.channelCount == 1)
		mono = 0x0;
		mono = 0xffff;
	af_write_uint16_be(&mono, filehandle->fh);

	resolution = track->f.sampleWidth;
	af_write_uint16_be(&resolution, filehandle->fh);

	if (track->f.sampleFormat == AF_SAMPFMT_UNSIGNED)
		sign = 0x0;
		sign = 0xffff;
	af_write_uint16_be(&sign, filehandle->fh);

	/* We do not currently support loops. */
	loop = 0;
	af_write_uint16_be(&loop, filehandle->fh);
	midi = 0xffff;
	af_write_uint16_be(&midi, filehandle->fh);

	rate = track->f.sampleRate;
	/* Set the high-order byte of rate to 0xff. */
	rate |= 0xff000000;
	size = track->totalfframes;
	loopStart = 0;
	loopEnd = size;

	af_write_uint32_be(&rate, filehandle->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&size, filehandle->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&loopStart, filehandle->fh);
	af_write_uint32_be(&loopEnd, filehandle->fh);

	memset(reserved, 0, 26);
	af_fwrite(reserved, 26, 1, filehandle->fh);

	memset(user, 0, 64);
	af_fwrite(user, 64, 1, filehandle->fh);

	if (track->fpos_first_frame == 0)
		track->fpos_first_frame = af_ftell(filehandle->fh);

	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #19
int afWriteFrames (AFfilehandle file, int trackid, const void *samples,
	int nvframes2write)
	_AFmoduleinst	*firstmod;
	_AFchunk	*userc;
	_Track		*track;
	int		bytes_per_vframe;
	AFframecount	vframe;

	if (!_af_filehandle_ok(file))
		return -1;

	if (!_af_filehandle_can_write(file))
		return -1;

	if ((track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, trackid)) == NULL)
		return -1;

	if (track->ms.modulesdirty)
		if (_AFsetupmodules(file, track) != AF_SUCCEED)
			return -1;

	/*if (file->seekok) {*/

	if (af_fseek(file->fh, track->fpos_next_frame, SEEK_SET) < 0)
		_af_error(AF_BAD_LSEEK, "unable to position write pointer at next frame");
		return -1;

	/* } */

	bytes_per_vframe = _af_format_frame_size(&track->v, AF_TRUE);

	firstmod = &track->ms.module[0];
	userc = &track->ms.chunk[0];

	track->filemodhappy = AF_TRUE;

	vframe = 0;
		OPTIMIZATION: see the comment at the very end of
		arrangemodules() in modules.c for an explanation of this:
	if (!trk->ms.mustuseatomicnvframes)
		userc->buf = (char *)buf;
		userc->nframes = nvframes2write;


		/* Count this chunk if there was no i/o error. */
		if (trk->filemodhappy)
			vframe += userc->nframes;
	/* Optimization must be off. */
		while (vframe < nvframes2write)
			userc->buf = (char *) samples + bytes_per_vframe * vframe;
			if (vframe <= nvframes2write - _AF_ATOMIC_NVFRAMES)
				userc->nframes = _AF_ATOMIC_NVFRAMES;
				userc->nframes = nvframes2write - vframe;


			if (track->filemodhappy == AF_FALSE)

			vframe += userc->nframes;

	track->nextvframe += vframe;
	track->totalvframes += vframe;

	return vframe;
Beispiel #20
int afReadFrames (AFfilehandle file, int trackid, void *samples,
	int nvframeswanted)
	_Track	*track;
	_AFmoduleinst	*firstmod;
	_AFchunk	*userc;
	AFframecount	nvframesleft, nvframes2read;
	int		bytes_per_vframe;
	AFframecount	vframe;

	if (!_af_filehandle_ok(file))
		return -1;

	if (!_af_filehandle_can_read(file))
		return -1;

	if ((track = _af_filehandle_get_track(file, trackid)) == NULL)
		return -1;

	if (track->ms.modulesdirty)
		if (_AFsetupmodules(file, track) != AF_SUCCEED)
			return -1;

	/*if (file->seekok) {*/

	if (af_fseek(file->fh, track->fpos_next_frame, SEEK_SET) < 0)
		_af_error(AF_BAD_LSEEK, "unable to position read pointer at next frame");
		return -1;

	/* } */

	if (track->totalvframes == -1)
		nvframes2read = nvframeswanted;
		nvframesleft = track->totalvframes - track->nextvframe;
		nvframes2read = (nvframeswanted > nvframesleft) ?
			nvframesleft : nvframeswanted;
	bytes_per_vframe = _af_format_frame_size(&track->v, AF_TRUE);

	firstmod = &track->ms.module[track->ms.nmodules-1];
	userc = &track->ms.chunk[track->ms.nmodules];

	track->filemodhappy = AF_TRUE;

	vframe = 0;

	if (!track->ms.mustuseatomicnvframes)
		assert(track->frames2ignore == 0);
		userc->buf = samples;
		userc->nframes = nvframes2read;

		if (track->filemodhappy)
			vframe += userc->nframes;
		bool	eof = AF_FALSE;

		if (track->frames2ignore != 0)
			userc->nframes = track->frames2ignore;
			userc->buf = _af_malloc(track->frames2ignore * bytes_per_vframe);
			if (userc->buf == AF_NULL)
				return 0;


			/* Have we hit EOF? */
			if (userc->nframes < track->frames2ignore)
				eof = AF_TRUE;

			track->frames2ignore = 0;

			userc->buf = NULL;

			Now start reading useful frames, until EOF or
			premature EOF.

		while (track->filemodhappy && !eof && vframe < nvframes2read)
			AFframecount	nvframes2pull;
			userc->buf = (char *) samples + bytes_per_vframe * vframe;

			if (vframe <= nvframes2read - _AF_ATOMIC_NVFRAMES)
				nvframes2pull = _AF_ATOMIC_NVFRAMES;
				nvframes2pull = nvframes2read - vframe;

			userc->nframes = nvframes2pull;


			if (track->filemodhappy)
				vframe += userc->nframes;
				if (userc->nframes < nvframes2pull)
					eof = AF_TRUE;

	track->nextvframe += vframe;

	return vframe;
Beispiel #21
status _af_aiff_read_init (AFfilesetup setup, AFfilehandle file)
	u_int32_t	type, size, formtype;
	size_t		index = 0;
	bool		hasCOMM, hasFVER, hasSSND, hasMARK, hasINST;
	bool		hasAESD, hasNAME, hasAUTH, hasCOPY;
	_Track		*track;


	assert(file != NULL);
	assert(file->fh != NULL);

	af_fseek(file->fh, 0, SEEK_SET);

	af_fread(&type, 4, 1, file->fh);
	af_fread(&size, 4, 1, file->fh);
	size = BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(size);
	af_fread(&formtype, 4, 1, file->fh);

	if (memcmp(&type, "FORM", 4) != 0 ||
		(memcmp(&formtype, "AIFF", 4) && memcmp(&formtype, "AIFC", 4)))
		return AF_FAIL;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("size: %d\n", size);

	file->instrumentCount = 0;
	file->instruments = NULL;
	file->miscellaneousCount = 0;
	file->miscellaneous = NULL;

	/* AIFF files have only one track. */
	track = _af_track_new();
	file->trackCount = 1;
	file->tracks = track;

	/* Include the offset of the form type. */
	index += 4;

	while (index < size)
		u_int32_t	chunkid = 0, chunksize = 0;
		status		result = AF_SUCCEED;

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("index: %d\n", index);
		af_fread(&chunkid, 4, 1, file->fh);
		af_fread(&chunksize, 4, 1, file->fh);
		chunksize = BENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(chunksize);

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf(" size: %d\n", chunksize);

		if (!memcmp("COMM", &chunkid, 4))
			hasCOMM = AF_TRUE;
			result = ParseCOMM(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("FVER", &chunkid, 4))
			hasFVER = AF_TRUE;
			ParseFVER(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("INST", &chunkid, 4))
			hasINST = AF_TRUE;
			ParseINST(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("MARK", &chunkid, 4))
			hasMARK = AF_TRUE;
			ParseMARK(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("AESD", &chunkid, 4))
			hasAESD = AF_TRUE;
			ParseAESD(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
		else if (!memcmp("NAME", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("AUTH", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("(c) ", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("ANNO", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("APPL", &chunkid, 4) ||
			!memcmp("MIDI", &chunkid, 4))
			ParseMiscellaneous(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);
			The sound data chunk is required if there are more than
			zero sample frames.
		else if (!memcmp("SSND", &chunkid, 4))
			if (hasSSND)
				_af_error(AF_BAD_AIFF_SSND, "AIFF file has more than one SSND chunk");
				return AF_FAIL;
			hasSSND = AF_TRUE;
			result = ParseSSND(file, file->fh, chunkid, chunksize);

		if (result == AF_FAIL)
			return AF_FAIL;

		index += chunksize + 8;

		/* all chunks must be aligned on an even number of bytes */
		if ((index % 2) != 0)

		af_fseek(file->fh, index + 8, SEEK_SET);

	if (!hasCOMM)
		_af_error(AF_BAD_AIFF_COMM, "bad AIFF COMM chunk");

	/* The file has been successfully parsed. */
	return AF_SUCCEED;
Beispiel #22
static struct ExecutionLogging* BuildAllocInitExecutionLoggingForIncrementedNumber(void* privateLoggerPtr)
    struct ExecutionLogging* pEL = NULL;
    struct UniLoggerSpace * pULS=(struct UniLoggerSpace *)privateLoggerPtr;
    struct ActivityLoggerPrivateData* pALPD = (struct ActivityLoggerPrivateData*) pULS->privateUnloggerData;

    char szNumFileSuffix[256];

    if (pULS -> auto_increment_logfilename == 0)
        return NULL;
    /* we take a mutex, to be sure two thread don't increment and use same number at same time */

    if (pULS->szNameLog == NULL) {

        unsigned int current_number = 0;
        const char* szNumFile = buildDupFileNameWithPrefixDir(pULS->szPathLog,"unitex_logging_parameters_count.txt");

        /* here : we will need protect with a mutex */
        ABSTRACTFILE *af_fin = af_fopen_unlogged(szNumFile,"rb");
        if (af_fin!=NULL)
            size_t size_num_file=0;

            if (af_fseek(af_fin, 0, SEEK_END) == 0)
	            size_num_file = af_ftell(af_fin);
                af_fseek(af_fin, 0, SEEK_SET);

            char* buf_num_file=(char*)malloc(size_num_file+1);
            if (af_fread(buf_num_file,1,size_num_file,af_fin) == size_num_file)


        ABSTRACTFILE *af_fout = af_fopen_unlogged(szNumFile,"wb");
        if (af_fout!=NULL)
            char szNumOut[32];
    else {
    const char* szLogFileName = buildDupFileNameWithPrefixDir(pULS->szPathLog,szNumFileSuffix);


    return pEL;