Beispiel #1
void betabinom(){
    apop_model *beta = apop_model_set_parameters(apop_beta, 10, 5);

    apop_model *drawfrom = apop_model_copy(apop_multinomial);
    drawfrom->parameters = apop_data_falloc((2), 30, .4);
    drawfrom->dsize = 2;
    int draw_ct = 80;
    apop_data *draws = apop_model_draws(drawfrom, draw_ct);

    apop_model *betaup = apop_update(draws, beta, apop_binomial);

    beta->more = apop_beta;
    beta->log_likelihood = fake_ll;
    apop_model *bi = apop_model_fix_params(apop_model_set_parameters(apop_binomial, 30, NAN));
    apop_model *upd = apop_update(draws, beta, bi);
    apop_model *betaed = apop_estimate(upd->data, apop_beta);
    deciles(betaed, betaup, 1);

    beta->log_likelihood = NULL;
    apop_model *upd_r = apop_update(draws, beta, bi);
    betaed = apop_estimate(apop_data_pmf_expand(upd_r->data, 2000), apop_beta);
    deciles(betaed, betaup, 1);

    apop_data *d2 = apop_model_draws(upd, draw_ct*2);
    apop_model *d2m = apop_estimate(d2, apop_beta);
    deciles(d2m, betaup, 1);
Beispiel #2
void gammafish(){
    apop_model *gamma = apop_model_set_parameters(apop_gamma, 1.5, 2.2);

    apop_model *drawfrom = apop_model_set_parameters(apop_poisson, 3.1);
    int draw_ct = 90;
    apop_data *draws = apop_model_draws(drawfrom, draw_ct);

    apop_model *gammaup = apop_update(draws, gamma, apop_poisson);

    gamma->more = apop_gamma;
    gamma->log_likelihood = fake_ll;
    apop_model *proposal = apop_model_fix_params(apop_model_set_parameters(apop_normal, NAN, 1));
    proposal->parameters = apop_data_falloc((1), .9);
    //apop_data_set(apop_settings_get(gamma, apop_mcmc, proposal)->parameters, .val=.9);
    Apop_settings_add_group(gamma, apop_mcmc, .burnin=.1, .periods=1e4, .proposal=proposal);
    apop_model *upd = apop_update(draws, gamma, apop_poisson);
    apop_model *gammafied = apop_estimate(upd->data, apop_gamma);
    deciles(gammafied, gammaup, 5);
    //Apop_settings_add_group(beta, apop_mcmc, .burnin=.4, .periods=1e4);
    gamma->log_likelihood = NULL;
    apop_model *upd_r = apop_update(draws, gamma, apop_poisson);
    apop_model *gammafied2 = apop_estimate(apop_data_pmf_expand(upd_r->data, 2000), apop_gamma);
    deciles(gammafied2, gammaup, 5);
    deciles(gammafied, gammafied2, 5);
Beispiel #3
int main(){
    gsl_rng *r = apop_rng_alloc(2468);
    double binom_start = 0.6;
    double beta_start_a = 0.3;
    double beta_start_b = 0.5;
    int i, draws = 1500;
    double n = 4000;
    //First, the easy estimation using the conjugate distribution table.
    apop_model *bin = apop_model_set_parameters(apop_binomial, n, binom_start);
    apop_model *beta = apop_model_set_parameters(apop_beta, beta_start_a, beta_start_b);
    apop_model *updated = apop_update(.prior= beta, .likelihood=bin,.rng=r);

    //Now estimate via Gibbs sampling. 
    //Requires a one-parameter binomial, with n fixed,
    //and a data set of n data points with the right p.
    apop_model *bcopy = apop_model_set_parameters(apop_binomial, n, GSL_NAN);
    apop_data *bin_draws = apop_data_fill(apop_data_alloc(1,2), n*(1-binom_start), n*binom_start);
    bin = apop_model_fix_params(bcopy);
    apop_model_add_group(beta, apop_update, .burnin=.1, .periods=1e4);
    apop_model *out_h = apop_update(bin_draws, beta, bin, NULL);

    //We now have a histogram of values for p. What's the closest beta
    apop_data *d = apop_data_alloc(0, draws, 1);
    for(i=0; i < draws; i ++)
        apop_draw(apop_data_ptr(d, i, 0), r, out_h);
    apop_model *out_beta = apop_estimate(d, apop_beta);
    //Finally, we can compare the conjugate and Gibbs results:
    double error = apop_vector_distance(updated->parameters->vector, out_beta->parameters->vector, .metric='m');
    double updated_size = apop_vector_sum(updated->parameters->vector);
    Apop_assert(error/updated_size < 0.01, "The error is %g, which is too big.", error/updated_size);
Beispiel #4
int main(){
    gsl_rng *r = apop_rng_alloc(10);
    size_t i, ct = 5e4;

    //set up the model & params
    apop_data *d  = apop_data_alloc(ct,2);
    apop_data *params = apop_data_alloc(2,2,2);
    apop_data_fill(params, 8,  1, 0.5,
                           2,  0.5, 1);
    apop_model *pvm = apop_model_copy(apop_multivariate_normal);
    pvm->parameters = apop_data_copy(params);

    //make random draws from the multivar. normal
    //this `pull a row view, fill its data element' form works for rows but not cols.
    for(i=0; i< ct; i++){
        Apop_row(d, i, onerow);
        apop_draw(onerow->data, r, pvm);

    //set up and estimate a model with fixed covariance matrix but free means
    gsl_vector_set_all(pvm->parameters->vector, GSL_NAN);
    apop_model *mep1   = apop_model_fix_params(pvm);
    apop_model *e1  = apop_estimate(d, *mep1);
    //compare results
    printf("original params: ");
    printf("estimated params: ");
Beispiel #5
int main(){
    size_t ct = 5e4;

    //set up the model & params
    apop_data *params = apop_data_falloc((2,2,2), 8,  1, 0.5,
                                                  2,  0.5, 1);
    apop_model *pvm = apop_model_copy(apop_multivariate_normal);
    pvm->parameters = apop_data_copy(params);
    pvm->dsize = 2;
    apop_data *d = apop_model_draws(pvm, ct);

    //set up and estimate a model with fixed covariance matrix but free means
    gsl_vector_set_all(pvm->parameters->vector, GSL_NAN);
    apop_model *mep1 = apop_model_fix_params(pvm);
    apop_model *e1 = apop_estimate(d, mep1);
    //compare results
    printf("original params: ");
    printf("estimated params: ");
    assert(apop_vector_distance(params->vector, e1->parameters->vector)<1e-2); 
Beispiel #6
static void wishart_estimate(apop_data *d, apop_model *m){
    Nullcheck_m(m, );
    //apop_data_set(m->parameters, 0, -1, d->matrix->size1);
    //Start with cov matrix via mean of inputs; df=NaN
    apop_data_set(m->parameters, 0, -1, GSL_NAN);
    apop_data *summ=apop_data_summarize(d);
    Apop_col_t(summ, "mean", means);
    gsl_vector *t = m->parameters->vector; //mask this while unpacking
    apop_data_unpack(means, m->parameters);

    //Estimate a model with fixed cov matrix and blank (NaN) df.
    apop_model *modified_wish = apop_model_copy(m);
    modified_wish->log_likelihood = fixed_wishart_ll;
    apop_model *fixed_wish = apop_model_fix_params(modified_wish);
    apop_model *est_via_fix = apop_estimate(d, fixed_wish);

    //copy df from fixed version to the real thing; clean up.
    t->data[0] = apop_data_get(est_via_fix->parameters, 0, -1);
    gsl_matrix_scale(m->parameters->matrix, 1./t->data[0]);

/* amodel apop_wishart The Wishart distribution, which is currently somewhat untested. 

Here's the likelihood function. \f$p\f$ is the dimension of the data and covariance
matrix, \f$n\f$ is the degrees of freedom, \f$\mathbf{V}\f$ is the \f$p\times p\f$
matrix of Wishart parameters, and \f${\mathbf{W}}\f$ is the \f$p\times p\f$ matrix whose