Beispiel #1
void AxonometricLookAt::rebuild() const

    const mat4 vrot = mat4_cast(angleAxis(m_verticalAngle, vec3( 0.f, 1.f, 0.f)));
    const mat4 hrot = mat4_cast(angleAxis(m_horizontalAngle, vec3( 1.f, 0.f, 0.f)));

    const mat4 zoom = scale(m_zoom, m_zoom, -1.f);
    const mat4 t    = translate(m_position);

    m_axonometric = zoom * t * hrot * vrot * m_rotation;

    m_rebuild = false;
Beispiel #2
void Lux::Core::Transform::Rotate(const float a_Angle, const vec3& a_Axis, SpaceRelativeTo a_Space)
    switch (a_Space)
    case SELF:
        m_LocalRotation = angleAxis(radians(a_Angle), normalize(a_Axis)) * m_LocalRotation;

    case WORLD:
        m_Rotation = angleAxis(radians(a_Angle), normalize(a_Axis)) * m_Rotation;

    m_TransformDirty = true;
Beispiel #3
void Lux::Core::FreeLookCamera::Update(const float a_DeltaTime)
	vec2 currMousePos = m_EventListener->GetCursorPosition();

	if (m_EventListener->GetMouseButtonDown(LUX_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT))
		vec2 mouseDelta = currMousePos - m_LastMousePos;
		m_EulerRotation.x = clamp<float>(m_EulerRotation.x + mouseDelta.y * m_RotationMultiplier * a_DeltaTime, radians(-80.0f), radians(80.0f));
		m_EulerRotation.y += mouseDelta.x * m_RotationMultiplier * a_DeltaTime;
		m_EulerRotation.z = 0.0f;
		m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->SetLocalRotation(angleAxis(m_EulerRotation.x, vec3(1, 0, 0)) * angleAxis(m_EulerRotation.y, vec3(0, 1, 0)) * angleAxis(m_EulerRotation.z, vec3(0, 0, 1)));

	if (m_EventListener->GetKeyDown(KeyCode::LUX_KEY_W))
		m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->Translate(m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->GetForwardVector() * m_SpeedMultiplier * a_DeltaTime);

	if (m_EventListener->GetKeyDown(KeyCode::LUX_KEY_S))
		m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->Translate(-m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->GetForwardVector() * m_SpeedMultiplier * a_DeltaTime);

	if (m_EventListener->GetKeyDown(KeyCode::LUX_KEY_A))
		m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->Translate(-m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->GetRightVector() * m_SpeedMultiplier * a_DeltaTime);

	if (m_EventListener->GetKeyDown(KeyCode::LUX_KEY_D))
		m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->Translate(m_Transform->GetRawPtr()->GetRightVector() * m_SpeedMultiplier * a_DeltaTime);
	m_LastMousePos = currMousePos;
Beispiel #4
void Rotate::update(float deltaTime, float totalTime)
	if (Input::wasControlPressed("randomize"))
		axis = RAND_VEC3;

	t->rotate(angleAxis(speed * deltaTime, axis));
Beispiel #5
 /// \brief Log: SO3 -> so3.
 /// Pseudo-inverse of log from SO3 -> { v \in so3, ||v|| < 2pi }.
 template <typename D> Eigen::Matrix<typename D::Scalar,3,1,D::Options>
 log3(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & R)
   Eigen::AngleAxis<typename D::Scalar> angleAxis(R);
   return angleAxis.axis() * angleAxis.angle();
void Aircraft::applyForces(float dt) {
	vec3 netF(0, 0, 0);

	netF = netF + fGravity();
	netF = netF + fWing();
	netF = netF + fThrust();
	netF = netF + fDrag();

	float rollA = tAileron() / rollmoi;
	float pitchA = tElevator() / pitchmoi;
	float yawA = tRudder() / yawmoi;

	vec3 accel = netF / mass;

	this->pos = this->pos + this->velocity * dt + accel * (0.5f * dt * dt);
	this->velocity = this->velocity + accel * dt;

	vec3 alpha(pitchA, yawA, rollA);

	omega = omega + alpha * dt;

	if(dot(omega, omega) > 1e-10) {
		quat omegaVersor = angleAxis(length(omega) * dt, facing * omega);
		facing = omegaVersor * facing;
		facing = normalize(facing);

	//std::cout << "s:" << this->pos << ", v:" << this->velocity << ", a:" << accel << ", f:" << (facing * (vec3(0, 0, 1))) << std::endl;
Beispiel #7
void TrackballCamera::computeQuat()
{//calculate rotate quaternion
	float d, as;
	vec3 preVec, curVec, vMove, axis;
	//transform from window coordinate to projection plane
	preVec.x = (2.0f * preMousePosition.x / windowWidth - 1.0f) / mProj[0][0];
	preVec.y = (-2.0f * preMousePosition.y / windowHeight + 1.0f) / mProj[1][1];
	preVec.z = 1.0f;
	d = preVec.x * preVec.x + preVec.y * preVec.y;

	curVec.x = (2.0f * curMousePosition.x / windowWidth - 1.0f) / mProj[0][0];
	curVec.y = (-2.0f * curMousePosition.y / windowHeight + 1.0f) / mProj[1][1];
	curVec.z = 1.0f;

	vMove = curVec - preVec;

	axis = cross(curVec, preVec);
	axis = normalize(axis);

	as = (length(vMove) * length(vMove) - length(curVec) * length(curVec) - length(preVec) * length(preVec)) / (2.0f*length(curVec)*length(preVec));

	mQuat = angleAxis(as, axis);

	preMousePosition = curMousePosition;
vec3 Aircraft::fWing() {
	quat wingang = angleAxis(aoi, vec3(-1, 0, 0));
	vec3 wn = facing * (wingang * vec3(0, 1, 0));
	vec3 v = -1.0f * this->velocity;

	vec3 lift = wn * rho * wingarea * (float) fabs(dot(v, wn)) * (dot(v, wn));
	return lift;
Beispiel #9
    void TrfmRotateQuat::applyGLTransform(renderer::RenderInterface* _ri) const {
        Quaterniond q(mDofs[0]->getValue(), mDofs[1]->getValue(), mDofs[2]->getValue(), mDofs[3]->getValue());

        AngleAxisd angleAxis(q);
        Vector3d a = angleAxis.axis();
        double theta = angleAxis.angle();
        if(>M_EPSILON*M_EPSILON && theta>M_EPSILON) {
            if (_ri) _ri->rotate(a, theta*180/M_PI);
float Aircraft::tAileron() {
	float effect = left * maxaileron + right * minaileron;
	quat ailangl = angleAxis(-aoi - effect, vec3(-1, 0, 0));
	quat ailangr = angleAxis(aoi - effect, vec3( 1, 0, 0));

	vec3 anl = facing * (ailangl * (vec3(0, 1, 0)));
	vec3 anr = facing * (ailangr * (vec3(0, 1, 0)));

	vec3 v = this->velocity * -1.0f;
	vec3 vl = v + rolldampcoeff * (facing * (vec3(0, -this->omega.z * aileronradius, 0)));
	vec3 vr = v + rolldampcoeff * (facing * (vec3(0, this->omega.z * aileronradius, 0)));

	vec3 liftl = anl * rho * aileronarea * (float) fabs(dot(vl, anl)) * (dot(vl, anl));
	vec3 liftr = anr * rho * aileronarea * (float) fabs(dot(vr, anr)) * (dot(vr, anr));

	vec3 lt = cross(liftl, (facing * (vec3(-aileronradius, 0, 0))));
	vec3 rt = cross(liftr, (facing * (vec3(aileronradius, 0, 0))));

	vec3 torque = lt + rt;
	return dot(torque, facing * (vec3(0, 0, 1)));
Beispiel #11
const mat4 rotate(
    const vec3 & a
,   const vec3 & b)
    const vec3 anorm(normalize(a));
    const vec3 bnorm(normalize(b));

    const vec3 axis = cross(anorm, bnorm);
    const float angle = acos(dot(anorm, bnorm));

    return mat4_cast(angleAxis(degrees(angle), axis));
Beispiel #12
Quaternionf Orientation(int i, 
                        const std::vector<std::string>& strings,
                        const std::vector<float>& f)
    Quaternionf q(1,0,0,0); // Unit quaternion
    while (i<strings.size()) {
        std::string c = strings[i++];
        if (c == "x")  
            q *= angleAxis(f[i++]*Radians, Vector3f::UnitX());
        else if (c == "y")  
            q *= angleAxis(f[i++]*Radians, Vector3f::UnitY());
        else if (c == "z")  
            q *= angleAxis(f[i++]*Radians, Vector3f::UnitZ());
        else if (c == "q")  {
            q *= Quaternionf(f[i+0], f[i+1], f[i+2], f[i+3]);
            i+=4; }
        else if (c == "a")  {
            q *= angleAxis(f[i+0]*Radians, Vector3f(f[i+1], f[i+2], f[i+3]).normalized());
            i+=4; } }
    return q;
Beispiel #13
void BulletWrapper::updateObjectHolding(const SkeletonHand& skeletonHand, BulletHandRepresentation& handRepresentation, float deltaTime)
  const float strengthThreshold = 1.8f;
  if (skeletonHand.grabStrength >= strengthThreshold && handRepresentation.m_HeldBody == NULL)
    // Find body to pick
    EigenTypes::Vector3f underHandDirection = -skeletonHand.rotationButNotReally * EigenTypes::Vector3f::UnitY();

    btRigidBody* closestBody = utilFindClosestBody(skeletonHand.getManipulationPoint(), underHandDirection);
    handRepresentation.m_HeldBody = closestBody;

  if (skeletonHand.grabStrength < strengthThreshold)
    // Let body go
    handRepresentation.m_HeldBody = NULL;

  if (handRepresentation.m_HeldBody != NULL)
    btRigidBody* body = handRepresentation.m_HeldBody;
    // Control held body
    s_LastHeldBody = body;
    m_FramesTilLastHeldBodyReset = 12;


    // apply velocities or apply positions
    btVector3 target = ToBullet(skeletonHand.getManipulationPoint());// - skeletonHand.rotationButNotReally * EigenTypes::Vector3f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
    btVector3 current = body->getWorldTransform().getOrigin();
    btVector3 targetVelocity = 0.5f * (target - current) / deltaTime;

    // convert from-to quaternions to angular velocity in world space
      Eigen::Quaternionf currentRotation = FromBullet(body->getWorldTransform().getRotation());
      Eigen::Quaternionf targetRotation = Eigen::Quaternionf(skeletonHand.arbitraryRelatedRotation()); // breaks for left hand ???

      Eigen::Quaternionf delta = currentRotation.inverse() * targetRotation;
      Eigen::AngleAxis<float> angleAxis(delta);
      EigenTypes::Vector3f axis = angleAxis.axis();
      float angle = angleAxis.angle();
      const float pi = 3.1415926536f;
      if (angle > pi) angle -= 2.0f * pi;
      if (angle < -pi) angle += 2.0f * pi;

      EigenTypes::Vector3f angularVelocity = currentRotation * (axis * angle * 0.5f / deltaTime);
Beispiel #14
void Ship::reset () {
    position = vec3 (0);
    velocity = vec3 (0);
    orientation = angleAxis (0.f, vec3 (0, 0, 1));

    throttle = false;
    fire = false;
    throttleParticles->reset ();
    throttleParticles->setParticleSize (engine.width/16.0);
    fireParticles->reset ();

    exploded = false;
float Aircraft::tElevator() {
	float effect = -up * minelevator + -down * maxelevator;
	quat elangl = angleAxis(-effect, vec3(1, 0, 0));

	vec3 en = facing * (elangl * (vec3(0, 1, 0)));

	vec3 v = this->velocity * -1.0f
		+ facing * (vec3(0, omega.x * elevatorradius, 0));

	vec3 lift = en * rho * elevatorarea * (float) fabs(dot(v, en)) * (dot(v, en));

	vec3 et = cross(lift, (facing * (vec3(0, 0, elevatorradius))));

	return dot(et, (facing * (vec3(1, 0, 0))));
Beispiel #16
mat4x4 Camera::getViewMatrix( void )
	m_Dir = normalize(m_LookAt - m_Pos);

	vec3 pitchAxis = cross(m_Dir, m_Up);

	quat pitchQ = angleAxis(m_Pitch, pitchAxis);
	quat yawQ   = angleAxis(m_Yaw, m_Up);

	quat tmp = normalize(cross(pitchQ, yawQ));

	m_Dir = glm::rotate(tmp, m_Dir);
	m_Pos += m_PosDelta;

	m_LookAt = m_Pos + m_Dir;

	m_View = glm::lookAt(getPos(), m_LookAt, getUp());

	m_Pitch *= 0.5f;
	m_Yaw   *= 0.5f;
	m_PosDelta *= 0.8f;

	return m_View;
Beispiel #17
vector <Edge2> CueTable::generatePocketEdges( const Circle& circle, const Edge2& startEdge, const Edge2& endEdge, int quality ){
	vector <Edge2> pocketEdges;

	float startAngle = orientedAngle(-startEdge.getDirection(),vec2(0,1));
	float endAngle = orientedAngle(endEdge.getDirection(), vec2(0,1));
	float startRad = radians( startAngle );
	float endRad = radians( endAngle );

	float alpha = (endAngle - startAngle) / (float)(quality - 1);
	float alphaRad = radians( alpha );

	float tangetialFactor = tan( alphaRad );
	float radialFactor = cos( alphaRad );

	float x = circle.radius * cos( 0.0f );
	float y = circle.radius * sin( 0.0f );

	auto rotate = [=]( float x, float y) -> vec2 {
		vec3 i = vec3( x, 0, y );
		vec3 r = angleAxis(startAngle + 90, vec3(0,1,0) ) * i;
		return vec2( r.x, r.z );

	for (int i = 0; i < quality - 1; i++){
		vec2 v0 = + rotate( x,y );

		float tx = -y;
		float ty = x;

		x += tx * tangetialFactor;
		y += ty * tangetialFactor;

		x *= radialFactor;
		y *= radialFactor;

		vec2 v1 = + rotate( x,y );
		pocketEdges.push_back( Edge2(v0, v1) );

	return pocketEdges;
Beispiel #18
Ship::Ship () {
    stride = 3 * 3 * sizeof (GLfloat);

    position = vec3 (0);
    velocity = vec3 (0);
    orientation = angleAxis (0.f, vec3 (0, 0, 1));

    restoreState ();

    throttle = false;
    fire = false;
    throttleParticles = unique_ptr<Particles> (new Particles (vec3(1,0.5,0.1), 1024,
                                                      engine.width/16.0, 1/256.0));
    fireParticles = unique_ptr<Particles> (new Particles (vec3(1,0.1,0.01), 512,
                                                          engine.width/16.0, 1/1024.0));
    throttleTime = 0; fireTime = 0;

    guideParticles = unique_ptr<Particles> (new Particles (vec3{0.1, 1, 0.1}, 10,
                                                           engine.width/32.0, 1/1024.0));
    exploded = false;
// points1, points2,
void computeRot(vector<double>& template_vextex, vector<double>& vertex,
    vector<vector<double> >& template_nbor_vertices, vector<vector<double > >& nbor_vertices,
    vector<unsigned int>& neighbors, vector<double>& weights,
    vector<double>& output_rot, bool deform)
    int num_neighbors = neighbors.size();
    MatrixXd Xt(3, num_neighbors), X(3, num_neighbors);
    for(int i = 0; i < num_neighbors; ++i)
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            Xt(j,i) = weights[i] * (
                template_vextex[j] - template_nbor_vertices[ neighbors[i] ][j]);

            X(j,i) = weights[i] * (
                vertex[j] - nbor_vertices[ neighbors[i] ][j]);
            X(j,i) += Xt(j,i);

    Eigen::Matrix3d sigma = Xt * X.transpose();
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix3d> svd(sigma, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    Eigen::Matrix3d Rot;

    if(svd.matrixU().determinant()*svd.matrixV().determinant() < 0.0) {
        Eigen::Vector3d S = Eigen::Vector3d::Ones(); S(2) = -1.0;
        Rot = svd.matrixV()*S.asDiagonal()*svd.matrixU().transpose();
    } else {
        Rot = svd.matrixV()*svd.matrixU().transpose();

    // ceres::RotationMatrixToAngleAxis(&Rot(0, 0), &output_rot[0]);

    Eigen::AngleAxisd angleAxis(Rot);
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    output_rot[i] = angleAxis.axis()[i] * angleAxis.angle();

Beispiel #20
void World::init(Context context_)
	context = context_;

		auto player = make_unique<SceneNode>();

		player->name = "player";
		player->transform.position = {2, 0.5, 2};
		player->transform.orientation = angleAxis(Degree{45}, {0, 1, 0});

		this->player = player.get();


		auto level = make_unique<Level>();

		level->material = &context.materialHolder->get("terrain");

		this->level = level.get();


	Random random{1};
	for (int i{0}; i < 20; i++)
		PointLight light;
		f32 radius{random.getFloat(0.1f, 16.0f)};
		Radian angle{random.getFloat(0, Math::Tau)};
		light.position.x = 4.0f + radius * Math::cos(angle);
		light.position.y = random.getFloat(0.5, 2.5);
		light.position.z = 4.0f + radius * Math::sin(angle);

		light.intensity = 1.0;

		light.color.r = random.getInt(50, 255);
		light.color.g = random.getInt(50, 255);
		light.color.b = random.getInt(50, 255);


		DirectionalLight light;
		light.color = Color{255, 255, 250};
		light.direction = Vector3{-1, -1, 0.5};
		light.intensity = 0.1f;


		SpotLight light;
		light.color = Color{255, 255, 250};
		light.direction = {0, -1, 0};
		light.position = {4, 1.5f, 4};
		light.intensity = 2.0f;
		light.coneAngle = Degree{50};


		// Init Camera
		playerCamera.transform.position = {5, 2, 5};
		playerCamera.transform.orientation =
		    angleAxis(Degree{45}, {0, 1, 0}) *
		    angleAxis(Degree{-30}, {1, 0, 0});

		playerCamera.fieldOfView = Degree{50.0f};
		playerCamera.orthoScale = 8;

		mainCamera = playerCamera;

		playerCamera.projectionType = ProjectionType::Orthographic;

	currentCamera = &mainCamera;
