Beispiel #1
static Rboolean any_nan_list(SEXP x) {
    const R_xlen_t nx = xlength(x);
    for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
        if (any_nan(VECTOR_ELT(x, i)))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Beispiel #2
int icp_loop(struct sm_params*params, const double*q0, double*x_new, 
	double*total_error, int*valid, int*iterations) {
	if(any_nan(q0,3)) {
		sm_error("icp_loop: Initial pose contains nan: %s\n", friendly_pose(q0));
		return 0;
	LDP laser_sens = params->laser_sens;
	double x_old[3], delta[3], delta_old[3] = {0,0,0};
	copy_d(q0, 3, x_old);
	unsigned int hashes[params->max_iterations];
	int iteration;
	sm_debug("icp: starting at  q0 =  %s  \n", friendly_pose(x_old));
	if(JJ) jj_loop_enter("iterations");
	int all_is_okay = 1;
	for(iteration=0; iteration<params->max_iterations;iteration++) {
		if(JJ) jj_loop_iteration();
		if(JJ) jj_add_double_array("x_old", x_old, 3);

		egsl_push_named("icp_loop iteration");
		sm_debug("== icp_loop: starting iteration. %d  \n", iteration);

		/** Compute laser_sens's points in laser_ref's coordinates
		    by roto-translating by x_old */
		ld_compute_world_coords(laser_sens, x_old);

		/** Find correspondences (the naif or smart way) */

		/** If debug_verify_tricks, make sure that find_correspondences_tricks()
		    and find_correspondences() return the same answer */

		/* If not many correspondences, bail out */
		int num_corr = ld_num_valid_correspondences(laser_sens);
		double fail_perc = 0.05;
		if(num_corr < fail_perc * laser_sens->nrays) { /* TODO: arbitrary */
			sm_error("	: before trimming, only %d correspondences.\n",num_corr);
			all_is_okay = 0;
			egsl_pop_named("icp_loop iteration"); /* loop context */

		if(JJ) jj_add("corr0", corr_to_json(laser_sens->corr, laser_sens->nrays));

		/* Kill some correspondences (using dubious algorithm) */
		int num_corr2 = ld_num_valid_correspondences(laser_sens);

		if(JJ) jj_add("corr1", corr_to_json(laser_sens->corr, laser_sens->nrays));
		double error=0;
		/* Trim correspondences */
		kill_outliers_trim(params, &error);
		int num_corr_after = ld_num_valid_correspondences(laser_sens);
		if(JJ) {
			jj_add("corr2", corr_to_json(laser_sens->corr, laser_sens->nrays));
			jj_add_int("num_corr0", num_corr);
			jj_add_int("num_corr1", num_corr2);
			jj_add_int("num_corr2", num_corr_after);

		*total_error = error; 
		*valid = num_corr_after;

		sm_debug("  icp_loop: total error: %f  valid %d   mean = %f\n", *total_error, *valid, *total_error/ *valid);
		/* If not many correspondences, bail out */
		if(num_corr_after < fail_perc * laser_sens->nrays){
			sm_error("  icp_loop: failed: after trimming, only %d correspondences.\n",num_corr_after);
			all_is_okay = 0;
			egsl_pop_named("icp_loop iteration"); /* loop context */

		/* Compute next estimate based on the correspondences */
		if(!compute_next_estimate(params, x_old, x_new)) {
			sm_error("  icp_loop: Cannot compute next estimate.\n");
			all_is_okay = 0;
			egsl_pop_named("icp_loop iteration");

		pose_diff_d(x_new, x_old, delta);
			sm_debug("  icp_loop: killing. laser_sens has %d/%d rays valid,  %d corr found -> %d after double cut -> %d after adaptive cut \n", count_equal(laser_sens->valid, laser_sens->nrays, 1), laser_sens->nrays, num_corr, num_corr2, num_corr_after);
			if(JJ) {
				jj_add_double_array("x_new", x_new, 3);
				jj_add_double_array("delta", delta, 3);
		/** Checks for oscillations */
		hashes[iteration] = ld_corr_hash(laser_sens);
			sm_debug("  icp_loop: it. %d  hash=%d nvalid=%d mean error = %f, x_new= %s\n", 
				iteration, hashes[iteration], *valid, *total_error/ *valid, 

		/** PLICP terminates in a finite number of steps! */
		if(params->use_point_to_line_distance) {
			int loop_detected = 0; /* TODO: make function */
			int a; for(a=iteration-1;a>=0;a--) {
				if(hashes[a]==hashes[iteration]) {
					sm_debug("icpc: oscillation detected (cycle length = %d)\n", iteration-a);
					loop_detected = 1;
			if(loop_detected) {
				egsl_pop_named("icp_loop iteration");
		/* This termination criterium is useless when using
		   the point-to-line-distance; however, we put it here because
		   one can choose to use the point-to-point distance. */
		if(termination_criterion(params, delta)) {
			egsl_pop_named("icp_loop iteration");
		copy_d(x_new, 3, x_old);
		copy_d(delta, 3, delta_old);
		egsl_pop_named("icp_loop iteration");

	if(JJ) jj_loop_exit();
	*iterations = iteration+1;
	return all_is_okay;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, const char*argv[]) {
	struct sm_params params;
	struct sm_result result;
	struct option* ops = options_allocate(100);
	options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_in, "stdin", "Input file ");
	options_string(ops, "out", &p.file_out, "stdout", "Output file ");
	options_string(ops, "out_stats", &p.file_out_stats, "", "Output file (stats) ");
	options_string(ops, "file_jj", &p.file_jj, "",
		"File for journaling -- if left empty, journal not open.");
	options_int(ops, "algo", &p.algo, 0, "Which algorithm to use (0:(pl)ICP 1:gpm-stripped 2:HSM) ");
	options_int(ops, "debug", &p.debug, 0, "Shows debug information");
	options_int(ops, "recover_from_error", &p.recover_from_error, 0, "If true, tries to recover from an ICP matching error");
	p.format = 0;
/*	options_int(ops, "format", &p.format, 0,
		"Output format (0: log in JSON format, 1: log in Carmen format (not implemented))");*/
	sm_options(&params, ops);
	if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n\nUsage:\n");
		options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;


	/* Open input and output files */
	FILE * file_in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_in);
	if(!file_in) return -1;
	FILE * file_out = open_file_for_writing(p.file_out);
	if(!file_out) return -1;
	if(strcmp(p.file_jj, "")) {
		FILE * jj = open_file_for_writing(p.file_jj);
		if(!jj) return -1;
	FILE * file_out_stats = 0;
	if(strcmp(p.file_out_stats, "")) {
		file_out_stats = open_file_for_writing(p.file_out_stats);
		if(!file_out_stats) return -1;
	/* Read first scan */
	LDP laser_ref;
	if(!(laser_ref = ld_read_smart(file_in))) {
		sm_error("Could not read first scan.\n");
		return -1;
	if(!ld_valid_fields(laser_ref))  {
		sm_error("Invalid laser data in first scan.\n");
		return -2;
	/* For the first scan, set estimate = odometry */
	copy_d(laser_ref->odometry, 3, laser_ref->estimate);
	spit(laser_ref, file_out);
	int count=-1;
	LDP laser_sens;
	while( (laser_sens = ld_read_smart(file_in)) ) {
		if(!ld_valid_fields(laser_sens))  {
			sm_error("Invalid laser data in (#%d in file).\n", count);
			return -(count+2);
		params.laser_ref  = laser_ref;
		params.laser_sens = laser_sens;

		/* Set first guess as the difference in odometry */
		if(	any_nan(params.laser_ref->odometry,3) ||  
			any_nan(params.laser_sens->odometry,3) ) {
				sm_error("The 'odometry' field is set to NaN so I don't know how to get an initial guess. I usually use the difference in the odometry fields to obtain the initial guess.\n");
				sm_error("  laser_ref->odometry = %s \n",  friendly_pose(params.laser_ref->odometry) );
				sm_error("  laser_sens->odometry = %s \n", friendly_pose(params.laser_sens->odometry) );
				sm_error(" I will quit it here. \n");
				return -3;
		double odometry[3];
		pose_diff_d(laser_sens->odometry, laser_ref->odometry, odometry);
		double ominus_laser[3], temp[3];
		ominus_d(params.laser, ominus_laser);
		oplus_d(ominus_laser, odometry, temp);
		oplus_d(temp, params.laser, params.first_guess);
		/* Do the actual work */
		switch(p.algo) {
				sm_icp(&params, &result); break;
				sm_gpm(&params, &result); break;
				sm_hsm(&params, &result); break;
				sm_error("Unknown algorithm to run: %d.\n",p.algo);
				return -1;
			if(p.recover_from_error) {
				sm_info("One ICP matching failed. Because you passed  -recover_from_error, I will try to recover."
				" Note, however, that this might not be good in some cases. \n");
				sm_info("The recover is that the displacement is set to 0. No result stats is output. \n");
				/* For the first scan, set estimate = odometry */
				copy_d(laser_ref->estimate, 3, laser_sens->estimate);
				ld_free(laser_ref); laser_ref = laser_sens;
			} else {
				sm_error("One ICP matching failed. Because I process recursively, I will stop here.\n");
				sm_error("Use the option -recover_from_error if you want to try to recover.\n");
				return 2;
		} else {
			/* Add the result to the previous estimate */
			oplus_d(laser_ref->estimate, result.x, laser_sens->estimate);

			/* Write the corrected log */
			spit(laser_sens, file_out);

			/* Write the statistics (if required) */
			if(file_out_stats) {
				JO jo = result_to_json(&params, &result);
				fputs(jo_to_string(jo), file_out_stats);
				fputs("\n", file_out_stats);

			ld_free(laser_ref); laser_ref = laser_sens;
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
SEXP attribute_hidden c_any_nan(SEXP x) {
    return ScalarLogical(any_nan(x));