void IntensityTransformer::Apply(cv::Mat &mat)
    auto seed = GetSeed();
    auto rng = m_rngs.pop_or_create([seed]() { return std::make_unique<std::mt19937>(seed); } );

    // Using single precision as EigVal and EigVec matrices are single precision.
    std::normal_distribution<float> d(0, (float)m_curStdDev);
    cv::Mat alphas(1, 3, CV_32FC1);
    assert(m_eigVal.rows == 1 && m_eigVec.cols == 3);
    alphas.at<float>(0) = d(*rng) * m_eigVal.at<float>(0);
    alphas.at<float>(1) = d(*rng) * m_eigVal.at<float>(1);
    alphas.at<float>(2) = d(*rng) * m_eigVal.at<float>(2);

    assert(m_eigVec.rows == 3 && m_eigVec.cols == 3);

    cv::Mat shifts = m_eigVec * alphas.t();

    // For multi-channel images data is in BGR format.
    size_t cdst = mat.rows * mat.cols * mat.channels();
    ElemType* pdstBase = reinterpret_cast<ElemType*>(mat.data);
    for (ElemType* pdst = pdstBase; pdst < pdstBase + cdst;)
        for (int c = 0; c < mat.channels(); c++)
            float shift = shifts.at<float>(mat.channels() - c - 1);
            *pdst = std::min(std::max(*pdst + shift, (ElemType)0), (ElemType)255);
Beispiel #2
Mat PcaModel::drawSample(float sigma /*= 1.0f*/)
	std::normal_distribution<float> distribution(0.0f, sigma); // TODO: c'tor takes the stddev. Update all the documentation!!!

	vector<float> alphas(getNumberOfPrincipalComponents());

	for (auto& a : alphas) {
		a = distribution(engine);

	return drawSample(alphas);

	/* without calling drawSample(alphas): (maybe if we add noise)
	Mat alphas = Mat::zeros(getNumberOfPrincipalComponents(), 1, CV_32FC1);
	for (int row=0; row < alphas.rows; ++row) {
		alphas.at<float>(row, 0) = distribution(engine);

	/* with noise: (does the noise make sense in drawSample(vector<float> coefficients)?)
	unsigned int vsize = mean.size();
	vector epsilon = Utils::generateNormalVector(vectorSize) * sqrt(m_noiseVariance);
	return m_mean + m_pcaBasisMatrix * coefficients + epsilon;
Beispiel #3
void write_tasks(transport::repository<>& repo, transport::step_mpi<>* model)
    const double M_P       = 1.0;
    const double m         = 1E-5 * M_P;
    const double c         = 0.0018;
    const double d         = 0.022 * M_P;
    const double phi0      = 14.84 * M_P;

    const double phi_init  = 16.5 * M_P;

    const double N_init    = 0.0;
    const double N_pre     = 6.0;
    const double N_max     = 50.1;

    transport::parameters<> params(M_P, { m, c, d, phi0 }, model);
    transport::initial_conditions<> ics("step", params, { phi_init }, N_init, N_pre);

    transport::basic_range<> times(N_init, N_max, 100, transport::spacing::linear);

    transport::basic_range<> ks(exp(7.0), exp(11.5), 1000, transport::spacing::log_bottom);
    transport::basic_range<> alphas(0.0, 0.0, 0, transport::spacing::linear);
    transport::basic_range<> betas(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 0, transport::spacing::linear);

    // construct a threepf task
    transport::threepf_alphabeta_task<> tk3("step.threepf", ics, times, ks, alphas, betas);

    transport::zeta_threepf_task<> ztk3("step.threepf-zeta", tk3);

Beispiel #4
       * Compute the search direction based on the current (inverse) Hessian
       * approximation and given gradient.
       * @param[out] pk The negative product of the inverse Hessian and gradient
       * direction gk.
       * @param[in] gk Gradient direction.
      inline void search_direction(VectorT &pk, const VectorT &gk) const {
        std::vector<Scalar> alphas(_buf.size());
          boost::circular_buffer<UpdateT>::const_reverse_iterator buf_rit;
        typename boost::circular_buffer<UpdateT>::const_iterator buf_it;
        typename std::vector<Scalar>::const_iterator alpha_it;
        typename std::vector<Scalar>::reverse_iterator alpha_rit;

        pk.noalias() = -gk;
        for (buf_rit = _buf.rbegin(), alpha_rit = alphas.rbegin();
             buf_rit != _buf.rend();
             buf_rit++, alpha_rit++) {
          Scalar alpha;
          const Scalar &rhoi(boost::get<0>(*buf_rit));
          const VectorT &yi(boost::get<1>(*buf_rit));
          const VectorT &si(boost::get<2>(*buf_rit));

          alpha = rhoi * si.dot(pk);
          pk -= alpha * yi;
          *alpha_rit = alpha;
        pk *= _gammak;
        for (buf_it = _buf.begin(), alpha_it = alphas.begin();
             buf_it != _buf.end();
             buf_it++, alpha_it++) {
          Scalar beta;
          const Scalar &rhoi(boost::get<0>(*buf_it));
          const VectorT &yi(boost::get<1>(*buf_it));
          const VectorT &si(boost::get<2>(*buf_it));

          beta = rhoi*yi.dot(pk);
          pk += (*alpha_it - beta)*si;
Beispiel #5
Mat PcaModel::drawSample(vector<float> coefficients)
	Mat alphas(coefficients);
	Mat sqrtOfEigenvalues = eigenvalues.clone();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eigenvalues.rows; ++i)	{
		sqrtOfEigenvalues.at<float>(i) = std::sqrt(eigenvalues.at<float>(i));

	//Mat smallBasis = pcaBasis(cv::Rect(0, 0, 55, 100));
	//Mat smallMean = mean(cv::Rect(0, 0, 1, 100));

	Mat modelSample = mean + pcaBasis * alphas.mul(sqrtOfEigenvalues); // Surr
	//Mat modelSample = mean + pcaBasis * alphas; // Bsl .h5 old

	return modelSample;
Beispiel #6
double bin_sugeno::operator()(const p_dna&d)
  fuzzy::MyuFunctions mf={fuzzy::fvector(0),y_function};
  const int x_count=m_cdata->x_count();
  int i=0;
  for(int k=0;k<m_numbers.size();++k)
    for(int x=0;x<x_count;++x){
      fuzzy::ExpFunction*ff=new fuzzy::ExpFunction(d->get(i),d->get(i+1));
  fuzzy::rule_vector rules=fuzzy::make_rules(*m_cdata,mf,m_numbers);

  dvector errors;       // ошибка на новых данных
  for(int i=0;i<m_numbers.size();++i){

    dvector alphas(m_numbers.size());
    dvector y_1(m_numbers.size());

    // считаем выход по каждому правилу для X из текущего набора
    for(int j=0;j<rules.size();++j){
      dvector myu_x(x_count);
      for(int x=0;x<x_count;++x){
	double x_value=(*m_cdata)[m_numbers[i]]->at(x);
    // Собственно вывод. Алгоритм из черной книги
    dvector up_mul=alphas*y_1;
    double up=std::accumulate(up_mul.begin(),up_mul.end(),0.0);
    double down=std::accumulate(alphas.begin(),alphas.end(),0.0);
    double etalon=m_cdata->y_for_xp(m_numbers[i]);
    double out=up/down; //Выход, для текущего набора
    double delta=fabs(out-etalon);


  // Средняя ошибка.
  return std::accumulate(errors.begin(),errors.end(),0.0)/errors.size();
void write_tasks(transport::repository<>& repo, transport::new_axion_mpi<>* model)
    const double M_Planck = 1.0;
    const double g        = 1e-10;
    const double f        = M_Planck;
    const double Lambda   = std::pow(g, 1.0/4.0) * std::pow(25.0/(2*M_PI), 1.0/2.0) * M_Planck;

    const double phi_init = 23.5 * M_Planck;
    const double chi_init = f/2.0 - 0.001*M_Planck;

    const double N_init = 0.0;
    const double N_pre  = 10.0;
    const double N_max  = 68.0;

    transport::parameters<> params(M_Planck, { g, Lambda, f, M_PI }, model);
    transport::initial_conditions<> ics("axion_cfs", params, { phi_init, chi_init }, N_init, N_pre);

    transport::basic_range<> times(N_init, N_max, 500, transport::spacing::linear);

    transport::basic_range<> ks(exp(5.0), exp(5.0), 0, transport::spacing::linear);
    transport::basic_range<> alphas(0.0, 0.0, 0, transport::spacing::linear);

    transport::basic_range<> beta_equi(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 0, transport::spacing::linear);
    transport::basic_range<> beta_sq(0.95, 0.95, 0, transport::spacing::linear);

    // construct a threepf task for the equilateral mode
    transport::threepf_alphabeta_task<> tk3_equi("axion_cfs.equi.threepf", ics, times, ks, alphas, beta_equi);

    transport::zeta_threepf_task<> ztk3_equi("axion_cfs.equi.threepf-zeta", tk3_equi);

    // construct a threepf task for the squeezed mode
    transport::threepf_alphabeta_task<> tk3_sq("axion_cfs.sq.threepf", ics, times, ks, alphas, beta_sq);

    transport::zeta_threepf_task<> ztk3_sq("axion_cfs.sq.threepf-zeta", tk3_sq);

Beispiel #8
PlaneSet::PlaneSet(Material& in_material, int in_nnormal, double* in_normal, int in_noffset, double* in_offset)
   TriangleSet(in_material,true, false/* true */),
   nPlanes(max(in_nnormal, in_noffset)),
   normal(in_nnormal, in_normal), 
   offset(in_noffset, in_offset)
  /* We'll set up 4 triangles per plane, in case we need to render
     a hexagon.  Each triangle has 3 vertices (so 12 for the plane), and each vertex
     gets 3 color components and 1 alpha component. */
  ARRAY<int> colors(36*nPlanes);
  ARRAY<double> alphas(12*nPlanes);

  if (material.colors.getLength() > 1) {
    for (int i=0; i<nPlanes; i++) {
      Color color=material.colors.getColor(i);
      for (int j=0; j<12; j++) {
        colors.ptr[36*i+3*j+0] = color.getRedub();
        colors.ptr[36*i+3*j+1] = color.getGreenub();
        colors.ptr[36*i+3*j+2] = color.getBlueub();
        alphas.ptr[12*i+j]     = color.getAlphaf();
    material.colors.set(12*nPlanes, colors.ptr, 12*nPlanes, alphas.ptr);
    material.colorPerVertex(true, 12*nPlanes);
  ARRAY<double> vertices(36*nPlanes),
  for (int i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++)
    vertices.ptr[i] = NA_REAL;
  for (int i=0; i<nPlanes; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<12; j++) {
      normals.ptr[36*i+3*j+0] = normal.getRecycled(i).x;
      normals.ptr[36*i+3*j+1] = normal.getRecycled(i).y;
      normals.ptr[36*i+3*j+2] = normal.getRecycled(i).z;
  initFaceSet(12*nPlanes, vertices.ptr, normals.ptr, NULL);
Beispiel #9
    void assemble_cortical(const Geometry& geo, Matrix& mat, const Head2EEGMat& M, const std::string& domain_name, const unsigned gauss_order, double alpha, double beta, const std::string &filename)
        // Following the article: M. Clerc, J. Kybic "Cortical mapping by Laplace–Cauchy transmission using a boundary element method".
        // Assumptions:
        // - domain_name: the domain containing the sources is an innermost domain (defined as the interior of only one interface (called Cortex)
        // - Cortex interface is composed of one mesh only (no shared vertices)
        // TODO check orders of MxM products for efficiency ... delete intermediate matrices
        const Domain& SourceDomain = geo.domain(domain_name);
        const Interface& Cortex    = SourceDomain.begin()->interface();
        const Mesh& cortex         = Cortex.begin()->mesh();
        // test the assumption
        assert(SourceDomain.size() == 1);
        assert(Cortex.size() == 1);
        // shape of the new matrix:
        unsigned Nl = geo.size()-geo.outermost_interface().nb_triangles()-Cortex.nb_vertices()-Cortex.nb_triangles();
        unsigned Nc = geo.size()-geo.outermost_interface().nb_triangles();
        std::fstream f(filename.c_str());
        Matrix P;
        if ( !f ) {
            // build the HeadMat:
            // The following is the same as assemble_HM except N_11, D_11 and S_11 are not computed.
            SymMatrix mat_temp(Nc);
            double K = 1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI);
            // We iterate over the meshes (or pair of domains) to fill the lower half of the HeadMat (since its symmetry)
            for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit1 = geo.begin(); mit1 != geo.end(); ++mit1) {
                for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit2 = geo.begin(); (mit2 != (mit1+1)); ++mit2) {
                    // if mit1 and mit2 communicate, i.e they are used for the definition of a common domain
                    const int orientation = geo.oriented(*mit1, *mit2); // equals  0, if they don't have any domains in common
                    // equals  1, if they are both oriented toward the same domain
                    // equals -1, if they are not
                    if ( orientation != 0) {
                        double Scoeff =   orientation * geo.sigma_inv(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        double Dcoeff = - orientation * geo.indicator(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        double Ncoeff;
                        if ( !(mit1->outermost() || mit2->outermost()) && ( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) ) ) {
                            // Computing S block first because it's needed for the corresponding N block
                            operatorS(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Scoeff, gauss_order);
                            Ncoeff = geo.sigma(*mit1, *mit2)/geo.sigma_inv(*mit1, *mit2);
                        } else {
                            Ncoeff = orientation * geo.sigma(*mit1, *mit2) * K;
                        if ( !mit1->outermost() && (( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) )) ) {
                            // Computing D block
                            operatorD(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Dcoeff, gauss_order);
                        if ( ( *mit1 != *mit2 ) && ( !mit2->outermost() ) ) {
                            // Computing D* block
                            operatorD(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Dcoeff, gauss_order, true);
                        // Computing N block
                        if ( (*mit1 != *mit2)||( *mit1 != cortex) ) {
                            operatorN(*mit1, *mit2, mat_temp, Ncoeff, gauss_order);
            // Deflate the diagonal block (N33) of 'mat' : (in order to have a zero-mean potential for the outermost interface)
            const Interface i = geo.outermost_interface();
            unsigned i_first = (*i.begin()->mesh().vertex_begin())->index();
            deflat(mat_temp, i, mat_temp(i_first, i_first) / (geo.outermost_interface().nb_vertices()));

            mat = Matrix(Nl, Nc);
            // copy mat_temp into mat except the lines for cortex vertices [i_vb_c, i_ve_c] and cortex triangles [i_tb_c, i_te_c].
            unsigned iNl = 0;
            unsigned i_vb_c = (*cortex.vertex_begin())->index();
            unsigned i_ve_c = (*cortex.vertex_rbegin())->index();
            unsigned i_tb_c = cortex.begin()->index();
            unsigned i_te_c = cortex.rbegin()->index();
            for ( unsigned i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) {
                if ( !(i_vb_c<=i && i<=i_ve_c) && !(i_tb_c<=i && i<=i_te_c) ) {
                    mat.setlin(iNl, mat_temp.getlin(i));
            // ** Construct P: the null-space projector **
            Matrix W;
                Matrix U, s;
                mat.svd(U, s, W);

            SparseMatrix S(Nc,Nc);
            // we set S to 0 everywhere, except in the last part of the diag:
            for ( unsigned i = Nl; i < Nc; ++i) {
                S(i, i) = 1.0;
            P = (W * S) * W.transpose(); // P is a projector: P^2 = P and mat*P*X = 0
            if ( filename.length() != 0 ) {
                std::cout << "Saving projector P (" << filename << ")." << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Loading projector P (" << filename << ")." << std::endl;

        // ** Get the gradient of P1&P0 elements on the meshes **
        Matrix MM(M.transpose() * M);
        SymMatrix RR(Nc, Nc); RR.set(0.);
        for ( Geometry::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {

        // ** Choose Regularization parameter **
        SparseMatrix alphas(Nc,Nc); // diagonal matrix
        Matrix Z;
        if ( alpha < 0 ) { // try an automatic method... TODO find better estimation
            double nRR_v = RR.submat(0, geo.nb_vertices(), 0, geo.nb_vertices()).frobenius_norm();
            alpha = MM.frobenius_norm() / (1.e3*nRR_v);
            beta  = alpha * 50000.;
            for ( Vertices::const_iterator vit = geo.vertex_begin(); vit != geo.vertex_end(); ++vit) {
                alphas(vit->index(), vit->index()) = alpha;
            for ( Meshes::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
                if ( !mit->outermost() ) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit = mit->begin(); tit != mit->end(); ++tit) {
                        alphas(tit->index(), tit->index()) = beta;
            std::cout << "AUTOMATIC alphas = " << alpha << "\tbeta = " << beta << std::endl;
        } else {
            for ( Vertices::const_iterator vit = geo.vertex_begin(); vit != geo.vertex_end(); ++vit) {
                alphas(vit->index(), vit->index()) = alpha;
            for ( Meshes::const_iterator mit = geo.begin(); mit != geo.end(); ++mit) {
                if ( !mit->outermost() ) {
                    for ( Mesh::const_iterator tit = mit->begin(); tit != mit->end(); ++tit) {
                        alphas(tit->index(), tit->index()) = beta;
            std::cout << "alphas = " << alpha << "\tbeta = " << beta << std::endl;
        Z = P.transpose() * (MM + alphas*RR) * P;

        // ** PseudoInverse and return **
        // X = P * { (M*P)' * (M*P) + (R*P)' * (R*P) }¡(-1) * (M*P)'m
        // X = P * { P'*M'*M*P + P'*R'*R*P }¡(-1) * P'*M'm
        // X = P * { P'*(MM + a*RR)*P }¡(-1) * P'*M'm
        // X = P * Z¡(-1) * P' * M'm
        Matrix rhs = P.transpose() * M.transpose();
        mat = P * Z.pinverse() * rhs;
Beispiel #10
void TPZArtDiff::Bornhaus(int dim, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &jacinv, TPZVec<T> & sol, TPZVec<TPZDiffMatrix<T> > & Ai, TPZVec<TPZDiffMatrix<T> > & Tau){
	int i, j;
	int nstate = Ai[0].Rows();
	TPZDiffMatrix<T> RTM, RMi,
	Y, Yi,
	Temp, Temp2,
	BornhausTau(nstate, nstate),
	T us, c;
	TPZVec<REAL> alphas(dim,0.);
	TPZEulerConsLaw::uRes(sol, us);
	TPZEulerConsLaw::cSpeed(sol, 1.4, c);
	RMMatrix(sol, us, fGamma, RTM, RMi);
	BornhausTau.Redim(nstate, nstate);
	for( i = 0; i < dim; i++)
		for( j = 0; j < dim; j++)
			alphas[j] = jacinv(i,j);
		ContributeBornhaus(sol, us, c, fGamma, alphas, BornhausTau);
	RTM. Multiply(BornhausTau, Temp);
	Temp.Multiply(RMi, BornhausTau);
	for( i = 0; i < dim;i++)
		Ai[i].Multiply(BornhausTau, Tau[i]);
	int i, j;
	int nstate = Ai[0].Rows();
	TPZDiffMatrix<T> Rot, RotT,
	Y, Yi,
	M, Mi,
	Temp, Temp2,
	BornhausTau(nstate, nstate),
	T us, c;
	TPZVec<REAL> alphas(dim,0.);
	TPZEulerConsLaw::uRes(sol, us);
	TPZEulerConsLaw::cSpeed(sol, 1.4, c);
	RotMatrix(sol, us, Rot, RotT);
	MMatrix(sol, us, fGamma, M, Mi);
	for( i = 0; i < dim; i++)
		for( j = 0; j < dim; j++)
			alphas[j] = jacinv(i,j);
		EigenSystemBornhaus(sol, us, c, fGamma, alphas,
							Y, Yi, LambdaBornhaus);
		Y.   Multiply(LambdaBornhaus, Temp);
		Temp.Multiply(Yi, Temp2);
	RotT.   Multiply(M, Temp);
	Temp.   Multiply(BornhausTau, Temp2);
	Temp2.  Multiply(Mi, Temp);
	Temp.   Multiply(Rot, BornhausTau);
	for( i = 0; i < dim;i++)
		Ai[i].Multiply(BornhausTau, Tau[i]);
Beispiel #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  if (argc<2) {
    cout << "\nUsage: " << argv[0] << " L [c=2 w=64 k=80 d=1]" << endl;
    cout << "  L is the number of levels\n";
    cout << "  optional c is number of columns in the key-switching matrices (default=2)\n";
    cout << "  optional w is Hamming weight of the secret key (default=64)\n";
    cout << "  optional k is the security parameter (default=80)\n";
    cout << "  optional d specifies GF(2^d) arithmetic (default=1, must be <=16)\n";
    //    cout << "  k is the security parameter\n";
    //    cout << "  m determines the ring mod Phi_m(X)" << endl;
    cout << endl;

  long L = atoi(argv[1]);
  long c = 2;
  long w = 64;
  long k = 80;
  long d = 1;
  if (argc>2) c = atoi(argv[2]);
  if (argc>3) w = atoi(argv[3]);
  if (argc>4) k = atoi(argv[4]);
  if (argc>5) d = atoi(argv[5]);

  if (d>16) Error("d cannot be larger than 16\n");

  cout << "\nTesting FHE with parameters L="<<L
       << ", c="<<c<<", w="<<w<<", k="<<k<<", d="<<d<< endl;

  // get a lower-bound on the parameter N=phi(m):
  // 1. Empirically, we use ~20-bit small primes in the modulus chain (the main
  //    constraints is that 2m must divide p-1 for every prime p). The first
  //    prime is larger, a 40-bit prime. (If this is a 32-bit machine then we
  //    use two 20-bit primes instead.)
  // 2. With L levels, the largest modulus for "fresh ciphertexts" has size
  //          q0 ~ p0 * p^{L} ~ 2^{40+20L}
  // 3. We break each ciphertext into upto c digits, do each digit is as large
  //    as    D=2^{(40+20L)/c}
  // 4. The added noise variance term from the key-switching operation is
  //    c*N*sigma^2*D^2, and this must be mod-switched down to w*N (so it is
  //    on part with the added noise from modulus-switching). Hence the ratio
  //    P that we use for mod-switching must satisfy c*N*sigma^2*D^2/P^2<w*N,
  //    or    P > sqrt(c/w) * sigma * 2^{(40+20L)/c}
  // 5. With this extra P factor, the key-switching matrices are defined
  //    relative to a modulus of size
  //          Q0 = q0*P ~ sqrt{c/w} sigma 2^{(40+20L)(1+1/c)}
  // 6. To get k-bit security we need N>log(Q0/sigma)(k+110)/7.2, i.e. roughly
  //          N > (40+20L)(1+1/c)(k+110) / 7.2

  long ptxtSpace = 2;
  double cc = 1.0+(1.0/(double)c);
  long N = (long) ceil((pSize*L+p0Size)*cc*(k+110)/7.2);
  cout << "  bounding phi(m) > " << N << endl;

#if 0  // A small m for debugging purposes
  long m = 15;
  // pre-computed values of [phi(m),m,d]
  long ms[][4] = {
    //phi(m)  m  ord(2) c_m*1000
    { 1176,  1247, 28,  3736},
    { 1936,  2047, 11,  3870},
    { 2880,  3133, 24,  3254},
    { 4096,  4369, 16,  3422},
    { 5292,  5461, 14,  4160},
    { 5760,  8435, 24,  8935},
    { 8190,  8191, 13,  1273},
    {10584, 16383, 14,  8358},
    {10752, 11441, 48,  3607},
    {12000, 13981, 20,  2467},
    {11520, 15665, 24, 14916},
    {14112, 18415, 28, 11278},
    {15004, 15709, 22,  3867},
    {15360, 20485, 24, 12767},
 // {16384, 21845, 16, 12798},
    {17208 ,21931, 24, 18387},
    {18000, 18631, 25,  4208},
    {18816, 24295, 28, 16360},
    {19200, 21607, 40, 35633},
    {21168, 27305, 28, 15407},
    {23040, 23377, 48,  5292},
    {24576, 24929, 48,  5612},
    {27000, 32767, 15, 20021},
    {31104, 31609, 71,  5149},
    {42336, 42799, 21,  5952},
    {46080, 53261, 24, 33409},
    {49140, 57337, 39,  2608},
    {51840, 59527, 72, 21128},
    {61680, 61681, 40,  1273},
    {65536, 65537, 32,  1273},
    {75264, 82603, 56, 36484},
    {84672, 92837, 56, 38520}

#if 0

  for (long i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    long m = ms[i][1];
    PAlgebra alg(m);
    cout << "\n";
    // compute phi(m) directly
    long phim = 0;
    for (long j = 0; j < m; j++)
      if (GCD(j, m) == 1) phim++;

    if (phim != alg.phiM()) cout << "ERROR\n";



  // find the first m satisfying phi(m)>=N and d | ord(2) in Z_m^*
  long m = 0;
  for (unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(ms)/sizeof(long[3]); i++) 
    if (ms[i][0]>=N && (ms[i][2] % d) == 0) {
      m = ms[i][1];
      c_m = 0.001 * (double) ms[i][3];
  if (m==0) Error("Cannot support this L,d combination");
  //  m = 257;
  FHEcontext context(m);
#if 0
  context.stdev = to_xdouble(0.5); // very low error
  activeContext = &context; // Mark this as the "current" context

  cout << endl;

  // Set the modulus chain

#if 1
  // The first 1-2 primes of total p0size bits
  #if (NTL_SP_NBITS > p0Size)
    AddPrimesByNumber(context, 1, 1UL<<p0Size); // add a single prime
    AddPrimesByNumber(context, 2, 1UL<<(p0Size/2)); // add two primes

  // The next L primes, as small as possible
  AddPrimesByNumber(context, L);

  ZZ productOfCtxtPrimes = context.productOfPrimes(context.ctxtPrimes);
  double productSize = context.logOfProduct(context.ctxtPrimes);

  // might as well test that the answer is roughly correct
  cout << "  context.logOfProduct(...)-log(context.productOfPrimes(...)) = "
       << productSize-log(productOfCtxtPrimes) << endl;

  // calculate the size of the digits

  IndexSet s1;
#if 0
  for (long i=0; i<c-1; i++) context.digits[i] = IndexSet(i,i);
  context.digits[c-1] = context.ctxtPrimes / IndexSet(0,c-2);
  AddPrimesByNumber(context, 2, 1, true);
  double sizeSoFar = 0.0;
  double maxDigitSize = 0.0;
  if (c>1) {   // break ciphetext into a few digits
    double dsize = productSize/c;  // initial estimate
    double target = dsize-(pSize/3.0);
    long idx = context.ctxtPrimes.first();
    for (long i=0; i<c-1; i++) { // compute next digit
      IndexSet s;
      while (idx <= context.ctxtPrimes.last() && sizeSoFar < target) {
	sizeSoFar += log((double)context.ithPrime(idx));
	idx = context.ctxtPrimes.next(idx);
      context.digits[i] = s;
      double thisDigitSize = context.logOfProduct(s);
      if (maxDigitSize < thisDigitSize) maxDigitSize = thisDigitSize;
      cout << "  digit #"<<i+1<< " " <<s << ": size " << thisDigitSize << endl;
      target += dsize;
    IndexSet s = context.ctxtPrimes / s1; // all the remaining primes
    context.digits[c-1] = s;
    double thisDigitSize = context.logOfProduct(s);
    if (maxDigitSize < thisDigitSize) maxDigitSize = thisDigitSize;
    cout << "  digit #"<<c<< " " <<s << ": size " << thisDigitSize << endl;
  else { 
    maxDigitSize = context.logOfProduct(context.ctxtPrimes);
    context.digits[0] = context.ctxtPrimes;

  // Add primes to the chain for the P factor of key-switching
  double sizeOfSpecialPrimes 
    = maxDigitSize + log(c/(double)w)/2 + log(context.stdev *2);

  AddPrimesBySize(context, sizeOfSpecialPrimes, true);

  cout << "* ctxtPrimes: " << context.ctxtPrimes 
       << ", log(q0)=" << context.logOfProduct(context.ctxtPrimes) << endl;
  cout << "* specialPrimes: " << context.specialPrimes
       << ", log(P)=" << context.logOfProduct(context.specialPrimes) << endl;

  for (long i=0; i<context.numPrimes(); i++) {
    cout << "  modulus #" << i << " " << context.ithPrime(i) << endl;
  cout << endl;

  const ZZX& PhimX = context.zMstar.PhimX(); // The polynomial Phi_m(X)
  long phim = context.zMstar.phiM();         // The integer phi(m)
  FHESecKey secretKey(context);
  const FHEPubKey& publicKey = secretKey;

#if 0 // Debug mode: use sk=1,2
  DoubleCRT newSk(to_ZZX(2), context);
  long id1 = secretKey.ImportSecKey(newSk, 64, ptxtSpace);
  newSk -= 1;
  long id2 = secretKey.ImportSecKey(newSk, 64, ptxtSpace);
  long id1 = secretKey.GenSecKey(w,ptxtSpace); // A Hamming-weight-w secret key
  long id2 = secretKey.GenSecKey(w,ptxtSpace); // A second Hamming-weight-w secret key

  ZZX zero = to_ZZX(0);
//  Ctxt zeroCtxt(publicKey);

  /**                      TESTS BEGIN HERE                       ***/

  cout << "ptxtSpace = " << ptxtSpace << endl;

  GF2X G;          // G is the AES polynomial, G(X)= X^8 +X^4 +X^3 +X +1
  SetCoeff(G,8); SetCoeff(G,4); SetCoeff(G,3); SetCoeff(G,1); SetCoeff(G,0);
  GF2X X;
#if 1
  // code for rotations...

    GF2X::HexOutput = 1;
    const PAlgebra& al = context.zMstar;
    const PAlgebraModTwo& al2 = context.modTwo;

    long ngens = al.numOfGens();
    long nslots = al.NSlots();
    DoubleCRT tmp(context);

    vector< vector< DoubleCRT > > maskTable;

    for (long i = 0; i < ngens; i++) {
      if (i==0 && al.SameOrd(i)) continue;
      long ord = al.OrderOf(i);
      maskTable[i].resize(ord+1, tmp);
      for (long j = 0; j <= ord; j++) {
        // initialize the mask that is 1 whenever
        // the ith coordinate is at least j

        vector<GF2X> maps, alphas, betas;

        al2.mapToSlots(maps, G); // Change G to X to get bits in the slots

        for (long k = 0; k < nslots; k++) 
          if (coordinate(al, i, k) >= j)
               alphas[k] = 1;
          else alphas[k] = 0;

       GF2X ptxt;
       al2.embedInSlots(ptxt, alphas, maps);

       // Sanity-check, make sure that encode/decode works as expected
       al2.decodePlaintext(betas, ptxt, G, maps);
       for (long k = 0; k < nslots; k++) {
	 if (alphas[k] != betas[k]) {
	   cout << " Mask computation failed, i="<<i<<", j="<<j<<"\n";
	   return 0;
       maskTable[i][j] = to_ZZX(ptxt);

  vector<GF2X> maps;
  al2.mapToSlots(maps, G);

  vector<GF2X> alphas(nslots);
  for (long i=0; i < nslots; i++) 
    random(alphas[i], 8); // random degree-7 polynomial mod 2

  for (long amt = 0; amt < 20; amt++) {

    cout << ".";

     GF2X ptxt;
     al2.embedInSlots(ptxt, alphas, maps);

     DoubleCRT pp(context);
     pp = to_ZZX(ptxt);

     rotate(pp, amt, maskTable);

     GF2X ptxt1 = to_GF2X(to_ZZX(pp));

     vector<GF2X> betas;
     al2.decodePlaintext(betas, ptxt1, G, maps);

     for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
       if (alphas[i] != betas[(i+amt)%nslots]) {
	 cout << " amt="<<amt<<" oops\n";
          return 0;

   cout << "\n";

#if 0
  long ord0 = al.OrderOf(0);

  for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
    cout << alphas[i] << " ";
    if ((i+1) % (nslots/ord0) == 0) cout << "\n";
  cout << "\n\n";
  cout << betas.size() << "\n";

  for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
    cout << betas[i] << " ";
    if ((i+1) % (nslots/ord0) == 0) cout << "\n";

  return 0;



  // an initial sanity check on noise estimates,
  // comparing the estimated variance to the actual average
  cout << "pk:"; checkCiphertext(publicKey.pubEncrKey, zero, secretKey);

  ZZX ptxt[6]; // first four are plaintext, last two are constants
  std::vector<Ctxt> ctxt(4, Ctxt(publicKey));

  // Initialize the plaintext and constants to random 0-1 polynomials
  for (size_t j=0; j<6; j++) {
    for (long i = 0; i < phim; i++)
      ptxt[j].rep[i] = RandomBnd(ptxtSpace);

    if (j<4) { 
      publicKey.Encrypt(ctxt[j], ptxt[j], ptxtSpace);
      cout << "c"<<j<<":"; checkCiphertext(ctxt[j], ptxt[j], secretKey);

  // perform upto 2L levels of computation, each level computing:
  //    1. c0 += c1
  //    2. c1 *= c2            // L1' = max(L1,L2)+1
  //    3. c1.reLinearlize
  //    4. c2 *= p4
  //    5. c2.automorph(k)     // k is the first generator of Zm^* /(2)
  //    6. c2.reLinearlize
  //    7. c3 += p5
  //    8. c3 *= c0            // L3' = max(L3,L0,L1)+1
  //    9. c2 *= c3            // L2' = max(L2,L0+1,L1+1,L3+1)+1
  //   10. c0 *= c0            // L0' = max(L0,L1)+1
  //   11. c0.reLinearlize
  //   12. c2.reLinearlize
  //   13. c3.reLinearlize
  // The levels of the four ciphertexts behave as follows:
  // 0, 0, 0, 0  =>  1, 1, 2, 1  =>  2, 3, 3, 2
  //             =>  4, 4, 5, 4  =>  5, 6, 6, 5
  //             =>  7, 7, 8, 7  =>  8,,9, 9, 10  => [...]
  // We perform the same operations on the plaintext, and after each operation
  // we check that decryption still works, and print the curretn modulus and
  // noise estimate. We stop when we get the first decryption error, or when
  // we reach 2L levels (which really should not happen).

  zz_pContext zzpc;
  const zz_pXModulus F = to_zz_pX(PhimX);
  long g = context.zMstar.ZmStarGen(0); // the first generator in Zm*
  zz_pX x2g(g, 1);
  zz_pX p2;

  // generate a key-switching matrix from s(X^g) to s(X)
  secretKey.GenKeySWmatrix(/*powerOfS= */  1,
			   /*powerOfX= */  g,
			   0, 0,
			   /*ptxtSpace=*/  ptxtSpace);

  // generate a key-switching matrix from s^2 to s
  secretKey.GenKeySWmatrix(/*powerOfS= */  2,
			   /*powerOfX= */  1,
			   0, 0,
			   /*ptxtSpace=*/  ptxtSpace);

  // generate a key-switching matrix from s^3 to s
  secretKey.GenKeySWmatrix(/*powerOfS= */  3,
			   /*powerOfX= */  1,
			   0, 0,
			   /*ptxtSpace=*/  ptxtSpace);

  for (long lvl=0; lvl<2*L; lvl++) {
    cout << "=======================================================\n";
    ctxt[0] += ctxt[1];
    ptxt[0] += ptxt[1];
    PolyRed(ptxt[0], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout << "c0+=c1:  "; checkCiphertext(ctxt[0], ptxt[0], secretKey);

    ptxt[1] = (ptxt[1] * ptxt[2]) % PhimX;
    PolyRed(ptxt[1], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout << "c1*=c2:  "; checkCiphertext(ctxt[1], ptxt[1], secretKey);

    ptxt[2] = (ptxt[2] * ptxt[4]) % PhimX;
    PolyRed(ptxt[2], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout <<  "c2*=p4:  "; checkCiphertext(ctxt[2], ptxt[2], secretKey);

    ctxt[2] >>= g;
    p2 = to_zz_pX(ptxt[2]);
    CompMod(p2, p2, x2g, F);
    ptxt[2] = to_ZZX(p2);
    cout << "c2>>="<<g<<":"; checkCiphertext(ctxt[2], ptxt[2], secretKey);

    cout << "c2.relin:"; checkCiphertext(ctxt[2], ptxt[2], secretKey);

    ptxt[3] += ptxt[5];
    PolyRed(ptxt[3], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout << "c3+=p5:  "; checkCiphertext(ctxt[3], ptxt[3], secretKey);

    ptxt[3] = (ptxt[3] * ptxt[0]) % PhimX;
    PolyRed(ptxt[3], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout << "c3*=c0:  ";    checkCiphertext(ctxt[3], ptxt[3], secretKey);

    ptxt[0] = (ptxt[0] * ptxt[0]) % PhimX;
    PolyRed(ptxt[0], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout << "c0*=c0:  ";    checkCiphertext(ctxt[0], ptxt[0], secretKey);

    ptxt[2] = (ptxt[2] * ptxt[3]) % PhimX;
    PolyRed(ptxt[2], ptxtSpace, true);
    cout << "c2*=c3:  ";    checkCiphertext(ctxt[2], ptxt[2], secretKey);
  /**                       TESTS END HERE                        ***/
  cout << endl;
  return 0;
    SwaptionVolCube1::sabrCalibration(const Cube& marketVolCube) const {

        const std::vector<Time>& optionTimes = marketVolCube.optionTimes();
        const std::vector<Time>& swapLengths = marketVolCube.swapLengths();
        const std::vector<Date>& optionDates = marketVolCube.optionDates();
        const std::vector<Period>& swapTenors = marketVolCube.swapTenors();
        Matrix alphas(optionTimes.size(), swapLengths.size(),0.);
        Matrix betas(alphas);
        Matrix nus(alphas);
        Matrix rhos(alphas);
        Matrix forwards(alphas);
        Matrix errors(alphas);
        Matrix maxErrors(alphas);
        Matrix endCriteria(alphas);

        const std::vector<Matrix>& tmpMarketVolCube = marketVolCube.points();

        std::vector<Real> strikes(strikeSpreads_.size());
        std::vector<Real> volatilities(strikeSpreads_.size());

        for (Size j=0; j<optionTimes.size(); j++) {
            for (Size k=0; k<swapLengths.size(); k++) {
                Rate atmForward = atmStrike(optionDates[j], swapTenors[k]);
                for (Size i=0; i<nStrikes_; i++){
                    Real strike = atmForward+strikeSpreads_[i];
                    if(strike>=MINSTRIKE) {

                const std::vector<Real>& guess = parametersGuess_.operator()(
                    optionTimes[j], swapLengths[k]);

                const boost::shared_ptr<SABRInterpolation> sabrInterpolation =
                        SABRInterpolation(strikes.begin(), strikes.end(),
                                          optionTimes[j], atmForward,
                                          guess[0], guess[1],
                                          guess[2], guess[3],

                Real rmsError = sabrInterpolation->rmsError();
                Real maxError = sabrInterpolation->maxError();
                alphas     [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->alpha();
                betas      [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->beta();
                nus        [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->nu();
                rhos       [j][k] = sabrInterpolation->rho();
                forwards   [j][k] = atmForward;
                errors     [j][k] = rmsError;
                maxErrors  [j][k] = maxError;
                endCriteria[j][k] = sabrInterpolation->endCriteria();

                          "global swaptions calibration failed: "
                          "MaxIterations reached: " << "\n" <<
                          "option maturity = " << optionDates[j] << ", \n" <<
                          "swap tenor = " << swapTenors[k] << ", \n" <<
                          "error = " << io::rate(errors[j][k])  << ", \n" <<
                          "max error = " << io::rate(maxErrors[j][k]) << ", \n" <<
                          "   alpha = " <<  alphas[j][k] << "n" <<
                          "   beta = " <<  betas[j][k] << "\n" <<
                          "   nu = " <<  nus[j][k]   << "\n" <<
                          "   rho = " <<  rhos[j][k]  << "\n"

                QL_ENSURE(useMaxError_ ? maxError : rmsError < maxErrorTolerance_,
                      "global swaptions calibration failed: "
                      "option tenor " << optionDates[j] <<
                      ", swap tenor " << swapTenors[k] <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? ": max error " : ": error") <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? maxError : rmsError) <<
                          "   alpha = " <<  alphas[j][k] << "n" <<
                          "   beta = " <<  betas[j][k] << "\n" <<
                          "   nu = " <<  nus[j][k]   << "\n" <<
                          "   rho = " <<  rhos[j][k]  << "\n" <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? ": error" : ": max error ") <<
                      (useMaxError_ ? rmsError :maxError)

        Cube sabrParametersCube(optionDates, swapTenors,
                                optionTimes, swapLengths, 8);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(0, alphas);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(1, betas);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(2, nus);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(3, rhos);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(4, forwards);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(5, errors);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(6, maxErrors);
        sabrParametersCube.setLayer(7, endCriteria);

        return sabrParametersCube;
