static void
print_playing_song (DBusGProxy *shell_proxy, DBusGProxy *player_proxy, const char *format)
	gboolean errored;
	GHashTable *properties;
	guint elapsed = 0;
	GError *error = NULL;
	char *string;

	properties = get_playing_song_info (shell_proxy, player_proxy, &error);
	if (annoy (&error)) {
	if (properties == NULL) {
		g_print ("%s\n", _("Not playing"));
	org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_get_elapsed (player_proxy, &elapsed, &error);
	annoy (&error);

	string = parse_pattern (format, properties, elapsed);
	g_print ("%s\n", string);
	g_hash_table_destroy (properties);
	g_free (string);
static void
print_playing_song_default (DBusGProxy *shell_proxy, DBusGProxy *player_proxy)
	gboolean errored;
	GHashTable *properties;
	char *string;
	GError *error = NULL;

	properties = get_playing_song_info (shell_proxy, player_proxy, &error);
	if (annoy (&error)) {
	if (properties == NULL) {
		g_print ("%s\n", _("Not playing"));

	if (g_hash_table_lookup (properties, "rb:stream-song-title") != NULL) {
		string = parse_pattern ("%st (%tt)", properties, 0);
	} else {
		string = parse_pattern ("%ta - %tt", properties, 0);

	g_print ("%s\n", string);
	g_hash_table_destroy (properties);
	g_free (string);
void destroy_globals()
    std::cout << "annoy::destroy_globals called" << std::endl;
static GHashTable *
get_playing_song_info (GDBusProxy *mpris)
	GHashTable *properties;
	GVariant *prop;
	GVariant *metadata;
	GVariantIter iter;
	GVariant *value;
	char *key;
	GError *error = NULL;

	prop = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris,
				       g_variant_new ("(ss)", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "Metadata"),
	if (annoy (&error)) {
		return NULL;

	g_variant_get (prop, "(v)", &metadata);

	properties = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify) g_variant_unref);
	g_variant_iter_init (&iter, metadata);
	while (g_variant_iter_loop (&iter, "{sv}", &key, &value)) {
		g_hash_table_insert (properties, g_strdup (key), g_variant_ref (value));

	g_variant_unref (prop);
	return properties;
main (int argc, char **argv)
	GOptionContext *context;
	gboolean ok;
	GError *error = NULL;
	DBusGConnection *bus;
	DBusGProxy *shell_proxy = NULL;
	DBusGProxy *player_proxy = NULL;
	gboolean is_playing;

	/* initialize i18n */
	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	/* setup */
	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	g_type_init ();
	g_set_prgname ("rhythmbox-client");

	/* parse arguments */
	context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, args, NULL);
	ok = g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error);
	if (annoy (&error))
		exit (1);

	rb_debug_init (debug);

	/* get dbus connection and proxy for rhythmbox shell */
	bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
	if (annoy (&error))
		exit (1);

	if (!create_rb_shell_proxies (bus, &shell_proxy, &player_proxy, &error)) {
		annoy (&error);
		exit (1);
	g_clear_error (&error);

	/* 1. activate or quit */
	if (quit) {
		if (shell_proxy) {
			rb_debug ("quitting existing instance");
			dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (shell_proxy, "quit", G_TYPE_INVALID);
		} else {
			rb_debug ("no existing instance to quit");

		exit (0);
	if (shell_proxy == NULL) {
		DBusGProxy *bus_proxy;
		guint start_service_reply;

		if (no_start) {
			rb_debug ("no existing instance, and can't start one");
			exit (0);

		rb_debug ("starting new instance");
		bus_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus,

		if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (bus_proxy, "StartServiceByName", &error,
					G_TYPE_STRING, "org.gnome.Rhythmbox",
					G_TYPE_UINT, 0,
					G_TYPE_UINT, &start_service_reply,
			g_warning ("%s", error->message);
			exit (1);

		/* hopefully we can get a proxy for the rb shell now.. */
		if (!create_rb_shell_proxies (bus, &shell_proxy, &player_proxy, &error)) {
			annoy (&error);
			exit (1);
		g_clear_error (&error);

	/* don't present if we're doing something else */
	if (next || previous ||
	    clear_queue ||
	    play_uri || other_stuff ||
	    play || pause || play_pause || stop ||
	    print_playing || print_playing_format || notify ||
	    (set_volume > -0.01) || volume_up || volume_down || print_volume || mute || unmute)
		no_present = TRUE;

	/* 2. present or hide */
	if (hide || !no_present) {
		DBusGProxy *properties_proxy;
		GValue value = {0,};

		rb_debug ("setting visibility property");
		g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
		g_value_set_boolean (&value, !hide);
		properties_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_from_proxy (shell_proxy,
		dbus_g_proxy_call_no_reply (properties_proxy, "Set",
					    G_TYPE_STRING, "org.gnome.Rhythmbox.Shell",
					    G_TYPE_STRING, "visibility",
					    G_TYPE_VALUE, &value,
		g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (properties_proxy));

	/* 3. skip to next or previous track */
	if (next) {
		rb_debug ("next track");
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_next (player_proxy, &error);
		annoy (&error);
	} else if (previous) {
		rb_debug ("previous track");
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_previous (player_proxy, &error);
		annoy (&error);

	/* 4. add/enqueue */
	if (clear_queue) {
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Shell_clear_queue (shell_proxy, &error);
		annoy (&error);
	if (other_stuff) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; other_stuff[i] != NULL; i++) {
			GFile *file;
			char *fileuri;

			file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (other_stuff[i]);
			fileuri = g_file_get_uri (file);
			if (fileuri == NULL) {
				g_warning ("couldn't convert \"%s\" to a URI", other_stuff[i]);

			if (enqueue) {
				rb_debug ("enqueueing %s", fileuri);
				org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Shell_add_to_queue (shell_proxy, fileuri, &error);
			} else {
				rb_debug ("importing %s", fileuri);
				org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Shell_load_ur_i (shell_proxy, fileuri, FALSE, &error);
			annoy (&error);
			g_free (fileuri);
			g_object_unref (file);

	/* play uri */
	if (play_uri) {
		GFile *file;
		char *fileuri;

		file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (play_uri);
		fileuri = g_file_get_uri (file);
		if (fileuri == NULL) {
			g_warning ("couldn't convert \"%s\" to a URI", play_uri);
		} else {
			rb_debug ("loading and playing %s", fileuri);
			org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Shell_load_ur_i (shell_proxy, fileuri, TRUE, &error);
			annoy (&error);
		g_free (fileuri);
		g_object_unref (file);

	/* 5. play/pause/stop */
	org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_get_playing (player_proxy, &is_playing, &error);
	if (!annoy (&error)) {
		rb_debug ("playback state: %d", is_playing);
		if (play || pause || play_pause) {
			if (is_playing != play || play_pause) {
				rb_debug ("calling playPause to change playback state");
				org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_play_pause (player_proxy, FALSE, &error);
				annoy (&error);
			} else {
				rb_debug ("no need to change playback state");
		} else if (stop) {
			g_warning ("not implemented yet");

	/* 6. get/set volume, mute/unmute */
	if (set_volume > -0.01) {
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_set_volume (player_proxy, set_volume, &error);
		annoy (&error);
	} else if (volume_up || volume_down) {
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_set_volume_relative (player_proxy, volume_up ? 0.1 : -0.1, &error);
		annoy (&error);
	} else if (unmute || mute) {
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_set_mute (player_proxy, unmute ? FALSE : TRUE, &error);
		annoy (&error);

	if (print_volume) {
		gboolean mute = FALSE;
		gdouble volume = 1.0;

		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_get_mute (player_proxy, &mute, &error);
		annoy (&error);
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_get_volume (player_proxy, &volume, &error);
		annoy (&error);

		if (mute)
			g_print (_("Playback is muted.\n"));
		g_print (_("Playback volume is %f.\n"), volume);

	/* 7. print playing song */
	if (print_playing_format) {
		print_playing_song (shell_proxy, player_proxy, print_playing_format);
	} else if (print_playing) {
		print_playing_song_default (shell_proxy, player_proxy);

	/* 8. display notification about playing song */
	if (notify) {
		rb_debug ("show notification");
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Shell_notify (shell_proxy, TRUE, &error);
		annoy (&error);

	g_object_unref (shell_proxy);
	g_object_unref (player_proxy);
	g_option_context_free (context);

	return 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
	GOptionContext *context;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GDBusConnection *bus;
	GDBusProxy *mpris;
	GDBusProxy *queue;
	GApplication *app;
	gboolean loaded;
	gboolean scanned;
	GVariant *state;

	/* initialize i18n */
	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	/* setup */
	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	g_type_init ();
	g_set_prgname ("rhythmbox-client");

	/* parse arguments */
	context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, args, NULL);
	g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error);
	if (annoy (&error))
		exit (1);

	rb_debug_init (debug);

	app = g_application_new ("org.gnome.Rhythmbox3", G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER);
	if (g_application_register (app, NULL, &error) == FALSE) {
		if (check_running) {
			rb_debug ("no running instance found");
			exit (2);
		} else if (quit) {
			rb_debug ("no existing instance to quit");
			exit (0);

		rb_debug ("uh.. what?");
		exit (0);

	/* are we just checking if it's running? */
	if (check_running) {
		rb_debug ("running instance found");
		exit (0);

	/* wait until it's ready to accept control */
	state = g_action_group_get_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "LoadURI");
	if (state == NULL) {
		rb_debug ("couldn't get app startup state");
		exit (0);

	bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, NULL);
	g_variant_get (state, "(bb)", &loaded, &scanned);
	if ((loaded && scanned) == FALSE) {
		GMainLoop *loop;
		GDBusProxy *app_proxy;

		rb_debug ("waiting for app startup");
		loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
		g_signal_connect (app, "action-state-changed", G_CALLBACK (state_changed_cb), loop);

		/* dbus implementation of GApplication doesn't do action state updates yet */
		app_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (bus, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START, NULL,
		if (app_proxy == NULL || proxy_has_name_owner (app_proxy) == FALSE) {
			g_warning ("unable to wait for app startup: %s", error->message);
			g_clear_error (&error);
		} else {
			g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (app_proxy), "actual-app", app);
			g_signal_connect (app_proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK (state_changed_signal_cb), loop);
			g_main_loop_run (loop);
			rb_debug ("app is now started enough");

	/* create proxies */
	mpris = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (bus,
	if (mpris == NULL || proxy_has_name_owner (mpris) == FALSE) {
		g_warning ("MPRIS D-Bus interface not available, some things won't work");
		if (next || previous || (seek != 0) || play || do_pause || play_pause || stop || volume_up || volume_down || (set_volume > -0.01)) {
			exit (1);

	queue = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (bus,
	if (queue == NULL || proxy_has_name_owner (queue) == FALSE) {
		g_warning ("Play queue interface not available, some things won't work");
		if (enqueue || clear_queue) {
			exit (1);

	/* activate or quit */
	if (quit) {
		rb_debug ("quitting existing instance");
		g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "Quit", NULL);
		exit (0);

	/* don't present if we're doing something else */
	if (next || previous || (seek != 0) ||
	    clear_queue ||
	    play_uri || other_stuff ||
	    play || do_pause || play_pause || stop || toggle_shuffle ||
	    print_playing || print_playing_format ||
	    (set_volume > -0.01) || volume_up || volume_down || print_volume /*|| mute || unmute*/ || (set_rating > -0.01))
		no_present = TRUE;

	/* present */
	if (!no_present) {
		g_application_activate (app);

	/* set song rating */
	if (set_rating >= 0.0 && set_rating <= 5.0) {
		rb_debug ("rate song");

		rate_song (mpris, set_rating);

	if (toggle_shuffle) {
		rb_debug("toggle shuffle");
		g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "ToggleShuffle", NULL);

	/* skip to next or previous track */
	if (next) {
		rb_debug ("next track");
		g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris, "Next", NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
		annoy (&error);
	} else if (previous) {
		rb_debug ("previous track");
		g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris, "Previous", NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
		annoy (&error);

	/* seek in track */
	if (seek != 0) {
		GHashTable *properties;
		rb_debug ("seek");

		properties = get_playing_song_info (mpris);
		if (properties != NULL) {
			GVariant *v = g_hash_table_lookup (properties, "mpris:trackid");
			if (v != NULL) {
				g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris,
							g_variant_new ("(ox)", g_variant_get_string (v, NULL), seek),
				annoy (&error);

	/* add/enqueue */
	if (clear_queue) {
		g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (queue, "ClearQueue", NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
		annoy (&error);
	if (other_stuff) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; other_stuff[i] != NULL; i++) {
			GFile *file;
			char *fileuri;

			file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (other_stuff[i]);
			fileuri = g_file_get_uri (file);
			if (fileuri == NULL) {
				g_warning ("couldn't convert \"%s\" to a URI", other_stuff[i]);

			if (enqueue) {
				rb_debug ("enqueueing %s", fileuri);
				g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (queue, "AddToQueue", g_variant_new ("(s)", fileuri), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
				annoy (&error);
			} else {
				rb_debug ("importing %s", fileuri);
				g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "LoadURI", g_variant_new ("(sb)", fileuri, FALSE));
			g_free (fileuri);
			g_object_unref (file);

	/* select/activate/play source */
	if (select_source) {
		rb_debug ("selecting source %s", select_source);
		g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "ActivateSource", g_variant_new ("(su)", select_source, 0));
	} else if (activate_source) {
		rb_debug ("activating source %s", activate_source);
		g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "ActivateSource", g_variant_new ("(su)", activate_source, 1));
	} else if (play_source) {
		rb_debug ("playing source %s", play_source);
		g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "ActivateSource", g_variant_new ("(su)", play_source, 2));

	/* play uri */
	if (play_uri) {
		GFile *file;
		char *fileuri;

		file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (play_uri);
		fileuri = g_file_get_uri (file);
		if (fileuri == NULL) {
			g_warning ("couldn't convert \"%s\" to a URI", play_uri);
		} else {
			rb_debug ("loading and playing %s", fileuri);
			g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (app), "LoadURI", g_variant_new ("(sb)", fileuri, TRUE));
			annoy (&error);
		g_free (fileuri);
		g_object_unref (file);

	/* play/pause/stop */
	if (mpris) {
		GVariant *v;
		gboolean is_playing = FALSE;

		v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (mpris, "PlaybackStatus");
		if (v != NULL) {
			is_playing = (g_strcmp0 (g_variant_get_string (v, NULL), "Playing") == 0);
			g_variant_unref (v);

		if (play || do_pause || play_pause) {
			if (is_playing != play || play_pause) {
				rb_debug ("calling PlayPause to change playback state");
				g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris, "PlayPause", NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
				annoy (&error);
			} else {
				rb_debug ("no need to change playback state");
		} else if (stop) {
			g_warning ("not implemented yet");

	/* get/set volume, mute/unmute */
	if (set_volume > -0.01) {
		g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris,
					g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "Volume", g_variant_new_double (set_volume)),
		annoy (&error);
	} else if (volume_up || volume_down) {
		GVariant *v;

		v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (mpris, "Volume");
		if (v != NULL) {

			set_volume = g_variant_get_double (v) + (volume_up ? 0.1 : -0.1);
			g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (mpris,
						g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "Volume", g_variant_new_double (set_volume)),
			annoy (&error);

			g_variant_unref (v);
	/* no mute for now? */
	} else if (unmute || mute) {
		org_gnome_Rhythmbox_Player_set_mute (player_proxy, unmute ? FALSE : TRUE, &error);
		annoy (&error);

	if (print_volume) {
		gdouble volume = 1.0;
		GVariant *v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (mpris, "Volume");
		if (v != NULL) {
			volume = g_variant_get_double (v);
			g_variant_unref (v);
		g_print (_("Playback volume is %f.\n"), volume);

	/* print playing song */
	if (print_playing_format) {
		print_playing_song (mpris, print_playing_format);
	} else if (print_playing) {
		print_playing_song_default (mpris);

	if (mpris) {
		g_object_unref (mpris);

	g_dbus_connection_flush_sync (bus, NULL, NULL);
	g_option_context_free (context);

	return 0;