Beispiel #1
bool QmlCommerce::uninstallApp(const QString& itemHref) {
    QUrl appHref(itemHref);

    // Read from the file to know what .js script to stop
    QFile appFile(_appsPath + "/" + appHref.fileName());
    if (! {
            << "Couldn't open local .app.json file for deletion. Cannot continue with app uninstallation. App filename is:"
            << appHref.fileName();
        return false;
    QJsonDocument appFileJsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(appFile.readAll());
    QJsonObject appFileJsonObject = appFileJsonDocument.object();
    QString scriptUrl = appFileJsonObject["scriptURL"].toString();

    if (!DependencyManager::get<ScriptEngines>()->stopScript(scriptUrl.trimmed(), false)) {
        qCWarning(commerce) << "Couldn't stop script during app uninstall. Continuing anyway.";

    // Delete the .app.json from the filesystem
    // remove() closes the file first.
    if (!appFile.remove()) {
        qCWarning(commerce) << "Couldn't delete local .app.json file during app uninstall. Continuing anyway. App filename is:"
                            << appHref.fileName();

    QFileInfo appFileInfo(appFile);
    emit appUninstalled(appFileInfo.baseName());
    return true;
const char* BepdfApplication::GetVersion(BString &version) {
	version = "?.?.?";
	if (be_app == NULL) {
		return version.String();

	app_info info;
	if (be_app->GetAppInfo(&info) != B_OK) {
		return version.String();

	BFile file(&info.ref, B_READ_ONLY);
	if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK) {
		return version.String();

	BAppFileInfo appFileInfo(&file);
	version_info appVersion;
	if (appFileInfo.GetVersionInfo(&appVersion, B_APP_VERSION_KIND) != B_OK) {
		return version.String();

	BString variety = B_TRANSLATE("Unknown");
	switch (appVersion.variety) {
		case 0: variety = B_TRANSLATE("Development");
		case 1: variety = B_TRANSLATE("Alpha");
		case 2: variety = B_TRANSLATE("Beta");
		case 3: variety = B_TRANSLATE("Gamma");
		case 4: variety = B_TRANSLATE("Golden Master");
		case 5:
			if (appVersion.internal == 0) {
				// hide variety
				variety = "";
			else {
				variety = B_TRANSLATE("Final");
	version = "";
	version << appVersion.major << "."
		<< appVersion.middle << "."
		<< appVersion.minor
		<< " " << variety;
	if (appVersion.internal != 0) {
		version << " "<< appVersion.internal;
	return version.String();
Beispiel #3
TIconMenu::TIconMenu(BMenu* menu) : BMenuItem(menu), bounds(0.0, 0.0, 15.0, 15.0), iconLabel(NULL)
	app_info info;
	if (be_app->GetAppInfo(&info) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		BFile appFile(&(info.ref), O_RDONLY);
		BAppFileInfo appFileInfo(&appFile);

		iconLabel = new BBitmap(bounds, kIconColorSpace);

		if (appFileInfo.GetIcon(iconLabel, B_MINI_ICON) != B_NO_ERROR) {
			delete iconLabel;
			iconLabel = NULL;
MNotificationManager::MNotificationManager() :
    proxy("com.meego.core.MNotificationManager", "/notificationmanager", QDBusConnection::sessionBus()),
    if (!QCoreApplication::instance()) {
        qWarning("QCoreApplication instance should be created before creating notifications");

    if (!QDir::root().exists(DATA_PATH) && !QDir::root().mkpath(DATA_PATH)) {

    QFileInfo appFileInfo(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath());
    MFileDataStore userIdStore(DATA_PATH + appFileInfo.fileName() + ".data");
    if (!userIdStore.isReadable()) {

    QString appId = QString("id/") + appFileInfo.fileName();

    // Check if a userId for an application with this name already exists
    if (userIdStore.contains(appId)) {
        userId = userIdStore.value(appId).toUInt();
    } else {
        if (!userIdStore.isWritable()) {
        // Fetch a new id from the notification manager over DBus
        userId = proxy.notificationUserId();
        userIdStore.createValue(appId, userId);

    qDBusRegisterMetaType<QList<MNotification> >();
    qDBusRegisterMetaType<QList<MNotificationGroup> >();
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	QByteArray key("k04LbM3wLGa97rVm30Kyhas");
	QByteArray salt("013oPQLbplrz39g2oJElNyPQ20ms7H5v");

	QApplication app(argc, argv);

	_engine = new MaEngine();

    QString applicationDirPath(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath());
    QFileInfo appFileInfo(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath());
    const QString appFileName(appFileInfo.fileName());

    QString configPath;
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
    int pos = applicationDirPath.indexOf(QObject::tr("/").arg(appFileName));
    if (pos > 0)
#endif // defined(Q_WS_MAC)

    configPath = QObject::tr("%1/%2.xml").arg(applicationDirPath).arg(appFileName);

    QFileInfo fi(configPath);
	if (fi.exists())

	_mainWindow = new MaMainWindow();
	QObject::connect(_engine, SIGNAL(openedStore()), 
		_mainWindow, SLOT(onOpenedStore()));

	if (!_engine->lastOpenedStoreLocation().isEmpty())

//	_engine->store()->setPassword("skyout");

	QString text("this is a test string.");
	QByteArray btext(text.toAscii());
	QByteArray key("THIS IS THE KEY");
	QByteArray salt;
	MaStore::encrypt(btext, key, salt);
	qDebug() << "text (encrypted)" << btext << ", salt=" << salt;
	MaStore::encrypt(btext, key, salt);
	qDebug() << "text (clear)" << btext << ", salt=" << salt;
	return 0;

	int res = app.exec();
	delete _engine;
	return res;
Beispiel #6
SearchForSignatureEntryList::CanOpenWithFilter(const Model* appModel,
	const BMessage* entriesToOpen, const entry_ref* preferredApp)
	ThrowOnAssert(appModel != NULL);

	if (!appModel->IsExecutable() || !appModel->Node()) {
		// weed out non-executable
#if xDEBUG
		BPath path;
		BEntry entry(appModel->EntryRef());
		PRINT(("filtering out %s- not executable \n", path.Path()));
		return false;

	if (strcasecmp(appModel->MimeType(), B_APP_MIME_TYPE) != 0) {
		// filter out pe containers on PPC etc.
		return false;

	BFile* file = dynamic_cast<BFile*>(appModel->Node());
	ASSERT(file != NULL);

	char signature[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
	if (GetAppSignatureFromAttr(file, signature) == B_OK
		&& strcasecmp(signature, kTrackerSignature) == 0) {
		// special case the Tracker - make sure only the running copy is
		// in the list
		app_info trackerInfo;
		if (*appModel->EntryRef() != trackerInfo.ref) {
			// this is an inactive copy of the Tracker, remove it

#if xDEBUG
			BPath path1;
			BPath path2;
			BEntry entry(appModel->EntryRef());

			BEntry entry2(&trackerInfo.ref);

			PRINT(("filtering out %s, sig %s, active Tracker at %s, "
				   "result %s, refName %s\n",
				path1.Path(), signature, path2.Path(),
			return false;

	if (FSInTrashDir(appModel->EntryRef()))
		return false;

	if (ShowAllApplications()) {
		// don't check for these if we didn't look for every single app
		// to not slow filtering down
		uint32 flags;
		BAppFileInfo appFileInfo(dynamic_cast<BFile*>(appModel->Node()));
		if (appFileInfo.GetAppFlags(&flags) != B_OK)
			return false;

		if ((flags & B_BACKGROUND_APP) || (flags & B_ARGV_ONLY))
			return false;

		if (!signature[0])
			// weed out apps with empty signatures
			return false;

	int32 relation = Relation(entriesToOpen, appModel, preferredApp, 0);
	if (relation == kNoRelation && !ShowAllApplications()) {
#if xDEBUG
		BPath path;
		BEntry entry(appModel->EntryRef());

		PRINT(("filtering out %s, does not handle any of opened files\n",
		return false;

	if (relation != kNoRelation && relation != kSuperhandler
		&& !fGenericFilesOnly) {
		// we hit at least one app that is not a superhandler and
		// handles the document
		fFoundOneNonSuperHandler = true;

	return true;
Beispiel #7
bool QmlCommerce::installApp(const QString& itemHref, const bool& alsoOpenImmediately) {
    if (!QDir(_appsPath).exists()) {
        if (!QDir().mkdir(_appsPath)) {
            qCDebug(commerce) << "Couldn't make _appsPath directory.";
            return false;

    QUrl appHref(itemHref);

    auto request =
        DependencyManager::get<ResourceManager>()->createResourceRequest(this, appHref, true, -1, "QmlCommerce::installApp");

    if (!request) {
        qCDebug(commerce) << "Couldn't create resource request for app.";
        return false;

    connect(request, &ResourceRequest::finished, this, [=]() {
        if (request->getResult() != ResourceRequest::Success) {
            qCDebug(commerce) << "Failed to get .app.json file from remote.";
            return false;

        // Copy the .app.json to the apps directory inside %AppData%/High Fidelity/Interface
        auto requestData = request->getData();
        QFile appFile(_appsPath + "/" + appHref.fileName());
        if (! {
            qCDebug(commerce) << "Couldn't open local .app.json file for creation.";
            return false;
        if (appFile.write(requestData) == -1) {
            qCDebug(commerce) << "Couldn't write to local .app.json file.";
            return false;
        // Close the file

        // Read from the returned datastream to know what .js to add to Running Scripts
        QJsonDocument appFileJsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(requestData);
        QJsonObject appFileJsonObject = appFileJsonDocument.object();
        QString scriptUrl = appFileJsonObject["scriptURL"].toString();

        // Don't try to re-load (install) a script if it's already running
        QStringList runningScripts = DependencyManager::get<ScriptEngines>()->getRunningScripts();
        if (!runningScripts.contains(scriptUrl)) {
            if ((DependencyManager::get<ScriptEngines>()->loadScript(scriptUrl.trimmed())).isNull()) {
                qCDebug(commerce) << "Couldn't load script.";
                return false;

            QFileInfo appFileInfo(appFile);
            emit appInstalled(appFileInfo.baseName());

        if (alsoOpenImmediately) {

        return true;
    return true;