Beispiel #1
int Sisim::median_ik( Progress_notifier* progress_notifier ) {

  // set up the sampler
  Random_number_generator gen;
  Monte_carlo_sampler_t< Random_number_generator > sampler( gen );

  // loop on all realizations
  for( int nreal = 0; nreal < nb_of_realizations_ ; nreal ++ ) {
    // update the progress notifier
    progress_notifier->message() << "working on realization " 
                                 << nreal << gstlIO::end;
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1;

    // Create a new property to hold the realization and tell the simulation 
    // grid to use it as the current property 
    appli_message( "Creating new realization" );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop;
    	prop = multireal_property_->new_categorical_realization();
    	prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();

    simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );
    neighborhood_->select_property( prop->name() );

    // initialize the new realization with the hard data
    if( property_copier_ ) {
      property_copier_->copy( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_,
                              simul_grid_, prop );

    // do the simulation
    appli_message( "Doing simulation" );
    int status = 
      sequential_simulation( simul_grid_->random_path_begin(),
			     sampler, progress_notifier

    if( status == -1 ) {
      simul_grid_->remove_property( prop->name() );
      return 1;

  return 0;
bool GsTL_project::execute( std::string action, std::string param,
                            Error_messages_handler* errors ) {
  if( action.empty() ) return false;

  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni = 
       Root::instance()->new_interface( action, actions_manager + "/" );

  Action* act = dynamic_cast<Action*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  if( !act ) {
    appli_warning( action << ":  no such action " );
    return false;

  // before logging the action, we replace all newline characters
  // by a "\". This is because a script is interpreted line by line,
  // and to make it easy to copy from the logs, we write to the logs with the 
  // correct syntax (ie use "\" to say that the line is not over)
  String_Op::replace( param, "\n", "  " );
  GsTLlog << action << "  " << param << gstlIO::end;

  // if no error handler was provided, just create a temporary one that
  // we will discard later.
  bool tmp_handler = false;
  if( !errors ) {
    tmp_handler = true;
    errors = new Error_messages_handler;

  QTime clock;

  // initialize the action. Check if not successful, return
  if( ! act->init( param, this, errors ) )
    return false;
  appli_message( action << " took " << clock.elapsed() << "ms to initialize" );

  // run
  bool ok = act->exec();
  appli_message( action << " took " << clock.elapsed() << "ms to run" );
  GsTLcout << "completing " << action << " took " << clock.elapsed() 
           << "ms" << gstlIO::end;

  if( tmp_handler ) delete errors;

  return ok;
Beispiel #3
void Oinv_pointset::refresh() {
  if( cmap_ && current_property_ ) {
    int S;
	if (grid_)
		S = grid_->size();
		S = redgrid_->size();

    float (*colors)[3] = new float[ S][3];

    for( int i=0; i< int( S ); i++ ) {
      if( current_property_->is_informed( i ) ) {
        float r,g,b;
        cmap_->color( current_property_->get_value( i ), r,g,b );
        colors[i][0] = r;
        colors[i][1] = g;
        colors[i][2] = b;
      else {
		  appli_message("uninformed at " << i);
        colors[i][0] =;
        colors[i][1] =;
        colors[i][2] =;
    colors_node_->diffuseColor.setValues(0, S, colors); 
    delete [] colors;
int Cosisim::execute( GsTL_project* ) {
  // Initialize the global random number generator
  Global_random_number_generator::instance()->seed( seed_ );

  // Set up a progress notifier	
  int total_steps = simul_grid_->size() * (nb_of_realizations_);
  int frequency = std::max( total_steps / 20, 1 );
  SmartPtr<Progress_notifier> progress_notifier = 
    utils::create_notifier( "Running CoSisim", 
			    total_steps, frequency );


  // loop on all realizations
  for( int nreal = 0; nreal < nb_of_realizations_ ; nreal ++ ) {

    // update the progress notifier
    progress_notifier->message() << "working on realization " 
                                 << nreal+1 << gstlIO::end;
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1;

    // Create a new property to hold the realization and tell the simulation 
    // grid to use it as the current property 
    appli_message( "Creating new realization" );
    Grid_continuous_property* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();
    simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );

    typedef Geostat_grid::random_path_iterator RandomPathIterator;
    RandomPathIterator path_begin = simul_grid_->random_path_begin();
    RandomPathIterator path_end = simul_grid_->random_path_end();

    int status = 0;
    if( do_median_ik_ )
      status = median_ik( path_begin, path_end, progress_notifier.raw_ptr() );
      status = full_ik( path_begin, path_end, progress_notifier.raw_ptr() );


    // check if the simulation was aborted
    if( status == 1 ) {
      clean( prop );
      return 1;

  } // end loop on realizations

  return 0;
Beispiel #5
bool QTable_accessor::set_value( const std::string& str ) {
  QString qstr( str.c_str() );
  // str is just an element of an xml file, hence can not be parsed
  // by QDomDocument. We need to add a root element.
  qstr = "<root>" + qstr + "</root>";
  QDomDocument doc;
  bool parsed = doc.setContent( qstr );
  appli_assert( parsed );

  QDomElement root_element = doc.documentElement();
  QDomElement elem = root_element.firstChild().toElement();
  //  QDomNode node = doc.firstChild();
  //  QDomElement elem = node.toElement();
  // In string "value", each row is separated by a new line and each
  // element of a row is separated by a tab 
  appli_message( "value= " << elem.attribute( "value" ) );
  std::string value( elem.attribute( "value" ).latin1() ) ;
  String_Op::string_vector rows = 
    String_Op::decompose_string( value, row_sep, false );

  for( int i=0; i < rows.size() ; i++ ) {
    String_Op::string_vector row_elements = 
      String_Op::decompose_string( rows[i], col_sep, false );
    for( int j=0; j < row_elements.size(); j++ ) {
      QComboTableItem* item = dynamic_cast<QComboTableItem*>( table_->item(i,j) );
      if( item ) 
        item->setCurrentItem( row_elements[j].c_str() );
        table_->setText( i,j, row_elements[j].c_str() );
  return true;
Data_analysis_gui::~Data_analysis_gui() {
  appli_message( "data analysis dialog deleted" );
Beispiel #7
int dssim::execute( GsTL_project* ) {
  // Initialize the global random number generator
  Global_random_number_generator::instance()->seed( seed_ );
  // Set up a progress notifier	
  int total_steps = simul_grid_->size() * (nb_of_realizations_);
  int frequency = std::max( total_steps / 20, 1 );
  SmartPtr<Progress_notifier> progress_notifier = 
    utils::create_notifier( "Running dssim", 
			    total_steps, frequency );

  // Initialize the marginal cdf for the direct sequential simulation
 // LogNormal_cdf marginal( 0.1, 1.0 );
 // LogNormal_cdf ccdf;

  // work on the fine grid
  if( dynamic_cast<Strati_grid*>( simul_grid_ ) ) {
    Strati_grid* sgrid = dynamic_cast<Strati_grid*>( simul_grid_ );
    sgrid->set_level( 1 );

  // set up the cdf-estimator
  typedef First2_moments_cdf_Kestimator< Covariance<Location>,
                                  >    Kriging_cdf_estimator;
  Kriging_cdf_estimator cdf_estimator( covar_,
				       *combiner_ );

  // set up the sampler
  Random_number_generator gen;
  Monte_carlo_sampler_t< Random_number_generator > sampler( gen );
  // compute the random path

  // loop on all realizations
  for( int nreal = 0; nreal < nb_of_realizations_ ; nreal ++ ) {

    // update the progress notifier
    progress_notifier->message() << "working on realization " 
                                 << nreal+1 << gstlIO::end;
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1;

    // Create a new property to hold the realization and tell the simulation 
    // grid to use it as the current property 
    appli_message( "Creating new realization" );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();
    simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );
    neighborhood_->select_property( prop->name() );

    // initialize the new realization with the hard data, if that was requested 
    if( property_copier_ ) {
      property_copier_->copy( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_,
                              simul_grid_, prop );
      //initializer_->assign( prop, harddata_grid_, harddata_property_->name() );

    appli_message( "Doing simulation" );
    // do the simulation
    int status = 
      sequential_simulation( simul_grid_->random_path_begin(),
			     sampler, progress_notifier.raw_ptr()
    if( status == -1 ) {
      clean( prop );
      return 1;


  return 0;
Beispiel #8
Geostat_grid* Csv_grid_infilter::read( std::ifstream& infile ) {

  int nx = dialog_->nx();
  int ny = dialog_->ny();
  int nz = dialog_->nz();
  float x_size = dialog_->x_size();
  float y_size = dialog_->y_size();
  float z_size = dialog_->z_size();
  float Ox = dialog_->Ox();
  float Oy = dialog_->Oy();
  float Oz = dialog_->Oz();

  bool use_no_data_value = dialog_->use_no_data_value();
  float no_data_value = GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value;
  QString no_data_value_str = QString().arg(no_data_value);
  if( dialog_->use_no_data_value() ) {
    no_data_value = dialog_->no_data_value();
    no_data_value_str = QString::number(no_data_value);


  QByteArray tmp = dialog_->name().simplified().toLatin1();
  std::string name( tmp.constData() );

  // ask manager to get a new grid and initialize it
  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
    Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + name );

  if( ni.raw_ptr() != 0 ) {
    GsTLcerr << "object " << name << " already exists\n" << gstlIO::end;
    return 0;

  appli_message( "creating new grid '" << name << "'" 
		             << " of dimensions: " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz);

  ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( "cgrid", 
                                        gridModels_manager + "/" + name );
  Cartesian_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  appli_assert( grid != 0 );

  grid->set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz,
			x_size, y_size, z_size);
  grid->origin( GsTLPoint( Ox,Oy,Oz) );
  appli_message( "grid resized to " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz
		<< "  total=: " << grid->size() );

  std::string buffer;
  //   now, read the file

  std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
  QStringList property_names = QString(buffer.c_str()).split(",");

//Read one column at a time
  std::streampos start_data = infile.tellg();
  for(unsigned int j = 0; j< property_names.size(); j++) {
    infile.seekg( start_data );
    // Check if property j is categorical
    bool is_categ = false;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<30 ; i++ ) {
      bool ok;
      if( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) break;
      QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
      QStringList values_str = qstr.split(",");
      if(!ok)  {
        is_categ = true;
    infile.seekg( start_data );

    if(is_categ) {
      GsTLGridCategoricalProperty* prop = 
      ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( categoricalDefinition_manager, name+"-"+property_names[j].toStdString());
      CategoricalPropertyDefinitionName* cat_def = 

      while( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) {
        QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
        QStringList values_qstr = qstr.split(",");
      infile.seekg( start_data );

      int node_id=0;
      while( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) {
        QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
        QStringList values_qstr = qstr.split(",");
        QString val = values_qstr[j];
        if(use_no_data_value && val == no_data_value_str)  {
          prop->set_value( GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value, node_id );
        else {
          prop->set_value( val.toStdString(), node_id );
    else {
      GsTLGridProperty* prop = 
      int node_id=0;
      while( std::getline(infile, buffer) ) {
        QString qstr(buffer.c_str());
        QStringList values_qstr = qstr.split(",");
        if(!values_qstr[j].isEmpty()) {
          bool ok;
          float val = values_qstr[j].toFloat(&ok);
          if(ok  && val != no_data_value) prop->set_value(val,node_id);

  return grid;
Beispiel #9
int KrigingMean::execute( GsTL_project* ) {
  // those flags will be used to signal if some of the nodes could not be
  // informed
  bool issue_singular_system_warning = false;
  bool issue_no_conditioning_data_warning = false;
  // Set up a progress notifier	
  int total_steps = simul_grid_->size();
  int frequency = std::max( total_steps / 20, 1 );
  SmartPtr<Progress_notifier> progress_notifier = 
    utils::create_notifier( "Running Kriging", 
			    total_steps, frequency );

  // create the property
  appli_message("creating new property: " << property_name_ << "..." );
  GsTLGridProperty* prop = 
    geostat_utils::add_property_to_grid( simul_grid_, property_name_ );
  simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );

  typedef Geostat_grid::iterator iterator;
  iterator begin = simul_grid_->begin();
  iterator end = simul_grid_->end();
  for( ; begin != end; ++begin ) {
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) {
      clean( property_name_ );
      return 1;

    if( begin->is_informed() ) continue;
    neighborhood_->find_neighbors( *begin );
    if( neighborhood_->size() < min_neigh_ )  continue;
    if(!neighborhood_->is_valid()) continue;

    double variance;

    int status;

    status = kriging_weights_2( kriging_weights_, variance,
                                  begin->location(), *(neighborhood_.raw_ptr()),
                      				    covar_,*rhs_covar_, *Kconstraints_ );

    if(status == 0) {
    	// the kriging system could be solved
    	double estimate = (*combiner_)( kriging_weights_.begin(), 
					                            *(neighborhood_.raw_ptr()) );
      begin->set_property_value( estimate );

    else {
    	// the kriging system could not be solved, issue a warning and skip the
    	// node
      issue_singular_system_warning = true;
/* This pop-up windows breaks script

  if( issue_singular_system_warning )
    GsTLcerr << "Kriging could not be performed at some locations because\n"
             << "the kriging system was singular\n" 
             << gstlIO::end; 
  if( issue_no_conditioning_data_warning )
    GsTLcerr << "Kriging could not be performed at some locations because\n"
             << "the neighborhood of those locations was empty.\n"
             << "Try increasing the size of the search ellipsoid.\n"
             << gstlIO::end; 

  return 0;
Beispiel #10
Geostat_grid* Csv_poinset_infilter::read( std::ifstream& infile ) {

	QByteArray tmp = dialog_->name().simplified().toLatin1();
	std::string name( tmp.constData() );

  int X_col_id = dialog_->X_column_index();
  int Y_col_id = dialog_->Y_column_index();
  int Z_col_id = dialog_->Z_column_index();

  if( X_col_id == Y_col_id || X_col_id == Z_col_id || Y_col_id == Z_col_id ) {
    GsTLcerr << "The same column was selected for multiple coordinates \n" << gstlIO::end;
    return 0;

  bool use_no_data_value = dialog_->use_no_data_value();
  float no_data_value = GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value;
  if( dialog_->use_no_data_value() ) {
    no_data_value = dialog_->no_data_value();

  std::string str;
  std::getline(infile, str);
  QString qstr(str.c_str());
  QStringList property_names = qstr.split(",");

  bool is_x_provided = dialog_->X_column_name() != "None";
  bool is_y_provided = dialog_->Y_column_name() != "None";
  bool is_z_provided = dialog_->Z_column_name() != "None";
  if(is_x_provided) property_names.removeOne(dialog_->X_column_name());
  if(is_y_provided) property_names.removeOne(dialog_->Y_column_name());
  if(is_z_provided) property_names.removeOne(dialog_->Z_column_name());

  std::vector< std::vector< QString > > property_values( property_names.size() );
  std::vector< Point_set::location_type > point_locations;

//  For a csv file no data value is indicated by an empty field e.g. {34,,5.5}
  while( std::getline(infile, str) ) {
    qstr = str.c_str();
    QStringList fields = qstr.split(",");

    Point_set::location_type loc;
    if(is_x_provided) loc[0] = fields[X_col_id].toDouble();
    if(is_y_provided) loc[1] = fields[Y_col_id].toDouble();
    if(is_z_provided) loc[2] = fields[Z_col_id].toDouble();

    unsigned int i=0;
   for(unsigned int j=0;j<fields.size();j++) {
      if(j==0) i=0;
      if(j != X_col_id && j != Y_col_id && j != Z_col_id) {
//   done reading file

  int point_set_size = point_locations.size();
  appli_message( "read " << point_set_size << " points" );

  // We now have a vector containing all the locations and another one with
  // all the property values.
  // Create a pointset, initialize it with the data we collected, and we're done
  // ask manager to get a new pointset and initialize it
  SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
    Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + name );

  if( ni.raw_ptr() != 0 ) {
    GsTLcerr << "object " << name << " already exists\n" << gstlIO::end;
    return 0;

  std::string size_str = String_Op::to_string( point_set_size );
  ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( "point_set://" + size_str, 
				  gridModels_manager + "/" + name );
  Point_set* pset = dynamic_cast<Point_set*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
  appli_assert( pset != 0 );

  pset->point_locations( point_locations );

  for( unsigned int k= 0; k < property_names.size(); k++ ) {
  // Need to find out if property is categorical
    unsigned int check_size = std::min(30,static_cast<int>(property_values[k].size()));
    bool is_categ = false;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<check_size ; i++ ) {
      bool ok;
      if(!ok)  {
        is_categ = true;

    if(!is_categ) {
      GsTLGridProperty* prop = pset->add_property( property_names[k].toStdString() );
      for( int l=0; l < point_set_size; l++ ) {
        float val = property_values[k][l].toFloat();
        if(use_no_data_value && val == no_data_value) 
          val = GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value;
        prop->set_value( val, l );
    else {
      //Create categorical definition
      // by default it is named: grid-propertyName
      std::string catdef_name = name+"-"+property_names[k].toStdString();
       ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( "categoricaldefinition://"+catdef_name,categoricalDefinition_manager +"/"+catdef_name );
        CategoricalPropertyDefinitionName* cat_def = 

      for( int i=0; i < point_set_size; i++ ) {
      GsTLGridCategoricalProperty* prop = pset->add_categorical_property( property_names[k].toStdString(),cat_def->name() );
//      prop->set_category_definition(cat_def->name());
      QString no_data_value_str = QString().arg( no_data_value);
      for( int i=0; i < point_set_size; i++ ) {
        QString val =  property_values[k][i];
        if(use_no_data_value && val == no_data_value_str)  {
          prop->set_value( GsTLGridProperty::no_data_value, i );
          prop->set_value( val.toStdString(), i );

  return pset;
Beispiel #11
bool Save_histogram::init( std::string& parameters, GsTL_project* proj,
                           Error_messages_handler* errors ) {
  std::vector< std::string > params = 
    String_Op::decompose_string( parameters, Actions::separator,
                      				   Actions::unique );

  // TL modified
  if( params.size() < 3 ) {
    errors->report( "Usage: SaveHistogram grid prop file [format #bins " 
                    "logscaling_flag show_stats_flag show_grid_flag cdf_flag]" );  
    return false;

  SmartPtr<Named_interface> grid_ni =
    Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + params[0] );
  Geostat_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Geostat_grid*>( grid_ni.raw_ptr() );
  if( !grid ) {
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "No grid called \"" << params[0] << "\" was found";
    errors->report( message.str() ); 
    return false;

  GsTLGridProperty* prop = grid->property( params[1] );
  if( !prop ) {
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "Grid \"" << params[0] << "\" has no property called \"" 
            << params[1] << "\"";
    errors->report( message.str() ); 
    return false;

  // check if we can write to the requested file
  QFile file( params[2].c_str() );
  if( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "Can't open file " << params[2];
    errors->report( message.str() ); 
    return false;

    //TL modified
  bool cdf_flag = true;
  if (params.size() == 9) {
	  if (params[8] == "0") {
		  appli_message("Turning off cdf");
		  cdf_flag = false;

  Histogram_gui* histog = new Histogram_gui( proj, 0 );
  //TL modified
  if (cdf_flag)

  histog->get_data_from( prop );

  std::string format = "PNG";
  bool show_stats = true;
  bool show_grid = false;

  // check if other options were input
  if( params.size() >= 4 ) {
    format = params[3] ;
  if( params.size() >= 5 ) {
    int bins = String_Op::to_number<int>( params[4] );
    histog->update_bins( bins );
  if( params.size() >= 6 ) {
    bool logscale = String_Op::to_number<bool>( params[5] );
    histog->set_x_axis_logscale( logscale );
  if( params.size() >= 7 ) {
    show_stats = String_Op::to_number<bool>( params[6] );
  if( params.size() >= 8 ) {
    show_grid = String_Op::to_number<bool>( params[7] );
  histog->save_as_image( params[2].c_str(), format.c_str(), 
                         show_stats, show_grid );
  delete histog;
  return true;
Beispiel #12
bool Show_histogram::init( std::string& parameters, GsTL_project* proj,
                           Error_messages_handler* errors ) {
  std::vector< std::string > params = 
    String_Op::decompose_string( parameters, Actions::separator,
                      				   Actions::unique );

  if( params.size() < 2 ) {
	  // TL modified
    errors->report( "Usage: ShowHistogram grid prop [#bins " 
                    "logscaling_flag cdf_flag]" );  
    return false;

  SmartPtr<Named_interface> grid_ni =
    Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + params[0] );
  Geostat_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Geostat_grid*>( grid_ni.raw_ptr() );
  if( !grid ) {
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "No grid called \"" << params[0] << "\" was found";
    errors->report( message.str() ); 
    return false;

  GsTLGridProperty* prop = grid->property( params[1] );
  if( !prop ) {
    std::ostringstream message;
    message << "Grid \"" << params[0] << "\" has no property called \"" 
            << params[1] << "\"";
    errors->report( message.str() ); 
    return false;

  //TL modified
  bool cdf_flag = true;
  if (params.size() == 5) {
	  if (params[4] == "0") {
		  appli_message("Turning off cdf");
		  cdf_flag = false;

  Histogram_gui* histog = new Histogram_gui( proj, 0 );
  if (cdf_flag)
  histog->get_data_from( prop );

  // check if other options were input
  if( params.size() >= 3 ) {
    int bins = String_Op::to_number<int>( params[2] );
    histog->update_bins( bins );

    if( params.size() >= 4 ) {
      bool logscale = String_Op::to_number<bool>( params[3] );
      histog->set_x_axis_logscale( logscale );

  return true;
Beispiel #13
bool initialize( Kriging_type ktype,
                 KrigingCombiner*& Kcombiner,
                 KrigingConstraints*& Kconstraints,
                 KrigTagMap& tags_map,
                 const Parameters_handler* parameters,
                 Error_messages_handler* errors,
                 Geostat_grid* simulation_grid,
                 KrigDefaultsMap defaults ) {

  typedef Kriging_constraints_impl<Neighborhood, Location> KrigingConstraintsImpl;
  typedef Kriging_combiner_impl<WeightIterator, Neighborhood> KCombinerImpl;

  switch( ktype ) {
  case geostat_utils::SK :
      appli_message( "doing SK" );

      double skmean;

      KrigDefaultsMap::const_iterator defaults_it = 
        defaults.find( geostat_utils::SK );
      if( defaults_it != defaults.end() ) {
        skmean = String_Op::to_number<double>( defaults_it->second );
      else {
        // Retrieve the SK mean:
        std::string sk_tag = tags_map[SK];
        std::string skmean_str = parameters->value( sk_tag );
        if( skmean_str.empty() ) {
          errors->report( sk_tag, "No SK mean supplied" );
          return false;

        skmean = String_Op::to_number<double>( skmean_str );

      KrigingConstraintsImpl* constraints = 
        new SKConstraints_impl<Neighborhood, Location>;
      Kconstraints = new KrigingConstraints( constraints );

      KCombinerImpl* comb = 
        new SK_combiner<WeightIterator, Neighborhood>( skmean );
      Kcombiner = new KrigingCombiner( comb );

      delete comb;
      delete constraints;
      return true;

  case geostat_utils::OK :
      appli_message( "doing OK " );

      KrigingConstraintsImpl* constraints = 
        new OKConstraints_impl<Neighborhood, Location>;
      Kconstraints = new KrigingConstraints( constraints );

      KCombinerImpl* comb = new KCombinerImpl;
      Kcombiner = new KrigingCombiner( comb );

      delete comb;
      delete constraints;
      return true;

  case geostat_utils::KT :
      appli_message( "doing KT " );

      // Retrieve the trend components and store them into a vector<bool>
      std::vector<bool> flags;
      std::string kt_tag = tags_map[ geostat_utils::KT ];
      std::string trend = parameters->value( kt_tag );
      if( trend.empty() ) {
        errors->report( kt_tag, "No trend components supplied" );
        return false;

      // convert the trend string into a vector of bool
      std::istringstream input( trend.c_str() );
      std::copy( std::istream_iterator<bool>( input ), std::istream_iterator<bool>(),
	               std::back_inserter( flags ) );

      std::vector<Trend_functor> trend_components;
      trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::id ) );
      if( flags[0] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::x ) );
      if( flags[1] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::y ) );
      if( flags[2] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::z ) );
      if( flags[3] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::x2 ) );
      if( flags[4] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::y2 ) );
      if( flags[5] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::z2 ) );
      if( flags[6] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::xy ) );
      if( flags[7] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::xz ) );
      if( flags[8] ) trend_components.push_back( Trend_functor( Trend_functions::yz ) );

      appli_warning( "number of components: " << trend_components.size() );
      KrigingConstraintsImpl* constraints = 
        new KTConstraints_impl<Trend_functor,Neighborhood, Location>( trend_components );
      Kconstraints = new KrigingConstraints( constraints );

      KCombinerImpl* comb = new KCombinerImpl;
      Kcombiner = new KrigingCombiner( comb );

      delete comb;
      delete constraints;
      return true;

  case geostat_utils::LVM :
      appli_message( "doing LVM" );
      appli_assert( simulation_grid );

      std::string lvm_tag = tags_map[ geostat_utils::LVM ];
      std::string mean_prop = parameters->value( lvm_tag );
      if( simulation_grid->property( mean_prop ) == 0 ) {
        errors->report( String_Op::split_string( lvm_tag, "/" ).first, 
                        "No valid property specified" );
        return false;

      typedef SK_local_mean_combiner<WeightIterator, Neighborhood,
                                     Colocated_neighborhood> LVM_combiner;

      Colocated_neighborhood* coloc_neigh = 
	        simulation_grid->colocated_neighborhood( mean_prop )

      KCombinerImpl* comb = new LVM_combiner( *coloc_neigh );
      Kcombiner = new KrigingCombiner( comb );
      KrigingConstraintsImpl* constraints = 
        new SKConstraints_impl<Neighborhood, Location>;
      Kconstraints = new KrigingConstraints( constraints );
      delete comb;
      delete constraints;
      return true;
  } //end of switch

  // Why did we get here ????
  appli_warning( "No valid kriging type provided" );
  errors->report( "Kriging_Type", "No valid kriging type provided" );
  return false;
Beispiel #14
void Histogram_gui::changeCurve(const QString & s)
	std::map<float,int>::iterator itr;

	int total = histogram_->rawDataSize();
	int i = 0;
	QwtText tfp("Probability");

	QwtText tff("Frequency");

	QColor blueColor(Qt::blue);
	const QPen pen(blueColor);
	std::pair<double*,double*> curve = histogram_->plotting_data();
	if (!curve.first) {
		appli_message("No data present");

	if (s == "cdf") {
	    std::map<float, int> freqCount = histogram_->frequency();

		_cdfCurve->setAxis(QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft);

		plot_->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, tfp);



		double * x = new double[freqCount.size()+1];
		double * y = new double[freqCount.size()+1];

		y[0] = 0;
		for (itr = freqCount.begin(); itr != freqCount.end(); ++itr,++i) {
			x[i+1] = itr->first;
			y[i+1] = y[i]+(double)(itr->second)/(double)(total);
		x[0] = x[1];

		_cdfCurve->setData(  x, y, freqCount.size()+1 );
		refresh_plot( _cdfCurve, std::make_pair( x,y ), freqCount.size()+1 );

		delete []x;
		delete []y;
	else if (s == "pdf") {
		plot_->enableAxis(QwtPlot::yRight, false);
		plot_->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, tff);
		curve_id_->setAxis(QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft);



		int size = histogram_->bins()+1;
		double* x = new double[size+1];
		double* y = new double[size+1];
		for( int i =0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
			x[i+1] = curve.first[i];
			y[i+1] = curve.second[i];
		x[0] = x[1];
		y[0] = 0.0;

		refresh_plot(  std::make_pair( x,y ), size+1 );
		delete []x;
		delete []y;
	else {

	    std::map<float, int> freqCount = histogram_->frequency();

	    _cdfCurve->setAxis(QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yRight);

	    plot_->enableAxis(QwtPlot::yRight, true);
	    plot_->enableAxis(QwtPlot::yLeft, true);

	    plot_->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, tff);
	    plot_->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yRight, tfp);


	    double * x = new double[freqCount.size()+1];
	    double * y = new double[freqCount.size()+1];

	    y[0] = 0;
	    for (itr = freqCount.begin(); itr != freqCount.end(); ++itr,++i) {
	      x[i+1] = itr->first;
	      y[i+1] = y[i]+(double)(itr->second)/(double)(total);
	    x[0] = x[1];

	    _cdfCurve->setData( x, y, freqCount.size()+1 );
	    refresh_plot( _cdfCurve, std::make_pair( x,y ), freqCount.size()+1 );

	    int size = histogram_->bins()+1;
	    double* x1 = new double[size+1];
	    double* y1 = new double[size+1];
	    for( int i =0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
	      x1[i+1] = curve.first[i];
	      y1[i+1] = curve.second[i];
	    x1[0] = x1[1];
	    y1[0] = 0.0;

	    refresh_plot(  std::make_pair( x1,y1 ), size+1 );

	    delete []x1;
	    delete []y1;
	    delete []x;
	    delete []y;


void Lib_initializer::load_filters_plugins()
    SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni = Root::instance()->interface(topLevelInputFilters_manager);
    Manager* mng = dynamic_cast<Manager*> (ni.raw_ptr());
    appli_assert( mng );

    std::string filters_plugin_path(mng->plugin_path());
    QString path(filters_plugin_path.c_str());

    // Loop on all the library files (.so or .dll) in directory "path"
    QDir dir(path);
    if (!dir.exists())

    QStringList filters;
    filters << "*.so" << "*.dll";
    const QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();

    if (list.empty())
        GsTLlog << "No filter plugins found.\n" << gstlIO::end;

    QFileInfoList::const_iterator it = list.begin();
    const QFileInfo* f_info;

    for (; it != list.end(); ++it)
        f_info = &(*it);
        // QLibrary wants the absolute path
        QString tmp = path + "/" + f_info->fileName();
        QByteArray tmps = tmp.toLatin1();
        appli_message( "loading file: " << tmps.constData());
        QLibrary lib(path + "/" + f_info->fileName());
        //lib.setAutoUnload( false );
        if (!lib.isLoaded())
            appli_warning( "library not loaded " << std::endl );

        typedef int (*Init_func_prototype)(void);

        // The function must be called [filename]_init()
        // QString init_func_name( f_info->baseName() + "_init" );

        // The function must be called plugin_init()
        QString init_func_name = "plugin_init";
        QByteArray tmp1 = init_func_name.toLatin1();
        Init_func_prototype init_func = (Init_func_prototype) lib.resolve(tmp1.constData());

        if (init_func)
            QByteArray s = init_func_name.toLatin1();
            appli_warning( "unable to resolve symbol " << s.constData() );


int LU_sim::execute( GsTL_project* ) {
  // Initialize the global random number generator
  Global_random_number_generator::instance()->seed( seed_ );
  // Set up a progress notifier	
  int total_steps = simul_grid_->size() * (nb_of_realizations_);
  int frequency = std::max( total_steps / 20, 1 );
  SmartPtr<Progress_notifier> progress_notifier = 
    utils::create_notifier( "Running LU_sim", 
			    total_steps, frequency );

  // In LU simulation, the marginal is a Gaussian cdf, 
  // with mean 0 and variance 1.
  Gaussian_cdf marginal( 0.0, 1.0 );

  //typedef Geostat_grid::random_path_iterator iterator;
  typedef Gval_iterator< TabularMapIndex > iterator;

  std::vector< int > id_unknown;
  std::vector< int > id_data;

  if( harddata_grid_ ) {
    for( int i=0; i< harddata_property_->size(); i++ ) {
      if(!harddata_property_->is_informed(i) ) continue;
      id_data.push_back( i );
  for( int i=0; i< simul_grid_->size(); i++ ) {
    if( simul_grid_ == harddata_grid_ && harddata_property_->is_informed(i) ) continue;
    id_unknown.push_back( i );

  iterator begin_d( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_ ,0,  
			      id_data.size(), TabularMapIndex(&id_data) );
  iterator end_d( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_ ,id_data.size(),  
			      id_data.size(), TabularMapIndex(&id_data) );

  Grid_continuous_property* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();
  iterator begin_u( simul_grid_, prop ,0,  
			      id_unknown.size(), TabularMapIndex(&id_unknown) );
  iterator end_u( simul_grid_, prop ,id_unknown.size(),  
			      id_unknown.size(), TabularMapIndex(&id_unknown) );

  Random_number_generator gen;
    lu_sim( covar_,gen, simul_grid_ );
  lu_sim.initialize_matrix(begin_u, end_u, begin_d, end_d);

  // loop on all realizations
  for( int nreal = 0; nreal < nb_of_realizations_ ; nreal ++ ) {

    // update the progress notifier
    progress_notifier->message() << "working on realization " 
                                 << nreal+1 << gstlIO::end;
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1;

    // Create a new property to hold the realization and tell the simulation 
    // grid to use it as the current property 
    appli_message( "Creating new realization" );
    //Grid_continuous_property* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();
    if(nreal>0) prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();
    simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );

    // initialize the new realization with the hard data, if that was requested 
    if( property_copier_ ) {
      property_copier_->copy( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_,
                              simul_grid_, prop );

    iterator begin_unk( simul_grid_, prop ,0,  
			   id_unknown.size(), TabularMapIndex(&id_unknown) );
    iterator  end_unk( simul_grid_, prop ,id_unknown.size(),  
			   id_unknown.size(), TabularMapIndex(&id_unknown) );

    int status = lu_sim(begin_unk,end_unk,marginal);

    // initialize the new realization with the hard data, if that was requested 
  //  if( property_copier_ ) {
  //    property_copier_->copy( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_,
  //                            simul_grid_, prop );
      //initializer_->assign( prop, harddata_grid_, harddata_property_->name() );
  //  }

    if( status == -1 ) {
      clean( prop );
      return 1;
    // back-transform if needed
    if( use_target_hist_ ) {
      cdf_transform( prop->begin(), prop->end(), 
        marginal, *target_cdf_.raw_ptr() );



  return 0;
Beispiel #17
Geostat_grid* Gslib_grid_infilter::read( std::ifstream& infile ) {

    int nx = dialog_->nx();
    int ny = dialog_->ny();
    int nz = dialog_->nz();
    float x_size = dialog_->x_size();
    float y_size = dialog_->y_size();
    float z_size = dialog_->z_size();
    float Ox = dialog_->Ox();
    float Oy = dialog_->Oy();
    float Oz = dialog_->Oz();

    QByteArray tmp = dialog_->name().simplified().toLatin1();
    std::string name( tmp.constData() );

    // ask manager to get a new grid and initialize it
    SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni =
        Root::instance()->interface( gridModels_manager + "/" + name );

    if( ni.raw_ptr() != 0 ) {
        GsTLcerr << "object " << name << " already exists\n" << gstlIO::end;
        return 0;

    appli_message( "creating new grid '" << name << "'"
                   << " of dimensions: " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz);

    ni = Root::instance()->new_interface( "cgrid",
                                          gridModels_manager + "/" + name );
    Cartesian_grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Cartesian_grid*>( ni.raw_ptr() );
    appli_assert( grid != 0 );

    grid->set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz,
                          x_size, y_size, z_size);
    grid->origin( GsTLPoint( Ox,Oy,Oz) );
    appli_message( "grid resized to " << nx << "x" << ny << "x" << nz
                   << "  total=: " << grid->size() );

    std::string buffer;

    //   now, read the file

    // read title
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');

    // read nb of properties
    int property_count;
    infile >> property_count;
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');

    // check whether the file contains multiple realizations
    bool has_multi_real = false;

    int lines_to_skip = grid->size() + property_count;
    for( int pos=0; pos < lines_to_skip ; pos++ )
        std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
    float val;
    if( infile >> val ) has_multi_real = true;

    // reposition the stream
    infile.seekg( 0 );
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
    std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');

    if( has_multi_real ) {
        std::vector<MultiRealization_property*> properties;
        for( int i=0; i<property_count; i++ ) {
            std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
            QString prop_name( buffer.c_str() );
            MultiRealization_property* prop;
            QByteArray tmp = prop_name.simplified().toAscii();
            prop = grid->add_multi_realization_property( tmp.constData() );
            if( !prop ) {
                GsTLcerr << "Several properties share the same name " << gstlIO::end;
                return 0;

            properties.push_back( prop );


        while( infile ) {
            if( !infile ) break;
            char c = infile.peek();
            if( !std::isdigit(c) ) break;

            std::vector<GsTLGridProperty*> props;
            int index = 0;
            for( unsigned int ii=0; ii < property_count; ii++) {

                GsTLGridProperty* prop = properties[index]->new_realization();
                props.push_back( prop );

            read_one_realization( infile, props, grid->size() );

    else {
        std::vector<GsTLGridProperty*> properties;
        for( int i=0; i<property_count; i++ ) {
            std::getline( infile, buffer, '\n');
            QString prop_name( buffer.c_str() );

            QByteArray tmp  =prop_name.simplified().toAscii();
            GsTLGridProperty* prop =
                grid->add_property( tmp.constData() );
            properties.push_back( prop );
        read_one_realization( infile, properties, grid->size() );


    return grid;