QgsRasterHistogramWidget::QgsRasterHistogramWidget( QgsRasterLayer* lyr, QWidget *parent )
    : QWidget( parent ),
    mRasterLayer( lyr ), mRendererWidget( 0 )
  setupUi( this );

  mSaveAsImageButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionFileSave.png" ) );

  mRendererWidget = 0;
  mRendererName = "singlebandgray";

  mHistoMin = 0;
  mHistoMax = 0;

  mHistoPicker = NULL;
  mHistoZoomer = NULL;
  mHistoMarkerMin = NULL;
  mHistoMarkerMax = NULL;

  QSettings settings;
  mHistoShowMarkers = settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/showMarkers", false ).toBool();
  // mHistoLoadApplyAll = settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/loadApplyAll", false ).toBool();
  mHistoZoomToMinMax = settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/zoomToMinMax", false ).toBool();
  mHistoUpdateStyleToMinMax = settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/updateStyleToMinMax", true ).toBool();
  // mHistoShowBands = (HistoShowBands) settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/showBands", (int) ShowAll ).toInt();
  mHistoShowBands = ShowAll;

  if ( true )
    //band selector
    int myBandCountInt = mRasterLayer->bandCount();
    for ( int myIteratorInt = 1;
          myIteratorInt <= myBandCountInt;
          ++myIteratorInt )
      cboHistoBand->addItem( mRasterLayer->bandName( myIteratorInt ) );

    // histo min/max selectors
    leHistoMin->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( this ) );
    leHistoMax->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( this ) );
    // this might generate many refresh events! test..
    // connect( leHistoMin, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateHistoMarkers() ) );
    // connect( leHistoMax, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateHistoMarkers() ) );
    // connect( leHistoMin, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMin() ) );
    // connect( leHistoMax, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMax() ) );
    connect( leHistoMin, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMin() ) );
    connect( leHistoMax, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMax() ) );

    // histo actions
    QMenu* menu = new QMenu( this );
    menu->setSeparatorsCollapsible( false );
    btnHistoActions->setMenu( menu );
    QActionGroup* group;
    QAction* action;

    // min/max options
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Min/Max options" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Always show min/max markers" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show markers" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowMarkers );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Zoom to min/max" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Zoom min_max" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoZoomToMinMax );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Update style to min/max" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Update min_max" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoUpdateStyleToMinMax );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // visibility options
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Visibility" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( true ); // these options are exclusive
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Show all bands" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show all" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowBands == ShowAll );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Show RGB/Gray band(s)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show RGB" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowBands == ShowRGB );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Show selected band" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show selected" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowBands == ShowSelected );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // actions
    action = new QAction( tr( "Actions" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // load actions
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Reset" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load reset" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // these actions have been disabled for api cleanup, restore them eventually
#if 0
    // Load min/max needs 3 params (method, extent, accuracy), cannot put it in single item
    action = new QAction( tr( "Load min/max" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Estimate (faster)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load estimate" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Actual (slower)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load actual" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Current extent" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load extent" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Use stddev (1.0)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load 1 stddev" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Use stddev (custom)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load stddev" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Load for each band" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load apply all" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoLoadApplyAll );
    menu->addAction( action );

    action = new QAction( tr( "Recompute Histogram" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Compute histogram" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );

Beispiel #2
QgsRasterHistogramWidget::QgsRasterHistogramWidget( QgsRasterLayer* lyr, QWidget *parent )
    : QgsMapLayerConfigWidget( lyr, nullptr, parent )
    , mRasterLayer( lyr )
    , mRendererWidget( nullptr )
  setupUi( this );

  mSaveAsImageButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileSave.svg" ) ) );

  mRendererWidget = nullptr;
  mRendererName = QStringLiteral( "singlebandgray" );

  mHistoMin = 0;
  mHistoMax = 0;

  mHistoPicker = nullptr;
  mHistoZoomer = nullptr;
  mHistoMarkerMin = nullptr;
  mHistoMarkerMax = nullptr;

  QSettings settings;
  mHistoShowMarkers = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/Raster/histogram/showMarkers" ), false ).toBool();
  // mHistoLoadApplyAll = settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/loadApplyAll", false ).toBool();
  mHistoZoomToMinMax = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/Raster/histogram/zoomToMinMax" ), false ).toBool();
  mHistoUpdateStyleToMinMax = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/Raster/histogram/updateStyleToMinMax" ), true ).toBool();
  mHistoDrawLines = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/Raster/histogram/drawLines" ), true ).toBool();
  // mHistoShowBands = (HistoShowBands) settings.value( "/Raster/histogram/showBands", (int) ShowAll ).toInt();
  mHistoShowBands = ShowAll;

  bool isInt = true;
  if ( true )
    //band selector
    int myBandCountInt = mRasterLayer->bandCount();
    for ( int myIteratorInt = 1;
          myIteratorInt <= myBandCountInt;
          ++myIteratorInt )
      cboHistoBand->addItem( mRasterLayer->bandName( myIteratorInt ) );
      Qgis::DataType mySrcDataType = mRasterLayer->dataProvider()->sourceDataType( myIteratorInt );
      if ( !( mySrcDataType == Qgis::Byte ||
              mySrcDataType == Qgis::Int16 || mySrcDataType == Qgis::Int32 ||
              mySrcDataType == Qgis::UInt16 || mySrcDataType == Qgis::UInt32 ) )
        isInt = false;

    // histo min/max selectors
    leHistoMin->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( this ) );
    leHistoMax->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( this ) );
    // this might generate many refresh events! test..
    // connect( leHistoMin, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateHistoMarkers() ) );
    // connect( leHistoMax, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateHistoMarkers() ) );
    // connect( leHistoMin, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMin() ) );
    // connect( leHistoMax, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMax() ) );
    connect( leHistoMin, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMin() ) );
    connect( leHistoMax, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( applyHistoMax() ) );

    // histo actions
    // TODO move/add options to qgis options dialog
    QMenu* menu = new QMenu( this );
    menu->setSeparatorsCollapsible( false );
    btnHistoActions->setMenu( menu );
    QActionGroup* group;
    QAction* action;

    // min/max options
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Min/Max options" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Always show min/max markers" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show markers" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowMarkers );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Zoom to min/max" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Zoom min_max" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoZoomToMinMax );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Update style to min/max" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Update min_max" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoUpdateStyleToMinMax );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // visibility options
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Visibility" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( true ); // these options are exclusive
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Show all bands" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show all" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowBands == ShowAll );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Show RGB/Gray band(s)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show RGB" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowBands == ShowRGB );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Show selected band" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Show selected" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoShowBands == ShowSelected );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // display options
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Display" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    // should we plot as histogram instead of line plot? (int data only)
    action = new QAction( QLatin1String( "" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Draw lines" ) );
    if ( isInt )
      action->setText( tr( "Draw as lines" ) );
      action->setCheckable( true );
      action->setChecked( mHistoDrawLines );
      action->setText( tr( "Draw as lines (only int layers)" ) );
      action->setEnabled( false );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // actions
    action = new QAction( tr( "Actions" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // load actions
    group = new QActionGroup( this );
    group->setExclusive( false );
    connect( group, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( histoActionTriggered( QAction* ) ) );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Reset" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load reset" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );

    // these actions have been disabled for api cleanup, restore them eventually
    // TODO restore these in qgis 2.4
#if 0
    // Load min/max needs 3 params (method, extent, accuracy), cannot put it in single item
    action = new QAction( tr( "Load min/max" ), group );
    action->setSeparator( true );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Estimate (faster)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load estimate" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Actual (slower)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load actual" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Current extent" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load extent" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Use stddev (1.0)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load 1 stddev" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Use stddev (custom)" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load stddev" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( tr( "Load for each band" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Load apply all" ) );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( mHistoLoadApplyAll );
    menu->addAction( action );

    action = new QAction( tr( "Recompute Histogram" ), group );
    action->setData( QVariant( "Compute histogram" ) );
    menu->addAction( action );
