Beispiel #1
Polygon* MeshBuilder::addPolygon()
	Polygon* item = allocatePolygon();
	item->create( this, m_this->polygons.size() );
	m_this->polygons.add( item );
	return item;
Beispiel #2
	ConvexBody::ConvexBody( const ConvexBody& cpy )
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < cpy.getPolygonCount(); ++i )
			Polygon *p = allocatePolygon();
			*p = cpy.getPolygon( i );
			mPolygons.push_back( p );
Beispiel #3
	void ConvexBody::allocateSpace( size_t numPolygons, size_t numVertices )

		// allocate numPolygons polygons with each numVertices vertices
		for ( size_t iPoly = 0; iPoly < numPolygons; ++iPoly )
			Polygon *poly = allocatePolygon();

			for ( size_t iVertex = 0; iVertex < numVertices; ++iVertex )
				poly->insertVertex( Vector3::ZERO );

			mPolygons.push_back( poly );
Beispiel #4
	void ConvexBody::clip( const Plane& pl, bool keepNegative )
		if ( getPolygonCount() == 0 )

		// current will be used as the reference body
		ConvexBody current;
		OgreAssert( this->getPolygonCount() == 0, "Body not empty!" );
		OgreAssert( current.getPolygonCount() != 0, "Body empty!" );

		// holds all intersection edges for the different polygons
		Polygon::EdgeMap intersectionEdges;

		// clip all polygons by the intersection plane
		// add only valid or intersected polygons to *this
		for ( size_t iPoly = 0; iPoly < current.getPolygonCount(); ++iPoly )

			// fetch vertex count and ignore polygons with less than three vertices
			// the polygon is not valid and won't be added
			const size_t vertexCount = current.getVertexCount( iPoly );
			if ( vertexCount < 3 )

			// current polygon
			const Polygon& p = current.getPolygon( iPoly );

			// the polygon to assemble
			Polygon *pNew = allocatePolygon();

			// the intersection polygon (indeed it's an edge or it's empty)
			Polygon *pIntersect = allocatePolygon();
			// check if polygons lie inside or outside (or on the plane)
			// for each vertex check where it is situated in regard to the plane
			// three possibilities appear:
			Plane::Side clipSide = keepNegative ? Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE : Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE;
			// - side is clipSide: vertex will be clipped
			// - side is !clipSide: vertex will be untouched
			// - side is NOSIDE:   vertex will be untouched
			Plane::Side *side = OGRE_ALLOC_T(Plane::Side, vertexCount, MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_CONTROL);
			for ( size_t iVertex = 0; iVertex < vertexCount; ++iVertex )
				side[ iVertex ] = pl.getSide( p.getVertex( iVertex ) );

			// now we check the side combinations for the current and the next vertex
			// four different combinations exist:
			// - both points inside (or on the plane): keep the second (add it to the body)
			// - both points outside: discard both (don't add them to the body)
			// - first vertex is inside, second is outside: add the intersection point
			// - first vertex is outside, second is inside: add the intersection point, then the second
			for ( size_t iVertex = 0; iVertex < vertexCount; ++iVertex )
				// determine the next vertex
				size_t iNextVertex = ( iVertex + 1 ) % vertexCount;

				const Vector3& vCurrent = p.getVertex( iVertex );
				const Vector3& vNext    = p.getVertex( iNextVertex );

				// case 1: both points inside (store next)
				if ( side[ iVertex ]     != clipSide &&		// NEGATIVE or NONE
					 side[ iNextVertex ] != clipSide )		// NEGATIVE or NONE
					// keep the second
					pNew->insertVertex( vNext );

				// case 3: inside -> outside (store intersection)
				else if ( side[ iVertex ]		!= clipSide &&
						  side[ iNextVertex ]	== clipSide )
					// Do an intersection with the plane. We use a ray with a start point and a direction.
					// The ray is forced to hit the plane with any option available (eigher current or next
					// is the starting point)

					// intersect from the outside vertex towards the inside one
					Vector3 vDirection = vCurrent - vNext;
					Ray ray( vNext, vDirection );
					std::pair< bool, Real > intersect = ray.intersects( pl );

					// store intersection
					if ( intersect.first )
						// convert distance to vector
						Vector3 vIntersect = ray.getPoint( intersect.second );	

						// store intersection
						pNew->insertVertex( vIntersect );
						pIntersect->insertVertex( vIntersect );

				// case 4: outside -> inside (store intersection, store next)
				else if ( side[ iVertex ]		== clipSide &&
					side[ iNextVertex ]			!= clipSide )
					// Do an intersection with the plane. We use a ray with a start point and a direction.
					// The ray is forced to hit the plane with any option available (eigher current or next
					// is the starting point)

					// intersect from the outside vertex towards the inside one
					Vector3 vDirection = vNext - vCurrent;
					Ray ray( vCurrent, vDirection );
					std::pair< bool, Real > intersect = ray.intersects( pl );

					// store intersection
					if ( intersect.first )
						// convert distance to vector
						Vector3 vIntersect = ray.getPoint( intersect.second );

						// store intersection
						pNew->insertVertex( vIntersect );
						pIntersect->insertVertex( vIntersect );

					pNew->insertVertex( vNext );

				// else:
				// case 2: both outside (do nothing)

			// insert the polygon only, if at least three vertices are present
			if ( pNew->getVertexCount() >= 3 )
				// in case there are double vertices, remove them

				// in case there are still at least three vertices, insert the polygon
				if ( pNew->getVertexCount() >= 3 )
					this->insertPolygon( pNew );
					// delete pNew because it's empty or invalid
					pNew = 0;
				// delete pNew because it's empty or invalid
				pNew = 0;

			// insert intersection polygon only, if there are two vertices present
			if ( pIntersect->getVertexCount() == 2 )
				intersectionEdges.insert( Polygon::Edge( pIntersect->getVertex( 0 ),
														  pIntersect->getVertex( 1 ) ) );

			// delete intersection polygon
			// vertices were copied (if there were any)
			pIntersect = 0;

			// delete side info
			side = 0;

		// if the polygon was partially clipped, close it
		// at least three edges are needed for a polygon
		if ( intersectionEdges.size() >= 3 )
			Polygon *pClosing = allocatePolygon();

			// Analyze the intersection list and insert the intersection points in ccw order
			// Each point is twice in the list because of the fact that we have a convex body
			// with convex polygons. All we have to do is order the edges (an even-odd pair)
			// in a ccw order. The plane normal shows us the direction.
			Polygon::EdgeMap::iterator it = intersectionEdges.begin();

			// check the cross product of the first two edges
			Vector3 vFirst  = it->first;
			Vector3 vSecond = it->second;

			// remove inserted edge
			intersectionEdges.erase( it );

			Vector3 vNext;

			// find mating edge
			if (findAndEraseEdgePair(vSecond, intersectionEdges, vNext))
				// detect the orientation
				// the polygon must have the same normal direction as the plane and then n
				Vector3 vCross = ( vFirst - vSecond ).crossProduct( vNext - vSecond );
				bool frontside = ( pl.normal ).directionEquals( vCross, Degree( 1 ) );

				// first inserted vertex
				Vector3 firstVertex;
				// currently inserted vertex
				Vector3 currentVertex;
				// direction equals -> front side (walk ccw)
				if ( frontside )
					// start with next as first vertex, then second, then first and continue with first to walk ccw
					pClosing->insertVertex( vNext );
					pClosing->insertVertex( vSecond );
					pClosing->insertVertex( vFirst );
					firstVertex		= vNext;
					currentVertex	= vFirst;

					std::cout << "Plane: n=" << pl.normal << ", d=" << pl.d << std::endl;
					std::cout << "First inserted vertex: " << *next << std::endl;
					std::cout << "Second inserted vertex: " << *vSecond << std::endl;
					std::cout << "Third inserted vertex: " << *vFirst << std::endl;
				// direction does not equal -> back side (walk cw)
					// start with first as first vertex, then second, then next and continue with next to walk ccw
					pClosing->insertVertex( vFirst );
					pClosing->insertVertex( vSecond );
					pClosing->insertVertex( vNext );
					firstVertex		= vFirst;
					currentVertex	= vNext;

						std::cout << "Plane: n=" << pl.normal << ", d=" << pl.d << std::endl;
						std::cout << "First inserted vertex: " << *vFirst << std::endl;
						std::cout << "Second inserted vertex: " << *vSecond << std::endl;
						std::cout << "Third inserted vertex: " << *next << std::endl;

				// search mating edges that have a point in common
				// continue this operation as long as edges are present
				while ( !intersectionEdges.empty() )

					if (findAndEraseEdgePair(currentVertex, intersectionEdges, vNext))
						// insert only if it's not the last (which equals the first) vertex
						if ( !intersectionEdges.empty() )
							currentVertex = vNext;
							pClosing->insertVertex( vNext );
						// degenerated...

				} // while intersectionEdges not empty

				// insert polygon (may be degenerated!)
				this->insertPolygon( pClosing );

			// mating intersection edge NOT found!

		} // if intersectionEdges contains more than three elements
Beispiel #5
	void ConvexBody::mergePolygons( void )
		// Merge all polygons that lay in the same plane as one big polygon.
		// A convex body does not have two separate regions (separated by polygons
		// with different normals) where the same normal occurs, so we can simply
		// search all similar normals of a polygon. Two different options are 
		// possible when the normals fit:
		// - the two polygons are neighbors
		// - the two polygons aren't neighbors (but a third, fourth,.. polygon lays
		//   in between)

		// Signals if the body holds polygons which aren't neighbors but have the same
		// normal. That means another step has to be processed.
		bool bDirty = false;

		for ( size_t iPolyA = 0; iPolyA < getPolygonCount(); ++iPolyA )
			// ??
			OgreAssert( iPolyA >= 0, "strange..." );

			for ( size_t iPolyB = iPolyA+1; iPolyB < getPolygonCount(); ++iPolyB )
				const Vector3& n1 = getNormal( iPolyA );
				const Vector3& n2 = getNormal( iPolyB );

				// if the normals point into the same direction
				if ( n1.directionEquals( n2, Radian( Degree( 0.00001 ) ) )  )
					// indicates if a neighbor has been found and joined
					bool bFound = false;

					// search the two fitting vertices (if there are any) for the common edge
					const size_t numVerticesA = getVertexCount( iPolyA );
					for ( size_t iVertexA = 0; iVertexA < numVerticesA; ++iVertexA )
						const size_t numVerticesB = getVertexCount( iPolyB );
						for ( size_t iVertexB = 0; iVertexB < numVerticesB; ++iVertexB )
							const Vector3& aCurrent	= getVertex( iPolyA, iVertexA );
							const Vector3& aNext		= getVertex( iPolyA, (iVertexA + 1) % getVertexCount( iPolyA ) );
							const Vector3& bCurrent	= getVertex( iPolyB, iVertexB );
							const Vector3& bNext		= getVertex( iPolyB, (iVertexB + 1) % getVertexCount( iPolyB ) );

							// if the edge is the same the current vertex of A has to be equal to the next of B and the other
							// way round
							if ( aCurrent.positionEquals(bNext) &&
								// polygons are neighbors, assemble new one
								Polygon *pNew = allocatePolygon();

								// insert all vertices of A up to the join (including the common vertex, ignoring
								// whether the first vertex of A may be a shared vertex)
								for ( size_t i = 0; i <= iVertexA; ++i )
									pNew->insertVertex( getVertex( iPolyA, i%numVerticesA ) );

								// insert all vertices of B _after_ the join to the end
								for ( size_t i = iVertexB + 2; i < numVerticesB; ++i )
									pNew->insertVertex( getVertex( iPolyB, i ) );

								// insert all vertices of B from the beginning up to the join (including the common vertex
								// and excluding the first vertex if the first is part of the shared edge)
								for ( size_t i = 0; i <= iVertexB; ++i )
									pNew->insertVertex( getVertex( iPolyB, i%numVerticesB ) );

								// insert all vertices of A _after_ the join to the end
								for ( size_t i = iVertexA + 2; i < numVerticesA; ++i )
									pNew->insertVertex( getVertex( iPolyA, i ) );

								// in case there are double vertices (in special cases), remove them
								for ( size_t i = 0; i < pNew->getVertexCount(); ++i )
									const Vector3& a = pNew->getVertex( i );
									const Vector3& b = pNew->getVertex( (i + 1) % pNew->getVertexCount() );

									// if the two vertices are the same...
									if (a.positionEquals(b))
										// remove a
										pNew->deleteVertex( i );

										// decrement counter

								// delete the two old ones
								OgreAssert( iPolyA != iPolyB, "PolyA and polyB are the same!" );
								// polyB is always higher than polyA, so delete polyB first
								deletePolygon( iPolyB );
								deletePolygon( iPolyA );

								// continue with next (current is deleted, so don't jump to the next after the next)

								// insert new polygon
								insertPolygon( pNew );

								bFound = true;
						if ( bFound )

					if ( bFound == false )
						// there are two polygons available with the same normal direction, but they
						// could not be merged into one single because of no shared edge
						bDirty = true;

		// recursion to merge the previous non-neighbors
		if ( bDirty )
Beispiel #6
	void ConvexBody::extend(const Vector3& pt)
		// Erase all polygons facing towards the point. For all edges that
		// are not removed twice (once in AB and once BA direction) build a
		// convex polygon (triangle) with the point.
		Polygon::EdgeMap edgeMap;

		for ( size_t i = 0; i < getPolygonCount(); ++i )
			const Vector3& normal = getNormal( i );
			// direction of the point in regard to the polygon
			// the polygon is planar so we can take an arbitrary vertex
			Vector3 ptDir  = pt - getVertex( i, 0 );

			// remove polygon if dot product is greater or equals null.
			if ( normal.dotProduct( ptDir ) >= 0 )
				// store edges (copy them because if the polygon is deleted
				// its vertices are also deleted)
				storeEdgesOfPolygon( i, &edgeMap );

				// remove polygon
				deletePolygon( i );

				// decrement iterator because of deleted polygon

		// point is already a part of the hull (point lies inside)
		if ( edgeMap.empty() )

		// remove the edges that are twice in the list (once from each side: AB,BA)

		Polygon::EdgeMap::iterator it;
		// iterate from first to the element before the last one
		for (Polygon::EdgeMap::iterator itStart = edgeMap.begin(); 
			itStart != edgeMap.end(); )
			// compare with iterator + 1 to end
			// don't need to skip last entry in itStart since omitted in inner loop
			it = itStart;

			bool erased = false;
			// iterate from itStart+1 to the element before the last one
			for ( ; it != edgeMap.end(); ++it )
				if (itStart->first.positionEquals(it->second) &&
					// increment itStart before deletion (iterator invalidation)
					Polygon::EdgeMap::iterator delistart = itStart++;
					erased = true;

					break; // found and erased
			// increment itStart if we didn't do it when erasing
			if (!erased)


		// use the remaining edges to build triangles with the point
		// the vertices of the edges are in ccw order (edgePtA-edgePtB-point
		// to form a ccw polygon)
		while ( !edgeMap.empty() )
			Polygon::EdgeMap::iterator mapIt = edgeMap.begin();

			// build polygon it.first, it.second, point
			Polygon *p = allocatePolygon();


			p->insertVertex( pt );
			// attach polygon to body
			insertPolygon( p );

			// erase the vertices from the list
			// pointers are now held by the polygon
			edgeMap.erase( mapIt );
Beispiel #7
	void ConvexBody::define(const AxisAlignedBox& aab)
		// ordering of the AAB points:
		//		1-----2
		//	   /|    /|
		//	  / |   / |
		//   5-----4  |
		//   |  0--|--3
		//   | /   | /
		//   |/    |/
		//   6-----7
		const Vector3& min = aab.getMinimum();
		const Vector3& max = aab.getMaximum();

		Vector3 currentVertex = min;

		Polygon *poly;

		// reset body

		// far
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 0 
		currentVertex.y = max.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 1
		currentVertex.x = max.x;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 2
		currentVertex.y = min.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 3
		insertPolygon( poly );

		// right
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 3
		currentVertex.y = max.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 2
		currentVertex.z = max.z;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 4
		currentVertex.y = min.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 7
		insertPolygon( poly ); 

		// near
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 7
		currentVertex.y = max.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 4
		currentVertex.x = min.x;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 5
		currentVertex.y = min.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 6
		insertPolygon( poly );

		// left
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 6
		currentVertex.y = max.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 5
		currentVertex.z = min.z;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 1
		currentVertex.y = min.y;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 0
		insertPolygon( poly ); 

		// bottom
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 0 
		currentVertex.x = max.x;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 3
		currentVertex.z = max.z;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 7 
		currentVertex.x = min.x;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 6
		insertPolygon( poly );

		// top
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		currentVertex = max;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 4
		currentVertex.z = min.z;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 2
		currentVertex.x = min.x;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 1
		currentVertex.z = max.z;
		poly->insertVertex( currentVertex ); // 5
		insertPolygon( poly );
Beispiel #8
	void ConvexBody::define(const Frustum& frustum)
		// ordering of the points:
		// near (0-3), far (4-7); each (top-right, top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right)
		//	   5-----4
		//	  /|    /|
		//	 / |   / |
		//	1-----0  |
		//	|  6--|--7
		//	| /   | /
		//	|/    |/
		//	2-----3
		const Vector3 *pts = frustum.getWorldSpaceCorners();

		/// reset ConvexBody

		/// update vertices: near, far, left, right, bottom, top; fill in ccw
		Polygon *poly;

		// near
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( pts[0] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[1] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[2] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[3] );
		mPolygons.push_back( poly );

		// far
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( pts[5] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[4] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[7] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[6] );
		mPolygons.push_back( poly );

		// left
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( pts[5] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[6] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[2] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[1] );
		mPolygons.push_back( poly ); 

		// right
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( pts[4] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[0] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[3] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[7] );
		mPolygons.push_back( poly ); 

		// bottom
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( pts[6] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[7] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[3] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[2] );
		mPolygons.push_back( poly ); 

		// top
		poly = allocatePolygon();
		poly->insertVertex( pts[4] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[5] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[1] );
		poly->insertVertex( pts[0] );
		mPolygons.push_back( poly ); 
Beispiel #9
    void ConvexBody::define( const Vector3 corners[8] )
        // ordering of the AAB points:
        //      1-----2
        //     /|    /|
        //    / |   / |
        //   5-----4  |
        //   |  0--|--3
        //   | /   | /
        //   |/    |/
        //   6-----7

        Polygon *poly;

        // reset body

        // far
        poly = allocatePolygon();
        poly->insertVertex( corners[0] ); // 0
        poly->insertVertex( corners[1] ); // 1
        poly->insertVertex( corners[2] ); // 2
        poly->insertVertex( corners[3] ); // 3
        insertPolygon( poly );

        // right
        poly = allocatePolygon();
        poly->insertVertex( corners[3] ); // 3
        poly->insertVertex( corners[2] ); // 2
        poly->insertVertex( corners[4] ); // 4
        poly->insertVertex( corners[7] ); // 7
        insertPolygon( poly ); 

        // near
        poly = allocatePolygon();
        poly->insertVertex( corners[7] ); // 7
        poly->insertVertex( corners[4] ); // 4
        poly->insertVertex( corners[5] ); // 5
        poly->insertVertex( corners[6] ); // 6
        insertPolygon( poly );

        // left
        poly = allocatePolygon();
        poly->insertVertex( corners[6] ); // 6
        poly->insertVertex( corners[5] ); // 5
        poly->insertVertex( corners[1] ); // 1
        poly->insertVertex( corners[0] ); // 0
        insertPolygon( poly ); 

        // bottom
        poly = allocatePolygon();
        poly->insertVertex( corners[0] ); // 0 
        poly->insertVertex( corners[3] ); // 3
        poly->insertVertex( corners[7] ); // 7
        poly->insertVertex( corners[6] ); // 6
        insertPolygon( poly );

        // top
        poly = allocatePolygon();
        poly->insertVertex( corners[4] ); // 4
        poly->insertVertex( corners[2] ); // 2
        poly->insertVertex( corners[1] ); // 1
        poly->insertVertex( corners[5] ); // 5
        insertPolygon( poly );