Beispiel #1
void *append_ipv4_frag2( void *buf, char *srcip, char *dstip, unsigned char protocol, unsigned short fragid, unsigned short payload_length )
    struct ip *iph = buf;

    append_ipv4( iph, srcip, dstip, protocol );
    iph->ip_off = htons( 1 );
    iph->ip_id = htons( fragid );
    iph->ip_len = htons( SIZEOF_IPV4 + payload_length );

    return (char *) iph + SIZEOF_IPV4;
Beispiel #2
void *append_ipv4_short_frag1( void *buf, char *srcip, char *dstip, unsigned char protocol, unsigned short fragid )
    struct ip *iph = buf;

    append_ipv4( iph, srcip, dstip, protocol );
    iph->ip_off = htons( 1 << IP_FLAGS_OFFSET ); /* Set More Fragments (MF) bit */
    iph->ip_id = htons( fragid );
    iph->ip_len = htons( SIZEOF_IPV4 + MINIMUM_FRAGMENT_SIZE );

    return (char *)iph + SIZEOF_IPV4;
Beispiel #3
void *append_ipv4_optioned_frag1( void *buf, char *srcip, char *dstip, unsigned char protocol, unsigned short fragid, unsigned short optlen )
    struct ip *iph = buf;

    append_ipv4( iph, srcip, dstip, protocol );
    iph->ip_off = htons( 1 << IP_FLAGS_OFFSET ); /* Set More Fragments (MF) bit */
    iph->ip_id = htons( fragid );
    iph->ip_len = htons( SIZEOF_IPV4 + optlen + MINIMUM_FRAGMENT_SIZE );

    if ( optlen % 4 != 0 ) errx( 1, "optlen must be a multiple of 4" );
    iph->ip_hl = 5 + ( optlen / 4 );

    /* Pad with NOP's and then end-of-padding option. */
    memset( (char *) iph + SIZEOF_IPV4, 0x01, optlen );
    *( (char *) iph + SIZEOF_IPV4 + optlen ) = 0;

    return (char *) iph + SIZEOF_IPV4 + optlen;
bool test_embed_ipv4_in_ipv6( void )
    struct in_addr embeddable4;
    struct in6_addr embed6;
    struct in6_addr embedded6;
    bool success = true;

    if (pool6_init(NULL, 9) != 0)
    	return false;
    success &= str_to_addr4_verbose(IPV4_EMBEDDABLE_ADDR, &embeddable4);
    success &= str_to_addr6_verbose(IPV6_EMBEDDED_ADDR, &embedded6);
    success &= assert_true(append_ipv4( &embeddable4, &embed6 ) , 
        "Check that we can embed an IPv4 address inside of an IPv6 address correctly.");
    success &= assert_equals_ipv6( &embed6 , &embedded6 , 
        "Verify that the IPv4 was embedded into a IPv6 address is correct.");
    return success;