Beispiel #1
VALUE rbal_transform_coordinates(VALUE r_, VALUE rtrans, VALUE rx, VALUE ry) {
  ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM * trans = rbal_transform_unwrap(rtrans);
  float 	          x = RBH_FLOAT(rx);
  float 	          y = RBH_FLOAT(ry); 
  al_transform_coordinates(trans, &x, &y);
  return rb_ary_new3(2, RBH_INT_NUM(x), RBH_INT_NUM(y));
Beispiel #2
void _al_draw_pixel_memory(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap, float x, float y,
   ALLEGRO_COLOR *color)
   ALLEGRO_COLOR result;
   int ix, iy;
    * Probably not worth it to check for identity
   al_transform_coordinates(al_get_current_transform(), &x, &y);
   ix = (int)x;
   iy = (int)y;
   _al_blend_memory(color, bitmap, ix, iy, &result);
   _al_put_pixel(bitmap, ix, iy, result);
Beispiel #3
void Renderer::drawHud()
		NBT_Debug("failed to set allegro shader");


	//int dw = al_get_display_width(dpy_);
   //int dh = al_get_display_height(dpy_);

	al_orthographic_transform(&trans, 0, 0, -1, dw, dh, 1);
	al_set_projection_transform(dpy_, &trans);

		NBT_Debug("no sheet bitmap????");

	ALLEGRO_BITMAP *tex = resManager_->getAtlas()->getSheet(0)->alBitmap();
	//glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, al_get_opengl_texture(tex));
	//al_set_shader_sampler("al_tex", tex, 0);
	al_draw_bitmap(tex, 0, 0, 0);

	float x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
	al_transform_coordinates(&camera_transform_, &x, &y);

	Vector3D world_pos;

	al_draw_textf(fnt_, al_map_rgb(0,0,0), 4, al_get_display_height(dpy_)-12, 0, "Pos: x:%.0f, y:%.0f, z:%.0f", camera_pos_.x, camera_pos_.y, camera_pos_.z);

//	al_draw_textf(fnt_, al_map_rgb(0,0,0), 4, al_get_display_height(dpy_)-24, 0, "WP: %.0f %.0f %.0f", world_pos.x, world_pos.y, world_pos.z);
	//al_draw_textf(fnt_, al_map_rgb(0,0,0), 4, al_get_display_height(dpy_)-24, 0, "Mat: x0:%.0f x1:%.0f x2:%.0f x3:%.0f z0:%.0f z1:%.0f z2:%.0f z3:%.0f",
	//				  world.m[0][0], world.m[1][0], world.m[2][0], world.m[3][0],
	//				  world.m[2][2], world.m[2][2], world.m[2][2], world.m[3][2]);
	//al_draw_textf(fnt_, al_map_rgb(0,0,0), 4, al_get_display_height(dpy_)-12, 0, "Pos: x:%.0f y:%.0f z:%.0f", camera_pos_.getX(), camera_pos_.getY(), camera_pos_.getZ());
void AllegroInput5::Update( int dt )
	if ( m_doubleClickTimer > 0 )
		m_doubleClickTimer -= dt;
	if ( m_repeatTimer > 0 )
		m_repeatTimer -= dt;

	  // Get current transformation, to tranform reported scaled/shifted mouse coordinates into something the game can use
	const ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM *pTransform = al_get_current_inverse_transform();

	const JoystickMapping & mapping = GetJoystickMapping(0);

	while( al_get_next_event( m_queue, &ev ) )
		if ( m_hasKeyboard )
			if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::KeyboardEvent( KeyboardEvent::KBD_KEY_DOWN, ev.keyboard.keycode, ev.keyboard.unichar, ev.keyboard.modifiers ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::KeyboardEvent( KeyboardEvent::KBD_KEY_UP, ev.keyboard.keycode, ev.keyboard.unichar, ev.keyboard.modifiers ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_CHAR && m_repeatTimer <= 0 )
				  // Please note that some event params (like modifiers) are ONLY accessible in KEY_CHAR event!
				AddEvent( InputEvent::KeyboardEvent( KeyboardEvent::KBD_KEY_REPEAT, ev.keyboard.keycode, ev.keyboard.unichar, ev.keyboard.modifiers ) );
				m_repeatTimer = 100;

		if ( m_hasMouse )
			float exf = ev.mouse.x;
			float eyf = ev.mouse.y;
			float edxf = ev.mouse.dx;
			float edyf = ev.mouse.dy;

			al_transform_coordinates( pTransform, &exf, &eyf );
			al_transform_coordinates( pTransform, &edxf, &edyf );

			int ex = (int)floorf( exf );
			int ey = (int)floorf( eyf );
			int edx = (int)floorf( edxf );
			int edy = (int)floorf( edyf );

			if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES )
				if ( edx != 0 || edy != 0 )
					AddEvent( InputEvent::MouseEvent( MouseEvent::MOUSE_MOVE, ex, ey, ev.mouse.dw ) );
				if ( ev.mouse.dw != 0 )
					AddEvent( InputEvent::MouseEvent( MouseEvent::MOUSE_WHEEL, ex, ey, ev.mouse.dw ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN )
				MouseEvent::EType type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B1_DOWN;
				if ( ev.mouse.button == 1 )
					if ( m_doubleClickTimer > 0 )
						m_doubleClickTimer = 0;
						type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B1_DOUBLECLICK;
						type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B1_DOWN;
				else if ( ev.mouse.button == 2 )
					type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B2_DOWN;
				else if ( ev.mouse.button == 3 )
					type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B3_DOWN;
				AddEvent( InputEvent::MouseEvent( type, ex, ey, 0 ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP )
				MouseEvent::EType type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B1_UP;
				if ( ev.mouse.button == 1 )
					m_doubleClickTimer = 250;
					type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B1_UP;
				else if ( ev.mouse.button == 2 )
					type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B2_UP;
				else if ( ev.mouse.button == 3 )
					type = MouseEvent::MOUSE_B3_UP;
				AddEvent( InputEvent::MouseEvent( type, ex, ey, 0 ) );

		if ( m_hasGamepad )
			if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS )
				const int stick = ev.joystick.stick;
				const int axis  = ev.joystick.axis;
				if ( stick >= (int)m_gamepadSticks.size() )
					m_gamepadSticks.resize( stick + 1 );

				GamepadStick & s = m_gamepadSticks[ stick ];
				if ( axis >= (int)s.m_axis.size() )
					s.m_axis.resize( axis + 1 );

				GamepadAxis & a = s.m_axis[ axis ];

				  // Some axes on some systems has their neutral position at -1 instead of 0, so we have to adjust for it
				const float adjPos = ev.joystick.pos - mapping.GetAxisBase( ev.joystick.stick, ev.joystick.axis );
				const bool nearZero = fabs(adjPos) < 0.01f;
				  // We only want to send GP_AXIS event once for each direction change, like it was a digital axis or a keyboard key
				if ( nearZero )
					  // If the stick is back to its neutral position, and wasn't there before, send an event about it
					if ( !a.m_unlocked )
						AddEvent( InputEvent::GamepadEvent( GamepadEvent::GP_AXIS, ev.joystick.stick, ev.joystick.axis, 0 ) );
					a.m_unlocked = true;
					  // If the stick is outside its neutral position, and this wasn't reported before, send an event about it
					if ( a.m_unlocked )
						AddEvent( InputEvent::GamepadEvent( GamepadEvent::GP_AXIS, ev.joystick.stick, ev.joystick.axis, adjPos ) );
					a.m_unlocked = false;
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_DOWN )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::GamepadEvent( GamepadEvent::GP_BUTTON_DOWN, ev.joystick.button ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_UP )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::GamepadEvent( GamepadEvent::GP_BUTTON_UP, ev.joystick.button ) );

		if ( m_hasTouch )
			float exf = ev.touch.x;
			float eyf = ev.touch.y;
			float edxf = ev.touch.dx;
			float edyf = ev.touch.dy;

			al_transform_coordinates( pTransform, &exf, &eyf );
            edxf *= pTransform->m[0][0];
            edyf *= pTransform->m[0][0];

			int ex = (int)floorf( exf );
			int ey = (int)floorf( eyf );
			int edx = (int)floorf( edxf );
			int edy = (int)floorf( edyf );

			if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_BEGIN )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::TouchEvent( TouchEvent::TOUCH_BEGIN,, ev.touch.primary, ev.touch.timestamp, ex, ey, edx, edy ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::TouchEvent( TouchEvent::TOUCH_MOVE,, ev.touch.primary, ev.touch.timestamp, ex, ey, edx, edy ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_END )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::TouchEvent( TouchEvent::TOUCH_END,, ev.touch.primary, ev.touch.timestamp, ex, ey, edx, edy ) );
			else if ( ev.any.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::TouchEvent( TouchEvent::TOUCH_CANCEL,, ev.touch.primary, ev.touch.timestamp, ex, ey, edx, edy ) );

			//GetLog().Log( CommonLog(), LL_CRITICAL, "AllegroInput: event=%i id=%i x=%f y=%f", ev.any.type,, ev.touch.x, ev.touch.y );

	if ( m_hasKeyboard )
		  // Since Allegro events don't have KEY_PRESSED, we do it other way.
		al_get_keyboard_state( &state );

		for ( int i = 0; i < ALLEGRO_KEY_MAX; ++i )
			  // We don't know key code for state :(
			if ( al_key_down( &state, i ) && m_keyStates[ i ] )
				AddEvent( InputEvent::KeyboardEvent( KeyboardEvent::KBD_KEY_PRESSED, i, 0, 0 ) );

			m_keyStates[ i ] = al_key_down( &state, i )  != 0;
Beispiel #5
static INLINE void transform_vertex(float* x, float* y)
   al_transform_coordinates(al_get_current_transform(), x, y);
Beispiel #6
static void _al_draw_transformed_bitmap_memory(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *src,
        ALLEGRO_COLOR tint,
        int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int dw, int dh,
        ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM* local_trans, int flags)
    float xsf[4], ysf[4];
    int tl = 0, tr = 1, bl = 3, br = 2;
    int tmp;


    /* Decide what order to take corners in. */
    if (flags & ALLEGRO_FLIP_VERTICAL) {
        tl = 3;
        tr = 2;
        bl = 0;
        br = 1;
    else {
        tl = 0;
        tr = 1;
        bl = 3;
        br = 2;
    if (flags & ALLEGRO_FLIP_HORIZONTAL) {
        tmp = tl;
        tl = tr;
        tr = tmp;
        tmp = bl;
        bl = br;
        br = tmp;

    xsf[0] = 0;
    ysf[0] = 0;

    xsf[1] = dw;
    ysf[1] = 0;

    xsf[2] = 0;
    ysf[2] = dh;

    al_transform_coordinates(local_trans, &xsf[0], &ysf[0]);
    al_transform_coordinates(local_trans, &xsf[1], &ysf[1]);
    al_transform_coordinates(local_trans, &xsf[2], &ysf[2]);

    v[tl].x = xsf[0];
    v[tl].y = ysf[0];
    v[tl].z = 0;
    v[tl].u = sx;
    v[tl].v = sy;
    v[tl].color = tint;

    v[tr].x = xsf[1];
    v[tr].y = ysf[1];
    v[tr].z = 0;
    v[tr].u = sx + sw;
    v[tr].v = sy;
    v[tr].color = tint;

    v[br].x = xsf[2] + xsf[1] - xsf[0];
    v[br].y = ysf[2] + ysf[1] - ysf[0];
    v[br].z = 0;
    v[br].u = sx + sw;
    v[br].v = sy + sh;
    v[br].color = tint;

    v[bl].x = xsf[2];
    v[bl].y = ysf[2];
    v[bl].z = 0;
    v[bl].u = sx;
    v[bl].v = sy + sh;
    v[bl].color = tint;


    _al_triangle_2d(src, &v[tl], &v[tr], &v[br]);
    _al_triangle_2d(src, &v[tl], &v[br], &v[bl]);
