Beispiel #1
void CompMgrClient::loadCompositeSettingsInternal()
    m_enableComposite = ScimKdeSettings::enable_Composite();

    disconnect(SkimPluginManager::self(), SIGNAL(allPluginsLoaded()), this, SLOT(updateCompositeSettings()));
        if(!m_createdAtoms || m_useKompmgr != ScimKdeSettings::use_Kompmgr())
            m_useKompmgr = ScimKdeSettings::use_Kompmgr();
        connect(SkimPluginManager::self(), SIGNAL(allPluginsLoaded()), this, SLOT(updateCompositeSettings()));
    QStringList availableWindows;
    QValueList<QObject *>  list = SkimPluginManager::self()->specialProperyObjects();
    QValueList<QObject *>::iterator it;

    QWidget * w;
    for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
        w = (*it)->isWidgetType()?static_cast<QWidget *>(*it) : 0;
            availableWindows << w->name();

    for(uint i=0; i < availableWindows.size(); i++)
Beispiel #2
ScimSetupWindow::ScimSetupWindow(scim::SocketServerThread *parent, const char */*name*/, KConfigSkeleton */*config*/)
 : KCMultiDialog(KDialogBase::TreeList, i18n("Configure skim"), 0), d(new ScimSetupWindowPrivate)
    m_mc = SkimPluginManager::self();
    setIcon(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("configure", KIcon::NoGroup));
    d->inputServer = parent;
    d->scim_backend_need_update = false;
    setShowIconsInTreeList( true );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( configCommitted( const QCString & ) ),
      KSettings::Dispatcher::self(), SLOT( reparseConfiguration( const QCString & ) ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( configCommitted( const QCString & ) ), 
      SLOT(slotConfigurationChangedFor( const QCString & )));
    connect( m_mc, SIGNAL(allPluginsLoaded()), this, SLOT(load()));

    //we cache all the available kcms and their hierarchy, so that we do not
    //need to reload them everytime load() is called
    QValueList<SkimPluginInfo *> skimplugins = SkimPluginInfo::fromServices( KTrader::self()->query( "Skim/SetupDir", "[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == 'Root'" ));

    QValueList<SkimPluginInfo *>::ConstIterator pit;

    ScimSetupWindowPrivate::SetupDirInfo curDir;
    for ( pit = skimplugins.begin(); pit != skimplugins.end(); ++pit )
        QValueList< KService::Ptr > services =
                KTrader::self()->query( "Skim/KCModule",
        "[X-KDE-PluginInfo-DisplayParent] == '" + (*pit)->pluginName() + "'" );

        std::multimap<int, int> sortedMods; //map weight to index in mods
        /*if( services.size() > 1)*/
            curDir.path << (*pit)->name();
            curDir.iconfile = (*pit)->icon();

            //sort the kcm according to their weight. 0 will be the first
            for( QValueList<KService::Ptr>::ConstIterator it =
                 it != services.end(); ++it )
                KCModuleInfo mod(*it);
                curDir.sortedMods.insert(std::pair<int, int> (mod.weight(), d->mods.size()-1));
            QVariant v = ( *pit )->weight();
            int weight = v.isValid () ? v.toInt() : 1000;
            //sort the dir according to their weight. 0 will be the first
            d->dirReposition.insert(std::pair<int, ScimSetupWindowPrivate::SetupDirInfo> (weight, curDir));


        if( ScimKdeSettings::self()->config()->hasKey(SetupWindowSize))
void PluginManager::slotLoadNextPlugin()
	if ( _kpmp->pluginsToLoad.isEmpty() )
		if ( _kpmp->shutdownMode == PluginManagerPrivate::StartingUp )
			_kpmp->shutdownMode = PluginManagerPrivate::Running;
			_kpmp->isAllPluginsLoaded = true;
			emit allPluginsLoaded();

	QString key = _kpmp->pluginsToLoad.pop();
	loadPluginInternal( key );

	// Schedule the next run unconditionally to avoid code duplication on the
	// allPluginsLoaded() signal's handling. This has the added benefit that
	// the signal is delayed one event loop, so the accounts are more likely
	// to be instantiated.
	QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotLoadNextPlugin()) );
void KopeteApplication::slotLoadPlugins()
	// we have to load the address book early, because calling this enters the Qt event loop when there are remote resources.
	// The plugin manager is written with the assumption that Kopete will not reenter the event loop during plugin load,
	// otherwise lots of things break as plugins are loaded, then contacts are added to incompletely initialised MCLVIs

	//Create the command handler (looks silly)

	//Create the view manager


	KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();

	// Parse command-line arguments
	KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

	bool showConfigDialog = false;

	config->setGroup( "Plugins" );

	/* FIXME: This is crap, if something purged that groups but your accounts
	 * are still working kopete will load the necessary plugins but still show the
	 * stupid accounts dialog (of course empty at that time because account data
	 * gets loaded later on). [mETz - 29.05.2004]
	if ( !config->hasGroup( "Plugins" ) )
		showConfigDialog = true;

	// Listen to arguments
	// TODO: conflicts with emoticon installer and the general meaning
	// of %U in kopete.desktop
	if ( args->count() > 0 )
		showConfigDialog = false;
		for ( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++ )
			Kopete::PluginManager::self()->setPluginEnabled( args->arg( i ), true );

	// Prevent plugins from loading? (--disable=foo,bar)
	QStringList disableArgs = QStringList::split( ',', args->getOption( "disable" ) );
	for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = disableArgs.begin(); it != disableArgs.end(); ++it )
		showConfigDialog = false;
		Kopete::PluginManager::self()->setPluginEnabled( *it, false );

	// Load some plugins exclusively? (--load-plugins=foo,bar)
	if ( args->isSet( "load-plugins" ) )
		config->deleteGroup( "Plugins", true );
		showConfigDialog = false;
		QStringList plugins = QStringList::split( ',', args->getOption( "load-plugins" ) );
		for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it )
			Kopete::PluginManager::self()->setPluginEnabled( *it, true );


	// Disable plugins altogether? (--noplugins)
	if ( !args->isSet( "plugins" ) )
		// If anybody reenables this I'll get a sword and make a nice chop-suy out
		// of your body :P [mETz - 29.05.2004]
		// This screws up kopeterc because there is no way to get the Plugins group back!
		//config->deleteGroup( "Plugins", true );

		showConfigDialog = false;
		// pretend all plugins were loaded :)
		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT( slotAllPluginsLoaded() ));

	connect( Kopete::PluginManager::self(), SIGNAL( allPluginsLoaded() ),
		this, SLOT( slotAllPluginsLoaded() ));

	if( showConfigDialog )
		// No plugins specified. Show the config dialog.
		// FIXME: Although it's a bit stupid it is theoretically possible that a user
		//        explicitly configured Kopete to not load plugins on startup. In this
		//        case we don't want this dialog. We need some other config setting
		//        like a bool hasRunKopeteBefore or so to trigger the loading of the
		//        wizard. Maybe using the last run version number is more useful even
		//        as it also allows for other features. - Martijn
		// FIXME: Possibly we need to influence the showConfigDialog bool based on the
		//        command line arguments processed below. But how exactly? - Martijn
		// NB: the command line args are completely broken atm.  
		// I don't want to fix them for 3.5 as plugin loading will change for KDE4.	- Will
		AddAccountWizard *m_addwizard = new AddAccountWizard( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), "addAccountWizard", true, true );