Beispiel #1
Polygon* clone_polygon(Polygon* polygon) {

	Polygon* clone = allocate_polygon(polygon->count);

	memcpy(clone->x, polygon->x, sizeof(float) * polygon->count);
	memcpy(clone->y, polygon->y, sizeof(float) * polygon->count);

	return clone;
UINT32 poly_render_triangle_custom(poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int startscanline, int numscanlines, const poly_extent *extents)
	INT32 curscan, scaninc;
	polygon_info *polygon;
	INT32 v1yclip, v3yclip;
	INT32 pixels = 0;
	UINT32 startunit;

	/* clip coordinates */
	v1yclip = MAX(startscanline, cliprect.min_y);
	v3yclip = MIN(startscanline + numscanlines, cliprect.max_y + 1);
	if (v3yclip - v1yclip <= 0)
		return 0;

	/* allocate a new polygon */
	polygon = allocate_polygon(poly, v1yclip, v3yclip);

	/* fill in the polygon information */
	polygon->poly = poly;
	polygon->dest = dest;
	polygon->callback = callback;
	polygon->extra = poly->extra[poly->extra_next - 1];
	polygon->numparams = 0;
	polygon->numverts = 3;

	/* compute the X extents for each scanline */
	startunit = poly->unit_next;
	for (curscan = v1yclip; curscan < v3yclip; curscan += scaninc)
		UINT32 bucketnum = ((UINT32)curscan / SCANLINES_PER_BUCKET) % TOTAL_BUCKETS;
		UINT32 unit_index = poly->unit_next++;
		tri_work_unit *unit = &poly->unit[unit_index]->tri;
		int extnum;

		/* determine how much to advance to hit the next bucket */

		/* fill in the work unit basics */
		unit->shared.polygon = polygon;
		unit->shared.count_next = MIN(v3yclip - curscan, scaninc);
		unit->shared.scanline = curscan;
		unit->shared.previtem = poly->unit_bucket[bucketnum];
		poly->unit_bucket[bucketnum] = unit_index;

		/* iterate over extents */
		for (extnum = 0; extnum < unit->shared.count_next; extnum++)
			const poly_extent *extent = &extents[(curscan + extnum) - startscanline];
			INT32 istartx = extent->startx, istopx = extent->stopx;

			/* force start < stop */
			if (istartx > istopx)
				INT32 temp = istartx;
				istartx = istopx;
				istopx = temp;

			/* apply left/right clipping */
			if (istartx < cliprect.min_x)
				istartx = cliprect.min_x;
			if (istopx > cliprect.max_x)
				istopx = cliprect.max_x + 1;

			/* set the extent and update the total pixel count */
			unit->extent[extnum].startx = istartx;
			unit->extent[extnum].stopx = istopx;
			if (istartx < istopx)
				pixels += istopx - istartx;
	poly->unit_max = MAX(poly->unit_max, poly->unit_next);

	/* enqueue the work items */
	if (poly->queue != NULL)
		osd_work_item_queue_multiple(poly->queue, poly_item_callback, poly->unit_next - startunit, poly->unit[startunit], poly->unit_size, WORK_ITEM_FLAG_AUTO_RELEASE);

	/* return the total number of pixels in the object */
	poly->pixels += pixels;
	return pixels;
UINT32 poly_render_quad(poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, const poly_vertex *v1, const poly_vertex *v2, const poly_vertex *v3, const poly_vertex *v4)
	poly_edge fedgelist[3], bedgelist[3];
	const poly_edge *ledge, *redge;
	const poly_vertex *v[4];
	poly_edge *edgeptr;
	int minv, maxv, curv;
	INT32 minyclip, maxyclip;
	INT32 miny, maxy;
	INT32 curscan, scaninc;
	polygon_info *polygon;
	INT32 pixels = 0;
	UINT32 startunit;

	assert(poly->flags & POLYFLAG_ALLOW_QUADS);

	/* arrays make things easier */
	v[0] = v1;
	v[1] = v2;
	v[2] = v3;
	v[3] = v4;

	/* determine min/max Y vertices */
	if (v[1]->y < v[0]->y)
		minv = 1, maxv = 0;
		minv = 0, maxv = 1;
	if (v[2]->y < v[minv]->y)
		minv = 2;
	else if (v[2]->y > v[maxv]->y)
		maxv = 2;
	if (v[3]->y < v[minv]->y)
		minv = 3;
	else if (v[3]->y > v[maxv]->y)
		maxv = 3;

	/* determine start/end scanlines */
	miny = round_coordinate(v[minv]->y);
	maxy = round_coordinate(v[maxv]->y);

	/* clip coordinates */
	minyclip = miny;
	maxyclip = maxy + ((poly->flags & POLYFLAG_INCLUDE_BOTTOM_EDGE) ? 1 : 0);
	minyclip = MAX(minyclip, cliprect.min_y);
	maxyclip = MIN(maxyclip, cliprect.max_y + 1);
	if (maxyclip - minyclip <= 0)
		return 0;

	/* allocate a new polygon */
	polygon = allocate_polygon(poly, minyclip, maxyclip);

	/* fill in the polygon information */
	polygon->poly = poly;
	polygon->dest = dest;
	polygon->callback = callback;
	polygon->extra = poly->extra[poly->extra_next - 1];
	polygon->numparams = paramcount;
	polygon->numverts = 4;

	/* walk forward to build up the forward edge list */
	edgeptr = &fedgelist[0];
	for (curv = minv; curv != maxv; curv = (curv + 1) & 3)
		int paramnum;
		float ooy;

		/* set the two vertices */
		edgeptr->v1 = v[curv];
		edgeptr->v2 = v[(curv + 1) & 3];

		/* if horizontal, skip altogether */
		if (edgeptr->v1->y == edgeptr->v2->y)

		/* need dx/dy always, and parameter deltas as necessary */
		ooy = 1.0f / (edgeptr->v2->y - edgeptr->v1->y);
		edgeptr->dxdy = (edgeptr->v2->x - edgeptr->v1->x) * ooy;
		for (paramnum = 0; paramnum < paramcount; paramnum++)
			edgeptr->dpdy[paramnum] = (edgeptr->v2->p[paramnum] - edgeptr->v1->p[paramnum]) * ooy;

	/* walk backward to build up the backward edge list */
	edgeptr = &bedgelist[0];
	for (curv = minv; curv != maxv; curv = (curv - 1) & 3)
		int paramnum;
		float ooy;

		/* set the two vertices */
		edgeptr->v1 = v[curv];
		edgeptr->v2 = v[(curv - 1) & 3];

		/* if horizontal, skip altogether */
		if (edgeptr->v1->y == edgeptr->v2->y)

		/* need dx/dy always, and parameter deltas as necessary */
		ooy = 1.0f / (edgeptr->v2->y - edgeptr->v1->y);
		edgeptr->dxdy = (edgeptr->v2->x - edgeptr->v1->x) * ooy;
		for (paramnum = 0; paramnum < paramcount; paramnum++)
			edgeptr->dpdy[paramnum] = (edgeptr->v2->p[paramnum] - edgeptr->v1->p[paramnum]) * ooy;

	/* determine which list is left/right: */
	/* if the first vertex is shared, compare the slopes */
	/* if the first vertex is not shared, compare the X coordinates */
	if ((fedgelist[0].v1 == bedgelist[0].v1 && fedgelist[0].dxdy < bedgelist[0].dxdy) ||
		(fedgelist[0].v1 != bedgelist[0].v1 && fedgelist[0].v1->x < bedgelist[0].v1->x))
		ledge = fedgelist;
		redge = bedgelist;
		ledge = bedgelist;
		redge = fedgelist;

	/* compute the X extents for each scanline */
	startunit = poly->unit_next;
	for (curscan = minyclip; curscan < maxyclip; curscan += scaninc)
		UINT32 bucketnum = ((UINT32)curscan / SCANLINES_PER_BUCKET) % TOTAL_BUCKETS;
		UINT32 unit_index = poly->unit_next++;
		quad_work_unit *unit = &poly->unit[unit_index]->quad;
		int extnum;

		/* determine how much to advance to hit the next bucket */

		/* fill in the work unit basics */
		unit->shared.polygon = polygon;
		unit->shared.count_next = MIN(maxyclip - curscan, scaninc);
		unit->shared.scanline = curscan;
		unit->shared.previtem = poly->unit_bucket[bucketnum];
		poly->unit_bucket[bucketnum] = unit_index;

		/* iterate over extents */
		for (extnum = 0; extnum < unit->shared.count_next; extnum++)
			float fully = (float)(curscan + extnum) + 0.5f;
			float startx, stopx;
			INT32 istartx, istopx;
			int paramnum;

			/* compute the ending X based on which part of the triangle we're in */
			while (fully > ledge->v2->y && fully < v[maxv]->y)
			while (fully > redge->v2->y && fully < v[maxv]->y)
			startx = ledge->v1->x + (fully - ledge->v1->y) * ledge->dxdy;
			stopx = redge->v1->x + (fully - redge->v1->y) * redge->dxdy;

			/* clamp to full pixels */
			istartx = round_coordinate(startx);
			istopx = round_coordinate(stopx);

			/* compute parameter starting points and deltas */
			if (paramcount > 0)
				float ldy = fully - ledge->v1->y;
				float rdy = fully - redge->v1->y;
				float oox = 1.0f / (stopx - startx);

				/* iterate over parameters */
				for (paramnum = 0; paramnum < paramcount; paramnum++)
					float lparam = ledge->v1->p[paramnum] + ldy * ledge->dpdy[paramnum];
					float rparam = redge->v1->p[paramnum] + rdy * redge->dpdy[paramnum];
					float dpdx = (rparam - lparam) * oox;

					unit->extent[extnum].param[paramnum].start = lparam;// - ((float)istartx + 0.5f) * dpdx;
					unit->extent[extnum].param[paramnum].dpdx = dpdx;

			/* include the right edge if requested */
			if (poly->flags & POLYFLAG_INCLUDE_RIGHT_EDGE)

			/* apply left/right clipping */
			if (istartx < cliprect.min_x)
				for (paramnum = 0; paramnum < paramcount; paramnum++)
					unit->extent[extnum].param[paramnum].start += (cliprect.min_x - istartx) * unit->extent[extnum].param[paramnum].dpdx;
				istartx = cliprect.min_x;
			if (istopx > cliprect.max_x)
				istopx = cliprect.max_x + 1;

			/* set the extent and update the total pixel count */
			if (istartx >= istopx)
				istartx = istopx = 0;
			unit->extent[extnum].startx = istartx;
			unit->extent[extnum].stopx = istopx;
			pixels += istopx - istartx;
	poly->unit_max = MAX(poly->unit_max, poly->unit_next);

	/* enqueue the work items */
	if (poly->queue != NULL)
		osd_work_item_queue_multiple(poly->queue, poly_item_callback, poly->unit_next - startunit, poly->unit[startunit], poly->unit_size, WORK_ITEM_FLAG_AUTO_RELEASE);

	/* return the total number of pixels in the triangle */
	poly->pixels += pixels;
	return pixels;
UINT32 poly_render_triangle(poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, const poly_vertex *v1, const poly_vertex *v2, const poly_vertex *v3)
	float dxdy_v1v2, dxdy_v1v3, dxdy_v2v3;
	const poly_vertex *tv;
	INT32 curscan, scaninc;
	polygon_info *polygon;
	INT32 v1yclip, v3yclip;
	INT32 v1y, v3y, v1x;
	INT32 pixels = 0;
	UINT32 startunit;

	/* first sort by Y */
	if (v2->y < v1->y)
		tv = v1;
		v1 = v2;
		v2 = tv;
	if (v3->y < v2->y)
		tv = v2;
		v2 = v3;
		v3 = tv;
		if (v2->y < v1->y)
			tv = v1;
			v1 = v2;
			v2 = tv;

	/* compute some integral X/Y vertex values */
	v1x = round_coordinate(v1->x);
	v1y = round_coordinate(v1->y);
	v3y = round_coordinate(v3->y);

	/* clip coordinates */
	v1yclip = v1y;
	v3yclip = v3y + ((poly->flags & POLYFLAG_INCLUDE_BOTTOM_EDGE) ? 1 : 0);
	v1yclip = MAX(v1yclip, cliprect.min_y);
	v3yclip = MIN(v3yclip, cliprect.max_y + 1);
	if (v3yclip - v1yclip <= 0)
		return 0;

	/* allocate a new polygon */
	polygon = allocate_polygon(poly, v1yclip, v3yclip);

	/* fill in the polygon information */
	polygon->poly = poly;
	polygon->dest = dest;
	polygon->callback = callback;
	polygon->extra = poly->extra[poly->extra_next - 1];
	polygon->numparams = paramcount;
	polygon->numverts = 3;

	/* set the start X/Y coordinates */
	polygon->xorigin = v1x;
	polygon->yorigin = v1y;

	/* compute the slopes for each portion of the triangle */
	dxdy_v1v2 = (v2->y == v1->y) ? 0.0f : (v2->x - v1->x) / (v2->y - v1->y);
	dxdy_v1v3 = (v3->y == v1->y) ? 0.0f : (v3->x - v1->x) / (v3->y - v1->y);
	dxdy_v2v3 = (v3->y == v2->y) ? 0.0f : (v3->x - v2->x) / (v3->y - v2->y);

	/* compute the X extents for each scanline */
	startunit = poly->unit_next;
	for (curscan = v1yclip; curscan < v3yclip; curscan += scaninc)
		UINT32 bucketnum = ((UINT32)curscan / SCANLINES_PER_BUCKET) % TOTAL_BUCKETS;
		UINT32 unit_index = poly->unit_next++;
		tri_work_unit *unit = &poly->unit[unit_index]->tri;
		int extnum;

		/* determine how much to advance to hit the next bucket */

		/* fill in the work unit basics */
		unit->shared.polygon = polygon;
		unit->shared.count_next = MIN(v3yclip - curscan, scaninc);
		unit->shared.scanline = curscan;
		unit->shared.previtem = poly->unit_bucket[bucketnum];
		poly->unit_bucket[bucketnum] = unit_index;

		/* iterate over extents */
		for (extnum = 0; extnum < unit->shared.count_next; extnum++)
			float fully = (float)(curscan + extnum) + 0.5f;
			float startx = v1->x + (fully - v1->y) * dxdy_v1v3;
			float stopx;
			INT32 istartx, istopx;

			/* compute the ending X based on which part of the triangle we're in */
			if (fully < v2->y)
				stopx = v1->x + (fully - v1->y) * dxdy_v1v2;
				stopx = v2->x + (fully - v2->y) * dxdy_v2v3;

			/* clamp to full pixels */
			istartx = round_coordinate(startx);
			istopx = round_coordinate(stopx);

			/* force start < stop */
			if (istartx > istopx)
				INT32 temp = istartx;
				istartx = istopx;
				istopx = temp;

			/* include the right edge if requested */
			if (poly->flags & POLYFLAG_INCLUDE_RIGHT_EDGE)

			/* apply left/right clipping */
			if (istartx < cliprect.min_x)
				istartx = cliprect.min_x;
			if (istopx > cliprect.max_x)
				istopx = cliprect.max_x + 1;

			/* set the extent and update the total pixel count */
			if (istartx >= istopx)
				istartx = istopx = 0;
			unit->extent[extnum].startx = istartx;
			unit->extent[extnum].stopx = istopx;
			pixels += istopx - istartx;
	poly->unit_max = MAX(poly->unit_max, poly->unit_next);

	/* compute parameter starting points and deltas */
	if (paramcount > 0)
		float a00 = v2->y - v3->y;
		float a01 = v3->x - v2->x;
		float a02 = v2->x*v3->y - v3->x*v2->y;
		float a10 = v3->y - v1->y;
		float a11 = v1->x - v3->x;
		float a12 = v3->x*v1->y - v1->x*v3->y;
		float a20 = v1->y - v2->y;
		float a21 = v2->x - v1->x;
		float a22 = v1->x*v2->y - v2->x*v1->y;
		float det = a02 + a12 + a22;

		if(fabsf(det) < 0.001) {
			for (int paramnum = 0; paramnum < paramcount; paramnum++)
				poly_param *params = &polygon->param[paramnum];
				params->dpdx = 0;
				params->dpdy = 0;
				params->start = v1->p[paramnum];
			float idet = 1/det;
			for (int paramnum = 0; paramnum < paramcount; paramnum++)
				poly_param *params = &polygon->param[paramnum];
				params->dpdx  = idet*(v1->p[paramnum]*a00 + v2->p[paramnum]*a10 + v3->p[paramnum]*a20);
				params->dpdy  = idet*(v1->p[paramnum]*a01 + v2->p[paramnum]*a11 + v3->p[paramnum]*a21);
				params->start = idet*(v1->p[paramnum]*a02 + v2->p[paramnum]*a12 + v3->p[paramnum]*a22);

	/* enqueue the work items */
	if (poly->queue != NULL)
		osd_work_item_queue_multiple(poly->queue, poly_item_callback, poly->unit_next - startunit, poly->unit[startunit], poly->unit_size, WORK_ITEM_FLAG_AUTO_RELEASE);

	/* return the total number of pixels in the triangle */
	poly->pixels += pixels;
	return pixels;